Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Jul 1925, p. 1

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_----------VOLUME XXXIIIL--NUMBER 27 . of the gathering that jammed the cate |a petition will be 'presented for the -- > 4& @Adjoining the Chamber of Commerce. 'paving of Lake Street from Lakesiqe ._JIt was the last.joint meetines of the Cemétery to Milwaukee Ave. season, combining the Chamber of| 'The Board of Trustecs canvassea '-C@.C"Q and the Rotary, Kiwanmis m'vo(.a m'muonof tm"un .. _ and Lions elubs.. TheLions arranzed :o the village.@a% & resub® of the oléc-- f . Shismeetinz. _ enc * \--.__ --tanm An:finadaw I--2~ 600 y °oo oL ol ' 'won efatied PSX u1' =--~~ + "Mhs, _ F > ~Ritson, ra+@_éd on pug 4 of this issue-- _ _ -- _ +«----~-- q --address that inepured--new tathu=] * A streef Nght was ordere® tistalled &\ * your atate's attormner,. 1. V~ SmIn who has won distnction by. bis of forts to run down crime. --__ _ "The fault in crime, 1 believe. 'Ges largely upon oureelves. ~This is Recreation Center of the State, He Says at ; ~Joint Meeting. ---- ~ These were the high spots in bis epeech: _ -- The future of Waukeran 1# assured Lake couniy e the natural play-- ground of 3.000000 people The joint meeting was the !AS! of the season, and was sponsored by the Lions clob. It was one of the most sucossata)that ~has --ever been held here. The cafe was jammed, and interest was intemse during Mr. Insull's talk. George Mirsch, presi-- dent of the Lions club, presided. After his speech, in which he re ferred to the need of developing Heére he took occasion to favor the plan for a state police, declaring> such a unit a vitel necessity. "If there is anything we owe," he said, "It is the fundamental duty to protect dtir citizons. And it is our Auty T8 serve in whatever capacity is open to us. to Wee that our citizens are protacted." He was given tremendous applause when hbe finished. * Before the meeting was adjourned. the Imperia! quartet from Chicago eang a fAinal number. An orchestra also dontributed to the musica}--pro-- Jasm In~every mas who heard bi :at the corner of FPourth Street and Aside from the club members b'«'Hurlburt Court f hekrers Includes the. cireuit judee'} "R was decided to ereet SIED® on all State's Attorney A. V. Smith, State highways entering the village, gesig-- Representative Welss and Comupan nating the village limits. Also 103 der _ Doyle. M iplace all street signg where any In openine bis talk the speaker noted the progresm _ol Waukegarn. "Fire years ago." bhe sait. "yoor #+ nua} profduects amounled--to $25.000,000 and now 1 understand thery are be tween $60.000.000 and #%0.000.000 . "You are on cbeap water transpor tation, and vou have chean power. You are connected with all the great luu' :nz merge in Chicazo $ . 1A e comnty Is_the patural sfound of the mmwfi'&f eago. It is 'the moaet Bbeautiful spot in the state .The surface of the po«-- aibhilitiee. has onl# been scratched Your, populatton + betteve. t« to--er tend Immenesaly in the gext faw years Before the m the Imperia! c eang a final m also aontribute gram. The joint m of the seamson, u"n'um aWay ediyl'neod"of "tt n ture of Waukegan and Lake county You have 115 miles concreted "If 1 were a merchant in Wauke #xn. my chief interest would be in hard woads, paving the way for buy ets to come into the city. Libertr-- ville, that u'flc city where | Hye, bas grown b¥y leaps and bound« through its hard roade. INSULL POUNDS 'Samue! Insull, human dynamo be-- hind the Insull electric companies, pounded a message before the Wau kegan . Chamber of Commerce and The trend* of the people now i« ; away from the rity. toward snck idea) | locations ar (Waukegan and Lake county." -- & t your good roamde You have 115 "If 1 were a #xs. my chief i hard coads,. part ets to come int "The trend of population. | believe will be toward the country in the future. _ Heretofore it has been tow ard the city. But the country dist-- ricte will soon furnish the c--nortun Itles, and there is no part of the state with greater opporunities than lake county. + "¥aou . have come Cleadvantagens. naturally. ¥ou are a surimer resort of Chicago, and crooks find yrour tor ritory a ripe-- field. Onehalf of yout crimeée in the lHguor business that has Speaking not ae head ol the iosull companies,»wKich represent an Invest-- went o0f about $%00,600.000, but as a resident of lake "'county and' the proud owner of the Hawthorn farm at Libertyville, he drove bome a mes In order to hbelp. we must recog-- nize our duties of citizenship, alway«e to go to the polls and always to eerve when called for jory duty. _"Nert to fransnortatinn and cheap power. the rreatesrt asest you have i« _ *There is one other eubject -- that is the protection of our people." IN LAKE COUNTY LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT was the last d e o e cders= ... 140 wall as the"JohiwSbn Ave, paving yher) 1U" ~project, were adopted, and the uot!cu, He J-- for the improvements appear in an--', uli colimn of this issue> --Property --trom "'--jowners on Brainerd from"Cook AYye.. for # Ito Lake street have agreed to pave: p» b° |either by special assessment or t0o pay Sher atleash for the improvtement A public Mupn ** | hearing' will be held on the eveninag prub ***~of Tuesday, July 7. 1t is rumored tha; --jjme itc 'a petition will be presented for the no h ce. 'paving of Lake Street from Lakeside upon be Cemétery to Milwaukee Ave. ) effies Improvements last Bhursday night at the village hall, the tract for the what i sknown as the :&m sewer system was -- awarded. th the Melloy Con®:ruction Company, of. LAbertyville, the bid of that firm being $14,450. Five bids were submitted, the-- nearest to the Melloy bid being $14,550 by a Chi-- cago firm. The highest figure was $17,625. Work on &'Mpmvment will be started imm tely and rush-- ed to completion. ----© A * The Board of <Trustecs ' canvasseq | the voie or the annexation of territory . to the villagke .k a. resub of the 6l4c-- are looked forward to with much in-- terest ~ All interes.ed in the develop-- ment of IAibertyville should be pres-- CONTRACT FOR SUNNYSIDE SEWER TO MELLOY COMPANY Brainerd Avenue from Park Avenue to Lake--street, Church street from Erzin-- missing, and to provide markers for new streets. This is made necessary to comply with postoffice reguilations relative to forthcoming mafl delivery. Beveral sidewalks were ordereg con-- siructed in the eastern part of the viiage, A motion was adoptd to invite Jacob L. Crane, Jr., :o appear betore the board at the next reguiar meeting, and talk 'on the matter of zoing Liberty-- ville. Mr. Crane is an expert in this line of work; and his recommendations peppermints, etc.. for money. and unother that returns money for money if the player is fucky. A test case on the gum vending type has been held here, with the ma-- chine operators winding. > next Tuesday night Runlings.: on the exceptions of At-- tbrney George Field, for Albert Jen-- tink, who is askThg that the cireuit court enjoin the Lake County Generai hoapital from the*arilered practice of taking pay patients, Monday diseon' certed the plans for the dgefense, and an appeal is indicated. To ufi{ points in the two ouvf 14 had taken exceptions and the court #ustained him, concur-- Ing with him in bis arguments. A warrant for George Renehan, Round Lake, charging him with operating two twenty--five cent money -- yvending--=machines, _ was served by the sheriff lotvty. States Attorney A. ¥. Smith explains that there are two kinds of slot ma-- chines, the one that vends gums, Field bad excebted to the answoers to the original bf!! file4 by the county board of superviaors and Dr Charles lieber. superintendent of the --bos pital. . The court heard the demur of the #etendants, at the instance 6f the defense. agtd overruled Attorneys A V¥. Smith and Max Prryborski, who '.::'l erxceptions and stated that they 14 appeal ROSPIT AL RULING UNFAVORABLE TO q laioritz --of Exceptioc Sustained by Court in In-- junction Matter." BOARD TO APPEAL MACHINES TAKEN ERTYVILL , which will be on k WA C l t "or . ."~ ¥e;+tomobites. and_was beaten=--over the* Ernest Llindehoim, of Lake Buoff,} was bound over to the grand jury by| Police Magistrate J. D. Doyle in Lake Bluf Monday evening on charges brought by Donald Duncan, Gretta avenue, Waukegan, who stated M' Imidehoim, while intoxicated, bad run | into bhis machine inflicting inFJurtes on | the ocupants. Lindeholim was released 'in a $1.000 bond. The accident hap | Diamond Lake in an uproar, Sunday, | was sgubdued by the shorift's force sold property in west of Lake Forest toMJ':h'r :'Mchcr of Chi-- cago, acco & to a deed filed Satur day in the cohnty recorder's office. The consideration was $75,000, rev-- enue stamps indicated. * * The . Non--High school board, .in their afnmual session, Friday voted to allow the tuitions for the year. Tui tions run as high ah $50,000, it is salid. James Baker, Lake Bluff, Thé odore Forby, Zion, and Henry Styles, Lake Zurich, are the members of LOUIS F. SWIFT _ SELLS PROPERTY Ebaclawski was arre'c.; by Deputy Sher"f C'ijyion Ti.'any, who lives at Mundelein, and Motercycle Officer Druba, warmed Ebaclawski several office?}s. succeeded if¢ rupning down four of them. They were fined $25 e and costs Bach by a justice at Munr delien, and all paid their {ines by | o o2 _ Right. All said they were from cu', Chicago. @ane :5--An times when + <be .6 noigy H» tock no heed, and the officers laid hards upon him. . ; om&u laid bands up»a him. * the The officers had difficuliy in get-- ting a car to take him to Mandelein. One motorist refus=d to accépt him as a passenger, but finally Dr. W. Wells, Mundelein dent'st .agreed to assist the officers, ind the wild man wuas . bauled to the -- Mu=ndelein city cago, giving bogus names The deputy carried with him papefs from Gov. Smail auihorizing him fo bring young Durand back to Wauke-- wan fTor trial. -- o0 o To mig oi hn sioing| hk TRKKG --1itle. 36000108 Snmnit LIQUOR MANIAC Deputy Tiffany ras linm down and despairing of --gentle cfforts to sub due hbim, wielded his billy upon his bhead. _ There Drs. Taylor and Penny of Libertyville paiched hbis wounds. Fourteenm stitches were roquired. Lat-- er be was removed to the cqunty jatl. L -- Chief Deputy Sherif Lester Tifany| is on his way today to Los Angelos : to bring back Jack Durand, adopted | son of the Scott Durands of l'h' Bluf, named as the chiet 0 a 'hold-' up gang rounded up by the Lake Forest police. _ ! BIND MAN OVER FOR ACCIDENT Crazed by moonshine, Joseph Ebac-- ; lawskh of Chicago, one of a crowd. Sheriff Ablstrom, who heard of the disturbance, went out with Chief De puty Tiffany and three ~ther dopu ties tw restore order at the lake. They ran into a dite game on the road. At their approach the crowd scattered throygh the woods, but the TIFFANY OFF TO GET JACK DURAND NON--H. S. BOARD PAYS TUITION EPUIL MRHBL . off} T lsd hands aps»o him. _ e Chicagoan, a big hutky fellow fougbt strenuoug@y is escape them Naval Training Station. f Rowdy --at Diamond Lake Is: Beaten Over Head--Before | Quelled by Officers, | Loulis F,. Swilt of aLke Forest, has The thsee who were artested, and BEFORE SUBDUED .'County Court Crowded=With .. T ax Obisctions:; Libertyville _ f 'The simte's hislhcest court has just|"'®tNId%e BV / --iHUTJ PW HPUMA PM aTlG j "tAK MA"' m""l:krendered a deelsion in a case gesig--| Australia, and experts of. world, re-- : s som--ss _ & + <pated _ Illinois Commerce Commis-- :.0": d"""" Ellis and 2&" are acry-- 4 " ; s tsion .ex 'rel Danville Brick Company, bats and gymnasts of a high order anpd 'County Court Crowded We ob use y 32. Plexeiand. Cinclnaati,| Will add greatly to the bill, im addition in k) tions: LibertyYille |Chicago & St-- Louis Railwuy, Com | to fi¥é or gix other notable :urns.. .. A-.s; * !.Pa'-.&' r2v¢» Ta ftuwan > -- '.1?"'.? *ppeDant. _4 '»--1--'%'.'1'".,.. T e W* fmga-- © * ervmpgy L1 BC °_ * rromnchs maik w:zmm" * w on _ ere ~i . }__.._ c ob Uiigyy t cucted "in" dy~ ocher ° nrembers® of. the | MzcaF di m&m f The --Chicaso. R€ --~Milw *'*0:1 \papreme-- ".mw in ite its impogiance to_all America. +topr--ot --objections--mosnt of MMQQ* enmmizsion, as fi?.:%mum wonderful 44riat | t DEMAND INTEREST FROM ST. PAUL LINE Howard Andérson of Prairie View, was held at the county jail Friday on a charge of wife and child abandon-- ment. He--was arrested by Deputy Sherif? Krueger. Asderson has a wife and two children. COUPLE MARRIED BY JUSTICE BARTLETT EARLY MONDAY Springfield, MK, June 30. --Five bills, including the measure which extends the corporate limits of the North Shore Sanitary Matrict, intro-- dirced by Representative William Welkes, of Waukegan, were signed by SANITARY DIST. EXTENSION A LAW Objections were shown to the road and bridge assessments, and property in Fox Lake, in which 27 was aHowed the road. and the remainder ordered manding the receivers of the Chica-- g. Milwaukee and St.~Pau! railroad pay the United States $300.980 ih-- teres: on--the $10,000,000 note which the govérnment holds was entered in federal court here today, The gov-- ernment, the court was advised, would bring action in default if the Interest was not pald. SPENCER BROW N based on the. allégation. that -- the meeting was improperiy catled,~ were heard in coutty court Thursday. John O'°Neil of Highwood, who was arrested several days ago on a liguor charge, paid a fine of $25 and costs tnday--betore Justice Coulson. He was arrested by Constable Brune's squad. O'Neil pleaded guilty and paid the fine. ST. PAUL HEARING _ | ON TAX CASE UP; _ MEAR MANY MORE Crmcu'o(mbcuon of the re cetrvers which it was believed would sccompany the order falled to mate-- dicated considerstion of $10000, ac cording io a doed Rled with county recorder Saturday. D. Brown left Saturday, to «spend eight vaars in tedt-- eral prison for being indescrete with Hquor.. He was a notorious fence for criminals HOLD HUSBAND FOR WIFE ABANDONMENT BOOZE FINE PAID BY HIGHWOOD MAN The objections included twa school djrtricts, 144 and 112. which were partly . sustained. In addition the Libertyville park was included. It had been voted in 1920 term this district a park, and mfm been palid, it is said, up to this year. ke County' ' Atforneys 8. H. B'T. and _ Arthur Bulkley represented the state in this case and Attorney +E. ¥ Orvis the rallroad. C ~ The ruling of Judge Persons on the Northwestern railway objections eart-- ler in the week will probably have a bearing on this case as--the merits are somewhat the same. onor c ABCXC NOA ghhgige oo c s t onl dagar in t =a sc3 es . the same. lim and their reports later acted --~«*~~--r------<oiz iupon .by the commi«sion, the ques | tton arises as to the «thtus" of thos» C lcuu conducted by .the examiners ' whom the supreme court now" boids , bhad mno right to officiate in that M ST. PADL LINE 4s * ° * C -- | MUST MHOLD INn COUNTIESs _ l ak ' Furthermore, the other very dras "u"" "f;'"'":""t':."n""':'m ruling of the. court js init "."":M' SL.~Paul rai " * * * all hearings before the coia-- e United States m""'fl-* mission or any commissioner or &# the $10,000,000 ppedvr pgistant commissioner shall be Aeld '.nme.t bold note within the county in which the sub-- f s was entered joet matter of the hearing is sit-- 'i:'" here today, The EVY uated. By the principle of expressio A e court was advised. unius est exrclusio alterius the com-- ng action in delfault if the mission is prohbhibited from conduct-- was not paid. |ing thé hearing in this case in Cook m of the actions of the re ' county or in any county other thas hich it was believed would Vermillion. * * * * y the order failed to Ilb; In other words, the supreme court * * hoids that hearings on all cases (iled & icenke moummsseramentice before the commission must be belid within the: county where the sub 0 N _| pect rights are Involved. Accord-- Iing to the interpretation thus put on the court's boiding, if a complaint " mth filed in Waukegan on some uti}> 'My matter, the hbearing MUST 6t es 2 4w C aiiiiligen Mc artigeaPetcpr ns Auia mt urnaih on s Big Week¥ WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN _ / In case this feature of the §' in» purpose of adjusting this serious y court ""',L'L!'g;'! °'°';m;i': that _ _has '::nn'nll in _utility the state, it will mean an A4 | (ircles as a result of the supreme aitional expense of a million or two gourt ruling. . million dollars will be infurred in |~ a;;orneys from all over the state order to give litigants the privtile@® | pay» peep trying to figure out the of having cases go on in their home;ramifications that , this decision county at the state's eXxpense TARLDCT | mapese possible. than individuals paying theit OWN| Report has it that steps will be expense to go to the main office® |;a;an to ask the supreme court fOr of the commission for hearings A#|»a repearing of the case on the the-- in the past, a practice that seemed4 | ory that if the decision stands as it to be accepted quite favorably O¥*!|now is interpreted, the great expense the state because that privileg®e WAS|ag earrying on the business of the not allowed under the previous Uuti}| commerce commission and the ap ty law. parent lack of funds tb follow the Furthermore, a couple 6f hundred procedure Indicated -- By the ug cases have been 'heard. and ta as~ comp@lsory, wil} result in by these designated examiners &D prevention of the commission's func-- under the 'supremie ~court decisiOn tisning powaers to such an ottent reforred to; many persons believe' tnat will almost precipitate chaos in that the logers in all of these C@#SC® nandling the many rate cases, mM EL D within Lake county ant the COnpetand ~of 15wa,. who court hoids that the «commission s *% . working at ce tss }m' id is mm ty e mnthoness y stt ons c n ut '35;2"'.3"'. umss -- Cns #*** Ariurtine tA hearug@ of could Copeland atole hit 'goose. He was.| son. !1., for Chicago or Springfield. arrestéd by Neputy Sheriff Ray Koi | his home t! The chaos that will result if m ley of Wadeworth. He NSd a goose | from beart feature of the decision is AODOT®T | yi._n; ;apenp in eustody. but said he | ered him to comes from the fact that tDhe | uo __s, q; . M¥r. Ryas -- under the 'suprefie ~court W'M}"fi&bfi"'w"iii"{i'-it?-t'iji'v-"'.'fi.l-;&fl referred to; many persons believe' tmat will almost precipitate chaos in | of the ru during = that the logers in all of these C@SOS nandling the many rate> cases, mo , sence ml.- can successfully carry their case t0 tor bus casoes, bon dbhearings, otc. . at Camp e * > Chicago or Springfield. The chaos that will result if xu feature of the decision is adber to comes from the fact that the budget provided by the recent leg-- islature for the sext two yeare for trave! and erpenss of the commerce commission is so entirely inadequate that It appears as if the commis sion's hands will be tied in conduct-- ing these hearings where the case originates. The budget for this ex-- pense of the commission was passed by the legisiature but based on prac-- tices followed since the commiss#ion was created,. naamely: of boiding hearings in Chicago f&nd Sprin. or, where litigants requested, hoid-- ing them in the counties or cities that might be agreeable to the lit-- igants. Thé supreme court's ruling makes it mandatory to Lold the hearings,in the original counties and not discretiinary as the interpreta tio§ 'Nas been in the past. FUNDS INBUFFICIENT FOR TRHAVEL . SUPREME COURT _ ;' _RULING.UPSETS THE ) COM. COM. PRACTICE: The Illinois supreme court in a decision just made public hag thrown a --feeling --of--echaos--and --uncertainty into public utility circles anda the scope of the decision, if reaffirmed In other words, the ruling means that the chief engineer, ' the ehie! rate expert, the chiel accountant and special examiners, whom the commission had previou«ly . desig-- nated as persons properly authorized to conduct hearings, have no right under the law to conduct these hbear-- ings. As many of the important bearings, since the commerce com-- mission was created, have been held by ~the speciaily designated exam:-- H&gh Cour t Holds : Hearings ust Take Place in Counties --~ Where Subject Exists --. F EVEKYTHING ALL SET FOR |\ -- THE BIG TIME HERE JULY 4 rnm'. the world's greates. equestri enne, with her stable of highly educa{~ ed thoroughbreds and high school 'iu')ruéa; " ie Matame is wett known as one o fthe big features of the great-- |est state fairs in the country, and will |positively appear. | _ The Australian Wakes are. others |who--witt-- enter--ain --with--their w¥ hip-- cracking Aact.. They are from [at off Ausiralia, and experts of. world, re-- nown. Rose Ellis and Rose are acru bats and gymnasts of a high order agd will add greatly to the bill, im addition 'to fivé or six other notable ;urng. _ and 5, when the village celebrates the glorious fourth and> the succeeding }Sunday on the iair grounds. . There will be (wo days of the besi horse rac ing and runners from the La®onia, mnawluorme and Churchill Downs track sogether with their jockeys. ~Entries réceived. assure big fields and &ome great spoft is anticipated on both the The supreme court decision unfor-- tunately was rendered just after the legislature adjourned ad on the last day of the court's term. Therefore, it became . public ioo late to ask the legislature to amend the lliinois Commerce Act' and ftraighten out what appears to be a clear misur-- derstanding of the legisiature's orig-- inal intent when the law was cre ated. Had the decision been ren--: dered prior to the adjournthent of the legislatgre, likely steps vo:&! have been'" taken~--for' emergency tion by the law makers. . However, there has been nclmm-t f a special session lature that there seems little likelihood that omne will be called ~merely for the purpose of adjusting this serious Attorheys from all over the state have been trying to figure out the ramifications . that , this decision makes possible. _ e there has been mhmm-t, S o C eC °o hi a special session lature *tnpeamtet x4 that there seéems little likelihood| "They told me these that ome will be called merely for|legal, but now they all go the purpose of adjusting this serious machines, candy -"*.. tangle that has resulted in _utility wkl#-w' C circles as 'a result of the supreme George P. 7 eaurt rulinge who was charged on 1 SBix races each day have been pro--\ ULU -- BNUWN LCAJSE -,;_' yided for and there may be'mditwus. _ The-- will of John Bemer Crosby,: to this number. in between the races | ot-- Hake--Bluit,--was--set--down --{fo€ there will be a number of high class | hearing Monday by Judge in C.} hippodrome .acts, making the enter--| Decker, in the probate court. TBhere that will be of interest,to all Therc will be two baseball games in which McHenry and Libertyville and the Chi-- eago Union Giants (c¢olored) and Lib-- ertyville will play Saturday and Sun-- day and full provision made for all who atiend. _ THEFT OF GOOSE CHARGED TO MAN The price of admission is 50 cents. Children 25 cents Plenty of parking space for autos; grounds for picnick-- ners dnd-- all accommodations for an immense crowd have been made. LiD-- ertyville on the Fourth is the slogan in Northern lllinots. It will be wor.h while visiting. Copeland -- atole hit 'gooss.. He was. arrested by INeputy Sheriff Ray Kol-- ley of Wadeworth. He hsd a goose when taken in custedy, but satd he bought It 4 the supreme court because the de cision holds that the bearings were impreperly held. -- 2:00 tq 3:00 o'ctock. The Epworth leaguers of the Methodiat Episcopa} Church and the general.public are in-- vited,. according to an anauncement made today by MWMs Jessie E. Ar-- buckle, euperintendent of the Meth qd}st Deaconess Orphanage. The pageant will include pages from Ame rican history. The Landing of Colum-- bus; The Pilgrims Going to Charch; Danic} Boone; Tre Spirit of 'T6; Life in the South Before the War; The Civil Wat;, The Westward Movement; "Over There"; The Goddess ol Lib ORPHANAGE TO _ -- _ __ HOLD PAGEANT -- _X patriotic pageant will bosnn by the children of the Lake B} Orph-- anage, Lake Blof, N. July 4(h, from The largest crowds ever seen in Lib oo3 000 conttus it n . 473 wftymccatin onl . o+. 4# ce «Yap we t <bincalloaly-- n# :3 5; 4e s * i $B, IUBS,.:£......c 54. ... . 30. cnosugs k 1 --Estate of Catherine sunu.i Forest, administrater' ' 6 ---- mmnen peates FORT SHERIDAN having a slot machine at ® He pleaded guilty to the o Justice Hoyt's office and paid & MICHAEL RYANIS _ DFEAD N WILS of $100 PROBATE COURT SWAMPED MO» son, 11. for the past 60 years, his home there mlcy at from hbeart trouble which had ered him for the past fve ® Mr. Ryas bad been partially ywed for years but had never up his iMaces: until recently. _ _ Funeral services will be beld the Immaculate Conception Waukegan Woednesdiay morning a'clock, central standard time, W Mr. Ryan wa«s born in YR 4 burial in St-- Mary's cometary. _ when 6 years of age, moved family to Wilson whare he lived the time of his death. He is Ived by two brothers, James of 1 «un and Wiliam of Chicago. a Mr. Ryas bad been partially 17 his Iiteset ceth resentigy oo ap -- uB (3% «" the Immaculate Conception chur Waukegan Woednesdiay morning a'clock, central standard time, Mr Ryan wase born in Yolo Porep. Bond of $409. ' Estate of Sterling Hopkins minors, Waukegan, w-= diansahip l#eued to John Dowell. Bond of $3,008. FINED ON SLOT _ _ _ MACRINE CHARG John Bremer Crosby Will % for Hearing: Dow Adminis= -- -- 'trator Pay Taxes. ... %} Shed 258 apptdred. egiate PE ~--EFsutate of John --C. Callahs®," kegan, co--partnership inventory appratzement bill tiled fi!g Estate of Mary DMetz, Fremont, will admitted --to pfQ Tettars tsetamentary issued to H J. Diets, son. Bond of $8,100. left to each of her stepchildren, All qher property given to her dren, three. _ _ e OLD BROWN CASE UP: Estate of Edwin PrriegrockL county ° treasurer ordered Money deposited with Him beb to said minor, to guardian. Estate of Heary conda, rule on executor to' rent report on August 2,> Extate of Chritian Koebelin, field, inventory | and ~apprais bill approved. Estate of Fredericke Porep, adimtted to probate AlD pr rtven to two daughters L B BM 227 were as follows: Estate ot> George ~W.~ Chan Waukegan, petition for proabte wil}-- tiled --and--set-- for--hearing-- 13. 1925. c -- A Estate of Lucinda, Brown, Lake, supplemental * ento! APDIAIRGup.._~ _g21-- fMedc~----~ sls _ Estate of Amparilla M. Dow,~ EARD . / (ixos Estate of John Bemer Crof Lake Bluff, will admitted to prob Letters _ testamentary _ isgued _ Jeasie May Johnson. Bond of § 000. All property given t6 Alene Johnson Crosby., '~~~~ Estate of RobertBrain,.. 'Gun amended, proof of beirship 9¥ Just and true account thed --and: proved. Petition for sale of real tate flled. 7 ¥state of May Browning; 1ibe ville, final report approved, e# closed. .. _ . _ ---- -- me s Estate of Mary® A~ Baker, We gan, petition for probate of will f and tor hearing August 2 19 Walter Olson, letters of tion issued to Clarence W. D Bond of $12090. _ ----> mss 2 i Estate of Marguerite Prender; .ibertyville, petition for probate vil! filed and set for hearing . $1.50 A YEAR IN taxe WITH 18 MA A se oys t nga t m ie ue he thre® & machites out

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