Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Oct 1925, p. 5

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: HARCQS AND. HOLT _ -- INDICTED, GRAND ~~---- --4URY REPORTS This bhappened Sept 24. 1924. * In conmnection with the asame case Patterson. Miller and George,. Burch * ~ard, were Indteted tor burgiary and ----Waukegan Police Chief Chief Protests Innocence; Spring" Writs for Clara and Holt. * n C innanmt mare hn ie oi Arce CE 2w a --* gan chief of police, dicted as 2A i Pepepitatec. with Beu" Batfott, 0. T. ""*AHLOOTC. ww« ~F. 'B: RODOtE, ~*~~~~*the stolen property. ~James Miliet-- and Frankiyh Patterson, both Lake Bluf, were named in the same true bills. This grows out of the entry of the home of F. Edson White. preaident of Armours,. who lives at Lake Forest. the Circuit court, detailing that 28 true bills had been voted, including Arthur Holt, and Clara Harcg, for the alleged murdér of Mrs. Lillie. Holt, and Commissioner J. V. Balss,-- as a eonspirator with Ben Barrett in the Holt, in the indictment, is charged with shooting his wife, and with be-- ing incited in the 'alleged murder by Clara.-- Alibert Harcq, Clara's husband. se the indictment reads, left the place before the actual shooting, but assist-- od, abstted and aided in the alleged murder. This form of the indigctment. The moment the indictments were returned in the Haneq--Holt case At: torney James G. Welich fled a writ ef habeas corpus in --the circuit court askink that Clars and Holt be re leased ic bail. Hearing on the writ was set for Saturday. z history of the police fTorts schame with the Intesftion of making the merchants foot the . bill. t, / % mecording to States Attorney A. V. Smith, does not mean that Harcq is secused of murder, but 'that he is to that has already been eerved on him. He is out in $10,000 bonds. *: INDICT CMIEF BALZ s 'Commiseioner J. ¥. Bals, Wauke "It'e a dirty job, I'm innocent," pro-- tested Chief Bails. + + v --'*I was told that 1 didn't hare to tesify before the grand jury when I wen in there but I didn't have any-- thing to-- be ashamed of, so I taiked." Whita,. and valued at $250, was taken Durand, at the preliminary bearing, The work on the book is etill be-- ing rusbed, it is said, and it had been hkoped that it could be published be fere the grand jury towvened. Two murder cases, that make Geo Prummond. Grayslake, charged with sahooting his son, Raiph, at Grayslake, Aug. 8 after the father had said that was accused of hav'ing concealed it with the intention or turning it into SE .. of robbery, burglary, and concealing a fence by Frankiyn Patterson. The mecklace, given to a Lake Bluff gir'. was recovered by the states attorney. E'; second in which John Miletech. Chikago, is accused of killing SBteveé Makabred as he stood on blis the son wes ashamed to introduce -". Raiph Drni.o'd t_o }'" parents. womewhere around Oct. 19, accord Ing to States Attorney Bmith. ~ DUARAND GoEs pown . bome, Lake Blu#f. Dee. 23; 1924 YIKING®®' ARE NAMED "Bernard-- Amith, the er--toppor -- of Chicago, and Ralph McKee, woere made M':mu in true bilis voted charging them with conspiracy to rob . and burglarite the Viking Express en the Nortbwestern railway Dec. 30, 1914, in which Russell Dickey, the m was murdered by Bern-- ylin. Mylin is eerving 3 --years in prison, and a pariner, Ed ward Smith, is enjoying a like een-- 'tence. Bernard Zmith and McKee were acquittead by the same jury that "feund the other two gutity. Bernard Bmith was charged as being the "getaway" for the quartet, and Mc Kee with being the memsenger boy between Chicago and MitwaUukes ACT ON--GOLDOSTEIN The conspiracy charges made after the investigation ot the acid throw-- Iing at the Goldetein Clothing Aug After considering 29 cases AH but Calura, who lives on Mar ket street, are Chicagzoane, and wil\ be accused, ehould the case come to trial, with instigafing the ~Goldstein 'trouble. Riessman is a labor leader °_ "BSNICK" MILLS VOTED Raymond 'Snick' Mills, and [esite Kilbane, both Waukegan, were in-- dicted for robbery on the teetimony Thomas Wallenter, North Chicago, ho told the grand jury that the two #5, in which four men enfered the plant, in the manufacturer's termi mai and poured acid on $20,000 worts of garments, brougnt indictments. Pateey De Roea, Louis Schultz, Sid-- wey Rissman, Jacob Kroll and Tony men took $25, a"watch and a etick Pin from hbim on the night of Feb Calpra were made the defendants. Calura, in addition was indicted for Intimidation,. malicionus mischief and burglary, growing out of his being eaught in the plant one night after the sacid throwing. It was chersed that he bhad cut off «tie sprinkiet ave in North Chioago, brought fortb INDOICT--DRUMMOND urand, foster son of the Durands, of Crabtree Farm, responaible for the indict-- pictured by cases and the Harcq-- Hugh Mclennon 1%, For lake, the warrint 19211 _ | this time, and she plans on seeing ED ber unusual husband, who would omer -- af| cure the drink habit by staying in the ment of that man and of Al Brown, whom she charged with attempting an atta@ck. -- * .8 Al Parker, Mary Weber, Al Brown and Peter Gendrick were indicted on a conspiracy charge in the same case, the indictment showing that a war-- rant --was taken out--and --that--the above mentioned people conepired to keep the girl from, testifying. . MANY SMAt, cASES : * Amaur _othere .indicted were; El mer Semple, charged with stéalifi@ an auto belonging to Scott Durand, and valued at $1,000. Fred Morrison, Madison, Wis., %gfied _with taking indecent liber-- t with Tittlsé "ETizabetx. DeJong just weset of Waukegan Feb. 88. George Richtér, accused of larceny in connecting witkh bolding--up F. M. Tomlinson, North Chicago realtor, Sept. 13. Richter lives in Waukegen. Ray L Rogers charged with operat: ing a confidence game by Alex Cavan-- der, Waukegan, who related at one time that he had givem Rogers about $1,500 to apply on a house ander ean-- struction. He charged that it was spent eleewhere. Wililam Sitsman, Northside drug-- gist, who took a $3! check from Roy Miller, local realtor, told the grand jury that it was of "rubber" and the true bill was voted. ---- _ _ _ _ w i2 42 4B c he fiat lsnls s dnc An old case, in which the O'Donnel! Motor company held an alleged tradu-- lent check against Arthur Dporley, Grayelake, was pushed arnd the in-- dictment reported. ~The check was for $110. M NAME MOTOR COP. Bernard Phillips, who served as a motor--cop Tor Lake Vills for-- fAve weeke while the regular chief, Ber-- nard Hamlin, was home with a brok-- en arm, wase indicted for :t(ortlon. Raymond Olson, Chicago, the indiet-- ment said, had paid him $15 after be-- ing Caught tar--speedinpg. Olat Olson ingsed in«' watch, and John-- Tyne m' 200 3L, 1i ic ie iss I by Highwood policing of shooting and ":Wi;zp'%'? was ::ima ftor aesault with at ~to REPORT ON NEWBURGER Reports from Harry Newburger that be bad stood off "mz--two. day attack at hbis Tfarm near aWuconda in which shots stuccoed his hbouse and 'before. which a filery cross was burned .brought the indictments of Ray Lomar, Carl --Cushman, Lmura C#@hman, his wife, and John Barts, all neighbors. William Moore was Indicted for the theft of a" Ford, and Raymond Harrison and Ear} Hobnson were in which shots stuccoed and 'before which a fiery burned .brought the indi Ray Lomar, Cart > Cushn C#@hman, his wife, and . all neighbors. William Moore was |NCNMEY* """ the theft of a" Ford, and Raymond Harrison and _ Ear) Hohnson were indicted for--larceny, growing out of charges that they broke into of charges that lhey homes at Highland Park Rather take a chance of los ing hbis vl:."hmn he was 'on the booze,' John Dempsey of Chicago. last night begged Sheriff Ed Ab} strom to lock him up for 15 dayp Dempsey had served time as A federal prisoner in the jail months ago for running cross wise with the narootic act. He liked the jail then, and told the sheriff so. -- . ASKS TO BE PUT IN JAIL SO AS John Dempsey, 'On the Booze,' Makes Unusual Request of sheriff asked. -- "No, the boote, and my wile says If 1 dow't guit that sbe will." Mrs. Dempsey, cwho was along, salid it was all correct. . Dempsey had hbimse!lf charged with disorderly 'conduct before Justitso Hervey Coul-- son,. and started to serve 15 days. Mres: Dempsey found that there would be two visiting days Guring dR $ 30090000000 Jail TELLS HOW HE ENTERED COUNTRY AS A STOWAW AY Zion Man, Facing Deportation, Makes Full Statement to the Police. Additional facts were learzed today in conmnmection with the deportation proceedings brought against David P. Davis of Zion. He was taken from Tilon last week by immigration de partment officials. Davi® it develops, left his home in Wales, England, sneaking _ aboard ship as a stoway and was not found until the ship was at sea. He then was put to work peeling potatoes to pay for hbis passage. While in Zion hbe met Carric Cur-- rie whom 'be married on September 21. They lived together for three days . Then Mra. Daviz complained to the Zion police that her husband was abusing her Davis was arrested In New York he succeeded in es-- caping the immicration officials and made Nis way to Chicago where he met a Zion elder Who prevailed upon him to go to Zion. He obtained a po sition in the Zion bakery several weeks ago. on September 2% and placed in the Zion jafl where Ne admitted that he Had amurgled himselit into the coun-- try. The immigration -- autborities were notified and they have called and will take steps immediately to de port him to Enreland FOR DRY CLEWO & DYEING RUG CLEANING & CURTAIN STRETCHING TME AHAELIABLE 1AVNDRY : the hop again,. John*"" the Sheriff Ahistrom. TO KEEP WIFE Sore CLARA AND HOLT _ REFUSED BONDS;-- C cuit court, after attorneys had been given a bhearing on a--writ of habeas corpus in an effort to get the pair re-- leased. e T LWlsi. s Albert Harcq, hueband of Clara, charged as an accessory, was allowed to make bail of $10,000. Nov. 9 wase set as a possible date for the trial, although it might start one week earlier. 7 Both Clara and Holt entered pleas of not guilty, after motions--to quash the indictments bhad been over--ruled. The Gdefense, through Attorneys James G. Welch and Joseph Keig, had argued that the presumption of guilt was not strong enough to force the couple to remain in jail, while States Attorney A. V. Smith, and his aesistant, S. H. Block, contended theat the court bhad only to consider that a crime had been committed. Realizing the petition was lost Mr. se 1 Welch . centered on -- efforts <to fru'-"'"- » Clar@, relating that she had-- --been£0D, ,*! quartered to an insane woman tor |seeder, four days while in jail, and that she f""- 1 was the only one with the courage |C"&E,. h to go to her assistange. From a hu-- °0T pI mane viewpoipt, alone, he argueq, and ha the--woman was entiJed to Ball, even{"}YA!0" it it should be mnugually high. --. _ JC 2t .. Commissioner Jullus-- V. Bailz, chief| Te at. noline; indicted ~on --a ~conepiracy +-- _ charge alonkg with Ben Barrett, police history author, and two~ i citors enrployed by Barrett, plea not gullty upon arraignment, and -- reteased in a $2,000 bond signed T. J. Stahi. . . Barrett did not plea, a motion to quash the indictment, being set fot bearing Oct. 19. Col.. Smith stated that this would be the third or fourth case <«alled. Mr. Weich represents the four defebdants. § DURAND APPEARS p 1. J. SLARI & drdbanaiiens F BHarrett did not plea, a motion to|and Lake ave., one mile Korth of MilJ*"~~=--~--~yaea""" =I" "°°°, aemme~----o _ quash the indictment, being set for |Wwaukee avenue viduct, the following: FOR SALE | bearing Oct. 19. Col. . Smith ul:ted' 20 Head Livestock P im that this would be the third or fourth |..--Téam roams, 11. and 12 years, 2400|FPOR SALE--Hard coal heater; also case «alled. Mr. Weich represents|lbs.; roan gelding, 7 years old, 1400;| HiOven laundry stove; burns any the four defendants. 5\ | 1Htay¥ "","'; 6 70':'"1:::. 1400; black |kind of fuel; heats, cooks and bakes. | mare 13 years old, 1500. -- _ |Apply at 121 First St. Phone 516--M. pURAND APPEARS 2 15 HBAD CATTLE -- 3 springers,| _ _ -- s C 6P At _Jack Rurand, {pster son _ o[ h. baiance milkers; stock bull commmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmntormmmemmmmmmmmmmnommmmmmmmmmmmiommmmmmtemmmmmmams scolt Durands, Crabtree Farm, Lake| _ MCCOPmIck grain binder. new : SALE--10f, North Ave . Bluff, moved to quash indictmenis |Cormick corn binder, new; manure Lake Blufl. Telephone Lake BlullT charging him with robbery, bur;ury,wlvmd:r. lghn Deere. corn *:dhttl- 1129. 42 2t lafceny and concealing stolen prop |DUw: su cultivators, hand mm mm tm mngoes. mamny. ce mc e commmmens ces rmeectew e erty in copnection with the entering !'""- set harrows, % kulky plows, land NR'BALI-- Full Nood'Bufle hounds Forest, Sept. 24, 1924 His bond was Toller, gang plow, $--borse &rain drill, ufi. pupples. Phone Fox Lake 1344 set at $3,000 and the case set (ori::fl'? dbc.m"-ln;h truck wagon, lum-- lside Resort. 42 3t @ct. 19, the frst on the October call. ; r wagon, uggsy, Gardner wagon W*fl--_-- James Miller and Franklin Patterson. | With bor. ear. puble herpane. Jn [ _ the ete LAkedan Faim. Won both Lake Bluff, were ed in the | DK 1d many other articles.: ; a 4 both Lake Bluff, pat 1 Torg 14 ton truck and s Buick tour | SRO" Dagen Lakh _ 115 Get. 19, the first on the October call. James Miller and Franklin Patterson, both Lake Bluff, were named in the same indictment --Berpard $mith and Ralph McKee,. both Chicago, gave bonds of K.MW each on indictments charging them . with conspiracy to rob and <steal: from the Viking expreas . on the Northwestern railwaey, out of which came the murder of the messenget, Russel!l DMckey. McKee pleaded not guilty. and a motion to guash {or Smith will be beard Nov. . * MURDER CASE CALLED George Prummond, Graysiake, charged with slaying his son, Raiph, pleaded not guilty through Mr. Weich and John Miletech, accused 'as the killer of Steve Makabrod, moved to quash the indictment through Attor-- ney George Field. Both men were remanded to the sberifL. _ 5 * . ~--~ SALZ--~@IVES--BONO-- In another indictment charging Millet, Patterson ang Géorge Burch-- ard with larceny of a Lake Blud home, pleas of gullty were entered Eeremi®, PPPCERR C . CE ht e ' by Patterson and Burchard and the} were paroled to Charles Mason, pro-- bation officer. Dante Quatrini, Highwood, indicted for assault with intent to kill, plead-- ed not guilty through Attorney J. A. Miller, of Miller, Herr and Par nass, giving bonds of $5,000. Raymond Milis and <Leslife Ki} Raymond Milis and <'Lesiie Rl bame, both Waukeghn, charged with robbery, pleaded not gullty, and were released in $3,000 bonds each. -- Walter Canvin, Chicago youth of 17 years, pleaded guilty to stealing a FPord and was paroted at the sug-- gestion of the states attorney, who found the lad months. Fred Morrison, charged with tak-- ing indecent liberties _ with little Elitabeth Déjoug, pleaded not gullty and went back to jail. _ Arthur Donley,, Grayslake, charged with issuing a bad check, gavre bonds for $1,000 after making a motion to quash, and Eimer Semple, charg ed with larceny, pleaded gullty. Ray Rogers, under a confidence game charge, and Roy Miller, ac cused of giving a worthless check, pleaded not guilty and gave bonds. Carl Cushman and wife, Roy and Jobn Bartz, all Wauconda, charged with conspiracy growing out of the shooting at the Harry Newburger home, Wauconda, pleaded not guilty through Attorney E. V. Orvis, and gave bonds. ~ > 2 milee east of Long Grove, the ronov-l Said assessment is payable in ten ing : | (10) installments, the first installment 14 Head Livestock .of which is $1650.00, due and payable Team roans, 11 and 14 years, weight«January 1st, 1925, and the remaining 2600 Ibs : bay mare 15 years old, wt nine (9) '&r.ulhcau for the sum of 1100 IThs. e $700.00 each. due and payable on the 8# HEAD CATTLR--# springers, bal-- 1st day of January of .& year there ance tilkers:" Holjein stock bull, $ after, all of said installments béar in-- shoats, 1090 1bs, each. terest at the rate of 68 annum. -- %50 chickens. | ated this 8th day of m&'d!f. __._,L 1. _JOHN BORNMOFEN AUCTION _ |;o call Tuesday, October 20, 12:30 p. m.. at the John Bornhofen will sell at public agc-- Nation tion on farm 1% miles west of Apta-- within kisic, 14 miles north of Buffalo Grove hereof 3 milee east of Long Grove, the follow--| Said Several of the defendants in the Goldstein Clothink company were unable to make an appearance, and the arraignment was put over, with the exception of Tony Colura, who moved to quash and gava bonds. Attorney Geofge Field represents the defense in these matter=. ' t ; Mayand Feed '109%h; -- xu&muumumr& o# DELAY GOLDSTEIN CASES > > * ~op * mIcae nIJWOI, SWRJ PEVC . PBCTCIOARTCCE T C f f M disc; set harrows, sulky cultivator, 2 -- BALZRELEASE"W m:u%'a% o ing eart for harrow, potato digger, VIKINGS INn BOND bad been in jail two . THURSDAY, --~OCTOBER 15. 1925 ea| _ wWh. wErnhaw"auctrion _ .| . posFION WANTAD as | . Wednesday, Oct" 21. 12%:30 p. m. A by ;Wm. Werham will sell at public.ave-- WANTED--Smail washings to do a% (tion on farm, corner Milwaukee ave.,.| my home. Phone 362R. . _ * implements .~ --------_.-- Deering grain binder, T4t. cut; Me-- Cormick corn binder, seeder, McCor-- 'mick mower, sulky plow, pulverizer, 14 bualed hay, 4 acres hill corn, 7 #cres W. R. THORMEYER AUVCTION ECaturday, October #4, 180 1 mn., W R. ~Thormeyer, eorner . Pfingten roai and Wailter ave., Northbreok, will TD the following : . ' Livesteok, s _ Black horsee, 1800 lba. _ 1 Guernsey eows; Guerasey heifer. R. ~Thormeyer, and Waiter ar the following : Black horee, _ 8 Guernsey . Chickeons. . May and Pood aanngrmmmmnnnnenpememaegee ce n age # 300 bu. eats, $0 bu. barley, 10 "OMS wost#T TO LOAMN--We hare a coa Local and Long Distance alfaifa, 5 ters strap, 180 shocks hbill|"" ag yepse amount of epedial tunds to 1 s 1 0C oh. 1 000 Sn aokts _ * wam en improved furm or efty over ractor Plewing Iimploments tnrite pyoeer fnguiry Set double harnese, set single har-- = :'"' Lihertyvike mea | Grayslake, . -- Phone 158--J nees, steel wheel h"{"m 5"}?:"';" ~rrrmmmppumummmmummmmmmmmmmmmmgumc ces | qqenqnpenmememndvingomeccrnmentimmemmenee . gon, spring wagon, bug£}. er * R N C * ""T> geeder, Deering corn binder, breaking HOUSES FOR m * * # ' drag, hay rake, Deering mower,; Ha¥ss|por RENT--SBTORES--New -- stores,| o £ M e corn planter, cofn cultivator, hay fork| 19r60, to be erected in Libertyyille. . 0e and hay rope, corn sheller, l--horse eu!--| Ready in about 60 days. Very 'teason-- m tbu. barley, 20 acres drill corn, 20 tons | . __ _ SEALED PROPOSALS ! ~¥he Board of Education for District No. 70, Lake County, Liber.yyville, HMi+ hois, will at 730 P. M. Tuesday, Octo-- \ber 27, 1925, receive sealed proposals for the general beating, plumbing and relectrical work for the construction of |a Grade School Building at Liberty-- \ville, Hlinois. | Plans and specifications will be on 'file a1 the office of LEWI8 & DOUGH-- 'ERTY, Architects, 35 North Dearborn Atreet, Chicago, Illinois. _ Deposit of 'Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) will be requir-- ed for plans and specifications. De-- posit check wfll be remitted when baled timothy hay.. Good lunch will be served. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned by the Lake Coun-- ty Road and Bridge Committee and the Highway> Commissioner~ of the Town of Antioch, at the Court House, Waukegan, Minois, at eleven o'clock A. M., Tuesday, October 20%h, 1925, for the construction by County Ald, of a 16 toot -- span -- reinforced -- concrete bridge, 24--fo0ot roadway, near the Woent quarter corser of the Sowrbeast qguar ter of Sec. 11, Town of West Antioch. Estimated cost, Three Thousand ($3000.00) Dollars. Certified check for at least 10% of the amoun: of the bid fhail accompany each bid. Right is reserved to reject any or all bide. Dated at Waukegan, !HNinois, this 6th day of October, A. D. 1986. -- ' > CHAS. E. RUSSELL, } Co. Bupt. of Highways. | FRANK DUNN, SPECIAL ASSES8MENT NOTICE. | SPECIAL WARRANT NO. 38, ' VINnILAGE OF IABERTYVILLE Publication is heroby given that the lConnty Court of Lake Count;y, lllinois,! 'hu rendered jadgment for a special ; assessment upon ~proper.y benefited by the following improvement: That Johnson Avenue in said Village be im 'proved by grading and improving the same, as will more fuily appear from the certified copy of the judgment on file in my office; that the warrant tor 'the collection of such assessment is in |the hands of the undersigned. All . persons Interested are hereby notified ito call and pay the amoun' assessed at the collectoor's oftice at the First National Bank, Libertyville, Illinois, 42 1t plans and specifications are re:urned to° Architect's office. 42 2t J. A. Schminke, Clerk. "~ 48 it Terms: Over $25.6 mos,. 1% lunch will be served. WANTBD--Girl for general house s: Over $1%5, 8 mos. $%. . work, in small family; good home. John Wick, Auctioneer. |Phone Waukegan 1956 --or 531. . Mrs. Sobhminke, Clork. --~ 4% 1t|Joseph Sapiro, 411 Gilletie Ave., W.iu- Lo s s mew 18 1e thiry days from the date Highway Towrst otf Cuba. 1 TVR w wemner 2o a e Te PW n a l e w h oi Hoooiitiviats €igse 140. 11Ch. en road| _ tyYille. Applications close No. 11th. will zen | Balary : $1700. : Age 18--456. -- Coaching course $10. ~Booklet free. Write .. lr?:pu-. Bor 1818--DG, Wuuu;on. * ogn _ ° * 48 it _ * s bungalow, 3 years o.d, built of the HE,P,WANI'ED best material; § rooms, oak and birch en in p lc ooo e |trim; real fire place, 30 ft. brick and WANTED--Board and room, heated,|concre:e front porch,. 'The prettiest ----ciose to 8t: Paut depot, by employed , bungalow in _Edison _Park,. located on CLASSIFIED -- ADS. martied couple.=~P. O. Box 82. FOR S8ALE--Six room house and four _ Lake Bluf{ Telephone Lake BlufT 1129. 42 2t FOR SALE--Full blood Beagle hounds and pupples Phone Fox Lake 1344 Hillside Resort. 42 3t *terial Co. Liberftyyille: Telephone Lib-- ertyville 75. 39 41 Austin Ave. Libertyville. FOR SALE--ILimestone screenings, at prices. Also a (pw choice young bulls, out of high producing dams Will be giad to show any of these animais if you will call -- Herd on Federal Ac credited list. lindenburst -- Farm. Ernst E. Lehmann, Owner, Lake Villa, Il. (On Grand Avenaue.) 40 3 POR SBALE--Pure bred Scotch Collie pupples, 6 weeks old. Bergeron S'ock Farm, Lake S8t. Road, 2 miles west of Libertyville. -- Phbone 67%--J--2. » 38M FOR SALE--Fordson Tractor, in A--1 condition:; new saw and rig and oth-- Phone Des Plaines 2353. 44 f Telophone 161-- W. POR SALE--Upright plano in good condition. Price $70. At Ray's Fur-- aiture Store, TAibertyville. > «§ It FOR SALE--#Sombination coal, wood, WIIl A. Woeber, FOR ABALE--Utility Securities; safe; seven pe reent investments. Geco. B. Follett, Representative, Libertyville. Phone 487. #. . FOR SALE--Wha: is known as the 1. L Harden farm, 1 milé southwest of Antioch, Lake county, Iilinois. Address Mrs. L. Harden, Antioch, 11L 41 4t FOR S8ALE--Chicken house, 161817 man, Millburn, DL FOR SALE--One Ford Fordoor sedan, excellent mechanical condition (jus: recently overhauled(. Equipment on car Includes Seng lock steering wheol, A. C. speedometer, spot light, dash light, stop light, water pump, fron' seat heater, foot accelerator, front and rear bumpers, rear seat heater, unused spare tire and rim, also rear view mirror; must sell a; once; a real bar-- gain for the lucky buyer. ' Telephone TMAbeftyville 207--M. 41 tt onlons, $1.60 per bushel, delivered. Phone lLAbertyville 624+R2. 41 5t 6 acres, with 6 room house, barn, garage, orchard, shade trees; 1 mile DR SALE--Poney. Aimond Bros., 315 N. First 8t Phone 20%--J. -- 39 U DL o cwreers Pogi Yellow -- Denver 43 1t 41 3t 341 i pomeel parath ie "| Trucking and Hauling 331 1t\ a paved street, in the best section of -- | the town, 3 bipcks from the Northwest-- FOR EXCHANGE--Beautifu!l . modern PHONE 306 REAL ESTATE inguranse > NHertary Publiic 614 Ne. Hilw. Ave. Likertyyville WAUKEGAN, ILL. Good Meals 50¢ © , # Smith's Taxi G. H. SMITH, Prop. > Day and Night Service Night Ph. 497 _ Day Ph. 51 * STRETCHING THE. RELIABLE LAVNDRY PHONE 3014 We Buy and S LAKE COUNTY AND REAL ESTATE --Kaping & Sons Ingleside, HI. ARLINGTON: # HOTEL 4| SELLERS & PETERSEN redging and Re-- clamation Work. -- 551 Miwaukee Avenine Telephoné 451 FRED H. SHTH Buying or Beiling, , Mests First ind Thire Friday MJW ot Each s _ Menth I_n __o!'uny H'all, First Nauovro Bank ahd old ons ---- 4 E MA ; £, A. BROWN, Sr.. . W, NAGEL, _ * LIBERYVILLE LODGE No. 950 © Meets Each Monday Night at 8 o'ciock FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Visiting Members <-- Cordiatliy Invited. M.. SCHROEDER, N. G. WILLIAM McCLAIN, Secy. | _ Mests Zng and 4th Tussday of Ejpen Month at Gridiey Mail Visiting Brother -- re Cord: >~ invites LORA STVRAM, MaRY c "¥. O Heith-- .--~_ .. ahinv mvsan? KdbH,>, _\ _ -- gK Aach--HOOCK at Masonic Hall _ _ ---- y Visiting Companions Cordially Inyited: LUCBE BUILMKOG-- _ ,-,,{' Res. Phone 136 M Office Phome W# R mmrwmmm-. Mours:--1 to $ 30 and ! to # p m Residence on Broadwary oppostie Parr LUBERTYVILJE I11JNOI8 Res. Phone 20--J. Office phone 163 Reverse Charges on Business Calls Cattle Tested for Toh =~@ FREF OF CH a e css CHAS. D. NALLEY, See'y . FRED GRABBE Auctioneering . FARM AND STOCK SLES A SPECIALTY C. Bris neil, Iinspecster n ~~*~AYTORNEY ATLAW Dffice at Home on Cook Arenur Telaphone '6J LUBBRTYVILLE, ILLJOMIA INSURANCE Going to Build? mway khow just what cost 'L[lllTYVILLI. ILLINOLG R. L. GONSALVES Phone Libertyvills 148.R--120.¢ Phone 217M _ LIBEARTYYVILLE Attorney at Law LIBERTYVILLE ILLJNOI8 __---- TELEPHE 8t i UBERTYVILLE MAAA YETEXIXNARY 'SURGEON MARBLE AND GRANITE ) 220 Libortyvlle, im Offite With Farm Bussseu 116 South Gemese St. . WAUKECAN, ILLINOHS MHANVFEACTUVRER OF No. 277 R A M DR ]J. L TAYLOR LL contract to furnish laber and material on your house ste for a set figure so you COLUMBIA _ .ODGE Ne. 131 > M. W. of A* _ ACME CAMP No. 116 A. A. Grandy Correspand»~t Che . + w S

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