Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 Oct 1925, p. 6

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14 Cl K U# # & # # > 4 4 4 & & % & 4A A W"" ime (" ns s ue es i . . _-- Lake Forester, 70 Years Old, ___ _ _Dies After an Iliness af Onlv _ "*"~""--~--#Few bays. . * 15 -- ~--4+»Monday. --after--an 4Himess of on'y ~-- ~A few days. Mr. Martin was: 10, years Mold and well known at many cluhs *' ANU TA THorary --otrotes~--Punerat «erv-- _ sdGees have not yvet been arranged. ~~---- He was a member'of the Law. Uni-- versity, Caxton, ,Midday, Onwentcia and Chirago Literary clubs. a trustee of the Newberrv.library and the Chi _ eago Orchestral association,. At the -- University club he was> for years ~chairmar of the libvrary committee .. and he built up there a remarkably --_ __\fne collection of booke _."~~ ~----~He is survived by-- his widow, Fior-- " encée E. Durkee + Martin. ~whom . he -- married at Buffalo, N. 1892 CBEEte Mrs. Frank Vaughn and hem daugh-- _ter, Mary Frances. of Minneapolis, Minn., visited at the William Steffés * nBHbe NT Week:--_--~~------------~----_--._-- Mrs. Lincoln Pett! sentertained the wcx-buuru-nwnm. Miss Frances Blederstadt spent last Bunday with her sister, Belle, in High-- Mr. and Mrié. P. J. McMahon --and son of Chicago were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reeds and family Sunday. Mrs. etcalls w rs. Jump, has returned to ber in Wilmington, Iing at Morton Grove Wednesday,. Miss Hunzson upoke on "The Ideat Way to Teach Spelling." MNr«. Harry Olehdort spenat Tuesiayj Fred Labahn is enjoying a ten day Kunting tri pin northern Wisconsin. Mr. and amrs., John Woodman ans lr.andl_nwclbhudm Juck, of Ravinia, spent Sunday at the Miss Eva Ender entertained at a party Sunday. evening. The out of town guests were Dr.and Mrs. Victor Bergman of Chicago. -- Mre. Cromwell Owens and son, Bob-- by, of New York, and Miss Sally Mac-- Kellar, of Fuargo, North Dakota, are viziting at the bhome of their aunt, ~*¥r. and Airs. Abert two sons of Chicago, an« Menry Segert, Jr, of Lib« G. A. Engstrom of Roundup, Mont., visited his brother, George Engstroim, lnst week. . . Mrs. Fred Biederstadt speut Monday with her daughter, Mrsé. Roy Hoskins, at Wilmette. ID. W. Guy has accepted a position in Rock lsland. Mr. Guy and family Mr. Martin, who was a member .of the law firm 6f Scott. Bancroit,. Mar tin--& MacLeish, with offices at 134 South La Salle street, bad practiced law in Chicago since 1880 . The late Rdwar A. Rancoroft was a member aof th: same firm. Mr. Martin formerly waé a member of--the firm=of Herrick Allen, Bovesen & Martin. 4 Born Sept. °24. 1855. in Olean. N. Y. Mr. Martin spent his bovhqod in that place. later attending Racine colleze n Wisconsin. He received hie 'LLB degree from the Harvard law schoot in 1880. 2s * O wls and Mre. Pau} Dets hare week at the lra Fehr home. She spoke «t the morning, afternoon and evening services at the Bungalow church. The --Camp Fire Girls met Wednes day evening at the home of Grace OoBITUARY Mre. John Selig (nee Lydia Schin-- leber) passed away Wednesday morn-- Ing, Octber 14, at her home in Deer-- fleld. Abe was 71 years old, and was born in Northfield Dec. 28, 1854. She was united in marriage to John Belig 48 years ago. Only one son, KAwaird Don't forget the bazaar and supper| |p ;plto of the inclement weather, given by the ladies' Aid Society of 8t.'a goodly number gathered for the Paul's church in the Masonic hall 00 ehurch social last Friday evening Aft Thursday, October 29th 'er a short program during which Miss The Progressive Club of the Wilm0t fda Knaak rendered two skillful piam school wkill give a bazaar and suwr}mw, the évening was «epent in at the school Now. 14. 'zames and fellowship. After refresh: A card party will be given at th¢ ments, the gathering adjourned. H. Selig, survives. She leaves three brothers, William Schinieber, of Deer-- Med; Levi Achinidber, of Northbrook, and Henry Schiniober, of Geneseo; a>+ Bunday from Shawneetown. Mrs rnmat fleld's grondmother, .ars. Rowan, re turned with them. Iittle aJlck Woodman had his ton-- sils removed at the Highland Park bospital The Woodman family expect to leave for Fiorida the first part of November ; Mrs. r'rank Paulson's father from Wheatoon, is visiting at her home. A card party will be given at the Masonic hal Nov. 7th, by. the ladies of Holy Cross church. Mre. Roy Hutchinson of Irving Park was hostess to the Young Matron's Bridge Club Tuesday. HMHorace Hawes Martin, Chicago at rpey, died at hi« home in Lake For ORACE H. MARTIN S DEAD; LA WYER FOR 45 YEARS Mrs. DMAvan, of Sterling, spent the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hatfield and Mrs sons have returned from Wiscony t % ¥ * *# ¥% # weber visited ber of Chicago, and Mr. and un.l egert, Jr, of Libertyville, spent with Mr. and Mrs. Henry ) in the near brok as pastor. Everyone is cordially 'hvmwbomuthhnfflco, that Mr. A community banquet will be held _ reached , October 28 at the new social hall, just recently erected by 8t Peter's churer pent the in Northbrook. The banqguet is open lhe spoke | to the publHc. -- ai SCHOOL NOTES . > The honor pupils of the four upper graded departments are: _ 8th--Annie Warner "and, Margaret Galloway: ~Tih =Jonn -- Defby, --onve Frantz and Marian Taylor; 6th--Don-- ald Clark, Mary Jane Galloway and f=~n Sherman; 5th--Gamugl Daniel, The orchestra concert which was to | have been given Sunday evening. Oct ; so two sisters, Mrs:~Lizzie Vetter of Highland Park, arid Mrs. Mary Mitch-- ell oglfl'l'cuo.' Interment was at the Northfield cemetery. $ DEERFIHIELD MEN'S CLUB: . Following is an open letter to the men of Deertield stating the principles of the Deerfield Men's ciub and urging a larger membership, written by the president of the club, C. W. Getty : ~--"No doubt many of you attended the last meeting of the club. 'Those who did not attend bave, no doubt, heard Tor'ms excellent entertainment -- and good time we all had there. ' BVANG. _ BUNGAILOW CHURCKH --Hunday Sobool at 9:45 a m.; morn-- ing worship at 11; Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m.; evening service at 8. Watch this column for for date of our Christian Endeavor Hallowe'en boxr social. ~"We're planning for a good time:; enpoy it with us Nert Sunday morning at 1} -- Rev MKr. Williame will preach in "The R& ward of Faith." and in the evening at 8. on "Who Cares*" * It will be given Nov. lst. at Broadcast this change of date 8T PAUL'S EVANGHLJCAL Bunday School at 9. 15 a. m.; Ger-- man services st 40 a~ m. 1_\:}'!..' Ald will give their ba-- tAAr supper at the Masonic Tem-- ple Thursday October 239, at 6 p. m. A group of young people will serve the i November 11 will be a red letter day in the history of 8t. Paut's church. At 1:30 p m Rev. Roth, of 8t John's RKvangelical church of Highland Park, will officially Install the Rev. Piepen-- The pupllis . whose --~names--Appear above have attained a grade of "B"*or higher for thefirst school term. Each term is six weeks: The markings are EC ' i PR PPBR B Z EARCORRCCC ED PPR O HARDTYC T CUT m. Uhk " m m * 'M * TiA m":%m ez --faxtrovar 7 s 2 mb eeier spnrevEnge Cep ce bee e v C O¥ ure _ S: H e m im #e x ~-- -- UR -- C CR LE hi Ne mexo. sald® _"Our idea is solely to promote the civic development of Deerfleld, better fellowship and boost our town. . "We support the Deerfield Uarden Club: we boost the Deerfield school; we support the Boy Scouts; we invite prospective residents to locate in our village; we enthusiastically support everything which makes Deerfield a better residentia) community for our selves and our children. * "Our activities cost money. The total cost to you is $2.00. Don't walt for teh next meeting, but jaoin now' You can pay your 4200 to Theodor» Knasak &at the drug store; Arthur En-- ders or Pau! Diets: at the bank; Alvin Knask at the filling station:; . Bill Woods, our vice president; W. W. Geary, Frank Malum--in fact, any member--ar to the undersigned. kind --oft--=.*~----a2tto r':',-" Lhis npame und we will call on him. * -- ""The club is absolutely non--partisan. We take no sides inreligton, politics or any other personal affairs. Men of all views are welcome. -- Papelneeacans _ *"@very man in Deerfield, and adja--. cent territory, is eligible. _ 2 ~ wThe dues are $2.00 per year--no' _ _"We will erpect you at our next) «= meeting Oetogr 27th, at 8:00 o'e)octi sharp, in the Temple I_:_qllgln:. 0_ | "To those men who have never at-- tended and who do not know what. the Deerfield Men's Club is, t woug--tike to give this explanation : Meleeieagh --_'"The Deerfield Men's Club. is for men only. ~ s o initixtion fee. 601 * "Meetings on the fourth Tuesday of each month, at theMasonic Temple. "Wehave speakers from Chicago and--other places -- different forms of entertainment, and at each meeting the members join in singing popular Mewwee MeRRemet N Ne at . BOETOE . D . ME AENRTT OE c P00 uk c 7 + Crnge t Pcommamgen -- * > bnll: cotprounrs ui ndtet"immaroren ainiitindin d on t o e inait ts P Toarirs songs. We try to have special musit: > /) _ 2 & yooy y --g jz _ --y--Pital again last week. He has been features each time. + §"* °* |ailing for some'time. He surely has "You are luPDOO_ed to drep all fom"l Mr. and Mrs. Wllll.? H. sh('f'h'fl. the sympathy of the colhmun]('. alties when you enter the club, and Jr., from Pendieton, Oregon, arrived, _ Remember the grgnh bazaar abnd each other by their first here Sunday afternoon, and surpris=d chicken sup&z'r"o'n ThuPsday evening, names. Any man,caight calling som4'Ms father and wife, Mr. and Mrs. WM-- October 29, given by the Ladigs Aid November 15 will be anotker noti bie day for our church Watch the papers, folks, for the future announce-- ments Several attended the 8unday Schoo!| convention in Bloomingdale Sunday. | PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mark J. Andrews. Minister Church School at 9:30. Adult bible class at the same hour. Alil members are urged to be present. as a few items of business fust receive atten tion. -- Preparatory service followed by r ception of members and celebration | Holy Communion at 100 45. Evenin service at 730 Church night meeting nesday at 7 45. -- Tuake. for instance, the Dennison s<sbig ping t=s. The trouble with such tags mess of many patented ideas that havre ty "Mister* is fined 25 cent« > _ "H. Bheehan, of this place. 1t has been o entertainmenio during .ihe.. Kinier Dad left their old home. _The Sheehans e 0. W. osTTY. * President Deerfield Men's Ciub Shipping Tage. Rather exasperating is the «viouw rostpaned one week Nov. 1st at 8+p m ery Wed vening | | _ Earl Crags and wife and two sons 'and Mrs. Cragg's sister called on the 'day night. Mr. and Mrs. Q'Connor: !and-aighrhumers were seated at the~ | fupper table when the odor of smoke | was detected. An investigation show-- led that the roof had caught 'fire pre sumably from a chimney spark. Thé: {fire had burned down into the upper 'part ol the house and had reached a \point where it could not. be> extin-- {gnished, deepite the efforts of the _nine men who did ail in their power r!o eave: it. Meule ; * Comrnny. of which W. R. Kerr is vige president, joined them Sunday for a fimsh fry and picnic on the north shore of Cedar Lake. . George Helm and son, Clyde, spent 8!(011!_! and ,Sunday at Fort Atkin-- John M. Phillippé was in Waukegan Wednesday to see Dr. Ross in regard to his throat trouble. Al Johnson was in Waukegan on a byusiness mission last week. re. C. W. Talbott was a guest af Mrs.| Andrew Wolfe and daughter, Hilda,, Wednesday afternoon. O x Mr. and Mrs. George A. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Kay Kerr of Chitago vis-- iteq their parents, M. and Mrs. James Kerr. Satuday and Sunday. Seveal of the employes of the George W. Durst JACK O'CONNOR . -- HOME ON BLARNEY -- ISLAND BURNED The home--of Jack -- OQ'Connor on Blarney. Island in Grass Lake was ~The O'Connor place for years has been a {favorite resort with duck hun-- ters who come there from a wide radius. The house was built upen etilts over--the water. Mr. O'Commor has-- moved across the river to the old "Shorty" Sthobein MaC® Where he--wHh--remaker for--iBe inter * He--«announcesa----his> --<Ateatiion. of rebuildéing hi* home on Blarney--1s-- land the first thing in the spring. Caught Fire Saturday Night from a Chimney Spark: -- Completety Desuoyca. L A KE VILL A Donsee Brotners,Inc. | AN N 0O U N CE J A M E S MO R RO W & S O N This plan, devised and approved by Dodge Brothers, Inc., enables a pur-- chaser of a Dodge Brothers Motor Car to extend his payments over a period of twelve moriths at a minimum credit So favorable to the purchaser is this arrangement, that practically anyone can now own a Dodge Brothers car without financial inconvenience. A new and attractive Credit--Purchase Plan, now in operation throughout the United States. -- Ask us, without obligation, for full 202 SOUTH GENESSEE STREET, WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS TELEPHONE 228 ~~~ /B. Thayer family and Joe Pester fam-- lily Sunday. 7 anoin e aot 'ministers from Chicago, eBnsenville? 'and Itasca are exrpected to take ptrtl 'A fine program has been arranged, and there will be goed speaking and splendid singing by a ministerial quar-- ptet. The community is invited. f 'of Grace church. at Herschberger® IBAIE Supper will--be served from ... t0 .November pth a convention will be held in Grace church at 10 a 'm. The convention will open and adjourn at 9 o'clock in the evening. Dinner and supper Will be served by the ladies of the church in the church partors. Ten If an auctioneer is wanted, call Fred Grabe, -- Glenview. -- Telephone, office 163, or residence 230 J. On business ealls charges may be reversed. uU your neighbors, mket your friénds and| ported alarm or anger. < 1t is conclud-- make it a real homecoming. ~'There}| ed that the excitemment witnessed by will !}30 be plenty of delicious hom«| the cattiemen was not Kroused by --the made candy, which you will like, as| blood but by something accompanying well as a splendid fishing pond. It, such as the sight of wounded com There --was--a-- splendid -- panions. or--their --criag--of pain -- ----, list Sudday, both in church and Sua--| _ and preaching service at 11 a. m. and . 7:30 in the evening. [( mumrrmrenrmrcrrccuancummumsdr1 _ Mrs. Lois Avery visited her sister, Mrs. W. B. Smith, in Waukegan last Saturday afternoon. on Mr. and Mrs. E. Thayer vigited their son;, Arthur Thayer arid family at Bris-- tor, »wi15--, bhée Alay *# "wase~~" o 009 Mrs. Mary Murphy has been quite ill for the past few weeks with a severe cold. "> s ~ 22 ald. You are missed at Sunday School, also. _ ¥ C . . _--Ely Oit_had to be the hos-- Mr. urg Mré. Juhn M. Phillippi and daughters, Eileen and Veneta and Mrs. C. W. Talbott. were in Waukegan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gust have moved to Chicago. They will live with Mrs. Gust's mother in the city. «: * Mrs. Daisy Riney is having her home repainted. Henry Curl is doing the work. 4 1 Donald Stahl is still con%ed to the bhouse with a broken rib. -- says the time seems long; would rather attend Mr, and Mre. Joe Pester entertained friends ftom the city Sunday. _ ~ Lee Sherwood is back after a vaca-- tion and is again at worg in the depet. Joe Brennan attended to the work at the station while he was away. _ *Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Maether attended the wedding of their niece at Des plaines last Saturday evening. q'clgck,._ The public is cordlally in ~VIELW <<=--~--=~<| use ~talGencar wubot mt: s hal tecb t ¥ C# @ ¥ 4 > 4| misjed, and then benged--ayray ut A ~ --. | bird fa~a--boak. ~At the ame time ha Maether attended | nearg a man cry out, and he rushed eir niece at DeS|jforward to find Rossi. 22, 1925 of R. P. Lamont, was shat in the evye Baturday~afternoor ----by a party_ of hunters shooting birds on the estate. One slug from the shot gun hit the eye, 'and it ts thought Ikely--that the foreman will lose his eight. ~ Rossi, according to his etory, had heard the shootin& and *was walking@ out to meet the hunters and request that they keep f{arther from a bouse that was being constructed. He had feared that they would hit some of the carpenters, e Albert Everett, 18, son of a Lake Forest gardener, is being held at the county iail, where he was~ taken --by Sheriff Ed Ahbletrom and Deputy Les-- ter Tiff@ny after the shooting. He was one of thrae hunters on the La mont e«tate. . The young man has not been booked. -- . *~:-- -- Ho--told the aberiff--that-- he-- had HUNTER SHOOTS -- _ MAN IN EYE, IS Albert Everett,; 18, Lake For-- brought Dba'c--¢ the ANiMFa.F rwi cucy .The popular belief that blood pré-- Outes intense irritation or extitement in cattle has been put to the test. The remained indifferent: or-- only mildiy _est, Held in--Jail While In-- Kelvinator Alex Rossi, foreman on the estare _The Oldest Domestic Electric Refrigeration im einiiioe We [ ioms w run ony * DR. O. F. BUTTERFIFLD mm Artificial-- Lakes, VETERINARY sURGEON ~ Channels, etc. UBERTFYLLE inlamorg isetememomats inintrerammects n nnrommoneteriegion on ovnrmage e * 6 DR. J. L. TAYLOR . K'm & Soos Office in rlmlmuooc Bank Buillding rsviesg ce Anttetiity II ---->~<AIl| destgrase se qronevey appaeny sare »--«nsmuucquamumamacanmaaauiac |._ _ LdBRBRTYYILLE LLLdGNOHMEG Economy as well as convenience ~vestigation is Om.*® --~~ Animals® and-- Blood . G. Kaping PUT IN BASTILE '"'S N O W'S . ractor Flowing LIBERTYVILLE CHAFP Grayslake, El. _ Phone 158§--J No. 277 R A. M. GROSVENOR BROS.! Trucking and Hauling | : _ Local and Long Distance _ |_ WAUKEGAN, ILL 614 No. Milw. Ave. _ Libertyvilie REAL ESTATE Insurance Good Meals 50¢ REAL ESTATE SELLERS & PETERSEN We Buy and Sell LAKE COUNTY AND W. LEE KAPPLE NAP--RA.PATH Smith's Taxi G. H. SMITH, Prop. Day and Night Service Night Ph. 497 . _ Day Ph. 51 SCIENTIFIC SPINAL .. MANIJIPULATION,s . ... A NEW METHOD. For nerve and chronic ailments. If you are not enjoying health, why rot try Naprapathlec treatments.. . They ua vo"Bbéen today etvcuive i8 Te moving the cause of many ob-- stinate and obscure allments. The'e is nothing rough or the trained Naprapath. l unc o bic t a 2 = _FIRST NATIONAL BANK ~BLDG. -- Mondays,. Wednesdays, Fridays .]||Visiting . Members. Cordially. Invited. uce e & M. SCHROEDER, N. G. OVvER FORD SALESROOM ... Libertyville ~ Phone 474 ARLING T O N +# HOTEL # 551 Miwaukee Aveane Telephone 451 _ FRED H. SMITH Either Buying or Selling, Notary Public 1| en cCO ® ~ L | 3 rl {' | avae 'M * LIBERTY Meets 2ng and "mh F . | Visiting Brothe Res. Phone 20--J. Office phone 163 Reverse Charges on Business Calls LIBER1YVILLE LODGE No. 950 . '"" "" .l P '.i" e e n ie o CA o ' "_] Visiting Compantons. Cordially Invited . MARBLE AND GRANITE _ -- MONUMENTs _ C"dy'fliglivcy.__ Description CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED : 116 South Gemese St. WAUKECAN, ILLINOIS -- Meets Each Monday Night at 8 o'ciock Meets. First and Third-- Monday Nights & MANUEACTVRER Cattle Tested for 'Tub>~ FRFE OF FH ARGE . Oy U 8. Government veterinartar ) C. Grirnell, inspector in CHarge FRED GRABBE Auctioneering FARM AND STOCK SLES _A SPECIALTY complete for a set figure 10 you may know just what cost will be before starting. WILLIAM McCLAIN, Secy Going to Build? R. L. GONSALVES Phomne Libertyville 145.R--1MMAR INSURANCE Phone 217M _ LIBERTYVILLE A" TOBRNEK A 1 L.A W Ooffice ut Home on Cook Avenu; Telephone *6%J ~ LIBERTYVILLE, ILLIONI®8 ,__ A. A. Grandy Attorney at Law UBERTYVILLE, ILLJANOI® LUCE BtiLPINg PhORs 136 M __--_--Office bHha LL contract to furnish labor and material on your house LYELL COLUMBIA --ODGE No. 131 M. W. of A. & ACME CAMP No. : , rrr Meets First ind Thire Friday--Nights of Each

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