Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 21 Jan 1926, p. 4

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8 _ . Get $2,500 And Costs Out_Of _>*_. _i Five People Caught at Wild-- ~------at----~~~--~ cal Brewery =*~ AWAY, PRISONERS -- * * y 1ARUGE FINF _ G0; ARGUE OVER | _ * wHOSHOULDSTAY M ns hiluner A V. Smith ns --* States Attorney A. V. Smith hau planned on burning the equipmen:t «~Four deputies, two riding as motor-- 'cops tor Shields township. were laid Off the force last week due to & little argument over who was to--stay and who was to go. -- + Those who were laid off were Ambrose Beaudin, William Kelly, Arthur Froelich and Frank Valenta. +*The retrenchment program voted 'by the supervisors a week ago made it mecessary to drop Froelich, the Hewest man on the force, and Beau-- din. Shields township pays for two men to care for their district, qnd '%the sheriff supplies these. Kelly and Valenta had been ';lda' thg and € _to Sherif d Ahistrom. %. b&filfio oldest in ser-- vice, along with Valents, was to a: the Shields force when the cut place, Sheriff Alistrom decided before he left for Florida a {¢w Gays , ago. This would have left Kelly out. Shields officials, Tecog-- nizing Kelly as a Waukeganite and # constable, were for keeping Kelly on the force. They have decided to tut of their two .men until the shetif can return to settle the BREWERY MOVING -- The ~wildeat brewery, as far as ,rlo county is concerned, is ao more, fNeset of trucks from C'Fk%so were used Thursday to tow the equipment to mbre profitable fields. Just previous to the removal dep g under Chie! Deputy Lester Tif-- GSany had spilled the 30,000 gailons €iznpute. -- Kach 61';:0 five people taken in the rald $500 and costs before Justice of the Peace Harry Hoyt last Thurs. for a totar of $2,500. This momey was palid through Attorney James G. Weich. -- they spent most of the night at the work. Sunrise brought a flest of Apucks and "::k-o:(vho u;ned tearing down empty vats. They took the @quipment over the Mc-- Menry county line, a half city block +Two Other Deputies Until _ Sheriff Returns Home Ahough efftorts had been made to determine who might own the plant is work was fruitless !t wuas the feeling of officials that the Deputy Tilfany and his men ieft 500 bartels. First on the list of essential health building foods for growing y o un g-- sters s ho uld be MILK! Let them have plenty of it with their cereals at breakfast time; and drink as much as they want at meal time and be-- tween meals' W. F. Hafemann Milk! and Frosh\ WoU doliver Uthat kind to> your door +o i 4 i 3 ) By -- Dropping Oe h icctem w It was 'learned' on good authority that North c_'gluso,- bootleggers who made their fortune running Rbooze out here from Chicago, bave all had to quit that trade and buy their wet goods from the middlemun,~ the Ch+ 'cago gunmen who buy the. booze in Chicago, bring it to Wauk or. North Chicago, and sell it g the dealers. These gunmen refuse to do busintess, with the "little fellow" and unless the bootlegger has sufficient financial backing, he. can't buy the Hquor. _A small scale bootlegger who attempts to defy the rum--run-- fing syndicate, and-- goes in to Chi-- cago, buys his own liquor, and runs it out here to sell to the local trade, is very likely to be the tar-- get of a little gun play on the part bf the middlemen. ie es i cam haundt more than minor employes. f Theraid, staged Tuskday of last week, was <the biggest ever put over in the county.. Deputies, after facing gun fire, rounded up the pris-- oners Aafter three hours <of work-- ing, --~during which nine people e# caped. 7 $ *A Becond Mass Sunday at 9:45 0 clock. CHICAGO GUNMEN -- .| fasacrnicie." ©** < 7 T t . --G-- * CHRIETIAN SC:IFNCE SOCIETY ; OUST L%ALE Third Floor First National Bank Bldg. y M m e ces __| _ _ Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. | ervicer al_--10 48 a..m. _ ----___ _ _--__ 1 BOOTLEGGERS HERE| sw= 5 ~" . 2 o t -- That the bootliegzging industry in Waukegan and North Chicago is now being bossed by Chicago gunmen who regulate the number of retail liquor dealers and, pats. on those who wili enter. the "profession" was the startling information uncovered by a Sun reporter yolmdly.L f _ It' is deciared ~that blind pigging has . become :'so _ dangerous, . not thromgh _the --elforts ol the law but &:.;&;idmi gone ?u: qpu;zlm 4 .. scale _ liquor -- era have ::;.é:!-- out by the {'bi cago sayndicate. * . One North Chicago, flind plua is .said to keep two bomes, one which hbe lives and the other In which"a friend is permitted to live. When boote is to be delivered to him by the gunmen, be bas it come to ~the house*<where ~the ~friend 4s staying abd after the gunmen have gone, be takes his liquor to his own house where he disposes of it to the thirgty. THURSDAY and FRIDAY January 21 and 22 ADOLPH MENJOU in SBee the king--on the boardwa'lk, eating "hot 'dogs" and shooting the chutes. On Broadway flirt Ing with flappers On Main 8t talling in love. Laughter and heart tug linked in a really A heart interest action thrill melodrama with an abundance SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 with Greta Nissen and pasture and Broadway was a A romantic comedy of the days Mou"nYflflhym "THE KING ON "MAIN STREET" Also LLOYD HAMILTON . in . BLANCHE SWEET and BEN LYON Never a combination as wonder-- full And an all star eupporting ""THE PARTY'" Fable and Pathe Review U DIFORI VY THEATRE ple captured were nothing RICARADO CORTZ in "NOT SO LONG AGO" BETTY BRONSON (star of Peter Pan) Kinogram News. "The New : _ ARTHUR LAKE in to the local| pIrpgTf METHODIST EPISCOPAL --| _ _ _ c _ .. _L22l2s> f to be the tar-- John E. DeLong, Pastor f f * rranate ay on the pArt| =«a Cheerful Giver" is the subjeci' sgpringfield, His. Jan. 14. --County > -- |for Bunday morning at 11 o'clock. { boaras may be resolyutions lay out, m';'l'rgn:"':'o" Evehing subject: "The May Who! wigen or alter roads, if there are suf-- 4 3 Faults." Evening 1 1 funds IA). LTeg8uIy. r the Tw Put ie ty mt f100 .o 00. o0 ruvac t Aenier -- es mral Cloent . Carietram * aake Epworth L ' x in. reply to a" troms * * »he Funtor ~Rpwortt gueh ':ruled today in. repiy t / "of ton,""-- e on 2o e 'g mrilro t us' t5.-- iB#apaie: 2:to--per~ 4' C,. Lindzner, of i 11@qa0r 4 urekt in '.:a:st'" x h e sn' +--sinriaviite" Hf there flc.'hfi ~surfctent 8 74 99 "How_ to Be . Friendly to (Other Christians" is the-- subject for discus-- on by the Brotherhood nmfludu morning. It meets in the : tortum of the church at $ 45. Twelve men l' Libertypville Cburches 8T. JoéppH's -- ing committee was appointed to sele'!t Rev. am. J. Nealis. Pastor officers, and it will report next Sun-- First Mass Sunday at 7:45 o'clock. ' ~day. All men are invited to come abd Becond Mass Sunday at 9:45 o'clock. help us. _ Daily Mass at 7:30 o'clock. | . The Jufior League members and all * _ se > 'the Darents are invited to attend the CHRISNIAN $C:FNCE SOCIETY \morning church on Sunday. Jan. 31. Third Floor First National Bank Bldg. There will be a hpecial talk for the _ Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. '_______ ; juniors. 4 . Services at 10 45 a.. m. 1 *A DBasket Bali came will be played ;l:','ti:'éhmh at $ 45. Twelve men were. presest last _ Sunday, and the class planned to organize.'. A nominat-- 10 a. m.© Everybody welcome. Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor. -- The--sorvices--on Sunday, Jan. 24th (the third Sunday after Epiphany). Holy Communion 8 a. m.. . Morning Prayer and Sermon 11 a. m. «Church School at 10 a. m. " CATSUP, BX | sPINACH, LONG GROY+ EVANGELICAL =~ .. _ Rev. Carl A. Stadler, Pastor. Sunday, Jan. 24, English hervices at T. JOHN'S EVANG. LUTHEKAN Elmer C. Kiessling, Pastor Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. English services at 10:30 a. m. DIAMON» LAKE COMMUNIEY (Methodist Episcopal) * Rev. w. C.--Payfer, Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Even ng Service at 7:45 p. m ST. LA WRENCE3 EPISCOPAL Cream of Wheat raki,. 24c Macaroni{ Spaghettisy mai»m« 1 9¢ Star Naptha Powder, i:,. 19c¢ IVORY SOAP, Larse size bar. 12¢ CHIPSO, large package, 22c FRIDAY and SATURDAY January 22 and 23 * Spanish Green, these are meaty, plump and Ollves,...., olives, ideal for sandwichs, salads, gt» ' Chicago Blend, a delicious, tasty blend--rich COfiee,m fall fragrant, freshly roasted, pound American Family Soap, i 55c SYRUP, Mapie, 11--4 ib. ca Tomatoes, $Z,0°* * soOUP':#"25 MJ NAV Y BEANS® 15c --CAMPBELL'S 612 Milwaukee Avenue TOMATO , . 8 ".Canoand * A* mrdArip.,.olflM '):fl '"National Brand" 9 Fa:'c'yo nQ.\ulity. large bot. 200 j Netiona) Brand, No: 1 O ¢ of thig week by teaimms from Mundelein and Lake Bluff." The game begins at 7:15 o'clock. § The Ernest Workers will meet with _ Morning worship at 11. . We will have with us Dr. Henry 8. Brown, of the Church Extension Board, of Chi eago, at all our services of the day. You will be delighted to hear him tell of a most faslinating story of helpihsg save' a city. > He will have with him young people products of this work. Wherever they have spoken,' their meshage; it has thrilled the congreka-- tion. Bunday School at 9:45 a. m. Wells, Supt.. * . Evening service at'7:30. You wilt want to hear all these services of our lielid day for missions. _ Pelwvma I#f there is --not suincient linds on hband. an election eithér for levy of taxes or for a bond issue must he he'a, and the couste;--toard may not issue enticipation warrants on a tax levy not already m« the opinion etates. * i : Savigee o Tess s c ult Nt Ni t enit+ ts m basket baii same will be FIRS8T PRESBYTERIAN on Friday, Jan. 29, at ~-- Thet_it--is ebeaper--to:pay--a --fine {§1-- than it is to pay {funeral expenses was the position taken in : Zion police-- court Friday afternoon by City At-- torney JosepH Bishop of the. city, when Frank Beckerjeck. of Chicago, ' was arraigned on a charge of speed-- ing 45 mhes an nour through Zilon while under the influence of lquor. CHEAPER TOPAY :' |f _ C _ C 00 sA s --COURT FINE THAN ||| If--You Have Soot Troubles Use | ----= A FUNERAY PML . I This is .9.'.'.','.'3;':'1--',',',51'3",331'" -- Z lN C O <~ s(E TMHE INDEPENDENT--S8150 a Year Beckerjeck begged for clemency, assertiny that he was merely a work-- ing. man, apd added that the $200 cash bond he put up when amested last Sunday morning was bortowed from his elster. The city attorney, however, insisted that he should he taught a lesson and the court assem-- ed a fine of $100 and -- costs on a charge of driving while under. the influence of liquor, and an additional fine .of $10.and costs on a charge of This is Opinion of Zion Offi cials: Drunken Driver Pays $100 And Costs who was in the car with Beckerjeck, was fined $25 and costs on a charge of disorderiv' eapduct, and #taniey Gazcka, of Chicago, also in the car at 'the time, was fined $25 and costsa on a charge ol drunkennias. | Beck-- erjeck Epnld all the fimnes. _ lt t ._i_Jdinns Clns'twas KelisA in bottle that wa@ contained Uquor,--~ * Lzzmmazame At that' Ume Beckerjeck sucesded |.a2.. ____ m--Bitink iip = Vent berd t $ 0+ ~>> > commamnbminente himself and, a $50 caah boug tor _ Miss -- Heanson. Cazcka had to . in in l---:------- * The.' spéeding car' was Ba'ted in Zlon, Sun. of last week by Off.--Lat Waw. In the machine he found two pint boftles 'at. 14*~~ * ~~~~MMM¥ Miss Tillie Hanson, of Chicago, is done right at Cichy's Tallering Shop, Prompt Service. < o ~~ TELEPHONE 47 . . Down by the O!d Depot--Been there twonuty years. Libertyville Lumber u *+=--| _ Company *4A hg North Milwaukese Avenue. J. CICHY, Proprietor Buy, Coke NOW GET PLENTY OF HEAT--NO ASH GOOD SUBSTITUTE FOR HARD COAL It Works While You Rest-- Storm Doors and Sash _ 2xA assortment of material for you to select from. Come in and stt us CICHY's TAILORING SHOP T A 1 L O RIN G North Milwaukse Avenue Aevcrira ug......... » t

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