Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 8 Oct 1925, p. 3

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en e t d k M _ W S n o+ 4AAA h es > * "cgs xo & : ; wihets. 2 e m t -- -- P EcaRtiEELp. -->~ * ___ _ speed they ' think proper and . that ' are privileged to occupy "the inside lane of travel, refusing to __ _ _pull over when signalfed.> _ _ ~~------ The * slow-- poke ----who* refuses io z'olxln over to the right on signal * the rear is a traffic violator, ' sccording to the legal departrient . of the "Chicago Motor club. He is _ breaking a state law in lllinois and U & D4A 4 4 4 UA 4A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * '¥rk ¥_ BHosold. who h4% Wer the Miss Mirtam Stryker bas entered the nurses' training class at SC Luke's bospital .Chicago. The Deerflield grammar school P. .T. A. will mee: Friday, Oct. 9th, at the echool. The fourth grade pupils wil} render a. program" under the direction of their teacher, Miss Ethel Titus. A pape on "Recreation" will be read by Mre J. A: Reichelt, Jr. ' ----Mr.--and Mras. P Bleimeh! and {an-- oc n ma Slow Drivers Must Move Over for Fastg Ones on High-- __ ways Says State Law. speed they think proper and . | are privileged to occupy ' inside lane of travel, refusing pull over when signailfed. __ _ --The * slow-- poke --who*refuses z'olxln over to the right on #ig the rear is a traffic viola meet at the home otf --Mr*: A Winters Thursday. October 15. out of town guests were Mr and Mrs. Fesdmand VPAUbA, --3+t .. A Rogete Park; gqrt of Mrs. P. Rommel for <he past two weeks.*ha, returned to her home in Mannbeim. + are entitled to travel at the rate of-- road. ~Our law enforcement officers should 'give some attention to his case. . Drive as slowly as you wish to, but when dgriving slower tln Public wpinion has _ crystailize' | against the road hog on rouDn*'sy | highways, and for that rea«~%. he' is -- rapid'ly. becomtng> er'lg> . His| brother who performs in .ike lnn-} ner in the city should--be--driven off | the --streets. _ As soon as this is done by the force of public opinion, there will be fewer accidents.> j in many other states, and -- should be punished. No one seeks to punish the slow poke who hugs the' center line of travel, doing ten mijles an hour, fore-- img faster moving --vehicles to cut over onto the wrong side of the to the curb as possible Friday evening, October 16. @fln!l for all members and friends the Presbyterian church wil} be beld. A| committee of ten bas beeg. appointed, of which Mrs H. 6 "Tiouse Is 1&1 chairman Mr. and Mrs, Henry Bebrensa ana Mrea. Cleo Campbel! of Glencoe, visited a; the Fred Horenberger home Friday. In country driving, the man who speeds up when you give him the signa) that you want to pass is a menace to the highways. 3 w PRAME NNE CCE C ECC PC PCTENECT ECCC be Mrs. George Truitt, and she will| In 1908 the sailing ship Eciipse. on have a« her subject "Indoor Plants." | @ Yofage from FEng'end to San Fran-- Mrs. W. W. Clark entertained tho| €!sto. was sfruck b;7 a fmeteor, which Just So--Ciub at ber home Tuesday. | Crashed thrbugh the d"j and through Mr. and Mrs. Lincoin Pet:is and Mr whole fabric of the vessel, mak-- and Mres W. A Whiting of Irving Par«k} ing~a bole throuzlk which the water are apending the week at M poured * Wisconsin. -- © _ _ m _ j Hy of Chlcago. visited at "he EJ BlMD ehl home Thursday evenink Pet:ia Octobert 21st. The leader will be Mrs. George Truitt, and she will have a« ber subject "Indoor Plants." Miss Theresa Klemp visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard lama, in Chicago, Saturday. ; -- The Lake County Convention of the Bunday School Azsociation will be heid in lAibertyville Friday, Oct. 24. Bunday Achool at 9:15 a m. As Rev. Piepenmbrok is in 8t Louis to attend the Eden Seminary Dedica on and its 75th Anniversary, there will be no services Sunady, Oct. 11. The rapid growth of the 8. 8. has necessitated a complete reorganiza-- tion of the various departments. The former 8. 8. room has, been fitted with new chairs, ete., for the newly organ-- ized Primary and Beginners'® depar Mra Russeli La Velle of Edizon Pa_ k will be boste«s to--the Pot Luck Crd» next Friday Bob White and Miss Kathryn Millet, of Chicago, and Miss Mary Moran, ef lake Forest mefts. At the presch% time the Jua-- fors, Intermediates and Seniors ar» meeting in the church auditorium. **Bote <motorists " believe ~that ~they + @8T PAUL'B EVANG. CHURCH aw Sunday the attendance was Dr. Denton's -- SLEEPING GARMENTS The 8i Paul's Sewing Cirg'e will Grayslake, R.B. GODFREY The Quaility Store Ages 2 to 6 $1.00 to $1.45 Made of high grade un-- bleached cotton with some fine wool FACE ARREST the | ; Mr#:-- John--Belis--was--taken--to--the-- ;-nmxuna Park hospital Thursday. *Mrse. Henry Ender m;'daulh:'r' m Mfl.'?fl. 48 of--alst _?,',vook with the Ender famfly. °~ l , In (be evening our Junior cbhoir will Iu'vo charge of most of the service. |Come and enjoy these young fol\.s with us -- ; The Ender family spent Sunday with Mr. and ~Mrs. William Antes at Highland Park. j plano tor use in the «pper tepartments so last Bunday a plano fund was start-- ed with a substantial amount. . The children decided that the offering 0n the first Sunday of each month be placed in the plano fund. Of cours»e, donations will be happily received and greatly . appreciated. Anything from one--cent %0--$1000. -- 'The Misses Erna Reeb, Elsie O1t and Barbara Huehl have been appoint-- ed delegates to the Arlington Heigh:is cxmm.i 8. convention to be held a* Bloomingdale October 18th. 'afternood. ~ Arn 'Inter The Ladies' Aid Society of 5:. Paul's church will bold the annual va-- zaar Thursday. October 23, in the Ma-- sonic Temple. x Ralph Horenberger entertained at a dinner pasty Sunday evening. The EVANG, BUNGALOW CHURCH . Bunday School at 9:45 a. m.; Morn-- ing worship at 11; Christian Endeavor at T p. m; Evening service at 8. The Prayer service and Bible i3tudy on Wednesday a%; 8 p. m. & " Monday evening, orchestra practice at 8; Thursday evening, 8. 8. orche» tra at 8; Friday afternoon, Junior choir at 4; Friday evening, Senior choir a 8 o'clock. + -- The next time you go to caich. a *~ain, take time to stop when you nass the Frantz plumbing shop 'and look over our Thermometer--clock _ boa.d. Ktead <the chyrch notices and see ho« cuold it is and what time it is. _i?fiim'sm.v&x,;mnuammt u\.e!' .--_______ LUVUND LAAAE ze ;10 drain and go to the Cook Coun . iy Boaphks! to iry to pring a inlls | 4 % % 4 % 1 % 4 4 . %.% 4 4 % +# cheer to the thildren and yours pecrE Miss Madge Pfannenstill of McH+ ple eunfined 'there. . Anyone dumngiry. spent Monday at the Bhome of h 10 go is welcomg.q;~ swin the «rain -- _ |sister, Mre. J, Stadtfield. ______ _ abhd busineds sespiod Was enjoyed. -- sion Band will mee! in the church at 4 p. m.. An interesting.program has been pianned. Come--and hear 4bout the Buffalo Roundup we are gaing "o have. E0050 Next Sunday morning Rev. A. 3: Machlin, formerly a sufferer due (-- non«{Christian conditions in _ Russia, and who at the present time is sup . of Jewish Evangeuam in t.s cast, «2l be with us and tell us many of his ex periences. Bunday is the day set aside for Pqn»gn Missions, and the éfferin« wih be.used for fofeign mission woir Friendly Bible clas, meets Tuesd: evening at 8. . y ol--iouy N.A | .. Ervain Molider of Yole was.% Toh Phe atioat teik Cally aof ouy W . M3 | .. Ervain Molidor o --RPha aitiuuat $eit--rally f ouy *¥ . NM. i. | .. Ervain Molid EImwood Farm Holsteins Born May 11, 1924. His five Nearest Dams Average 32.1 Lbs. of Butter in Seven Days Without a Skip. 31.55; Butter 7d 3y, 25.24. DAM'S DAM--Méia apofford De Kol. Butter 7d 7y, 27.85. SIRE'S DAM--O F C Chicago Piete. Butter 7d 5 y, 27.61; Butter 365d 919.42. _ The Bull Himself is a Good Individual With Goéed Rump and Tail Setting. He is a Little More Black Than White. SlRE---ChiusoPidieGnnpion DAM--Colantha Rag Apple Spofford De Kol. Butter 7d 4y, HERD UNDER FEDERAL SDPERVISION R. V. Rasmussen ' _De Ship Struck by Meteor RAINBOW . GARDENS GIBBONS PARK Music by Percy Rowell's Radio Band D A N C E. [i3 Every Saturday and Sunday Chicago Rag Apple Pietje Price $275 For Sale 1 y+Nhige.'Phnrmitey.. . _ _ \_...----"_ kc ! ¥Mr --and Mrs J. A. ANCR:, °X Anen at 9:30 a'clock Monday morning t Victory Memorial hoepital, where she bad. been il}l since Sept. 22. . known family, had been near death for severel daye, and little hope was held for her recovery. ~ -- Passes-- Away at Victory Me-- morial Hospital After Severe The cause .of death was kidney trouble and complications. Specialists from Chicago were called to attend her, out all efforts were unaveiing. Aside from her husband, she is survived by a chilG, Lucille, age 2, and ber father, Henry Edwards, and four brothers* and a--sister, all well known. They are: Russell Edwards, realtor; Cireuit --Judge C. C. Edwards; John Edwaerds, Lowe avenue, and Mrs. H. C Coulson. ' > daugh:er, in Round Lake a6 buzstness Friday.~ A number of our young people at :ended the dance . in Libertyyilie on Wednesday night. * ~ 8 * Mrs John Killey, Mrs. Naom!i McCan-- dless and daughter Eltoy, motored to Waukegan Friday. William Hironimas -- was an Elg!~ business caller one day last week David Alexandger of Long lake was Mre. Wright was reared in Wau-- kegan. She was a graduate of the High School class or 1907. _ Mrs. Wright wast born in Avon and moved to Waukegan With her famil ywhen a young girl. She was married .to Mr. Wright three years ago. MrF. and Mrs. Henry Janssen spent Thursday ewening at the A. J. Gaffga home in Waukegan. Mrs: 0. A. Howard, Mrs. Ray Tp> berger and son Howard and YVelma Fitz were in Grayslake and Long La%se Mr and Mrs. Floyd Renehand and children and Helen WHason spent 8un: Mr. and Mrs. Milford Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary of Grayslake, were in Waukegan Thursday evening. Mr. ang Mrs. Marshall Ernst of Lon& Lake, were in Round Lake Friday. Miss Lucillie Rosing has return=d bome after a few days spent with rela-- tives and friends in Chicago Mrs. Emma Huson and Mrs. Cather Ine Stedifield visiied at the Chris Dil lon Monday 'G * 4 % 4 % 4 % * # 4 * & 4 % 4 %4 % LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8; 1925 Tom Vasey was in our 'Tht. wife Miss IAllian Larkin of Long Lake spent Thursday @vening with Miss . eima Ffiz. : ~. . 20 """ * "# Mr. and Mrs. Herman Molidor mot-- ored to Wadsworth Wednesday. Victor x of Wooster Lake was a Round-- e--yvisitor Saturday evenin«. "Dell Richarason Was InChicago T45t Monday. _ _ _ o Fred Piche is spending several days with friends and relatives in Wiscon-- _Mr. and --Mrs. Budd Ford of Wauke gan visited the latter's sister, Mrs Emma Huson, over the week end. _Mr. and Mrs. Pl#fin and daughteis #pent Gunday--~evenimg at the Joe Jung Mr. and Mrg. William Horonimus entertained the brothers and sisters of Mr. Bohne of Eagn: also Mrs. Rose Bunanill, of Volo, Sunday. Miss Mabel hironimus of Chicago visited her aunt, Mrs. C. G. McCan-- dless Sunday. § Mr and Mrs> George --Vasey aiil children of Waukegan spen: Sunday at the Ed Turner home: Durley Curran was a Waukegan vis itor Baturday. & .. Mr. and Mrs. Rowson were out of town callers Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Luby and daugh-- ter, Elinore, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Curran. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Richardson at-- tended the radio show in Chicago last week. L ' "A. A. Grandy and daughter Marion and son Donald, of Libertyville spen® Sunday evening at the Leo Hend»» . Mr. and Mts: Ray Rippberger and; _ _ 0_ 2 s u 80 c.l ce c.6, 00 c _ sbo, Howard, 0. A. Howard, }:xlnor«f Miss Gertrude Grandy of Libertyville and Elizabeth Davis motored to Mc--, spent Friday evening wich ber aunt, Henry Sunday afternoon. _ Mrs. Leo Heéndee. © Mrs. Mabel LitWiler and Mr. Her-- * + rls rington attended a sho# in Waukegan], JACK_C***~*~* **4,Mr..and. Miz. Peter Meyer and son, Mrs. Catheri'm C e Grabkam, motored --to La (}mgg_;g,t"'.t.. see little Betty"And Jeanette. * TT' L Mrs Chris Dillon is on <he flck list Ldren s Nick Molidor was in Round ukel.yem_ . Mr. and Mrs Frank Flary and daug"n ter were in Joliet Thursday. Misses Marjorte Cleveland, Evelya The environment of play--time and school days is the "*"3, dominant factor in forming the character of youth. i anmomeinlay» Dr. Wm. A. McKeever, one of the foremost sociolo-- gists in America, is authority for the above. In his good and bad boy is the environment in which that So it devoives upon parents to select a home in a phcevhmtheymcafidanly.wronthemhl forces with which their children will be in contact. Being a citizen of e¥ery community it serves, this Company is mnnymcnflod i:_mmcflvo devel-- opment and orderly growth. Its service facilities are kept always ahead of the dernands of its ever increasing number of customers. * This Company carefully watches the trend of pop-- ulation and accordingly prepared itself sometime ago The essential services rendered by this Company insure the conveniences of modern living PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY _ | _ Mr. and Mrg. Leo Hendee and rhi'-1 }dren motored"to Grayslake Thursday| -- Chicago, Oet.--3.--Charged --with per mitting Johnaie Torrio, booze run-- ner and. gang <chieftain "to play around" while he was supopseéd to be serving a federal sentence for violating the prohibition aw, "Big county, was arraigned before Judge James H. Wilkerson in the United States, district court today to show cause why he should not be held in contempt of court. R . Clarence Converse, a special agent of the department of justice, who was the ohly witness for the govern-- ment available at the session, de-- clared from the stird that on the afternoon of April 4 hbe had seen Sheriff Ablstrom leave the jail with Torrio in a Chrysler roadster. He told of a futile attempt to stop the pair and said they had not returned by 1230 o'clock the following morn-- ing. > He'qring Takes Place in Fed-- eral Court in Chicago This Afternoon. Sberiff Ahlstrom took the stand in his own behalf later and denied that he owned a Chrysler car. He did. bowever, admit that his thief dep-- uty owned such a roadster, but de nie! ever baving ridden in it. Bil} Stratton of Fox Lake called at the Sumner Bauer home one day last Mrs. Burns of Druce Lake returned home Saturday, after spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Cashmore t M Phone 144.W u eAnnouncing fl x M TIBERTYVILLE OFFICE I [HE INDEPENDENT------ONLY $1.50 YEAR _ ge-iy* eAE 4X it i ieg) interest you--schools, churches, libraries, parks, athletic fielde, golf courses and community recrea-- tion, are more and more a part of suburban life. The essential comveniences of modern living--gas unekamwy_vumwmm available to you because utility companies keep to serve the new home--making development west of Highland Park and Lake Forest, which centers around Libertyville and Mundelein in Lake County's Such desirable development is important to this Company because its~ prosperity and that of the communities it serves are inter--dependent. EKducational, social, religious and civic activities to pace with progress. [ _ 79 West Monroe Street, Chicago _. _ ___------ +. -- --<~ Ssiephong RandoIPh.i3§3.-- _ ~.;:--==--««--<" 7 MUNDELEIN OFFICE LAKE COUNTY LAND ASSOCIATIONM _ V JITH the object of Wrendefing direct service to all who may wish to receive in-- formation regarding our developments in this Lake .County Country-- side region, we have opened offices in Liberty-- tion of our-- properties. Booklet and Route Map on Request. High--Speed Electric a Service Direct to Chicago's ""Loop" Early in 1926. _ * N. E. Cor. Milwaukee and Park Aves. Hawthorn Blyvd. and Lake Ave. ville and Mundelein as above indicated . .. The Libertyville office will be open seven days a week and the Munde-- lein office Sundays only. At your early conven-- ience, call at either office for a no--obligation inspec-- tion of our properties.

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