4* s ... TWO FREED, TWO CONVICTED |tim« ~--<ooo~-- tAin the patrons of the district by giv--.4 o Ing a dance at the town hall Good4 °; 5. masic will be on hand, arid a fine time-- / _ _ > ~B# expected. All patrons are urgently | « ----~«~-- --peeqmented to be present' 3+ fe $~.t 4+3 Bunday morning about 2 o'elock | h. fs had & "Tace to" coflision near -- ~-- of Ralph, stood silent as the Jast véer--| _ Mrs. Naomi.Cook, Choir Leader.._. ;So--when--the fortune--came to her (het y e i n oo n it var Crvane #s t. Li C C EC U Y TLE H "wha enat nwil Sarah Whiteside Brown, Higbland _Park--Petition for probate of»e will \'filed and set fTor hedring June. 8. --------Peroof--of heirship taken. Petition for Dedimus filed and Dedimus ordered issued instanter to take the deposi-- tions of W. C. Kitchel, non resident witness. A photographic copy of the will to be attached to the dedimus in lieu of origina, wil. Back in the court room Bernard Smith asked leave of the court to carve hbis initials in the chair he had gccupled so long. He laughed, and the matter was referred to a bailiff who blustered that "no sir, you betier "It's all over," he. greeted her. --She bad to guess whichk way until she found the courage to ask. Harold, it seemed, had lost his composure at -- Whiret. Smith was laughing. "This Is the (irst time in 107 days," he ex-- plained. He upoke the truth. Attorney William Deane stood )ol-] hl'%flclwflltm. He had been there hear the verdict. Deane bad Become a court fan during the tria'} and--had heard all the evidence in both cases, but had slipped quistly tfrom the sroom during arguments to Relatives rushed to (elephones :o dtell waiting relatives. Mrs. Smith whs told her boy was coming home clean. Way out in Tishkawa, 1. Mrs. Katherine McKee beard ber bu» band Harold tell her that he and Railph wou!d soon be on the way Flash lights boomed as the two freed men and relatives sat with at: tormeys to tell the story through newspaper pictures E4 Smith and Mylin were bundled off to jJail. bhand' cuffed as usual They cursed. Not at the verdict or the jury, but just cursed, mainly to relieve themselves. It had beena long strain. RELATIVES INFORMED _ Martin C. Decker, who presided ove hearings in the following matters ¥Final report approved. Estate closed ~ William Burnett. Wauconda--Hear-- ing on motion to dismiss petition for Wmm,mnnmt to May Rusell Lord, Lake Forest--Inven:« tory and appraisement bill approved. -- Ira J. Geer, Highland Park--Ac count and report current approved. > dict was read. . A bush--fell on the court. | Fleld addressed the court He moved for a new trial for Edward BSmith and Mylin. it --was »ot --#set down for bearing. * RECALL CHARGES. --Col. Smith broke silence. He re called the indictments. Ralph McKee and Berpard Smith bad also been in-- dicted for conspiracy to rob. They needed a bond, be told the court. It was agreed and bonds of $5,000 were produced in a short time. Homer B. Pierc, Antioch--Final re-- port approved. Estate closed. --Henry: Maechtle, Highland -- Park-- Pina}k report wpproved. ._Estate closet," _ Kleanor G. Gates, et al, Zion--Guardian n;fhorlned 1 Tunds ~ of ~minors. * > _ _ -- Inventory approved. had begun to sppear, plodding on to another day. Their story of, the early morning verdict must. come from the press at night. Homer B..Pierce, Henry Mae-- . .chtle and Catherine Hart . . -- *' Estates are Ciosed.*"* * -- Three estatés were closed Thurs-- #4 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Please bear in maind and attend the | ; Metnorial Day exercises at the Wash | burn Congregational church Saturday,| May 30, at 3 p. m., standard time. A|| program is being arranged, with good speakers. SBeveral G. A. R. veterans,| the American Legion in full force and uniform, together with the flag bear-- ers and firing sequad, as well as a band, Will be present. After the services at | the church, the march to the beautiful } YVernon cemetery will proteed in prop | er formation. The school children will march in the form of a U. 8. flag. At the cemetery each soldter's grave wili | be visited and a boquet of flowers de ; posited, after which a brief service will ' be had. Then the Tiring o fa salute and the blowing 0 ftaps. The road be-- | tween the church and cemetery will bw' properiy guarded by a deputy asherift ' «#nd his assistants. Pass the word | along and let us have the largest crowd } yet. This only comes onée a year. Let us be patriotic and show our respect . to our daparted soldiers. Everybody is . ecordlially invite dto attend. | Contractor Ernest Schroeder has the job of excavating and putting in the basement wall for a party at Prairie View.\ Etnie is teh businest man in _Next Friday (all day there will be a picuic in Schrocder's grove for the achaod!l ehndren.,.'rmu and patrons Of the district, and in the wvening Miss tEE ESTATES _ CLOSED IN THE _PROBATE COURT H A L F DA Y es s=u~>~.]f.,------ ~~G#BRrM-- Smock, PastoF * _ *** ATK~----AC So PR ECE 1 profed. " VGIAIU MR U ILL, O;Mgurgm g B .i Aogrtia s FOR SALE --Final re-- : | ~ apragmegie sns n --,--~ RQfiAShHTO@At -- M hiiee: . | 5. t * ar, JOSEPIEE -- -- --*--I"*: "SCHOOL FOR WWE'? /o d Teet 5n Anent reag mm * v~Mage,. + Park-- > 4 ¥ r 1 ' i * <f el * s f -- S.e ptot S 2. in' J. Nealis, Pastor -- \.| Fair Betty. Hynch. loved Richard | Twoint h4 ; £90d--Jlo c ware ~f Piataptiopt Sugdey, _ 100 21008 "Holtin Sotcait smaizen aitioe * T us es Jam{um te closed |° 4 muime. -- *"-- «uZ2 soss > --But @pk wl dust*no . mffi" $ m t e c iniin ies / 2 ce ae * or = da --Hear.| Second Mass Sunday, 9:00 0'¢l@Ck never out of debt. Now, Betty bad A' Five--room Bungalow with extra I6ot. tition for | Standard time, -- > . _ . ~ Aigx .,"Wfixg, an just wallowing in doUugh. Chance of a lifetime.-- See this no:' a to May| Daily Mass--at 7:00 o'clock. _ arwmm million Ducké ... .Two.fing lo ts. Priced right if taken -- ----o--o- epteoamnaneiaen ies "?WW --+ go."-- Whea Bel. soon-- The on s sors _ o . C * in e . minors,| ST. LAWRENCE'®S EPISCOPAL 'determined to wed Dick, saw Richard: Oh, Gosh!--Lok at this! 20 acres to invest Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor. "hesitate she grabbed him by the @MN in fruit, close in. Terms to responsi-- .. 4 Services .on Sunday, May 24 (the and. cried, "Come pn, old dear, let's bje party. . r Hat = *E 142 i: ,':_'.--_:;:j:w":'%mr-mrtw"z_hp"?-- :w m~-- r-- DJAMOND LAKE CHURCH Bunday School at 10 a, m. TUnion service with the Area' and Ivanhoe church next Sunday morning. at the Ivanhoe church, at 11. This will be our Memorial service. Show youf respect for those who have given their lives for our bountry by attendir;: this service. No evening servic> Flag Sunday May 31, at 7:45 p m. The flags of all the nations will be on the platform, and the colors and mean-- ings erpiained at this service. Do you know the color of the French or Chin ese filag?t Is there & fMag better than oGf Amerkan flag*® Come and fird BERGLARS GET $5 [ ~_ IN ZI0ON STORE FIRST '~ETHODMST EPWKGQPAL Rev. Arthur W. Mohns, Pastor. At 11 a. m., Memorial service. _A special service in honor of the heroes of our nation. Special music by the church quartet, Sermon, "Our Flaz and Our Nation." The following or-- ganizations will attend this service G. A. R., D. A. R., American> Leflon, legion Auxiliary and Boy Scouts Epworth and Junior League at 8:30 At 7:30 p. m., Evening service of son«k and worship. The installation of the officers--of the Epworth and Junior Leagues will take place at this service out at this service Thursday evening promotien exer-- cises for teh public schools were held in the church. Particulars in our next jasue. % _ WASHBURN CONG.. CHURCH Church School at 10 a. m.. * . Evening worship at 8. Sermon sub-- ject, "Morality and Religiony' __ _ . Choir practice this week will be im-- mediately following the church school. jeet of pastor's talk--will be --"The Clogsed Door." * the worst of the deal, no one seemed to--hbave been seriously bhurt. The gas mains are now laid in the streets of Prairie View and our neigh-- borl': town will soon have the con-- yen mm%w conking. ef@, Bhe 1c.*@Wrage ma;:;j%' tion and will berady for business be-- fore long. -- , . Morning Worship at 11:00 -- a.m Subject: "Declaring Your Faith.": Young People's meeting at 6:30. > Elmer C. Kiessling, Pastor. . Sunday School at 9.30 a. m. * English services at 10:30. The confirmation of the children will take place at this service. --Dr. Harry L. Mantor of Sidney, Neb. spent several days with his mother You are cordially invited to atténd' the services of our church. *| Burg'ars. enterin# the Zinn -- Feed Store iw Zion sometime after miA night Monday through a rear win-- dow. stole $5 from the casbh register and egcaned accordiagr to the Zion police. The robbery was discovered this morning when the proprietor o' the store onened for the dar's bus!-- ness. No damage was done to any lmq In the store and rothing elss avald be determined as miqming. apirverab nel4 | CHURCHES ST. JOHN'8 EVANG. LUTHERAN CHRILS1IAN 8CIENCE SOCIETY Third Floor, First Nat'l Bank Bldg Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Services: Sunday, 10:45 a. m. ° Subject: "Sounl and Body." m. r, All services are on daylight saving m:_ht;r::; otl:ue?!:' Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11:00 jst said, "Although I SOUTH FRONT, 50x150, Johnson Subdnn. . $800.00 SOUTH FRONT. 50x150, Dymond & Austin Subdn..$850.00 120--a. Dairy Farm, on Route 75, 10 miles west of 2 Or will trade for improved business block in Liber-- tyville or North Shore town. KAPING & SAUNDERS Telephone 269, 469 and 206--M. M. A. Knoll spent last Tuesday INSURANCE 1« PROTECTION »'=s JNYESTMENT FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent oc '~~will be your man, you Carnot be my opr. gaLR--7 mm bea vonuf@erstzem _ _ _ ___.-- auu.wm"m}m'ww* Ax LOTS FOR SALE Provident Mutua) Life Insurance Co. | am always glad to be of service '--'--77]11:"5 wl,m & CLASSIFIED ADS. on the first Monday of August next 1925, when and where all persons Ha y jirg claims against said estate are noti fled and requested 40 present the sams« for adjudication. WANTEI)--Dressmaking, at the home of W. F. Hafemann, or will go into bomes if desired. Irene Ablmeyer. Telephone 94. 21 21 per cent. I've often wondered how I'd act if dad had coin te burn and it was never up to me my clothes--and eats to earn; if 1 would simply fold my hands and sit in quiet ease or spin along the primrose path and do what-- 'er I'd please. 1 mean if all this dough was soiled I b'lieve I'd find most fun in helping others get along as Betty Keith has dome. But if I'd wealth without a taint--why; goodness sakes alives, to give the world more girls like Bet. I'd start a School for Wives! ADJUDICATION NOTICE ~ PUBLIC NOTICE is hbereby given that the Subscriber, Executors of the last Will and . estament of Catherine A. O'Cannor, deceased, will attend the Probatefoun of ~ ake County, at a term thefeof to be holden at the Court House in Waukegam, in said County, dad, you see, had went) she took and gave it to the poor, each bl_eued cop WANTED--A good plain cook and housekeeper; small family, pleasant . home:; no washing. Good wages P *> Betiors, 651 MiHwaukee Ave, Liberty--_. With Conway Tearle, at the Auditor WE HAVE FUNDS IN ANY AMOUNT FROM $23.000 UP, TO LOAN ON LAKE COUNTY FARMSE. INTERKEST 8% PER ANNUM. : REARONABLE COMMIR8IGN ANO ATTRACTIVE PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES, AR. 8 DIXON, GVRNEE ILL. 4641 MONEY TO LOAN--We bare a cv* ;, sid-- rable ameount of epecial funda m ||| lean en improved farm or city n»roy awig. We fwrite your inquiry~ Fire ||; Nati--al Basnk, Libertyrille 10-- 'P} > JAMES E, OFONNOR, . FRANK M. O°'CONNOR. "Executors of the J ast Will an Testament of Catheripe A. O'Connor, Deceased. Waukegan, I!1., May 18. 1925. Heydecker & ~Heydecker, AMtys. Jcene From "School for Wives' {___M_JS_B_LOK__&UE FEMALE HELP WANTED , . MONEY TO LOAN 29 may 21 28 june 4 love you mucin, wn}ed and re-- I never, never $22,000.00 , FOR SALE--Two Belgian stailions; , _ your choice, young or old; also a , biack team coming five years old Dan : Herschberger, Prairie View, l Tele .phokde 658--W--2. . 194t FOR RENT--Four furnished rooms for ~-- light housekeeping. Call at 825 Mi}-- waukes Ave tomato, -- and -- caulifiower. . Bablia and gladioli bulibs, also old fashioned garden flowers. Clara 8. Miller, Mil-- waukee ave. and Rockland Road. FOR SALE--Plants of early cabbage, FOUND--In Woodman Hall, Liberty-- -- ¥ille, M. W. A.--locket Owenr can _ Sunnyside Park: Subdivision Insurance Notary Public REAL ESTATE 5',£ "':,.,.....t.:I_.,',US.h!»., fi'-'ii:. Stop! 1 Look! Kaping & Saunders, Extiusive ~HOUSES FOR RENT~~--+weak and fal> _en arches, tir SEE --FRED H.--SMITH Libertyville, IIL FRED H. SMITH Phone 260--J FOR SALE 'o my 2'o Selling,. 21--1t 1t en arches, tir ed, aching fee' 4vC. HRELLUCM WE RIORC BOPCED RRPRON CA PEROOC 207% Ln--@mm 'bot Comfort De-- artmant' o mite wWhy To quiceamd per. toes, etc. Light and -- comforta ble. $3.50 pair. FOR SALE--Quantity of timothy and ,o;,'fsu'{; Osborne Farm, Mu IL. Telephone 622--M--2. FOR SALE--Piano player in good con-- dition. Phone 481J--1. & 20--1t use .of the proper Dr. Scholl's Foot Comfort Appliagge or Remedy. -- ---- RAY N. SMITH TVR DAA,EZ--EIAIUY DHELJCE AM @ANS SSE * ai 481J--1. * FARROW CHIX: WORLDS GREAT-- tion. Phone 481J--1 1t * ogr GELI G CHIX, Tiat FOR gu-?by chicks from Reim--|10th in 100 lots, WHITE OR BROWN bred for 15 years; you will find them Bingle Reds, $11.50; 'White Rocks, on many Lake county farms. Also R.1 |R0se Reds, $12.50; Buff Orp., Minor-- Reds and White WYADJOtLOS:;: RQIM:-- | .--------------=--~--~--smprt@Gtmmmmarmmmme s commmtme a like new; worth $15.00;-- will sell the two for $8.00. Frank Huber, National "Tex Gtore, 612. Milwaukee Ave. -- 21--3t No. matter what your foot trouble is FOR SAJ E--Commerce ton truck, What is your foot trouble? ter C; Robley; fair grounds. _ °1t Don't you wish you had come in----be glad you did To the Values Offered In Come in and let our 21-- 2t | The FOR SA E--Trio: of Mallard Ducks|cas, Wyandottes, $18.50.-- Postpaid in . and Mallard Duck Eggs . Also cab--|Ill. QNLY. Free Cnhhfi' D.T. Far _ _ bage and tomato plants. Phone 6109 J--2. |row Chickeries, Peoria, LuUg 1 > BUT WE po SELL THE BEST LOTS N THis VLAGE aT LOWER PRICES AND ON VERY LIBERAL TERMS. 9l FAST TRANSPORTATION TO CHICAGO IS NOW ASSURED, | WITH A STATION ADJOINING THIS TRACT. | TWO MAIN PAVED HICHWAYS ONE BLOCK FROM THE AND ONLY TWO BLOCKS FROM MILWAUKEE AND PARK AVENUES, WHICH IS DESTINED TO BE THE FUTURE BUSINESS CENTER OF LIBERTYVILLL. We Use No Brass Band or . Other High Pressure Tactics FORTUNATELY, WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER A FEW RE-- SALES AT $9.50 to $16.00 PER FRONT FOOT FOR LOTS 50 X 166 TO 205 FEET DEFP. TERMS: From 10% to 20% Down 1% of Balance Monthly STUDY THE MAP AND SEE WHY SUNNYSIDE PARK SUB-- DIVISION WILL MAKE MONEY FOR YOU. Every.detail of this economical, efficient range is ;plan-- ned for beauty. The lines are smooth and unbroken; the flush doors, square corners, absencejof bolts, hinge boxes or other unsightly projections add to its at-- trativeness. ~ C is a new.and finer gas range and is in a class by itself. You can't go wrong on a Universal Gas Range, Com-- bination Coal and Gas Range or Pipeless Furnace. _ HARDWARE PLUMBING _ HEATING Telephone 17 ' « LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. FRANK H. EGER Every Lot Protected By -- Sensible Restrictions o Universal TELEPHONES 269, 469 AND 206--M mt Ariprmt ~+~4 at Roy's Music Store, Waukegan, or Independent office. 141t PIANO e BJ