Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 21 May 1925, p. 7

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_ SEEK EFFORT OF . . ~COURT TOSETTLE -- _ FIGHT OVER WILL 7. r CEPCBE, . Mre. Deéll Richardson entertained | with her sister and husband frotm northern | anq4 ~. Wisconsin a few days this week. | m <~\ _Mr.and Mrs. E. L. Page, Mr. and" de _: Mre.Raymond Page and baby and Mr. ro:i ho in 44 mp 4 B CA & J A *A * ¥ U * :% ROUND LAKE _ _+* Mr. and Mrs. Dell Smith and Mrs. B. K. Tacker were out of town callers Tuesday. ~ _ * _Mr. and Mrs. Fred Batzneér and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Batzner and son of Mil-- waukee spent the week end at the F. Mre. Clint Hendee spent Wednesday in Labertyrille. The Pitzen girls ate out of school with measles. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gorman and children motored to Hebron Wednes day to visit the latter's sister, Mra. Mazie Aylward -- "Mré Lester s spending a few days in MeHenry visiting friends. Jon}Iy. Tocrnted. on -- Crooked --lLake, near Lake Villa. -- The bill, filed through Attorney . Ralph J.--Dady for Attorney B.F. Bar-- Miss Florence Smith was a Chicago ¥isitor Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. William Frost and chil-- dren spent Sunday with Mrs. Frost at Yolo. caugnter, .% Miss Elino: McCabe, o Sumner RBa Little Marion Gra is spending & few ¢ Mrs. 1 eo Krendee, 1 in Rochester, Minn Thursd4ay MUr. an Mrs Ray Rippberger, Elizabeth and Elinore Irmvisa and Veima Fitz motored to Waukegan Friday . Jo» Llen:ren of Volo was a Round lake business caller Friday F were in Mundelein Friday. Mr. and Mr@ Gorge Renehan wetre Waukegan caliers Friday -- t C Mra. Sumaner. Bager, daughtec, Ey iyrn, and Mre Mary Kennedy were Cht gcaga_visitors MWonday Lucile and Eyeiyn and Rabby Ra#tnz were in Chicago Monday Mre J. W BRenehan was a Chicazgo caller Monday: 1 .. =-- M and Mrs fee Aylward and chil-- The children, in their-- bill state that their father never filed the deed with the county recorder to show their alleged «hare, and now main-- tains thet hbe is «ole owner of the _P_':E'%?__"I_ They state that he has bar-- ricaded windows and doors and refus es« to permit them on the ,m'openg. They fear. they state. that he might sell or ass'gn the property, and ask ._Sbasit em from !h propérty. and the mr%hin preéven b%'n from {ufinf .ing or eelling the dand. or furniture. Charles Brainerd was in Chicago Thuraday lLekoy Hendee, Francis I uby, | reilte Russell and Clhester Hironimus attend-- ed a& show in Waukegxin Sunday. Ms; .and Mrs Charles Hich and chil-- dren of Grayslake spent Sunday at the George Huson bhome, WilHam I~Wayne spent the weeRk end with bome fotks in Belvidere. * Mr and Mrs: Harvey Fortin and Mr. and Mrs. Chas Meinke of Chicago vis-- Ited Sumday" 'at the: Mabel 1 itwiler home. -- , -- Mr and Mrs lee Aylward and Mr and Mrs DAck Gorman, Lucile and Ce lia Rosing motored to Waukegan last Bundr yeventn®r s M s ag'm Mrs. Alley Amann are the prow) parents of a baby boy. born on Thursday, May 1tth. -- Mra. Ben Peterkort was a Wauke gan visitor Saturday Mr and Mrs. Raiph Damvia and son Simon. called at the Fitz bome Tues day evening. Mrs. Anfa | arson is spending a few days in Chicago with relatives and friends. _ Mr. and Mre. Frank Burk. of Henry apent Sunday at the Kati« lan bhome ~ > ~ Under the will of the mother, the husband is to receive one third of the estate and -- the rema_lnt&; two thirds. _uer, as adm{inistratrix, placed m&vl[l in probate in Cook county. ~ Veima Fitz and Lillian Larkin wer« Grayslake callers Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mre. Ben Rosing and {riends of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon a' the Clara Rosing hbome i 6 Eimer Hendee and four boys from Libertyyille and Graysla motored to the University of lliinois at Urbana last week * Mrs. Bob Bracker called at the HWL Bracher home Tuesday afternoon. -- Three children. the daughters of Merritt O. Hoover, of Chicago, have started suit in the circuit court ask-- ing that_ they be given their rights tel. Chicago, places the value of the lots at $1,500 and a home constructed there at $8,500. The three children, Blanchke Hoov--r Nathan, Grace Hoov-- er. and Viola M. Hoover Regner, aH Chicago, alege that they gave equal e«hares with the father, and mother, Mrs. Mary C. Hoover,. deceased, to purchase the lots and build the lots and build the homes. Three Children Sue Father for _ _ Share in Property at U# % #% 4 4 1 %4 4 4 ~ * * % Mfs Mi M M er m Y d Ho M Ma A Y Chicago, called -- home Sunday. M a [' T ROOT Waukecan. | promises to t»--yers '&hnd Mrs Mabet] _ MUre Ema ed in Waukegan dast! C*te. of Li .md with fr Harold Kennedy ang'e}+eninke w Lue, of Long Lake and | leoon Take olton and niece, Patay | _ MWiss Elsie uiraen ealled 'at teh SPObt Sundi M rom+ m IT Ha ach« ""n'l with friends here aroid Kennedy ang'ev+eninke with Miss Mary MeCanfn o" o. of Lon'g ILake anga | leon Take n and niece, Patsy Miss Elsie CBase and Herbert Chase ago, called at teh SPPNt Sunday with relatives at Bur ne Sunday. . "in!h)h. Wis. c andy of Libertyvilie| _ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gartley and days with her aunt,| Urs. Mary Jewis of North Chicago. while her motiter s Callred on Mrs. Cythia Miller Sunday 1. Sunday afternoon. liam Frost and chn-' Mis« Theresa Hoffman of Waukegan with Mrs. Frost at is spending several days at the home of Mra George McCullough. nt Sonday a y & I t r nd Veima Fit M ertained ' with an 'office in Chicago northern ' and two children are. left 'ok. | The body was removed Mr. and dertaking establishment at th« H W au _ _ Mis« June Miller was hosetres at a 'nu"x-ri"- party gtiven af her home foi Imn Alice Morrte on May 14. this ts and stunts were played, and srveral lvmmr Cat plates nfumebre werrcfc# Weret ~ The gsests departen at a lat» 'hour' wisheing Miss Murrie many YY\\{P)' returns of the day. ', iss Helen Mainwaring and Mr Mi l!nzan were dinner guests at the hom« 'of Mr. and Mre George MeCullouzh The Agenda Domestic Club served a banquet last. Friday evenin«4 to the boys of the Ag. Club. The boys had their parents as guests. This is now becoming an annual affair. John ~Crosby 'of Lake -- Blaft, 61 years old, died at 9 o'clock Sunday morning at Victory Memorial hos-- pital. Death was due to heart disease. Mr. Crosby had been in the hoppitai four days after suffering a heart at-- LAKE BLUEF MAN . _ DIFS AT HOSPIT AL The Warren Cemetery Asseciation met Wednesday, May 20-- with Mrs. Ollie Leng of Aveor Center Mis« Alta Metcalf is confined to her home on account of ill health, brough? on by the rush of Rer school work Mr and Mra James Campbell spen:' SQunday with relatives at Whbheaton. Harvey Miller of Chicago. visited his Vry re Miss H« lHgan w« of Mr Francisco Carino. the young man from the Philippines who gave an i} lustrated lecture on his native land last Sunday night. was very interest ing. and the lecture was well worth on«'s time to attend This coming Sun#ay-- evenine Mr lau,. from China, wiil _ epeak, -- Remember « what-- the tre Young Peopte's Society has had, and this will be the last outside speak-- er for some time for sechool will soon close > The te@cher trainin« day night at the home Ames ZION XUTO THIEF ~~ _ GETS TWO YEARS to Judge Slater in the municipal court in Kenosha. Proctor was ar rected Thursday at midpigzht. Priday morning . his record. was taken by the Kenoshs po'ice and Saturday he was sentenced. Monday--he began serving his time in the state prison. The law in Wisconsin works as 'as! as Proctor was driving at the time of bis arrest--67 miles an hour -- Joseph Allen Proctor [zan Falls, who was a day night in Zion by I of the Zion police. .w tn two year« in the Waupan, Wi«., Saturday he pleaded gullty in st Mr. and Mrs. J eo Héndee and Mr. and Mirs:George Richardstit a ns NP daughter, J ouise, attended a show in Mr. and Mrs, Art Kaizer have rented rz--ceouple of --rooms in the 8. C. Litwiler home.~-- h mss atnige un t «Mr. and Mrs. George Vasey and chil-- dren .and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner and children of Waukegan were cal}-- ers at the Ed Turner home Sunday. -- n ied > .: ... 2e Mrs. Agnes Hironimus spent® Fri-- day in McHenry, where she attended a Party. 2 4 _ _2 _ w -- ---- Mr.--and "Mrs.Hork:: Kigkt.s.<«* Mrs. Clara Rosing, Celia and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gorman motored to Kenosha and attended a show Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leq Hendée motored to McHenrry on business Sunaay _ . -- The new cement road is now being paved from the Drummond corner the school. -- M Waukegan, were Round Lake callers Sunday afternoon. -- Jack Daley has been on the sick list ftor--the past weeék, but is improving. -- Mrs. Katie Ford of Grayslake spent Wednesday afterubon with her sister, Mrs. Emma Huson. baby are spending a two weeks' vaca-- tion here. They: have rented -- the Stadtfield cottage. -- > . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary and children of Grayslake spent Sunday afternoon at the Milford Smith home. AGECCTUVCL Y . s 2 ontenenoins een mm __Miss Lillian Larkin of J ong ;ake sbent monday afternoon with Veima Fitz. + . and Mrs. Lesttr Page anbd baby of Chi-- cago, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim 'Luby and daughter, Elinore, of Round Lake vis-- ited Sunday at the--Jim Curran home. + Merl Suydam of | ibertyville was in Round [ ake om business for the tele-- phone company, this week. -- _ Jay Graham of Long Lake was in Round Lake on business Monday. _ _ ~Mrs--C. @. MeCandiess and daughter Eloise, spent Monday in Chicago. _ WiHftam Quick and Art Schotly,; of 1. Mrs. R. F. Wutike, last week la y was an advertising G U R N E E ctor, 24. of Mich-- is arrested Thurs by Lt. Ben Fisher e. was sentenced he state prison at rday morning when o steakng an auto in the municipal Sop class met Mon-- of Mrs Gladys to an un at _ Lake / COUNTRY SCHOOLS j --START TO CLOSE; / ONF SHUT DOWN who announced the closing of Wil mot @chool Friday. There are thirt pupils in that difstrict. 1 --._Next. Friday _will. see. the.yacation. period for tve{&'y more, and all teach-- ers and pupils 'will celebrate with last 'day programs. This will affect about 600 youngsters. The grammar closed Tuesday of this week. The pareets, tnachers and pu-- plis enjfoyed --a --plenie on the schoot grounds. The graduating exercises are to be held Friday evening in the Ma sonic Temple. © . _ Sunday the Fred Selig family spent "the day wirk C3fY "una P¥ WCm §é6g in Chicago. s 4/ T a, mm mss celtliius _T«keon o tm' B i Mrs, W. B Carr spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olendort in Kansas City, Mo. W. W: Grary made a business trip to Calumbus, Ohio, dast week John Kilcoyne of Dubuque, lowa, is vistting at The home of his son,. James Kilcoyne emergency operation Friday, is doing as well as can be expected. Bud Adamg of Waukegan and Lois and Bud Adams of Chicago were the guests of Mrs. Sarah Adams Sunday. Mrs. WW. Geary entertaimed the Garden Club Wednesday afternoon Mrs Allen and Mrs Richard Brick-- ano-ll of Jake Forest, are helping@g to The fourth annual concert of Evan-- £elical church orchestra will be given Thursday, May 21, at the church. 2 son,. county superintendent oP sehootr The next big closing day will be May 29 when doors will shut on 25 more buildings. This will take the county up to about 50 per cent in clos-- ing, as there will"be 54 districts left. There are 100 schoots in alls > The summer vacation looms for three thousand youngsters or more ir the rural districts, according to an announcement_made by. T. A. Simp Wilmot --School Closes: 20 More to Follow Next Friday ~..and 25 the Next Week .. I % & %4 % % 4& * 4 %& % 4 *A % % 4 s ¥ # 4# 4 & 4 4 4# % 4 & * 4 % »~ DEERELELD-- >3 , 1 GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. COME AND GET JUST \ > %T YOU WANT. -- * Phones, Farm: Desplaines 147. Residence Park Ridge 1132 RIVER ROAD, ONE--HALF MILE SOUTH OF MILWAUKEE AVENUE. THREE MILES NORTH OF DES PLAINES. 40 Horses FOR SALE is8 : MEDIUM HEAVY STOCK FENCBE Pm Red * 8 bars, 32 inches high, 7inchgstasys ... . 34 e 9 bars, 42 inches high, 12--4nch stays ....w 9 bars, 42 inches high, 7--inch stays .. .. . 10 bars, 50 inches high, 12--inch stays « .« . -- 32 e MEDIUM HEAVY POULTRY FENCE l'lvu'."hdinhkh.&hchm.....szt 16 bars, 58 inches high, 8--inch stays . . . . . 4 American Wire Fence Co. Come to our factory for the fence you need. You can select what you require from our entire stock and you will--find a distinctive, strong fence for every pur pose--and at factory prices. & Wire Fence CHAIN LINK LAWN FENCE 48 inches high. Per foot . . . . . .. .. .. 36 inches high. Per foot 42 inches high. Per foot 48 inches high. Per foot 10 feet wide. Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.65 lzuww.....'..........m l'"'fl'.n.dl............-.-. 1" > ~_ STEEL POULTRY GATEBS "mmm......,.....-... "m""'..."'...'.'...%" -7 48 Inches Per 1504oot rdl ... ... . $4.78 . OOMaMPnISO-footmfl --sx+*~1#» $97 BARBED WIRE--S0 Asd Spooh . LBERTYVLLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 21. 1925 LA WN FENCE |eare for their mother, Mrs. Henry || ange, who is i!L > -- Obenaul, of CGrayslake, spent. Sunday. with -- thetr «son, ~Andrew Horcher, a* Arlington Heights. Mr. and Mrs. J F. McArthur are the, proud parents of a little son, born at St. Frances hospital in Evanston last Frigay, May Ag. \no c ~ ooo - C Aluyint*s man uoramets 7 ~"C M "*Yenks of Waucond& is vousy spraying trees in this vicinity. Jos Tekampe--last Saturday. Mrs. Austin Plagge and daughter, Loraine, are visiting relatives in Du-- luth, Minn. . Tuesday Mrs. Edward Bleimeh! at-- tended the reception given in honor of Mrs. Adeline Morey, in Waukegan. Mrs. Morey was Mrs. Bleimebl's first teaches, Mrs. Fred Obenauf and children were recent visitors at the home of home of ber father, Mr. Weidner, at Aptakisic t . --M1. and Mrs. George Obenauf, ac-- companied by Mr. and AMrs. Albert Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzen of Volo, were pleasant callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hironimus and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Easter and children of Round Lake and Mrs. Bowers of Chicago, spent Sunday afternoon at the Willow farm. wa Mrs. Hattie Christenson was the guest of Mrs. E. B. Jordan Sunday. _ Chris Koeblin is stilt critically All at_his homp on . Centar streat."~ .~._ Mr. and Mrs. Hen Bolen, who have-- beén at the Ira Gardner home, have moved to North Chicago, where the former has taken a--~position on the _R K. Hummel, who has takeyp' 4« po sition in Battle Creek, Mich., spent the week end wit hhis family here. ___Miss Smgie Easton of Elmhurst. was the guest of her father, Bert Easton, Sunday. -- . Mrs. Raymond Clavey entertained on Friday in honor of her son, Frederick, it being his second birthday. 11 13 tary, Mrs. Chester Wessling; treasurer ~--t>« Mrs. W. W. Geary. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mr. Franklin has sent out cards in-- '('hur«-h School at 9:30 a. m. Theme viting his friends and patrons to visit O! the morning service at 10.45 will be adn enjoy his beautiful tulip beds of 4DPP"OPriate to Ascensiontide. Eve-- more than 300 varieties. ning service at 8. Prayer meeting and _ _ Mrs. Abie Ward Royce of Webstee PiP!® study each Wednesday evening Grove, Mo., is the guest of her niece, 4!°_" SCIOTK_ ~--~ ~~~ es Mrs. J A. Reichelt. s . _ The young people of the church took incent Dawson, who has been in a 4 NK# and had a weiner reast in the Ch¥ct¢° hospital for several months, woods on the Grove farm last Friday *'.;-.q.'--m'bif"w'iifii';ti'&*@ 'r'd:.')f':'t'n"jm»r-u. Prrrw~ oi n Tlss Knss x to come home last week. _' _~ --* "The Missfonary Soctety will meet at Little Robert Saeman "of --Cross !h echurch off Thursday; May 28. Miss Plaines, Wis,, is visiting at the home A"""_'_" Petersen will present the sub-- of his grandfather, George Karch. ject, "The Spanish Speaking People of A., the foUMowing officers were elected President, Mrs. J. A. Stryker; vic president, Mrs. Alex Willman; secr« Mr. Franklin has sent out cards in-- viting his friends and patrons to visit adn enjoy his beautiful tulip beds of more than 300 varieties. * James J. Hood, president of d h o § {~~ td vVICTORYy aFFiLIATEE | & * & COUNCIL ®® | MAAA vA ' Q_A hoo ay Ohday | t? P NORTH ~ e | uZ/ AMERICAN UNIORNM * E Visiting M~mbers Cordially Invites & __| Meet. Secondq and Fourth Wednesda: & Evenings of Each Month. WILLIAM STOCKEY, Pres. S MABEL SCHLEY, Secretary. ts ~ _ *% a e _ I------g --Ae-- AC, J | & T **3"%3'%&"- ]__ *COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY | MONUMENTS Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. Co. from there to above points. North Shore Line trains to Waukegan; luxuriouns N Shore Line Motor Coaches from there mb*'; Lake Geneva Twin Lakes Powers Lake North Shore Line trains t Antioch Channel Lake FoxLake resorts Lake Villa McHenry Oconomowoc _ Nashota Lakes Nehmabin Lakes Silver Lake Delafield -- Waukesha Beach Nagawicka Lake Pewaukee Lake Take North Shore Line trains to Miwaukee--step into T. M. E. K. & L-- trains outside the door of our Miwaukee terminal, for above points. Through tickets Chester Wessling ; treasu: DOWN BY THE ELECTRIC STATION LBERTYVILLE TICKET OFFICE TELEPHONE 74 and Mausoleums g ~ 'The Missionary Society will meét at cCpraoss th echurch off Thursday; May 28. Miss e home ADMtlia Petersen will present the sub-- . ject, "The Spanish Speaking People of d eewmeran lthe--Soutlh--and--Westk + 3900@ --iz2¥i-- the ¥vi!--tation ts extonffed to all ~~ =*= lage board, is in lowa this business trip. Best way to go! North smmowhum Pere Marquette night Michigan next morniag Through tickets Ludington Manistee Hamlin Lake Portage Lhke Onegi&ema * Libertyville, IMlinois ml' Phone Libertyvilie 146.A--1M0R week on a . Cemetery Work of Every Reverse Charges on Busnes CalB FRED GRABBE Office in First Natio--@! Bank Bulldéimg Hours:--1 to 3:30 and 7 to § p m Regidence on Broadway opposite Parr LIBERTYYILLE. ILLINOIS * Meets First and Third Monday Nights of Each Month at Masonic Hall Visiting Companions Cordially Invited EDW. L DeuBOIS, H. P. Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday of Eao: Month at Gridiey Hail. Visiting Brother are Cordi-- "v Invites LORA STURM, MARY CARNEY, Prefect Correspondent By U. 8. Government Veterinariar 0 C. Grirneil, Inspector in Charp -- Attornéy at Law LIBERTYYILLE, ILL}NOI8 LUCE BUILPING Res. Phone 136--M Office Phome R. L. GONSALVES Meets Each Monday Night at 8 o'ctoss ~P+RST NA T HONAL BANK-- BLODG *~--====~~~ iiéliting Members Cordially invitee o ROY WATERS, N. G. WILLIAM M¥~ LAIN See'; * l "hnome 329. Libertyvilie, in ~*+~* Offics With Farm Burecau., LIBERTYVILLE LODGE No. 98¢ 1 WAUKEGAN, ILLNOF Res. Phone 2588 Office 344 Cattle Tested for Tubercmose FREE OF CH ARGE FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. wnlmau!--hbhh- . and material on your house complete for a set figure s« you way know just what cost will be Phone M7M -- LIBERTYVILLE Going to Build? . _ 116 South Genese St. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS AUCTIONEERING A" TORNEY--AT--LAW Office at Home on Conk Aven -- Telephone 16%J LBERTYVILLE, ILLIONM INSURA NCE ~__ A. A. Grandy -- LIBERTYVILLE CHAPTER No. 272, R. A. M. MARBLE AND GRANITE TELEPHONE 0s LIBEKRTYVILLE 1LLINOI8 VETHRINARY -- SUHRORON n Avab ud MANUFACTURER Of DR. J. L. TAYLOR +D. NALLEY, See'y. F. BAJRSTOW ACME CAMP NO. 11e °_ M Wo°F A F Avenus Me. Auerielhes «on t dn

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