h I We Buy and Sell 3 ~ LAKE COUNTY AND ,l-REAL _AESTATE l SELLERS & 1 --PETERSEN Bome "bf --the board> after visiting «tbe property commented on the fact that the poor farm has better quar :Mthutu.thnnmm Inmates of the bhome. There are At --present about 556 inmates at Lib ertyyllle and the -- plans tentatively m tor a bundred saad fifty in -- M# capacity of 150 will take care W the coupty poor for a good many ' TO LEAVE CO. FARM ------WHERE IT NOWIS .nm request your Hon-- Board to very carefully con-- Mider..the improvement of the pres CB% --premizes rather than moving to a new site. § f ELECTION IN SPRING At the last meeting of the County Board a resolution was adopted cal} ing for a vote on a bond issue at At that time voters will be asked vote.a $250,000 bond issue for purpose of constructing dew for the county poor farm. _ --The present vulldings of the poor farm are between 60 and 75 years Od4.-- The committee . investigated v.aioh purposes uand the board is wortying .over what may happen in case the sower system breaka down and the new owners refuse to allow the owners to make repairs. This Is lHable to hbappen any day. MUCH DOISCUSSION Fgg:&mvomt on the Lake . -- Poor --Farm --at . Libertyvyille | ty Poor Farm-- Committee m.u' is battling with the prop-- 1 as to whether the improve-- ment which voters of the, county are expected to approve next spring wil be carried on at the present poor farm 'or some other site to be pur-- chased in another part of the county . 'There seems to be 'a diversion of and to build upon it econsiderable d «cussion . Charles -- Harvaugh of Highians Park, member of the committee on County Farm, declares that in his g'n the lozical thing to do is to new bu lMings on the present With plans tentatively made for The agitation for selling the pres "._llcunthumlnlnluot Libertyville Residents Sign equest Not to Take Poor -- Farm Away. --'Teephome 451 T uxt 06 77 P c n 096 a0 4 e :':&;r "l«{ '" As us ied l uioi oo( ctul i.# eere MsY P C eto iBR ts i. ns hi d w to c =1 en ids t ce t on i t uy a place elsewhere o' Get yourd gelicious chicken dinner «t the Washburn ong. Church Res-- taura..t while at the Co. fair this year. ied them in the desert to ME' ®, hoanital . pass # Mond1; Tack Tor the feding of 5 cars where ty b*} maed AxaL * they mikht be refreshed on the jourt . Mis, siclen Mainwarring of Richland Ley . The Persians fastened them to Center, Wis., tisited over the week end the tails of their horses, mules and with Mr. and Mre. E. M. Metcalft. We Cw aie aro sorrvy Miss Mainwarring will not _ Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Deamsa,,, Carl Brauchner, G. A. Jamison and others aitended the Wisconsin State fair in Milwnukee this week. Elvin Denman is recovering * from the paralysis of his limb. Warren Cemetery Society at her Kome Wed.--esday. © =~~ ces Mr. and Mrs. C. <trohal and Mrs. C. mmu&mw. W. 8. Denman and mother transact-- ed business in Chicago Monday ar. aund Mrs. Carl Anderson enter: tained two childre, of Mra. Lossman of Waukegan the past week. There will be services at the church next Sunday, in charge of Mr. Bartter. Dr. and Mrs. Jamison and Mr. and MrS E. A. Murtin uttended the fair in Aurora Friday. s to the new. building itself rather than to buying a new farm. He apd other members are decidedly against any suggestion to sell the 'present Again another u{;:r enters into It. < It' is believed that some of the property -- originally given to the gounty when the poor farm was @x> panded was sold or given~ on the proposition that it continue to be used as a poor farm property. There fore he feels that it might be im-- possible.{or.. the...county to sell the iinee c9r* + tourr-- hor 08 sol0 for that price. his . contention is that the farm is centrally located and the removal or changing the site npot on!ly from the standpoint of economy but also of: a standpoint of convenience. _ even if a big price was procured for the present farm that by the time the new buildings were erected on another farm that would be bought later that the county would have to call for a bond issue of at least $150,000 to $200,000. 'Therefore he Mr. and Mre. Robert Bonner are en-- rtaint.s friends from Chicago this CHICKEN AND STEAK NNERS *LUNCHES and SANDWICHES -- ----~MHART MUSIC BY BLACK CAT ORCHESTRA RESERVATIONS FOR BANQUETS TE! ANO SPECIAL PARTIES WHEE CREDIT is the faith man has in his fellow man. TT buys more than gold, for it i more valumble than gold. CREDIT today is the most wonderful thing in the commercial world. World bankers float billion dCollar loans on the "faith man has in the integrity of his fellowman"---- upon CREDIT. I!t has made millionaires over night. Each individuoa} is born into the world w#h an equal call upon CREDHNT. It is withheld from none. 1t is open to all. It is merely a maiter of integrity, linked with dotermination to be honest. _ . The members of the HONOR SYS8TEM in your city now preparing the -- eredit -- information; which includes the whote truding radiuw for miles around. This will be tabulated and returned to each member of the HONOR SYSTEM. If you have been neglecting your accounts with mmmmmmnyuwmw»uhmu camplete. G=t the habit of paying your bills . YOUR CREDIT DEPENDS8 ON YOU. % , YOUR CREDIT CHARACTER is worth more than gold KEEP IT ©@000. . $ » . If a person has abused his credit at a certain store, or any business Mhl.flpfllhmmhnmnn.nt-o.mmo\rmm will all know it. If you pay your bills promptly, it opens all doors (6 you, making you a welcome customer everywhere. . ' a mgmmofionuumfinuuumm Whole world in the face. You will maintain your self #espect. with determination to be honest.. . A -- The HONOR SYSTEM, Inc., wih the bome office at Janesyille, Wis., now operates in 260 towns and cities in Wisconsin, with branch offices in seven adjoining states, is organized to furnsh accurate credit The HONOR SYSTBM i, notorganized to embarrass anyone, but is organized to protect you as well as its members. BUYS MORE THAN ALL THE GOLD IN EXISTENCE. DANCINC EVERY EVENINCG, STARTINCG MAY 30 aAl\ n | WHEELINQ, 1L.LINON8 EDT Miss Carrie Panzer of Libertyville spent the week end at the bome of ber _ The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Barl Washburn, born August 28 a: the Lake _ Mre. Josephine Phillips of Henry, II).| ~ is visiting home folks, the Elchinger| , brothers and Mrs. Kate Yoceum. _ ' Mrs. Aary Lewis t North Chicago and Miss Elizabeth Hoffman of Wau-- kegan visited Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Sarah and Miss Lotie Hof!-- Mr. and ars. 8. W. Ames and Ruth and Miss Laura Stedman attended the Aurora fair last week. * ui Mrs. Marguerite Manning and baby returned home Saturday---------------- Miss Wilma Campbell had ber to: sils and adenoids removed last week at the Victory Memorial hospital. _ Beveral of the grade and high school teachers have returned for the opening of school. _ The lot sale a%. the Bartiett "North Wood" subdivisaibt was largely a*tend-- ed the past--two Sundays. _ Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Sponenbur« en'ertained company from Waukeg 1 over the week end. Miss Viola .Greenfield, ,>--WBPI -- Ihien Whairinkk was struck by a machine dll'l.Vfll by Miss Theresa Hoffman of Waukegan Eugene® Metcalf of Gurnee Tuesday fi'&i"fifil«"" last week with Mrs. Auigust 25,--died at 12: 20--0'clock: "s4re Fames :x morning at Victory 'lomflm "Mre."James »onnuer and Miss Viviac pital. . spent Sunday at the 8. W. Ames home. Metcall, a farmer, appeared at the They attended Sunday School and the inquest held later in the day at|°PUIC® S°VI®6 bére, the -- Holland, ; undertaking _ estabtisn.|_, Cot yourd delicions chicken dinnor police, to whom he surrendered aft |{*4"Ant While at the Co. fair this year. er the accident. k *teweney on sntsvageamegniommits The girl's condition appeared im-- : ~ * e proved Thursday, but she -mzp A « relapce at night. Although no es 3* _ Mrs. Margaret Thom returned home Friday, after spending her vacation at relap:e at night. Although no were broken, she suffered i: Internal Injuries Cause Death DIES; DRIVER OF ~AUTO AT INQUEST _ TELEPHoNES WHEELING 6 and 17 *__. | gave protection to. Joseph Hirsch cor-- {:h.ngdlr.nllu. M. Hirsch-- in,~ Chicago, who> was threatened . | with being-- kidnaped. 'The boy was t *) brought to the home ol M. Zele 4| chower, Franklin and County street, and kept there under a police guard. As soon as the danget was over * *<} the boy was permitted to go to his ~¥Frank Sherwood of Lake Villa, sec-- retary and treasurer of Lake Coun'ty 8. 8. Assn., called at the local 8. 8. last Sute" wecture, ant, Surane_reusion oo ABR+.. ire_ _ and eUre reunion, Lake, was well attended, and a fine time reported. °-- Miss Theresa Hoffman of Waukegan spent several days last week with Mrs. Cynthia Miller. . ~~MNrse.--James Bonner and Miss Viviac spent Sunday at the 8. W. Ames home. They attended Sunday School and the church service here. been critical, is slightly improved at this time. . 'fhe sympathy of their neighbors and friends is extended to them in theis be one of the grade teachers tWis year. Bhe will certainly be missed.-- ~ -- correct internal troubles, stimulate vital * organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the original geouine Goin MapaL. Sunday morning --at her bome in Wadsworth. She had lived in New-- port township for 50 yeare, and was well known throughout the communi-- ty. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Mar-- garet Wedelstadt of Chicago, ° and other relatives in Wadsworth and Funeral services were held Monday afternoon from the home, in-- charge of. Rev: Gyunne, of Libertyville. In-- terment in Milbyro cemetery. home. haarlem oil has been a world-- wide remedy for kidney, liver and h 1} 200 YEARS | I HAARLEM OHL Prepare Now _ Don't Shiver Next Winter Why wait until next Fall before solving your heating problem. in the Spring, right now, is the most economical time to install a warm air furnace. Don't wait until the--Fall rush comes with high labor cost and WE BOUGHT A CARLOAD WHEN PRICES WERE DOWN Schanck Hardware Co. The Heating Men Who Satisfy . In the first place the man con-- sumes an enormous amount of black coffee, in fact he keeps a relay of wfi":x! chasing from restaurant to ce day and all night. £ Ryan might have passed through Zion without difficulty but -- Asst. Chief of Police George Stried caught him pushing a Hudson cogch up to Zion pplice,« hardened to most mystertes, admit that A. J. Ryan, who says he comes from 180 Hill Cops Carry Black Coffee to A J. Ryan and Inquire into E. J. Bell Sale Stables Single Dump Wagon for Hauling Ashes, Etc. Phome No. 256. IN ZION'S JAIL . > _HAS MANY YARNS Bartlett Realty Co. | Phone 18 PnE t P 26 OhL is c oi nc in uga mmimggn «. y + he HORSES BOUVGHT AND S0OLD Harry Madill Bartlett 531 N. Milwaukee Avenue Holle TEAMS FOR HIRE i' s ad Qrrrccin Siice sA RyKiw c agen Get yourd delicious chicken dinnper at the Washburn (Nong. Church Res-- taura,,t while at the Co. fair--this year. The # Hval hq ap peeig pobore. 1e diy whe "I --am on my way to Minneapolis x 4 Menth to 'my mother's. funeral," he con--| in "Mall, First fited ~to "the ~pothtga;y o3 "I am on my way to Minneapolis| K. A. BROWN, Jr,, . W, NAQ! to transact business," he whikpered ; Consul, * C to a police reporter. , . / 4 omunumomnemmmamenmmmnemmmmnmmmmenmcd prigtor® of a Chitago rooming house. The license on his automobile is €696--358, which was lssued-- for a Paige. Since that <dissovery he Bas been booked as a suspect, and police Besides the automobile he claims o l" TELEPH NCE es _ Call for Mr. Morris | LIBERTYVILLE, ILLJNOIS sffemeccmmsmes 5 / PV * Y K P || Cattle Tested for Tuberrmass I|| FRFF OF CHARCE Attorney at Law . LIBERTYVILLE, ILLJNO8 . mnvommemmcees s heUCH . BUHAPFNG . ..----...--....--..----..----~«-- Res. Pbone 13%--M Office Phone i & Office in First Nationm! Bank Buillding Hours:--1 to 3:30 and ! to 8 p m MQM.MM Res. Phone 20--J. Office phone 163 Reverse Charges on Business Calls \ Phone 217M -- LIBERTYYVILLE FRED GBRARRE--_---- Auctioneering . FARM AND STOCK SLES A SPECIALTY INSURANCE mtc xAl gm'lfl &fi." v * Hoke 8. & A. Co,, Ostege, Migh. "| > .. Going to Build? wuc"bf-'flhht and matarial on vour honse ¥YY and material on your house scomplete for a sot figure so you mway knhow just what cost will be R. L. GONSALVES Phone Libertyvilie 144--.R--1MA YETERINARY 8URGERON CBP ACME CAMP No. 17¢ Office With Farm Burssu, x% 116 South Genese St. . oY wWAaATERS, N. G. _ _ WILLIAM MoLAIN Sea'. MANUFACTURLR OPF AYTORNEY --A T--LAW P at Home on Cook Avenue $ DR. J. L. TAYLOR No. 272 R A. M A. A. Grandy Meoets First 1nd Third 'fldylmdu' LODGE Ne. 950 t Veterinarian. ctor in Charms