k;;'.. Remember our sauctioneer, Fred e 30. -- Grabe, at Glagriew. Telephone, offitce Ei'* ___..... 1§%. or residence 20.J. On all business '«.... ** ---- ealls, charges may be reversed. uU s' Mre. Ray Rippberger and YVe ma Fitz g' s motored. to Long Llake Priday Mres, C. L. Thompson spent Monday %!' with her sister, Mra. O. A. Howard. Joh Amann and daughter of Volo C n weare in Round lake Friday C K# 9t 5.. . Before ~~ adjourning© ~Friday, ~the $ %~> 'board of --superyisors placed the 1926 appropriation to be levied at $522,650, _ . _ or $5.050 in excess of actua: county f' :..';'-_"_* y ','/ of last year. ' t & art er ineirht into county Anances > «* :# the complete list of overdrafts . w $#§71,835, of which $56.000 came year's eppropriation. A. W. E+ Vercoe, Highland Park, one of the PE ty " euthors of the appropriation. found ' vilk that it had been exceeded $50,000 three years azo. $60,000 --two years ago, and $56,000 this year. Besides that there are overdrafts to be found -- In the treasurer's office where the F3 . county departments have gone to «. --~~--< sgegk money in advance of their a}> %; . _ lotment. ts ; While the county poor farm was s cut $5,000 the jury fees were boosted ; $5,000. and so on down the list; for i t -- every cut appears a boost. $E » ~* --« Without the bond issue parment of # & $90.000 to meet,. and the interest on e 2 bonds of $§62,.150. and the -- county t _' bighw#@y tax and Detention home sum *z * of $80.000, that ~comes through spe-- t 'clal taxing, the actual cost of rup-- _.*~'~--'_ ming the county would be $290,850, $ * * trom which has been deducted the an ~g -- Helpated receipts <~of $70,000. This 4ns M" mc K ,.""'-"v"'fix ;'.4-.'."'. * E+/ "~ fPavid Alexander of Long Lake was i 1. _ g "/& Reund Lake visitor Monday. \< P' Mr. and Mrs. Milford @mith spent * > 4 Bunday with the latter's parents, Mt. ts " _ and Mres Clayton Harrison, in Rigk-- i( --~ Increase Found "Necessary by e County Board that Faces -- $271,835 Overdraft. _ $522,050 SET AS _.__APPROPRIATION _ OF SUPERVISORS M'm'mww slons $1,000; blisd pensions z exrpenses $10.000: justice Tees $2,000; copstable feea $250: committes work and ~milease ~$8.000; --jail account $5,000: educational claim . $3,£00; public buildings $18.000; an~d --poor elaims $50,000. _ , Charles and dadughter Evelyn and ~ates. Marjorte Cleveland apen: Randay with friendsd and relatives in Wauke ganm. Mr. and Mre! Harry Deits »nd--chil-- dreh spent Sunday with re'atives at t. "E;:.n. Nel, of Mchenry fid on Theian Sundady night. County farm $20,000; hbrid as $20; 000;: county. hospital $58§0°0: state charaties $9,000; birth and death cer-- tificates $600; county oMc»r's fees $22000: probation of®Mcers $2,100; plles $20.000; orphances #5." N; mke cellaneove claims $20.000; istantion home $10.000; aud hbighwas cir $70,-- 065. ' 6 % 4 4 4 4T 4 4 4 -- 4 4 t & % 4 % 'g Andetson and Mr. Tobin of Long were Round Lake busipess tall erg Friday evening. . '« Hendee, John Rossenteatach <r 880 Fitz Baaded lef: Wednesday on a gamping {fip throuch Kentucky. They are traveling id & Ford and ex-- ..g. be : about two weeks. iss 0 A. Haoward, Mrs. R 4 Ripp ui:_o'-u-n'ntn.y. . and Mrs. Harold Kennedy and datighter, Mary Lou, and Adeline Ross-- endentcher of Long Lake, visited at the Qumner Baner bome Thursday. --Al Obman of Long Lake was a vis Marjforie Cleveland is sapending the winter and going to school with Ere lyn Baner. Mres. Naomi McCandiess and Velma Fitz motored to Waukegan Tuesdady. Joe ¥¥ir1 was a Graysiake businews 4 # % % # 4 % % &# % I.C.G.Im Buddie, were Chicago callers MondAy. Quite a fow of the folks who have been spending the . warm days 81. the lake, have returnéd to their homes in Chicago for the winter. * Mrs. Leo Hendee and son LeRoy, were in Waukegan Friday. _ _ -- ~Ar. ~anit~Mrs.~J~A-- Allen --and Mrs.-- day lnst week. : _ _ --~~~ * Twelbien? "TOrmnt: BPMR _ _Al Croonberg, of Libertyville, wulnm of the 'Auto True here on business for the telephone|company, 3028 Carroll --company Monday. cago, was arrested p.muwvwm with embeztling $114. dadughter, Mrs. Frank Winkel, one | concern. lnst week. .|-- He was taken into spielftm * © . : * mcm and Qui MBR. AND MRS. EUGENE HENDEE bureau as he HONOREU _.. _ |eago & North West« Lake. © It was a complete surprise on the old folks. They received $100 in sgold and many other gifts. A bountiful chicken dinner and supper were served tures were taken of the reunion of the decoratoins. peeR SAMLS . ; ~~CARRIED BACK * BY DRY SQUAD Besides occupying the week Amd with ordinary booze raids Constable C. A. Brune and the sp#Dhge squad sopped up three beer samples in as many places operating in the.Gras# Lake region. -- Before going to that district Brup»e pounsed on John Gantas, $42 Wade worth savrenue, North Chicazo, and reported back that he had found five gullons of moonshine and 60 bottles POOR FARM PLAN LOST »* AFTER TWO HOURS' FICHT Wilcor, the committsamgn, arosws. "Well, getting down to it, 1 don't bellove there are any licen.: Theorse ate mu:n.-aonmm. and plenty roaches, but roaches are almost everywhere." Mawman was convinced, as to that. then launched into another lne. He proved that the county had almost an Investment of $7,.000 for eath patient, which aroused the wrath of O'Bee. "I6 you know what the farm cost We n im snn c Oe t uts ut "tave w i rvade period of twenty yearse. In putting mt':'znmnvom the board was ad that bond imeue needed a twothird voto to carty. * MWighland Purk roted solldly for the bond lesoe, Lake Forest paced thumbe down, as did Warren, the tma-- jority of Wanukegan, and Lake Villa. Flarry Stratton voted 'may' and WN-- Ham J. Stratton, his brother, voted 'aye,' with the rest of the county di-- viding fairly eveniy. It would have taken a 21 to 10 vote to win. Te advertising for ealse of the present maflmhnmm sas4 -- ¥Nisa emoraoutad that Te d 9nn P Pn ton " of Aanything done l,-',""' 0 "?"' thing (Contipmed trom Page One) _ Arrested in Chicago on Em-- < urer of the 'Auto Trueck Steel Body company, 3028 Carroll avenue, Chi-- cago, was arrested Sat., charged with embeztling $114,000 from that concern. * '-- He was taken into oustody~ by m.cm and Quinn of the de-- bureau as he left the Ch+ dag road, Highland Park The d¢ tective carried a. warrant issued by Judge Harry Hamlin, issued on be half of Wainwright B. Gervais, a di-- m of m:" truck body eouul;!. c-hulhwl- f t Bond Bet at $100,000 . ~--Bonds of $100,000 were set by ~~ MAN JAILED N _ $114,000 "GRAB ers of the Variety Fire Door com-- E._u were doing a thriving business ° government contract work, Dailey was employed by them as a $35@ week salesman, according to Attor-- ney John., Tuoby, who, with Attorney David Greenberg, represent the men ho were interested in the stee! treasurer of the truck 100y concern, at a salary of $20,000 --a year, and control of onefifth of. the stock, then capitalized at $140,000," said Mr. Tuohy. Audit Shows Shortage "After seven years, hn BIOCRNOIUT ers. wanted to know why the body corporation had paid no dividends, and a later audit showed a sTortage of $114,000, They Called in Dailey and-- removed him. They claim to have evidence that the shortagke !# directly tracemble.to bim, and hbave charged him with embesslement." His bome in Highland Park was said to have cost $150,000, and hbe #4 4 4 8 0 4 + 8 # 4 4 t 4 4 t 4 4 2t DEERFIELD * ¥ U# 84 4 6 8 4 8# 8 a a 4 4 * a 4 . Deerfleld is to have a 8 Sept 26. beginning at 4°30 p m This Beopt. 24, beginning at 1:30 p. m This eb J' energetic group of men, -- to-- ".firmn-odl';m-b fleld Boosters" Arthur J. er is president of the organization and Paul M. Diets, cashier of the Deerfield Btate RBank, is eecretary and treasurer. ira 'Gardner is assistant secretary. The tollowing committees bave been ap pointed: Finance--Jame, J. Hood, A. J. Ender, Paul Hunter, T. J. Knaak, W. W. Geary, William Bartett, William Desmond and B,H. Kress. Arrange ment--A. J. Ender, chairman:; Reffesh ments--Mra. J. A. Btryker, chairman ; gwn commilioes. The Deertield Grammar School open-- ed 'Tuesday, Sopt. 8, with an enroll-- went of 300 children, as follows: _ _ Nrs.--C. M. Knaak, first » 4§; 41; Miss Jennie Nygard, 3rd, 40; Miss Kthel Titus, 4th, 29; Miss Mae Titus, bezzlement Charge. committoca a. his at 15 th6 stockhold-- old, interested in the school to come. | 186 each, at our Pliant BEST MADE, The ladies of the Rastern Star wave cured in -u-t'uho; Certificate of a bakery sale Saturday afternoon --at Quality issued by the National Cement the Stanley Anderson _confectionery. Products Association. See us first-- There were not half enough things for there's a reason. -- Phone ZION 500. the customers and--miany--were turned ._ZION . BUILDING INDUSTRY, _ ZION, away empty--handed. | ILLINOIS. 82 13t The Deerfiecld W, C. T. U. MOU 1IBST | mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmememmemmmmmmmm mmz Monda yat the Bungalow church. _-- | _ wayp yupp . WANTED C rtine Antionstas. poronased tho ) _ _--_ MALE HELP WANTED Avenue. T oo PC s Mre. Fred Meyer was brought home from St. Luke's hospital, Chicago, last Batnrday -- A trained nurse is in at-- down' by an automobile "the: first=--of-- July, and been in St. Luke's almost two months, suffering from the effects of the accident.. * . 'The first meetin gof the fall for the 'Deerfield Men's Cluby will be held on Tuesday evening, Sept. 22, in the Deer-- field Temple. It is to be an open meet-- ing, to which members are privileged t obring guests. _ Fred W. Kernsten and Mrs. Letta 1Vulmmm-uflm 'cn Tuesday, Sept. $th, at Buena Memorial Presbyteria nchurch in Chi-- -----ugo The three Kersten children have been living with relatives in Deerflield since the death of their mother, five Residents of Grayslake Thurs. were elated over the information that they are to have gas service within the near future as the result of an order issued last week by the Ililinols Com merce © Commission-- At Spring@field granting to the North Shore Ges com-- pany of'zulcnn,the right to ex-- tend its Ka'k mains to Grayslake. * > Active work, according to Manager Hart will be etarted within thirty days and will be ruahed just as fast as materials can be obtained.. The four inch main will be exstendeA from Mundelein to Grays LAKa, a distence of between four and five milles. An additional four or Ave miles of mains Commerce Commission Grants Right and Work will be Started Shortly. Manager Julian G. Heart of the ges company when questioned regardin« the order said that every effort will be made to rush the work so that the village will be able to avail itself of the saervice before snowfall. CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTBID--Neat, reliable girl or wo-- will be will be HARGAIN--119 f1. on MUwaukese Ave., 14. house; peice $10,000. $4,000 cash. Kveryone slse wunts $200 a front (t. Chas. F. Fitsgibbons, Real Ke,ate. M waukes Are. & 9:. P. Ry. Phone #85--J. POR SALE--Seven room house on E4 lson Court in Waukegan; modern Yaurke" property in Libertyvilie. For informa-- tion call at Independent Office. 32 t F O R & A L E Modern 1 room residence; lot 601273 on E. Cook Ave.; a real buy. $1,000 down will buy 5 room bunga-- low, with extra lot. Modern stucco 6 room residemce on Second st.; oak trim. Modern 6 room residence on Lincoln Ave.; very reasonable. ' CEE FRED H. SMITH, 611 N. Mitwaukee Avenue. es -- " $. c n * man--te bare a on EDWARD J. ELFERI! MOnsST To m'-:"s!'u.!':' FELIX J. ELEERING mmNpWVHS R OW MR M e o i EPRBRED CC sid rable amount of .t.'l"_l- .I R Ah!nlltr:;:fl- wan on improved farm $ . II1., August 31, 1925. Lsteo -- L darito cesr incowlry. g Waukegan $J4--Sept 3 10 17 nA p Asoog J ooA -- idier v mh..l':fl- m FOR SALE--Dairy farm of 183 wores, on state road near Round Lake; one of the best farms in the county. Ar-- thur L Stantord, Round Lake HT _ FEMALE HELP WANTED ta'4 arn=}ied +' Office 385J; Residence 104--W | || . will sell or trade for by the *4 reat ! & $10,000; _ --= . KAPING & SAUNDERS | _ ||\ Good Meals 50c |||| . _ "*fmrarmmu@ namon " "":: annnreeeeeeeeee :;nlu'l'nnm Plan; Loans; mgw:um :""fi'?a» WAMAN. ILL. ' \::-;'m w::.ua"w wITH U8, lrrnu m on file in aald office. _ f C _ | Hundred Dailars ($2500.00). _ _ WANTEIDD--Eight boys-- for caddies at Knollwood Club. $10.00 per week guaranteed. Must be over school aga. Apply Jack Pirie, Knollwood Club. 1t MOR RENT--5--room house and garage, _ at 137 Scehool street. See Howard Reppert, after 5 p. m. s 88 it MARRIED COUPLE want position as caretakers of place during winter. Address Box 4, care Independent. -- it FOR RENT--Good seven room house 'If nice neighborhood; rent reason-- range, with hot water front and rea-- ervoir; 1 new aix griddle stove; 1 com-- plete dining room set, mission oak ; 1 mission oak libeary table, 1 ouk book case and writing deek tombined ; $ new Simmons eprings. Address Hean:-- | Y Atwell, Lake Villa, !!!. FPhone 36. large Victor Victrols with 1006 records; Telephone 161--W. 3%11 POR SALE--Eight weeks' old pigs. WIIl A. Weber, Lakes Corners. Post office, Barrington, IIl. 38 6t FOR SALE--Two Brown Swizs Bullz, both on show circuit, and have the bes* breeding. Vannola Farm, Aurora, Illinois. Route 2. -- -- _ B At FOR AALE--Utility Securities; safe; seven pe rcent investments. Geo. B Follett, Representalive, Libertyville Phone 487. 1. . FOR SALE--Prcatically new 6--griddle FPOR SALE----WWi have a car of ve y fine New York AWberta peaches on track. at, Libertyville Ba.urday, Sept 19th Price $3.00 per bushel. Will de lver in Libertyville and Mundelein. Phone 232--R. W. E. Voikman. 38 1t Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the office A the undersigned by the Lake Coun-- &i«a and Bridge Cofomittee and Highway Commissioner _ of the Town of Cuba, at the Court House, in Waukegan, !Ilinois, at ten o'clock A.M., standard time, Monday, September 21. 19%%, for the cons:ruction by County Certified check for at least 10% of the amount of the bid shall accompany .aut.. o4 * reserved to reject any of an bias _ Dated a%* Waukegan, «!linols, this 6th day of September, A. D. 1925. ' CHAS. E. aC088ELL, Co. Bupt. of Highways. WIAAAM HOBIEN, sapt 10 & 17 Town of Cubs. Public notice is hereby given tha" the Subscriber, Administrators of the Estate of Mary -- Elfering, deceased, flnummmcmdm. County, at a term thereof to be holden ta the Court House in Waukegan, in said County, on the first Monday of OR SALE--14x26 one--plece stave silo. J. 8. Duba. Phone nu;-n." . % November next, 19%5, whe. and where all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to nroaan'* the same to said Court --for N: POSITIONS WANTED ARLINGTON t HOTEL # ADJVDICATION NOTICE NO TICE 17. 1925 tep i a ol t t| PCst ..;. ~. _ ue -- AREWARD n To a n 3 0o oge, s who will ' stat 4 in this ad is 1 o repr® , ented or un 'rue. Strictly hand--tai s«kwrge or worsted pdonlebmn Send No Money-- Fit an Sir Pair Ladies light er hearvy full fush-- ~ loned pure 8 I L K HOSE valued at $10 for only , $1.00 Guarantesd . Portect sad4 Einast Quality. proveeinet wite e "lee' N PETrY\ ~BrprciaAl oOrrFEF 2 Gentlemen's $10.00 THE ALLIED SALES CO, Legal Papers Drawn PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY . _FEDERAL electric washer with all the lat-- And--We allow you $10 for your old wash-- ing machine on the purchase price of this new FEDERAL. : Now~--You can See these superior Federal features: 5 »o. Genesee 3t., Waulsegan Gus Krumrey, Local Representative Phone 144.W Libertyville, L. W RITE OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS dubeuc PW -- l -- P upandiah,. aubner om se Potaeiiuah s.. _ "~ . __ . ~ Only VALUE . Oscillating cylinder washing principle. ). Fully guaranteed by responsible makers and this Company. Ask for demonstration in your heme. Finished in durable white enamel, Absolut:ly silent in operation. Safe --all moving parts enclosed. Full eig'it--sheet capacity. Instant control of wringer. No oiling required except motor. Offering No oblig ation. b+ 4# 4 s Strictly hand--tailored to your messure, «krge or worsted. Latest models. Bingle or double breasted, for ONLY .._..._---- "".Wfl.'"""'.'m" Pn.flmm 0(: be * in allowance on . || your old washing || | Write at once to 150 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK, N. v. SILK~ MOSE FOR ONLY "" ufacturer & fine quallty suit made of pure wool Twelve Pair Moen's light or heary pure 'l.w $1.00 valued at $560 for E% f