P .4 P _ _ sBut mother--~ C CENEE C _E =f go only on my own terme, Mat _ WE _' --tim. 'That must be settied now." * /§ ( "Oh, leare the town to me, Martin. $ _ _ _ Ave Hired in smaill towns before. Hol-- "'» ib's bored to death and just weiting e * i e mwe to come and amuse It" >>-- a 4 ' *Unfortunately, I stlll love you, Jeryl"> MHis frown gave way to 4 s "wisiful longing. "Can It bethat ~.-------- thity=--" hts--contemptuoys gesture cir-- rflflwnmnd over a dif-- __. Rerence of opiaton. Well have a cup ------#W--tes and rou'l! go back to Holcomb % matter with tfhe. I believe American --_-- _ Immes lack beauty and I would be _--_ Raise to mysolf and to America If T _ bought my lore with ugliness, -- Look } wot at the sea and sky, Martin The i Creator uses color lavishly, yet you _"__-- eonsider my love oft it a mere fad." --** She -- Yooked -- up aft him adoringiy. oiz _"Ka% are handsome too, Martis I A fa z-'ih«d«nd;bem*hc' npppmmaoeet £5~ Into his arms. Order. Your Seats Today-- '?' . *PH risk it," be deciared, nw-'r.{ Dom't Wait -- A Real $3.06 _ * [ geryl lmughed helpiessty. _ Production At Our Prices ifmafiu;b'w.- ol tmnn --and . >mM hy 4 "ar "7 P p . "We must live wirh her and abe will never leare the old home." _ - "I did--not object." ° *You aniagonized hber" "I merely refused to allow her to ~ Abmgase my clothes and personal sur-- Woantagy ~<oThs~ hy 'of #ubw!lailre brides Is orer." -- -- "Se my mother and 1 are jokes be-- we stand for beauty and pure Emmn'u'mm He Pusched wut understood. ' y o_ ae ee'e l i e o cak blinked at an intolerable gold zun it radiating _.daztling sand and darkly vivid biue--green sea. If forgetfuilness had blotted out the rememtrance of th* ferry and the suburbaw tratn, be might have imagined bimself set down in an Indian palace in a tropical desert. A dull black piano and a golden harp, however, prociaimed the place a studilo. ~ * impression of barbaric splendor, -- It was painted terra cotta and "3 Mecorated in gold and relieved wit! black. Through the large meshed cor-- .. "Dearest," he leaned evetr and took Rber hand. His:eyes pleaded. "I don't ecage. what you do. But mother--and the towa--*~ . "Your mother must compromise." _ "Jery!, this is utter foolishness." Jerri unatched her Band away. "Is R* ° Then what about, my mother and Ideas* She is a vegetariaf, you ;'. WRI you give up meat to please and Tl stazy hbere." Martin Andruson frowned as she approached; the sight of her angered bim. He narrowed bis lide as if the strong hues hburt his eyes.. The girl hel4 out her hand, smiling impishly : : *"I recognize the --old expression, Martin. Since you are still displeased at, the same things, why are yQu here*" and a professional Career?" _ "Den't put It that way, please." Feryi's tome was sharp. "I am an artist, a singer; I was torn and trained to It. As for these colors, they aymbolize a need of my nature." _ Mertin's face whitened. He caught her hang despeiringy. _ "What is the compromise you spoke Y he asked. « _'"She hasa't changed," he groafed 16 himéelf. "Indeed, she must be worse than ever." * ® __ "Fina!," Jeryt*". His 'stubborn blue <ze8 met cher OBTK Feosalibts.----._. > -- "F'lnal, Martin. 'What we decide to-- day goes. I'm in lovre with you now, but T intend to marry while young. If not you--the question in my mind is --Are you worth giving this up fort" *He looked distastefuily around. "I Con't admire this room, Jery!, yet it would not annoy me in the least if it did aot threatéen to separate us. But my mother--" Jery} irrerrupted: "There are other _ beautiful colors, Martin, softer, more restful. I do not demand these particular dbes. But this summer 1 needed them" _ She looked at 1 im a Hitle sadly. "I want: #4 ts be shocked Into lifte. As for your mother--*" "Mere!y a sulte in your mother's bouse to furnish as 1 like and enter-- ¥rin my friends in 1 shall give and hak tolerance. TN be a good daughter to hber, Mariin And TH cook your meals, If necessary; give up patlHc apperances. But 1 shall keep up my music for my soul's satisfaction." SWhe leughed at his puriied frown. ~ "Really, Martin, this is a serious Doved you first for your viking eyes and halr. And you like my color schemes--though you don't know it." . Be drew her to 'him, hungrily, hap . Rvident!y, he did not constder had yet lost his capse. He t He laughed aloud ' M course, pou are joking." Khe gare him a whimslcal look, Andruson colored. s "Am I worth more than red walls HE By NELLIE £. * am the one who is taking the 1@ sion of DarDaric spIendoor, . J¥ | . i iinted terra cotta and !n i ted in gold and relieved P t Through the large meshed cur» | -- 6: ho --arched ~ windorws= 4C {---- | at an intolerable old zun it I ne _ @aztling sabd and darkly | -- whe mwurmured Arain«t his aa~+ A Question of _-- 3 | |-- spacious high room with Photos From Air . Mtographa were used in do-- 'w" Tw : Lubeie m mecom + « | 'The Best People compromise." . | Sin's Dread EKects -- +« 1¢ *' Farquoise's Odd Use-- She Got the Only One -- An Okishoms man--hater married a trilow becuuse ha worked all day set-- ting up a furnace without swearing once. But there can't possibly be an-- otHer man like that. --Milwaukeég Jour Look life over from what point you will,.and you will Ond that it has been uin that bes tripped men up and held them back and4 spolied health and hap pingss and bope----Washington Gia# A . Fourteenth--century _ authority states that turquolse protected horses from the I!! effects resulting from drinking cold water when they wete beated. It is said that the Tarks en attached these precious stones the bridies and froutiets of their a§ amutets. 4 Axtatic Turkey and possessing the worst reputation of any class of fAgtit-- Iing men in the world. They are wild and turbulent, and ready to plunder and kill at any time. | 0s M 3e mhe To Peel Apples * ~ _ Before peeling apples for pies, place them in a pan, pour boiling water them and cqver. Leare for l'og utes and the skins will come off enslly. 'This saves trouble and time and is also a more economical wsy of peeling: them, as there is less waste. Soldiers Have Bad Name Bashi--Baruk$are Turkish trregular MAJESTIC Waukegan's Most Talked--About Theatre The Greatest Sensational Hit of the SEASON. MR O8HEA as CHARLIE YOUNG will surpass anything .-- he has Ever Played EAST is -- WEST Beginning Sunday Matinee Fhone 1066 For Seats By JOHN B, HYMER All This Week F@HE Oriental Sertings and umes -- Augmented Cast J © sn J LX * memne --{--7-7 | . rpdouinitet ambition of 1 Chinamas ns Zics Ne S rpadtnd > 4 *4 ts ceR \_* ,?;-.. ,',"tx,"A_ C% PAE O New . Many of These Dresses ; A. Are Displayed In -- ° Our Genesee St. Windows 32 "r' ""m.' m' In a Special Selling at a Surprisingly Low Price t#3 xo 426 in shrines.or on altare erected mumtm"'-.?fili ~ form by an s*and (roes, . *Know thyselif"--unless you feel that B would be adding to your list of unde strable acquaintances. people an anomaly, but it is not so, for these small animals. differ: almost as'much.as do pet dogs and cats, k f " Honesty hn M lmtydol:notmmmm( you--will not He w lips or take mwm?njm means that you will do your very best in everything, do every task to a eqm» plete fnish, and stamp each J0b you "WWM chicaree is a slelght--o¢ artist in the matter of clothes. He changes with the ciimate, says Nature Magazine. In the bumi!ld, heavily--wooded region bordering the Pacific, he wears a coat that is rich, dark brown ; but underneath it thanges to a beautiful orange tone. * Squirrel Changes Coat | This Quaker Craft #%. [ ' | Week In The E I _____Drapery Department. 1 Back to Nature -- .. -- The greatest joy extracted from a trip to the North pole is the freedom °~ trom telephone calls. -- , | Great American Surgeon * Inugh. ~And that's about all he has to laugh about.--Columbia (% C.) Record. Man is the only animal. that can Man's Monepoly