3+ ~..~*..of the court. 1 . _____ éered. instead * '-- was offered by .____--~ the declaration > uit ts $*+. e eCc & 7 & --_ Through Atto _« ---- Gridliey Monday ) =Gourt Pens Note to Conserva-- " * tor of J. Seciey Gridley Es-- \~~~< tate Demanding Payments _ CARROLL GRIDLEY -- THREATENED WITH :_.=,<Qfllkl in a private sanitar-- L where he whs taken rathér C ut Kigin. -- . The conservator objected at too * -_my-nu for the keep of his £." s wife and children at that _ Wime, stating that the estate would ~. soon be dissipated; & * 0o e ~Giptpt aud Chas. Hersch ------Il-- PUBLISHER'S PRICE . Carroll Gridley, Libertyville bank-- er, and comservator of the eslate of his insane brother, J. Seeley Grid-- for attempts to murder his wife, is threatened with a contempt of court action in the. probate--court. get $1,500 and the Gridley home in |officers for the com Florida to live in. After being put| Our pastor is h to inconveniences she was allowed|and is spending aA to occupy the house. us. If you are doin The payment of the $300. and|have any work to d $1,500, a total of $1,800, was to have| <'Undertakers, ples been made Sept. 15, under the order |he registrar,. Mr. of the court. That 'sum was not teDn-- |pe away from bhom dered. Instead a check for $1,300|1; nig gervices are was offered by the conservator With| a yrs. C. T. Mas the declaration thar it eom m"mmm Ahe funds ayailable. . The ac i . dapnrapla | y Attorney 8. H. Block Mrs. CLAIMS AL Gridliey Monday petitioned the court * Yor ber full living expenses, and . Y SU the attorney --asked that a-- citation Gridley, as conservator, was order-- ed by Judgse Martin C. Decker a month 2ago, to make payments of $300 monthly for 'the gupport of Mrs. Seeley Gridley® and the two children. ° In addition she was to Improving, and we hope he will again soon be able to return home to his family and reume the management of * KRurly last Monday morning the barn on the Henry Seiler farm, on the Mill roud, was destroyed by fire, with two bhorses, a lot of hay and some mackin-- a««y. The origin of the fire is unknown und i tstarted about 4 o'clock in the morning, before anyone was out of the ##A 4 ¥ 4 4 t# 4 4 * 4 4A 4 °% 4 4 4 ol Lohk Grove, started out ourty last Thursday imorning on an automobile trip in Fred's new Dodge sedan, their destination being Bagley, Mina., in the Thse Adult Bilble class meot art the ifcntl'-n: For the $1.00 encios-- +ad, please enter my order for one Vflmm Price $2. UNmIflrLY ACCLAIMED A8 A ERPIECE NEVER was THE TRUTH DEPICTEO IX A MORE FASCINATING MANNER. KOVvEL OF 20TH C ~_....USE TH!I8 COVUPON. .. Aeme Publishing Co.. _ ~ _ _ apecial offer expires ANONYMOUS , New York City REALITY! ADVENTUR! Order TO--DAY +* 2* Limited offer Now Only $.100 'RY lum |year _by the board. States AUOTO®! :n imo jocal C# x 'v Smith made the request ana|OD_ the locai cai too|the increase is to be paid out of| . Meay from th his|the fees from --his office. The boost the Walworth « that ::r-mo effect Oct. 1, 1925. it| Wis.. last week ould been explained to the board that Mrs. Hasel -- !honu'orlhul-obmn.dtmbflwm Block had been forced to .give up, Lake County ( the greater part of his law pno!m.:hcdanat #% # tice. 5 Li + . 'Edwards of W Mr. G,im«n is having his house re-- mogdeicd. He recently purchased the place from Julius Hoeftmann. the work especially. Nevertheless our church restaurant committee report a > nice. business and wish to thank the ly waut io thank all :Rose who 80 nobly, and .willingly assisted in the work, in. whatever capcaity it might| y. | have been--the kitchen, dining room, ot | °" the chore boys. All went smooihly. d.'Ajso special mention and thanks to 'Frank Bluhm, of the S. L Tripp Luni i [ber company, for the use ofF the {ymbetr 3 |and the services of his mah and truck. Also to Mr. Repenning for helping. us ir.|{ move back with his truck. a| School started last Tuesday with Mr. of|Collins as principal and Miss Evenson of |of Wisconsin in the primary room. xo| The P.FT. A. met at the school house to| last Friday evening and elected the ol1 in |officers for the cuming year. ~ > _ « ut| .Our pastor is having hbis vacaticin ed|and is spending a few weeks abong us. If you are doing any silo filling or n4|have any work to do, call him up. i'o: 'Undertakers, please fib:mk:e mu; the registrar,. Mr. He erger, w :'o hsnyfrq-bo-ouuloaobi*:o. ith If his services are needed, please call alt | Mrs. C. T. Mason, who is deputy, *"j|ar the postoffice in Prairte View. morthwestern part; then to Lake Ben-- ton and Fairmon:, Minn., where they have relatives, and then through lowa, expecting to return home Oct. 20. hi acdffi-- Locictetted AERERIECCCOC Tha county farm report showed that $370 had been taken in, $296 ex-- pended, leavring a balance of $13. | Miss Gladys Eakjus entertained over the week end hber sister, Genevieve, |who leaves this week for her school The salary of Assistant States At--, work in Michigan. + torney .SM"! H. Block, ""'""{':_} Mrs. Jennie Chilstrof, district super-- year by the board. States Attorney tvisor of the Royst Neighbors;-- A. --V. Smith: made ~the-- request ancalon the local camp Saturday. _ the increase is to be paid out ot| Manry from this community :.lndea1 the fees from his office. The boost the Walworth county fair at Elkhoin ::r-mo effect Oct. 1, 1925. it\ Wis. last week. been explained to the board that Mrs. Hazsel L Washburn, wife uf the state work had so increased that| Earl Washburn, died Sept. §th at the Block had been forced to .give up, Lake County General 'hospital -- She the greater part of his law prac | was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Ham 2 - Edwards of Waukegan. Mrs,. Wash-- CLAIMS ALLOWED BY SUPERVISORS BLOCK'S SALARY RAISED BY $600 DNonpnee BrotHerRs ~ COACH _ In buying Dodge Brothers Coach, you may rest 0. assured of this: -- 4 Nowhere can you purchase greater dependability , greater freedom from anmoyance, and more . substantial and durable beauty at a smaller cost-- undersiung springs and balloon tires assure the owner a degree of travel ease which you would call exceptional in any type of car at any price. $1035 1. o. b. Detroit--$1135 delivered J A M ES MOR ROW & SO N 202 SOUTH GENESSEE STREET, WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS TELEPHON 228 BOARD ALLOWS _ _ ---- MANYVBILLSIN _ ----CLOSING SESSION 'A resolution ' was pagsed asking the state to make state aid roads out of the Townline road between Libertyville: and Fremont, Munde tein -- and <Belvidered road, and the Round LakeLong Grove stretch. The swamp lands committes were given a letter from Rodney Brandon, 'Chicago, that asked the> Fox; river district in-- Lake county be _ main-- ! tained on the order of a park, and 'that. the water be conserved,-- and 'the Soo line will have to repair Its | dilapidated ~plamk--erossings--if a res +olution . to the I!Hlinois: . Commerce In the final sweep of business the board of supervisors Friday allowed their usual quarterly bills, set aside $5,000 for the sheriff to maintain a Decision Made to Audit Poor ~Bills of Waukegan, Shields, -- TeR .w <mrvc ic manconsngee teopedis e o Te rerei t on t se fteconte e «en es dit the poor bills of Waukegan-- Shields=Deerfleld 'monthly to get a 2 chants The final tost of the county ot-- ficers' convention of $1,300, was ai lowed; the county hospital sum o! $14,863;-- judiciary claims of $13,302; and -- poor bills from --Benton, New-- port, Antioch, ~Grant, .. --Lake Villa, Avon, Libertyyille, Wauconda, Cuba, Ela and West Deerfleld of $750; Miscellaneous claims amounted to $19,668, insurance Claims to $113, and the usual $300 gift to the Lake county fair was-- granted for 1926. . Misg AKita Motealf has been confined ta ber bed with th6h summer (lu, but is much better at this writing. . Mr. and Mrs. Justus Washburn are the proud parents of a baby girl, born Sept. 13 at the Lake County. General cent cash discount from the mer-- Deerfield Monthly. Jlates frve adults -- 'bm was buried in the Wawen tem-- etery Sept. 12%, with the Royal Neigh-- bors of Arbutus Camp having charge of the services at the grave, Bhe leavyesa .'-'m':"f'i-'" _.~i P ' e w i*l l--rf* R *l I-a~ y-- tory Memorial 'hospital . > '!_ to mourn her death besides her hbus-- band, seven children, her pd'ulu. five sisters and two brothers, as well as a host. of friends. ,.'l:hg{.mm: x: tends to the bereaved family its deep-- est sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fenel, of Lamb's Next® Sunday evening Rev.® 68. W. Chidester, o fthe Waukegan Presby-- terian church will be the sbeaker at the Y. P. services, The meeting will begin at 7: 45 and every body is invited _ Miss Esther Lamb was the guest of honor at a misceltaneous _lhow_q_!_r heid lu;;tvwe;k--by-- the Eastern Star Chapter of Millburn. Mis Lamb received many beautiful and useful articles, _ Ftorence Katherine Relid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gearge Reid, was hon-- ored by being the prize baby of Lake coulity, and receiving first prize at the Libertyville fair. 'Mr. Reid'is the agri-- cultural instructor at the Warren Twp. high school. 'Gen. Frank T. Hines, director oT the United States veterans burdau, has promised that the capacity of the Great. Lakes nouspital for peychiat-- ric patients will be increased from 550 to 1.000 patients, according to--John Hartman, legion liason officer. The pledge was made by Gen, _ Hines when he visited the Great Lake in-- situation last week. It is 'o'x_voctod HOSPITAL FOR _ _ ~© ~1,000 PATIENTS by burial in the : Warreh C@INCIOTZ. The Roya} Neighbors--were in charge. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The tuneral of Mre. Earl Washburn of Gurnee, who died Wednesday night Sept. 19, at County hospital, were held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon MRS. WASHBURN --RITES SATURDAY William Edwards of NOFLB . Ja! street, Waukegan. She was bo Avon Center. Aside from her ents; she leaves hber hus seven children, also five 'sisfers two SEPTEMBER 17, 1925 o fey "xs For Lake County 4 3 p igh s1 electrified service on N uc urcham *1495 _ Hudson 7--Pass. Sedan *1695 *3 THE INDEPENDENT----ONLY $1.50 YEAR COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY MONUMENTS :-- DOWN BY THE ELECTRIC S1ATION r have visited the beautiful Lake County Countryside to enjoy its trees, hills, fowers and families of means have established their fine country estates in this &Qno'tdw families, much as they would like to, could not hereto-- fore consider living in this ideal home locality, and for one reason: the absence of adetuate fast transporta-- tion. To these people, then, and to thousands of others, the new extension of the North Shore Line Railroad brings welcome news. © An existing arm of the North Shore Line, serving the towns cf Mundelein and Libertyville in the Lake County Countryside, has already been double tracked. Eatly in 1926 the new Skokie Valley Division, connecting with the g}&fm ~Libertyville division, will ompleted, aftording fast] frequent, through service to downtown Chicago. Mundelein and Libertyville are estab-- lished towns, with good schools, stores, churches and all modern home con-- veniences. These ideal home com munities offer you all the allurements of the country plus the home comforts of a large city. Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Co. The high--speed electrified railroad years Chicago % we--