_--.s _ _ Mck Durand, 228, ward of the Scott --~ «ullty of robBbervy .by a verdiqin ths circuit court Friday night in-- eonnec-- "~ tion with a robbery on the F. Edaon White bome in Lake Forest Sept.. 24. . 199°1. 2 _ .*. neam.by ine CGuRILY APCL 31.« . * ibe zumx'zilfi;r-*-ii _ 2% m&l _%'l@f'_&?'m (::;a ta~ oo _ Sh@udpe +ank.two boyrs 1P . 'f'.'-i;'" oV ges ro sead dn'fin Tt\ an acciient.. gl : st f--m.,wg.',_ k Q,? 1 2e 4) fnc"l }x JY ns '.'«-&EMYJ ds ic ind .2{":'?:2 2'2'6%5 +mA _~~ to deride their Rrat leaue. _ They yoat | first To isport it ns " $ PPper in aimac on Cithednr. Heriied : to wivkt s wak ~--kQ oo The EUIJ} #MJ inporetcro' bws tboost, whi'e Mclean was second and Citch, sbot forward. and">. piunged o=*~--Mmen--veting----Atme:~.~ ~~~ «p_ihe)rinaried--an infrease--Qf &5 per cen1, aCross_ ihe ditch, striking scyeral first ballot. They then , started wllhe highe«t to date., * "*truek: * 'f"'"'l Nt Vn * * *_, consider the charge. and there wore "Farmers. are resigning for thre Sweeney was hu:led from the car Tout. robbery, larceny,. burczlary and year memberships all over the «tate and knocked ugcopscious »u.u body concealinzg stolen property. and it {un Metager, "with & keener appre. ®as severely bruised and his right "taoy TW\ fours nmt--brlinttnr in deci<¢> {elation o. <he possibiliiies, accompli«\> "7'"1 was almest cct off, but it is that both men should be convictes | eBdis apd limitations of the | Faim beeved l_hfl Injured arm wilt be for robbery | Bureau.' saycd When picked up beo was -- * i . t dminnnies o aerenneres uie en rong unconscious, and remained in that Purand. who had een out in a * ~ condition for-- several hours. §2.000 bond. was put under a $10.6090 F T last Saturany he was In & seml--cor Bbond signed by blse loster mother, 3 * _ stiogs cancuitioh st Victory Mempria! Mre. Grace Carrie Durand, whCj-- M . bospital, where 'e was brought by scheduled her mfMlion dollar °C al;l LlB RTYVl o Or Foun .L. Taylor of Libelyyitle. _ tree farm near Lakle Blu® 2« surety. ; 3 'Dr. ofi _C,. Hoag also attended him Kn IULZ BIxLI Walnvau tha annes wirk I L1 . s RECIVC3 cec% oc t L Motion for New Trial Made to --*---- Be Heard Oct. 3+; Milter p is Guilty Too. %a < DURAND GUILTY, _ JURY TAKES TWO HOURS TO DECIDE ----------LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT READ THE BIG ONE--CENT SALE AD OF DECKER & NEVILLE ON PAGE 8 OF THIS WANTEI»--2,000 people to see -- she Man Cmmmandments®" at the Audit-- truth. said that he did not play a part in the robbery and admitted that he got the pearls from Miller Mr. Field turned over hie client as an accom-- plice." Mr. Prvetaiski deciared in hie turn. Miller. he said, at leaet" had cour-- age, and had some right to rongMor& tion because he entered the home while Durand sat in perfect safety in an antomobile a block away, and Pattereon backed out at the lact moment and refused to go ~through with his part in the crime. "It ia pitiful that Miller's courasge could not .have been better © directed. It would have been better if it bad been for his country rether than along the lines of crookdom, bnt h» -mnmmmm.hc':!rm pay for his crimes." he conti . It was that dramatic turning point, which left the defense strangers, dur Ing the ebb end of teettmony in the morning that wrecked the case !nf the detendante > . Mr. Pr3ystaiski allnaed to the t=@#%# as one of three atates attornetre, CaT @Smith. Mr Block, and "Mr. Fleld who site an my alde m the table, by Then he directed his attention :o Attorney S8. H. Block, essistant to Col. Smith. Anding fault w'th his er-- planation of the indictments, and pointed out that the state was trying to put a feather in ife cap by sending "Jack Durand,. the fich man'e son, to the penitentfary ~ _ _ _ _ 0_ _ leaving the defence few -- ioophoi»s to argue a Dno®and he printed as a leader ef a gang. «ho rujled as he willed either through hi@e pereonality or some marnetie force Col Smith. pickinge mp the fieht «tarted by Mr_ Prvatalski. pointed him out a« the fourth states attorney, who threw the case to he state by trying to shift a'l burdene from Jack Durand to Miller. -- _ Mr Block had macq®ted tie fact in the cacee as prceented in the test} mony' with the logic of a dArbator by aavine that be rere'ved the neck tace frpm him. he bad but one thimn« to do. and that wea fight back in the iptereet of bhis client not gullts, byt th > I do monumental.Yar trying@ blame to my client ~ Mr.Fileld bhad an't. he "Miller is entitled to som. eration for telling the truth Durand 1 don't rare if he it# ed to jyecome vindictive. but ® turard. from the stand. abso him«elf from all hNlame and then 4 -- "I am not here to see Milier muy dered for the beneft of Jack Durand "He doesn't represont the stat* Attorney John Proatalski. ftar Irira> objected in the -- court Mr _ Fi® «miled * bad taiked but 1 minutes. eayin«. Frank Gregne. the D: announres that the "He'a, argving for Prystalek| continued j ARCUMENTS EITTCR -- The erse went to he jury ® o'clock after an eveninz 0o' bit gumenis Attorney Geopze *"eld. f!m from ove* and thet the last cocrt of app bond signed b> Mre Grace C scheduled her tree farm noaer | concealingz stolen property. and taoy twn fours nt--batintinrg in d« that both men should be convi for robbery . Dorand. who had een out im #* Ni0o bond. was put ujder a $10 _ A thotion for a new trial, mad» im mediatep after the verdi6t. is to be heard by !hbe caumly QOct. 3L.> .. * _ Theipe *+a~ktwo boyu:s Jip deilbar-- T': Athe--some verdiect James . Gordoan | Millcn, his _ erstwhile piaymate, was found ~guilty on the same charge, . which carmes a sentence of from one to 20 years in the wun.;xmn,-u;'u-,; er, Who is a year short of his major , Ity, yould goa to PifiTfarnf:Fnrwl does not appeat or an anpea! falle. i VOLUME XXXIII--NUMBER 44 'Just becavee Jack Drurand told the A+ whe stenpf hbatore the i inz the defence fow loopholes fAlock haf ftagrtat --the--fact« b°>-- I 4o know he's for the. ejate, *-- ued eafnd Vr° Fiz'd LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT _ M nec#*s%r i44 Mort t o¥ 15.3 bad in ten i <##+4i,. ler 3 The big sale of the Ray Furniture| Oct. 25, 1924. and Paint Store has been extended for| Number of comveyances filed, 260 the rest of this week. On account of| Number of Chattel Mortgages, 58. the bad weather, many were provented| Number of Trust Deeda and Mort-- from attending the sale during the| gages, §4. time advertised, hence the extension.| Tota) amount of instroments fled, anyonse in need of houseturnishings Total amount --of Loans $220,476.50. _ _ The ecommnWftee has retained Jacob| L. Crane. gzoning erpert. and ars | being advieed by him. The Jdea for' the new city street grows ont of th»-- almoet imnacsable congestion in Mi | waukee avenve during the summer motoring seaeon and while Mn"nk-ni avenue will continne to be one of the main businees streets, the ®@econd street #will also be a--valuable husine«s proparty district. The rommittse is meeting weekly on the pans and ot® er improvementa are béing talked up Owing to the rapid growth of 1i ertyville and the contemplated addi-- tional @rowth, the committee ie tak ing active stepe o get rid of the coun ty poor farm which has been a bone of contention in the city for some time. The membge o' the commit tee claim" that the nett annexation step in Iibertyville will bring tae poor Tarm Into the city limits and that the property will then be muen to valuable to be ueed by the county in caring for the pootr. Plans for a n#* businese street in . Libertyrille erxtending throdghb the . ofty and rumning paralell to Milwau-- kee avenus. are beim®g taken up by ' the planninge and soning enmmittee + of Tibertyriile, appointed by Pres. J. | 8. Hyatt soveral months aro. t Zoning Committee in Liberty--' ville Takes Up Plans for | Beautiftying City. | PLAN NEW STREET FOR LIBERTYVILLE IN ZONING PLAN | _ FARM BUREAU BEGINS FRIDAY . The hapuse was cloaed for the winter months and thersfore there was no-- body on the place. Accordingly the drigin of the fire ts a mystery unsolv-- A tery sepectaculas fire occurred about %:30 --Thursday night in the soyth part (of* libertyville village when a large bain and two" otber buildings on the * Carl Koch farm burned to the «round entailing a loss of between $5,000 and $6.000 22 _ Koch is an insurance mas of Chj-- eago and has used the farm in gques tion for a summer bome it was for-- merty know* az the Hecht farm.. The beer warsone of the farge~* tn the vi-- etnity and the other two. buildings were minor structyre« . The Libertyville fre department re-- aponded but it sn happenet that there was no water available at the place and the bu'ldin@gs burned. However. efforts of the Aremen were confined to @aving the residenc« and although furniture was cartied out. the build-- Ing did not catch fre and the dama¥®e was restricted to the tbarn and other buildings. -- Al} renew reaus of Hl} Jarmers the ibe nfln!fi Mysterious Blaze as Summer ~ Home of Cari Koch Is Threatened by Fiames. "Crawford county started renewal work Ociober 21 and Mason thc nexi day. Kine connty star's on Octouer 26, Adams the 2ith, Sang@mon the 2ith, Lake the 30th, 8: ine November 10, Rando wh tee l1th and Menard t!« 1%th A4:entuiive. C enfi e ge.., _ "The co parrier to for this county "Woodferd county,' stntes Metzger, first three townships to report . in Marshall--Putnam, 700 memberahip :c newals were obtained in seven days In fienry COUBNIY. six tewnships stil! latest' reports --on the progress of Farm -- Bureau membership -- renewal eampa'gns in Jliinois | are | giveqg uy George E. Metzger, director of urg:ml'- zation of the iiMpois Agricultural As-- sociation, in information coming te the Lake County Farm Byureau. [ --II.K"_K)O_ ":u';'"'vwfi' w' 7?7;; ;B'_&;-";'--"a""'"':mi '--("QMT' ~ 'B' m.a' =_= A. 15 per cent incieas. is an'iciymaled; Sweeney of Lake BARN DESTROYED 4 damp wea'her _bas faige? lucre=sps. . wal work in ihe Fa ino s i« being done F as in whatl is Mn_e\)&_'fi'.'"'flf alti rmi The convention beard talks by Miss Irefe Rockenbach, State Chil-- drens' Worker of Michigan, who sboke on children's problems; Leon C*~Tyler. Young Peoples® Superin-- tendent of the Tliinotis State Sunday School awsoctation: and Ir. Burt Edward Smith,. Chicago, head of the Methodist adult department work o( LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, CCTOBER 29, 1925 Total amount of Loans, $548.064.44. Corresponding period week ending Oct. 25, 1924. Number of comvseyances filed, 260 Number of Chattel Mortgages, 58. Number of Trust Deeda and Mort X BY A. K. POWES ( Trust Co. Aest. Secretary of Sec=rity Title and Ruoeine«s of the Recorder'e Office for the week ending Oct. 24. 1925. Number of Convevyances filed 307. Number of Chatte]l Mortzages, 107. Number of Trust Deeda and Mort-- rages, 110. 80. Totai numbert of instruments filed 524. -- cipal} speaker Nitnois. _ _ ~ Nexrt year's meeting will be held Oct. 22 at the Presbyterian church in -- flighwood Rishop _ FEdwin E Hughes of Chicago will be the prin-- Around 250 members of the Lake County Sunday School association at-- tepded the flfl:jglh annual conven-- tion held all day Friday at the Meth-- LOANS FOR WEEK MORF THAN DOUBLE President--R. G. Sands, Waukegan. re--elected. ' Vice--president--Dr. Earl D --Fritsch Highland Park Secretary -- treasurer -- Frank R. Sherwood,. Lake Villa, re--elected. odist church in Libertyyilie Following the morning session, at which several talks were beard,. the Following were elected officers: Miss Milier was drivinz in Eizh | teenth street and at Park avenue. | she claims«,. the Lewi» child -(umwdl o the curbisnk in front o( the cor; and Miss Miller was unable to avyoid | striking the girl The child was i badivy --frightened --but aot 'uul.u'ulI with the exception of a slight cut on ber finger l SUNDAY SCHOOL _ ASSOCIATION OF _ | R. G. Sands of .Waukegan Re-- elected President; Other Officers Named. three _ m.ies when the car machine was mol!'s hed. -- While the laibér was on his --way to LdibertyyvifQe, the little daughter, Norma Lewis, of Nort§Y Chicago, was struck by the auiomobile driven by Betty Miller of Waukegan' rolled under the car for several Teet, and zo' up entirely uninjured stou®8 cAnultiOn at ¥. bospital, where C e w IDr John . L. Taylor * Dr. If. _ C, Hoag also at 'the hospita'. and. Sweeney of Lake Forest accidentaily | PUC:ID© UNOUTNE! ie SAE T T bonv M regs. touched the gas throttie and sent 'h-!l to the pavement, Marshal Limber-- the car burtling across the diteh, |"Y landing on top of his prisone:, lia. throwing him out and seriously in-- ling. the latter by the throat. At this juring him. s !time Constable Chris Peterson and Sweeney was riding -- with Ear: Ed Schneider took a hand anu assist-- Lewis« of Eighic--nth street, North ed Marshal Limberry. [TUhe latier took CHKicago, salesman for the Banch & $Wwat at Waters with a billy, scattes-- ard Coal Compans' o Highwpod, who !ng shot over the paviiuent, a .d puc-- was driving. jling hbis man out Of Sustmes>t ~for--a ~~~Xs _ The¥ _¥ éAFF _ ¥ODIR--CXET ONn_--tiott#mpe----------sss02cc2cc sc 0 1 0 Sweeney was hu:led from the car and knocked umcopscious.~ His body #as-- severely bruised and his right arin was almeost cct off, but It i8 believred the Injured arm wilt be saycd When picked up he was unconscious, and remained in that condit:ion for several hnours. | «Last Saturday be was in a n-mlfmx-i silous canuiltion at V.ctory Memeria') j , _ As ~they <were ~roing east on thw Himme----=~ n _' en ns oi ce irsin e Town. Line Koad, uear the J. Medill: Waters apd Harvey sp.nt the n Pattersdp_farm, the car, a Ford se |in jail, and feat morm s paid a" dan, struck a .bumpcand sworved |of $10 and cosis, amoUrting to $17 irom . dis course. _ £welney;> ( ' Wuters them had a: vavrranc jss GRABS AT WHEEL _ AND IS INJURED AS CAR WRECKS W ight are mss un to Avert Accident: COUNTY MEETS wit SON FARM IS Entered at the Postoffice at Libert#ville, lilinois, as Second Class Mar Matiter theat. TWTL _#it in 4 & Buuptin® it i#\ Lake -*]"GRAP{KME- CAUSE OF FIGHTI -- | ON STREET SATUORDAY NIGHT | Drawets had been gont throve! | jJewelrs, and chairs werse overt in the romp througrh the place _ The radino set was found a 'm' more froam the houme. wit: tnbese stripped from it Ceorge Dickeon. the caretake;, UHree 809 feet from the honse di hear any unfamiliar nniess 6 | the night. a'"though the men have been there four or five h as evidenred from their work. through the fact that they us pushcart to carry the etuff away Mrs. Eaton is the daughter of L.' B. Converse of Austin. Minn.. and ' has been girls' advisor in the voc.-l | ttional high schoot since she started | her work in Waukegan three years , jago. She ptans to continue ber vori.h |\going 40 and from Waukegan daily --, | during the week i k ' Mr. Eaton is the son ol ~Mr. ant | Mrs. G. A: Eaton. one of the old , established families of Libertyyille. | | and is engaged in concrete work.. ' The cart tracks woere folliwed as far as the Bulkley road, where the $1,000,000 mail robbery was staged, where it was impossible to track them any farthor. --Y¥re-- Wikoaon i4--on her way from Chicago to make an inventory of the lovees. _ -- J As. the one night «_ l Georg®» Froelich Lake Zurich -- The Thomas F Wilson home. on | Final~ report approved. Estate Edelyn Farms. Telegranm', rnad. nmv!clo..d. Wilson, 1!l., was entered Mon. night Reba Jones, minor, Libertyyvilie-- by thisves who evidently tnok aevor | lLetters of guard'anzhip issued to al hours going throurh each mom'l.nll H. Morris. Bond of $1.,08090. and remoxing everthing that seemed | Guardian authorired to settle cause of value . of action for injury in auto accident . Silverware,. trinketa, a radin. ana | [0T 375. even bottlies of near heer were re me--xmmammnmrnmettame< ns in . & maved _ The thievres broke & "giaes R fls ues tooos;,| AUTO RUNS INTO the key in the In~k ar the ins'de 1~\l this way they gained entry } -- In the basement they broke into a | FREl'fiflT TRAIN' compartment (rom which theye Ahoaped | * tm --ect--inuar--exidently.--by4--B»z0--dGiz}._.._.__.. appointed in finding only near hon'r mmmm lar oha Faull hantilas had naen AhXne m in Geunfinmmire wit en 4x re w S T e ThX Twacta | bee ume obstfipv'r:--m. and Jn the tuss]~® 'h-ll to the pavement, Marshal Limber-- |r¥y landing on top of his prisont 7, hay-- 'ing. the latter by the throat At this Itime Constable Chris Peterson and [EA Schneider took a hand anu assist-- Country Residence of Chicago Packer Is Ransacked from Top to Bottom. Announcement was maded Tuesday ol the weddine last Auguost 29 in Rockford o' Miss Myrne Converse, for three years an Instructor in the vocational division of Waukegan high schoo!l! to Stanley saton of Liberty: ville. Theée wedding was kept a se cret until Tuesday. Announcement w is made after Mrs. Eston moved} from her rooms Jn a Waukegzan hote! to thrir new _ bome in Libertyville which Mr. Eaton purchased about a year ago in anticipation of the coming nuptials . county vyeloped, thy chiek was in secicnica yelqpted :chy was in settlemen um__' * es' ANNOUNCE SECRET _ ~WEDDING OF HIGH Miss Myrne Converse Became Bride of Stanley Eaton on ~-- August 29. CCC Wwas 8 LOOTED, HOLD A FORMER WORKMAN is -- known . throughout -- Lake Greater than other Weeklies in County Combined SCHOBL TEACHER ged Saturda)y County's Big Weekly _ WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ~--at ~Of Lyonx charg ftermath tee hod beon throws dietance from -- the is kept on the place tram said. after in work n[-- the tieves en #ont througrh for {jre were onverturned m wrcum --~~ O . -- . FaiLate _closmil.. _______ p.at the nig'ui Emma Carlson We @g paiud a fine gan--Inventory appro tIBg to 417. ment waived. . navreni Assued * _ Jam#s H. Curttbing f 'cna-zn"-. y hn 1k~."". * ... *:_'nz-.::q'g * cbeck----riejmd'--re; ~Finslay,... N eng s« ie ce ue t e Te w e ~+ use on i t h e hour al ball did nnat durin* _ _must r1sed a b} tUES!"{ Judge Martin C Decker, in probate mber--| court Monday. that he léft two wills. . "4+~; and both have been «set down for t this hearing, with the notation in the 1 an'd record that the one in wh'ch Harry issi=!-- Johnion is petitioner is the latest. t tooak Seventeen cases were hrard by! 'attei-- the . court. including: o j 1 pu-- Edward N.~ Maynard, Jr.. m,}no:'.? tor--x--Waukegran----Pina+--repert--------appros @d., _____ Estate closed.. __.______________ | nlg :i Emmsa Carlson Westburg, Wauke, i'fine gan--Inventory approved. . Appraise 17.. _ment waived. . _ * ' ssued *' Jam#s H. Curtibinzs; Weukesgsany. th Ee tds mt C PCO h o0 a{ m ~--Finslay, ,..fl:",!l'!@---rm;: rirsack Ke ut + e --uttie & rm-. A---nh-'.--t'.: ; TWO WILES FORY --:> --_ESTATEIS T00 -- _ MUCH FOR JUDGE North Chicago--Letters® ol guardian ship lssue¢ io Robert Brain. Bond of $3.000. ~ Herman -- Steiling. Prairie NView-- t--Hearing on petiti| n to pay widow's "n'a'rd Contifued to Nov. 2. / Millle Brock, Town of Benton-- Final report approved. Estate closed The front end of the automobile was smashed. The driver did not see the train antll it was too late The impact hburied her against the windshield. _ Flying glass cut her about the face and neck. A motorist from Libertyville took her to Alice Home hospital in Lake Forest, where attendants said Monday she was not eritically burt. -- s She was riding in a car with two others, on their way to Libertyvilie. Driving through Rockland road, the main street in Rondout, their car crashed againgt a St.. Paul train around 6;45 o'clock. The machine rebounded, and only Miss Ostrowski was injured. w , _Joseph i. Morria, Waukeskan ---- / as well as five or sixt of o0r lLake "Wilt--proved and admitted to tec0ord. --ecounty members-- From the fine aepicit {*earaty Rrtatr--vithred--at 440006 --personal--ARd--and--at terds nec-- on the meetings--ol--ilh« Riding in a machine that struck a moving freight train in Rondout late Sunday. Miss Genevieve Ostrow «ki of Sheridan road, Waukegan, was thrown against the windshield and seriously injured. _ \---- Samue} ~Kitk, --Waukezan --ifearin«« i"r.uuuw%w disclose agsets COR--, | tinued to Nov. 9, 1925. B { i~-- SmithHayes, Lake Forest--Petition of Harry Johnson to file petition, for probate of will presented . an®* i leave .given said Harry Johnson to i Mile <petition for probate of will an« | hearing on same set for Nov. 2%.; + Hearinz on petition of Milton Bailey , for probate of will continued to Nov '29%.. "The petition of Harry Johnson "%av~ 9 "Tye5 Genevieve Ostrowski of Wau-- kegan Hurt in Collision at Rondout. Lake Forest Negro Leaves, | Besides His Personal Ef-- '-- fects, 2 Wills on Property.~ Charles O. Smith, Graysiake--W i!i proved and »_dmitted to record. Es tate valued at $6,000 personai and $§,000 real. $1090 given to each of bis brothers and slster © Balkncts oft estate to his seven nephews and Wleces. letters testamentary issued to Willlam H-- Smith and Sidney i 8mith, brothers Bond of $214.9990. Proof of heirship taken. . Joseph Jackson, North Chicago-- Will proved and admitted to recort. Estate valued at $1,000 personal and $15,000 real estate. Life use given to wife, with power ol sale. At her death one third to his won,. J seph W Jackson. two thirds to Tive daughters. Special bequest to daugh-- ter, Ruth. Letters testamentary |# sued to Violet E. Jackson. Bond of $2500 _ Proof of heirship taken.~ Jerry VanBuskirk,. Highland rark --Appralsers appointedc.> .. « " Harold T. McClure et al. minors., (Gurne -- Letters: of guardtanshtp +=-- med to Wiliam H. McClure Bond ol $3.000. . George -- Waldman, W.nloxz -- Hearimng on final report contin to Nov. g. . -- O $35,000 real estate. $500 --bequeathed j9;, a stil} bigger crowd is expected to each of four grandsons. Balance for Friday to" P5ur children. Letters testament--; l . S Eon . ary issued to . Thomas A. Morris. ' ie s son, Waukegan. Bond o( $8,000. In-- BROKER TRYING ventory approved. Prool of heirship taken. -- lke L Josgph Jackson, North Chicago--| TO a)ME BACK & Will proved and admitted to recort | Estate valued at $1,000 personal and * $15,000 real estate. Life use given| Ss lSl CR to wife, with power ol sale At| 23.. "The petition of Harry Johnnson is for the probate of a will dated after that of the will presemted with the petition of Milton T. Balléy. Joseph i. Morria, Waukegkan ---- Wilt--vuroved and admitted to tecord. Markaret O Brain, et ai.. minors tthipcumcee s. Weuxesany;-- _ _Kaj ato 'ep<eit, Forest negro, made -- certain. Pobil To hi q tb in es Gei PV TD +2 03. »4.> |_ Fred--L. Kriebet ot Winnetke whose brokerage firm crashed several years * ago with ~a $2,500.000 ~"bust". aftar which Kriebel was sentenced to three \ years in prison for defrauding through |the mails, suffered minor injuries , Sunday when he was struck by an automobile an Route 21, the Grays t IakedAbertyriile road,. two miles north, of LibertyvMle. His wife and a , daughter bad accompanied him on | the trip. -- Thirty--four indictmentse were re-- turned a¥ainst the Hoysa, but el} ex-- cept three were e:ricken from the docket. State's Attorney Pouse n*° MgHenry county, etated that he had not been notified .of the parole board's action and did not know what course he would pursue. f Fremont Hoy and his e&nn. Clar ence. McHenry county bankers, who wore sentenced to the penitentiar: Jlast year for alleged iMegal Binancia transertion«. were paroled Thurada: irom (the--Jnllet penitentiry. [ Thei attorney. William L Pierse of BRel videre, announced when he wae In formed of thia that he would imm» diately appeal to Gov. Small ton gir hia clfent«s a fn!l pardon. County Jadgse C. P. Barnee and former State's Attoruey V. 8. Lnmleéy of McHenry cbunty. who presecuted the Hoys, were recently convicted on a charge of conapiraey to commit perjury. Testimony was to the effect that they had procured untrue stats ments in ordér to obtain conviction of the bankers. ° F bead, the wound taking twelive stitch-- C8. l(rhfi]lmmhnm-nus rested _ attached the ear. They came to Libertyville lo-dny to take the Jewett to Chicago, but sould not secure it pending disposal of the at-- tachmepst proceedings. Both the Cad: illiac and Jowett were towed to the libertyville Garage, both badly dam aged, the Jewett being almost a com-- plete wreck. f _The broker, just Saturday, announc-- ed to 10,000 clHents that went down when bhis house crashed, that he would refund all the money within three years time. He has cleaned up in Fiorida real estat@recently. Krie-- bel is fighting on ah appeal to keep from serving the three --years in pri-- expect 10 he'p reorganie the Taim Bureau neéxt month will be there 100(,. This will bring a good delegation it 'fmm every township in the county. The dntecest and entbusiacm show: Kriebel was driving a Cadiliac and was struck by John Johnson, 6904 Warwick avemue, Chicago, driver oft a Jewett sedan, who had attempted to pass Kriebel but was forced into him by an @pproaching car. Both ma-- chines were demolished, and John Brytessen, 6904 Warwick avenue rid-- ing --with Johnson. was eut about the &ad f 1( 456 Ame "Ata& 7 rAHcaic he, Ams c=man uu"n:di.', we c« o (FS 'm o Pe ° _L,':l"' ¢ Ar C€ . | o ';;'(f. the} P & : * f nlitg@* Tee f ~. se CLit"80 "Cy Decémuéds 7MM'~~4z~*~~~ P { L prozgram wil! be given. lais meelil. is expected to b> even more successtu than the evening meeting on the 155 when President 8. H. Thompson, o ¥i me s css se in Ieed " one onl se TCP Fred L. Kriebel, Figure in $2,-- 500,000 Fnancial Smash, "Hurt Near Libertyville. Parm bureau and (he 1 tural _.ssociation will. i day program and bauntu ing starts at the Farm prompt'y at 10;:30 a. m quet, which will be fu: Illinois Agricuitural As be held in the Episcopal at noon, after which a I FARM BUKSAU--BANQUEL.._. _ . CV AMP L ANDNCAGE__ © uD bomitth ocfoschk 30° SWMLANRQSI%;-- Ey SEEK PARDON NOW d no ftetnt =~~~ 130 A"YTD The entire procedure sccuplied }ess than two minutes and the three Jumped in the CadiMNac, 'ilelz not have a license, and wetre w ed away by the chanffeut, s He drove up close behind the Cad-- Mac, saw the men go in and come 6 jump into the Cadillac and . e away. The robbery was exe ' ghickly and smoothly that Meade's sue were not aroused. he notlced a Paige, which had it at hbigh apsed. E that th:..h.n was occupted event of gun Atre. > rhinininen Wtmd ids lA:hm Hall will represent Hatch. Attorney Nathan Biamberg, son 'of |J. Rlumbers, who is a Chicago ' law-- \ yer, will counse! with Mr. Orvis and | Mr. H:all, and. it is progumed. that Th« completed, Miss Niesen, Web 3 ber and Foss were ordered to the _ back room. just as two cus b came in the door. They were g in the back room also. Mr. plloted by the man with the o't shotgun, was told to om=~ vault. In the vault the gold # oWtained. i "% The entire loss is $20,000. accordifk to an employe of the bank. --5 (Fdeg The hboldup was staged at 11:10 o'clock in the morning, three men entering --the bank and shoving guss under the. nose of C. W. Spencer. to hoid up their hands and Tate the wall by a man with a sawed--off shotgun. The other two bandit# then scooped up tWe bills in the tille. soutk. _ The sberiff's forces from Waukegan rusked to the vitaity o Rand road where it was thought that the bandits might drive as an avenue of escape. L Ctystal Lake police were aiso on the road, as that is the second d rect route into Chicago. Three bandits, unmasked, sabortly betorte noon Saturday beld up West McHenry State bank, McHenry, IH, making a getaway with $20,000 in zold and currency. Checks and sile ver were 'ignored. A driver, also unmasked, waited In a Cadiliae in front of the bank, IN BANK HOLDUP --_ ~_*AT MHENRY, ILL _ Make Bank President an Three Clerks Face Wall; Speed Toward Rand Road. of propertie® When the case' |s completed the record will go before the suprete court (or a fina} _ decision -- upPGR which all swamp lands in th: state will be regulated as to title, u understood. . Condidering that the ark thousands of acres of ~swamPp lands in Lake county aloné~the 6e cistion will be far reaching, and a% there Are many times as much prog ertvy along the Mississipp|! r'ver and other rivers in the state this test case may be the basis of fi diaputes on millions of dollars called upon ** guarantee & number of ttiee coming under such circum stances~ rarres e n e t mfi Ssomething that the {amous Deer in which attorneys forwper tirc't juguge Of invr 208 jujifcial diwirict. is actifg as special county attermey along with States Altorncy A. V. Smith and Assistant States -- Attorney 8. H. Blioek.~~ and .Trust mere Tormed --om --the Hervey----C._ Conmorf, who as "a-- sp@ clal master in chancery, dropped the opening gavel on the Fred Haich case. *L = "* The matier is a test case, and will consume a-- pyriod of one year to take al!l the testimony. lt is a SUit for titie to some 990 acres of swamp lands in v~the Grass Lakes reglon. seven~attorneys u«~uno4,.up,m'z.n' to f;]l several yolumes Fred Hatech Oner's Battles for 900 Acres in Grass Lake;*= .__--_AS Three Way Fight.: _ _ Atto i| at TO LAST A YEAR, _ STARTED MONDAY acting for The Chicago Ti# ~ist merely to keep 'them im P90 k unts clear title to CTB@ ;. The -- county claims that % helones . to _Lake . COunt¥,, . c cofks "t tclongs 106 the i'g ty Orv's and A+torney renresent Hatch. mromises to «WYA eld4 '"mule' . cage, and litigants died se ol this 17th ictifg as special mz with States will be read of court 18@