|RUSSE,LL & --_| STEPHENSEN pathon. stt on en ce L us l n in T4 tihe evediegkes. ts w ------>pe S--« «have oxeriooked., .the . CoOR:. pvlns. _ tention of the defense on the 40e# Emphasis is given to the agsertion . --_.~--~-- Uhnt the governor's testimony, in m +. which bhe Ueclared that he had pald over what money he received for in-- terest on state funds, seeme to have --|| © Distributors for Red Seal Coal Co. W [ c . ._ PBONEAID --> / I--__~_-- 607 E. Church St.: _ UPHELD, WILL BANKRUPT HIM _ --~~ BECAUSE HE NEVER RECEIVED _ ~ _ _ ~ ~---- _ NE CENT OF INTEREST Ne ue l ie ienelieae t e t o m 20 t Ne s h. hn ag o o d e n oi i ind t t t taticn '_flifiu. TL.--Gov. Smail's ~pe----Np»Curtises and ~never" received by est sult against him --was held in the supreme court today. It declares the "Berious and unjust consequences," It 16 declarq$, "will reaulk from the . ~Justice Frederick R. DeYoung filed with the clerk of the--court a stay order which stays --the mandate--in ease until the petition for a"re-- alh(m'bonvlomdnunhb- rmuary term of court.. The orgder buears date of Dec. 31. It was Issued in Chicago and came to the clerk's the trial court, or by the --majority of the Bupreme court. Amail's 'private means for all of the Interests and discounts pald by the r-&huhuuuo-.' af eaurse The amount which the state treasury in his (wo interest report«.t making him pay moneys mh.mrfln@.fl' leaving kim worse than penniless, and at the estates of bankers whose institutions loaned . state funds; that he returned every cent paid him~as treas-- urer of state--points to strong arguments in minority report of supreme court. ---- "'l"h.t'firm in this case~---- dnc ... autenlliqnnaati ie en .ws uw ing n ay ultimately enforce a jJudgment ag ao 00000 00 0000060 MAY BANKRUPT SMALL KWyLmnp,... . . . 8.00 Franklin County, 2254 . . 8.00 Helen Smokless, 25 . . . MANDATE 18 STAYED SAYS DECISION, IF IT IS If its decree is en BUY IT ON APPROVAL J. E. Russell Mgr. _' BAYS. HE --PAID ~INTEREST The petition contends SmaH* coi-- lected and paid into the state treas ury interest on moneys in the Grant 'Park bank at substantially the same &nm:a;nmcauu'"m ' T tize 4 _money, , ¢ 5 for # there was not the intention lOANstWEE' to deprive the state of that part of esd B = interest 1 would ordinarily receive, * U T celive, there was, as we have stated,| -- ARE oum mfifl no necessity for secrecy." -- F ;:..Tlmv IGNORED, ctI;Alfl ,, .. cuattitmmemey petition .concludes as follows: |--~.= . _ -- BY*A. K. BOWES > '.'r'im"-'m"m""' Bmlmotthow'ur'lo.eo sues bvluhrunflaen--mme'?"m""w,g_ spiracy existed overlooked --and v!f*} " wumber of cony ces filed,. 178. tually ignored the. testimony. of GoY. * N umber of Chaltel Mortgages, $0. . . Bimail io explanation of the 'varl00u%]~ w.mber of Trust Daeds and Mort: ~~*Phis fact is of vast importance and in itselif mmth;t"th:: was -- no 'congpir ~ 10 geprive-- state of the »u&'.'.a u' 'ordinarily receives under the act of that act were constitutional," every person "accused of Ing is presumed to be innocent--and hu:M overlooked and ignozed the Bernice Jensen, who has been il!, 4s much better. 4 H. P. Lowry and Roy Murrie métor-- «d to Chicago Wednesday. anl .w¥ _ Mr. and Mry, W. DelLong and family of ERvranston wers guests over the hol Liays of the L O. Bright family. Miss Anva Sbepherd of. Oak» Park apant over New Year's at the home of her mother, Mrs Barbara Shephoerd -- The P. T. A. 'meeting has been post-- poned to. January 11, the original date being January lst. . . _ -- _ _ o 0o o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laux: visited over the holidays at the home of rela-- WUves at Pittafield. > | The officials of the Antloch Poultry Association are busy making arfange ments for their second annual poultry s«how, which will be beld at the high as that collected from other . . $12.00 us d t ce nmg-- s V d ue x xpiouncs kul} fi t New Year's at the home of the p& | their r, Mrs. Clara Willett® + ors are urged toqanouz'muy.m entry blanks may be se trom C. L. Kutil or DPr. G. W..Jensen. trf% The childrer of Mra. Margaret Davis were at home over the week end, "and Saturday evening and Sunday after-- noon went to the Lake County Genefral hospital to see their father and grand-- "The William Duprée children-- of Dele-- van, Wis.. spent the holidays at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. D. A' Williams. s _»Miss Margaret Dunn spent the holi-- U N uo tGas An AAhniangyy < 7 *A TD. ~ F700 'AARUE, ~OL. GHOCIAHIIEK _ Eks "L',mm'f'é %ucm"iih la --very M%nly at "'"""'i': ¥ Mrs. A. G. Watso n spen «4. 0. PFia.. Wadnesday night. Hi New Year at the homse of thafr mon. ,,q" boon!d:; "but a few hours from New Year at the home of thetr won. Leland: \--atson § ns e Mrs. George Garland'entertained her uister, Miss Alice Goldy, of Woodstock, several days last week. _ 2 t Lake County General hospital New Years day. -- At present he is getting along as well as can be expected. Mrs. John Sibley left last Monday for Genos City to accompany: -- her mother, Mrs. Spanholts, to Stauk, Fla., where m;'y'w't{l visit their son and R s 4 x ; | > Fos We UZ hedc LOANS FOR WEEK . . iesns remusuun ns w -- _ ARE QUITEHIGH), . . i7 ... ther, --H J. Barber. _ <~ i Mrs. N. Weindel, who has been in mc a> (7 s\ .soLp BY DODGE BROTHERS -- ; _ lR' 'CKS DPEALERS EVERYWHERE _ _ _ . _ Telephone 228 * _ Lake and Genesee Streets WAUKEGAN ILL. _ ____ pustifies _ | _ Still Lower Prices eader v'z;_f";?':f. 4 ":f" x * R -..é e usc s3 a, whoke w v% bad. been eick 'but a few hours from | ecute indigestion and therefore word of his death came as a big shock to his brother in Waukegan and also to | his other eurviving brother, Tom, otf MecHenry. = Mr.. Walsh at one time lived in Waukegan on South Sheridan. road, for a short time. He moved from here to Floride and had been living there-- some years. ~Mr. Walish was borsa in McHenry and lived there in 'his early .life. _ His wife . died in ¥Floride only four months ago and he-- ;:leaves no other surviving relatives excepting fls brothers in Waukegan and McHenry. p ; | _ Mr. Buck in response to the wire left New Year'a Eve for Florida and |took the remains back to Eigin, IIL, § Alunwwl:hhh. ::.h"&m a :: es Walsh, w . father | J:. Fred Buck, of umh Allan Waish, Former. Wauke James Walsh, Dies in Fla. HOURS' ATTACK OF INDIGESTION _ Large production justifies low prices. Graham Brothers are thggarceet exclusive truck manu-- JAS. MORROW & G UV R N E E 1--Ton Chassis -- ---- $ 975 | 1%--Ton Chassis -- 1245 MBM Low Chassis 1295 _ > Graham Brothers announce a substantial reduc-- tion in the prices of their complete line of trucks and motor cqaches, eff'ecti\{e Janulry 7th. This is their third reduction in eight months. It brings the price of their product far below any truck of comparable merit. facturers in the world. opened .ono Monday January. 4th. | Miss June Miller upent the past week with friends in-- Chicago. _ Mr. and Mrs. George Ried and fam-- Africa will give another y aven-- ing talk this swoming fim'ttqm Young Peoples Bervice at 7:45, Those who heard him 'last year will certainly want to hear R. H. Chilstrom, Royal Neighbor Dist. Deputy of Lake County. will be ghock: ed--to learn of her death, wich oceured the latter part of last week. Mrs. Chlistrom was very active with her R. ily spent Sunday with relatives in tiends on her visits to the :Gurnee| face and cheery message will certain-- ly be missed by those who loved her; ' The funeral was held Tuesday Japu-- ary 5th from the ~First Meth | Church in Evanston. E.J. & 6. 10 --___ BUILD $300,000 -- A roullro. with a capacity of from 12 to large locomotives, will be built in Gary: for the--Elgin, JoMet and Eastern rallroad. < mu:.ghu will cost more than $300,000 will be erected under the general supervision of engineérs -- _ f£. 0. b. Detroit will NEW PRICES YOUR FARM SALE WILL BE ATTENDEDBY A LARGE CROWD IF YOUR AD IS PLACED N "THE CaBE.., .~ :21 immeist c i<DENT grgiee Classic Soap Swift's Best White Laundry Soap The Cash & Carry Market l .--~---- LEONARD C. BLANK, Prop. -- > s Come early so as not to be disappointed : f _: Could only buy 100 cases at this price i ONLY--ONE. BOX TO CUSTOMER m i l acvang i B ange i art + ifi t 5 in 73 ; tR 2 E_i m anorhagm~me