{Ui NC \"t_w. posat WOook uPEmeiIE DCE CC _ * W#ankegan Road and then morth to a ' One man who was heard discussing | the activities in the purchase of a ; . ~Hght of way decJares that the, North ¢ Shore Electric is really vm:g in § eonjunction with the Public ice $ --~ 'mm'ahtm ,':,"fl{a."} 4 @ $ like this omn:m"ro d \the .. . Washington Street Hno in _ *'~--.' west to a point near Green Bay That eomething big is in the wind i evident from the fact that a fow ~ monthse ago an ontright purchase was made of TDr Danile!'s 200 acte tarm on the north bank of Third & Lake. At that time Dr. Dantels --bad . taken ateps to establish a public gol' Unks on bis farm but before he could _ conesmmate pléns the proposition .eamae to hWim whereby he sold the en Ure thact to partlios who are eald to bave been representing the Public . ----_-- Service Companv--and in tSt deal the x:ul.n doctor in «ald made 7 » ,00 profit. * Inquiry made as to why the Public Bervice Company or any other <dn-- ----~---- --sG@pm Arying 4o axtand a tranamission Hne or even an Eiectric line would ~ ®urchase a comflete . farm of 200 #crea in order to get a right of. way across 1t is ansewersd by persons 4 familiar with auch negotiatione y the erplanation that providinge the ene seeking a right of way of this * sort has allowed the farm to be con-- ¥erted into a golf club. be would have dificulty in procuring right o' way across that land later. Therefore the haste to purchase the land in question before a golf club was eA tabliabed . K route has been under way for some time:; that the Publi-- Ser-- , _*_ vige Company at the same tm -- ~expécts to exterid its trommy ~~ * amur: --~ Mae from Waukegan Road owet Cc us oo --__. ~-- 4 on wnith the ereo-- _ 1 -- T tric tine ,.h,l'w: Ahat _ LAND PURCHASE _' MYSTIFIES PUBLIC; --GET LONG STRETCH The line is one which carriese t)" somewhere north of Gurnee and a ~1Q eording. to reporta.a siretch n' land | pot less at an nt than 150 feet | "Bas been 'vmfi vatrrear~~~----+-- Bas been purchased oulr®hn! ~ _ Variou* reporte have it that the Public Service Compiny hbas beén makisg this purchase with the ide« 4t mind ol txtendif¢e |ts tTraramieajan lUne west from the present terminus near the LAake County Haspita) where # branches out and goes south. Another report is that the Public Service Company bhas been corporat-- Ing in conjunction with the North Bhore Electric and that when thJ(fln- al-- anouncement is made it, will be geen that the tranemission line is :o At any rate there is something big in the--wind jadeing by the rapidity with which this strip of land bas been acquired during the past few months. elear through to the west apding up | mear Third lLAake and some reports | aay even beyond that point. .. ° | ¥ille and Mundelein The whole method of procedure in acquiring the property in question has "been condncted very qubet!y which is the natural course becauee be ertended and that also the North Shore Line will bualld a branch west Into the Lake Region and ° therey open yp a line running east and west Into. an tmportant territory -- It is recalled that there in no elec-- tric or steam rallroad rusnming east «nd west in Lake _%y erceptinz the one fram TAke .10 Liberty: ;é;--dq vlbltc knows about auch a step the prices nsuvally fump up be-- Report has now that the promo ters whoever :n y be, have prac-- tioally acquired n'&( of way over 1t0 feet wide funning weset from the the point north of Gurnee clear thru and beyond Third Lake. Just where the objective point is nobody seems to know and of course officials of the company are not anxious to have their datailed plans made public. back Report Has It that North Shore Line Plans Extension Via * Fox Lake to t. Geneva. of the most important transporta-- tion suggestions to the attention of the public that has appéeared since the original time--was --butit Third Lake--this is in substance # report which has been current to Grand (Avenue, thentcé west north of Gurnee to Third Lake, thence northwest to Long Lake and Fox Lake and eventually to between. Waukegan and North Speculation has been rife for a Inlud on taking to Waukegan ng time as to whet project was The ways of law and courts see ck of the purchase of the strip of IMN for the layman to comprehen nd rumning west of Green NBay Why the matier conldn't *iy>»~.hbe That the North Shore Electric is planning to extend its Wash-- Ington street line from the old west limits of Wauxegan west to Waukegan Road and then --north of a strip of land covering such. a "ytp s s o ule = P F LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT-- ie @ervice | miesion lines only but that in --| dren of Michi is right of | ty thepmnrn object is for an nug:n lu,w. parents -- something | of the North Shore KRlectric. Clark, and oth c'aoa:nmuqmmum Leonard Latr mfl panies relative to | their plan | achool Tuaesd® n -- Ray have been unfruittal 16 far procurinzg|home: John V 4 V3 dfi d s ¥2, ® ARBTIICOD 277BB IREUOT UIRIRT ; w. 2 RET TE vlu.' s». | _ It was said that all--the charges in};1s Washington Pk., Waukezan, was. id the caralog would be preferred against|killed Monday. night in the attic I f Torbert, but Tuésday morning in the)|of his home by the accidental 'dis-- to court of Justice Bartlett, two tharg®#s|charge of a 22 caliber rifle which th | were preferred--assault and bat'ery}?he was cleaning. The bullet en--! *** _ {[and'resisting arrest. v tered hbis neck, directly under the| «e, -- The state was represented by Atty.iemn, and _ loi.owing _ an . upward Kk* _ Charles Mason, who recommeded tha; 'course, lodged in his brain. . Death to Lthe assaul' charge be dropped. Aft=~!is believed to have been instanta--, 88-- --hearine--the--testimony--of --Manczak --~n--nmeous----AMembers-- o the--famity in' --4 ;jthe other charge, Torbert was he!ldithe lower part vi the house did for 'to the grand jury, hjs bonds be'ngk not hear the ghot and it was not| er-- \«'fixed at $2.500 by the court. .irs. Pe--'until some time alterward that Hn.' l' | rigo was i6 furnish the bond. r{izzinbotham dizcovéred, the hr_e_ies_" "Zr={-- At this functure Atty. Mason calleJ body. .of--her . busbaru@g" Dr. L. C e¥ -- ; Marabhai Limberg.c=, 4o 4 (ow mint.a,ae *;.m-_gxbx_z:: io l::"' &Mfi CUint, 2400 ALAT Y cuy .. ; ~ wA p1 2C 4 BC " mt C talent. Gladys Ames plays the par: o the Irish maid; "Rusty" Welch, Er-- nest Quendefeld, Pr. MoClure and many others take part. . Thisvis the first play given at the high school, so don't miss it--a real treat Curtain at 8 o'ciock «harp. All member, of Arbutus Camp N. 2042 are asked't:o be at Camp Satur-- day and share in the big surprise that is in store. Camp begins sat 1:30. Mrs. Laura Galtoway of Okishoma i= Tisiting-- at the Bedwel} home: -- Gillings, Cynthia Miller and Migg June Miller aitended the péep meeting of the Royal Neighbors Monday night. Mrs Laura Cortis and daughter of Russel!, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Clar ence zt,-e_l_'nun > e Grabe, at Glenview. Telephone, oftice 163, or résidence 20 J. On all business calls, ch@rges may be reverned. it The Warren Cemetery Associazion meets Thusday of this week at The home of Mrs. Kittie VYosP at Druce lake. ° ; Don't rorget the Original Circle play *Safety First," Oct. 9th, given at the high school auditortum. The play is . Several~Royal Neighoors attend~1 the, meeting at North Prairie Wednes day of this week Mr. and Mrs. Qwen Metcall of Crys tal Lake, «epent the week end with Mr and Mré. E. W. Metcalt tume the redisting arrest casge was u:s-- missed, and teh assault, and battety case brodght up again, :o which Tor-- bert agreed--io--plead guilty and pay a fine of $50. This amount was pald ut the representative of the siaie's attorney,. after a little argument, 'n; sised on taking to Waukegan The ways of law and courts seem ABberman Sponenberg warn Chicago viszitor Tuessday. made public Meivin Ams(hiz, who is living with his brother, ha«, Been confined to his bhome wi.h the fly the past werk Wednesday of last week-- Mr. apd Mre. F. W. Glel enatertained the fac ulty at a party. At this time Arthur Howard, M. Johneon and Mrs. Franks ;;:v initiated ::t'o the faculty cluda _evening ¥ epept in playins tPutnes ldd'«vrrybodyph?u a "ine time point just north of Grand Avenue thence west to and through ,Gurnee over to Third Lake thence over. to Long Lake and Foxr lake and eventn-- ally an erxtension runnming clear thro to Lake Geneva. * This man goes ahead further and sayea that he has been led to believe that the purchases have been made with the thought in mind that it wes the Public Service Company which was after the right of 't'h'. fot trans-- mies lines only but t in -- ty th':'mm object is for an u'l% of the North Shore Rlectric. Eitorts to quiz officials of both have been unfruitftal sd far procuring detaile goes. Miss Stella Sponnenberg attended teb anptual meeting of .be Grand Chay ter of the Eastern Starm in Chiciago this week. -- t» Last Friday night in Finstad's res-- taurant, an aKercation arose between Ray Torbert and Motoreycle Officer Manczak. The argument was carried into the street, and finally resuited in blows. Marshal Limberry got into <he melep about that time, and Torbert wa staken to the village lockup, beingz released on bond signed by his aunt, Mrs. D. 8. Perrigo. His bearing was continued un:il Tuesday morning, and the state's attorney nofified. . _. _ -- The Gordon Wrecking company has bought the large detention camp at Great Lakes, ereécted during the war, and wil! sell the material. The camp, which has been kept in repairs by the government until recently, was sold for $13,000. The Gordon company has started wrecking the camp. DETENTION CAMP RAY TORBERT FINED FOR ~ -- ASSAULT ON VILLAGE COP AT LAKES SOLD G U RN E E lum. The piay is cast is all s'rm-p ts ; __Mr.-- HHGIDDOLRBA®RE it itbil--BQUAIT@LK +--------------_--_------._-- * an Sunday, avd4 coptrary to his usual' =" L9z 1. > t""Y | custom, neglected to clean his r'lfle'Loans- for "' TO"--; when Mn&r.e',m-iflfl% + -]'mm-t * *4 to'd s --vife --fhat te~thought hef------< n abd | would zo up to his warkshop in the : Week Lai i4 +/ attic and--clean bis gun. Mrs. Hig-- c --* 'L: {ginbotham -- accompanted ° hfm and~ ~The office of th | watched him for several ~minutes. Corder. was an ext rem'!Then, saying that she she believed last week. The : ""'-'"ahe would write a letter, she re uances filed was . en 'tarned. downstairs. Her sister, Mrs.' than for the corres t ® vant * daugzhter. Dorothy. a high school stu--. mortZages was m !o-ent. were with ber. | cent -- greater . an For a year after removing to Wau--| kegan Mr. Higzmbotham worked in the H. M. . Wheeiter bicycle _store.| 'Then he went into business for hm | | self, opening a little bicycle store | ind repair shop in fae basement of| *(he Higley butiding. .A short time afterward he moved{ !to Bouth Genesee street in the lo--| 'um-' now occupied by the ncv' | Morris Blomberzk building. --A num Mr. and Mrs. Chase McGuire and children, John McGuire and other friends of Waukegan,, aspent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Bonner and William McGaire. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Denman and chil dren 'spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs J H. Bonner. Mr. and Mrs. Cole and three chil-- dren of Michigan are visiting _ Mre: Cole's parents, Mr. and Mrs. FPraok Clark, and other relatives. * Leonard Larson was taken sick st sachool Tuesdiy and had to be taken home: John Vernon RAwards is also Mr. unt Mrs E. A. Martin entertain ed their filece and husband from Chi cago this week. -- The isses Newton, Goddard, Scott and Sorenson, teachers in this part of Iake county, attended teachers' ins'i-- sick with summer flu. % 4 4 %4 % 4 4 4 4 % % 4 4 % %4 4 4 vase in Magkess® The Ladies® Aid4 Soctety will hoid a boxr social Friday evening, Oct. 9. xt the hall. Progressive games will be played. Ladies bring boxres. and "this partnerthtp hbad eristad un to the preséent time undger the firm| name of Hig«inbotham and Douglas. | About two years ago tThe firm moved | to the present location in County street, just south of Washington. been of the best for the last couple of years and he had sald that Ne was {bd that be would not have to go through the rigors <of another bard winter here. 'There are few who were better known and more well |iked than Mr. :S:xlnbothan. His death brings sor-- to a wide circle of friends. SHan DMego, Cal., on Nevembaer 1. The deal by which Mr. Higzinbotbam was to sell his .share of the business to his partner was nearly ready to be-- closed, and would have been within the next few days. Mr. Hiz-- Elnbotham eagerly was looking for-- ward to the long anticipated move to UCaliforn'la as bis health hadt not Besides his widow he leaves the following children: Mrs. Kisie Cal houn, wife Oof George Calboun, of Waukegan: Beulah, of San Diego,. Cal.; Earle of t8. Pau!, Mirn., and Dorothy, who lived at home-- Four grandchildren also survive. For the last few years Mr. and Mrs. Higginbotham had been talk-- ing of moving to Califtornia Re cently they sold ome of their houses and ' have been disposing of their furbiture preparatory. to ~moving to Thomas Higkinbotham was born in Lypchburg, Pa.. on May 7, 1860: When 18 years of age he moved to Chicago where be resided until 1899 when he moved to Waukegan. His marriage to Lorena _ Corser took place in 1894, bis wi'e being a res} dent of the town of Warren. _ tI was about 10 o'clock when she finished the letter She wondered what had detained her hbusband so long and went upstairs to see. The sight that confronted ber was a ter-- riring ~an--~Mr Higgeinbeothamwa* lying on the floor where hbe bad fallen backward. 4 -- Thomas Higginbotham, 65 years old, ; 118 Washington Pk., Waukezan, was killed Monday. night in the aulci of his home by the accidental 'dis-- charge of a 22 caliber rifle which he was cleaning. The bullet en--: tered his nmeck, directly under the| chin, -- and _ loijowing _ an . upward course, lodged in his brain. Death is . believed to have been instanta--, T. H.MIGGINGBOTHAM KILLED ACCIDENT-- Accidental Discharge of Small _ ie -- P00 0 22 °C * C Pm dn n t m > on 4 m Rifle in His Home Causes Instant Death. / ALLY MON. NIGHT LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE CUUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, QCTOBER 8, 1925 ~ntered at the Postoffice at Libertyrilie, llinols, as Becond Class Maf Matter. rine Loans for the Week Several <**--~--Times-- More--than tor Same-- the | : Week Last. Year. 1 * _ BY A. K. BDWES _ Asst. Secretary of Security Vitle & } Trust Company.: L Business of the recorder's office !for the week --ending Oct 3. 192. | Number of conveyances filed, 322. ' Number of chattel mortgages, 9%. Number of trust deeds and mort-- | gagés, 109. 2o ~The office of the Lake county 're corder. was an extremely busy place last week. The number of convey-- unces filed was «0 per cent bhigher than for the corresponding week fast mortgages was more than 100 per On pe!ition i0 QGisciO®e ASMCOM TARMLIM . cent -- greater . and the number or' ued to October 19th. | -- trust deeds and mortgages d4iso was| ~ Robert Brain. Gurnee. Hearing on far in excess. The loans were sev-- report of sale of real estate continued eral times as heavy as a year nlo;; to October $8th. Une loan for a million and a half Chartes® J. Deane, lake Forest. helped to vring the total to suCB &) Hearing on Petition for probate. of Total amount of lomns, $1.855.084. Corresponding period~ week ending Oct. 4, 1924 . . Number of conreyances filed, 216. Number o# chatte! mortgages, 45. Number of trust deeds and mort-- gages, 64. -- raised ::: spent for church purposes during ~last year. . -- At ghe glose of the service last Suz day, <the. Community Ciub presented Mr. Tope with $25--in go.d as an appro-- ciation of the Work accomplished. Rev. Merrill 8. Tope, for the past year pastor of Diamond Lake churco, leaves this week for a trip around the world. . He will be accompanied by Ray HMHoneywell, a schoo!mate. They plan on working their way from coun-- try to country as seamen, both havingx had experience on the sea. The cou:-- tries visited will be Japan, China, th= Philippines, India, Egypt and the Hoiy Land, as well ag the European coun-- tries. The trip will consume about eight months. They will write their experiences for severa Imagazines. FThe church at <'Diamand._Lake has had a very fine yéar. The building has been redecorated, a new hea:ing plJant installed, and several other improve-- ments made. Over $2000 has been The following statistics show the buginesc done last week as compared with a year ago: Although she resembled an exquis-- ite piece of Dresden china is her rose-- sprigged blue silk, tiny black satin slippers. blae hose and filmy lace shawl--one of those -- old--fashioned pink and binme mantle decorations of colonial days--her thoughts were all of today. DIAMOND LAKE PASTOR TO MAKE TRIP AROUND WORLD Winter and summer, whether she is with heéer son in Kenosha or her daughter, Mrs. Charles Quarles, in Milwaukee, her habits are just the same. S@he is up and dressed by 7 e'clock. _Anr her morning meal-- breakfast food with sliced bananas, an prahge, brown bread and weak cof-- teo*4s atways the same. _\ 111 YEARS OLD, YET SHE NEVER COUNTED CALORY She's always been interested in "looking nice" and the only outdoor sport she ever went in for was wheel-- ing baby buggies. True, ber father was a captain ni the Revolution and she remembers back when Lincoln and Douglas were smail boys. Stfll she prefers to look forward instead of backward. because she thinks withC onue that the world is getting better and 'better. o "It's been a wonderful life, and it hasn't ended yet." she philosophized Friday as --crowds of well--wishers thronged her sofi's beautiful Kenosha home. Aged Resident of Kenosha As serts that Happiness Is * Mra. Louisa Capron Thier® never counted a calory in ner life. "Happiness is the only ractpe for living." she continued. "Be happy and be tmeprate, and don't let things worry you." N2 C o AWhough years have dimmed her vistion to the sights that mean most to ber, and the voices of her dear ones are only whispers, she still is happy. It is the reward, she is sure, of a Christian life. Yet she lived to cut the candle lighted cake at ber own l1lith birth-- day party FPriday at the home ot her $7--year--old baby, Louis Thiers, in Kenosha. Total number of instruments filed Total amount of instruments filed County's Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN Recipe for Living. more than 100. per Ohn pEl/OD °C on mo®e AZCeCC! ©20000 A 1 5g3 'the ~nuwper or| ued to October 19th. x . !b-llel that no prediction that has been mortgages Aliso was| ~ RoBbert Brain. Gurnee. Hearing on jmade for tho derslanment Of 1A * The loans were sev-- report of sale of real estate continued Cle *n d""""'| ferine the "'"; u'n eavy as a year uo.i to October 8th. ' 4 hss 0"e tp:hn' -"t'm 4 million and a bal!' Chartes® J. Deane, lLake Forest "&h ;h.:'""'om' e l h'.emt vek the total to suCB &) Hearing on Petition for probate. of ,,'.m.,. the mm": h,u.'mb and nsunn ces n * on smm rmmmene ce fiwm O-ubu:u-s '_*Wm;!l:!:ir.:'r-w nim proved. _ _ 000 . 00000 0000 _ _;; | equUp® William -- Hermann, Antioch, IIl. | new s1 ¢e Hearing on petition for probate o(ibmllm Jiace will continued tq October 19th. -- birsi N ,"_.y_' David Moore, Lake Forest. Hearing , 8t !YP cher| on petition for probate of will contin-- | _ Offic fast| ved to October 8th. (Re aly .....1 Samuel Kirk, Waukegap... Hearing | Of PrO& er| on petition to disclose assets contin--| rp;r' ued to October 19th. | J |bellef : was| ~ RoBert Brain. Gurnee. Hearing on i:'de f sev-- report of sale of real estate continued : fle *) ago.| to October $th. inss 4 * Te mbiy To rcis. W agkecan, Inventary |DOSIW_=~ _--Ke 'Than $50.000 since th« m'iiarmn.&xw"na.'"'"'?" Statenien was--published June 39. * "*~ oCarst®G ~¢.,, _ -- ~ameat waiznd * ---- a "pe m e tds "**" She is survived by a brother in Oregon, a sister in Chicago, and two grandchildren. Her death brings sorrow to a wide circle ot friends. > John O'Kée'e of Highland Park.> .. L°_C Cb m 4n 105 lew R. Eddy. Town of Warren. lat-- ters --of administration lesued to Jan-- nette C. Eddy. En.u,_:::m of real estate in Town of Warren. Bond $200. Proof of heirship taken. In-- eran who died about sight years ago died at her home, 520 Po'{ar street Waukegan, last Saturday morning at the age of 78 years. She had been Ailing for some time. Mres. Lewin was born in Onargo, I1., but early in life removed to the town of Newport, where she lived for years, in fact up to five yeark ago when she went to Wau kegan to live. -- a * Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at the family res-- idence and at the Methodist church in Rosecrans. Interment took place in Mount Rest, near Rosecrans. Jack Bairstow, son of Supervisor and Mrs,. George !lcln'g. today was admitted to the bar tha sn preme court at @pringfisld. Other Lake county ftesidents to 88 so bon-- ored> were Erwin Bocekning and M. O. West. There were 283 attorneys admitted. a w Mrs. <Bessie Lewin, widow of the late George Lewin,. a civil war vet-- Mildred A. Shaw, Highwood. Will admitted to probate. Estate consists of real estate valued at $6,000 and per-- sonal estate valued at $1,000. $5 given to each of her four--sons, house in Highwood to Musband, bouse in Highwood to daughter, and personal property to daughter. -- lLetters testa-- mentary issued to Joseph D. Beaver, son--in--law . OLD NEWPORT RESI-- DENT PASSES AWAY 'Charles Fabry, Lake Forest. Letters of administration issued to Edward Fabry, brother. Bond of $1200. Es-- tate consists of claim for death against C. & N. W. Rpy. compromised at $608 ~ Proof ot heirship taken. In-- ventory approved. f=-- Pearl Beskel, minor. Nw bon{ sum of $12000 fled and approved ventory apptoved # °0 I Judge Martin C. Decker Miondey closed three estates in the Probate court and beard twenty uther mat-- ters, in an unusually heavy sesslon. The complete docket follows: f William E. Howell,~ Libertyville. Final report approved. Estate closed. Clark W Chandler. Waukegan. Final report approved. Estate closed. __Vané Petroff, Waukegan. Final re port approved. mfi?fif'ffi;{" 3 ceme John O°Kée!e of MHighland Park.: Proof of hbetrship taken. C. T. Hey--' decker appointed guardian ad m-' tor Edith Van Buskirk. " us "Lam"a' A. Sbhynway, Waukegan. ip-- ventory -- approved., Appraizement 23 CASES COME . --UP IN PROBATE COURT MONDAY Judge Decker Closes Thre Estates and Approves In-- _ ventory in Six Others. A ' Three Award ! The milk meeting beld here Thure-- _ py. da4y evening was wéll attended. C. K. "QLM""IO'MN."W speakers. . "**" _ The Wemen's Society of the Baptist © | church held the reguiar meeting at the --, _, |church Wednesday. MC] _ This hank was founded in 1902, with at~ 'a capital stock of $25.000. _ In 1913, bfi-'whon the building in which the bank-- --| ing room is located, and which build-- le. 'ing the bank owns, the capital of the Dd-'b.nk was increased to $35,000. Dur-- ain. |insg the past few years the bank has ed. ; experiencel exceptional growih and re--, prosperity. The statement of cond} Mn of the s ank, as or Sept 28; is~ |n.!flnhad in this issue, as called for by ipt |the controller of the currency. _ The statemegt shows an increase of ~de-- py [ bosI# .=" _--ye 'Than $50000 since the. In | done in the past son of Waukegan were visitors at the C. R. Weaver home Bunday. l ' "Notices have been received by <the shareholders of The First National iB:nk of Libertyville advising that a special -- meeting is :o be held this month to ratify a declaration of a one hundred per cent stock dividend, which will double, the capital stock of tha;: institution, . . y ~~ The First National is at present cap-- talized at $35,000, with a surplus of $85,000 and undivided profits of more than $40 000. It is--proposed to increase *the stock to $790,000. 5 Louis Young of Chicago, who was arrested recently on a charge of as sault with a déadly weapon when a charge hbhe fired> at a blackbird wounded Mrs. G. Govonall A&t Foxr Lake, has been released on hbis own recognizance. His _ releaso -- was brought . about through his mother, who Aagreed to pay for treatment of Injuries of the woman, if her son failed. --This agreament was satis cm."&iém'? were planted in the lake Friday afternoon. to leare for Floridsa Oct. 15th. John Hirn was able to sit up a short time last Sunday. Mr. Hirn is recovering from a noperation in the Palaine hospital. squrpwent are ~to "be "Insrined and * new stone frogt fs planned fom the banking room, making a home for the rirs«: National that will be of the fin-- est type in every particular. Mr. and Mra. Harolid Hans and Phyliss and Marjory Soderberg were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Georg» Hans at Barrington.. -- Officers of the First National, who are always found In the front ranks of progressive movements for the ben-- Elmer Fry, picked up in Zion more than a yéar ago and sent to the state hospital at [Dxon, has made his escape,'according to word received by Low Hendee,; esounty clerk Thursday. The man is not dan-- gerous, and has been a good patient, according to the word from the do¢ tor in charge of the feeble minded. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dieh! Jeft last week for a month's trip to Lemon, N. Dakota, for a visit with relatives. TO DOUBLE CAPITAL STOCK | OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK P¥ "FHERAE TTXRAYT "Lhd "Lon visitad Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. Wewetser The B Y P Y held & social at the W'. of_Mra.. Enotsinger Friday oye ning. Lo Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and FEEBLE MINDED MAN ESCAPES HUNTER RELEASED IN ASSAULT CASE About 25.000 fish from the 8pring Mr. and Mrs. Albert Robertson plan Chiet ot Police Beornatrd Jr. CA;' Lake Vills, a-'r:d-l ] a charge of Mfim His companion, s ~Libetyvile and Mundelein are> on the eve of a great development that will place them in the front ranks of suburban communities in Chicago's great metropolitan area, in the opin-- ion of Luke Grant, publicity manager of the North Shore Line, who epoke on the future possibiHties~ of : Lake County under the eauspices of the Libertvville Kiwania Club ons Thure Y --ILLEALE .---- .. ------ ---- +c cncceccnenact on Hoe in enc on tapecyrea ie business to the railroad, but be é be also was Interested in seeing § served for -- future generations C beauty of the landecapes : ® County which are not ex A Not only will the new Skokie Valk ley Division of the North Shore Line now --urder construction, bflng'&x' tyville and Mundeléin into CB 'm: ironit yerd. but it will open --up to-- iement mm_ tifed _ fi F : countryside tled 2458 181 revenue in 1924 the number m 5721,271.° Ne prodicted s'._fl velopment for 1ibertyrifie {and delein if the buainess men afte : to the great possibilitiea ofer the desirable location 'of the ¥i of room for expansion without g deatruction 6f our great loreats. ture generations 'mbbuyu1 cherish the thought of your vision youmuh?umg playgrounds for the -- people grand old woods whosee primitive beauty now adds so much to the At-- tractiveness of 'the Lake County metropolis by the lake,. _ <=* --" -- > _~~ North Chicago in the. last decada, because of the exceptional transpor tation. service --they enjoy, was. cit« by* Mr. Grant as. an igdfg&tig:: what may be expected in the -- next ten yearse in IAbertyville and Muzadée-- that a representitive of the Noarth Shore Line should ta'lk to Lake-- Cogn-- ty business men on the part that the railroad has played in the 'om ment of the territory, as tie Shore Line is peculiarly a lLake Coun ty institution. -- and Chicago W tast and frequent ice, Mr. Grant eatd a halt Iy express setrice . was in 1917. In 1918%, the Arst tull the North Shore Line, Mr. Gra: he war interested primarily in the territory settled so aa to DRIVER ARRESTED ---- ON DRUNK CHARGE The railroad, Mr. Grant sald, orig» Inated as a street car lne is Wauke gan back in 1894, the orizginal intest they are"equalled, in any portion , northern Il}inols. k. {+ "You have pere in lake he said, "some of the fAnest . that are to be found in the . Cook County already has taken necessary steps to praserve-- grand old woods for the and efjoyment of the millions which this territory will be _ in the not diktaent future. County should take «imilar steps fore it is too late. There is ity ef the projectors being to connett Waukegan and North Chicago with Bluff City, now known as Lake Bleff, But as the rallroad began to take of making it an tnunn:fil line and Iater an interstate railtoad. The #ine was pushed south to Evanstos by de grees and in 190% the u%" Brne_g_s'.n atartedto ~bring: reach (the great gravel pite in .that locality to furaiach the ballast to e@%» tend the live north --to -- MUwaukes, which city it reached in 1908%. > That Waukegan and North Chics go and the North Shore Line bate srown up togbther was-- shown by> ures quoted by Mr. Grant. He when the raflroad was the management and gontrol of " uel Tasu!] and amoctites in 1916, the gro--~ earrings of the Waukegan lines amounted to $51.000 and the rex-- of making it an lnunthl 'fi miles operated on the Waukegas lines in 1916 was 195,000 and in 176,.941. As showing what the North & Line has done tobritnk-- Wauk LIBERTYVILLE AND -- MUNDELEIN FACE BIG DEVELOPMENT Luke Grant Says Added Elec« -- tric Railroad Facilities Will:-- _ 1.261.611. In 1924 the groona on of the same lines amounted to $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. _ _ Bring Growth. carrtied aumberse® _ by means 18