C LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT-- *E --var y uAMé 5 mcomane. =. AkCCKRHARL _AE * "he had beew taken and put w#de. <%« _eare of IDr. Fred@rick Besley. » _ 'He was consrious at (times, but j Yalted to rive any information about the shootinge as far a»e can be learned --_ WORKMEN HEAR SHOTS k * The men in the camps bad just roused and started ftag the meesha!l tor breakfmet Hayes was burryin@ » to the hall, and close behind, from dif ' ferent directions. came John Mi}er and Antbhony Soeanko. Both heard ; Haves, who was standing on theedrse _ ,--Of The street and at the bead of an > epening between two barrack®a, say, ~------------©"8Sy --I hgve +0 go in breakiast now and etart to work." « * Then came'a single shot Have«a did not crumple He stood. healf slouch-- ' ed4,. with bis bands in his pocket« ' Miller started to walk aroun4 the bar | racke and Sosanko paséed him. look-- -- MYSTERY SHROUDS MURDER OF HAYES, ... LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT --VOLLUME --XXXIH----NLUMBER 42 Frost as the one perseon who might solve the murder of Randall Haves. §1, who was shot to death early Sun €ay morsing at the Meyer Corstruc tion camp between libertyyille and Mundelelh: .. :-->~--*=m=sosore=ss Deputies, guided through > Statee Attorney: A. V, Smith and Sheriff Ed Ahistrom, ° 'Monday sought Walter eR BE RERRERECerEEe t _ _0 C ow n oC 5on mtz --Hayes, a braketmarp. enip'oted--on the gravel traine buifldine the rallwdy and artificia) lake for Samue! lnnv. was hit by a bullét--in the left s'de at the lower ge of the ribe. 1t --cear: Fled a cou etraight. through the Sheriff Hunts Waiter Frost, a -- Brother Laborer, Who is is Thought to Be Killer. dted 'at 1 o'clock im the afternoon ai Ingx tnto a feld where the killer had evidently disappeared. Somanko then started to return. thinking no obe had been hit but ne Poound Hayes kneeling in the mud fl"nmplmdn-mhh_tfo emerrency hospital at the cam»n, and Sommnko sourht to learn what the trogble bad been. .. THINK 1T WAS ?.0:1' UnamuKo 414 not wee the th«t Hayes had hbeen talking to a* he stood4 at the head of the ba--racks. but be knows that the dend n'ufnn anA ¥Frost had heen tnrether a Mitle ear MNer juet a foew minutes + * "Caome bark of the barracke" Proe: is «ald to bave dAemanded o Have according tn one of the tim»keeper« who ent bia information from one # the men whon he thoueht t~ he &6 eanko. Hi« informent thinking th«a: the wan was to rive Have« a drink passed on. bearing A#' «hot a litt® lytor after HMare« ba¥W relused 'tn go where requested path men have known Have«a tm-- TH aeed man «ald Path men have known Havea ! anmsttime or+4 »** bas been with t Mevere canstrmrtion for ebant t years a L P c FIND KILLERS TRA!! Throngn = muddv field to the rear of tha Nartarte the trail af those k 1i\ et was lo--aled bwr Aenuties _ '!t t oun'k » coupse {oar a my!s tnronch the old and then wort:on W hasler road near a farm owned by a man named Caséy e o4 ftom t am <if eut in the center it i% P TT W thit a run conld havre been hidden there -- He left no rlothine or hbar gare. and had jn#at returned after a three Aay visit to Chicaro and rt m.fi himeelf tn the time keeper as being@ ready tn re'nrn to work Friet ieeabout & {net & in/thes ta" Hlo a2ac u1i Penutiee. for A time. wOTEeq 100 the theory that Have® might hare been exreedingly «harp with the cards. taking nlenty of the Merer pavroll from the lahorers -- Several Aerks of plaving cards« in his lugcaee led them to believe this * "He plaved with good jndzement but 1 don't think he ®as crooked." Miller otrplained when anestione4 The fact that Havee had been with the company abhout two years damp emnse the theory that he might baye been a camp {olowef? keon at card« No me has been located 'Khn heard Hayee have any worda with anvyone He deéamed to be wo!} liked about this camp of 400 men. while Frost is de seribed as being 'alright and not the kind of a guy yon'd think would plu® amother guy' Frost. as far as omil4 gtlunod. was a hobn who la«t ed in Chicago. .Bome ten yeare aro he had lirsd at 1008 W. Adama etreet. Los Ange weighe 154 noun face is round an MEYER BRAKEMAN L umirks..In !he mHQ tna man haf been I'm in ~ a»*ell get them. ! don't think m anymore,." the dying ?l- and womanth wh t im e me.. worked _ an vea might hayrs wharp with the _ of the Mever aborers _ Several 1A« in his lugcage named Caséy he fourd. ar' mud it lanke4 pon _ wear'® * to H ie The Lake County Farm Bureau ay-- nounces a big rally day meeting for Monday evening, October 19; at eight o'clock, to be held at the Farm Bureau office in Libertyville. . > $i* -- President S. H. Thompson, of the Illinois Agricultural Association, will be the principal speaker, Presideat Bam Thompson, one -- Oofthe big out-- w:anding farm organization men in the country, has never appeared before. in Lake county, and it will be an oppor-- tupity no farmer aboulid miss to see and hear him. His stand on some of FARM BUREAU TO HAVE BIG . --* RALLY MEETING MONDAY be present the big questions before the f&MM®T' yinpie _ Melling has held him in th epublic eye the p.";::"',"'e Mellinger, three years. Thompson has been hard | Thursday mornin« af at work, in season and out, for the in-- auto l:lde, was put of errals of the farmers. And Lake cour 195. Sar" F28 I¢," ty should zive him a royal welcome 'the girl, where the Presideo, Minto and Secre:ary_Gor wore held Hunday: don-- Ray, T! the focal. PRFRB BuF"RA. juaq rgrerat home" will also cive gshort talks on tbe work tand tunerat> home. --a the ~Farm> Bureiu ba#% 'xccomplllhéd ",f' tae i" ('M'P) "% the past three year® A:1 those who ves In Loulavile: K have volunteered (heir services jn the 13An'..; "?X"'a"'"" ' Wlh;w,"l rk next mo lif* rourd the ofica hip.Work for next month WH}} ))0 a ov_ smith aod = s L TT dhe S9e ar ut Biagent 1 helt .fa Totm e beld is Take--county.. Thne Mike Sullivan and James Daniels, after being lodged in the Libertyrille jail, paid $10 and costs before Justice Morris, while Wilkes and Ed Sweeney were brought to Waukegan. LIBERTYVILLE CLUB CIVES FIRST PARTY OF TH®F SEASON Because J. Jewett had been badly hu¢hd.'yrobcbly enjoying the tatoo of fists Fearing brass knuckles, Jus-- tice Lyle Morris, lAbertyville. Satur-- day became sympathetic aud dismiss ed the man from custody after he had been charged with disordarty conduct. Joe Mantak, a Libertyvyille motor-- cop, and Deputy Clark, stationed at the Meyer comstruction camp. called Constable C. A. Brune Friday night when they got reports of trouble in a soft drink parlor, supposed to be op-- etated by Thomas Wilkes, at Munde-- Tuesday night at the club rooms, under the direction 'of President Geo Iives, the first dinneg of the fall sea-- san was given, wabout thirty Jour mem-- bers and thel rfriends being prestnt An excellent dinner was served. after which talks were made by geveral. all of which volced the general opinion that libertyville was the best place on earth | nwhich to lte _ As usual, E. A. Bishop acced as toa«tmaiter. aad acquitted himself nobly. He said the chairmanshipp(f the club was a double barrelled affair--when Ives got tired. Wilkes. who is said to hare pur-- chased the place from Joe Horep, and Sweeney were to be given a bearing today before Justice Harry Hoyt. The next affair on the club's pro gram is a Hallowe'en party, for mem bera and theit ladibe . A royal goo« time is promised, and-- more dctails will be given in another issua. talk Monday with James Bower, Lib-- ertyville, one of tie men employed at the camp, stated that he had learned that Frost had been Grink-- ing, or --ovt on & izo day parils. Haye» and Frost had been playink cards. be learned. and Frost had tmed to borrow money witn no luck. He then bad invited Havyes to come back of the barracks to have a drink. and Haves had declined. Col. Smith has learned that Hay:t was a card sharp and that Frost was ercallent with the dice Walter Frost. hobo whe passed ) LO°M | !"' as a Gice shooter of dexterity, was Asma anr named as the slayer of Randnllim""d not Hayes. brakeman,. by a coroners|« Clue jury at an inquest late Tuesday fhto| Schliuss the shooting of Hayes at the Meyer' been tron construction camp between Liberty--| that McG ville and Munmdelein on Sunday. with him The search for Frost went on to "He as day, but without any definite CléW§\)i aap relat as to hi« whereabouts After the| ; a shooting. early Sunday morning, he so o9 * disappeared in the woods,. and ef-- TW1 forts to trare him have {fallen down.| Captain The shootinzg followed ' a quarte!l| Waukegar between Frost and Hayes, who was day night adept at the cards. Frést was heard }of the to ask Hayes into his barracks, but t Chie? Tsa: Hayes -- declined A moment jdater facts as the road hands saw a fMash, nndl At 3: 4( Haye«s fell to his knees in the mud. Policemar mortally wounded. Frost fled. Hayes| court _ sa1 died early Sunday afternoon at Vic--|in Wash tory Memoria\ hospital. ~~--~fapeed, The coroner's jury heard the same to stop # story that Hayes' fellow workers In the had told to the states attorney. Schroeder Nomne of them recognized Hayes| nie Mel! ag the shot was fired, but all the cir|of Chicag cWmstances pointed to him as the woman. alayer. "My 6 Hayes bad worked for the con--| Frank .8 struction company for two years. .l:G send F L &A« 1 L.w rests of the farmers, and Lake COUP~]|;;, uirl where the funeral servicea| Peter Bockeliman wrs 65 ye*ts o'd> WMWn SnefiN dA0. 4%" 000000000000 l should zive him a roy al welcome 'were held Sunday. C anpd was born m'.('nruwno' frec. ) . n'.$hl when the \?)»flfl-!gld ":lfll,! Presideo: Minto and SeCreAry_GO ,. _ xo rites were mip--sved at--the Hui--|1829. _He came i0 this countyy when. his limits were imnarked bY the: CS n Ray, C the docal. Farm BurAd._jzog smerat hom». --and the-- hhs>and ninmé years old. his--pareats settiing-- of Hine and that it cuded Uhere. / 2. If also cive ghort talks on thé WOTK /; yme yirt Chadg Mu'linzser who now la farm near Quinten's Corners _ V« Cli:k alst beard that it wasn't e ~Farm Bureiu B&® ~accomplHabed .;_, ; ;,, l.n;:&.n'l'fio- Ky., failed to ""!'V" 'united in martfge t@ Augusis ethtc:]l thing to go.in'o Libert yY ecpagt three years. All those WBhO jn o anpegrence. =. {Luebbe, amd shortly after moved to restaurants," especially on Sun ve volunteered (beir services JD th"} ~ aroundq the offices of States Attor--| Arlington Heigh:s, where he condut' nighe und hit a person--over the h eqpbership . W; :k, next month '"}1'"" 34. V, Smith aod Shetiff°Kd AblMje® a bapber shop. Thirty live yeaid & ..blackjack, a«nd then shpo --present at NWH o t : s o n td ar L mearth 104 :J 6n ie '|¢d'mww;fld x = --nlh€. --A_ ._ws4 tr rpegted ihat thnis it be 64e eP chia .. var * * uA..'.....'.*a _Akig @¥lage #¥pr |,. . »C4., 6 26 wiaf cpmes .';'; T:,;.;'fi:_y_fi';;' Schlusser told Col" Smith there had es at the !oyor' been tronuble between hé and McGuire between Liberty--| that McGuire tried to pick a fight PMR 24 cono lamser mikht have yUusted *Js car} ber shop in the pullding now ocrupted doubln! Frank Schiusser, the 17--yearold tired.| lover of Mrs.: Mellinger, strengtb-- ened his alibi that he was home at 's pro |the time of the shogting. when his mem-- father. 'Gurpee Jack" told Col. I gong!Smith that the boy had been in bed detallefatb=2:30 Oo'tiock and had not l}el tie ' house betweebh -- that time Aand °1 e .n'(lock it the morning «when the * | police came * | MURDER WARRANT ', OUT FOR MGUIRE, PLAN FOR FUNERAL |_ Accompaniled by the step father. {George Schroeder. and the mothe?, 'Dorn Schroeder, the body of. Mrs= , Minnie _ Mellinger, _ 24, . murdered | Thursday morning after an all night 'auto ride, was put on a--train Priday Body is Taken to Minnesota; Husband Phones to Find _' Out About Slaying. 'or Waseca, Miss., the oid home » the cirl, where the funeral servic«a were held Sunday. > . Xa.rites --werse--ip 4¥ed al --the 1oi-- 1nd tunert® hom». and the-- hnsvand The bounty of $1.000 on the head of McoGuire bas stimulated outsice police forces in the search oi the, man, Col. Smith thinks." John MceGuire, with a _ 31000 bounty on hbis head, loday was be , ing hunted im earnest by deputies| who want to bring bim beforée States Attorney A. Y. Smith to question in conpection with the slaying of Mrs. Minnie Mellinger, 24. who was thot to death Thursday morning! after she rad been o8 in ali8!ighnt ' Schlusser had told to a movie theater, {mtl" Bu.ze It had (by the states attorney t-uh&,«hau been ai {home in the rarly morning. and Mrs lated that she had se [Into the yard abou! fwor,m the grrival o She did not know th They are sarmed with a murder warrant issued by Justice Hervey Coulson, that charges bim with kil}-- ing Mrs. Mellinger. night asking Col. Smith if bis wife, with whom he had not been living. had been killed. He inquired into the funeral arréngements, but made no further comment. ~ + * McGVIARAEK SR., IN CITY | -- The futbher of John McGuire a Chi--| cagoan, rvimited relatives of the 'dead | ginl Thursday night, then went to the morgue to view the body. He-- was intercepted by Deputy lester Tilfany who stated that McGuire told bim morgue to view the body. He-- was| «y intercepted by Deputy bester TPilfan?t t prepg; who stated that McGuire told bim| j that be would not stand back 9( in o the boy, in case the circumstaDCes | plae, point toward bim as th* murderer soug "They were down to my BOM+® | Fore that night, and neither onme .'d'hdh been drinking. Thepylelt about 12:4%, porp, o'olock and seemed happy." be said | _---- the boy,. in case the circumstances point toward bim as th* murderer "They were down to my home that night, and neither ome bad been drinking. Theyleft about 12: 4* o'clock and seemed happy," be said Jue NcNe!!, 491%§ South mmm; street. drove McGuire to Waukecan | He is a cousin of the map charged ' with the murder The father said that be would deliver his boy to the states attorney should hbe get trace pf bim. . | "He asked if 1 had a gun." Schiue ser related' 'and then said that he bad ame and would shoot." THE POLICE VERSION Captain Thomas _ Booth _ of the Waukegan police departmen: Thurs-- day night made a complete oral report of the Mellinger murder case to Chilef Tsaac 1.yon. He prosénted the facts as follows: motified Capt. Booth at the police | cu lw,.mmw»h Sherift E4 Ablstrom and then in " At 3:40 o'clock Thursday morning| Policeman George Streed at Edison| court saw a Porfinr approaching in Washington -- sfreet at terrmr' «pesi, and stepped fmto the road to stop # on a charge of spovdhu.l In the rear car woete George Schroeder,. stepfather of Mrs. Min-- nie Mellinger. and John McGaire. of Chieago, an admirer of the slain woman. -- "My daughter has been shot by Frank .Schlusser--notify the sheriff and send an ambulance--we Aare on the way to Eet a doctor," Behroeder is Chadd Mellinger, the bhusband, SCHLUSSER IN JAIL had told that be vonu',;'.'.;'] e theater, and went dI-I'." e It had beens thought "At es attorney that Schlusser forme : been at the Schroedet| ;;., the rarly houts of mo'""" and Mra -- Schroeder * y,., she had seen a car Ame ° yard about ten minutes e arrival of the deceased.| "xW t know the make of the M : ol Smith was told I ""0 Ti'tans. Frank Valenta.! afair UBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1925 | Streed en + * CC .. NATRR 1 AF M «. ... cae oo Resenent Arcmmiente Entered it the Postoffice at Libertyville, PETER BOCKELMAN PASSES AWAY AS RESULT OF CANCER * ob rualve ind --quiet marnner 1nd tat | many friends. _ His cheery greeting Another of teh oider residents of | Libertyville answered the final sum,| mons last Sunday night, when Peter| Bockelman succumbed, after a fight ) with dred cancer, lasting only a few | months. His health became impaired | early last spring, and for a time his : trouble® could tipt be determined. H»| went to the Wesley Memorial hospital in Chicago las: month, and his ailment} was diagBosed as cancer, and the dis 1 ease had progressed so far that u9| hope --was entertained for recovery. *~| September 11 'he submitted ip an op eration, and returned home Sep.embe. 24, in such a weakened conditior thet he was, never able to leave his bed after that time. -- Funeral services were held at. the home Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. Mr. Smock, of the Presbyteriaa church officiating. Interment was made at Lakeside. * ; _ _ J then drove to the A«ma home _and ~was informed thai 'the Ambu-- lance had preceded me there. Schroe-- [der and McGuire hbad visited the |office of PDr. W. 8. Beliows and he had informed them that he would | wait for the patient at--the hospital "At the Asma hbome | was in-- 'ormed that Schroeder a;m.lr(}um.' ; also bad presceded? me there and that McGuire had helped to lift Mrs Mellinger into the ambulance will be missed on the strteet, as be knew practically everyone in the vil-- lage. His widow and soms hbave the aympathy of the community in the loss of busband and faiber. f McGUIRE WAS GONE | _ "Where is McGnire now*"~ I asked M _ andg Mrs ~Schrocedor. -- | __""Ob. be is all broken up over the |\ affair--he even tried to break up t his car-- he told us that he was | roing out ta look for Schiueser-- that's the last we saw of him' they The decree, settling the motion to retar posts in the Delavasa Smith will contest, was ardered drawn last Friday in' the circuft court. Some $90 in ublisher's feés and about $4.500 in commissioner's lees, will not be placed as costs on fhe cousins who sought to break the will of the Lake Forest millionaire who owned The indilanapolis News. The costs alto gether amoumnted to nearly $8.000 called the Holland establishment and asked that an ambulance be rushed to the home of Bert Asma of Belvi-- dere st--eet where the dying woman was taken after being shot "1 then went to tme residence o' the sheriff and found that he had been notified but was not yet Feady to leave."" Uaptain Booth reported DECREE ORDERED IN SMITH WILL "I told the turmnkey that 1| would gn on and that the sheri'! could 'tm'ow 'n~ hIt OWn car 'romt of .their home and | more than ten minutes Guire arrived with Mrs She said she was posi! identification '"'Then 1 asked about amd Mrs-- Schroeder to} The parents of Mrs Mellinzger in formed me that when MrGnire ar rived he stated that Mrs Mellinger had been shot by Schlusser. "I then started back toward Wanr kegan and met the «herif( He asked me to take Schlusser into crustndv. and continued to the Asma '"Not ®Batisfied with this I went to the garage and felt the raditor on his car. It waw stome cold. it cer-- tainly would have been at least a little warm if the car had been used recently as Mrs. @chroeder claims." home I went to the Schlusser home and found him in bed. | was informed that he had beer 'n bed since 9 o'clock. _ Chief Lyon is satisfted with the activities of members of Te police department. s bead no reason to suspect that Mc-- Guire might have fired the . fatal #hot. -- Reports which have been tir culated that he was derelict in hbis duty are not justified by the facts "Officer Streed Gid all that any officer would have dons under the same clrcumstances," be sald. "~"He CcALLED ON Epatne~ ~adle P r r eas x ENOAE rtyville., Illinois, as Second Clkss Muit Matter~* ---- nedy's s g SHERIFF Schiuss SHOOTING DEPUTY TOLD TO REMAIN oN OwWN GROUNDS ~---- In justice to Motorcycle Policeman _ Manczak, it should benoted that Ne was not iniplicated, 'and kep: out of . range He was more or less criticiz=d Monday for being in company with Clark, but he was sent oul that day on instructions from Marshal Limber ry, and was doing as told. M would seem to a stranger durinz _ the past summer that Libertyyille was a wild and wooly place, judging by the _ nurgber of officers, #ho parade up and down the street, in various shades of uniform, wilh big guns. etc. strapped on their persons. Practically all sum _ mer we have had three-- sets of officers. and since the Meyers camp was bro't here, the list was added to by DepPUy Clark. Any place one turns,. he finds 'an officer ;elling one what cannet e 'a "hilly'" and hit the wall. . The nextl lick was more accurate and took Ly ons in the back of the head. The latter then picked up a chair and was back-- ing away from Clark when be pulled the gun and fired one #hot. The bu}> let went through the top of a gum. vending machine, passed through the plate glass window, and struck a cor-- ner of The Independen: buillding, Ci-- | agonally across the street. The flat-- waoed bullet was pickend up in the doorway. nf ' Charles Knutgen and ;wo other men ware sitting on a railing just outside | thw restaurant, and plainly heard the . bullet in its flight They wen. away from there in a burzy' . _ After the shooting Clark placed I.7 ons under arrest and (ook him to the village hall Marshal Litmberry sum-- mored Justice Burtett. A sort of con-- {erence was held, but no charges pre ferred against anyope. _ . while you are an offtcer," the sheriff | Harriet Butler, at trome. es "'{m o the ind 'Tmmm 'OECIRIOA .. : ----_=------_.*=»~~--........ ND arTBD&CUMENIS, hAXye.been male i. _2, Raymond--Snick -- Mills: and L4s... . S The rumpus started.about 9°30 Su'n-{uflw,.;'m-m {r0Mm] uo --Kitbane. -- Chi cilh _ 148 "_-:g day might. Clark and »Manczak had | the daughter in Canada. . u> -- Thomas émm'"h'wn 1 _ o been riding over the county most u(ll xm . |Chicago. The fact that both th ;l the day searching for the murderer 0/ a (Cuzamone, 210 Market St. Wau--| men have' been shat by pom:: -x'y ¥ "'} SS 1 cas Sxs onX C OXLXSHN 2e aaus N P o+ Jack Clark, Special at Con-- struction Camp, Listéens to Lecture from Sherif. _: yensing. Lhe I&W :01 Nt C T--NEI N Qr. C. . Galloway, Dui mF, DULICE URIET . *' He spent an uneasy few mom"m-"lwuhoul regaining consciousness. | with Sheriff Ed. Abilstrom ~Monday | + Josiah W. Butler was about 75 yeam' night when the sheriff.told him. t.fill'old,' and was born 'in the village of | his limits were marked by the--Camp| Libertyville, résiding _ on the satue | iine and that it cuded Lhere. .. --*_----| homestead All hn Hife__1wo--yeary #E0] Cli:k alst beard that it wasn't the 'he disposed of a part of this valuabie | ethitcrl thing to g0.in'o Libertyytlie !farm property to a local syndicate, and , restaurants," especially on Sunday |this has since been subdivided, whn("'l night ind hit a person over the head |is Rnown as Qakwood Terrace: | with a blackiack. and then shpot a He ; survived by one son, _Honce'l Hayes, who was killed at the Meyers camp early Sunday morning: Accord-- ing to witnesses, Lyous made some re-- mark to Clark, who resented. it and ordered Lyons out of Finstad's Eat Shop, where the trouble twok place. Lyonms could not see that he had : to abey orders from Clatk, and a scuffle tellowed. Clark struek at Lyons with Deputy Jack Clark, employed at the L E. Meyer Capstruction camp, Dear Libertyville, where he is-- the 'law' for 409 men working on the new North Shore line, today is tack at work dis-- Lensing the law for the laborers. Cli:k alst beard that ethitcrl thing to g#0.into restaurants, . espectally night and hit a person o with & blackjack, and ! gone. ie baliese this to be a l&AW | abiTing Keitnootiod ~una "'e'w"' NEW METHODIST MINISTER IN LIBERTYVILLE NEXT YEAR eral of these officers could be dia! pensed with to the prfit and satisfac | prank Williams, who was arrested tton of a grea; number of citizens. Inear Mundelein last week, charg# 'with boo:legging., plead not guilty in NEW METHODIST MINISTER _ |couny court sm-rdly The court ap-- 11 1 IDPDTVUIMI I T WEVYT VEAD pointed CoraP Heydecker . to defend Libertyi«MMle will have a new Metho-- dist minister next year. as a result of appoinm.ment made at the Rock River conference, held in Elgin last week. The new appointee is the Rev. Jo'n E. J ..mg. who comes here from Rarrington. where he has been for the -- Rev. Mr. 'lbbong has been active m | . /__"" _Sine I thartevlilile atticne of Th the civic affairs of Barrington. as wol[_"'h"'"c"' the Libertyville office 0'1'.: as looking after the spirituat weifare| Lake County land Association of felks in that village During the | hnew office at Park and Milwaukee ay past year he has beem at th» head oi nues is about Fomp'Ph\d. and will b« the Chamber of Commerce there £n0 [-dl":n p'o\'_mh"y next week. This is on« A oounrrgl orgablzation 'working for| of the 'nices -- Amail bulldings erecios the good of the whole emmunity m.-'"" thit: purpose and" when other im been perfected. The country and vil !flf(l\'flm"nfs ('(7nlmph'0d are mad lagp has been organized into one unit.|{"*! COUMF! will be one of the nifties ;\nl| the Chamber of Commerce hnfi'"' the village. Next week The Ind« grown to five times its former siz {pendent will print a story, Mhuetrate Revx. Mr. Delong will be heére nex' \by views along the North Shore Lin« Sunday morning and will preach his trlling of some of the plans for d first sermon in Jjibertyville at me'}wlo;nmom in this section. to be know Sunday evening service as Take County Countryside Rév ArthGr W Mohns goes to Trin-- r * tA s io s > ity church, Jolie:, after a ministry in ; 3 edh W IAbertvville of one year The new bflA ':1"'" K"(f'N _n.' bm"': ""' appointment is a much larger charge onging to Charles Koller, of Run and is a tribute to the good work dane | 1P": hNew Jorary was wrocked al th in this village. The attendance a all ;:;':i:';"mr;'n' ':;::":\a"rf ;'::i:;'? 2:::;': the services has increased during the Roy H. Pauison, and '"'"" in in past year, and the amount of money | j I Ruth Lew Chi s ralsed for the various benevolences |*©45%,"/y uth Lewis. of (hicakG h iso Increased is said all were more or less under th as Aiso * -- --__--HMnfluence of liquor -- No one was set _ About 35 members of the church in this vilage went to E'gin Sunday chartering a North Shore bus for tfifi pur pos&4 A verdict of suicide was returned Wednesday, Oct. 7, by a :gmnor'l jury which investigated the death of Mrs. Jennie SChwerin of Hillside, whose body was found Wednasday morning in Diamond lake near Dr. Tracy's sam-- itartumi. where she was admitted for treatnmrent--Tuesday, Oct. 6 3 n chkeg 1E uage aniie ns n #*y * *# t + V Mr.© Butler and pis daughter, Miss Hazel, returned bhome last night, after a visit with another daughter, Mrs. . W. Hart in Vermilliep, Alberta, Can-- ada, since the latter part of August. They arrived. here about nine o'cloc«. and at that time Mr. Butler was ip his usual health, in fact, seemed to fee!l better than usual, having stood h« long trip in splendid shape. -- _ -- J. W. BUTLER PASSED AWAY THIS MORNING AT 6 O°CLOCK _ J. W. Butler, a life long resident of | Libertyville, died very suddenly this (Thursday) morning about 6' o'clock. | This mornipg Miss Hazel heard a strange noise in her'father's room, and upen' investigating found him uncon-- scious. . She immediately summoned Dr. C. R. Galloway, but Mr. Builér died without regaining consciousness. + Josiah W. Butler was about 75 years old, and was born in the village of Libertyville, résiding _ on the satue A. Curamone, 210 Market St.. Wau-- kegan, went on a rampage late Wed-- nesday atfernoon 'and nearly bit off one* of the fingers-- of his 20 year old daugbter, Rose, when she sought to restrain him from beating ~hbts wile with a stovepoker. Curamono was placed under arrest by Captain Thomas Kennedy. _ After a medley ot divorce --::J Mrs. Mary Martinek. oi Chicago, has aued Mrs. ~Mtnnte--Armastrong, oi-- tloch townehip, for $10.0080, chargings in her declaration, filed Friday in the wireult court, with alienating the at-- fections of her busband, rank Martr nek. Oue of the big football games of the year on Libertyyille fleld will be next Friday afternoon, Oct! 16. when jhe Antioch high school eleven comes here for the clash with labertyyville high school -- Both teams are confident of winning, and a reai contest is look ed for -- Every one who possibly can do io should go to the game, and en courage our boys to win. Take an hour or so off and attend the game --The will of Lucinda -- Brown, of Grayselake, that went through two tat-- ties in the circuit court, came to an abrupt bhalt before Judge Martin C: Decker in the probate court Thursdeay when be set aside the otder that had previously admitted it to probate add that had appointed Lena Glass as The red airplane, used in the flying circus bere at the fair grounds three weeks ago. fell about a thousand feet at Madison, Wis., last week, and was completely wrecked. Oup of the cou --role broke and the operator could not executrir :role broke and the operator could not manage it. The motor broke Joose and feM thirty feet away from the plane Aviator Boges fell in a mud hole and v as not injured, barring a severe shak ing uP. unsag . 1 . him. The man wa# formerty emptoyed at the Meyer camp, and the arrest was made by Officer Clark. 1I;.is reported testimony was introduced at the pre limimary hearing yesterday, tending to sbow that The evidence agains:. Wil liams was of a flimsy nature is Leroy Miller, of Chicago, will be in | charge of the Libertyville office of the lake County land Association The new office at Park and Milwaukee av-- nues is about completed, and will be 4pen probably next week. This is one of the nices : amall tuildings erected for that purpose and" when other im-- provements contemplated . are made that corner will be one of the niftiest in the village. Next week The Inde-- pendent will print a story, fustrated by views along the North Shore Line, trlling of some of the plans for de~' velopment in this section. to be known a« Take County Countryside U Felerson corn. norin ol IOWH CVXA q AAORUOIA LA TY Oe e oE Eomonk day night. In the car besides Koaller} Bros. Grayslake: Fred Beckman, of were Roy H. Pauison. and Misses Aima|. eerfield; Geo. White, Antioch; E. P. Jones and Ruth Lewis. of Chicago, t' Clark, Lake Villa; Farl Paddock, of is said all were more or less under the Round lake; H. K. Vose, Gurnee; EK. influence Of liquor No one was ser ifl Nichol, Arlington Meights; -- Rarl fously hurt, being attended by ur. 1. | Kane, MunpdédJein: Clement Bros., of L. Taylor. The car crashed into the| Mundelein: EB J. Giss, Prairie View; guard rail, went into <he field and| R. 1. Pierce, Antioch; . R. i Rasmu®-- then was again thrown into the nn.!m. 'Treerfield, and f J. «d One timber 4 by 4 was forced through | Libertyville. the body of the car.. Marshal Llnborry' George White, of Antlioch, will act was called to the scene, and the girle|as M?:m expert and J. C. Mack af told hi mtheir names were Elsie Kane For} Atkinson, Wis., will do the sefling. and Mary Haley. In Justice Hoyt's The sale will be at the = court this morning they gave their grounds in on & Wue names, and each one of the party October 24. E. M. Clark, & was fined $10 and costs. The auto secretary of the IiKnois * was brought to Libértyville Garage._ sian Asen., is managing the sale ." _ ging to Charles Koller, of Run New Jersey was wrecked at the son corn. north of town Wednes-- night. In the car besides Koiller Roy H. Pauison, and Misses Aima i and Ruth Lewis. of Chicago, °'t d all were more or less under the nee Af liaunor -- No one was ser-- o Mn m( 9. George Drummond, Grayslake, rt--| charged witbh murdering bis son. 10. Tony Colura charged with breaking into the Goldstein. plant. 11. Dante Quatrin} accused ef of | tempting to kill a Highwood a i 12. A| Parkter, Mary W AJ an | Brown, A\ Wolit and Peter Gen-- C arick charged with conspiring to 'CRIMINAL CALL _ ~~~ MADE UP; IS TO-- * -- -- START OCT. DTH _ Jack Burand, adopted~ son ef -- the Hcott Durands of Lake Bluff, leads the crimina} trial call for the cir-- cuit court term that starts Oct. 19 on a list prepared by States Atfor-- ney A. V. Smith lod% * » The call, one of longest in Durand Cas eFirst,: Kilbani and Mills Second, Balz Third and Holt Near End. resrhed by the first-- week in Decem--, tar ~@hes {nother----terur --opens:----A-- second jury is returnable--the week fo'lowing O€4p 19. ° _ The call, one ot The longest in many terms, will call :for at .least two months trial work, it is be leved. and it is not thought likely that the ccases will all have been The states attorney's' calendar is as follows: -- ts 1. Etate vs. Jack <Durand, Jamés up Thomas . Wallenter in North Chicago. The fact that both these men have' been shot by police mKY slip them farther back on the call. 3. Ben Barrett and Commissioner J. V. Balt, charged with conspiring over the police histpry. 4,~ George . Richter charged with holding up F. M. Tomlinson in North Chicago. S ard Arick charged with consp'ring _ \i® Ksepr evidence out of a jurtice court hearing. § _ D 14. Patsey [DeKosm, loulis Spuuru, Sidney Rissman, Jacob KroR ans Tony Colura for comsplracy in com amhl with the Goldstein . acli¢ Bd --:. R 15. Bernard Phillips, Lake Villa, motor cop, ch._r with extorting money from .poo::', 18. Wiliiam Moore charged withs 19. Arthur Donley charge. 2(1). !g)y' Miller bad f alter auto, pleaded mlg parojed . O 20. Roy Miller bad check, chargeé. 11. Walter Cliy. stealing.--AR auto,. pleaded guil and has been parojed . %% Lawrehce Barnes charged with :xmm tCharlotte Weber, 13,--Fax Ake. 234. Elmer eSmple, larceny. 24. Arthur Holt, Clara Hareq, A»> bért Hareg. all charged with the murder of Mrs: Jillie Hof in ber For LAake cottage Sept. 20. _ W oninzbv _consigning wome of their good animatle. -- The hberds from which animals have been selected are as fot J G. and R. J. Bonner, Lake Villa: (szborne Farm, Mundelein;: Wray Bros. Grayslake: Fréd Beckman, of sen, Deerfield, and W. J. Schreck,.--f Libertyville G:'r?m White, of Antioch, will act A4 gree cxpert and J. E. Mack af da farm home by shooting at house and burning a cross in of it. k HOLSTEIN CATTLE SALE AT FAIR GROUNDS, OCTOBER 24 One of the first registered Holsiein cattle sales to be held this fall is being staged by the Lake County Holstei® breeders. Fifteen breeders are c©oop-- 27. Ray L. Rogers, charged . with operating a confidence game. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Vose, Gurnee; E. n ~Meights; -- Rarl Clement Bros., of ieg, :rflflo View ; h; R. J. Rasmuas C 4. fepresk n Antioch, wil act ## «&