#, _ The nerviest thief in the world has made his ap-- «--~--~----pearance in Lake County--he--stole© three hives: of bees --__--~----from a farmer near the golf station. (Can you imagine % a man with nerve enough to cart off aTew thousand . _____bees!_ He must have worn a cast iron suit or else he must *------bave--mesmerized the immates. --At any rate he wins the eoncrete knife and fork. Ci}.nlp.0 .0 c:_. . rreiar 2 Cnr ' .__ The suggestion that the county sell the present poor gy; "~.>j01 or rorny THINK LKE JUDGE CARY , lfm'm" property of 140 acres and buy a site some place else e TT 0s n _ BUT CAN'T GET AWAY WITH IT. _ -- '|does not seem a reasonable or economical one. The site s : Judge Gary, head of the U. S. Steet Corporation refuses to tell where it is now is advantageously }ocated in every re-- ie is _2 i momdoierefrearel ce m spect. It is valuable property and if valuable to others g'-'-,nportmwhetberhenflesdnnksmhxshome,orwhetherlnhlm n Ey C WOs na . _ _ "__ self when there with guests, drinks intoxicants. He insists it's a|'* JU8t 48 valuable to the county of Lake. C i; o * persousl matler and not any business of the public's--what he does| --__ I" fact it is our opinion if any movement was carried ____-- 'in his home--THATS.THE TROUBLE. ____.______:___. {fhrough to sell the present site, purchasing another one _ ------_--------The law has--said in the case of the --poor foreigner who may ind then erecting new Jbnildings thereon,.in.the Jong run. C Cigve a nile sraps omne. cus in HHB hace: that 18. »--<amb. (the 'Couity--30ill. 1 in ernodain --sought A-.. Y3 he< ailt" PA "#nd Tira®MmAt DXHSs: '."'.'. C HCT TT has Tt "MS TWXH NYE C P ;)'i"l 0.'1 £ U y hC Of #4! Eewsl~!--miaks is Jaw which he says applics to The home, ~L--all abke. _ Yet|:ounty which ~would--make it inconyenient in manyre-- n ie P niavaaie w w opree sw dicar hm esnt * T lnp c lakke o L o sak s io +/ td h e . ia 3 ; _ 'the big steel. company chieftain refuses--to "discuss pergonalities",[spects. e e ze § _ es _ ~~~_'he .contributes generously to enforcement of the prohibition law It is our belief further that the tax payers will not __ _' against the other fellow whose home those funds are used against object to he bond--issue, knowing that it is going to be E: ._ in investigating. ' s e 'Isnent to nrovide a suitahle hnilding far the nnfartnnates C------_-- Judge Gary doesn't beat around the bush much when he takes ~~---- _ the stand that whether or mRot he serves drinks in his home or uses them himself is his own business and not the concern of anybody .' :; élse. Well, that, exactly that, is the position a lot of ordinary folks have been trying to assume but federal, state and county officials ; take the opposite position, therefore constant raids, arrests, fines, f imprisonments, © « ~~ The chief trouble with the prohibition law is that it wallops ----igeis away with his without the least trouble. --Just why is it? ®**:s m%&cwm'hidnwo(adrymdon ¢ haven't tried to explain. =-- M The law should operate impartially or not at all. _ ' _ _____--Williamson county tried to get the next state convention of {would be conspicuous in national influence. x i+ ' _--_ PR x -- lfl Et *~ mont exciting thing ever pulled off for the. county officers 'and. they .nmom'ormmnornxft § and "m . don't seem 'to have much tlwbltdom( it down t!llt way. But, The .supervlaou of Mg'(}ouqt? are lloéf Opngidqg[g Ne -«-- m '".,__ qoR * ... county--considered --safer _and. with_less _ banditty, . ##s--D€ |--c355 95 Fogetding *a--place Th --which --40-- house the-- EPEATC 1iX n i% m . *Az . ahanla XA T anTa ATCarsktak.,~*** # * + » 7 t 1 ib ol dncR Wiiiiv--~Aants He possesses the same characteristie in business. || . y( } ----He --has--displayed it oftentimes--in--affairs of the Jilinois Commerce Commission. 'His .tactfulness, _his | ASK THE MAN WHO HAS BUILT. OR WHO IS BUILDINC. -- | resourcefulness, his desire to Be fair to the public and | A$ TO WHICH LUMBER l'EEJ'.YS IT's A CERTANTY ~~ als;) to the utility, has made him the outstanding man in% THAT HL'V\VILL RECOMMEND NONE COTHER THAN utility matters in this state. NOPe LUMBER oN Your : _ In fact Col. 8mith is endowed with the faculty of _mm% M% 3 tactfulness that makes him just the sort of a man to * , | Bll the position of a U. 8. Senator. \ 4 . In fact he is diplomatic enough to our way of think-- zs } img to fill the position with great ctedit to his country |{ -- F F 6 ' hk es J' J ---- such a fl:ffiudonhip to.England or to some other e e r m a~ 3 Auke Tharastersues that e the colagn' * =-- hone $0--LIBERTYVILLE, KE = of the eharacteristies tliat are the Colonel's. -- _ _ Telephone 50--LIBE] : _ 16 & _ Announecment is made today that €Col. Frank L Smith is an avowed candidate for the position of U. 8 Kenator to succeed Senator Wm. B. MeKinley of Cham paign,. ._ _ f . -- However, this--tinte his friends feet that because of his long service and because of the record he has made as Chairman of the Hlinois Comineree Commission the voters of Illinois will recognize his claim for something from his party. . -- ---- --Col. Smith has shown he possessed a peeculiar ability in smoothing out ripples in the ranks of the Republican party. He has done this more than the average person Pealizes. «.. > * s --f* presenit--tol., ismth has refraimed from *making a defi-- nite statement as to whether he would be a candidate or not. Now, however, one of his official spokesmen makes the announcement that he is in the race. L ieE ---- _ And so the contest starts which is bound to be most interesting and intense from now until the cam-- --_ _ And so the contest starts which is bound to be most interesting and intense from now until the cam-- paign ends. t As Chairman of the Hlinois Republican Committee Col. Smith has made an enviable record in the matter of harmmonizing the various factions of the state and his friends believe that the time has come when he should be rewarded in a tangible way. For years he has toiled laboriously for his party and has received nothing in return. He has had wide support in the contests he has been in previously but lost out by a '"*nose" each time. Mr. Gary wants the law to prevent his mill workers having their beer and wine AFTER WORK but he admits by his inuendo and silence that HIS domicile isn't a Sahara when he has guests, guecsts who haven't stood the heat and sweat of the mills all day The present programs of some of the foreign powers having/squnties' poor farms we cannot help but compare them large interests in China are a--serious obstacle to the program for|with ours. ~Lake County is and bhas been for many years restoring to China full political and financial autonomy, according|fay inferior to the average county farm in the state. -- -- to Senator Borah's view. A conference on Chinese customs is The buildings are insanitary, they are not adequate called for October 26 at Washington. °_ -- |and for a county possessing the wealth Lake County g oys , I has they certainly reflect no eredit upon the taxpayers. \_ _ Senator Borah takes a decided stand on the foreign policy in [tution actually is needed. O"fiirsfip%:vxsor'hala that he China. He insists that abolition of spheres of foreign influence in |Observed the county was taking 'hetter care-- . of -- its China is the key to the peace situation, and although he does not|CATTLE than it.was of its POOR PEOPLE. contend that this can be accomplished in one step, he believes that| _ This is the condition which just now exists. There no time should be lost in putting into effect the promises given |are people who are unfortunate and should be taken China at the Washington Conference to examine fully the ques--icare of in a manner that would reflect-- credit upon this tion of extraterritoriality. - ' country, 'As we travel over the state and see other The present programs of some of the foreign powers having/squnties' poor farms we cannot help but compare them large interests in China are a--serious obstacle to the program for|with ours. ~Lake County is and has been for many years COL SMITH IN SENATOR RACE CHINA MUST BE FREED. n oo P p L _ _ jg_|_ , [Im Washington, alongside of Charles 8. Deneen yould le I "depe"de"tg!f.'fl'"?i{ the two strongest senators perhaps of any hbas been rumors to the effect + Waukegan Weekly Sun __--Recently the county board visited the present poor ._______ffarm to look over the situation and see'if a new insti-- Waukegan Farm Electric Co. ' 813 Hickory St. Waukegan, Ill. Phone 661 aminous vote. _---- It is pur belief further that the tax payers will not object to he bond--issue, knowing that it is going to be spent to provide a suitable building for the unfortunates of this county. The matter does not come up for de-- ision-- by the taxpayers until April of next year but our prediction is that it will carry with practically an in-- . See it at the people of Lake County. * * state in the union: 'The strength that two men like Smith:and Deneen would display in the national capitol would 'be of such a character 'that Hilincis certainly The lowest price and the great-- est value ever offered in a DELCO--LIGHT ELECTRIC y * "i' -- 'flg'v erament or t# peo its| ty Nn treasury "1{#- --':-:ot t indicate t come Te |al," en oficial said. _ Publication of returns 4s .positive ly 'harmful to business--trade secrets are necessarily disclosed aud infor-- mation given to competitors that may result in actual losses." | In the view of Secretary of the Treasury Mellon the pubjlicity chuol of the--revenue act ashould 'be repeal}-- ed. +~Mellon always opposed general publication of~ tex-- returns feeling® that this intimate detail~of personal business should fot be aireéd to the _ . "Many persons genérally reputed to have--had tremenfious incomam nuld " W1 L MA L--_ 1i A A _ ULULAVOE| regerd 'coa.'-'iu'bffi.'i'm"""' A Nmmmngienizege * "When only the big tazes were pub _ Waskington, Sept. 2.--Publication | U#B¢@ the majority of """"'.'.,}"' of federal income tax > returns has ROt Affected, "'"""'"&" uo thi, ®t, io. propie ol the roon: | ies we expect a wiseapread as :'c_';;l" ry . »izinls . deblsr#kilscch in the Revenue Act." Tes "The emount-- of tax paid does not ' o w indicate the income of the individu-- m ' * (edeaie Ghe ohme SOFG A B Mellon is expected to recommend HARMEUL TO MANY 'g}Mmfl SAYS TREASURY |=*O¢ Femiao "Quoide ue cer reemrrarrerena t t c trrrrrgc--g------*~ DELIVERED--$1027 ~-- ooo See this beautiful car at our booth at the Lake Couhty Fair, September 56--7 or at our show rooms, 16 South Sheridan Road. A highly valued car for only $1027. Terms can be arranged. Come in and let us show you a--real buy before going eils.where. . « The vast changes that have been put into this car are too numerous to alliow talking im such small space, but come in and we will go over it carefully and be gla to do so. this car, provides a re-- markable combination of 'strength, power and comfort. Built on the new Chevrolet _ But in addition it is a beau-- chassis m construction gg'fl car. Its fine l'hb:tf' typical highest priced y meets your ideals @o--xv«fid motor; a _ fine ce and com-- new M#'M"mghfinfiheflhaw acting you have ever han~ green and black Duco dled; extra strong rear axle; _ whose lustre and color last long semi--elliptic springs-- _ for years. For such a coach this car-- provides a re---- to be.md so low is truly markable combination __ an ievement in motor of 'strength, power and _ car manufacture. See this comfort. car today. } "LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE Luce & Earl Phone 202 Sheridan Road Motor Sales OLDSMOBILE COACH r Economical Transportation 525. Coupe -- §675° mm' 525 Sedan > 7750 sns ALL PRICES F.0O. B. FLINT. MICHIGAN y 16 SOUTH SHERIDAN ROAD moblies tThe ranks of Blue, some 10,000-- --vet-- erans <of the civil war, will answer the b&e'n today and march thru the «t of Grand Rapids as a mere remnant of Lincoln's once--great host In the fifty--ninth annual parade o( the Grand Army of the Republic. Only 9,000 veterens -- actually wil! march; the othe:» will ride in auto Ambulances will be parked along the route of march today it yester-- tation fer the ~repeal Of this para graph in the Revenue Act." REMAINS OF 6. A. R. IN ANNUAL MEETING antleipated today. that the publicity feature would bé o most Officials 'said that business mon to the publication of returns, (They to congress thet this feature _be | days' heat continues. ht 'f*'QEL.' *% struck 'Trom 'the law. Belections of a 1926 meeting plare _ The treasury is making a careful was expected to be made today, with -- ; survey of the Internal Revenue 'col | Des Moines conceded the choice over * mgr.u fladifiuy,u ob-- | other -- cities «whose -- delegates" have © >_ n 'the """"' A mu 4s ::.:l a bid for the mext en campe anticlouatad tadavx that the nubliiicc. ¥ F. O. B. Flint, Mich. Ps as There are two more things which the Senate can investigaie when it gets into session . next winter--the California and Montana eartimuakes and evolution. + . A Gerran profersor has figured it oqut that the world is 1,600,000,090 years old, and iw it is, it ouzbt to know better. 4 « Shangha!l, Sept. 2.--The American destroyer Noah wase proceeding today to the Chuesan Islands to guard the typhoon wrecked ~Chinese steamer Fei Ching, aboard which is--$80,400 in gold bullion. The ship was bound for Foo Chow and was wrecked in a pirate infested district. The. 309 pesasengers aboard, includins a num-- ber of foreigners, were saiely Femovy-- ed to Ningpo. f ¢ : M ie No Feme h t uP MV c Sa e s . 104, believed to be the oldest nfl' veteran of the civil --war, is one' * the most active Milwaukee delegates. He is one of the most picthresque U. S. SHP GUARDS lnug--a score of medal¢, Matt $425 survivor of nine warse and »wear Waukegan, IN.