=__--.._-- Street, who died-- suddeniy Thursday afternoon, was a victim of organic . beart trouble, according to a vérdict | returned by a coroner's ,,Lurs'. late. ttaict --~~--yosttiday-- at the Hoand ~ undertak-- wl c* ing rooms. w L Dr. Jamison spent a few days in #» Victory Memorial hospital the past week . Mr and Mrses. J 3. Denman and chil-- dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Strang, 5 Aates" zs _-vh Denman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson of Lake Forest. ac companied by his nlece, Miss Mabel AM«W« in Montana, vis-- Ited old here the past week. Misg Incez.Pollock spent the week Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jack are enter-- taining company this week. John Stewart returned to his home In 8t. Paul, Minn.. this week. ' ther, Joe MeDermott Mrs. Mary White o fWaukegan vis lied SBanday.with Miliburn ftriends: Mr _and Mrs. S:earns and _ children ar®e visiting Rev. and Mrs. N. L. Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gillings of Gur-- nee called on their niece, Miss Rubie Gillings, at C. KE Denman's Friday. Miss 1iMian Strohal spent several days--with relatives at Riverside, Ber-- wyn and. Chicago the past week. The son left the home shortly after 1:30 o'clock and went to his home -- to return again about 3:30 o'clock. He went upstairs to inquire into the bealth of bis father, . and called 'as be ®Mme to the head-- of the stairs. There was no. response and he rushed into the room, making the discovery. s "I would laugh at him, 'to make him 'forget, telling him that it was from the ribs that be had fractured from the fall into the sewer ditch. 1 noticed he was growing older rap idiy, «bu; . thought. little of it~" : he Attorney Heydecker stated --. that from time to time in the last few weeks that hi brother had com-- plained --of pains through the chest and shortness of breath. C ._ Royal had been visiting with his father, according to hbis testimony, and notlced that instead of coming to the table for lunck that bhe went upstairs HMe tottered as he walked and the gon suggested that hbe call a physician, but" was told not to by the deceased. . . w . But two witnesses were called{( Royal C. Heydecker, his son, who found him dead upon the bed, and Attorney C. T. Meydecker, a bro-- Phone 18 Coroner's Jury Learned He Suffered from Heart Trou-- __ ble; Funerat Saturday. LR M o mss SV Oe W eS Miss McDermott is visiting her bro-- HEYDECKER WAS _ VICTIM OF BAD _ . HEART, IS CLAIM Bartlett Realty Co. Tel. Libertyville 188 M TELEPHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED lw&imhy.fu-nly*efi!*t'"filkflr'nakwu to the effect that the J. R. Watkins Company is out of busi-- neumhh.ndlwlualt'-uhlbkbmly&e people of this section with anything in the Watkins line > Announcement have taken over the agency for the J.R. Watkins Products Albert W. Koenig 531 N. Milwaukee Avenue Harry Madill Bartlett _ Lyell H. Morris minor operation ) ' Ey ul-nna\ Call for Mr Morrtis (f ------~ | A®R U #+ 1 Can 'mother, Mrs. Alice Schotanus, 125 Mc-- ' \Kinley . Ave.,> Libertyville, before he "joined the Marine Corps last Nowem-- 'ber.. He recemly completed a special *.course of training at the Sea Bchool, ':Nortolk, Va., and--was immediately as-- > dn ned to duty Q_m#v-g"« R %#tfifimfi See--Of--ihe--tpssels of up and he can't ain't dein' a thing A little daughter ~f the sams, on ber first day in the country, saw a lark motioniess, Lighb in air, pouring fortb Its lovely music. She listened a mo-- ment, then she ran to the matron. "Oh, Miss May," she salid, "there's #--sparrow up there. and be cahK't git Assigned to duty on a cruiser with' the prospect of visiting several porul along the Atlantic coast or in the West Indies, r1enry Schotanus, of Liberty--] ville, is a member of the U. 8. Marine detachment on the cruiser Denver, ac--| cording to the official list of Marines serving aboard that vessel. l | ARLINGTON_' _# HOTEL # / LIBERTYVILLE BOY ON THE Mrs. Julla Jenkinson and Miss Ad-- die, Walter and Jane Jenkinson, all of Waukegan, called on Miss Ruble Gil-- ._ Mr. and Mrs. Walthall and son, Lf-- onel of Chicago, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denman. > Mr. and Mrs. Sadlecek and chlldreil.; -- Vrowning. =~ -- Miss© Gertrude Grandy <oft Liberfy . se 4 a n x * _4 Fow s _ Chris Strohal. body of ten--year--old Glenir Smith| -- Mrs. Marie Hornberger left Tuesday Miss Annie McCredie, who had a!Of Chicago, who had been the ob-- for Milwaukee, where she will visit stroke of paraylsis recently, remains |J@Ct o( a search since Sunday, July friends. abqou' the sama _ .___, _ _ ______ ,. _ [19, when he way last seen rOWIBE| Mr and Mra Graover MceNamara aud . Mrs. W. M. Bonner called on her aunt,; Mrs. Ed Druce, at Grayslake. The laiter is seriously ill. Miss R. Voos returned Tuesday to bher home in Chicago. . Mr. and. Mrs. Artbhur Clark and daughter, Evelyn and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clar kaepen't Tuesday with Mrs. Butters, the fatter's ntece;, in Chicago. WAUKEGAN, ILL Meéembers of the Odd Fellows and Re-- bekal lodges held a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yocum recently. Good Meals 50c¢ The delegate returned from Tower Hill, Swayer, Mich:, Wednesday of last week and gave a very interesting re-- oprt Sunday. * Monday mornin morial hospital. 426 E. North Ave. morning at the Victory Me\ zit down,. and be 1t holléer about it." . That evening the father and oth; 'en searched for him without resuit. J'!'he rext day. his mother came to Waukegan, hoping that he might have been lost and picked up there. | This bope 'was raised by the. fact that a girl said she saw a boy with an injured foot along a road 4 %*¥ * % When he was not seen by evening, hope of finding him alive was aban-- doped, and search was'concentrated at the lake. -- * near <he 14 a ~ hurt foot ¥% % 4 4 4 4A * * 4 * * 4A 4 J 4# The boy and «his father, F. C: Smith, of Chicago, spent the week-- end fishing in the lake. They bad fisked from a row boat Sunday after-- noon, and when evening came they returned to Johnson's resort. out" Into-- the "Tike. ~~*~ 'Chicago Boy, First Believed | Lost in Woods, Victim of: , Drowning. > The body came to the surface last| Thursday. Resorters in a boat saw | it floating about 300 feet from 'shorq.[ The discovery came after the coun-- tryside had: been searched and tbe' lake dragged in an effort to locate FINDBODY OF _ _ MISSING YOUTH 1 IN DEEP LAKE Let Us Show You the UNIVERSAL Ai Blast Pipeless Furnace -- FRANK H. EGER ----«is the health insurance you ||w U"';,r;}; * place in your home. Plumbing, ; 'ijv'; }'3';:;,.. ' | too, is a great item of economy 'U 4 i'i Adapl ieA -- * 4 ) || wal in the maintenance of your |§MBi@yN--TF ; BE home. Plumbing that does not !{E'j'? ;wf i ll stand up is constant expense |[ J~ )\ eangy and annoyance. Plumbing of | g;:r',..yfi, permanency is an economy |MMRMRaT P first. and last. --Get--our,.--.esti-- Let us install Standard mates and specifications. bathroom equipment in . : HARDWARE, PLUMBING, HEATING _ Service is really the word for plumbing and heating work which you place in our hands=ser-- vice in the way of having your work done exped-- itiously, with care and good workmanship and above all with real economy. Let us plan and estimate for you. : ~ ' Service en mlnx} urface last ) boat saw || rom shorq.'1 the coun-- 1 and the ; | * mm« .", . : ( % Public bpo:ice is hereby given that, [ SEI\ I'RRS & sealed bits tor renetormiing e malde**~*:*> e ~l es -- l Several members of the Royal Neigh bors Lodge went to Lake Villa Tues day afternoon, where they visited the lofge of that place. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson went to Lake Geneva, Wis., where they attend-- ed the funeral of their former's bro-- ther. Miss Edna Read has resigned her position at the . Carfield and Pester store, and will now be employed at the telephone exchange. enjoyed .a plc;uc here Sa(urday'.,'l'fm' locat chapter of the Eastern Star serv-- ed the dinner. , Miss Sally Nicholl .of Chicago is spending two weeks with Mrs. Bert Johnson. -- -- Several members of Equity Masonic Lodge of Chicago, with their families, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Moss of Lake For-- est, spent Sunday at the Bert Johnson home. > « ___ Mr, and. Mrg. Grover McNamara 2 ud children, Miss Roselind HKhue of Keno. aha, Wis., and Miss Helen Wilkinson : of Chicago were visiiors at the God, frey home Friday. R. B. Godrre(f was in Chicago on business Thursday. -- Misg Lila Bastershall of Chicago vis Ited Sunday at the home of her par ents. Mrs. Flood and sons, aecompanied by Mrs. Bonner'ut«uded the circus in Chicago Thursday. to Niagara Falls, Washington, D. C., Boston and other places in th6 east: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards and family motored to Champaign Friday, where they speni the week end. . THURSDAY, JULY 30. 1925 The heating of your home is the thing that need sflfiu r most careful attentionF# You will never enjoy the full com-- fort of your home unless it is property heated. Our facil-- ities in this line are at your command. No Home Is Complete Unless It Is Properly Heated------ NOTICE 'LU J dfi'%' | +. vZll tmil :"f:_);.-.-.--': ; zit Ti ' Tdo Chicagoans, Poltceman Mar-- ig.! tin Haley and Edmond J. Campion, \p. | who were cindicted with David~ and *l!arry" Miller, brothers of the re-- mfnowned Hirshie, by a federal grand !'jury at Chicago, are held in the Lake _|county jJail, according to a report * Htrom_ Chicago; _________ _ ko The sherift-- declised to discuss the report of the prisoumu'rs' cusl.dy here, stating ~t! y information co~ncerning federal prisoners was requir:1 to be kept #@CIeL _ s s _0 o _ _ with--"Shaking »downrn"~ Hichs:as Ste phenson, an alleged dops peddler, for $250. ed to be returned before Fedcral Judge Adam C. Cuiffe, Saturday, are said to charge the trur with impor-- sonating {ederal nursolic azents and INDICTED PAIR _ HELD IN COUNTY REAL ESTATE We Buy and Sell --Music by Percy Rowell's Radio THE INDEPENDENT------ONLY $1.50 YEAR * COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY _--_ MOoNUMENTS .. and Mausoleums RAINBOW GARDENS LAUNDERERS, CLEANERS AND DYERS _ Phone Libertyville 67--R. _ Libertyville and Highland Pyrk: RELIABLE LAUNDRY D A N C Single Dump Wagon for Hauling Ashes, Etc. Phone No. 256. wHY HAVE A "BLUE MONDAY»" --Every Saturday and Sunday --__WET WASH m iJ WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR MODREN HOMES BEING BUILT IN OAKWOOD TERRACE SUBDIVISION, LIBERTYVILLE. HEATH HOMES | LET US TAKE AWAY YOUR BACKACHE, YOUR CHAPPED HANDS AND YOUR FROZEN FINCERS. WHEN IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET AWAY FROM THE DRUDGERY OF THE WEEKLY WASH. For Sale Prices, See F. F. OWEN, 338 . HORSES BOUGHT AND S$0L D 200--J DOWN BY THE ELECTRIC STATION TEAMS FOR HIRE GIBBONS PARK First National Bank Bl'dg. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS s, See Your Own Libertyville Agent, of 338 Jackson Ave. Telephone 233--W 20 POUNDS FOR -- -- ~ > Libertyville, Ilinois 44 ¢