* * ~~~KRveiyn-- Gartley. . * ":fi.':nun.f p & . * Seauléine C K . ___~;__ Bpaulding.Corner #chool C----1 *Ka¥erne Prown. _ ib Fulle DKIME.. . --~~i.z:.~ d CTLIMI V , y s o e famar :. .{ S t snusd -- -flNEW DISTURBANCES BREAK OUT IN:@-- _ ... F3 .;..,,' i ~+ fer -- * kita="Caectee=s l § --~ x« e ie . -- SE 3 K ceX t » a" xfi n t & in¥ igh. n es s 2. otmiie oo en' . s caiNF QT--BRITAIN ANNOUCES Sift > * ~LIST --LARGE ~~ COUNTY SCHOOLS Ficker.~ * _ K. % Ingleside Bohoof : _ * m!"._!'_ se <uf -\: & £ -- _ > Ivannhoe School mflm Breasch, J Hertel. ~. 'my Galiger. Browe Dorothy Leabile. Clara Godwin. Florence Godwin. MHarold Godwin. k' Everett Martay Campbell. etta Yore. ' Douglas. ilbert Douglite. Marvia HatMIz. Freiin Hapke. Cecella Hapke. Armond Dalgaard. Roy Stab) 5 o0 _ AhtGch I TDonald Anderson. * W f,,",""*"- mvans A !. __..'.'. Maybelia Thomas . <|; . KEver Yorra w:: Lake Villa School Richard Burneit.-- Howard Bherwood, , Lars Steftenberg. Pelbert Bherwood. Harold Fehiman. Caroline Febiman C000 ¥Velo Echeel Lilk Mey HHuson. _ . Kenseth Denman. Wikhon Wands Bezweko. Frances Prorek. Glena Blackbura, LGeorge Shelles Albert Roseslein. Helen Altmen. Adam Altmean. Helen Toll. _ CGriglky Sch Mildred Lelib. Bhirmy 'Ritzenthaler, Jakie Fish. Myrtle Daube Tony Cert Mary obert Gages Lake School. Town Line &ch Wauconda School _ Couringy Fairficid Bchool _--'rl'cy School @mith, Iwanskl. THIS YEAR 0. Owra and wf to H. Lexau and wt jt tens WD. $6250, Lot 14, St. Paul Subdn. J. L Donat and w C, J. Kjel+ berg and wf jytens m%fll. Bt. $.50. LAt 6, Pleasant View Subdn, E. F. Keirnan to H. Christian WD. §$300. Lots 6 and 7, Blk 1, First Adda to Oakland Subdn. C. T. and T. C. 16 M. Oakland Deed $10, Lots 37 and 38, Blk 15, Kelloggs Re--Subdn. > -- f Enfm& J. Dovie and hus,. to L. P. Swift WD. $1. St. $10. Pt. of Sec. 5, Deerfleld. 60-- Viola B. Burge to M. We "§nd wi jt tens WD. $10. St. u.f:. LOt #, Bik 1, E. A. Cummings and Co's Addo to Wkgeo. 5 T x( C C, H. Fox and floflol.l.gnmn :." '.L".'."s'a'- \'vnm f P. J. McMahon to Nellle Buell Cole QCD $10, 8t. $.50. Lot 10, Blk 3, Webb and Jessens North fSide Addna to "R, Va@bk and wft et a} to J. Navra-- til and wf jt tens WD. $360, St. $.50. Lot 43, Vacek Bros. I¥amond Lake .'a.m"':"x and Coal Co. f orn ce to J. Prochaskea WWD. $680. $1. Lot 180, Cal-- ttornia 1ce dad Coal Cos Lake Marie E. M. Rusyard and wf to C. W. Mohrmanna and wf jt tens WD. $10. Bt. $350. -- Lots 8, 12%, 13, 14 and 15, E. M. Kunyardes Subdn. A. M. Wagner and w1 to J. A. Kii}-- ey and wt jt tens WD. $4000 8t. #4. Lo#ts 1 and 2, Blk 3, Round Lake Sub. California Ice and Coal Co, to R. J. Jensen WD,. $750. St. $1. Lot 50, Alice M. Runyard and hus, to J. Gall WD. $$00,. Lot 7, Runyards Adda to Garwoods Llake Marie Subdtrision. Tult "John Connell. Wesley Huftman. Casimer Jankowski, Jerry Voling. Alex Jeankowsk1. hi W\::d Park Achool iX Slobe. _ __".___. Bivard iob ¥Frank Gustisa, Rose Gustiga. ~~ 2 £% Mary Gustisa, Jrene Meyer. ~ ° Melvin Meyer, ¥lorence Meyer, Magzdalena Bott, Joe Botl. Frank Bott. . Frank Hook, _ Nanejubnd® -- E.-i.kf" ennie York House School se o. Adoliph Hauser. terfere in Davig Shaw. Jeatn Shaw. ; . Lotus Country School | , London, Wilbert Watts., who routé Nora Watté. trol of th Merbert Lohma Earl Lohman. * Evelyn Reese: Cella Hollister, Antoinette Bauer, Julla Bauet.. Harry Lobman. Oral Gross. i Frederick Grose. Margaret . Gaeber, ¥e--na Berghorn, . Wiiliam Bullching Genevieve Waliter Lemm. Rérsecrans Bchool lose EKdwards. Miidred Robinson. Charles Stevenson, & East Benton $choo!l Charles Neubayer. Willtard Anclam., : Stocum Lake Schoo! Merle Dowell. -- Herivean Edimann, --* ; K"m "n"- * f Derr-- Cremin. Bertbha Cremip. Pau! Madsen. Boseie Lyons«. Official m}(it of Transfers argaret Pullen, North Prairle Sthool Avon Center Bchool Heney Lake Bchool Half Day School Rendout Lchoo!l 18, I\ Marriage Licenses port--one of the largest delegations will be one of approximately 100 club members representing Marshall and Putnam counties. Henderson county '-m be repre-- sented by its entire Laby Beet <elab of 13 members while Adams and Ran-- doiph counties will each, send 8 d¢!~ gates to the meeting. Platt county plans to send a large group whilée M-- Kalb county will nave fAve club mem-- bere present. ~-- _ [ &8 3 L l SHeparate sessions will be held for the boye ahd girla during the three days of the tour, _ _ Urbana, 1iL, * June 17,--Practically every section of the state is expected to be represented wheh Ilinois tfarm boys and girls assemble at the Col-- lege of Agricultire, University of HMi} gois, today for their third annual Jun-- lor 'C'Ilbi.anvemu tour. Between 100 and 1 "ll?"'. are expected to atteénd the tour fad from early ro-- FARM BOYS AND GIRLS GATHER AT URBANA TODAY L _ _A foreign police sergeaht was se verely . wounded by an infuriated Chinese--mob. He attempted to dis petse students barranguing strikers when his revolver was snatched from him. The officer was dragged up an alley by the mob and attacked with batcheats and other weapons. l'o!lo'cg a mase--mecling in the sative 15,000 Chirese stormed through the (streets shouting fren-- zled antiforeign threats. Pekin, June 17--The gravity of the "state of unrest which is reigning" was pointed out to the Chinese gov-- trament in a »mew note sent loday by the foreign powers, including the The note called China's attention to "The hbeary responsibility it in ly communistic. It has decided ,the dispatches added, to abolish the pres ent civil governorghip in favor of a z-hnn_n of seven, which General ng will support. Shangha!, June 17--After twenty-- four hourse of comparative' qulet dur-- ing which optimism prevalled for a speedy settlement of the Shanghai, strike disturbagces brok@ out agairn tonight. j WLL?TIN""' London, June 17 -- If civit war preaks --out in Ching 'Great Britain will remain neutral, the foreign of-- fice announced today. Great Britainx: bas sufficient war ships in Chiness ports to protect her interests, it was said, but will snot in-- lerfere in @omestic warfare. of the state. The photograph shows sereral of the Cobden bankers to-- gether with a clothler, a grocer, m filling station man and on the ex-- treme left, the town marshal. -- (Photo 5 Atkins, Anna, 411) l!linols are getting ready so rapidly to fight bank robbers and burglars that county after county is applying to the lllinois Bankers As-- wocilation . offices in Chicago for ri fles, sawed--off shotguns, revolvers and ammunition. ~'The above picture, the first ever to be published of ar These men are hea¥lly armed, as all other .Town . Guards of -- lllinois Edward J. Smith, 26, Chicago, Christine Ray, 24, Chicago, Echard Hoees, 27, Kenosha,. Minna Pott, 24, Kenosha,. Ray Peary Leach, 39, Chicago, Jna Walker, 38, Chicago. Steinmetz,..28,; Milwaukee, , when ~the 11000 --ipacia dep ~Bring on Your Bank Robbers D. F. Grant, 25, Waukegan; Chris tian Horsell, 25, same. Chas. Navardauski, 2$9, Waukegan; Anna Jackett, 20, No. Chgo. --Mitchell Skibunski, 22, Erie; Fret da Britzloff, 19, Milwaukee. _ Lawrence O. Schreffer, 21, Mor ton Grove: Ladie Arrigo, 14, same Chas. Tirogood, 42%, Milwaukee} Ruth Hallert, 31, ;&ne Fred Ahblens, Chicago; Elsie Lagergrey, 2%, same. John-- Jacobs, 4%, --Chicago; Elitra beth Sebbilin,. 46, same.-- _ 'Jacob S$. Cornelius, 26, Milwaukee; Clara Jordan, 21, s#ame. _ Herbert Possin, 2%, Beaver Dam, Clara Ferge, 23, Maikeseur. . _ _ Chas McKenna, 29, Kenosha; Rose «Hoegsted, 29, same. _ rle Eckhoim, 18%, same _ Leonard uni. 21, Milwaukes, Fre da Wagnet, 18, same,. ___ _ s In numerous instances, huze mo-- tor trucks are being used in many ~--to --dettver --army ----to --the Town Guards who are ; usder-- com-- mand of the sherif's. ( & : _ David Smailley, 35, -- Mitwaukee; May Ashworth, 32, same.~ * _ Goldle Franklin, #2, Waukegan. Nellie Quinlan, 37, Chicago; Albert J. Sprengel, 34, same. .Wayne Bartels, 27, _ Milwaukee! Anna Bartell, 27, same , 2 Wm. E. Horine, Jr., 30, Wauke gan,. Clara Sweei, 21, North Ch cago. Lucius Darlipg, 36, Mayetta, Kas. Allda Lauer, 30, Milwaukee. _ Jack J. Gamnon, 33, Chickgo; L® cille Rielly, 28, same. _ _ o_ _ ~Richarf Mertins, 21, Racine; Mar lan Fonk, 18, same. "The above Incidents were the most sertous," the note continued, "but from all sides we are informed there is developing an anti--{oreign sentiment and under the surface ten-- dencies are causing us the greatest apprehepsion." fte! _ 3--At Kuikjang during a riot the British and Japanege ulates were burned to the ground aitbough the Chinese government had been warn ed a day in advance of the demon-- stration and had assumed {full re sponsibility for maintenance of or-- der. The day of the tronble, the note charged, no attention was paid to requests for protection. At Chinkiang the agitation was #so great foreigners feared for the safe-- ty of their u-,m« and were abliged to send their familles to Shanghai. 5--Fighily, at Shangbail, a foreign er was killed outside the concession (Willliam Mackenzie, a British sub ject) by a revolver shot and foreign women were wounded. * These included: x _ 1--Prior to the Shanghal riots the dipiomatic -- representatives . pointed out the heavy responsibility ,of the government in the maintenance of order. -- ~ . Guards3 on zd'to shoot the crim-- inals as as they appear. Like the brook, the Fown Guard system of protection "will go on forever," says Secretary Graettinger. The foteigu powers listed the dis-- turbances they regarded as the most serious mand the worst indictments of the Chinese fallure to maintain of-- J--At Hankow, fireurms were neo essary to subdue the rioters after the mob had killed a Japanese and at-- tacked the British concession --with sticks and stomnes. a --The --note delivered; by the Amer+ ean and other foreign legations to the Chinese government called "most particular attention of the Chifese government to the gravity of the present situation and the imperative pecessity that it meet the situation." Cobden is onlq one of-- hundreds of small towns, villages and ham-- lets throughout Iilinois that will --be protected, not only so far as the banks are concerned, but every oth eurs with regard to the ance of order." © dollars is being spent right now by the bankers <of the state to fight bandits--the stickups and yeggmen-- to the last ditch, according to M. A. Graettinger, secretary of the I. B. A. 0. B. Ulstad, 25, Racine; Mollit Elmer Nemrva, 21, Chicagto; Ma Fred-- Hoimes, 21, Chicago: Irma Baron a True Diplomat. From London comes & . story o the mainten ] MOTHER OF EIGHT _ IS ON TRIAL FOR a [ SLAYING HUSBAND AY, --She too, she said, had felt the strength of that fist. Once. rhe re-- calted, terror showing in her eyes, she had been knocked ylown just a lew days before she was to become a mother. . A gun, she testified, a}-- ways rested beneath ker husband's pillow--a constant death threat i Iris "will was croésed. 8 Then, she continued, be west away and was gone three months until about the first of March. His reiurn. she said, brought a renewal of mis treatment, culminating on the 65y when, :3. testified, he said be was going to kill their son Walter, 19, "te see whet his hedért looks like." ' *Then 1 killed him,' "she repealed, "I don't know how." . to the softly -- intoned prompting= of her counsel. "He would knock them down with his clenched [i%t . and kick them as they lay pronc, scream--« ing with terror." Illed with terror and abuse. These were re--lived in a KamBas City crim-- inal-- court > today by a, frail, gray-- haired woman, a mother. She -- was Mrs,. Elziie Honeywell-- to the state, & kilier, -- A little mots than three months Her busbeandt constantly mistreated the thildren, .she testified in answer The court room %l still as the woman takes the vb::éu stand. A . sultry . breeze, wing --through m'w"m windows, gently lifts the strands of ber hbair, and she pushes it back, nervously, with a bhall--timid --glance--towards--ber _ chil-- dren, sitting--wideeyed nearby. The sound of the city's traffic filters into the room, like a dull obligato, to the tale she is intoning. 2 ~*"He --was ing -- kil} --may . boy ," she )cdqg,rcnnx'von .Bew courage wild,* where <the mother batties for her. young. ___._._______ Dss Bh: was to undergo cross exam-- ination following which it was e» r:cu'd the case would go to the ry. _ cassnot be beld inviolable. A little morg than three months ago-- ~March 3$--her bands, which had caressed the --bodies of the eight children she had (brought into . the world, &lnd --¥ shotgun and turned it on bhusband, Elmer. And today; nine men and three women, sit in judgment on ber and um ber life 'in their bands, Kansas City, Kas., June 17.--Twen-- | ty--nine years. More than a quarter | Tell§s the Jury--that She Killed: .--Him After Many Years of JUNE 18, 1925 EaAREO ~FoOR --SoN's Lire . _ North Shore Gas Co. .A Sound Investment _ with a Satisfactory Gentlemen: _ =~ > h. ; 200 s Please have your representative call and furnish me with information regarding your 7%; investment.. . _ _ _ « e w a ty F°¥ 8 6 WW + + #o a * a .+ a Tomorrows Comiort _Depends: WO --= Todays Thnft _ K 'demonstfat? the latest Style: creations M ~ ~ -- _--~Stratford Clothes, _ C P es Invest now in the safe and sound securities of this Company,. These shares are exemp(fromhxuto/rd- dents of HWinois. * . 'I'I\eyarc'p-;h.ividen&qum'tctly. Get in now and receive a dividend on July 1st. "~ Ask any of our employes for further in« formation or send us coupon below. . _4 The selling for $100.00 each, rcu{::emouea:una\lpcbdpn;::: Advertise in '"'The Libertyville Independent" Everything is fixed up fine; all set and ready; Be sure to come. > <1 s iiniit Everybody is invited. For the added en« tertainment of our guests there will bG flowers for the Jadies, and:--cigars for the Come to this new store--your store--Bats urday, June 20th, The doors will remain open from 9:00 a&a. m. to 10:00 p. m. Theré will 'be--a great house--warming.. And in WE HAVE MOVED va rrura®yr®®¥® + The Formal Opening of Our New and Much Larger Store Saturday, June 1 ) PsP t s a «un ¥ sha me # o# b ib t# o+ # Julius 8 Sinykin $# go. Geneésee St. * conccm. in nacmc mm dmmvee A mt en 90 in We tssc > 4 mt droe adiong #5 *