-- ___ BOARD DELAYSON -- . _ RETRENCHMENT, TO 500 _ ACT NEXT TUESDAY A' _ --_----~LAKE--COUNTY INDEPENDENT_. ~<--~ Sime Furnishes Receipts . And e '_me Only; Com-- .. o mittee ig To Bottom *' *' Anstead of indulging in red hot In-' ... «> works, slashing payrolls and Check-- "fi Ing up autm gimes that trickie in tes through {axes, the toard of suporvis 'MMMM pne week * whlle a committee could go' through ~--*. the exhaustive reports of 'Bamuel 8. u> s the auditor who bas spent two _ vOL. XXXIII--NXO, 5+ °~ _ SECRMON TWO Mc oMt Te css' sak in AcUh woeeks on expesses v--fi' mads his initia!l &ppearance be~1 ftore the board yesterday, merely giv> Ing the receipts and disbursements of the ofices, which means nothing, ++ except just income and expense, Me has taken the little item of cxpeDS®® and looked ut it from all angles, and it is out of this that . it. hm Mome --can be toun4 that -- be--ngra -.m--uh_"?b' its en t t ks _*KWe started out to bulid a county bospital with $30,000 from a {fund that had accumulated. in the end it #."" between $90,000 and $100.009, came from. county funds, and not through a boud tesue. Then the eourthouse rtan somewhere near $30, 800 more than the $300,000 bond issue far it. No one in particular is to Mame, and we must all work in bar-- Take HWiu#. laquried if Aabt fram-- the--generat about $185,009, asd : wmony to get © lidgo was pleading for economy.. 0S that ecomomy #as the cry from the wdmmcwmto the Itttle country p#wapapets "%e have sat here in the past and. allowed this, then that. until this sit: ustion is on vea. Look at the big re-- ductions in (he Waukegan poor bilis in the past year and see for yoursoif what a flille investigation and work has brought about.. We are not allow. .'rmumwvom ts we will have to lve on what "m this date, only show this much of "Thr mistakes that hare been made have octurred right ia this room," be sal bammering his desk with such vVigor that it startlied. se )4 . Bupervisor At Macther. of Yiew. pointed out that Pre that the sheriff expended $18,152.38 office by county wartania JOT "4~ messure through buildings. ments and equipment. 1t can that Doe. Brown laft tew recor rd,""hc"' request, which did not adg 1 tre to the situation. The Agures on ail the other ut least $1,500 that is baing paid | annuaily: and ilsgaily, could be \ In this he referred to $1500 voted' | w.lm&tom-r:. Tayior, of Libertyville. The board . d _mm.nd'nmm«m-{ ' that this could not be done.| fin'lny'ummmm& f ,*Mh_m'uifi-mmfl : .d_gul.nnh.novdmn' . aut of his office, and this fand | is to recbmpense him and pay for the Lr;'f-hwo(nll!noflcea.l %finfl ettin,. of Xov-] Supervisor Edward Méttin, of New-- port, in explaiming why the . houpital "1:? overdrawn, said. »"&~ . _ C "Ie, whe bill after another. !| | thaitmanship of the commmniit-- --mit «bd held it for three yoars, f the job just before Dr. ': loft, and as you ramember we did not know where we stood_ for a time. We had to complete build-- "Tay two structures, put on fire e# c repair the nurses home, build }g"u put in a waterworks and in pl having ons hospital with & p ; at'a $36,000 abpropriation ) Row have three hospitals, an aver e ean go about cutting --clerk'® und expect smooth sailing." be ACCEPTS ° BLAME tha Hs when bhe made his erit which did not adg any lu» s4 was told that it the county the general 00 t t + another. l| Treasuter Ira Pearsalil, who shows the commit-- | an expense of $29.09*° against an carn: mm.mdslfl.fltihumo{mm- beftore Dr.} id retrenchment, provided it is car-- member we | ried gut all along the lincs. He stat-- n-n aluuvm»mm : build--| every line; and admits, that although be-- ¥ere §t Here's a cow with a wooden leg that is not ofdly a good milk--producer but is raising a famlly as well' When o;l] a few weeks old, she was sttacked by a sow and deprived of part her bind leg and tail, as the picture sbows. She was of such good stock, however, that her owner decided to try to save her with this amecial wooden leg contrivance. 1t worked and she bas walked on it ever since. Ouly two years old now, and very intelligent, Coal Situation And New Mexi-- can Laws Slash Estate Down The twists and turas <of Wfl--l--fl y AGeplcted in the ests late Jackson K. Dering. ol 3 who died Jaly $, 1924 in | __ To About $460,000 FIX $18.853 AS TAX who died Juaily $, 1924 in Waukegan It had been expected that be wou'!ld leare several mitions of dnlmrs, but with the Aling of the inaerilance lax report today in the ceczliy <ourt by Rep. William P. Weles it is dbeovered that his estate emounted io ' only & _ sEme _AAAE --P C CCCMC ~0 Laae ved personal ~property, and $128,168° in real sotate for a total of $781.350. Ot this bls widow received $185,1112 and his som, Jackson K. Dering, Jr Nice,' Jan. $ --Miss Mary MeCor-- mick, formeriy of the Chieago Civic Opera company, recélved the Inter-- nstional News correspondent today to reiterate the denial sthe made late yesterday -- of reports A her serious Winegs. Miss MeCormick appeared to be in perfect health. It is be lieved that réports of Miss McCor mick's iliness may have been due to over gealons preoss--agentry. Miss McGormick has a contert °n: gagement for Janugty 17, which she stated ghe intends to tortill * _A c taltin ts 4 FZR O tat amoapkad a" 114 463. --Me-- nc.::ehfll thiat the estate would te in tin«, probably when the coal aftaation is straightoned out, and [raigntoned 17. ®""" the _ Mexican smoothed over MISS MC CORMICK _ DENIES ILLNESS 61 patients rather than 186°° Ssupet visor Jumt Keilly. of Shields, a«sked _ "No" Mr. MWartin smiled takes more eats, more nurses have a"better staff than the ever had in the old--days." _ htdie the work, be win o7 to med handle the work, bhe try to find wote measwure of reMet,. _ ----= __ = "Trmes it (ak» more hbeat Imes it take Bossy--Contented And Doing --<Well--With Wooden Leg Mexican -- troubles . can " and Martin explained second disasterous more lights TYVILLE INDEPENDEN estate of the ol Lake ¥S., she bas a calf, Supervisor Maw-- §4531.18%2. in 186*" Super ses, and we the ho«pital in the ga¥ LIBERTY VILLE, LA&KE COUNTY, om _a guest at the local ¥.--M.--C-- 1"' A.. and with having stotem $20 worth | / of tools+ from the Brand barbershop | t "hcre --where be was employed uDP | e to the time be G@lsappeared from im- city in October, will not h'arvo Ad Waives Examination But Po-- lice Wire to Washington To Release Him. on & NO PROSECUTION HERE of tools+ from the Brand barbershop here <where be was employed uD to the time be disappeared from the city in October, will not have to stand trial _ The local police MIe oo Cc Adel o to stand trial _ The local police Bave wired the authorities of Wash-- incton fto release him {rom custody as ke no lopger is wanted here. | When the Waukéraa 'olk- re-- celvel word from the Washingtuh officers that EUis had been placed under arrest there on the local rcharge, they wired back. to inquire whether or not Kliis would return here without , extradition pape*t*. Washington* «wired back that the pricoper hesd agreed to do so Then the local police made a it-- tie investigation and discovered that tbe mans from whom the overcoat was stolen K no longer desirous io( prosecuting Ellis _ The tremen dous expenie of sending an officer ?"" had seBlt UO¢C UA C oe. "ashingion with a request that Sex-- be approhbended it--#=>-- tried +5 omer back, with 'the almost poSHIVE ss¥Grance that i; would be !mpos-- «lble to obtain a conviction, caused the police to wire to Washington police to release the fellow. Tllle was arrested in W ashiagton when he sought to obtain & «@rith field topy O hbis discharge from the army in which he servred during the world war. He had left hLl'- regular abtain a certified coPY Mallie J. Eliis, local barber 7vho PONCHER HELD IN ; BONDS OF $95,000 Judge Francis B. Allegre'ti of Chi cago yesterday held the three youths wheo robbed and brutaily beat Mre. Moliy Felidman, of 3715 Fillmore 8t., in her apartment New "Years mot® ing, to the grand jury on charges of burglary, robbery and assault to kill. Hond for Fred Poncher, 22, of 1239 Independence Bivd., a youth who was once held in Waukegan on suspicino of robbing local dentist offices ot' gold, was set at $95,000 and that for Paul Tarman, 20, of 1532 8. Sawyer: avenue, and for Sam Reidman, 1%, o 1524 8. Spanlding avenue, at $85.000. Meanwhile, Mrs. Feldman, with six wounds on bet head, is suffering ftrom g?_pdnlo- of the brain, and atill is irrational in her few moments ot consctiousness. The jewelry stolen 'fron her was recovered by police who afrested the youths shortly at-- Ltu William Feldman, hber hbusband, ansounced the robbery. is oue of the fnest of her herd SHEPAERD FIGHTS _ |gipp5SELFFOR --~> FOR BILLY'S MONEY] * sTRIKING WIEE Chicago, Jan. ¢--William D. Shep herd's fight to get the million doifar fortune _of "Bily". McCiintock, o whose murder he was acquited last summer, entered another mp today. Shepherd's -- appoal h:: :h'"" Siky Brantt on 3 noang charge _of 'viealing an overcoat milk--producer but int as We . IOUHE the discharge to Suffering from ballucinations that _ |he was being pursued by enemies _| who sought to take hig life, Maurice . Sexton, aged 48, committed suicide es 5. by strangulation is bis cell at the ye +s --4 Waukegan city 'j'll late Tuesday afternoon. -- Sexton had knotted & +| stout piece of cord about bs neck until: jt' cut deeply into the flesh. producer but | With maniacal determination he con-- tinued to draw this cord tighter and "Dfl"d'land tighter until Hig waé extinct. _ was of suth}+ gerton's mental Ctondition is b¢ --~>-- Cirenlation Greater than other Lake County's Big Weekly _ WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN > [LIQUOR--CRAZED ___ ~MAN KILLS SELF © -- NA JAIL CELL M'\luvod by the police to have been it | superinduced 'by the drinking of bad Hquor., ~ : rd _ Hexton first came to the atten: tian oC the police when he rushed ... | into* the Waukegan police station at nine o'clock £/--_ _--." woret:~ 4& Knots ~Cord ~About Throat Tuesday Afternoon. And Strangles To Death. FEARED UNSEEN ENEMIES Ens EACE ney S. H. Block went to the poltce station Tuesday nooun and questioned the fellow at some ength.. While he appeared rational on most sub jects he refterated his fears that enemies would kill him.. Mr. Biock suggested that Sexrton be kept un-- der observation for a few days in order that he might determine what disposition to make of the case. At 4:15 o'clock in the afternoon Poitceman Ed4ward Clif went to of the station, to inquire if he want--. ed something to eat.. He found him lying un hbhis {ace in & pool of blood on the conctete floor It was de-- termined subsequentiy that he mash-- ed his nose whens be hit the fioor. Dr. B. D. Lemery was called to the station by the police. A quick examination convinced -- bim that Serton was Gdead. The body then was removed to the H. L. HoF las4 funeral home. . _ Investigation by the police shows that Serton had been slayiaZg at ibe Central ball for a week. Prior tothnu-oboh.'dlhdu:m ertyville,. being employed by a PAY: MBE CS C RIMCY HMRCCNE DoRA s ing comntractor west of Fort Sheridan. in a lucid moment he said what he ncgriousty bad. Ived in Waukegao. When Policeman Cliff saw Ser-- ton Tuesday morning be first mani-- fested his sulcidal tendencles. "Fhey're atter me." ho exelasimed, "«nd they will kill me if 1 leare uhm I might jpust as w eli *ill i B ow 1---- BK5--LiA. Lim 'BURIAL IN _ WAUKEGAN DR. V. C. PRICES PAUGHTER DIES _ AFTER STROKE wuw 4 EOueme EAT tC C Mrs. Hollingsworth, who was well advanced in age, had lived in Chi-- cago most of her lite. Her fathet, who lived in Waukegan a number of years, died about ten years ago. Aside from her bhusband. John Hol-- lingsworth, she left a son, Vincent Price, a Gaughter, Harriet, both at $R , C P ud Mrs Emma Price Hollingsworis. daukhter ot Dr. Y. C. Price of bak ing powder fame, who formeriy lived in Waukegan on Grand arenve, died Tuesday at her home, 3661 Cambridge arense, in Chicago. The funeral was held this aftermnpon at the home in Chciago, and burial was to take place at the family lot in Dakwood come UPC EPCICCC )in. Hollingsworth died Nollowing a stroke otft paraiysia suffered two and a balf months ago. . & 1% gumbs To Paralysis at Home In Chicago 4 a quartp] ovetr Washington, JAaD ter hé had struck ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1926 na Price Hollingsworth. Pr. V. C. Price of bak fame, who formeriy lived P One of the most beloved of motion pictur Yaicko--the WMW&R 42 whove She is al¥ays jet _:;::\lamr- Mrs. Eliza M. Fay, Formerly of Waukegan, Died After Short Miness Mrs. resident ed io Omaha, NXeb, 15 years ago. died at the bhome of ber gransd--on, Mites Greenleat, anu ~Umaha news paper man. yesterday aiter a sbort fMiness. The remains wil be brought to Waukegan tonight by her sop in -- law, HMarry D. Reed, aad grand--son. John Reed. Funseral setrylces and burial will be held here as soon as srrangements caa be completed. . M¥rs. Fay was born and raised T8 Waukezan and was the widow ot Mrs. Fay ° Waukegan a Georze FaY mother of ! leal, wile 81 youbgest 100 9 l 255 % brtm Greemleat George Fay was i bro-- ther to Mrs. E. M MHaipes, whose brotherdnlaw w# oace mayor o( the city of Chicago. Mrs Fay jeaves a soain--law,. Harry D. Reed, and three grandsons. Kenmreth and -- Jobn Reed and Miles Greculeml. The Greenleats and the Fays' are wide!y knsown throughout Lake county M¥r. and Mrs. Greenleat moved to Omaba about 35 years a€g* and about 15 years azo Mre. Fay )otl.:g ker daughtar and son--inlaw in the westers titr.~ About t®8 yelres kK5 Mrs. Greenleafdied and Mrs. Far remained at their home whtll the time of her death. Up to the time UHred all her li'e in Waukegan Funeral announcements will be made later. HOUSE APPROVES _ ~GENEVA CONFLAB N8 WA A «s «g»f ;>1.:"_'_:: *# MILITARY TRIALS ARE ARGUED OUT SBenattic, Wask., Jan. $----Counse) fot Doctot Arvic C. Siltrarbers. physician, Wbeing tried here by a court martial tot evading the dratt law, in . their tlosing argaments -- today Aeoctaréd . when: it passed the iaw in 917, made Ao 'l.'ovhnl,tor imilitary PONELLA Aaccordine to a William A. ! iImore, Bitrorbere's chiet "Mother"_ Roles In Japanese : ----Films Win Her Fame -- of Waukr«@an.until 8 on buted by the statate 05 limg 0 "Tax c ul iz "A4 ks contention was farthet borun and raised n was the widow o! Waukegan and the Nellie Fay Greer 4 M..G##eplea!, the ovepmmce w q ver t M e a> plon on ot years _ uB A87 ECC CCE {-no.'! It was the plas ol Supervriaort and | James OConger,. of peertiels, a88 a' as | Supervisor George Bairstow, ot war s {ieun. ons .o( its backers 'to have d4 in } the project pas»s mustor as this ape-- x _ ot| cil session so that it could be voted the | ora by the people !g the apring. ren-i Members of the aou'd. acter talk-- mm uce elile 'hi hk oo aghe. .. *-- H . i s ; : " _ "~The plan of a $509,000 road bond, !tq pave 1% miles ot county high-- ways,-- received rough hawdiing by the board> yesterday, lag -- issue | being tossed out of the veusion is ramd order and placed is tha..pilo io.' documents labeled for the--March $500,000 Plan To Pave 18 Miles Of County Roads is Out of Place picture stars 4n .Japan is Azuma meeling Wa--hington, -- Jaw. $--Maij. Ool.! M w h quartermener _gesers | _ QLD VIOALAN MARER ot the Army, who died last week, re--| t | quested in his will, filed for probate o ptbrcrtiantring | F2 3X | today, that his body be crematad and sim P isco, > Jan | "cast into the ocean at any muvn"m'-" '."":. k a m | tent place." | oeey soee m"'m°'.:'$£g. on | Despite Hart's O!')f':i'" w ish, b..(m'.. ot d'u tmflw was buried IK Arlington .\'qu-fl!.-m." Ubrough the * Thails, m Ei & omcs C ~Ve 8 ASKS CREMATION; _ WAS BURIED TODAY ge metery mately PHONE OPERATORS ON W AGE STRIKE Harsisburg. ond day of ond day of the mm':o-f tere-- phone operators} for HNinots Southern Telephons company brought forth no effort on the part ot--either sidge fot a settiement . Bus-- imess Rouses Are reported jnstaflin® gz;files of an iAdependent company y . L lb Pn catnte tndliitionn cain ts nc dn DN nar't. rolea. an the sacreey -->nd d ° lntest _deat ME _ ie Cl uit i te s c e e PR ols » y es 5 /+ . 23 no Kiek, .x o d e is2 * =~ Lff.'fi"fl"'_fifr'.:'_-' Sz ul LRA w :+ mt ~1' !. * a " '('."' '. m,::': " 'z'- '-: SEMINARY FIGHTS _ TONING ORDINANCE Chicago, Jan. 6--Suit has been til}" od against the «ity of Evanston by here, contesting the decision of the| Evanston. Zoning Board . preventin®| the séminary from improving land it has leased from the Qarret!t Biblica! Instityts servis from Patten gymna alum in Evanston. ' 'l*mm" Its deciston the ' 'u' ; L-&uafl.' pos' ME m ue * The ostate was vaiued at approXxt natition clatims i has aispocsed U° **"* m...uum-i-';" place to §o+ + negeapentge t -- en -- {40 ACRES BRING ------>=------ OF 15,000 PCT. _ _ _ $1.50 PBR YEAR, iN county, ,® -- gift-- from* ~the _ States _ government in © Avat. which was purchased ta . er: Francis E. 3«. of. tor $500,. has. ujst been sold for 3:5 x deed was recordéd at The cou, house conveying the property : from Mary E. Hardie, dayzhter --of the late Judge Ciafrtke, W.~.. Hardie, her husband, Helen C/ Bargum, her "sis ter, and Francis Hardie; -- her-- son. to J. 8. Hovreland® of Rogers Park. -- --'The tract is question is located on Hal@ Day road, near Waukegan road, and about two miles <ngrth. *' n ACMQ Daw hanm: C uk t } o --$2,250 Per mfi? +9k 3 inz f 38 4 \yoe "', _',' Is --K _ RECORD m % A tract of forty m?& q county, .m gift-- from ~ the -- 1 in t /+ «2 sec of Deerlikl4. Last fall a tract of land on Day road was sold {for $1750 an REV. NELSON GETS -- _ HIS TABERNACLE Draws A&::em 'to Vacate ----KRfter ¥ear: To Have ~. "~* .Real Sawdust Trial TO START IMMEDIATELY START TRIAL OF > _ __-- _ OLD VIOLIN MAKER -- > The déoctrines of Rev. * Nelson, pastor of Grace mm aurch,. Zion, are to-- be expoundet in the city, And in ~a" very 'ahor' time. according to word from the city hall. o d 5 e & Cil} HHmaATs Rev Thomas vas tod a build« ing permit today. &?:u bim ~1> erect a temporary ®ullding on Cour« ty street, just north of Corr avehge, Hall, it is said, in which it wa* }n-ul miou year, and at the end _ Rev. Thomas drew &8 ° A/ with Corporation -- Counsel used for ons year, and al (u@ CH@® otf that time it would be torn down. in case that it would be standing at that time it was agreed that the eok o k _ m;:nuhflflejn. hA $0%. -- charges of senuing [Drmirmize étature through the" thails, = the blowing up of ti' mll No "taa otint promment e 0 t e was artested in Oak two. .woeks ago _ after a _ {64 search of five years in K* r was found complete printing * ment on Which be printed bis flammatory text. s Wol*cs bail was set at $2500%, ASKS $100,000 IN CRIMEINAL LIBEL ed defendant today in a libel SuK flled in circult court here by tha Horite Cancer Janitarium, on a charge that the association "mallcionsly and wickedily" puablished in #s journal ot Janvuary 2. 192%, en «nfounded-- attack on the sanitariom branding it . A* | sor 1 OH CITY EeE ne COOP e 9B 1 traud and a fake. {nmages otf $100+ --~*~ 409 are asked. d o &s Rome, Jan Tayilorsvilie, HJ, Jan. . 8--ThA loan TFWat--Acsoclation was P geicroy e ederal ts oh. »nding threatesiag Wt gh !lho' malls, 3 p of t White $ *T d.;l'" 2 er prominent z9 w t was --5 mds artested is c ago after % % e years in --R* room »mplete printing '1 unp ho nrinted bis a% t--The Am a was nams a Uhel cauit ere by . tha on a charge liclonus}y and is journal ot *