$\ * . BA ha Minatik Fraln tm s us -- //& Ko Aille , .. RPL" :. go to Prove Farm Is In-- --~| _ 7 ppiaS YeaZ. fested by Bed--bugs. . _ ue TT ___ POOR FARMPLAN f LOST AFTER TWO -- _ Great Gusts of Oratory Only s ao to Prove Farm Is In-- * LIBERTYVILLE , mss e usls hn Thit (Continued on page sight) _ "I¥len you want the poor tarm kicked out, after you knew it wa*s there when you bought*" The chairmag halted the quibbiings and permitted 8wift to resume, end-- mmmtmmmmu Ary Wis statement that the poor farm vumchnthmmhdm homes in the county. After a year of investigations and plans, punctusted in its dying mo ments by two hours of.,qpatory, the e-uvoflhl-""fl', ended 'Thursday before the board of super vimors as it had started a year Aago.---- Backers of a resolution calling for a vote of the people at the April pri-- he voted for the tabling. h>~»=«}L. help ed two Iing making it unanimous. * . Bairstow and E4. Miawman, L 58 ts be e opperttied: 10 °ie Sond '. R Imme. They Aittle during the ar-- guments, but the roll--call _Andicated the matter hbad been well discussed before the orutors warmed up for the projlonged bombast. SWIFT AIRS VIEWS . ' Senafor Rodney Swift, who admit*: ed a persousal icterest as well as a public one. axowed that _the _board had oo right in hampering the growih of Libertyrille by planting the poor farm at its northern portals. Incidently -- he mentioned the fact that the paupers were wont lo stroil off the grounds and onto his fartn in the rear. He @xpressed as 'his optn tfon that the farm was one of the deanest he ever knew and brought a torrent of protests. * _ "Mr. Chairmsan," William O' Bee, Highland Park, wes cryink. trying to get the Boor. _ _ _ _=~ C en _ 0C CCC CCAE. a Swift's utterance thht the Weal in eleanliness. &Qwift answered that he had, Oolle In fact. and displayed a good. know} edge of the interior "Im you know how, qld the builld ht s We C tee C ® ce. and W. Eo Milet|_, Trnaugrer ;Reports . ::'w:ntaamolbfl' Ira Pesrseall, ufl treasurer, ertyrille would prove that the YillM®® | ported that 'he $2541945 wanted k. The firet buildings wen! | hand mo.tg..: "l"-m..npw!d. and two |881.980 being in % t .""".'...m. Bes Millet |to be found 1'&- tollow had argued that the propert$ S0D0°" i/"" n« Take Coonts General rom yepap®®n M To had argued tThat the property sbouid he sold, and est'mated its worth at $1.500 an mere He said the return would buy a new site and rebuild the buildings. Charles Herbaegh,. Highland Park, when the argumente wafted back «0 that the supervisers took a hand. Wtfit'kb'fi'"""' had been $200. He pointed out that ".,.u.wt,"thehrilh soid, there would have to be a bond Issue to build a new farm. Placint the land at $75,000, sewer and water at $106,008, and buildings «t $112.000 for a total value of $425,000 for a nvmhm'mmmnu "**/" Lava th borrow H112200 and mim. SH2 * Iol k ute examination of herself to ms sure that she had not cartidd any Paunowwn T0 * is Fuid came through the fact that they are | 86 Aira HTRDE. fl""!_"'"""lz ENE VE C002 00 uies 6. C\ ze are on {t*" Vercoe parsisted. "Ko. but there are some on D rm just ad old/* Swift repited. -- "The county farm wis there wh EME MILLENE 4"7"""" ~ {06, 7 ' o :'é-.-. nes. the attorner, ].flmfi.fl" P d "'Lv" memmny : »--omape S ere ot-- mas _pers KIWANIS _fi-'m orin 'was sapente * ._NEW CLUB AT 1 * want t0 " he sbouted in answer lto ie Nee e pee > MWILLERA APEAK _ever been there. cit} Yercoe" Highland Park wift to resume, eDo--| ap gverdrafit of $195814, and poor mmmflflcmown. "The bridges poured that the poor [8TW |the most monmey. back, failing , to three fourths of th* | gpend -- some $17.957-- that had nty . allottad for that purposes-- JUFK 6 mme --ABDERK 'w.m-'!'.{-.._.. pec ~uge +4 trom the hoad of _ CATIYBTEL : RBRanarto Ermmm -- | W~ 140098, and it is haoped to haye "nMom From \it completed by Pebrusry ist * -- | Officers are Made. |_It will be two stories and basement, ie ~Tmmee and will contain six --olmss rooms, n' With the year of nmcum "f::.;::'l'u by "'f:::'.' «bow er room, s0o-- | county just #u rooms sul far Wage meeting, lust week #Mr tal seeston'ts kitchenatte an dother conveniences ! to learn fhat they had gone $58,4786) 'The archit who prepared the in etcesssot their appropriation. fl-mllymnfl(hv.cuazo. The biggest--overdrafts came in A: hodm."mhym'ul tew Aepartments, the publc m'-ndo as *'he rewolt of a s#nccessftul} ings leading with $20522, the lIA®*|griye for $25,000, half of which amount County General hospital Bext **"|na, peen paid Fafher Nealis has an "'ml fimfl';"" worked hard for the building of the | clatmse 0%. rack. Milk . h and the metubers of the parish | the most money are rejoicing over the prompect of a Clvies y Th Pirvocts Juk schgel, which hike been con-- reathed 146845 more thik appropi dered Tor many yeark. . -- I L. J. WiNmot, cireuit derk, . and earning of $455 with an of $4.691%1 and an expense of Get $#15,400 and Spend $471;B75; Reports From Officers are Made. BOVINE T. B. -- _ FUND INCREASED rog ----§ 4A * > OYERDRAWN IN _ THE PAST YEAR \¥ As caooP § * C mt a37 $1,236 Lo LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1925 to Es aitestion and a pian which, if adopted, wi¥ abolish the Saturday eon-- gestion on Miwaukee avenue was ##%-- gested by President Smith The Pob-- NC Aftairs Committes was pledged re newed support in is efforts to induce the authorities to remove the county tarm from its present site to one '._m the corner of Maple avense and Park Place. The genetal contract has been awurded to Petersan and Woeeks, of Waukegan. The new building will tost MeHeqry with the bhanner of mmflv"hmw wurer Boach Hotol and bocume sopans ar Ror the {at presoent) yourmstait in tho dirizion. In addikion w enjorts the Restivities of the conrention, the IMeriytille club was well represeniaA in the business activitles o« the mot The Oirst meeting of the club tor the tall senson gave some hint of its plans tor commmunity. weltare for the cmming Work will be sarted at once on tn# new parochial school Huillding, to be erected east of 81. Joseph's church. at NEW SCHOOL TO BEBUILT ~ BY ST: JOSEPH'S + ARISH SE€PrES Entered 1t the Postoffice at Libertyrille, Jilinois, as & Z3 -- is Bepn A Long, His resolntion, and to i# was added ths "Idsus ~of ~Caarge "Dairetaon . Wiar tkegan, and A| Masther, Prairie View, who asked that seilling of the front berty acres be considered. Masther had argued that the best buillding «he on the county tarm grounds was far back from the road on a pla-- tews, and that the acreage up fromt eoil) be sold in a fow Fears at a geod advantage. The odhrm of having a pooer farm shoved on its Supervisors Alter Tactics and Reftuse to let B. C. Thompson ADVERTISE POOR _ _ FARM FOR SALE ------ SEEK NEW SITE County's Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN .' eronicoulibtieiLs atsmnotiond?, 3 INDEPENDENT _ as SecondwWlass Mar Matter. Ingrish wete in Round Lake Sunday to attend the Mzn: connected with fifihfir 50th wedding an-- }m Mr. and Mrs. Rugene Hen-- Gee, of Graysiake. mmm in ho nature of & surprtise on Mr. 'M.chuthn..mmt,'nm were retasts on theso berds, showing them to be prastically clean otf T. B. The inftial teats on these herds show-- ed a number of reactors at first, but bord after herd being clean or nearly so, proving that T. B. is on the run in Lake county herds where owners co-- operate with the Federal authorities. on the retests. Second and third tests ons retems, as they aro called, have al\ Prr. D. C. Grinnel, eounty velerinarian, woud the test on 306 head of cattle in ¥ary . emeouragink progrems is shown on the retests. Second and third teats gram from 10:40 on to explain this plan and anewer questions about i. if will be a benefit to us, a %mwmw present. The Millilburn Mutual was organized in 1865, and i sstrong in 'he county, A good delegation of its mem-- bers, as well as the Ela Township Mu-- tual, should attend. . The board of supervisors last Thursday voted down an appropria-- tion for motor police, finding an in-- sufficiency for funds. Sherift Ah} strom had petitioned the board the day before for an appropriation . to finance his planWWor a motor poli¢e torce of twelve men, so that all townships in the county could be af-- forded protection. ~In hbis plan, -- the was heavier than ever in the history of the county, and that the inland townships needed the protection. _ MAKING GOOD PROGRESS IN ERADICATINC T. B. SCOURCGE MONEY FOR12 _ _ MOTOR POLICE -- SHERIFF'S PLEA Asks Supervisors for an Ap-- propriation to Better Police . County Roads. The :t __.__.scidcc <te-- asherift Yar niiy. bast work, and tor the expan-- _The county policing idea was put in force by <the sheriff about two Finally be was allowed $5,000 and tour moetor cops have beetn employed this summer on the average. As far as the sherif!'s office goes it bas to pay its wuy, like. any county office of fees, and the prey ent iscome would amot support a mo tor«eop Tortoe tor the county. 1!t would be up to the board to approve Of am approprixtion or deny it. Mosnt of the metor cops, besides being used for patrol work, bave beem placed in the role of regular depaties, and their time is wel} en speed. arrests can go into the sbheritt's office so that cokps cars be maintain-- ed. At present it goes into township years ago. He started on an appro@ priation of $5,000 and sent out sit motorcops who gave ten minute po-- Moe cservice <to ait points of-- the on beer trucks 'which found its. way Into the school Tund. Tha~*$85,000 county. They were so _ scheduled that they bhad regular routes making reports at regular intervals like a patro}man on a beat. Their, [ines went into the road and bridge funds was expended and $20,000 was re turned to the townships, hbe pon:g at the time. . The board vn? ask for an appropriation o( $15,000 for this presept summer's work, but the request was denied. It was reportes at the time that the money wenil back to the county in a greater sum than had been erpended, but not back.--to the board.. The supervisors repeated t return of the pritacipai and nroilits. > . -- In these there waere only hips,, except--the--rar ages wvarieties of corn on this farm. On Friday at 1:30 p. m., farmsre may bbeerve how each kind of corn shows Uup a to yield, maturity and other char-- ete A--menasured part of a row o each kind wil e husked from the #tanding stalks so as to dstermine yield of each variety of corn tried, Bamples will then be taken to dry out so asto get the persent of moisture in ecab--kind of corn, and the fAinal dry yleld computed on the dry basin. This meeting sbould be A counid-- erable intereat to al} farmers tmcoreat»> dhmvmm&rfl of them. There is someothing o real practical yalme to be «sgen in these 14 NEW BANK OPENED FOR BUS---- INESS LAST MONDAY SEPT. 14 The third financial institution for the village of Libertyville opened it3 doors to the public or business last Monday morning, and for an infant starts off with much strength and sup-- port.© The officers of the bank held open house all day, and many people called to wish success and prosperity for the new bank. * in s The temporary quartérs in the Ken-- nedy dbuilding have been fitted up in splendid style, so that the business can be conducted in comfort to both pat-- rons and bank employes. _ . ~ --+--Many floral tributes were received from friends in Chicago.and Liberty-- ville, attesting to the friendly spirt our people have lor the new bank. Z-Mutw'mmpmm with his smile to extend a welcome and a cigar to all his friends. Vice showing up fine now the 1. A. Heubsch farm, 14 miles west of Mundelein, the Farm Bureau has ar-- ranged--a demmonstration on cor nvrie-- -- mAVelly ABORWeD L WANRRRoM . ME PERe M C CCC FZT EOe from friends in Chicago. and Liberty--| Railroad: company, through the est ville, Attesting to the friendly spirt|!ishment of a home for orphan ch our people have lor the new bank. ren, became known m& President Joseph Reuse was present | th* !iling of an application # with his smile to extend a welcome| $°Cretary of state at Springtfield, and a cigar to all his friends. Vice | HHDOis to establish a-- corporation to Muzmxgm..ndwu-m as the "Katharine Kre waes alsa an tha rAcantinn aeammittee. __?""'"'" M been " were also on the reception committee. Mr. Suter--and Mr. Larsen, both comé here froim Chicago, and 'will move to this yillage. -- TA ie ties.. Hera --were planted 14 diffetes varieties of--corn, side oy side, on May 15, from 2 to 5 rows each. Mr. Huebech has faken extra good care of the va riety plot, so that each kind of corn President CORN VARIETY TEST DEMON-- STRATION FRIDAY, SEPT. 18 The Dolly sisters once saw the children and--rufgested that they go on the stage. Both Cushman and Lomax sard they belte Newberger did the there was shooting, und ptenty it, nobody doubted. But nobody was declared hbe had rented the, home tor Newberger out of sympathy, showing a receipt for payment Lo -n-mummmm-m} gers' grocery bill after Tirst taking them into his home for several days when they were without funds. The nenghbors liked the children, <he '-'lll.udmvmh(tonm mit to help Newberger, who ap peared to be a fine fellow. FOUR HELD TO _ ~GRAND JURY ON NEWBERGER TALE §$5,000 One more arrest was made Ant four persons in ali were held to the grand jury at a preliminary bearing before Justice Coulson Friday on the mystery shooting the mgnt of Aug. 30 af the Harry Newberger home, three miles east of Waucohda. Cushmans -- fatber--in--law, |;on Batz, who was also charged with conspir acy tr intimidate at the instance o State's Attorney Smith when the bearing was concluded. All put up Justice Coulson held to the grand Jugy (Carl Cusbaian, ~ Mrs: Laura On Fraayi, Sept. 18, at 1;30 p. m., at are .with the best wishes of all i nal Arrest Made at ing_on Wild Shooting _ Near Wauconda. l , and they are ter, and Wi-- #mn0o aiifered severe injuries to ecalp and body> She was taken I 200 acres oft wooded land on the tank of the Deg. Plaines river, a _ Misa Jessie Thomas was m injured Friday morning when her anto mobile, backing into Milwaukes ng near Libertyrille, was rammed another machine from the reat. a driver surrendered w _ authorities, but was la*er released. Miss Thomas had taken her broth-- er, William, to the Hawthors tfarm 6t muumll. 'l.:r: he 'fi% ployed. araing, was f out into the rodd when the other ¥ chine eame by. * * a Dre. Taylor and Penny attended Plarts to perpetuate the memory the late xumrxnu: m: ton I. Budd, presiden : mcuo North Shore and Miwaol Britton |. Budd, Pres. No. Shore Electric to Build . Home in Lake County. ._ ko--essablighedy--* «x _ . _ c--=esp=2l t proposed work will be: started~immediately on a mails bufld_ ~ hgvhehfiuhthol*t,': of the school, and the dormitory * of the Wastern Province of the Pro. It is proposed that work will be. . started~immediately on a mals bufld ~~ ing ~which--will ~be the ...-1:-1 of the school, and the dormitory -- »C8 the Sisters,.as well as of a chavel ~ WOMAN HURT AS------ AUTO IS RAMMED _ of the school, and the dormitory for _ the Sisters,.as well as of a chapel . By next spring it' is etpected that _ housing will be available for the atg .. commeodation --of --about --100 --chi 4+ Cram and Ferguson, of Boston, be the architects. . * o The funds for the acquiring of the . . land _ and the.construction of the .. building have been provided by the -- Budd. The~funds for the maintop ance of the home will be provided by Mr. Budd. + . { SBisters. The Sisters of St. Mat¥ . have a home for children in Ago --_ at 2822 Jackson boylevard. The e -- Order.is in charge of Kemper Hall Kenosha, W1is., one of the schools for gifls in this part of tB countfy, and also conducts 8t. Kath arinpe's School for Girls t C "C Was Philanthropist. L During (bér --Hfetime,. mrs. Budd, who died on Jan. 18%, of this year, was interested in the work of the Sisters of the Associates of-- the Sisters' of St. Mary, and in lnter years served as treasnrer.. The As sociates are an organization dedicat» $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE _ Bt. Mary--otf *he AS MEMORIAL TO _ -- MRS. B. 1. BUDD 2,527 POPULA Ag