Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Oct 1925, p. 6

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---- 3 in rag NC y crmprcns ie en o Nee i te 10 ces OB c 1e 32 enc oc €2%-- 'flm'hrum-mw; near Wilson. Mrs. Hedier a rib * . broken; A&rthur was also hurt and the car smashed. | Mr. 'and Mré. Herman and son of Wisconsin visited George Herman®nt 8t. Luke's hospital in Wisconsin last Baturday. y ' ® _A farmer dtriving out of his l6t last The teacher and pupils of our school have been suffering from colds, and several were compellied to remain a Jack Frost visited this section Fri-- day night, and did considerable dam-- age to growing crops noon at the N. F. Busch shrdilushrd'u last Friday Remember our auciioneer, Fred Grabe, at Glenview. Telephone, office 163, or residence 20 J. On all business calls, charges may be reversed. i Clarence Busch called on Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Matousek in Libertyville Friday Marguerite, Marie and Kenneth Giss| "! and George and Julia Holub were at--| 0) sent from school Friday. '"" George J Gerity Aied very suddenty while acting as a pall bearer for a bro ther Mason. He had been a member o the Masonic fraternity for 27 years and a Woodman since he was nin= teen years of age He teaves to mourn his widow, one daughter. Louvise. and a son,. Jam--s (who are twins), his sister, Kate Con-- roy of Nor.h Dmkota, other relatives and many friends. He was laid to re«<t in Watren cemetery with Cody and Custer e passed awray when tGJeorge war aamail boy. and ai-- that (time was taket --to is unvie's farm near MHWiburn, where me was reared. his mo.her going into the home of Tom Jindsay, where she re sideq for many years meonths was on th« Wisconsin. wa« born April. 14. i87%, and ; 8. 1925, at the age o months is father and Mrs. Artbur Clark, _ They--are __ _omasn--up.. . _ 1jury in Waukeganm several days last ** seX to Weeonsih from Vieginie ) -- -- . -- _ --OMASTIP, ... . |Serk sc in Pn ns o n * "Gracs and Mar¥ Jlark hiked troti?~Mr«-- Cankis . DhifMlinc . of We« * +iz 10 Ser~ Ar lstetfae ons ~ilbs 4 has Mre: Rimer Jack.; =~~---- ----------_--~--{taoday~--from --severe --injyirlies --@aused |Killing frost. This is the earllest we Mr. D. M. White returned Friday Trom Boulder, ~Colo., having @peiit some time with his daughter, Mrs. Ber *han Neuman. « Mr. and Mrea*Floyd Wet:e! will have 'a sale Saturday,. Oct; }7th, and wil leave soon for Chicago Mr. Duncan was born March 10th, 1874, at Tyrie, Aberdeenshire, Sceot-- land, and came to America when 16 years old, Aside from four years in Wood county, Wisconsin, he had been a resident of Milburn and vicinity. He was married Nov.-- 26, 1899, to Florence Shaw, --at -- Antioch _ The wife survives with sever children: Mrs. Pearl Anderson, Charles, Ber-- mnice, Alima, Florence, Myrtle, and Elmer. Three others, Peter, Edwin, and Edward, are dead. _ ~ % % % 4 % 4 4 ¥ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 Mrs. W. B. Cole and five children, of| Mrg. Virginia, are visiting at the bomes of La Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark and M -- _: Mr. Duncan had been at the state institution for three years. Peter Duncan, <gge 50, for: many years a resident oqf Milburn and vi-- cinity, died Monday at the state hos-- pital at Elgin, according to word re-- cefved here today. _ _ ~. _ _ The funeral will be held "Gt One o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the White & Tobin funeral home, and in-- terment: will take place at 2 o'clock in Milburn cemetery. Rev. Amstutz will officiate. . 2+ PETER DUNCAN, 50; OF MIEBURN, ~-- PASSES AT ELGIN Long a Resident of> Lake County; Leaves Wife and _ _ Séven Children.. _ ~ . THE IAdW®® AlM wHi Miss Mary 1®6 fa y 17 Tt firs' snow of the season fell M A P T A K155 1C OBTVARY Iiols$ Mr rbunrda jpa *n C)eet n« the war hie* passed Muk = W a DAHAAF TreveT fal ~% MUNDELEIN TALKS «_ IN WAUKEGAN AT .. DEDICATION RITES W t Cardinal Mundelein came with hi« chancellor, Véery .Rev. Megr. B. J. Sheil. and wa« met at the rectery by Rer A. H. Meecher, rector of St. Jo: :seph's church. | Catholic societies of Waukegan, in-- clnding the Knizhts of Columbus and : Popesaters. formed a phalanx for the !larn ctowd. whirh marched from the rectary to the church, with chi'dren bearing American fags The children e«ang several hymns. and Cardinal Mundelein pronounced bleasing npon the echool in the Cath-- | olic ritual The throng then went t~ the church. where the cardinal spoke before eolemn henediction. In his addrees he touched briefly up the Catholic school aystem. say ing that the Catholic church had ro quarre! with the public--schools, but that the membere of the f@ith felt it their right and were willing to make !.lcr]flcgg to have _ religion taught along with education. \ Following solemn bencdiction, a bangnuet wae eerveéd at the auditorium to E00 membersa of the faith. apeed. and the two machines crash-- *td4 TSReTEeEF HFeC¥IRE The etteet whk Catholir« of Waukegan.came out in large numbere to greet the visitin@ cardinal and other uigh dignitaries of the chireh. includinge Right Rew Meagt P 1. Rierman of Evanston ard Very Revx. Magr. Herman Wels,. pro-- curator at Mundelein. Refnotre a thronge n"*"®®W Cathalics Inrtuding twenty Bve ¥leiting priesta, Cardina! Mogfalata afffcialy dedica ed 8t Joecph@ «chool in Waukegan Sunday afternoon with the ble«sing ceremony a< the church.. Following@g the ceremoanyr. Cardina! Mundelein addressed the gathering in St Joseph's church,. congrat@laiing them on the school cand fhanking them for th¢gir aacrifices She® had been to MWaukegan with Maroeld Watte, --also of _ Fox _ Lake. They were driving back to Foxr Lake on Grand avenue when the car of Arthur Little of Wikgon & Ohm came from a side road. little thought he could get on the road ahead of the otbher machine, but misjudged the Cardinal Pronounces Blessing on St. Joseph's School Be-- fore Large Throng. Mrs. Phillips suffered a fAveinch cut _ of the face which reached td the bone, and numeroue body briuees. nepeg 2 Om ATs o on en . e onett ts 1 which came out of a side road on Grand avenue, late Friday afternoon wheh 'the sgutomobile jn which she was rhting colfided --with "a> mack"**> Donald Busch spent Baturday night and Sunday at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Bert Jones, in Lfiter'.yvllfo & « ness trip to Waukegan Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Baker and daughtes t Libertyville' visited at thehome of Mrs. Caroline Busch Tuesday night. Mrsa -- Phillips, th windshield, wad e« was the on'y one Mr. and Mrs. Fred Busch, Mr. and Mrs. N F Busch and son Clarence vis-- ited Sunday afternoon at the home of Ray Busch in Lake Forest -- t Mr.--and Mrs. Paul Radtke made a business trip to Libertyville Saturday. Bert Jones of Libertyville visited at ibe N. F. Busch home Saturday. CARS COLLIDE ON ~GRAND AVENUE; . -- WOMAN IS HRURT %qorge Pfister worked on the sec-- tioh last week. --~BEril}--Gees:~ attended: Masoffit todge at Wheeling Saturday night. Ti Oe tt" bra) rare for Tuit Geet. John Wolfe of Near Antioch ts | 8 f ' «-- Chesier '('(',u of Deerfield called on Art'ested on %&arge of Reck-- L Emil Géeg. Friday night.. _ ~ ,. ---- -- *"_______'Facse ving.: -- > 'ur.m-. Géofgé Stirm Of Lib ** f .vmo > | ertyville visited Mrs. Emma Sturm on Mrs. 'Willam -- Staudt of Chicago| Wednesday Aight. 2 2 received a severe, cut on --the arm | %Qorle Ptister worked on the seC-- in an automobile &Accident in Grand | tioh last week.. i avenue about three miles east of| --~LErai} Gees: attended Masofftt 10082 Antioch --Sunday afterngon -- at . four' at Wheeling Saturday night. o'cloek._ She was accompanied by Mr.--and Mrs. Paul Radtke made a her husband and child. They vere' business trip to Libertyville Saturday. 'driving in their Ford sedan at the ~ Bert Jones of Libertyville visited at time. ® -- | Paul Radike has again taken em-- ployment with the Illinois Brick Co. at Deerfleld. ~ were badly shaken up. They were taken <to the Wheeling hospital and cared for. The car was demoiished. Joe and George Leikam made a busi-- damgaged TWO CARS RACING VIHALY 1J HUM 1 | Saturday. ' . + -- } --Mrs. Harry Lowry entertained her * ~~~! alster, Mrs. Grant and sisteriwl&@, & ~san? t Mrs. Lund, of Chieago, the fore part hia H'""'D,' Of FOX of last week. They came :o help Mrs. m'fl i Jowry celebrate her birthday Monday. e_;_,__hx_!:"ured in t H. P. Lowry served on the grand expee pital «TA cars Mrs George Hironimus and sisters en'te'| tained friends from Evanston and Waukegan Satorday and <unday. Mre. Joe Tekampe and danghter, Ro gina, were Libertyville callers last Sat urday . o. Frank UJirich haf) his tonsils remoy ed Tuesday at the office of Drs. Tay lor and Penny in TAbertyyille . Archie Rosing and Robert Brarhfiri of Round lake transacted business a this place Tuesday. | Mr. Weidner at Aptakisic. Jim Clark and family of Waukegan were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Raypond Meyer. Fred Obemau! and family «pent last Sunday with Mrs. Ovenauf's father. Mr. Weidner at Aptakisic Mre: Clara HRosing and daughters Miss Lucy and Mrs. Robert Bracher. of Round~lLake walled on the Miases Hitronimus Wednesday afternoon. Mrs Louise Meyer. _ Mr. and Mrs Louis Webhrenberg. Mr. and Mrs. Ro' land eyer and Henry Hapke and fam-- ily attended a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hurst in Chicaz» Sunday tred Obenau!t apent Monday in Chi cago _ Miss Pauline Van lmzer 4as petu.n-- ed to ber bome hbere, a.i°r epending the past pear in loa Angeles.Cal_ death of Mra Sherman'«s meother The first meeting of the Anti« Woman's Club was held Monday. w} the membeéers were Treated to a Tun eon a' the Parish house * F R EK ONT CENTE R * # # 4# 4 4 + 4 4 %4 4 4 % 4 % * %# 4 ~Tuesday, Oct. 6 at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Lewis Savage.a pretty boneg wedding was solemnized when Miss Pearl Helen King-- became :<he brldv' of Frank D. Powles, both of Anitoch. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs. Clayton King and Mr. Powles |s | the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas-- Powles. The ceremony was perform®d4 by Rev. EL. Stanion. pastor of the Methodist church, in the presance of about forty gurkts, under a bea u large white bell. Miss Clarabel King, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid,| and laure! Powles, vbrother of rh--{ groom. was best man. The bride was j beav.ifuily attired in a gown of white | georget'e. trimmed in rhifestones and | beads. carryingk a show»r boquet of } roses and sweei peas. The bridesmaid wore a beautiful gown ef orchid uruxl and carried a boquet of orclid sweet cisco, Cal., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary Haye, whom she has not seen for nearly fifty years. , > YA _ _ John Wolfe, who lives near An-- tioch, was driving his -- Chevrolet coupe aAnd crashed into them, driv-- ing them into. the --ditch. _ Mrs. Staudt was removed to the, qoffice of a physician in Antioch who took four stitches in her arm. _ Wolfe was '@rrested on a charge of <~reck-- less driving but was released in bonds. -- Both cars were smashed badly.. ~James Youh!ll of Waukegan was driving east and brought the autoists to Waukegan. WOMAN fivRT AS _ AUTO IS HURLED INTO THE DITCH Mr--and lling frost. This is the earliest we iye ha da snow «:.orm for 19 years. Mrs..Margaret Corbett of: Ban Fran-- A N T 1| 0O C H Richard Shanne S E. Mesha and c Lux was a Chicago M 1+A iT W ch +4 I Morning worship at 11 Sermon |topic. "Wa.ching and Prayer " l Young Peopte's meetting at 63" p th. Evening service at 7;:30. Subject. \'"Ishmae! ahd Isaac." | We want you in our services to on i)ny them and to worship | plays to be gtven at the Coupiry, e}l4b Plan to attend the home talent play for the benefit of the american Legion _ &i the opera house--Friday and Satur-- l~day nightg. s 5 [ Mrs. Rose Turner of '*Elkhorn, Wis., Lepent Tuesday here on business------ Becond Mass Stunday, 9: 0( stand*>~"* time. Daily Mass at 7:00 o'ciock. ST. JOSEPHS Rev. Martin J. Nealis, Pastor First Mass Sunday, 700 o'clock, standard time. | CHURCHES (1} ard chronic ailments. If you are not enjoying health, why not try Naprapzathic treatments They have been found effective in re moving the canuse of many ob stinate and obscure ailments. Thee is nothing rough or painful in the manipulation of the trained Naprapath. s Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays over foRrp sacEsroon.... The new buildings now in course vf construction at the intersection of taken the Minkler houge, 611 Prospect aventu#;and moved in on Tuesday. as soon as weather permits and rush the job. Of course if cold weather does not intervene the foundations wil} all be in by October 25 and the work of wiring up the three stories to the seven stores will only be a question. of a sbort tipe. * Center and Scranton avenues received quite a setback this week on aAccount of the inclement weather,. but -- the contractors bave orders to go ahead Btewart Mattbews hag taken the fourth store in the Grifffth building on Scranton avenue and will at onece put in a butcher shop, where the very beet cuts of meat can be obtained. as well as other attributes which go to make up a first'class establishment of this nature This will supply a long felt want in the viltage and one that should have Leen established Thursday evening. The Wnldbru;l'e}'hopu on Sunrise avenue has been * "___ . _« period of" five months t & Chkkgo paryy: Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Wmw. Fisher, Thursday, Oct. 8, a boy. Mrs. Louise Thompson entertained the Ladies Card Club at her home on The Rev. Rév. A. W. Schmitz of Round Lake was a caller -- bere las; Monday. > f Mrs. Minkler of Winona Lake. Ind-- lana, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Painter, 614 Prospect avenue. -- ¥ and Mrs. Campbetl--are the proud | parents of a baby boy. _ | a T » * "Are Parents> People" will. be, the film to be shown at the school house next Friday evening, also "Our Gang" comedy in the "Back Stage." " _:Mr. god Mrs. P. W. Schlottman were in Chicago op.kusiness Monday Mrs. L. Allen, well known in Lake Bluff; bas been appointed -- general housekeeper at the historical Deer-- path --Inn of Lake Forest. In the change and transfer of the manage ment. of Mr. Edwin Burgess, he has lndoed~bo§u~ fortunate ip securing the services of Mrs. Allen. -- Mré. M. McHugh of Chicago was visitor Monday at the Godfrey home. Mr. and Mrs. Page neown and son were Chicago-- visitors onday. _ _ Mrs. Elmer Stickies and son, Dona'd spent over Supday. with Felativep--er Bedwyn. * -- John Welte was in Chicago Tues day o nbusiness: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOoCIETY Third Floor, First Nat'! Bank Bldg Sunday School at 9 45 a. m Rervices Sunday a: 10 45 a m Subject. "Doctrine of Atonemen: ~ and that evening they sang over the ra Te from WJJD, Palmer House»The songs were greatly enjoye« by many people here. t se > Rev. H B. Gwyn, Pastor _ The services on Sunday. Oct 18th he 19th Sunday after Trinity) are: Holy Eucharist and Sermon 11 a. n Church School at 10 a m BT. LAWRENCES3 EPISCOPAL AT S LAKE BLUFF NEWS W. LEE KAPPLE NAP RA--PATH wur 4 an _4 w * 2.:". ¥° ns 4 & ~ n i oee ie ce ie n mcne corttittke omm rtcisiie iss tt 8: Parkburst-- and--{famtly have LIBERT YVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1925 A£ 8CIENTIFIG SPINAL MANTPUL A TION. n 0 clock The village hall tcely decorated for the oc-- y st meeting of th« For nerve 9:00 »'clock & V R nIn& O uun Oet _A K M is | _ Setting the opening trial day as | Oct. 27; Judge P. L Persons today | | waded through the long County court , |docket, setting down_--cases, continuing /. | but féw and--molle --prossing others at | ; the .order of the State.. ¥ learn that it had the heaves, will bring his 'matter to trial 'if_the case Las not been settled out of court. The jury heard this ease some months ago "¢«4= praBZ*" * c scompromise verdict. PROBATE COURT _ ~----HAS BIG SESSION Estate of May Sink, minor. Inven-- tory approved. "a . Charles E. Ahrens, minor, _ Jake Puff=--Finat --report-- approved-- Eetité closed'as to Charles E. Aberns. Plten &._ Ames, Antioch Petition forj probate of_will filed and set for hmu'»x ing Novetmber 9th. ~ | , George Waldman, Waukegan ftear-- | ing on final report tofnftinged to Oct. | Glenn A. Larson, Highland Park Inventory approved. Administrator au thorized to transfer stocks. _ _ Plorence J. Druce, Waukegan. Sup plemental inventory apgroved. Hear-- Ihg on final report comfinued to Oct. 10. -- £ 0 -- Rayrmnond *Snick' Mills is scheduled to appear the opening date in one of his cases, and Svyenn Hannuu, once somewhat of a police character -- in that bhe had a penchant for speeding is due to explain that he did not com-- mit assault with a> deadly weapon, namely an automoblle. This is a two year old case. o ~ Ike Franklin is slated to appear in a year old liquor case, and George Crawford, Fort Sheridan, is ordered to appear in a wife and child abandon-- ment case in which he pleaded guilty. JohnT orres. charged with a liquor violation, led those victims who had their Rases noile prossed. Torres paid a fine in justice court, it is said. Ed Shoreman, bondsman for John Feld,. charged with child abandon-- ment, will be asked to surrender the defendant, although it is believed that he has departde. + _ Josepk Hertel, who bought a $150 horse from Frank Grenus only to Set Cases for Oct. 27 After Nolle Prossing Several,. and ~*~ =continuimg Others. LONG DOCKET IS -- _ CALLED IN THE -- cOUNTY COURT Cha¥tes +. Hendricks.H igrhland Pi [ » al indar ah Hoeol repprt C Schanck Hardware Co. The Heating Men Who Satisfy WE BOUGHT A CARLOAD WHEN PRICES WERE DOWN Why wait until next Fall before solving the Spring, right now, is the most economical furnace. Don't wait until the Fall rush come advancing market. Prepare Now Don't Shiver Next Winter ontinu tinued to Oct. 15. rerg¢, Waukegan. Proo i blished ; 2t proy Senfield roved. rany = in k .__Waukegan. Estate closed. e-- Hearing 0n nextFall before solving your heating problem. In , is the most economical time to install a warm air until the Fall rush comes with high labor cost and Viola Herte}l and Albert Lensen, Minor® --Round---- bake~=----tetters~~0 gudrdahship issued to John. J. Len-- zen. Bond of $2,000. Inventoryap proved. Petition for sale of real es-- tate filed returnable Nov. 2. Charles dnventory proved. George oCnnolly --Appraisers _ ap pointed. * -- --Cécella Nussle, tncompetent, Zion ----Report of of Conservator approved -- Mary> M. Druce, Graystake--Proot of heirship, taken, Letters dmin-- istFation x;'sum% Edi'ar&i'{f."bmce Bond of $7:0uu. . Caroline Wagner, Grayslake.--In-- ventory approved. 2 & Mary A. Hipwell, Zion. Final report approved. Estate closed. -- Charles C. Buell, Highland Park. inventory and appraisement bill ap Hearing on petition for probate of will continued to Nov. 2. p gs Carl Gustaf Berg, Lake Forest Insurance of all kinds Phone 154--M » LIBEI ASK THE MAN WHO HAS BUIT, OR WHO IS BUILDING, * AS TO*WHICH LUMBER HE BUYS. IT'S A CERTAINTY . -- THAT HE WILL RECOMMEND NONE OTHER THAN --{ FRANZEN QUALITY LUMBER. MAY WE BID ON YOUR f NEEDS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED PROMPTLY. I Chas. D. Proctor elephone so--LlBtR'!YVlLLE. \ -- MAC § * Fra..nle_flo Jr. 1 7 Stefan Miklik,. North Ch{jcago--Let teors of administration dgsued to Jo seph A. Jadrich Bond of $200. Joseph P. Guerin, --Wankegan--Pe-- tition for probate of will filed and set for hearing Nov, 2. > * Letters .of administration issued . to. Eric. Benson. Bongd of $500.« Apprais-- ers appointed. « «. baffstorm-- in NRatat on April 1f, 1874, stones fell that weighed one and one--half poungs. Hnllslo_neq\_fi inches In circumference fell in .Ke#w . SoutB Wales in February. 1847. -- Record Hailstomes _ The cmaxtmitm]~ piftsmo-- **eof Bah stones ecunnot be positively stated, but stones turger than a man's fist' and welgniny more than. a pound have several times """Q"!"!"'!ifg;'_?'!fl!!_ LIBERTYYVILLE PAGE SEVEN AF hh

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