K# ~~ AMM I made the traction and un-- detrworld inteoresisa expoend an aver= «UKD O $408 an election distriet to go. WeWker 239,212. .. __--__-- _"___. ___ Mylan 147117 -- ~»Reputblican recurns were slower in eeming in, but en ést!mated total " ~mat@r--of more than 150,000 showed ~~SiREt interest n the varous contests «Jbud brought our fifty percent of --Ah=eity's registered voting streagth. _ Phe bulk of Walker's strength was «bown on Manbattan. with a popu-- krity of 74,000 while the rest of -- _ Me Jlead waese obtained in the Bronx ~carrted Richmond and wues the. apparent winner in a close ~rake in ihe Borough --of ~Qusenx. Maurice Connolly, renominated for Berough : president of Queens, afd John A~>--Lynek, repominated for Resough -- president "of. Richmond, a#wasn» the aonuly cundidates on the 'Mpilan ticket to win. "With Walker -- were nominated MANHATTAN: Walker 100,.133%; -- Mpyland 25,451. BUHIWIOOKLNXN: Walker ~6€6.405; MHyland 60.68%7. -- BRBONX : Walker 41.180; Hyland -- KRed (eothara Li ReX~* |B _ Bring In Your Lumber Lists. _ 3. m \ /; ies rok oun catamoue rfag""'n""".nm hagind's American Housewrecking Co. _ _ 88. 057. . UURENS: Walker 24.104: Hylas patt that be may head a third tick-- Ctim the comtag Maporality c«lection Walker w1 am pleesed at two things,* wap Mayor Hylan's Arst statement to Aiding the Recgiters ~~ ~-- Phe realtors have a powerts) aH; Uhat has desconded from the «ky to ¥. Caonning and Wirdom . We take cuoning for a sinistere o esathed windom, aoud certainly there 18 astrent difference between a-- cunging mam--auwnd a wise man, not only in point U honesty, but in point of abllity-- pareéd from acorns and beechaats. . The Roman philosopher, Pliog, «peaks of a with wheat, The grain was evidently eamme,. which acts directly on the al> bunin and casein in tbe wilk. ald them-- the radio. Now that inven-- Mone have begun dctually to attract people to their own homes, the men who acll howuses have good reason to nomked into a cake and dried in the 11 .097 The Maypor declined to anpvounce Wwther be woul4d support «senator Vethaps the earliest form of bread, Primitive Bread Making Keeping Milk Sweet Hylan * _ Walker 6.1980; chants for B. J. Barrett of Chicago, promoter Of a police history in Waukean, who "mmdbag" methods, after giving his word to get his release from the eustody in Waukegan today. Bartett eluims he is a special deputy sheriit In Cook county. This time it will.take more than his word --to ket his © releaso= from the county jall, where be is beld on a gon fidence game charge. His bond was aqt at $5,000 by Justice H. C. Coulson Inte Tussday, and he 'was takey back to the county jail after talling to fuor-- IN CHICAGO, HELD -- UNDER HEAVY BOND TO FACE HEARING ~FRIDOAY Brought Back on Confidence 5:« 3 Build .Yofir"" s _ Garage Now -- S Mieetiies,. _ + [E | 2 We Will Give You This Useful 10--Piece Dexter io S pelesitr------a BE Stainless Steel Domestic Science Set Free # » en( d Rets®® | C _ with The Sale Of A New Cabinet Gas Range W RE C K I N G] 2 Swipped With The Lorain Regulator. . _ "--~--~------_----~ 6 WREN --4 r her"*s--~£~~"<_~ vall | S SALE NOW GOING ON! *T'wo months ago Theima Todd4 of Lowell, Mass., thought her MC, work would be reaching school. numnmw'.u..m.' gm.of_bamynuuhfl.ulm-&:hqndth"mmg i .~ _L'ates of the Paramount scbool for movie actors./ _ =-- Z it will ¥e to your advantage and will mean a great saving if you visit our camp. See our remarkable Mfl&fi QOnd St. Hall Mile West of Sheridan Road. + _ OPEK ALL DAY SURDAY -- OF--CAMP LAWRENCE At North Chicago, llincis I8 NOW TAKTING PLACE nish wut of the state's attorney's office. When arrested he showed a $15 re-- ceipt for a bond he said he had pro-- ecured as uspecial ~depaty sherift in Harrett was was set for Fri-- C. T. T. Co. to 6, A. Wood, deed $10, 'Bt.. $%.50.. Part Bec 21, Shields ~RE Poitis and wife to Cassius <B. Raston and 'wife, $10, St. $6. Part Sec. 29, Deertield. / Adelaide UGreene--and husband to E. Slrnza-i' WD :$10, St. $3. Part 26, Deerfield. B. ~H. Waits and ~"Wife to Ulrech Fuchs and wite, WD $1. Sec. 4, Grant. J. HM. Thomas to B. P.--Rosencrans, 'WD $10, St~ $1. Part Blk. 4 Smith and Adams Nerth Addn. Jra Brown and .wite to W. J. Wy-- man, QCD $1, 332 Lake Forest, "C. A., Newcomb to Anton Serkoweki, Washburn Park. * Mary Nadelhoffer and busband to Usion . Bank of. Chitago to G. C. Hield --and wile, deed $10Q. Sec. 28, Shields. % 3 w.u.mrmvnowmr.uu!. WD $10, §0¢. Part Bec. 34, An tioch. _ ' _ B. E. Borges and wife to Asaron Seéptember 12%, 1925. a ~ Rilizabeth Nemits to F. B..Amen-- dola, WD §10, St..$2. Part Sec. : 36, lodenwelser, WD $10, St. $37.50. Sec. 0, Waukegan. -- ~F. H. Whidden to J.; H. Gulick, QCD HW. E. Sasse to L.--Bperanzo,.WD$10. 1 ___ PRUsST COMPANT _ m ._ Abstracts of Title: Tities _ Get Rid of That Old Cook Stove! c oone? ul 6. T T. & T. Ca. to_ Martins ~Cy-- ganek and wife, deed PMS, 8t Stc. Part Sec. 32, Waukegan. *G. L 'Fossland and wile to James Wood, WD $1, St. $21. SBec. 19, Béen-- F. H. Bartliett t1o Michael 'McGarry, deed $10, 8t. §% Part SBec. 3%, Waw l LENGTH OF COWS > 'rji&';';'fi'fi ng--a certain aumber| -- You will no : .'Cl io gn m'a" welld, "lhmu] | ;W.'_m in the 'dihiits . while enamel corered gives you the most. 'The diameter of the coll has notuing to do with the turnsper Jach, but does make a big diference in the amount of wire the coil con-- tains. 'This amount of wire is a big factor in the wave lengt®: --~ * 'The table with this article abows mast of the wire used in radio sets from aumber 18 to 3. We have numbgred the columas 1, 2, 3. 4. 5 and 6. The Arst:colutmhno being the size. of wire,; the second ename! covered, the third aingle cBtton, the Tourth double cotton, the Afth singte silk and the last double silk mmmmn&rw several alzes of wire, and this on-- nbles him to »purchase. certain pleces of tubing for the--individual -- The --gine of the--wire an--well ms the ~Insulation --Lovering it' has "a mc--suwm apmber of turns to the is Double cotten: _ Stove And Allow You $8.00 To * 'The Purchase® Price Of A New _ 5 #ould or 30 wirey you: --mwaald© recuice elther a: M ~more than=an mcb ~ You will note that as th§o wire --| _ the taras per fack rapidly facess>< with a coll wound on one ond of it It has.--.been--proven that "the less diclectric you --have supporting the eoll the "better, which is ancother the proper sized tubmaad conservo space Instead of haring a long tor m tube or --a litte: leas, as the case The number of turns shown in the --table mean the turns must be wound closeiiegether and not i¢ft loose or spaced. f the turnagJo oot At anug against cach other, the calil will naturaily require more }ength than shown. . _' s F. W. Cook and wile to Richard Augustadt and al, WD $1, 8t. $4%. Part Blk. 12,; 13 and 14) Washborn Park. Richard _ Augustadt to Florence Woaod, WD $1, 8t We. Bik. 68 South Waubegan. Ten _ will tako--upson a tube, you can use Milburt Cemetery Assn.--to Henry We Will Remove Your Old Cook Cabinet Gas Range Equipped With The Famous Lorain Oven Heat = | you. Ynow just : bow= m« *h ¥ the right _ ainings . hardly ever. begin «< k our way until we've spent a good ssomn! time golog after them. .« "rquator: extends <onty a 'Tew bundred ~-- The Board of. Ruperrizors ~resertes the right to reject any or all blés. Possession of 'about one hundred acres can be given in about sizty days from the date of completion of. transaction and pcosession of the bal-- ance about July ist,; 1927. B. C. Thompsos, Zion, NL Cheas. Harbaugh, Highland Park, HL C. M. Wilcor, lJbertyville, 11. . Co-t; Firm Committee. D>Rept. 1441 ° Wky. Rept. 17--24. If you think you resemble a great wan say nothing nbout i. The ie semblance may cease the rioment you open yeur mouth.----Urbana Democrat, The Makab Jndians of the nortirwest RPacific--coast sapend much time masrsage» ing their bodies--and fuces, and a aa* MUve who neglects this duty and Be-- .Idghtuin' shinesn light so Thundert kin see whar he's goin,' 'but Ptumdes is like folks: it gits tired halfway --=n Let Well Enpugh Alone The Way it Works Brter Wiklhars -- C aoF w4 Lot 124, 8E Dise, --