Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Sep 1925, p. 8

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i8 ' _ while drunk; one, a Waukeganite arrested at North Chicago was lodged . . in the county jail; the other was releaged by a Zion justice under $500 _ .: ~~bonds and went homg to Kenoshea, his trial to come up Friday. --_'_ & ; If you were riding in an automobile nnd a ear came along, bumped you and caused quite an accident but nome of the parties in cither car i§ were injured; and if you got out of the oar and stood alongside it, ex-- _/ _ _-- plaining to a motorcycle cop how the accidént had happened; and if) < ------_ just then, drunken driver came along and crashed into the crowd which-- had gathered about the scene of your accident and you and your lady T friend were the ones run down by him and the cop was huried into the . __ _ ditch and seriously injured by this said drunken driver; and if a third _' oar came tearing along up the hill and wes about to crash into the 'crowd but when the driver saw the impending accident he took for _ the ditch and~landed right where the cop had been thrown, and said _ cop had arisen about half a minute before after reg@ining his conscious-- . ... mess, wouldn't you think that it was a--strange caprice of fate! "+~~------~*That is exactly what happened Saturday-- evening just --at--the crest _*,.._...Of the hill at the north part of Winthrop Harbor. § . E:: ~ Two drunken drivers, one'amusing himself on Saturday evening, the _ pther on Sunday evening, were the cause of two auto accidents in which _ several persons were hurt and in the total cight cars were involved and _ >~ponsiderably damaged; five persons were sent to the hospital; one man .has a broken leg, others are badly bruised, In both cases the drivers itrbemn ies --/ . .3 C In i comatnt Sncwidies 332 ol Cb dmnin y c 2s Un T canr tb * RWpvrve ie m ol' ~~seriond}y, --three--persons e mfiifi kz t essm -- -- %0 Victory ©Memorial Heop:~«1!' Satur--| The ® immegintely --ar-- . * Gay night. * * .__.__. Jrested -- Bush, Quayle and Shattuck T'ho victims were: ~~~ «-------->.--~~--fand their--cases--were disposed of as LOUIS KOSCHALK, 150 Lake St., }ahown above. -- Waukegan. s ----FACES TWO CHARGES ~ > --_._. YIDA KEELINS, 144 8a. Geneses| Two charges wore filed against 6t., Waukegan. CTTCOCO _ | Chartes Poterek® otf ~#15 --North ~Lia-- Jim Buohk, Koenosba, helid (n Zion Jall.uander #$409 bonds; ch;rred with Ar'wing car while dreak ~= ~~ Richard ~Htattuck,.-- Kenos>a.. with O@avle: under $20%) boadr RBonds of Crgarle and Shattuck were * mmed by ©€. W. Wrigrht ol Kenooha a~4 their .Rotert Qrarle. Kenoshs. rs'eased raoder $500 bonds: Ch= ged with driv-- Int ear while drunmk. _ __ AUTO ACCIDENTS _ Cumtmaritin®,-- besites the in e4# atove explained. the o:atys o the setias of 'accidents tollown: CiHt+ Friday at .1 o'ciock Arab aad Konchalk and lh-.lnm «stt aut of thair car and stood in middle of the pavement 3'acussing the matter. 1t was then t»*! Motor Cop Jensen came along and thea tour Arearding to the atatemen~ts made br tha Zlon Police Bush. in a Dodge caune wihs driving south. Arsording to the Police Bush wan stmdd'ing the Hc'z line on the pavrement and jt is th that he coll'ded with the our C e s enc rf _+The series 0' accidents wers prob-- «5x the most enuajal ol }~~ kind4 e¥er to take place in Lake Covnty. x-- pa being caurn' ~oena*'~> :~>>' car In . gopatinn in aother ~o--~d~ if Jen-- en bad AAt recover»d b'= se=~son just a tFat t'me h~ chancea are the bould have 'apdea full on top t them werse in the road A'scussing the accitent and a lot of other peo-- *le beran Fathsving sround to see «hit was rEntoug on. __ ANOTHER CAR iN CRASH « While Jersaen was trvin@= to direct srafc and straighten things out, all M a sudden anotter car com'~g from the aorth came tearine un the bfll The Keeling gi: was knoCked down and hber leg was cut cons'derably while Kouchalk also was »nocked down in the second crash bad an In-- Jjury to biw face and arms. Both were kept in Victory Memorie! hospital bruised leg, bruised armsa an~ should-- er. He was able to jeave Victory Memorial bospital after h's injuries were dressed. : Bingnolarly bis car landed right where OfMcer Jeonsen. had been *hrowned by the firet car However, Jeh«on h~! recovered consciousneas in time so be bad jost ar'so~ from the ditch and he oaw the Puick com-- Ing so he jm;sd prlds in t' tg or ¥+>--gea being eauch" =onass> @~>\ car in gopatinn cin athoer ~o--~d~ if Jen Howrrvrer the crowd was on top of the bill and the driver did not see them until he bad reach~d4 the crest. Then, 4n order to «ave runninz into the crowd the driver awerved hwis car and planged into the ditch The most {Injured of the three was Jepsen w* + was hurt about theo hegsd, th:ee stitches beinz taken in the *rawd which bad gathered nsar the g--eme ol the first accident. Ot course Quayle and Shattack atopped ~The --car and hetore ~the or titement of that accident had clear-- od away along cams another rar trom the nworth, a Bulick open car, driven by a man who wes not drunk. Here was where the cavrice of} Po+«+weanifested '"telf, for Instead of Ldfte of the mnto} who were thored at the goone the accident cu; atruck, the car being driven by. Ouavle crached into Koacha, Mime Kealing and Oficer Jensen. Koschalk and Mias Keeling were Infured as explained above and Jera-- #gen was hurled into the ditch i6 dobe side of the road, being rendeted comscious by the impact. _ ANO STILL ANOTHERt * The accident no doubt was fortu-- nate in. its termination, cocsidering Its geperal charatter. | -- . MOTORCYCLE OFFICER PAUL JENSEN of Winthrop Harbor. tFak . anio--1L'.'ss Zeclins wetre YXA T'ah PFise tar z2A imme full on into the ~1de8 K :--:,;' & » 4 gb tmz y s ! JOHN HANSEN, leg broken below viotitms aracin the Lake Fom! The man who caused all the wrock-- age was Wiley Kuankn of Waukegan,, who was charged with being Orunk and consequently was arrested by the North Chitago Police and later placed in the County jall. OVvEATAKES CAR--CRASH The accident happened when Harry ¥Fellows 'of Notth Chicago, Ariving a Chevrolet Bpeecdster belonging to his brother Karl and accompanied by Wls Sunday evening about 9+30 o'ciock, two men were baediy nurt. Ave cars were ditched and much damage was created when a drunken driver speed-- _ _ Kemerad was driving east 08 ; inz as | Grand avenve at Lamb's corner Sun-t The day evening when his machine wes |to the $ 'OM by Poterek's car, which was| of the south across [am\b's corner. the . car l'otnnnd was attended by Pr. !-- | ina acc 'Noflh Lincoln. street, Chicago, wae ; f also injured. but re{used to be ukenl Mises to a hospital, although an ana _ay ' Sherif Abjetrom arrested Poterek. | which . s ~RIVER ARRESTED stopped Waino Nykanen was charged With | arp tra machine struok--another car Sunday | The ; nuight on Waukegan road about a MW¢ | angden und a buit south otf --BRelvidere --#ireet. | pusrper Nykanen tried to avold one car,. and | 4 qgriyeq in doing so struck anpther MACKhIBD®. | rhraatn, Two charges were filed against | right whee! of the : Beebe tar was Chartes ~Poterek® ot --#15 --North ~Lina-- as was also the .front gen-- coln street, Chicago, after his ma-- erally. . ' thine smashed into the car ol Benja-- Mrs. Beebe and a three year old min Kamerad, 570 South Newell St., | daughter, Stella, were badly injured Kenosha, injuring Kamerad and @ | however Mr. und Mros. Walter Draudt girl in Poterek's car. + iof Zion City escapec serious injury He was charged with assault with | because they were on the back seat a deally weapon and failing to stop ' of the Beebe car. * at a state highway. Monday he Mrs. Beebe and the daughbter wers C ease is 7 7 #N4--+aperated on tsst Sunday --night at the his bearing was set for Friday before Victory: Memorial| Hospitel, by-- Dr~ Justice Coulson. Nrarkott and hath ara FARAFtAT 1z dn let, the Buick--and A4he--Ford piléd op along the ditch and in --the ditch, front part of the Buick was > badly damaged and the speedstor was pras tically ruined. © PFellows ealid thst Kanan was going at least 55 miles an' hour and-- Kanan explained the actior as due to the fact that be did not have good brakes. The police--erplained that N was a betuddled brain from boote father than bad brakes that cansed the accident. mu'uhnllo'"."l' 16e he Before \lows could a8 m.gwumm:nl lnn:ol-flumflnllu tull os the rear of the amailler words the Ford gave them a part-- i« * FUK BAL. Ing crack and sent Fellows and his LY¥AN.BAXTER HIGLEY seven p+ ti:"m" headlong into the ditch.|_ Lyman Barxter Higley was born at|Follett, F f Felows did aot blame No |lLincoiton, N. C., Jan. 24, 1851, and Phone 487 son and Haneen because they were |died at Stuart, Nebraska, Sept. Tith,| 2===--=«==-- on their. own side of the road and | 1925, following an operation. NOTICE just happerned to strike the point| In 1866 his parents and family cams *FOR 1 thers FPellows was heading for the | north, eettling on what was known as| Sealed ; ditch as a result of Kanan having |the Higlay farm for years, in Warrea|the Board fun over bim. tow nship. the Villiag: &N® then the unerplainable hap pened. Just as Kanan's car stPuck the epecdster, the latter whirled around and Started for the ditch but #Ked @At tékhched there when a Ford r't car driven by -- Nelson-- and ansen came along from the north and crashed into Fellows' car just as he was heading for the ditch. In other on Aheir. own side of the road and just happerned to strike the point whers Fellows was heading for the ditch as a result of Kanan having fun over him. Kanan was driving a Buick touring ecar and had three fellows and three girls with --himt. ~They were jarred But that wasn't 11. As the Chevto north, dme ~going fas: was Ariving ; m l_'l.. A 406 '-;:-';" _«W .,.e..!n- Thders woeqnipanied at Tot "p+-- weven years be had served as janitor for the Lake Ville school. He died on Baturday, Sept. 1%, at the lake Count; General hoepital, of tuberculosis, his resistence having been weakened by the effects of advanced age. Mr. MoFariane is gurrired by a bro-- ther in England, and by a brother and two slasters in Irelanad. He leaves many friends in Lake Villa, for he was faith-- ful in his work, and pleasant and kind from classes on the afternoon of the tfuneral. , The teachers of the achool MKiss Landers abcompanied at the pr» ano. Beveral of the school children were present. Mr. MeFarlane had no relatives in this country and Httle is known of his lMe. He was born in Carik FPergums, The driver brought the car "to a sudden etop when another machine ubexpected'}y came into the road from a driveway." Miss Johnson suffered a three--Inch Cut She~ received treat-- mest at the County bospital, and was able i6 return hbome Bonday 1925, tollowing an operation. mmormflnomml In 1866 his parents and family cams *FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT north, eettling on what was known as| Sealed proposals will be received hy the Higlay farm for years, in Warrea|the Board of Local Improvements of township. the mfl Iibertyrille, Hlipois, un-- | In 1880, after the death of the father, |til 7 ®. n.i-munkorl the three eldest children--Issdore, |October, A. D. 1925, a*: the Village Hall William Theodore and Lyman--went of Libertyrillie, Illinols, fot the con-- west, laadore settlinz near IApcoln, as a whole of an improve-- Neb., and the boys settling near Stu--| ment congisting of a connected system art, Nob., where they bought a tract \of water mains together with water of land and engaged in raising stock gervice pipes, hydrant connections, hy-- for years, until they retired and mov--|drants, valves, manholes and connec-- ed to Stuart. Neither married. tione, constructed and laid in PARK Burial was in Lakeside cemetery in Amv'l and other streets in said Vil-- the Higley family lot on Gept. 16, 19%5.}Iage in the manner shown and set :fll'";:u& Lyman B. are one giste",|ftorth in an Ordl,lmmnz::dt; rB. rette H. Gajloway and t] ved by the ent brothers--William B.. Clarencts f%mfiu of said Viltage fi.&fl"flfi'o Walter Fred; four nieces and eight , on the 4th day of August, A. D--1925. nephews. _ 'Bald Improvermment shal} be constructed 4 h.mmmm--d.u Qfiit'heonym Clireus at Liber: Ordinance mhvmh the xghni. :;4 row ext Sunday aft: specifications, therefor / le in tha ernoon, Given by A'meflm Lekion. office of sald Board of Poeat imprse= Americs be was a saftor= ~Por the last The morning of his funeral, letters were received from his brother in Ire land and one from his brother in Eng-- land. Mr. McFariane was married in Chicago, his wite Aying 26 years ago. SBhe is buried in that city. ul us Ts -- & *n rop ind anins: ans es "*+mA j car wnltd sih Mb#Bbew o2 <--* aikn |4 Aa Rérzerrt o arigs cans. }fly_ vi'gut tail light. --It-- is al80 as-- WE s en esnt oi o ols s 0 serted the car had no hudu%:olnn C CHAS. F. FITZGIBBONS, 'Thc Beebe car--oollided--with 'the car| > «------Real Estate. f which ts reported as belonging-- to{jPhones: Office 285J; Resaldéhce 104 W --Dr. Klema of Kenosba and the front|_____________ _ ___ _ s _ _______~ _ right whee! of the : Beebe tar wes 'FOR SALE--Dairy farm of 183 actes, ed --as was also the .front gen , . ON sta e road near Round Lake; one erally. . lol the best farms in the county. Ar-- In 1880, after the death of the father, the three eldest children--Issadote, William Theodore and Lyman--went west, laadore settlingzk near IApncoln, Neb., and the boys settling near Sto-- art, Ncb., where they bought a tract of land and engaged in raising stock for years, until they retired and mov-- ed to Stuart. Neither married. The matter is being turned ovet to the Sheriff's office for investigiution of the alleged atsence of lights on the--car which is credited as cauain; the accident by «topping on the road without lights going. CUT BY WINDSHIELO * Misas Anna Johnson of 1342 Indi-- ana avenue, Chicago, was . hurled againet --the. windshield of . a car_ in which sahe wha riding when it wae stopped suddenly near the Northwest-- erm tracks on Grand avenue Sunday Victory: Memorial Hospftel, by-- Dr-- Brackett and both are reported as do inz as well as cou!d be expected. Bunday night Ed Beebe, proprietor of the Sheridgn Rd. Viedoct Garage, Waunkegan, IIL., was running north on Sheridan road shortly after dark in The three~--were John Woiczis, 809 4 16 Lincoin etreet, Waukegan, who was | FOR SALE--Seven room house driving, and Joe Joniekis and Chas..! json Court in Waukegan; :d:"; Joakus. Their machine ran into @}eorffveniences; will sell or trade for bank. {ouieku and Jokus, -- in the property Libertyville. For informa-- rear, were thrown out, but were nOF|tion call 3 Independent Office. . 32 tf by Deputy Sherif' Harry Ahlatrom,| ° i who said all three appeared to have f m 'l'O wAN + been drinking. They were released Annuumumerommenmmmnmemmnmmtmnpmmmemmmmempnmmmmmmmdemmne' in bond Sunday night. MONEY TO LOAN--We hare a con NO TAIL LIGHT--CRASH ~| _ --aid rable amount of speelal funds to No tail light and no head lights |!l%an on improved farm or --city prop are credited with the near death of *T We fnvite your inquiry., PFirs five &enqu in an auto accident on | Natio--al Bank, Libertyville . 10--f the Kellogeg hHI Fuat. north ~of Zion | n eerrerrmmmemmmemmmenmmee City on Sheridan Road. a ¢ J am arrv & ; , Word hasiily spread to North Chi: tago and the North Chicago Police 'hurried there. They placed Kanan | under Aarrest, took him to the, North 'Chwuo Police Statfons and later to the Lake County jail charging him l:lth driving his car while' grunk. Kellowing the accident some pass the Lake Forest Hospital v{ere they now 'are."~ Feliows. and-- his little brother had a number of bruises but were not setiously injured. THREE ARRESTED | _ 'Three youths were arrested, charg-- ed with disorderiy conduct, following an accident Sunday morning near the Mdtt Murrie farm in Russell. R not bring their cars to.a stop when they saw wreckage about the: road and as a consequence they collided but nobody was injured. However con-- siderable damage® was done to both tars cand ~the--scene--was --one--where five cara were either in the ditch or along the side ol the pavement, all considerably smashed. SR w J LUBERTYVILLE _ {NDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1925 --i% ' ~"The drivers 01 thess s0ft.00| 74 --1--0 C1 PITT i _ ; inX _ monts I€ he ViMkBE HAR TK WEN Y |.~ qi n on ie naeeciee OBiTVXAY hy LiruL_ GaFrKk IP 1 <--6 mv»¢mé of 'such bid or proposal. J . sBr:. * »G0C----16, shada trees; 1 mile|'_DAled this 2!st day of September 'fi:fiwm Ne --vmws. .n ~. + + .;';.'""'f Pn B. **Biky----. sipbistnatvateaos usa-- * » . * FOR SALB--14138 onepicso stare coal range; both in good condition Call at 162 Broadway. 39 :t FOR BALB--Fordson Tractor, in A--1 condition; new aww# and rig and oth-- er Fordson appliances; very reason-- able. H. V. Rothery, Des Pinines, U Phone Des Pliaines 2858. #4 t POR BALB--Commbhifintion coal, wood, FOR SALE--Prceatically new Ogriddle range, with hot water front and rea-- ervoir; 1 now air griddle stove; 1 com-- plete dining room wet, mission oak; 1 mission oak lWbrary table; 1 oak book case and writing desk combined: 2 new Simmons springs. Addrese Hen-- 17y Atwoll, Lake Villa, II1,. Phone 34. FOR ABALE--Utility Securities; sats; seven pe réent investments Geo. B. Follett, Representative, Libertyville. and gas range, good as new:; also lInrge Vistor Victrols with 100 records. Telephone 161--W. 8841 POR SALE--11 Holstein heliters,. -- in-- gquire of Jasth BReematatboer, Mil}-- POR BALE--Eight weeks' old pigs. phone 469 FOR RENT--Good sevren room hous» Jn nice neighborhood; rent reason-- OR BALE--Honey. Almond Bros., 315 N. First St. Phone 20%J. 39 t WANTED--Room and ooard,. with MARRIBD COUPLE want position as bomelHike surroundings, for 14--year old boy. Address No. }5, care Liberty-- ville Ind pendent. se 39 1: caretakers of place during winter. A@t;.bln 4, care Independent.. It ZION BUILDING INDUBTRY, ZI0ON; ILLINOI®. f 32 13 Quality issued By the National Cement Products Association. '"See us first-- FOR SALE--Dairy farm of 183 actes, ._ O sta. e road near Round Lake; one of the best farms in the county. Ar-- thur L Stanford, Round Lake, 1!) § 36 3t "ZION (W. C. B; D.) Concrete Blocks, . 18¢ each, at our Plant BEST MADE; f KY--T--FINE BARGAIN--119 fi. on Milwaukee Ave., 7T--r. house; price $10,000. $4,000 cash. Everyone else wants $200 a front ft. Chas. F. Fitzgibbons, Real Es;ate. Mil-- waukee Ave. & 3:.'1'..3'. Phone "Hu "- work; no washing; good home and a permanent position to the right party. Salary $15.00 a week. Call at office 551 Milwaukee Ave, Libertyvillie, or telephoneé 451. 31 h CEASSIFI WANTED--Girl for general house work.~ Phone 326. Mrs:. Langworthy, Libertyville. 39 It WANTED~--Neat, --reliable _girl or wo-- BALE--Concord grapes Henry wen, 8r. Phone 60+4.--1. 38# 1t FEMALE HELP WANTED _ |#}}" POSITIONS WANTED HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALF _ f m-m 1 assessment bonds which draw e e 4 lnmutst:l;'m::!-hpormtper * A ) |annum, paya@ble annually and in vouch-- | -- R Vm [ ers. ' Proposals must be mmu ------z---------- blanks furnished at the office of the|__| _ _ Tela _ For the const:ruction as a whole of an improvement consisting of the pay-- ing of BRAINERD AVENTUE and other streets in said Village of ibertyyville Lake County, !Moots, in the manser shown and set forth in an Ordinance passed and approved by the Pres'dent and Board of gr-ta' of aald VMiagke ot IAbertyville on the 7th day of July. A. D. 1925, uniess the owners of a ma-- jority of the frontage of the lots and lands abutting upon said proposed im provemen®. or their agents, elect la take said work and enter into a writtes contract within ten days from the first publicatinm of this nottee, to do «ald #otk and make said improvement at ten per cent Cjess thar Thirty4fonr Thousand Four HMundred sizxiy«seven Dated this 24th day of September, A. D. 1925, at Libertyvilie, IMnois. JEASE 6. HYATT, Ww. W. GRUMMAITT, W. aA. NICHOLAS, _ , A. L JOHNBON, J. W. HART, E. F SWAN, AR W. BULKLEY , ~ Members of the Board of Local and 50 100 Dollars (§34,46750). the price at which the same has béen awarded to said James Cape & Sons _ Public notice is bereby given that an award of the contract for the con: struction of the improvement herein-- after described has been made :o the James Cape & Sons Company, and that--pursuant --to the--siaiyie in cases made and provided, a contract will be entered inmo with said James Cape & Sons Company not lsss than ten days from the 24th day of Septem ber, A. D. 1925, for the following de-- scribed improvement. to--wit: -- _ The successful bidder for the con-- struction of said improvement .will be wequired to enter into a bond in a sum equal to one--third of the amount . of such bid, with sureties to be approved by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of said Village of Liber-- tyville, which bond mustbe filed with salid Board when contract for the con-- struction of said improvemen: is en-- tered --into. . Said bond shall provide that said contractor 'shall well and faithfully perform and execute said work in all respects according to the complete and detailed specifications, and full and complete d@rawings, pro-- files and models therefor, and accord-- ing to the time and terms and condi-- uons of the contract,-- and also, that such bidder and contractor sha promptly pay «}l debts incurred by such bidder or contractor in the--pros ecutfon of such work, including those for labor and materials furnished. Al bids --or proposais shall contain an--offer--so.furnish such bond --upon the provements reserves the right to re-- jec: any and &ll bids as the Board may than 10% of the aggregate proposal. Bids will be opened by the Board pt Local Improvements in open session at 8 o'clock P. M., October--6th, 1925, in said Village Hall in satd Village of L4p-- Village Clerk of the Village of Liber-- tyville, Iilinois, and must be accompa-- nied by caeh or check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Good Meals 50c WAUKEGAN, ILL REAL ESTATE We Buy and Sell LAKE COUNTY AKD ~ SELLERS & PETERSEN ARLINGTO N +# HOTEL # * --"A. L. JOHNSON, s ; 3. W. HART, . * TK :'SWAN . R. W. BULKLEY, Members: of the Board ot Local Improvements of the Village of Libertyville, TLake 'County, l noils. sept 24 oct 1 551 Miwaukee Avenue Telephone 451 NOTICE OF AWARD Read the FarmfAuction Ads'in This Issue on Page 6. YouiMay Find Just What You Need on ThatfPage......... Sir Pair Ladies light or heary fPull fash-- loned pure 8 I L K HOBE valued at $10 £ tor only ~ $1.00 Quarantooed . Porfect and Finest Quality. and Finest Quality, P * We M --Ooncea--io THE ALLIED SALES CO., 150 NABSAU ST., NEW YORK, N. y. Legal Papers Drawn A3 Ladies' GATAIHNTITITEL Gentliemen's Notary Public. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US, EITHER 'BUy. ING OR SELLING. §EE US FIRBT. _ o runde enR Milwaukes Ave. at North Shore Lins LIBEARTYVILLE, ILLINO!S mss Real Estate; Farm Lands; Propéerty Exchanged Anywhere; Homes Financed on E Z Payment Plan; Loans; Service; Insurance all Kinds; TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS After Thursdgy, August:13. * Barrels and||Kegs for Sale _ -- LONG: GROVE CIDER --MILL Will be open on _ buy again, see the e Exide type RX. | | Thereisnéneed ' to pay more than gn «. Exide prices, and $ 1 6 50 $ you can't get bet-- > J wesege * ter quality, ~*~ > n ccais ~2~ e -- ze stt w o w on voue C C en > W ~ £A4vCily vilrc paucry IF it's an Exide, it's standard! This new typeEx-- ide with the low price is no excep-- EXIDE PRICES ARE FROM $ 15.00 up KAPING & SAUNDERS YALUVE PVURE SB!LK MOSE FoRr onLy 13 PLATE and Electrtec Co. «_ e 400 -- _: Libertyville Strictly hand--tailored to your measure, serge or worsted. Latest modela. Aingle " w or double breasted, for ONLY ._._._._._._.. * Send No Money--Write for Our Speacia}) Offer. Pertegt ® Fit and Batistaction Quaranteed. Phone Libertyville, 657--M.--1 wl i ies c ds 0 ) rirengee N ho nc o9 se aiyigh hn trile N Ntain Je s a. $10, for only $1.00 -- _ SEND NO MONEY. Twelve Pair Mon's light or heavry pure $1.00 Re

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