n LIBERTYVILLE TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK T' --NOW OPEN --| Frank H. Eger | General Banking Business . lnnfw.ecoudf'fim.'itbwtmnovinrtheboi.h can make a photographic print of your foot that posi-- uvdydmifbloudohavefootu'wblolndw'm stage the trou hupropu-ad.'l'_hi--erviai-.ho- lutely free and places you under no obligation whatever, --~~ <~-- --" #PRER SAMPLES-- ------ Warm Air Heater MANY NEW WORTH--WHILE FEATURES ' s2ucal x e '-- = 'o t nae m 00 Ao n agenia n UR ctiche 2. on ies Foot troubles are unixersal. Government records show that 7 out of every 10 adult people have some form of faot trouble. P ys i You are probably a victim of foot trouble yourself. It may be only a &rn, a callous, a bunion or some more serious trouble such as weak and broken--down arches. Youmi'btnotknovtbe'utmedyofirtrwbhwtyw doknovzhatymrlectache.pain.uxlgetdldtdoct on the slightest provocation. . B Call at our store and let us explain the superior merits of this furnace. We think so much of it that we have in-- stalled one to heat our stOre. Come to our Foot Com{ort--Department on lorthisvaluable-ervict.'!'his'workbindnrpoll Special Demonstrator from The Scholl Mfg. Co. This is an opportunity that every foot suffeter should grasp. FREE PEDO--GRAPH PICTURE _ We Invite Your Account Doymmttoknovhowtoswp'oprmhnm stantly? Come in and get a sample of Dr. * Zinop.d-.%mtheuqtdearm--hicfiu and pressure. Thin, antiseptic, healing. RAY N. SMITH FOOT COMFORT EXPERT HERE 715% GREATER AIR CIRCULATION M s m w n / t Tob : Py .# i us \ w TELEPHONE 17 Doing a _-- The Thompsons for many years: livzed L Hleitndiges ieA c on a farm aear the--Qhkio city belens; mmemel _ Are w go n se *_. ***~HHFto "Mr . RBull----Sunday they took & FR E E ... * 'un gzauto trip to points in Wwisconsin e i e ~ » * . "lg, ¥r. asd Mrs. Orrie Rbllins drove to OS Grove ~cemetery, ~--¥outh or Wwnrentyk. (Eeueaeeeee h Tuesday rzx(nrhixw, to attend the buryal f{ --Edward Appleyard,; who was bro't Foot --Comfort--!=m:is sys & T Xppleyard was a nuncle of Mr# "Ror mss 7 m 11118 AfIIR . ocannaten ons eiceng geo n n ocoge cce [ 1 Ti ~_ affffB14 No. MilW. Ave. . Libertyyilis <~"Mt W T. Colffnd "or tha Conins & PDoane * Menimen: Co., made a business trip . to Sycamore*Tuesday. S __{||, Jonn Pabiman, 8r., of Long Grove, ~--~Mll who "his> oeen #it, :s ¥oported us fm-- 1| | FRED H. SMITH _ Frank 'Kennedy has moved to tine new home on Broadway, just of Milwaukee avenmue. + _. > _ Misses Lillian Klepper and Harriet Ruby and Lee Walrond attended the dance at the Exmoor Country Club in Highland Park Monday night: Leonard Blank, of the Cas hand Car-- ry Market, has discarded his Ford and grts awbout how in a brand new Stude-- E. M. Weiskop{f left 1uesday night for. Bridgeport, in the> southern part of lIilinois, on a business trip. Mr. Weiskopf owns a large hotel in that Next Sunday, Oct. 4th, the Liberty-- ¥ille A. C. baseball team will tackle the strong Lon' Grove team at the fair grounds diamond. The game will be called at 230 p. m. Full line of fall} and winter under-- wear. Langworthy's. 1t Marshal Limberry asks that chil-- dren_ who havre to eross Milwaukee avenue on their way to and from school, use the crossing at Cook ave., as he is a: that point, due to so many of the little folks attending 'school in the village hall building. A Harvest Home Festival service will be beld at 8t Lawrence's church Sunday morning,-- Octeber-- l1.-- ac l1 o'clock. The charch will be decorated with {[ruits. flowers and vegetables. which witt--afterwarda--be riven to the needy. All are cordially welcome. . ae barbers of Liber.yville are now hitting on six. and will remain opea on Thursday afternoons. For the past month the weillders of the razor and shears have been laying off on Thurs-- day afternoons amd going fisbing, or rlding in tbeir cars. pok o street dnd :hu'),ootro'n that street to Park avenue"~ It is said that a parkway will be in the center of these streets. whese. flowers and shrubbery will hy planted, ~feaktug thisg the real show thoroughfare of the village. There is a story on the stree's to the effect that Broadway is to be pay-- ed from Milwaukee avemue fo Fifth Kaynee winter suits and blqouses for boys at Langworthy's. 1t Announcegent was made this week tha: three storea--will be built at once on the l}ots corner of milwaukee and Newberty Avenues. This information comes from Quinian & .yson,. agenis for the owners. The stor» reoms will R. J. Lyons bas returned from a business tHp to California . Waille Jn the golden state, Dick sent us a posi card, bearing the messiage: "Don't let anyone ever tall you that California has anything on Lake county. Wourd no trade one acre of Lake ftor hal of 'lL.os Onglaze.'" <-- Of course, that's a rather strong statement, but Dick was probably homesick, and really meant jost what be amid.-- f be 19x60 {fget. and it is sald 'beg a wu«-&uuunum&n for us in our time of sorrow. We also thank those who manifested *their NOTICE Mystic Workers are hereby notified that due. to the change in secretarys it is absolutely necessary that 1 re-- ceive their S&eptember payment fo later than Ociober 5th. Class --A mem-- bers pay old rate. ' S NO W'S Mt, and 3. B. T. Bull of Sydaey. PHONE 306 Short Items of Especial Interest--to Libertyville People .. REAL ESTATE MR. AND MRS. AUG. RADLOFF AND FAMILY. 1t CARD OF THANKS wich to etpress our gratitude : many acts of kindness shown Buying or SBelling, MARY CARNEY, Cor Notary Publlc § ut PW i 2e ieR »p For the first time in film history, he Royal Gorge in the heart of Col-- orado, will be seen in a photoplay en "The Limited Mail," the Warner Bros. classic of the screen is shown at the Auditorium Saturday, Oct. 3. This is said to be one of the most beautiful and awe--inspiring back-- grounds e¥er seen in a motion picture production. * ie m. m n mm la--tealt 4 £9k J MUrAd 9n n t ;..' «i mm '-'. We sls qy en 6 un *) _ Nebpth w us ; ¥+ a# ¥ ii?')r","* ----a,\w_' &\ nc l ; rg tha on ow' wfiw%*- o (Thusrsday) _morning...An .. 29 .. A_OMq: bite--trip throuwh towa-- and --Nebraska: Ernest, Jr., will attend the American Legion festivities at Omaha, while the rest of the party will visit relatives in Britt, Jowa.. and other places. The Methodist Ladies' Aid ;odety will meet next -- Tuesday afternoon, October 6, at the home of Mrs. Gar-- land Ingraham, on West Cook Ave. Mrs. W. E. Decker, ars. Melinda Day and Mra Frances 'Tripp will asgiist and Mrs Frances FriIpp W!il Assi'l Mrs. Ingraham. This is the firs: meet-- ing of the new year, and all members are asked to attend. e Formfit Girdles and Brassieres 1 Langworthy's. \ Jt ~ _ "Tis said, according to grape vine reports, hummings from posts. and other sources, that a scrap impends amongk part of the officiat force of the some of the officers do not se&m to be | satisfied with the way 'things are go-- ing. Oh, well, North Chicago had a {ine fi=ht along this line; now the iz | city bf Chicago"Ij having one, and Tihs, village. Can't find out the reasor, but séi].?'"«rw'""' yod Gy--AChaL ¥._Fitigity 4 bons'are the following: The Lange : & Nicholas bungalow on Third street, | to Mr. Dunf. local manager of the : North Shore Gas Co., tn? property at comner of First streef and Broadway, bough: by Framk Rose * from Mrs. Buhst :i# 10t 11 --the Parkhuret ~subdt~ visfon © north ~Of ~the viiiazge sotd by-- George Hardeis of Chicago, to Robert Odum, of Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brown, Among the recent real estate trans-- ~----Lake -- -- County National Pleasing you / irs. E. H. Brown, Jr., and son and Mrs. A. E. Lyon--left this "The Bank of Kervice'"' our depositors is a matter of good business . 1925 head mfluz the claim --on the death Of m Lusk ha®& been atiow-- éd, and that the full amount of the $3,000 policy would be paid within a few.days. Mr, Lusk was a member of the Woodman fraternity for 31 years, 11 months and 27 days, and had-- paid into the benefit, fund a total sum of $958.50. > _ Reuse residence, when bright; lights of an approaching ?r blinded--the driver of the auto in which be was riding, waz *A~l4 Tuesday afternoon . by Coro{ poned so as to allow the wife and daughter of the dead man to be pres en:, _ They were both injured, the daughter sustaining a broken arm. The driver of the car in which Mr. Rydell was a paseenger, was held blameless. 1 a dozen pictures. And Meighan|| = has never had a role that fitted{'f, him so thoroughly. In addition}; ue tn ghesfeature; two reels of com--§!1 ,_.:-- : ediy." asce 100 K1G PLAUKS [T" _ § Snnmmenmmaite Thursday and Friday, Odgbc 1 and 2: . ©~ Thomas Meighan in The A thundering melodrama that oars_ through a stream of siz-- zhog thrills, ' THE LIMITED MAIL TONGUES OF FLAME There's gnough solid drama in '"TONGUES OF FLAME" to fill -- UVragon AlléY_____"|)m«-- i vdr onl »apiexcl T with Monte Blue, Vera Reyn-- lery,. _ Also Pathe Review and Aesop Fables. *' > tire gang. Sunday, October'4: -- _ Doris Kenyon, . Lioyd Hughes and Hobart Bosworth in THE HALF W AY GIRL Tuesday and Wednesday, October 6 and 7: News . reel. 'painful in the manipulation of .the trained Naprapath. § Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays OvER FORD SALESROOM ... Libertyville _ Phone 133--R > Telephone 29 SCIENTIFEIC SPINAL ~MANIPULATION. s A NEW METHOD. For nerve and chronic aitments. If you are not enjoying health, why aot try Naprap:ithic treatments. They havre bean ftound aftective in 're moting the cause of many ob stinate and obscure ailments. THE KNGEKOUT W. LEE KAPPLE NAP RA--PATH UDITORIU Pillows . . . . rair, $2.50/ Comforts . . . .:. $5.25 Blankets ... $2 to $18.75 W. W. Carroll & Son--Co. FALL BEDDING Milton Sis in into the death of Otto a*» klMed-- on --che-- night 4 ; near the: IimanFx : euinr »reage P ap is Jn sAdine." rome mmie n FerAemommaannatana s o es e Avnal L P ++ 3. Ai va qi ie ns o pr on Tok t abwi evamee it +3 prinet revirn ns ie snn trcget ds /5 stt ns We .0 ofi e Feeiedit se ie it +000 o0 00 0 s ~« dentalcptquie ¢a picmgecrrs (og e ie awest as neels cory sc o on mminemenniotpmemnery cb vrc n inencumencachnecemanite o i e e OPrerme t oz w,e.iafe:';l PP huss "Watthas in F NP he-- h ult + ¢ * Leton AAMETE 3: se c itc ..' A > LGood Homes make citizens. > f f _ We can help you make YOUR home better. _ : HIGH GRADE -- _ FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Libertyville Lumberlf | Company | Something New--CURVED BLOCKS FOR CATCH BASINS. High Test Blocks. Reasonable Prices. Call and Inspect Them. The First National Bank : Capital Surplus and Profits $100,000.00 . _ Libertyville Cement Works_ id You--Know Libertyville Is .| _ _ . _ Secured By | Choice Improved Libertyville and !,ake County Property Denominaitons $500 to $2500 .' ~~ TELEPHONE 47 °* Down by the Old Depot --Been there twenly years. _ * o Investments 6% Makes an 'old house new--plaster right on it. See it--try #! _ ~ _ THE PERFECT INSUL A TION _ 123 EAST COOK--AVENUE & 1 t Blocksfor All Building Purposes -- * We invite your inquiry Libertyville, Illinois _ : Plant, 415; Residence, 165--J, number of BETTER SOLD ONLY BY f Hoors 8 A.M. 1 tb