Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Dec 1925, p. 1

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--~~~--~--+~----~LAKE COQLINTY INDEPENDENT : ---- SBmith Hayes, Lake Forest negro _ who left two wills, Monday o€cupied the attention of Judge Martin . C. Decker, in Probate court, where it -- was found that the deceased had left an estate of $15,000. One of the wills was dismissed. The complete pro-- ~---- gceeding is as follows: -- _ --Clara F. Crewtord, Wisthrop Har-- bor.. W1!} admittkd to probate. EKn-- tite estate valued--at $5,800 personal given to her four children, with a . bequeath of $2.0@ to Nina Crawford. Proof of --heirship_ taken. . Inventory .. . epproved. Sale of pereons! property ° authonrmg. . Lanleio iemimedts., . ma hx '-vfie horse refused to get to his feet, n:;mhm per':t'fly l;:ontonted -- . with t % y much maz a considerable ino'?g 2. O persuasion --hbe -- was ab io get the animal into --a »~Rearby ~Smith Hayes, Lake Porest®~ WIH dgted March 4th, 19?Y;"admitted to Probate. (All red} property &iven to son for life, and all "persona} proper-- ty gliyen to som.. Will dated Oct. 28, 191% and petition of Militon T. Bailey to probate same dismissed. Letters testamentary -- issged -- to Harry® E Johneon. Bond ol $31,000. _ Eatate valued at $200 personal and $15,000 real estate. a* i Charles J. Hendricks. Ravinia. Wili admitted to: probate. . Personal property given 40 wile, balance to wite and two sons. Esteate valued at $5,000 rsonal and $1,000 real. let-- ters tpfiii'ifi'y'mf E. Hendricks. Bond $10,000. Timothy Bacon, Wauconuga. admitted to probeate. Al % valued dt 1300006 gtvrega--to @We children. Letteras testamentary lssued to Elizabeth M. Bacon. Proof of beirsbip taken. 'Appraisers appoint: Wicenty P\-;':'ex. North Chicago Letters of. ad Istration lesued . '~ Teofla Piatiewicrt Bond of $2004 ProSf o! heirehip taken. Appraisers appointed. Egtate consiate of life in-- ugzgrnl real estaté."~ 20 * v £. Hlit, minoe. Guardlans at bearing Déc. 21, 1925. . + Joseph H., Minogue, Waukegas, letters of ,.'-tnmrnuon lesued to James ¥F Minogzue. Bond of $30,.000. Proof of beirabip taken. Value of es tate $15,000. . Persooal and real *« tate. Joseph P. Gerrin,. Waukegan. i ters téstameniart ingzaed to. Mary E Guerin. Bond of $2%09. Will havins been admitted to provae on Nov. 2 . Bernice Keeper. minor. North Chi cafo. Letters ol guardiara®ip tea1»d to Mary Kasper. Bond 6of $20006 George A. Lsje. Barringtoh Fina'! report approved -- Estats cloned. TWO WILL MX« _UP STRAIGHTENED OUT BY THE COURT Probate Judge Wades Through Eighteen Cases During -- ._ Monday Session Stefan Matejevicb, North Chicago Letters ol admifstrarion ilimsued ta Andro Pucin. Bond ol $4409. F=z tate talued at $2200. ~ Ellien G Ames, Astioch . Inv. and appraisement bi.. approved of perséenal property authorized What to do with an 1,800 plug, in the middle o# a rosd, a bewil-- "«&ered farmér, and a load of poultry. was the problem that conronted him Wed of last week when a vam-- pire car hbit a wagon on Waukegan 22. FZ P ImCeneuen wl# 497. Walter Lutwin et al. mino:s plemental invéentory approved tithn for eale of real eetate fT -;uifn;- Burnett. Hearing on fnal ¥eport continued to Dec. 10th. + thorized to William °C. Arno,. guardian, approved and letters leaued. Richard W. Stafford MHearing on final report continued to Dec. 7th GEESE TANGLE _ _ IN SPOKES AS WAGON IS HIT @xm L enots Amene o en pne e F road ngar Washington street. Trat-- fie was ijed up,. and the horse was laying down, right in the mid-- die of the road. Situations arise, at lises, ac cording to Deputy Lester Tiffany, that are situations. s --;l)le sight that met the eye was beyond delortftion ~raccording to the Vampire Car Smashes Into Farmer's Rig And Poultry Litters Road, as Does Hors: MORa s n es I deputy, who bas seen a few wrecks in his day. Turkeys, chicken and geese were tangled in the spokes of the wheels, some wore pmhq on the road siMe, and others wer equawking across flelds. The 'owner of the wagon. Andrew Lazer, of Hickory Corners, who had a boy riding with him, was not Hurt. He is bemoanin2 "the loss of about eight goase. o 0 . f Bessle Lewin, Waukegan. Petition t probate of W1l\ nied and set for Invest funds of minor LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT _ n S 1 * bulliI »f of $200,000 LOSS _ NOW ESTIMATED _ IN ABBOTT FIRE Firemen On Job All Night: . Clear Out 5. Carloads Of m A Q -- k., Pfl( Of 'h.'-- PWE CCE MJ OnOWCOWEDS WR LHPC Abbott Laboratories, who Friday es ',':f,':&;':"',f' a, | Ponks . bn Acnetnl timated the minimuam Jo«s in the fre!manager Jt bas been appros.' iy that swept their shippin@ room and |in» ;oning comjuitree apd Te research library at $100,000, fmmdkb',',,mm::::., b«cn';hoo'd'?: :::'N' on Saturday that the loss was near'y| .Prices of lots in this new subdi-- double what he' had estimated and |vision are $25 a font foot. Most of that the actual damage may mount to ;the lots are 60 feee wide. and A4espite a fAigure of $2090 000 for even (mtd?mo fact that fivefoot sidewa'ks and after a fnal check up is made gravelled streets are being installes. Firemen Russell Hiram Ferry and {he price is kept down to a jow figure Ray Recheske of the North Chicago | The lots are restricted to the building department remained in the burned |Of bigh grade homes. Mr. Jones has bnlldul( all m' night and oc-- been complimented b' officials of the casionally had to extinguish blazes :::'r:'m"::":"'" """ ':':; ;;'."" that renewed thair vigor. Ferry be: C onl 8 ® * rtct --H* $femnen éha @merae amA «--as | ROClR{es had laid out this subdivision Firemen Russell Hiram Ferry and Ray Recheske of the North Chicago denartment remained in the burned buitding all Priday night and oc-- casionally had to extinguish blazes that renewed thiir vigor. Ferry be, eamse i from the fomes and was traated ~by ~doctors --at--tbe piant.but remained on the job. This morning the wotk of clearing out the debris was atarted 'and those who mA¥ the fAive carloads of burned and charred materials wheeled from the building declared that the loss must nearly equal $300000 although officals at the plant dcelared that figure was a bit too high. Most of the firemen Injored Friday woere on duty Saturday, with the ex-- ception of Henry Coteaof the Wauke gan Department and Evar Lindquist, assiatant chief of the Great Lakes de-- partment. Both of these men were badly burned in the face by exploding acid. John Andrack! of the North Chi-- cago department who was struck in the head when a high fower hows nmas escaped the clutches of the firemen, was discharged from the hospital. The North Chicago police' depart-- ment was caled into a 36 hour work-- ing shift by the fire. The night force was called out of their beds early yes-- terday morning and stayed on the job all day while the day force continued their work far into the night and then took up the night forces duties. One of the pleasant memories of the disasterous occasion was the spirit of Joseph Petroshius, funeral director and cambulance owner in Tenth «treet. Petroshius and two of his men stayed at the fire all during the day, offered every thing they had to help the fremen and refused to take a cent of pay from the fire de partment for taking their injured men to the hospital. -- Reports . wéere circulated about N..dini rch. -- --" o n s on m ue es e Chicago that the Abbotts had refused o i en :?tn;":h:"?abh to 'dbtain any trace to install a Water plug in their plant" | Stricken with heart tiséase a« ho oi grounds and had noat --weleomed the : watked intohis sick ~wife's room.,| on en _ umc ill__ _ . Bremen aft their pant prior to the| Frank Ka , laborer at Lake ".rfp.; Teams from geven towns in th fire. but no one in North Chicago : died Mm Tuseday ~mornin®. _| eaun¥y entered the Red -- Triong! would officially state that this were| Kaspor, who was 40 years old had {oounty basketb&ll fournamant at a true. Chief of Polise Norman Jane--| cooked his# own breakfast. He '.-l!k-impo,uh! ot . Ahe -- officiale -- Tuesday wein declared he knew nothing about ed--up the stairs to' inquire of NS gicht at the "Y." Ome more tosm re the fire plug story but that the fir. | wite's health, and fell dead h. on the | maine to compléte the leacmue Those * received much | floor.. Orgakit. heart disease was ' who have signed are Waukegan. Lake co--aparation -- s Aause, A. G * .b%gfi Villa, Mundelein.--ZZion. Great Lakes. fire. got beyond the. A <of > r at Lake fi%fim'flm . Play -- will z) g * Burned Materials® © o e l s aee= .. "_ s-- ~ ~ _ -- UBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1925 Speaking of Hard--Boiled Eggs | _ This plat; which comprisbse a partion 'ol the choicest building property to b> \ found in any city in the United States, 'hu b&:'uurod by officia'ls of the Lake y Land Association, . of ¥hich Arthur H. Jonés: is general manag(r. It las been approve' hy NEW SUBDIVISION APPROVED | 'I BY VILLAGE BOARD FRIDAY ; Formal approval of the p'at of Ubl ertyville Highlands was an item of | more than passing interest at the | meeting of the village board Friday | night. This tract comprises 146 acres | south of the North Shore Line and west of Garfield avenuwe. 1t is kao'n[ as 'the old race track property. | Within a few weeks Dr. and Mra. Woleott will depart for Florida to vie It a *married daughtgr. Their two «ons are miséionaries,, Dr. Wolcott -- preached a larewell sermon in the morni@®. and ther ne and Mrs: Wolcott held a reception in the rectory in the aftermnoon. His fe-- tirement wae occasioned by i}l health, due to his age of 70 years. The Fox Lake region continues to attract considerable attention from acre buyers. William Brandenburg has purchased from the estate of Thomas Nicholson, the 251--acre farm one and onehalf miles south of Ingleside, between _ Ingleside _ and Volo, for $75,000. 'The farm is fully equipped as;ya dairy farm, and has a herd of 60 pure bred registered Holsteins. large barns and sévefal houses. The mafn honuse contains 11 rooms, two Baths, sun porch and dining porch. 2 Highland Pdrk Sunday bid. fare well to its beloved minister. the Rev Peter C. Wolcott. who for thirty--four yeare was pastor of the Triniity Epis copal church of the suburb * $75,000 FARM SELE NEAR VOLO WOLCOTT IN A , Stricken with heart tigéase as he; 00000 _ walked intohis sick ~wife's room, ; mer n n e hn mm ce c ctaee+ -- Frank Ka s laborer at Lake .\hrie.' Teams from seven towns in t died l'dfi Tuasday ~morninZ®. | eann¥%y entered the Red -- Triang FAREWELL SERMON THT CY k 4n hierneonrntmmnnencs Ancns *Ct Ane usn w hn ww e i on ME 0 _ NC C WWe + + s ue + * "Entered at the Postoffice at Libertyrille, Illinois, as Second Clags" Marl Mattet . ~ , THEF RAMS SECOND CAR; THENCRASHES INTO PHONE POLE Immv peen --Bone. _.__ ______ the Tiremen were putting lt::"tln blaze, :r. nz'hln. FA-- Chapman, of 410 coln ave-- nue, called at the potfce wtatton ahnd lnponed that thée Ford touring car, 'ovned by Mra. Chapman's mother, | Mrs. W. Senft, same address, bad been stolen from the corner of County and Madison streets where | they had parked it at 7:40 o'clock | whil. they attended to some shop ping. It developed that it was their machine which had been wrecked by the thie! The police had the }c&r towad to the Barrett and Sur | gett garage. _ Driving a stoien automobile north {*h Ash street Saturday night shortiy ih'ur:e nime o'clock,. a" thief crashed Into and 'overturned > another . ma-- _chive--tBen with the stolen car @amazed as a reault of the crash. he drove a few blocks turther and ' colllded _ with a telephone pole, crtushing in . .the front of the car 'and practically wrecking, it As he leaped out and disappeared In the _darkness, apparently unbhurt, Mhe ma-- ; chine burst into flames. -- * 'ronnty basketball tournamant at a moebting of «the -- officialse -- Tuesday | nischt at the "Y." Ope more team re 'md!to to comnfitn the leasue Those who have signed are Waukegan, Lake Stolen Car Catches Fire After Second Crash; Two People . Hurt In Accdient Despite the fact that the radiator on the Senft car was punctured by the crash and the steerinsg merban-- ism was impaired. the thief drove north at top speed to Fourth «treet. then east to Hickory street and south to Second street. At Second street he swuns west. There he seemed to lose control of, the --ear completely for the marhine ran over the curh and crashed 'into the telenhona pole A call was semt to the fire de-- partment and the Tames *were er-- tinguished beforée <~much: additional Investigation by the police 're vealed that the other machime which was wrecked belonged to FEdAwara Pelton of 606 Chestnut street Mr Peton and bis wife were turning into Asb street from Franklin street when the stolen crashed inte them at fhe lntot&lon. Pelton's car was hurled upon ts side--omne of the rear whde!s was tornm off, all the glass was broken and the side was crushed in. Both Mr. and Mrs. Pelton recetved injur-- les but not serious enough to make it necessary for them to be ore moved to the hospital. Police were rushed to the scene but ware unable to dbtain any trace of the thief. e County's Big Weekly -- WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN y #»amae : All claims against the county must be in by Saturday at the _ county clerks office, or the, bills will not be allowed at this meeting ~ _ Miss Millert bears the unique dis-- tinction of being the highest paid rural school teacher in lLake Coun-- ty. _ She has been a teacher for ser-- eral years. She first became promi-- nent as a aschool teacher while te . ing at the Hawthorne school. Re-- cently ahe went to the Rondout school. She plans to complete her school year and then resign. s ¢ A mysterions fire, apparently «tart ea by tramps. Sunday noon razed the old barns of teh Arcady Nortb Farm, last Sunday about neon. The building was an o'd one, and the loss is very small. oLD BARN IS BURNED oN NORTH ARCADY FARM 8. Mn AofMberg comreny for real e= tate aeavubdivieion _ There was som»o hay and grain in one of the buildinc« and also some farm machinsery. The place was once one of the moet mnl ?'I'm kept nm, s on the north shore., Miss Adeline Miller daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller.of Liber-- tyville, was united in marriage Wed-- nesday fight to George lawrence. also of Libertyville, the ceremony be Ing performed at fAve o'clock at the home df~RevAFathor Nealus of the Libertyville catholic church. } * Aftet thg ceremony the couple The fire, «started from wi raritg fierce'ty when it wa ered and whgn the North fire department reached t] tha time of the fire is reparté1 ta havse went to t# home of tht bride's par-- ents, just northeast of Libertyville where a wedding supper was seryed. With the meeting of the board of supervisors scheduled for next Tues-- day, the report has become current that the county. poor farm bond issue 'of $250,000, voted down at the last session, is certain to pass at this com-- img meeting. . . 2 o e s the, present s;rtnc;fivmi--mv-be aban POPULAR SCHOOL TEACHER WEDS WED. AT LIBERTYVILLE Miss Adeline Miller, Highest Paid Rural Teacher, .Weds Geo. Lawrence ¢round For a number of years Mr. Lawr-- ence conducted a farm opposits the County farm. He recently disposed of this farm and since that time has not entered any new field of endeay-- Mtf. and Mra. Lawrence plan to make their home in Libertyville. POOR FARM BOND _ ISSUE TO CARRY _ BEFORE THE BOARD .. ToK ytwo vat--~~_ --'_the 23. or an even two--thirds majority of the board, has definitely been promised the sup grten aof the bond issue plan, it is 4. Enthusiastic backers of® the project say that by Tuesday they feel that all~the members 'of the-- board will swing in and make the-- proposi-- tion. unanimous.. At the last s&ssion the proposition --lost by <three votes, Mighland Park ind Lake Forest will line up to a man. back of the bond isgue, it is understood, and frowm re liable sources it is learned that sey-- eral Waukegan board inembers stand Supervisors -- Canvass Board And Fined $250,000 Bond: ready to vote in Issuye. ho > Fobiibcunbin 4P & The bond issue. is for the purpose of putting new buildings. on tife poor farm. fround at Libertyville, so that prove of the meastire by First the board will have to ap Issue is to Win Next Tues, . "'ii i - < -a,il ' fi.llin'-' se hn .ytbl;dl -- tbefore ville, who was with him, was assess-- ed a like fine.' . 's> * m AUTO RUKNS DOWN TRACK TO BUMP We«ley Watets of Libertyvilie, who struck the deputy, paid a fine of $100. Paul Seflers, also of Liberty-- _ The accident happened at 2 o'clock in the aftérneon, the train being the one that lays over to make the run in-- to Chicago. * DEPUTY HAS TO TRIM TRIO AND After ofhe mart nad been grrested on a charge of stealifig tires from an automobile parked at a dance hall at Laemgz Grove, two frienmnds, taking ex-- ception to the fate of their friend. started to right things by handing a beating to a deputy. no one was burt. Wahrheim (bad been driving south on Milwaukee road, but when be hit the railroad crossing his car skidded, lodged between the.rails, and follow-- ed down,the track. Froelich Brothers Report That They Caught Man Stealing C Auto Tires Their mission was only partly sue cesstul as but one blow was landed on the deputy, Arthur Froelich. Then the man who struck him, enjoyed a regular beating, according to reports from the sheriff's office. The man. Wesley Waters, of Libertyville, who recantly came out secont best in an encounter with Marshal Dennis Lim-- berry at Libertyvile, was put in the county jail on a charge of disorderly nonduct _A new wararnt was issued t li« arrest at noon, cWarging him with resisting an officer. His pal, Paul Seiler, of Libertyville, was also booked for disorderly conduct. _ be ayoided, stopped the passenger train, and the auto jammed into it besd on. The bumper was driven barkt into the motor by the forcee of the shock. The train had just started 'to pull out from the station, and the-- engi-- neer. seeing that a coilision could not The first man arrested Francis Horm, of lake Bluff, denied chat he was trying to sceal auto tires. Dep nty Jack Froelich hearing of the frar, went ta the »id of his brother F'rnq- Hny\ of Take Bluff was bound over t¥ the grand jury under $500 bond "MonTavy an a Thares o Chicagoan Rams Passenger Train at Libertyville, But _ No One Is Injured ran With Wahrheim was hits famtlty, but NE OF THE"SurE--Fire ®' METHODS OF PROMOring LOCAL PROSPERTTY is The PROMPT PAYMEWT OF BiuLs = KAONBM TRAVELS IN A GiRCE 1j "THIS TOWN;, So THE MOWNEY vou PAY OUT .WILL SOOW ComE Back .FROM THOSE WHO OWE YOU = 50 IF NOU OWE ALNBODY, : SEND 'EM A CHECK ANOD MAKE "THELM FEEL GOOD #3 iat FJ INTO ENGINE and took Hora to the was accu® itomobyile $500 row» Carl ~Holmann, who has spent about eight months in,. the -- county jail awaiting grand jury on a iarn ceny chbarge against him, may-- be wmung --those included --at this #t» ting. . He made mm.m to enteriag" tort ltake later _ repudiatad hbis. statemients, claiming that he was in the Brige well at the time * schooal childrem, He tried to run them road, an1 ofly "'-2 schoo! boayst took «& tomeathing like -- that, * when hbe came bent e€ed to come Roy Miller, former real _ estate man, charged by his brotber4in--law, Andrew -- Hoftman. of Lake PBiufl, with Torgery jan connéction with a note on a bank, and Joe -- Slappey. colored Lake Forester charged with annoying girls may look forward to grand jury action. The Miller case was uot tiken up at the last 288# slon, b@t it has since been un046r-- stood that it is to come up. before the December body. -- ° > th Two men, Rease m Ardll ste. who admitted: robb'ng Foxr. Lake depot,. and William Friend, charged with <mbésslioement -- by the Burto® laundry,. where be was once @B-- ploy d. are inciuded in the recest transcripta. The 'Friend case is ans old on> -- 2 e The boy was soon released in bonds by-- Justice Harry Hoyt and d'd4 not seo hbis father, it is uader-- stead:. Young Prummond attended Wright school. near Libertyville. lsist year, but was a "hell--raiser," to mz <Cimpson. Tha~ boart~of ~that trict ordered the boy out of cfi and he moved to Grayslake _ his family short!y after. 5 es This --winter,. Mr. --Simpson--# Drumtrond has used hbis 'Im George Drammond, 1if, of Graye lake, son of the Grayslake painter in the county jail charged with the mnrdpi of another son,-- Saturday was afrested on a charge of disop-- deriy conduct, on a warrast com-- plained to by T. A. Simpson, county superintendent of schools. . 6 Fk o EMULATES PAD _ _ * BY RECEIVING _ A JAIL~BERTH _ Ym. amg se -- * s -- Two murder cases will probably be the chief investigations conducted by the December grand jury that will open its session Monday, at ~which time at least elteven o*rer Case® are to b. considered. States Attorney-- A. V. Smith Tues day ordered transcripts of pm:& ings from the clerk . circuit from which be selects the cases to be presented to the gran4 jury. Mrs. Minnie Meillinger, who . Was ahnat tm death on Waukegan rcg Geo. Drummond, Son of Man . . Charged. With Murder, Ar« * ~~~ rested, disorderly Conduct .. Transcripts Shows at Least 11 important Cases to go Be--" fore Grand Jury _ Itary «ite<**~-- in --ttat the man Wwani: ed is still free. He is W_lll'r'm the hobo, charged with the murder of Randall Hayes at the L. E. Meyer construction camp si; weeks . ago. Frost --shot Hayes to death after: & gambling _ argument. _ deputies_ cob-- flmd'.men in vestigating ~the~ cas*; Al then. it ir believed. Frost was |nvolred in a shooting n Wi# consin. ¥: © ¢f ed is still free. . He is | the hobo, charged with of Randall Hayes at the construction camp 8y Frost shot Hayes to 4 Jeese. Jounson. who admitted tak-- 16 : ~©6.100--from-- the-- Highiand . Park State 'bank -- through embeszlement, and Sidney Luke, who admitted robs bing tr» Knoudsen studio at Antioch of ®*1,000 in suppliés, are othert who may hare their maiters take® as Murphy, of North Chicago, is the _ complaining * witness--~------'The Lauckner case is an old matter that was scheduled to zo before the last rtand jury but the records were mislaid. c $1.50 A YEAR N: ADVANCE"-- B TA r,. Mr. --Simpson-- t A as used hbis a9 o ', ol aceasions to tO _ «chool® and barasse. the

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