**~--Four Arraigned on Charges of : Steafing- Automobile at e ----~ _ Grass Lake. -- --__ oo-- Hisore Davis motoréd to Warke: ..__-- ----Mre. Ralph Litwiler called at the Bam Litwiler home Friday. _ FREE 3 YOUTHS CA C v 4# 64 F4 # # -- ¥ % % %# # % w --___Miss Marie Neliessen of Chicago vis ,_._ ked oves the week end t_tdghq,m * Rosing~--home. * P "* :.* > Florence Wagner returned home fast -- Gu!ud_ay. after spending two weeks . Mr. and Mrs. Jean. P{fannenstill and children of-- Mckienry , called on the former's mother, who is very il] at the Jack Stadtfield home. . * ~'Joe Ft: hauled a load of furniture to Lake Geneva Friday. Victor Dee of Wookter Lake was a Round Lake business caller Friday. Mr. and Mrs EdA Bacon and son. Glen, and daughter apent Friday eve ning at the Qoy Davis home. Mr. and Mrs N. Kretaschmer of Worth Chicago called on their daugh ter, Mrs'® Leo Hersdee, one day last George Rickardson and daug},ters, Elizabeth and Loulse, were in Chicago Thursday.. * 2s 2o '--l'r;--\"::ml )lr('ntilou. Mrs. Johé Alten and Yeima Fitz mosored to Wa,, kegan Friday Mr. and Mrs. J R Graham and son, Bobby. of Long Lake, were in Round lafe Priday evening. Gertrude and Rowena Grandy of Lib-- ertyville ind Catherine Edwards of Grayslake, visited at the Leo Hendee home on+ nigh! last week. Mra. Mitchell of Chicago is spending a few days at the home of her daugh-- ter. Mrs. W m Fros® --Mre--Mabet --titwtier way a Chicago visitor @aturday . Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brown, daughter Lilah, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peterkort and dang}, ter, Julia,; attemnded tpe theatre in Waukegan Friday evening. _ Miss Lucile Rosing was a Chicago vistor .. ednesday. * _ ROUND LAKE * The three testified that when they first saw the car Canbin was trying to start it. Believing it was his, one of them helped him get it started, and the four, along with aenotber youth who was not arrested, started out for Chicago. Near Liberyville they ran into enother machine. After the emashup they ecatiered, and two of them were picked up by deputy sher-- theenext day when they came to the county jail looking for their. two com-- panions. 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 & 4 4 % 4 & 4 4 --rOtP-- fram Chm-u Clay:on Hughes, of the I!I Beéll Tel-- Ste:fl ' A to:;lOb"e e:to' ephone Co., of McHefnry, was a Round uto L&ake business caller Tuesday. . . Lake. Miss Madge Pfannens(il} of McHen-- mevsatiamert o nens ce . O SRRT : 3 igmage coonem me~ it A *3 --3$. BLAY HP_AL _ YBG--JACL--BbAGLEICIG . Three Chicago youths, charged wirh | home to help care for her mother. the theft of an avtomobile at Grases | . Mr. and Mrs. David-- Eriandson and Lake two weeks ago, were freed in | Mrs. Jophn Killey were in Waukegan day at a hearing before Justice Wij; | Friday. ~ . > ~ * lard Hall, and another, Walter Can--| _ Mrs. Mabel Benwell spent a tfew days bin, was held to the grand jury un.|last week 'with her sister, Mrs. Clin: der $2,000 bond. Attorne . | Mendee. P efen o ie ie nngaene e peae in uid represen etate. .__Sr. and Mrs. Phil Wagner and Mrs-- Justice Hall dismissed the charges|Raiph Davis were in Waukegan last agaipet .Edward O'Neil and James Thursday. * | and Joe Kelly --after they tectified Mrs. Roy Davis.and little daughwrl that they did not know that the car |spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. was stolen.A!l had come out from Chi |Clause Junge. | cago for a week end at Grass Lake. --| Mrs. Ralph Davis and son, Simon, JThe LAKE COUNTY LAND ASSOCIATION IRST of the Lake you will underst County Land 'Associ-- the coming of n ation's projects in the _ speed transpo Lake County Country-- _ carly in 1926 is side, the invitifig home _ to make the Lib site area known as _ Mundelein re; Lakewood Heights is an tinguished amon example of the care the. _ residential Iocai Association will give to America. ?fl'!"l*l"gh'"d l'"'hat' * Tokthose now dr'e' ng a e properties Lake Coun , the Wit'hin its jUfm. Wunjtywnow Acquaint yourself with _ amost desirableh what is being done at close to the Nort Lakewood Heights and Line's new statio a Route Map and Booklet Sent on Request Adjoining Mundelein LAKEWOOD HEIGHTS THEFT OF AUTO ""H.]...Gflndmcflhm West Monroe Street, Chicago 7° T:'-Wuss taheor you will understand why the coming of new h gh-- speed transportation carly in 1926 is destined to make the Libertyville-- Mundelein region dis-- tinguished among the fine residential Iocafi(ics of America. To those now resident in Lake County, there is real opportunity now to select a most desirable home site close to the North Shore Line's new stations. church will be present 'o bear hifm. and be will divide his time between the two churches during the week. ris lectures will be interesting abd in-- structive. TPlan to hear him. Rev. 1. C. Campbell, of Lafayette, Ind., will lecture in <the church Sundayz evening. Mr. Campbell has traveled extensively in the Holy Land and will tell us something of his experiences «Charles Kr\wfr is around again., afier bein gon the sitk list for three or four days. _ k --'Alvey Johnsom is still confined in the Whgeling hospital, but is improving. Announcement has been mades&! the arrival on SBept. 18, of Alfred Burton at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Wilcoa, in Stoux Rapids, lowa. Rev. Mr. Wi! cox was formerly pastor of lhe Hall Day church. > * Mr. and> Mrs. John Barrett are in Springfield attending the state fair. ° Thomas Peden, son of Judze and Mre. T. J. Pedan, is ittending boara-- ing school for boys a% Lake Forest. Little Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ben Cook, is reported quite ill.. . 163, or residence 20J. On business calls charges may be reversed. U Attend the Flying Circys at Libe: tyville Fair Grounds next Sunday a't ernoon. Given by American Legion ¥ % 4 & 4 4 4 4 4 & 4 4 4 4 4 % teraining Mrs. Junge's sister and daughter and little baby from Dayton, Iness Friday Babe Mosher of Chicagq is spendins a few days at the Clara Rosing home. Misg Belle [tggn of South Carolinz spent a few days recently "W Oscar Thomas family.. * 0 I® Thursday _: Mrs. Ray Minick and son of Chicago spent a few days wit} her brother, Floyd Renehan. ~ 2 Mary Graham and Marjorie. Walsh of Long Lake, 'spent Friday at the home of Floyd Renehan. O. A. Howard entertained the M. W. A. Booster Club Tuesday evening, nine men being present. Mrs. Howard serv-- ed a fine supper. * e Mr. and Mrs. Milford Smit}, called on the former's parents, Mr. and Myrs. William ASmith, in Grayslake. Mrs. Ralph Davis and son, Simon, spent Thursday afternoon at the Fitz home. ~ . Mrs. Roy Davis.and little daughter spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Clause Junge. Mrs. J. Cashmore and daughter, Mijss Pearl, and Mrs. George Shober motor-- ed_t_o Wa,, kegan one day this week. If an auctionéer is wanted, call Fred TT Y =rfe, V, m. aqoward, mMPB. Harry Deitsz and daughter, Delores, motored to Waukegan Friday. -- Thursday . evening, after spending a few weeks wit}, Ler daughter, Mrs, Nort Gorman, in 8t. Paul, Minn, <------ > Dett Smith was in Wauyconda on bus Mr.--and--Mrs.--A. J. Smith--and Mrs. K. Tucker moftored to Woods.ock irs Frank Dr d entértained wigee (club of about 1¢ ladles at yer nome [f>>~>>2¢ HALF DAY PC Mn W TTCE MPCAC MBE . OE _ & *Aruaprei in yee t x *¥ e aftcimzie s *V° e s e jth her sister, Mrs. A. B. [ s --gp WHEELING, ILLINOIS __ _ _ _ ... irs. C_Iau;f 'Jukxg.f are en.-' s $ Dxm~m Em STARTING MAY 30 ° the Wheeling Whee Vernon Webb, Edward Johanenson and Lyman Bonner were among the % 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 % *¥ 4 4 %4 4 % % 4 WHY HAVE A ~"BLUE MONDAY?" siddler was thrown from his buggy and very painfully injured: He was taken to a doctor's office where it was found that the aged man had eut fered a fractured hip. . Patch was im-- mediately arrested and the officers claimed that at the tfme of his ar-- rest, be was under the influence of liquor-- --He was held in the Zion jait over night" and released in bonds Tuesday morning. A. Patch, 30, of Russell, was re-- leased from the Zion jail Tuesday bonds of $100% and was ordered to appear in police court:-- on Friday to answer to charges --of driving while under the inflyence of liquor. The Mon~ afternoon when Patch, driving a Ford touring car, ran ;?w the rear of the buggy driven by Robt. Fiddler a--10 year old man, residing at Tay-- lor Grove, --near Russell. fhee basis MUBIC BY BLACK CAT ORCHESTRA , RESERVATIONS FOR BANQUETs TE AND SPECIAL PARTIES . WHEE * CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS. LUNCHES and SANDWICHES AGED MAN HURT in s t cags tm iss . Patch of Russell Held in $100 Bonds on Charge of . Driving While Drunt LAUNDERERS, CLEAMERS AND DYERS Phone Libertyville 67--R. _ Libertyrile und Highland Park RELIABLE LAUNDRY ASK THE MAN WHO HAS BUILT, OR WHO IS BUILDING, AS TO WHICH LUMBER HE BUYS. IT'S A CERTAINTY THAT HE WILL RECOMMEND NONE OTHER THAN FRANZEN QUALITY LUMBER. MAY WE BID ON YOUR NEEDS.:--ESTIMATES FURNISHED PROMPTLY. TY J LET US TAKE AWAY YOUR BACKACHE, YOUR CHAPPED HANDS AND YOUR FROZEN FINGERS. DRUNKEN DRIVER WHEN IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET AWAY FROM THE DRUDGERY OF THE WEEKLY WASH. HARTMANN HOUSE Telephone 50--LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. + r mas BAB4 rasnaisle mat a s ~~~>~>s 20e WHH iraugty 6 4 gnrr s mager +~ -- Anger-- e *-W.{?z,rc}v hs sick and had to go home from school| * N HURT , _X ied ruaee a cues e N x s ... _¢~ Miss Ines ck of Chicage spent | = RY--A"----___| (be. St0ck o¥d--mith --86--ret0(4 iss |-- ---- -- . | Watson. " Mr, and Mrs. E. N. Cannon are out s with Millburn friends for a few days. KEN DRIVER; AlaréWell® party was held at the w« |bome of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wetzel sys & t'l'm:uhy evening, in honor of Mr. and Russell Held in Mrs. E. N. Cannon, who will make } %, * Char Of' their home in California, The party s on ge t"" given by members of the church Nhfln Dr]mk lang pezmanin it w #3 me w uy WET WASH Franzen, Jr. 20 POUNDS FOR . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson gave a shower in honor of Mrs. Dorpthy Gould Worth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gould of McAree Road, Saturday afternoon, at ber bome here in Millburtt: About 24 guests from York House vicinity were present. Mrs. Carl Anderson enter.ained Mr. and Mys. Mayér from Chicago over the week end. t * ©. Anderson enter.ained company from Chicago Sunday. Mr. Barttner has accepted a call to the Millburn Congregational church. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Fuller expect to' return to Chicago for the winter about October first. The C. E. Society held a social hour Sunday evening after the usual Chris-- tian : Endeavor service. 20. Miss Ruble Gillings is visiting her cousin. Mrs. Edith Clark. Miss Newton spen; Saturday with he rcousin in Waukegan. ~Miss Goddard, teacher of the Grubb school, has bee nill for several days with the summer flu. Mr. and Mrs. George Cashmore, Miss Agnes Cashmore. and Miss Thorson TELEPHONES WHEELING 6 and 17 :--\uiiedel e i i n 1 5000C d Fim: MB S us w' 44 4 c aian e ie se oo in e d im cminmnard ie ---- n . -- s pihy tou'ld The Ford Tudor Sedan, recently announced, is an artractive closed car with m-s&l "% o orrerpoon, body in deep Channel Green, and bright nickeled radiator. . tC , | ,T | ,,{:::3?;. A pronounced stream--line effect has been achieved by dropping the chassis and fowering and lengthening the body. This also results in greater riding--comfort -- . :':::r 3;- + _ because seats are low amf deéep, and the car is roomier. _ _ _ " 10 j | , _ _ _ See your nearest Ford dealer and have him explain the many new features, such as-- n _ * s 5 _ ________gas tank that is filled from outside, one--piece--venti------ ~--~----~~ ~TUDOK SEDAN lating windshield, large fenders, attractive upholstery, _ © enes °TA aA,.o = T vider running boards anddoors and improved brakes. -- _ 5 . , $ ; 8O | Remember--this added beauty, comfort and ton-- _ f § x > % rmnm? Amoe in bhoronad aa o » o of MicA s > F 8 ;"&w.; E: _,:m., mt "'15';"',"'L'm"'f" imernmirim; .. . --:rhequdimattty r'"&wm"' NhliNe / ~v valeattacs phe se rticng Subscribe for the Libertyvill:z- _l--r--lgg;e;déntv"fl.SO a );r. Tractor Plowing Grayslake, BJ Phone 158--]. GROSVENOR BROS. Trucking and Hauling Furniture and Cattle Local and Long Distance Schanck Hardware Co. WE BOUGHT A CARLOAD WHEN PRICES WERE DOWN Why wait until next Fall before solving your heating problem. In the Spring, right now, is the most econotnical time to instal} a warm air furnace. Don't wait until the Fall rush comes with high labor cost ard advancing market. f Prepare Now Don't Shiver Next Winter « SEPTEMBER 24, 1925 The Smart New Tudor Sedan Will Especially Appeal To You The Heating Men Who * ~ % ENe inke 'j" mlal dni nepinener noure se cienii d sndn h y riginsson ganiae » m lathe se ie n s ies css n ie on PA N snb es ds e«<~COMFORT* T~CONVENTENCYE * ©Ti1i1irY «C\ TA Commission 3 Per Cent e Office Phone Milwaukee Ave. and St. Pau! Ry. Depot _ Res. Phone 285--; LIBERTYVILLE, JLL. _ 104 W REAL ESTATE-- _ LIST YOUR PROPERTY HERE Charles F. Fitzgibbons wb l4¥ PACE sEVLN C l