Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Oct 1925, p. 7

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__Flores and Oprase_Tell %tgr --~~of Drowning--ana are" Re-- leased by Deputy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Deits and chil dren were Libertyville callers Sunday. + Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Howard, Mr. and Flores said he swam to the aid of Kozlowski, who could not swim, but that the drowning man resisted his efforts, and Flores swam back to the boat, clinging to it with Oprase un-- til help came. Kozlowski went, dgvn and «ame up,,mklng' no cry for Relp, ;zy; said.--' He came up --a second time, and on the third time his body barely showed above the surface, they. said. * * _ Leonard Hook of C{raysalak® wias a Round Lake visttor Friday evening. #rving Molider of Volo was in our THiare Priday> evening.---- Mr. and Mrié. 1. A Fits were in Graysiake Sunday. -- *' . Charley Streeter of 10n¢g Lake was a Roupd Lake business caller Monday. Mr and Mfrs Miitord Smith and William Schuir attended the dance at the For a: McHenry Saturday eve. Mrs. Mitchéeil returned to her bothe in Chicago Monday, after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. William Buste: Mazhews of Long Lake was & Rourd Lake business caller Satur-- day evening. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ friends in Chicago. _ Florencge Wagner was a Waukegan caller Friday. j -- -- -- Joe ritz and Frank Drummond took a load of furtinre to Chicago Thurs Miss -- Adeline: Rossendeg:cher ol 100z lake was in Round Lake Satur-- day evening. . e ues s of Chicago spent the week end at the home of the latter's brother, Floyd Mrs. Naomi MoCandless was a Volo business caller Baturday evening.. Reneban Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thomas and son ol Grayslake .were callers in Rowund Lake Sunday. Flores and Oprase were arrested Friday at the inquest, at which a ver-- dict uf accidental drowning. was re turned. They were kuestioned by Pe-- feleased them after be was convineed they were not responsible for the drowning and that there bad been no--drinktng. ~ 199 3 _ Mrs. Russell Meade and children of Waukegan spent Friday at the Floyd week. . Mrs. Sylvia Stutsman was a Chicago business visitor Monday. s s _ Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hoigaard 'spent Friday visiting at the home of their son, Chris, in North Chicago. _ _Mti. Leo Hendeé is driving s new Hudson coach. Oprase, companions of John Kozlow-- urday when their boat swamped, fail-- ed to bring out any blame for the drowning, and both were released late Friday. . _ They. deny there had been drink-- ing, as was rumored at Duck Lake. The three had gone to Inglesige to buy groceries. On their return trip they wére changing positions tor the second time, they waid, when the boat turned aver. * Questioning of Lewts Flores and Carl Mr. amd Mrs. KRay Minnick and son Edward Larkin, Jr., of Long Lake Velma Fitz spent the week wi'th OF LAKE VICTJM AFTER GRILLING The LAKE _COUNTY LAND ASSOCIATION Arthar H. Jones, Gemeral Sales Manager A 79 W est Monroe Streét, Chicago ' s \~~~~~»~ »Puiaphone Randolph 2355 > BEAUTIFUL NEW LAKEWOOD HEIGHTS Adjacent to Mundelein lV on a gently slop _ change between Liberty-- ing knoll nearthe _ ville--Mundelein and village ;? Mundelein is _ Chicago next Spring, is Lakewood Heights, the _ certain to nm:umr Lake County Land Asso _ bers of desirab tes ciation's newly platted ---- identstothe LakeCounty and lag:llxafiedp model _ Countryside region. residen community. * *T Visit Lakewood Heights The completion of the _ now and let its spacious, new Skokié Valley divi -- low priced home sites sion of the North Shore impart their own sug-- Line upon which trains -- gestion to you. Given Purchasers. Route Map and Booklet on Request. '- alan. ' a -- ansen® son Howard wl Mr. and. Ars. Sumner Bauer and son Charles spent Sunday at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Nell Town-- send. -- . _ Mrs. Milford Smith and Mrs. Harty MGeary of Grayslake, motored to Wau Geary of Grayslake motored :o Wau-- kegan Thursday. h!m Lillian Davis spent »monday at the bome of ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson. -- Mr ~and Mre" Leo Hendade and cb drea spent Sundray with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hendee, at Grayslake. were here Monday. Saturday -- afternoon ' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harrison and chil-- dren of Ringwood spent Sunday after noon at the home of the latter's sister, Mres. Milford Smith. . Mrs. arry Dtz and, Doi-- ores, mrs. 0. A. Howard, Mrs. Ray Rippberger aud son, Howard, motored to waukegan Sunday. _ _ Mrs. Naomi McCandless was a Wau-- kegan caller Frigay _ Erdeert Perry of Fox Lake was a Round lLake visitor Monday eveninz Mrs. Tom Graham and son, Tom, --lA4lab Brown was absent from her school work Monday, on actount of Mrs. Katheringe Stadtfield and Madsze PTannensiil! ealled a% the Fitz home saturday afternoor. * [ _ .. doe Jravis, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Red-- man and thtldrea »morored ty Evans~ 1B Sa:uyrday evening -- Mrs. Keizer and son, of Wiscomsin, spent Tuesday and Wed ith their daughter and sister, me Amann. © s 5 . Mrs. 0. A. Howard, Mrs. Ray Ripp berger and son Howard and Veinmw Fits motored io Libertyrville: Monday. -- Mr. and Mrs. Clint Hendee, Mrs. Mabel Benwell, of Round Lake; Mrs: Lena Richardson, and Mr. Davis of Grayslake, are taking a mo.or trip in Minnesota and Jowa, after which they will go south and visit in North and Squth Carolina. e * William Harrison of Ringwood vis lled Wednesday with his sister, Mrs Margaret Smith. . Albert Lenzsena of [Mxon, is stayinz with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John i»nzen. for a while: t *~ . Mri. Mar.ha Simmons of Elgin vis Ited Saturday at the Ada White bome. Charles Smith of Graysiake spent _ _Mrsé. Wiliiam Smith of Grayslake spent Sunday at the home of her son, A. J. Smhh . . _ , -- Mrs. William Fros: and children are spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Mitchell, in Chicago. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tonyan and chil-- Miss Lucille Rosing and _.enry Honeman were Chicago visitors la>: Friday. 2s _ -- John Theis of McHenry was a busi-- ness caller in Round Lake Monday. Joe Lenzen of Volo was a Round Lake business visitor Monday. Edwin Bauer spent Bunday at home with his pareots, Mr. and Mrs. Aumner _ William Schulz of Chicago spent the week end with the Milford Smiths. Mrs. Wolfe and children spent last Wednesday at the Joe Adsmann home. dren --of--thikesmide--vAisHPed »»-ms'-po- Hendee home Wednesday. Babe mosher has returned to his home in' Chicago, After spending a few weeks at the Clara Rosing home.. -- Joe Davis and daughters, Eleanor and Elizabeth, spent Sunday with rel-- aiives at Bristal, Wis. waf Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merritt and Martin 'Thelan motored to Chicago on Monday. _ Mra. Kugene HMenpndee of Grayslake. 120 Hendee ville SBunday. M . o Miss Helen Wilson is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Lee Batterson, a; Bristo!, Wis. .. will run direct without change between Liberty-- ville--Mundelein and certain to a num-- bers of dednm res idents to the LakeCounty Count'rnidg region. ow 08 ler he macihon now a: its spacious, low priced home sites Misses Marjorie Cleveland and Ev 1 __naprmann HoOLuUge= three years. . She is survived by the following children: Mra. Anna Richardson. Mrs. Catherine Stadtfield, Mrs. Elizabeth Amann, of Round Lake; Mrs. Mary Pouliot and. Miss Madge Pfannensti'l, John, of MéHenry, and Frank, of Chi-- cago. Four children®are dead. She also leaves three sisters -- Mrs. An-- drtw Mlller.'nng Mrs. Mary Hecht, of Chicago, and Mrs. Arthur Beak, of Margaret Pfannenstill was born in Ausiria April 30, 1850, and died Sept. 21, 1925. She was the daughter of Michael and Mary Deitz, and came to the United States in 1872, settling in Illinois. Jan. 27, 1876, she was united4 in marriage to Ferdinand Pfanuens.ill of Chicago. The husband passed away May 7, 1909. Mrs. Pfannenstiil had been in ill health for more than clety will hold its next regular meet-- ;n"'wl':h Mrs. Arthur: Cashmore at Jeerfleld. .Dinner will be served. All members are requested to be present. ~Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown and daughter, Lilah, motored to Wauke-- gan Saturday evening. s -- vimerammenint mdns a 24 MAAA U APVARYAPRM . --~ -- -- oi s e 2e cl a 4808 p--e ~---- ----»~ i4 Sun&'ty :t."&!-nA.uj.' Smith'h;me""'"}; M"hr'! Tillotson-- of DeJle¥AR;--Was--|--------------> =p ~:* 'Mrs. Elizabeth Wagner of Waukegan 4t home for the week end. * + visited with her son, Phil Wagner, a| Miss Agnes Péderson of Waukegan C few days last week. & 'h visiing relatives here this week. | + PA +Mrs. L. A. Fitz and daughter, Miss| Mrs. Chris Paulsen entertained her P e Velma, were in Chicago Monday. | elub last Wednesday. . -- The Eagt--FOX--iA%o--Cometery --Ho------Ar--and--Mrs--Q. L. Hollenbeck and / _/ Bm!th_. s M s + Mrs. Thomas Wise of Milwaukee spent a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. Phil Wagner. * 2 _>-- Mre. Martha Simmons of Figizc, spent a few days last week with her i?'_@".r"f;?iflflnt Chicago sapent las unday at the A. J -- Smtth --home--~~ tpi ht w lt iA ~ MUSIC BY BLACK CAT ORCHESTRA ® RESERVATIONS FOR BANQUETS : : ~*TELEPHONE§ --~ CHICKEN AND SBTEAK DINNERS.--~.._LLUNCFES and SANDWICHES RELIABLE LAUNDRY WHY ~HAVE --A "BLUE MONDAY?"" ----» -- LAUNDERERS, CLEANERS AND DYERS Phone Libertyville 67--R. _ Libertyville and Highland Park e AND SPECIAL PARTIES ASK THE MAN WHO HAS BUILT, OR WHO IS BUILDING, AS TO WHICH LUMBER HE BUYS. TS A CERTAINTY THAT HE WILL RECOMMEND NONE OTHER THAN FRANZEN QUALITY LUMBER. MAY WE BID ON YOUR NEFDS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED PROMPTLY. LET US TAKE AWAY-- YOUR BACKACHE, YOUR CHAPPED HANDS AND YOUR FROZEN FINCERS. WHEN IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET AWAY FROM THE DRUDCERY OF THE WEEKLY WASH. DANCING EVERY EVENINC, ST ARTING MAY 30 \Telephone 50--LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. OBITVARY WET WASH | . Franzen, Jr. WHEELING, JLLINOIS 20 POUNDS FOR 95¢ Miss Lois Hunter spent Saturday llwrno'?'n and Sunday with her'cousin Caryl llotson: ~ > Miss Edith Thompson and.a friend, Miss Schotte, of Kenosha, are spend-- ing a few days. at the. Geo A. Thomp: son lidme. * Miss Charlotte Hollenbeck is spend-- ing this week at the Corners. ~ Mrs. F. Smith and daughter, of Chi-- cago, who have been spending the pas. past two weeks with Mrs. 0. L. Hollenbeck, returned home last Sun-- day morning. * family spent Sunday in Kenosha She was in-- Alaska looking over a Bx farm. After admiring a beautiful Silver specimen she asked her guide: "Just bow many times can the for be skinned for his fur?"* _ "Three times, madam " eald the guide grave ly. "Any more than that would spoil bis temper." (y +> sides in Austria. -- _ The funeral services were held on Thursday, Sept 24th, at 9 o'clock in the morning, the Rev. Schmit officiat-- ing. ~Burial was in Volo cemetery. -- Asking Too Much of Fox HICK OR Y WHEELING 6 and 17 INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1925 somn uis > ult 1» GROSVENOR BROS. Subscribe for the}{Libertyville Independent $1.50 a yr. Tractor Plowing | Grayslake, DJ Phone 158--J U 4 Trucking and Hauling .__ Furniture and Cattle . Local and Loiig Distance » ~BBAUTY -- COMFORT -- CONVENIENCE -- UTILLTY _ Good Looks: as Well as Good Service Prepare Now Don't Shiver Next Winter Schanck Hardware Co. . _ The Heating Men Who Satisfy ' advancing market. WE BOUGHT .A CARLOAD WHEN PRICES WERE DOWN Why wait until next Fall before sqiving your heating problem. in the Spring, right now, is the most economical time to instal} a warm air furnace. Don't wait until the Fall rush comes with high labor cost and Demountable Rims and Scarter Extra ~ on Opes Cars ' FORDOR SEDAN 660 R U N A B O U T The improved Ford Runabout, with its all--steel stream--line body, is an unusually good--looking car. -- o : It hangs low to the ground, and the body has been lengthened and re--designed for greater comfort and convenience. The gas tank under the cowl is filled from the outside, and the weather-- proof storm curtains open with both doors. p { C Under the sweeping rear deck is an unusually large compartment designed Clasud Crs in Colors NOTARY PUBLIC _ Commission 3 Per Cent -- Office Phone _ Milwaukee Ave. and $t. Pusd) Ry. bogot Res. Phone »B5.J ~ LIBERTYVILLE,* ILL. ~104 w FoORD MOTOR COMPANY, DE i rol1. Mipk: .' Stapdard cquifinncm includes four cord, tires, Ts 12 : nickélcdhcad-_hat_rf)prirps'andwjr)dshicldwiper.'. Sn ho buy on the Ford Weekly Purcirase Plan: __ _ -->*~>+--<o---- +2 for convenience in carsying luggage. LIST YOUR--PROPERTY HERE Charles F. Fitzgibbons REAL ESTATE _ =©~ PAGE SEVEN --

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