---;_:fzfg'i-';.;afrfl.';; i hatocm m n~., o. rommeatioons, 0 ahereme en .« senth lcz o ?g Miss Jeesle Fox is visiting }br Bister " ~*~--Mrs. Flora Clark, at e :y > | Fred Hoeft, John Hirn and Lawrence | _ ~&-- dn m returned Sunday from a week'g}--_ F'-- es "trip to Portage, Wik" *4 _ ---- ~~~-- *Mr and Mrs. Jmu% and| -- Most PO'--';'--él'fUI Car ___ _ of Its Size and Weight _ 0_ _ x _( One--Profit Value 0 C _ MAN ARRESTED AS-- _ AUTO THIEF TAKEN -- _ BACK TO CHICAGO f""' fieor Art Froclick, "~who*~ arrosted ' Arthur Fload of Chieago, after an &A ; cident Thursday at Wauconda, hbave been justified by evidence from Chi-- :,!:-!'" mt .& gears, axles, gray iron castings and GTOP . C3 ow« 'The finest grades of uphoistery. Gen-- [ 5wl _ * uine full--sizse balloon tires Unusually fine in-- ), One of these is Ford--in the low priced field. terior trim with no exposed tacks, and heavy 'o_ The other is Studebaker in the finé car feld. w?mzw&u--hm y se ie ons dz of manufacture makes dreds of hidden same high nok AAL L ~ & of and workmanship that you ... _ millt it great advinihght, . -- ; 5... » :zalho- e _ -- Tt elimiliates the extra profits C __ ns Atmndard Oz Conth shown below is a Ee 3. E--&.-'--:ht':a splendid example of One--Profit valug. y* ie purchase price to you. This 1t offers greater power than any other car of ~ Arthur Flood, Nabbed After ~_mt\ngulem. Turned Over to .. ~As> -- + -- Detectives. " * ---- ¥isit with rélatives in Canada. . Mr and Mrs Howard Helckes. and A hack saw found in the car strengthened the' suspicion against Flood, who is back today in Chicago. He was turned over to the automobile detail of the detective bureau by the sherifft's office after word was re eeived that the car in which he was riding belonged to R. W. Allison of 241% Indiana avenue, Chicago. The Hcense had originally been issued for a Packard of Mrs. Arthur O'Neil, also eof Chicago. x Flood." who lives at . 770 East 'Thirty--sixth street, was arrested after his car collided with the machine of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Loomis and children of Barrington visaited Sunday with, Miss Perry Gainor. _______.___ Mrs. Arnit Lines and Mrs. € Thies of Barrington visited friends in Lake Zurich Yunday afrternoon. ~~~~ u-anmm.mhlu.b'; Otto Frank has rented the lower fix O Mrs. John 'Schults, who expects to teave nert week for Florida, making the trip in an auto. ' -- iess Verna Gahiback is vis::'ng ber parents in Palatine., . _ .. _ . C ;;;- fl;v;hli the Hudson car in which Flood was riding was a stolen machine. from Chicago June 16. nounte the birth of a son> R&v. Damon was Tormerly pastor of the: Baptist The sheriff's office is holding Steve Tllll-r(-nmtlflrl-w) only two manufacturers who actually build their ¥es: Chrened arrings, gonr sns difeertioin ¢ gears, gray iron castings and drop Studebaker Standard Six Coach, $1290 Delivered for cash in LIBERTYVILLE _ , 8 es .« i d W Ww $421.20 DOWN **_ _ &. It enables us to build a better car because Being built as a unit----StudebDazer cars Juncuon as a unit, with all.of the advantages of unit over asseimbled construction. 34 It makes poss'ble finer quality because Stadebaker, being an independent manufacturer, "nddfl-yotaldm-uhvu. is free to buy on the open dernanding hhnmhh_uthmpadflcwb. Studebaker a¢ agents are unrestricted h&*mrm::q:fityndv_nh&-w _ LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE 'Luce & Earl Phone 202 <H \:f, C Fe ie ie w s W in SA Ehnd wne e d Ts o o. en y hag > * and engincers are unhampered by out-- ~A baked hais supper will be spons-- ored by the Evangelical Ladies Aid in the newly remodeled church parlors on church here, but now lives in the state Friday, Sept. 18. The supper will be served at 5.80. . Come and see the friends. f Miss Alice Rockenbach left Monday to enter the Siate University at Ur-- bana. + > i Hawtinea An. ~ Mr--and --Mrs--E:--P.> Bianchard ot|----C" i""'%&w Beechwood, -- Mich., visited ~hore_last| ~***** P trenging» Tuesday. o ; f --_Mr. snd Mrs. Charles 'Weaver and}. Members of the Women's Christian chiidren: visited SBunday in Mundelein | Teimperance ~Entor of --wa; ~are with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rouse. considering the advisability of fol 4 en ricienmemommnriiis ns lowing the ex.:glq ot W. C. T. U, -ccoocooocaowb'flwunhg'wqw * F RE MONTCCENTER *|with the county board against the T N . |licensing ol roadbouses and dance #% 4# 0 0 8# &4 & & # # & & # # 4# #)halls. i y foagle . < Wednesday with his cousins on the ;::";u'z-mm In Mo Waliow Farm. Hen nu-m-?-mbg Mr. and Mre. Frank Tekampe and|y'"f, & "0 m U. members re dadughter;Hertha, of Kenosha, @Nd|sumeg 4n the board taking no action. Jim Clark and family of WaukeEAD,| paey. J. H. Schneider of Woodstock were guests of Mr. and Mrs. h@DYY|appeared before the board and Ob Tekampe and other friends and re!@*|jeeted to the authorized . operation tives in this vicinity over Labor DaY.|of dance halls and road houses. _ Misses Genevieve and Irene Dicbold| ®pPpoy are defiling," he said, "the spent the week end with relatives{boys and girls of our land and should Henry Behim wnderwent an Opera tion for the removal of his tonsils at the Victory Memorial hospital Monday. Willie Bhaer returned to his home in Chicago Monday, after spending the Ing a speech on a subject which be fully understunds will speak at a rate "2 /« %~ MANM; a atil= an bour. 1 (Too Late for Last Wedk) Gregory Rendler of Chicago spent _A rapid and experienced talker makt. Send self--addressed, stamped envelope--for full particu-- 5 Tube Radio Set New York, N. Y¥. e i e Sommirn its site and weight, based upon the rating of the :::.-n-flb Chamber. of c_c:-' fortable cushions and ample roominess. h@flmhhfioflomh.'b-- drive it! Feel the luxurious upholstery. Sit in the deep, soft, comfortable seats. Erperience the surge of its tremendous power. And then compare it with other coaches. The recent Studebaker price reduction and policy of "no yearly models" only serves to emphasize the logic of this reasoning. If you seek a bargain in a quality car--by al means see this One--Proft Coach. 4 , because of these one--profit m,-_-» to offer you a stur-- ody construction. Plate in th 'Tzfi:-m'-dfl':_:v"t: W.C. T.V.MAY ACT _ AGAINST PERMITS _ _ FOR ROAD HOUSES Local Organization Is Consid has aré ruin, --despair and blight. I urge you as representatives of a law-- mmuwmmm tor suth places to defile the of this county." : ~, 2g6 REAL ESTATE SELLERS & PETERSEN 551 Miwaukee Avenue Telephone 451 county board of Lake county d the matter under . conmid-- but as yet has not decided We use hard ap quor and. the aflm fi' ) '-' o4. -- Je . e 4d -' wl . & ME -- MAE W- 'll- T--Ahwey--Ap.more ghuatesl Fuin=_.. | 118 49 M®--S00 2000000 . ___ _ _ _Ut uptrue" she saldy "it is wet propa-- Under .a: aew----law passed ~at the|-- . "A V CATD i' o ADTEL >\ | lssn . usn M hA recent session :zm m'u;w . i .n-fl%,,-,f Ik A '.%: .h&t;"nr'" tor county boards of supervisors ngtatsje=thy: ,A T e N es' > | t in w enjlarges .op en the authority to license all road| ... _ fi" x$ Wfi: MTINCG wlhl e in enforcement Circles. houses outside corporate city Umits:\ . --.. [ AMI|INTYV MEEFLINEE She stated pronivition is" one 'at the The maximum._yearly license fee is| _ . _ _ WX M AlZ 2 C1 ALO ; miracles singe Jesus Christ. $25. -- gm%m sA 40 64« -- Resepmeme | } 0. and. urged the women to encourage ever, It" Tok ' \ 1 i ho are doing good enforce-- regulation of the road houses &TOM"M'UEM" ;Tmro'r'k.o ourk yP "'"d"'". 80-- " k Ww | Reports 'of-- county officers w::rle '.'""*.r,". Imf": _ y ut heard _berbre ~wélouininent--for Tunck. f 4. has oi u--- EK & i @ullienmaeat . 1 --'----"----'"-""m -- mus threatened him 'with a revolver. He is out on $500 bond today, tur nished before Justcie Hoyt.~ The case will be tried by Justice Coulson. A dispute over lake rights at Lake Sullivan resulted in the arrest of Joe Hironimus of Volo, on a charge of assault. Joseph N. Miller, who Prepare Now Don't Shiver Next Winter _ Why wait until next Fall before solving your heating problem. in the Spring, right now, is the most economical time to install a warm air furnace. Don't wait until the Fall rush comes with high labor cost and WE BOUGHT .A CARLOAD WHEN PRICES WERE DOWN Schanck Hardware Co. If you want to make an investment in Long -- Service, Comfort and Fine Appearance, Put -- Buy U. S. Tires from _ __--_U. S. Tires on your car -- ~-- ~, _ THBRE'S;U.S.Tmmmeetyowreqummmunommrwhu they are. It is made right for the job. It is priced right. It gives you your money's worth -- long service and continued good looks. There is a U. S. Tire Dealer right near you. Go to him and talk mrdahfircquedon.lfihinhelpmnbaduoulduldré equipment for E:u needs from the U. S$. line--U. 8. Balloon, U. S. Royal Balloon--Type, U. S. Royal Cord-- or Extra Heavy, U. S. Royal Cord Bus--Truck, USCO and USCO Fabric. N ' UNITED STATES ~TIRES ARE GOOB TIRES for j SCHANCK HARDWARE COMPANY, Libertyville, M. * | MAIN CARAGE, Libertyville, L by W S3 y PS 0F awaywith a Lake county Sunday KFair. A drive is to be conducted to record sentiment ~against operating the fair on Sunday. .. Devotionals were led by Mrs. R. E. Thomas. Her topic being 'Have Com-- passion for All Men." A _ solo waes rendered by Mrs. D. Whan. The county president, Mr 'The mm{ president, Mrs. E. May, Tibbetts of Forest gave an ad-- dress in which she declared as false +4 Als Ii "__| hbe attabres a coines porer __<..]: Bhe aftatked a ChiGago paper sa2": M.%: I'h& Jt onrrmu w..' e in enforcement Cir e stated prohibition is" one 'of --*------| greatest miracles sincge Jesus Cb --_. '~@Gnd. urged the women to encou * Russell Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs, W. W.. Mitche!! of Ridgeland a@venue, has matriculated in Lake Forestcuniversity and will attend the local college during the coming school year, Mitchell was the high school reporter for the Daily, Sun for -- his last three years in high schoo! and through his training heré hbe has been appointed publicity. d+ rector at Lake Forest. TO LAKE FOREST 0 Pb on somih p are worse on *'This _ Friday Nights of Eugh o "" imo in loy Mail, First Mo'l'h.l Building. Vlomng'uol.hbon elcomeo £. A. BROWN,--Jr.. . W. NAGEL, JUIJBER «'YVILLE .LODCE M a5 Meets Each Monday Night at 8 o'ciock . . FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. ~ Visiting -- Members Cordially Invited, Cooarp AcME caMr no. 116 -- _ e MA t m 1h: Month at Gridiey Mail. --, Visiting Brother . are Cordia"y Invites LORA SBTVRM, MARY car~~=v, _ LIBEATYVILLE, ILLINOI® Meets 2ng and 4th Tuesday of Kaon Meets Virst and Third Monday Nishts -- Attorney at Law LIBERTYVILLE, ILLJNOI®R LUCB BUILDPING Res. Phone 134M Office Hhome 4# By U. 8. Government Veterinarian D C. Grirnell!, Inspector in Charge Phone 329. Libertyville, M4 Office in First Nationm! Bank Buildging Hours:--1 to 3:30 and 1 to § p m Residence on Broadway oppostus Pars LIBERTYVILAE, 111/JNOL8 a M. SCHROEDER, N. G. WILIIAM MeCLAIN, Secy. ~FERED GRABBE Res. Phone 20--J. Office phone 163 Reverse Charges on Business Calls CHAS. D. NALLEY, See'y. Cattle Tested for Tubermosm FREE OF C H A RGE hedcfi t m dets stt . 00. A id «# Office al Home on Cook Avenue INSURANCE Going to Build? wuo--uulbf-flhb'v and material on your house complete for a set figure so you: may know just what cost will be R. L. GONSALVES Telephone '6J E LIBERTYVILLE, ILLIONIS8 * _ATTORNEY ATUIW * ~~~ Phone' 217. _ LIBERTYYVILLE Phone Libertyvilia '4.--.AR--1IRMAR FARM AND SHOCK SLEs A SPECIALTT Office With Farm Bussau, 116 South Gemese S. . WAUKECAN, ILLINOHS No. 27? R A. M. MANUFACTURELR OF DR. J. L TAYLOR * Rhsets First and Thirs" . .' TELEPH NE 66 A. A. Grandy C s (e, H T HERNED, 1+ $,_~:--*'~ h HEBGES, 11 B --**~}t No. 131