Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 7 Jan 1926, p. 1

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5 * :A '!"' ':f 3. ' 7 L y ts . 55 '_' "' *efls 4 c qy"mex.- x L f'& _ s # ' -~ , Amermenetnamas e mennen mm e oo uns iccnigan n n n n coicennngimc en o z _\ _ VOLUME XXXIV--NUMBER 1 ~--'_ _ ~ea1Innriurn AlnNn'tTt -- _----__ _ portant of these two." In this ~ogk. :. s The Aurorsa case arose over a matter _ Bupreme Court Reverses Previoue +d Decision Ruled B * * aigh Court Atfects Yillago -- * .'. mmnnc' Is the resun 3 than seven months of atudy with the aid of expert All the territory of the oit: within the several distr %. ® exactly as any other p . within the same.--dist _.*' that It operatés or *"Kaee . 4 eangesiion a popaln -- _ _" amrtmed looal tranzportation, and ta " --LMBERTYVILLE TINDEPENDE fl&!,W!"'!mhMMMM id more busines® able. The authority of the oard of Ap-- ;1&":~~'WM""'mhmnmw. _ _would be I in the broad| in the Evanston case, a property-- _;r'd.on.. mmmmw-mm a-marflhuntom;mh.u zoned for single of land is likely to aftect adverse-- / family residences. The Supreme court _ly the property rights of some indi--| goriares that the restriction of such Uncompensated obedience to a district by the soning ordinance is a a police regulations has been Oft~ reasongble application of the roning m im tn o sio +3 dncgome . Jaw, thit the recourse of the. ag-- o ordinance is the result wm"#myonnlstothohmrd than seven months of study aBd of appeais. with the aid of expert Ad--| 'These cases constitute one of the ? t All the territory of the Clt} i= most clear out--victories for soning in (Inoluded within the several districts mme history of the soning > '@reated by the ordifiance. . Appellants nm,mm " exactly as any other PrOP-- pians and ordinances would now seem -- arty . within @-- to be as safte 'In Hilinois as anywhere No' ning in the.0f te Ingdicmes in the countty: Coming at the times #g e« fires Weriees toinine. ud moar $ . The danger of fire and c® U contaglon are often leaset f€ exolumion of stores and fac-- n From areas devotod to rekidenc ¢ in conmsequence, the enfoty ; W the community may be promited. These objects amonk oh-- D wahch Tnce tausideration we put, the great public needs." Dees of privute property detrimen-- tal to the community's welfare may be vexulated or even urohitited" court &# Aurora in declaring "The son-- =--¢-'.-~_.c¢u 4 oarly and definltety a n4um-- ber of principles of the--utmost inport-- scourt on December 16, the legality of .&MMMWW C ~the Uilinois soning law are clearly and detiuitely estaMished. Thos son-- Ing in Hlinois passes from a status of legal uncertainty to a position of great wocurity as a valld and justifiable «x-- aergise of the municipal authority. No f a proposed grocery store which was 1 gdbe locuted in a district zoned tor _ . .. LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT _ Lete : County's Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN -- _ UPREME--COURT ---- DECIDES IN FAVOR -- OF ZONING LAW tate worion "or" me 'Boara 'of Zontng Pians Tor the eaidence of metr for wMhch provision is miade entire g devetopement. Bhould any discrim'|nalIiOn eome Christmas present to the towns it can be removed by the #4-- which havec ome to depend upon their t tay agy'y must also im' asct ary Wrontbtte® in ie Tevare in's nsee #ilsts that the application of soning Ciszts that the application of soning must be well considered and reason-- able. The authority of the oard of Ap peals is definitely recognized. In the Evanston case, a property-- owner sought to build an apartment "PEG LEG" PETE _ __ HAS NEGRO BRIDE Ave., Waukegan, for years an employe to decliares that the restriction of such a district by the soningk ordinance is a :t'-n.h application : of u'o roning "pma.'m lms' owner is to the board «omat . He aarveod ime in Waapan. ana ho miny q pogee, weo l0 Herolhts his stay in 'Mills was found guilty of attempt-- Ing to rob Joseph lanckner and Maotrison was tound guilty of taking Indecent Hberties with #gearcld Ei+ saboth DeJont,. daughter of Johs De Jong. t --Wanugegan romd. n on _ 1 Futher Gavin in secking his education SNICK MILLS IS i. e w iptes TAKEN To PRiSon (==2 . s eoe= es "EN n decision of vast importance by decid-- y :f':n un-:ltm;m: AS IS MORRISON | ass xnes there was vat one Romen --WHY IS LIBERTYVILLE AND . MUNDELEIN A GOOD PLACE --__ IN WHICH TO LIVE? Poter ("Pog Lag") Marsakian, AO0Mth 'man and worman living in éitker of these communities to answer and This Tact is becoming better and 'beotter known every day. What will your answer io the gquestion be? Be thinking about 4t uutil--you --receive the next 42-- C€ommunities Désirablé Places in Which to LAwe"*t-- ooo > .q because of 1 %tntthaom ao 'many ° reamons for people--living here. * In the next issue o( THE IN-- PEPENDENT residents of Lib ertyville and Mund«lein wil} be Veaster Brown, 324. a nsegrem n Market satrect. Pote gave bis Vibertyville and Mundelein are doubtedly the most desirable dlx --weeecoctne s +\ -- + -- Aetiliiliin c' and *4 , Despite his advanced age h(h'f' A two thirds majority would bave Garin has kept ap the woark as head ' been necessary to carty the pian of the local parish with an indomit--| io a vote of the people, and this able will and determination. Hoh-'..' almost been obtained at the "odn--d the aetvicek ol @GB RAARW!IKN!' June meoting in 1924 Before the decinring that be has wanted to r» | fall session, it bad been predicted lm:-mo«mwnuxb-,:m the profect would carry with Cnally woul4 mnn:m,v.}m..mmm.mym Rxcepting upon the occasions when into rview the frct that the County be bas been i\ he bhas continuousiy | was financially pressed, and consid-- econducted the required namber of ering that many of its members, in masmpes, two each Sunday, all "Il'hlllfl informal session, had _ decided hk long service here Just whars to > against it. roted it --down--4? to 18: will go Into retirement is not known | _A W. Vercoe, Charles Harbaugh uéfl'fiio',"' Oe C ~----~--~--~--~t and ~C.:--¥.--Witoor--were --the mem-- eudts cecctteit uce icz o se bers who led in espousing the is sue, while George Bairstow and E4 FOUND DEAD IN ward Mawman objJected to it from i | the floor. _ en 0 Oe e eeenee Eie Cee CE en d s e e p | of the Church of the Immaculate Olm[ ceptiion, Waukegan, was to retire Be--'! cause of »dvauced age, rumors Kere{ never fulfilled. However now somes | waual good health eanducted by .Chas. J.. DMckey. Inter-- ment in Lakeside Cometary. ---- On December 21 Mr. lightbody had an attack of heart disease while vikiting at the home of his son, Wal ter He recovered howevet, whd a xmmcfllbmm.l: home, apparently enjoring j --MWMr. Hamson was born in NFva Sootia, -- but moved to LibertyrMe twontyZkout years agzo when the w Iake gravel pit was opened. wotked there twontythree years. A year ago hbe went to wotk at the Foulds Milling company. a semi--definite statement t&at within the next ten days : or two weekse ¥Futhér Gavin will formailly retire from the pastorate which be has Alled for the past Afty--four years. FATHER GAVIN. _ SOON TO RETIRE SAYS NEW--REPORT & . ~ Creaiation Greater than other Weeklies in County Combined .. ° Wntered at the Postoffice at LibertYrille, Miinois, as SecondClass Man Matter, EA E, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, TI-RJRSDAY JANUARY 7,-- 1926 t and --C.--¥.--Witcoor--were ~the mem-- bers who led in espousing the is sue, while George Bairstow and E4 ward Mawman objected to it from | the flootr. At the fall meeting 4t bad been dAectded--Aw=--caul} upon the olvib® ganizations of the county to .£# opinions -- on the poor farm prob lem, and Mawman questioned whe ther this had been dom. NRep port of any such interviews were taken at the previous me¥"ng. Bairstow atill clung to the belieft that the present site could be wold, and a chesper farm purchased that would enhance in value as the years zo by, Uke the 1Mbertyvillie property LAKE FOREST IS HIGH IN WEALTH Lake. Foresct --maintains ie suprem-- acy in the matter of wealth in 1IBH-- nois towns, according to a compila-- tion of lHlinots real estate and per R&.; a. Miller, tas commissioner of the Chicago and Northwestern rail-- road.. The per capita wealth in the north shore suburb is $780. i This compares with $124 ftor Gien-- coe, $21% for Naperville, $68 for Park Ridge, $88 for Glen El ©~$80% tor Tor Wwhenton, 4151 _for Oe Chidage 154 for *° and $150 for Downers (WOve ~ SEAL SALE FUND REACHES $4,500 Ressurrect $250,000 Bond is-- sue to Replace Old Buildings But It Meets Death. not wait awhile? Adveruuse weu and --seil at . &uction, instead Of by 'bid, »with the right to 'rejec« any and all bids"? . The whoie proceeding, includ-- Ing the tactics employed at the regent election, lboks suspicious. WwHyY -- THE --BIG--RUSH --TO SELL THE EAIR GROUND! cce more #ill be received 1 BROWN CITED IN | ~NEW COURT ACTION: Aty fi#' to the generating ua:-' on the harbor: This consists Of building two jetties, 700 fooet loag, Into the lake, with an eontrance tot vessobs at the southeasti corner, which will improve facilitiee for handling and receiving coal necessary to oper-- ate the station. The granting of a &D year fran~hisse by the city council of Waukegan recently is a tribata to -mimuvmu'u'm'l-! project now . under way at Waukegan by the Public Sarvice Comnany of Northern Hlinois will ap proxir=ate three and a hall million dollars according to a recent an nouncement of the company. -- In Hhe with its plan to aliimately Imcrease the generating capacitr of the Waukegan piant to 500,000 kilo watts, a new unit of 50,000 kilowatts is now ander construction. This anit. . of greater , wHH 1. Soakh s n icfingriere information in the same--couft, Plaines river, in Libertyville. Selets & Petersen were the brokérs. with another of greater capacity, will be in a new building nnder an the present site. dl."hthebemodnn- ty fl?' to the generating station Itself? work was 'recently Three and a Half Milion Dol-- lars For Buildings in Service Company. In the passage of this ordinance Waukegan assures hersc'( o%f nasther facility for contin-- hing he rapid developtmhent which has PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING PLANS ENT AIL FORTUNE Ray Rlce, who bought the 210--acre farm known as the Pepper place three weeks azo and turned around Mystery as deep as that surround-- Ing the early doings around Proviso and. Niles appeats to be hovering over Lake Zurich and many big acre age deals have been closed or are in the makings. Just what is behbind the sudden rush is the subject of MYSTERY VEILS __-- --~REALTY DEALS _ IN LAKE ZURICH Exchanre of Acreage Linke With Abandoned W. P. And In the form of a pledge the respect which overt lova) citizens ahoald a* cord the in Ris bheart and in his actione. National Pa: Cade, which can secured from th» aa tional bed am of The Ame--ienms Legion, should be used as a basis for an y allaaton to etiqne'**, in' ft 1 Loved thet tos Trak Creed may lil'__it-l.nr_v.--. appeals to the author. It.must originality; it must be -um For detailed information regarding this contest wrtite to: The American on AUDK C "oroos. Rational Dr milasion,. Frank C. Cross, Nationat not more than one hundrsed and twen-- ty--Avre woards in length, which will toster greater reapert for the fiag & tho United States.-- This Fiag Cre#d should be etated in concise; impres «tve pbhramees and in a atyt8 Dt --anotft) ctent viror--and Wierary awrorit to war rant ites momarization and use in a«chools, is eltizen acsembliics and on all patriotie occasionme.=~~ ~=--~ s _ $ SMOVES is SuOW, KEeps HIs @rouTr CLoSen SPEAKS weu _--.| OF WS HEr@nsors ANO HiG Younl, | | "Pars is cuas, GUPPORTS mis wWi | | emuren; sugsériBer 1 as: H Fiaz Code throughout the Nation. may promote the ariver@l g3¢6 o° ¢ rector, Indianapolie, Ind. Becond Prht--m-chl Thk J of merit in sued by the national beadqparters of the American Legion. . * &.l'.hm& many puplis in ounty .who wiHl desaire to compote and tor that reanom s«ubmitea the followip« notice which he Held wunder $3,000 bond ~f0f ing theft ~ of an ~ automobile, lm COrcen of TaylorviHe. NL, was _ in the county 'pjail from Highiand Park Tueday to await thi o ahr rreat W" Chict" "'r-.."""':. finey of fieuimed Fark. "He % ecnded of stealing the antomobile OP Seer ol Pailing to Tarmish bonk, HELD FOR TRIAL ON THEFT CHARGE PUPILS IN LAKE == 'BILL BOOSTER SAYS: hockterin xiuize: aite agsc ates ton 90MA "Wmeecon ) ~P uie hald to the grand jury of the antomobile of mptrighk /+ «4+ The estate .of the $1,000,000 --Crabtres is Take Rloff, a She denied that: her f thing t#--do with the : E of hor fostet son, a serving.a term for t report approved. Retate ch Camelin Russell, Waukeg of heirahip taken. Lotiers~ intration h'-.' dllm.mm_ property of $850 and houne mb-hrmfl!:_'; Chaties H. Prancke N. L. Jackson of ® Bwitt »of . Liberteril stor --AB are Reps lot . Tues. "I T paroied." abe ~ vould leave & io "Tis iR inasee the ritht way. ot the port of Gtant MeArthur, valued at $12,000. lewlsa Earl Ritta. Bonad of Amartiia N. --tuw. wash --~Peter-- L. Hotder, -- state consists of cayse of North Shore R. R, the will were not disclosed and will °> not be until after the hearing. | -- *\ The Peter L. Holdey estate consists > of cause for action against the Nortb _ Bhore line, the records show. Holder > was t'l.llod on a crossing :'.M a. a eago before Christmas, sesh day in court was as follows: := < . _ -- William -- H.-- Maurer, Wausondas _ Hearing on petition for pro¥ate of . . wil! "continued to Jan. 11,; 1928 . <~ _--~<~ 1o¢ county tressurer to 6 estate to consul tral of P for certais belie. _ Jef@erson O'Brien, Waukegan. F4 report approved. Estate cloned. _ _-- tition--for probate of wWI! Aled for hearing. Jan. 25, 1986» -- _ Jacob Hecketeweller,* Libe Inventory and walver ~of award approved. _ lA for MARY: JANE DURKIN 8 LEAVEssrm IS INDICATIO! Will Not Revealed B1 --For Hearing On Jan. Mre ue omm n q tm gAik i $1.50 A YEAR IN td RUN M 2 +. uh P 4 P ##= he North | es s I /s : o¥ate of. . --

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