_' Let the MAYTAG Makes White Goods Whiter. Washes the most delicate ase~ ~-- fabrics. We have a sample for your ------~-- > s> s s 5* ~--~REGULAR SHE PACKAGE ko Soap Powder Triggs & J Oh_ESQH | J' Libertyville Battery and TELEPHONES 24 and 25 OX YDOL FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS. INVESTMENTS. . . REAL ESTATE INSURANCE. .. the world. . . ' 4--Most compact washer made-- takes floor spgce only 25 in: -- squfre. * & §--Cast aluminum tub -- can't «warp, rot, swell, split or cor . . | LIVS, BROTHERS _ Bee It. We will bring the Maytag to your home and wash all the soiled things you have on hand. Or, if you wish, let you do the washing yourself. No obligation on your part at all Telephone for appointment. m¥ 22 isz North Shore Investment Co. The Ideal Hand Soap--no grit. Just removes the dirt and grease without hurting the hands. Per can-- Per Case, 2 dozen cans-- EXTRA FANCY FLOISE BRAND TOMATOES, No. 24 Can. This week only, 2 cans for-- OUR REGULAR 45e BOURBON SANTOS COFFEE, Per Pound-- Show You How to WASH Clothes 206 Washington Street WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS Telephones: Libertyville, 91; Waukegan, 619 Gyrafoam «Washer _ 10c "Gre--Solvent" 9 REASONS FOR WORLD LEADERSHIP The Wonderful All--Purpose 9 .OUTSTANDING MAYTAG FEATURES Ki es i riiiintnarg. Apeg S 2 P14 KPHGe M iient m tb ol ... w wiTh CAST ALUMINUM TUS_ pacity~ is $5.00 45c 15c 1--Clothes can be put in or * taken out with the washer _--Launders -- dainty -- things _,,Retter than_ hand methods._ ---- Cleans --gritty, . grearo--Almpact_s ed denims immaculately. running.. * Tub cleans itselfl. * All metal wrin.xer. Belf ad-- justing. Instant tension re lease. --And then cleans ITSELF-- a matter of 30 seconds. * * --Washes entirely by wate, action--thereby adding ljong life to the clothes. --Completely eliminates. the necessity of handrubbing of wristbands, collars and cuffs; T he wb"lld'a Fastest Most thorough and Most Careful Washer "p k geventte us . CC w 49 ! * »iv. i CUpHMa _ . The Libertyville P. T. A. will hold a | ' buttr oc ie in ntatonmactiiit dihratrt ie manadiiianeirttrrtat eswb l-"iJCl"Y P lbakpry "bi* p@ Lanxvmrthy's store Ofli & ht d . . !--_--.--" L 4w ut«'s churep _ Baturday, May 23. 'The money riksed , M €. Collis, of Chicago, was a| _ Ali services at St. Liwsi uc«='s chure will be used to finance the school pie--| hSu'v"s!;s'(T("l'dl;n Gyda Finstad on Tues: are ow on daylight saving time. I nic, which will be held at the Gage's day. _ _ . esc s ~~--------Bank-- County National THE MOST KEEP Short Items of Especial buterest to Libertyvilie People Local and Personal Set Aside W e were introduced to the Laun--Dry--Ette not long ago and liked it so well that we went after the Laun--Dry--Ette franchise. We Were success ful and can now announce our appointment as Laun--Dry-- Ette representatives. It is butnatural that we, having made this pleasant ac-- quaintance, should wish to in-- "The Bank of Service" Important part of your _ and -- HHHHHHHHINNN part. that earnings -- c 20 TS 21HL°PrPO0NCP to the dapnrye¥ite '1is the Electric Company Lake -- youU "2 2 n{trod:uce Tigeres--oome herte from Lamgk Orove and menat the Libertyville A. C team Everything is "set for the big baii rame--of the yeat--noext Aanday «t tho William Lightbody and Carl Ander-- «on had a little setto in front of the postoffice on the evening of May 9th. Saturday Lightbody wa«s brought be for® Justice Rartlett and handed a fine of $§15 and cots for his part of the affray _ We was released an his own recognirance, the fine to be paid in two weeks Mr.:_and Mrs. William Bartl«tt an }'ffim ity" of" Evanston," Eri@'riT"S'ixm%u y a.% _the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bart-- Jlett in Libertyville. .. . 4 The James houseman farm at Ivan-- hoe has been sold to James Stoddard, of Evansion. The brokers in the deal were Bartlett & Fitzgibbons and Quin-- lan & Tyson. W. F. Millér. Chas. D. Proctor and Chas M. Johnson of Libertyville, and George White, of Grayslake, are naw connected wit hthe sales force of the ~Bart! eft--&--Fitzgibbons Reaity--Co.. --~ > Robert Grinn«!l. $15 added. the costa A residents of Chicago PDurin2 the paist week the following were arrested 'and#brought into the court of Justiece PRartlett, where they paid fines for speeding on the village atreeta© -- Paul Voelz. $19; Mrs. Gene vieve Reeder. $5; Harry Channon. $15; Robert Grinn«!l. $15 To each fine was added. the costa All the above are Wednasday. May 27. at i o'cloc sharp. Entire hous. hold *0o0ds rold _ There is a' good jpizno Ne' --The rex'! estate is offered private sale Puice $10.500 00 way Mr. and Mrs. Waller, of Chicago, were guests of Miss Gyda Finstad Tuesda. Mr. and Mrs:_ Wailler wil leave this week for Christiana, Nor-- The First National Bank of Liberty-- viile has added another member to its personnel, William C. Hubbell, forme~ ly cashier of the First National Bank of Mowequa, I!l Mr and Mrs Hubbell are stoppin® t«mporarty at the h me of William Laycock, on Park Ave. A: R.: are Mmemorial morni:. chuich. H. I" Birminzsham, of D'es Plaines, paid a fine of $5 and costs in Justice Bartlett's court Tuesday evening, for driving at 30 miles per hour on Mi} waukee avenue in the forth part of the village. ; \ The fnterior of the Finstad Eat Shoppe has bBeen newly painted, and the counter.-- etc.. more conveniently arranged, in anticipation of the sum-- tus The many friends of Mrs James Bond are congratulating her upn her recovery from. what was considered a bopeless ailment. Mrs. Rord awes her recovery to treatments given her by troduce you also to the Laun-- Dry--Ette. _ It is demonstrated daily at our store. Let us show you this Washing Machine That Does More-- one that makes it unnecessary for you even «o put your hands in water on washday . Stop at our store or phone for a demonstration at your n# Miss Gyda Finstad was the guest of friends in Chicago Tuesday: No t Miss Lucy Spellman, of Lake Bluff, ha:'A accepted a position -- with ° Miss An at it ha t . THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1925 H Heslin National "uaughters of the G. re asked to be present at the al seryices io be held Sunday + May 24, at tre aAletho tist 34 houseman farm at Ivan-- sold to James Stoddard, The brokers in the deal & Fiizgibbons and Quin-- will ook avenu. i o'clock p be °C ol it the cemetery have been raised to $%; ty--Cou --> tgtmemdr 2 --10oF or 10te--ar--pares--bf M = **79%° * "'l ffin'ca'&g l'\ngf.o nA¥ na¥¥ Imae ak. ro o men 1--11 ' at a 8 Y the on m .. 3e be The annual eleetion of--the--P. T A was held at the grammar school last Friday. Following are the new officers for the coming year:> 'Mrs. J. J. Doer-- schuk. president; Mrs Luella Ray, vice president; Mr# M. J. Casey, secretary; Mrs O A. Newsom, treasurer;-- Mrs E T langworthy, Mrs B J Simens, and Mrs A. A. Grandy, program cem-- miftee; Mrs. H. D. Aylesworth, Mrs. James Swan and Mrs. Gec®R Burridge, social committee: Mrs P. J. Ray, Mra. Ross Triggs and Mras Jo'n Lester, membership committee The outznin@ president, Mre. . T Lanazworthy, was bresented wilh a Weautiful boquet of flowers in appreciation o' her ef{orts C1 .n« the pa. yeai C befog~ "The Farm Bureau for Dalr¢ Farmers." At 8.40 p. m.. Mr Doer-- schuk will deliver a ter minute talk on "PBeveloping Community Life in Lake County." _ These W wilt be PS .s.?w.cin:muugrgt A0 . _LAke: . COULRLAY farmers, and: as. there are_many . In ogf Tarm wi?v'v we~ W have a large afidience «-- home county. ~Both addresses will be on staddard fime.. + t _J._J. Doerschuk, LakA county farm adviser, will give a talk over radio station WLS in Chicago next 'uesday The first talk will be broadcasted at 12:30 p. m., standard time, the subject All those who have not paid dues, are asked to do, as money is needed for rurning expenses * -- The Angola Cemetery Society w' hold a series of bakery sales durinz the summer. The proceeds will be used to pay a debt of §210 against ibhe Society. The fi~~: of these sales will be held at the Munrrie grocery store in Lake Villa on Friday afternoon, May 29. Lot owners and friends of the So-- clety will please give. support to the sales. Regular du»s for the upkeep of the cemetery have been raised to $% Miss Irene Aklmeyer, is here from Badessen, Gerany, and will make her home with her cousin, Mrs. William F. Hafemann. Miss Ahimeyer made ap plication for emigration to the United States July 1. 19%8. and was assigned No. 21®0. Her turn for entry under the quota law was reached in April. Om ber arrival in New York: a tele-- gram was sent to the Hafemann fam-- ily, notifying them sahe was leaving im-- mediately for Chicago. This telegram was never received here. The nmafe mann's knew nothing of Miss Ah! meyer's presence in this country until the station -- master in Chicago tel» phoned them.«@that their cousin . bas left Chicago for Libertyville on the St Paul train which arrives here after midnight. exepnipg. the same hours as is the cus: *Stmo#n Rakbc. tarsesrentre © Flr> --wit give folks a chance 'o lay in a supply of necessities fo=~ Saiturday and Sun-- low The Long Grove animails hnave been sharpening up their claws for several weeks, and it will take some mighty good playing for the Istbortyville boys to escape. The game will be catted at the usual time. ie instrumobis for diagnosis and treatment of Chronic Ailments. The instruments bave the O K of the best physicians of the country -- . Consultation FREE W. W. Carroll & no matier what they may be. by use of Drugless Methods. OSTF: OoPATHTY, CHIROPRACTIC or * ny of the Spinal . Methods, in cluding Traction and Electricity The doétor is the anly,.ane in this immediate xicinity using the lat-- 406 Milwaukese Ave., Libertyville is fully equipped to take care of Dr. J. H. Heslin Telephone 29 Chronic Diseases NEW TUB SILK W etake orders for Hemstitching and Button Covering _$1.75 Per Yard sale eds ~| On the Map! A good assortment of stripes and colors for Sport Dresses nonilet 5 e an T The NP BCA unssm mc ® t >+> se t "emertitithonte nimrsrmmcimitia ies Something New--CURVED BLOCKS FOR CATCH BASINS. r High Test Blocks. Reasonable Prices, Call and Inspect Them. --[f Libertyville Cement Block Works L2 9 _ 123 EAST €O0K AVENUE TA Did You Know Libertyville Is Libertyville Lumber _=~Company *~~ years what wili his inancial standing be?. Teach ---- him to gave--start now and the thrift habit _will grow with him. A savings account at his bank is one of the surest ways of insuring financial independ-- ence*for your' child . _ . The First National Bank Will He Be= _ --_ Financially Independent Let us open a savi1gs acount today for your child. Only $1.00 is needs4 for initial deposit. ' * TELEPHONE 47 »~ Down by the Old Depot--Been there twenty years. Telephones: Plant, 415; Residence, 165--J. Many buildings going up. Good Homes make good citizens. We canr help you make YOUR home better. Makes an old house new--plaster right on it. See it--try it! CELOTEAX The Bankers of Illinois in this--week's ooniproy miecabe e uon soal WE BEURE AEBEFTHLET, .. s ... s se s m hss in hucs rocche e t it ts 23 s carths css cmadlee Libertyville, IMlinois SOLD ONLY BY Tor the message of -- Hours & A.M. to 8 P.M. M oi coge > ««-MW e w | onl