solid # fee} oters x¥ they my' o T "l?'bhd..m M' * -bmw "w" repudi ® t ". ' TTA : h:m hich s Mrs. Charles Dehi --entertained the .. Women's Society of the Baptist church r"flrl-v on Thearaday afternoon T . and Mras. O. Rockenbauch woere _ tm Waukegan on Wednesday on busi C1 en . C Catherine Crawtord visited for sey-- eral of the vacation days with ber brother, A. G. Crawford and Aamily. -- Mr. and Mrs Williams and children * ®will have a bowling match in the rec + m:m on Saturday, January #, ut 7:30 p. m. Prizes of fancy work __, FW be awarded to bighest scores A . ~UWgbt lunch will be eerved. An {ovita ~ "Mon e' eftended to all the community Leighton visited at the latters nome. Mr. and Mre. Pfister. Alex Bunton made a business trip amolvveenlo-hymm . und Mrs. George Sturm of 1ib-- ettyville spent Sunday with the form-- ara futher and alster. h. &0 0 0 00 0 0 0 000 000 0 0 o -- APTAKISIC -- o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 '_ Col. Smith wil begin his Thirteenth 'E:m':mu 10:15 Monday morn-- at 'Papaw, making several stops --~between there and Dxzon,. where he ~--BRrmmil Ficke tranzacted business } Waukegan on Monday and Tuoesday a«lster Mrs. LeRoy Landwer. «d a number of friends at dinper on New Years Day. Mr. and Mrs Walter Helmuth of Pairfield held a family re union of the Prehm families. Those who attended trom here were, Mr. and Mrs E. Goo#-- juck,. Mr. and Mre W. Prebm and son and daughter, Mr and Mrs Herman Prehm and Mr. and Mras. Albert Prehbm and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Wm ' John Bchults and Wiliam Fingston Wt the first of the week for Florida . Ray Ulrich was a caller in town on that it is euphoniously -- called the world court that the people know what it is. : They know that it was ad by the league of nations; its 3 elected -- by the league of na-- _ L and their salaries pald by the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o The Misses Maude and Florence SHuftin of Dundse _ spenm Chrisimas and New Years bolidays with their main lodge, the league of nations, in &. by #,000,000; by almost 1,000, ©00 in Ilinois. > WON'T --JOIN . THI8 ANNEX "Americans may be a nation of r.htunybutvutwjoh sannex to the main lodge of the league of nations as constituted. 60 0 0 0 0o 0o 0 0 0o 0o 0 0 0 o The Ladies Ald 6f Fairfiek! church league of nations. They have prov-- ed4 that to me in the interest they htvé taken in my speeches on that sue, and anybody who believes oth-- to thought." * That 'was the declaration Mon,. of Col. Frank L. Smith of Dwight, can will include Freeport,. Oregon, Ga-- lena, Steriing. Rock Falls, Neponset _ IHE WURNLD LAUUN 1.], Mre Pas! Radtke uisited her grand-- w > ~+<~~--~* .| 'Mr. and Mrs. N. F. ) Candidate For U.~S. Senator chl:uondr;onud .fe":{'?a::dvfi?: me' Pm 0' mihoh with Ray Busch and family at Lake --~Show They Oppose It. .| Donus Mme Matosek spent a week Murtha Voes had New Year's dinner th Mr. and Mre. Charles Sturm of View . a_:..a-«.mm»w t on Baturday night. _ *hctice --tn--Anmpror trgPromm --wha --40-- ealler on M Ptistor oalled at the George 'WORLD COURT e the To# imos home * T + on Nes ¥1% The state, after withdrawing" from Frank Hatch's suit against the coun ty to establish title to several hun-- dred acres of swamp land near Grass Lake, was preparing. Monday to 'reenter the fight by making Hatch the defendant. This procedure was necessary, it was said, to avold the unusual posi-- tion of the state being--defendant in Sud -- ArthUF Kuceter, 'ail of Liberty-- ~~ Al Bunton ~of Libertyvyille spent New Years with the home folks. _-uu'l a poultion to Aaim the lind. At s were preparing> today ta lake this action. 20-- ' re, Mr. and Mrs. James family, Mr. and Mrs. F. | crete 'to the width of 19 feet 'at a -- cost of '$15.60;and-- $15.64+ a lineal ; foot; 3,000 feet ot a foot width; ' and 3,700 feet of 21 t width. The ' protest is that fhe cost per lineal 'foot would be the same on the 19 | foot width as on the 28 and 21. " Mr. Gail declares that the cor-- poration counsel dismissedrthe pro-- , ceeding Dec. 30, 1925, without get-- ting the consent of the board --of local improvements, necessary under the faw. On that date he clatms the corporation counsel told him that they should be "mable to get together Records show that the objectors | 1i2) 0f Decemb tred to get the matter to the at. | S'2t* Of Hlinoi :e"bt:d of 2; court begging leave or F in -- court --but that * the corporation counsel, Samue!) i LOans on Holmes, protested against the action | 2 LOans on being --set down for hearing. 3. Other Los The objectors el..s'ls that the plan| 4 Overdraft; was to put in. 5.900 feet of com| 6 Other Bon crete 'to the width of 19 feet at a | 7 Banking F apt nF SIK Bh.. onk. L156 BL a Winoat| . Te tront Highland Park, in spite of its silk sto¢king -- tendencies, is numan afte all, it ~would--seem --after~ perusing charges made for 34 objectors to a paving scheme that has been ' un-- der discussion in that city for some there _ was __"hope o tether." it is charged. _The engineer gets 5 per cent of the estimate and would receive more Corporation Counsel Dismisses Court Action And Stirs Up _ Hornet's Nest HIGHLAND PARK SEETHING OVER _ PAVING SQUABBLE "So That _ Power May _ Always Flow This Company's policy of inter--connecting its major mmb'afimmdd"may service to customers. Through a super power system of inter--comnected lines encircling Chicago reserve energy for every from other districts. All the properties of this Company;, the more than a thousand miles of high tension transmission Tine, the giant generating turbines, the fleet of service trucks, the immense buildings and équipment -- and the. very heart of our business, a host of able and convenient power for your every need. | * ® & More than 4,000 loyal employes, especially trained to their tasks, are working to provide the homes and industries of Northern Dlinois with electricity or gas 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, under extremes of weather and other conditions. items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Account State of INinois, pursuant to law. _ -- K.C. WEBBER, Cashioe. . ------~ STATE OF IIJ..NOIS COVNTY OF LAKE, as: Bubscribed and sworn to before me this ith day of January, 41926. & 1t t a 0 _ _ as M. B. WEBBER, Notary Public, located at Hound Lake, State of !llinois, at the close of bus{ness on the 31st ijay of December, 1925, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law : 1% It 'was threatened that the ?_!'Q ceedings would be dismissed unless Judgment was A:z'd' at a 20 per cent --reduction r ~the estimate.~ is another accusation. hétq- 'l'\fi'nd"y in the county court demanding that the proceeding be re--instated, and that the property owners be given their day in court. The objectors charge that unter the estimate the paving would cost Approximately $123,000 a mile, great-- ly in excess® of what it should be. Thgy place $60,000 as a more proper figure.« A %. SBurplus (2) ..--..._.------------«---- 4. Undivided Profits 'Net) (3) 4. Time Deposits (48) ...-------- 6. Demand Deposits (4b) ... 1 Dividends Unpaid (5) __-------------- #. Reserve Accounts (6) .. from this one job than the five employes of the Waukegan engineer-- ing department would get in --one year, Mr. Gail declares, A petition was filed Afor the ob-- Capital HStock (1) muwl-uu(um Lonnu%uw Other Loans J . meacsvommummmiamntenccny ace OVEREPREANE _AEY -- serems cn--wam aemmmmrommonmnmmomeiennintrnnirimmoncrrame respoomenarerecenconmennns 118.38 Other Bonds and Stocks (4)...______________"8%..__. ... 120258 73 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (5) _________________ 17,§00.00 Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (1, 8, 9).------ 4885246 FIRST STATE BANK OFFICIAL PUBLICATION . Report of the Condition of the Jolist Blocitric Station Mo. J LIABILITIES RESOURCES gency can be brought Not:flolbto be expected from the public benefit fund, it is said, although. Mayor Samuel Hastings . is quoted as saying that Highland Park was free of debts, except the, cur-- rent monthly bills. s *./ The objectofs claim that they have the lawe with them in. seeking> to bhave the action: re--instated by the that the officials féar the scrutiny of the court in the scheme;, Ns 120.63 92,277.117 145 604.43 2,000.00 4,1786 69 24,900.00 6,650.00 €68,609.35 ' _ 123 EAST COOK AVENUE . s © Cement Blocksfor All Building Purposes. $ _ Something New--CURVED BLOCKS,FOR CATCH BASINS: High Test Blocks. Reasonable Prices. Call and Inspect Them. ' -- Phone 154--M ---- Chae D: Phone 200--J We have installed a complete outfit for charging batteries, and are prepared to put your battery in first class shape. All repairs made by men who know how. Bring your battery here and have it tested free of charge. . We are Agents for the Willys--Knight «»« Overland IVANHOE, ILL. e L. H. Deitz, Prop. Phone 63Z--W--1 FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY Phone 41 ¢ Lake Zurich, Mineis. COLLLNS & DOANE COMPANY _--_-- _ MOoNUMENTS~ and Mausoleums A U G F--R OE L| C H ASK THE MAN WHO HAS BUILT. OR WHO IS BUILDING, AS TO WHICH LUMBER HE BUYS. ITS A CERTAINTY THAT HE WILL RECOMMEND. NONE OTHER THAN FRANZEN QUALITY LUMBER. MAY WE BID ON YOUR NEEDS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED PROMPTLY. Rest Haven Garage Battery Work Telephones: Plant, 415; Residence, 165--J. DOWN BY THE ELECTRIC $1ATION FREE AIR AND WATER All Work Guaranteed Sales and Service Station fl!if el PP e