A 1W1! iii",'lul 't'i7a'ri;li,"isi;ii/tiii'ti gone '. Which do YOU want to be-u-a FAILURE In meditation you can tsmile---- 8 or a. SUCCESS? . For livintt's really been worth while. , we invite YOUR Banking Businesu ' , . . -- . f"" may Rm NOW ' - W. W. Carroll & Son Co. Lake County National Bank ' I -- I . V " " I nuns not in 3pc" This life is nothing more nor less Than little acts of kindliness; A good word here, a service there, To lift from mankind some great care. So let us daily, thoughtfully , Pursue our way rejoicingly; For I'll help you and you'll help me, And this a happy world will be. Begin it now, and carry on. So when the year- issysaaeayi gone \ In meditation you can tsmile- For living's really been worth while. Gbristmas Greetings Hour: 8 A." to I AM. _ LBW _ IMXiPfiNpf2lir/ THUR%AY, DEtThtBER 24. 1925. . i358}! Aiigits can! an - my; Mom! Christmas is the time of year when many feel the need of money most. I The way to have money at Christmas time is to put money in the bank REGULARLY all the year around. . _ " Saving is a habit just the same as spend- ing-only it is a GOOD habit which leads you to SUCCESS instead of FAILURE. t At Libertyville Township Pieeytr, A - Monday, Dec. 28, 19.2% ('-iijijLiiii FIGHTING tiii/tC/tli,,, . "tt P. M. Maia-ion: ' ADULTS Btte 8M K ET BA 2 - CI A M ES I" mums FAMOUS FIV If You Have Soot Tr LIImVVILu Buy Coke Ntwrl, ; Libertyville Iapillrj, Companx "_' ",i,ri' . ZINC LAKE FOREST Y. M. 'ch it ttrd) we extendto all. our hearty . g1; . toird wishes, for a Merry, Merry V _ Kikuyu]. awnings"; :2} an an!" or' HEAT-NO m ll: GOOD. SUBSTITUTE FOR mo can. (ri,",', ft Work: While You Rear, at": Holiday Season w: lit: . _ j 7 "0 think ot our Custom; __:_--s'-isii"-"ia"i, "and Friends' knowing that our 'rr, l') sucms is but a Mketioit ot' ' their friendship.- _ _,, . _ Iii. 'Tlt,m8tlttltl4t C, tu-oo-s-a-rain, ON IMPROVED FARMS _ l 5 and s 1-2 pureed!" s' FIRST NATIONAL am x. MONEY TO L Storm Doors and Sub J First National Bank / Jr],.", Capital Sunk-ad NWS $100,000.00 . tibertrviile, Illinois' T . . _-_- (Erecting- _ Vacation WM LAKE FOREST VS. " ' VS. 'e-" "-"u.o-.» ~-~..'