Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Oct 1925, p. 2

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3 . _/ Lying on the,. Noor of his room at o prgirns., the estate oi Ponald-- Ryerson at ~----=--~--~--~~ T AKC N rrect~Car} --restaiberg, Chaut: feur 'or the Ryersons, was found ~ . dead Sunday morning by. the gar-- f dener of the estate A gas heater in the soom which is in the garage. was believed to * kave bean--the cause of death. Doors * ~ _ and windows of the room were shut, . and the body was lying as if --the '\man had made an attéempt to shut icoe. _ eff the heater. + The Fas, it was belieted, burned up the oxygen in the room. Appar-- Biy . ently awakening as th« fumes suf-- focated hiim, Gustafberg crawled out of bed, 'but was overcome before he could shut off the heater. I -- i pdlupitits -.",: " 7'_,%"??'., key® _.:fi',-,,m'fim_lfi;; 4 M M 000 ~_ .i.ana.oo«'i;oooo'hl Al C« c DEERFIELDO *E z> y K G a-f.' x a a« C ¥Z¥EK«*¥-- ---- ~_sans,-- Raward and Robert, were the, . Next Sunday morning Mrs, Divas, --*dinner guests of, MF and Mrs. Pete? State Pregident of the W. M.'8., will . Bleimeh} and umu&ln Chicago. [ spe@k. It is home mission day in our Miss Bess Schilstf¥ spen: Sunday :t church, and we*are sure you will rot the Fred Meyer home. ' 1be disappointed in the message if you George Herman is at St. Luke's hos-- | will some. _ 0 * CHAUFFEUR DIES-- FROM GAS FUMES ~----ATLAKEFOREST noon B« Miss Rose Weich of Minneapolis, Minn., «pent several days last woek with Mre B 1. Kreas ©Christ Willma® and two dagg@htcr«, Lueltla and Juliana. of Glenview. spent the week --end with Mr. and Mrs. 4. Mr. and Mrs Jame# Dougherty and ~wo daughters of Chicago. spent the week end with Mr and Mrs _F J 1abzhn. Rarch ailended ber sister, and HATY >\ Behren« oi¥ 'hieago. was best MaAR Ab+ agd Mrs Dietz lefi for a nionth's ~rip in the esst. and on their return wii Utveat--the k 3rch home untit tiretr new home is buil; in Sunset Terrace Found Dead Sunday Morning ~"in Garage at ~Estate 'of ~ Donald Ryerson. . _ The Sewing Circle --of Bt. Paul's Evangelical ehurch met a the home Of Mrs. August Winters Thursday Mrs. Haas, of Chieago spent Wednes day of last week with her cousin, Mrs. A hard time dance was given at the Witmot school Safurday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Wiliman _ an nounce the birth of a son, Christian Jr.. on Qctober 1st. * -- --Alex Wiliman wert to Squth Bend Ind., Menday on a:business trip Misses Esther and Etta Schwaegier of Tubugue, ToGwa. and Miss Adeline Schwaegier of Chickgo were,the Sun day gues.s of M and fifs Wiil Koeblin. . George Herman is at St. Luke's hos-- pital in Chicago, where he underweat an operation for appendicitis last week. * -- Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Vant and Miss Laura Mublke®are visiting Chas. Muhl-- ke and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parsons, :n Haggerman, ldaho. _ -- fi:a lmaura Karch, daughter o(. Mr.| 3 mnarch, and Paul lieiz, ' of+ Nortbbrfook, were united in marriage Monday, . 5th at the bheme of the bfldo':'u't':s', with Rev. Father Wim J Ryan _ officiating.' _Miss martlia Kkarch ailended ber sister, and Hary --\ Behren«* o C'hieago. was best MAR +. -- Flerian Savrage. l}ick Faston and Edgar Scully left Monday for Florida. The fitst service of the Fpiscopal misston, .0 be' organized in Deerfield will be held Surstday morning, Nov. 1, ip Deerfield Masonic hball . _ _He was to have reached Chicago | at 7:30 o'clock in the morning. The ; gardener, observing the car still lni the garage, went lo'Gulutberg'l' room, and found him dead. > | |~ 4 td ch s ud d h d id uts t h liiis t , -- Nt Aads P bt EV I i the garage, went to-- Gultuberg's* The church attendance is on the in--. was repeated. room, and found him dead. > 'crease. It was especially gratifying. Preston went to his garage to get An inquest was lreld, and the jury to have 99 present at the last Eng'ish his car and go to 'the police bhead-- returned a verdict that death ~was service. 'Suc han atiendance surely 4s quarters. 'While in the garage, the caused by the gas. * . |Tine, but next time let's make it :100'. | phone rang again and Mrs. Preston Gustafbérz came to Lake Forest| The delegates and teachers atter t--' answering, called hér. --busband-- to this summer _ baving previougly 'ing the Bloomingdale S. 8. convent'n Lthe wire. This time the voice said: worked in Chicago. .He was dbout|will leava the--Deerfléld eom'u'ws;.;";m -m-olgtv'v'z;'m --tonight --or 25 years old xr and Mrs. Georz t sd#s of Barringo: end with Mr. and .ars Mss Ethe}ly Stone n snent «AwPf3] days of ber niece, Mre Harry snent flw days _ of clast week ber niece, Mre Harry Muhik« Mre .. A. Reichelt, Jr. had as guest over the week end her co Miss hHarriet Teitch, of ¥autle W The ladies of the Holy Crosx<Qurch will have a card party a: the Masonic Tempie Saturday, Nov. Tth. from St. 1 Fxen Sem anniversar ladies Monday in h« birtbday anniversary Mr and Mre P. Jubhrend and Mrs. Paul Hatfield are vi: Shawneetown, this woek Mrs. Roy Hutchinson of Irving Pairk efitertained the Young Matrons. bridgo elub Wednesday. -- The ladies Aid of St P will have a bazaar and s Masont¢ Temple Thursday Doors will bo open at six Rev_ Piempnbrok retur re. Mary Wesrling 78th birthday anniver afternoon. ~ _ _A Chamb#r of Commerre was or? ired Friday at the Masonic Templ« The Progressive Club of Wilmot school wil \!:v' a bazaa, and froo danee at the uchool Nov. 14 *X The Milligan (a Heights spent Sur Mrs, George Pettis Mrs. 1. (* Hole ,».r. T. A. meeting last Friday wusk well attended, in spite of ths in CJement weathéer The (durth gracge it I Rowime 1 & ¥. . 5th 'M'l)&. wb n _ officia ailended h« +o/ * hireag _ Thetz lef esst. and hss at 1Ca 1i W Obr oT nged taber 239 lock ¥r and Monda ureh the 1an M her t | _ Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Anderson ente 'gained at & card party Saturday eve tring:: ~~ ss-- #i~_-- bers ___Miss' Hila --Bubert is reportéd i\ _ The picture which was pux:clused for the room having the most parents and friends present was awarded to Miss Titus' room. Mrs. J; A. RBicheit Jrs read a paper on "Recreatioun." Jrs d a-- pape n "Recreatiou." [ M * Artive . Ayd M3 IGh8 Ahoni ana »mts. Predeytext~ Calli Appeals té anerit?--and -- Koabilin spen:; last week as guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. Lueder at Elmhurst. _ Mr.and Mrs. John Huéhl spent '@st| w . ontar. | Sunday with Mr}t and Mrs. Geo. . !i-- i. A [Preston. 'a | carpenter [RLG Son 'at Glenview. % the father .of a !am_ily living at 1411 Mrs. M.--Schmidt~ spent Thyrsiay Grand avenue, Waukegan, was threa-- with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schmidt. _ ened with viotence and warned to leave i :fl's' Bf"bl'"" .IHuehl "":'"'f'd é':' town. immediately in two mysterious L:)l:ls ay)':\ex:"x)lgre r::; .at:;nl:ie;jo nu; phone calls received at his home last new Eden deication and E. L. T. S. Friday afternoon. reunion. |-- Preston awas not working because of which Miss Ethel Titus is teacher rendered a fire prevention play ca¥'l ed "Fire Imps." °_ -- The confirmation class compose!d of students 12 :o 14 years of age, me>ts -- every Saturday afternoon at 1:30. Up;{ to the present time ten studenis hav > registered." At a later date an aduit: class will be formed, taking in ali over 14 years of age. > , ST PAL'S E¥ANG. CHURCH | -- ; Rev. F. Piepenbrok, Pastor | Sunday School at 9:15 a. m. Church | sprvices in English at 10:30 a. m. 4 at 12:30 o'clock sharp The postponed meeting of the Friend ly Bible: clas& w}ll"be_geld . uesday, Oct. 20, in the church.. Every member is urgeu to be present. _The Christian Endeavor will hold their regular monThly mee:ing in the church Thursday evening. Oct. 22 the W. M. 8. will have a Harvest Home #upper in <the churth basement. Afine menu is plaoned. Sunday evening, Oct. 25, the orches EVANG. BUNGALOW CHURCAI All services at the usual time, as printed last. week. -- . «. Come and joinsour bible study class ~--~----Ags4ay -- evening." --avs ge*ng "bet church. Let all your friends know about it so that it may be enjoyed by ull.© .. 0 * Decoration of our primar ment is nearing * compleiic equipment has been purchas« chairs, plano, etc., to cart graied woerk in a more effic -- FOR DARY CLEANING & DYEING RVG CLEANING & CURTAIN STRETCHING THE RELIABLE LAUNORY PMONE 3014 --~ & chtidren to the pastor a e fall celebr union -- and Autumn Brings Stunning Styles Duddles Bldg. Mark J. Andrev rch Schoot and FULST P'RESDBYTERIA cou % y CRIM'F,R Autumn days are with us------ the ground is strewn with meltow leaves----and everywhere you see new Foot-- wear gracefully stepping onward towards cooler days. ' If you haven't visited our store------make up your mihd this very minute to see our new arrivals~~ Gorgeous patterns to entrance the most fastrdious. Pictured, two examples <) RAY N. SMITH Minister iIt bibts carry on efficient Oc $6.50 depar 1B «* MAN WARNED TO > _ LEAVETOWN; IS _ ~~~ ------THREATENED ne w The party hung up <and Pregton attéempted to get the source of the call from the telephone operator, but was unable to, however, the operator instructed him how to get if the cali was repeated. Pregton Geclares he is well satis fied that he knows who was thrgeat-- ening him:> He deciared that some time ago. We and tre--man in ques-- tion had some trouble over a $250 commi{ission on a lot sale and the man in question lost out in the mat-- fer that was ready to--be carried into court. * w . I'IP get you. K.K.K." ,Preston held the wire ane called the operator and was given the num-- ber from whence ~the> phone. cali Préston took hbis information to States Attorney A. V. Smith and was advised to wait for' further de velopments. in the meantime the matter was taken before Sherif! Ed win. Abhlstrom and Preston was in-- structed to call the sheriff if any-- thing further bhappened, and ailso that if anyone attempted to enter his house, Preston should shoot to Kill. Preston awas not working because of the storm and at 23:30 in the aft; ernoon, received x phone call. 'The voice pver the wire said: "You are naying trouble _ with Henry Manson. You of him or the next time 1 meet --you on the street I'll get you." _ Preston came wh and ano! Kelyinator Economy as weil as converfence Libertyville The Oldost Domestic Electric Refrigeration LIBERTYVILLE . INDEPENDENI, THURsDAY, OCTOBER 15, ralled® Preston tnto the store fight ~en»ued in which a're> State's Attorney. . G. Kaping trouble M 8 bo y rken Prest nd Hans Masziatra n Libertyville IIL. i and i $6-- with h _ Hanson 'reston boy a fizht in That night Hlingis «»a LOANS FAR AHEAD ©/ _ OF A YEAR A60 ¥ % % % % % 4 % % # % i > % 4 % # Mrs. Martin Berducke and daughter, Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newberger and family and Ben Shiit were Wau kegan business visitors last week. -- Ben Shift left Sunday fro Chicoga, after spending a week with Henry Newbergzer and family a g Amanda, Helen and Oscar Hager, Jr',. «pent Sunday with John Batz and The --fact --~that the man Presion believes. threatened him is a special officer,. w.ll make no difference ac-- cording to Sherif! Ahistrom who MI vised Preston that if the man came to the; Preston home as an officer, he would have to @emand admit-- tance, then 'reéad a warrant before entering the house and in such case, Mrs. --Preston is 4nstructed _ to call .mumuz;:,omc'ih':fi}:, rige o e ton believes threatened "him are* said to be closely assoc.ated. Asst. Secretary of Security Title --& + . Trust Company. Bustneio of the recorder's office for the week ending Oct. 10, 1925. Number of conveyances filed, 266. Number of chattel mortgages, 92. Number of trust deeds and mort-- gages, 90. > -- Corresponding periqd week ending Oct. 11, 1924;: _ O 3 Number of conveyances filed, 194. Number of chattel mortgages; 64. Number of trust deeds and mort-- gages, 62. RECOVERS PURSE _ FROM PICKPOCKET _ Total amount of instruments filed, 310. -- _ Total number of instruments filed, 448. _ . . aImi|y M Total amount of loans, $589,504.37 Total amount of loans, $198,756 W EST FREMO NT Sunday @ller and Virginia N x He'en Bed« BIG SALE ON QUALITY MEATS Quantity buying permits low prices. _ We retail at wholesale prices. | Our Slogan: "Better Meats for Less Money" boiling, per Heavy, thick and meaty short ribs for baking or 1 boiling. per b. 12 / 2C GLENWOOD COFFEE °: Boneless Rolled Rib Roast, all meat, no waste ' $ Extra Cho Steaks, per pound Beef Stew, per pound WITH "VERY PURCHASE OF 5 LBS. OR OVER, ONE' + HEAD OF CABBAGE -- / E'--in BY A. K. BOWES Bederske and friends Saturday evening. BEEF and -- Helen "PDedergie FREE C ernoOn Old Rittner Building 12%/2¢ LEONARD C. BLANK, Prop. Sirloin 32¢ aT A 1925 ~AND IS NABBED _ ~~~-- AS A DESERTER James Cunningham, Fined as-.!' . -- Ahs« > Diss ~derty;" Turfibe --uver--o «"a= > ;** :: > *a .4 Fort Sheridan Authorities. ' . P THE INDEPENDENT--S8150 a: Year James ~Cunningham, arrestéd at Hishland Park Sunday, has a gloomy outlook on life today, and, if the au-- thorities at--Fort Bheridan have their MAN PAYS FINE . way, I future A'ter Cunningham, who also car, rlies the name of Cummags, ac-- cording-- to Chiet Peterson of Deer field, was placed in the county jail for a day he was takdn before Jus-- tice Harry . Hoyt and fined $5 ang cests, just being able to make th amount. ~ Chief Peterson appeared about the time of. the bearing and stated that Cunningham was wanted . at Fort Sheridan where it was said that. the Sheridan. man was a former soldier who had deserted while in a Virginia camp. Cunningham was turned over to the chiéf and he was taken to Fart . he 1s in for®more glcoom in the SMOKED Al ~-- PICKLED MEATS Hertzel's No. 1 Bacon, or half slabs; per pound . ._.__.____.. Spare Ribs, . per pound ....____ Bacon Squares per pound ... No. | Hams, average 10 to 15 pounds, 29c Plate Corned Beef, Per 1 Do You Know the Value of a Penny? ONE CENT SALE FOR OUR AD IN NEXT WEEK'S PAPER -- ALL NEW MERCHANDISE----Step in and look it over before the sale --THREE DAYS ONLY _ ----October 29 -- 30 = 31 ~Decker & Neville 12/2c 12¥/2z2c 37c 29¢ /e Have Added One More Saving Item ustomers. Per lb. only > . . > > AT THE Small Young Pig Hams, Per 1 Pound _ _ _ 24 ' fed; per pound ... * * * Veal Shoulder Roast, thick and meaty, Pig Shank P:' Pounds. R . lgc Home Made Sausage Meat Per Pound ... _ ---------- lgc Veal Breast for filling, --of he Ives; milk heavy calves; milk 1jB§p Pork Loins, whole or haif, small and lean, _ per pound ... _( 29c --A V G FR O E L1 C H ' FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY Phone 41 Lake Zurich,. Dinois. 24V/zc 19¢ wi.lg Item' fo.r O\Ir 386 per pound s Swiss Cheese Per Pound ... _ .------. ssc American Twin Cheese (one year old) ie round ... . 35¢ Limburger Cheese Per Pound 35c Caraway Seed Cheese in loaves, pound . 39c Compound Lard (Swift's or Armour's) Veal Roast, off leg Veal Chops, loin or r Veal Stew et ig Horn Cheese PRODUCE *©20¢ 15¢ 396C 55¢

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