Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 21 Jan 1926, p. 5

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eprom mdns m BUSINESS ACTIVITY «oi ind i +8 ; LUIBERTYVILLEEH&BANK LIBEARTYVILLE __ AMPLE --BANKING SERVICE MERCHANTS, CONTRACTORS, l MANUFACTURERS AND ALL OTHERS -- , _ ARTHUR E. SUTER, Vice President and Cashies _| * _' | _ * ' e WALIARSQN.MtC-h- Telephonse 29 WILL FIND . . © -- _ ACTIVE COOPERATION -- . * We Irivite Your Patronage and Offer j , c l Ec lls « * If you find your: time at home too occupied to shop here in person--or the weather too inclement for com-- fort--just use the phone! ' '"The Phone Will Bring You Your----"' --and you'll find us ready both to take your order, as well as offer sug-- gestions from our complete line of Groveries and Meats. *~~ ~~~~O~--~~ W. W. Carroll & S:n Co. WE BELJIEVE IN THE GROWTH OF LIBERTYVILLE f FIRST NATIONAL BANK MONEY TO LOA New Spring Dress Materials Table Needs! Earl Corlett ON IMPROVED FARMS 5 and 5 1--2 per cent n s ) 2. Ds . m uNPA P im . Sn tliccacatie ta epabiies Tip ul e OA :5 % Rirng---- Zypher Prints Luster Crepes irateccl. t Rayons & ILLINOS Mts. L. E. Ray left Thursday of last week for Nebraska, being called there on account of the death of her brother. ~--Phe W --C. 1. U. wilt meet with Mrs. Maria LMI, at her home on Eim Couit, next Tuesday, January 26, at 2:30. The last of a series of card partice given by the Holy Name Lbociety will be held at Gridley hall tonight. The public is invited. % Leonard Disney and family visited rel-- atives in Des Plaines ,last Sunday. They went to Cary in the afternoon to be present at 'the big ski meet. _ . _ Mrs. Chester Wolf of Deerfleld was in Libertyville Tuesday, and caled at the Independent office on business. Mrs. Louis Hanselman of Kenosha was the guest of Libertyyjlle friends last "Monday. W. 1. Collins was in Chicago several days this week attending the state convention of IiHinois monument deal era The convention wah held at the Edgewater Beach Hotel. 3 ' ' . _ Mr. «and Mre. Chester Randby (nee Tlulon Sitz) left last Sunday on an rutomobile. trip, which will take them to Florida, . their déstination being Mr. and Mrh. J. C. Reuse left last Sunday for Biloxie. Miss., where they will spend several weeks. Before re turning bhome, Mr. Reuse will make a business trip to E1 Paso, Texas, and other places in the west. there. -- ; Mr. and._ Mrs. _R H. Lyon and dauzh ter Lols, of North --Chicago, Mr. and Mrs.~J..A. Lyon, Mr and--Mre. C. F. Lyon,. Mr. and Mrs, Totterdale, of Waukegan, and Carl Vois, of Chicago, --. %mg;'m,_-ou his --tarm near e hine Auk . ht gad hia family Mexsy soue t Memer Saaitt Several Libertyyille folks were in Chicago Monday to attend the funeral of Chad Proctor, who passed away after a long gbru with rheumatism. He was a brother of Robert Proctor, Robert Lyon and Miss Bernice Page visited Sunday at the Albert Lyon home in libertyyille. P after a long ztnru with 'r.!;:a;a-n"s;:, There seems to be big things in the He was a bréther of Robert Proctor, \air concerning Milwaukee avenue bus-- of this «illage, and formerliy resided|iness houses. '"They Say" has it that a C Een ies uce se w un i t ++ e ce i purum ak ts Victor Sauer and gaughter, who are spending the winter in Los Angeles, Callf., write the temperature in the Callfornia city stands at about ninet/ grees each day. That'sa little warmer than we have it bere, but then we are managing (o exist. Miss Stella Langworthy was hostess at a bridge party, given at bher home last Phursday eveningk. First and se ond prizes went to Miss Barbara Mil-- ler and Miss Dorothy Soper, and the consoiation to Miss Yene Wheeler. An agreement was reachbed by the parties ini{erested last nikbt, as to the location of the septic tanks for the south side sewer At a meeting ,flvl%mmm»'mw a monis, hetd TBLU BiFLL The action of that body taKen & week previous. ®a156% exnded. and the site for the tanks designated as half on the land of the Copeland Manor syndicate, and baif on ieb land velonging to the Lake Couniy Land Association. An agreement to this ef-- fect had been sig1?}8 the day befocre this rmeeting= 'Thec--wtonr matler was threshed over again in conferenm'e Fri-- day night, and the puolic meetine of the board was not called *o order until about 10;30. If no more" objections are entered work on the big project will soon be under way 'On page three of this issue will be found aclargr display ad of 'Trigg* « Johnson, the well known Liberiy ... grocers, in which some rare barzksins in the grocery line are of{eres 14. w. pay the thrilly to scan this ad. aui louis Bocke'man and family wer® bere Sunday visiting relatives. lLouis is a fireman ou the F.inois=divisioc of-- the 8i Paul, and last week his 'sain was wrecked near Eigin. causing a big property loss, out no one irjured. Short Items of Especial 'Interest to Libertyville People Local and Personal Hours 8 A.M. :10 8 P.M. While turning into his driveway last Sunday, the autbmobile of Wm.-- Hub--: bell was crashed into broadside by 51 ihrrz'flr betonging to Chicago folks: Hubbel! says the Chicago car chased . {him clear up into his yard, before the ; crasbh The Hubbell car suffered the llou of two fénders and a running | board. The matter of responsibility 'for the damage bas not been adjusted. . Mr. and Mrs. F. 1'. Dymond left last ;onteriu the biuidings-- or damaging Friday for Los Angel s Calif., where the property in any way. they will emain until the robins come 5 &. . to Lake county again. They missed| Frank Nikoley returned Supday about the nices weather in this part from Conrath, Wis., where he spent of the country this winter, as up until }thm weeks visiting his brother, Rob-- today the days have been baimy. Last ]ert Nickoley, and family. Frank says night, however, snow began falling |the weather was fine up in Wisconsin, and kept it up until about midnight,--so there being only about ten inches of that this morning the ground was cov-- snow and the thermometer registering ered to a depth of several inches. The about 13 degreps below zero. . Nice temperature Also took a drop and it |spring weather, as it--were.. s is now real winter again. . | l e cf. of._ ' ie The Virginia Cafe opened for pbusi-- as part of the seasons musica! num-- ness last Saturday night, when a fine bers the joint recitat of Vera Poppe turkey dinner was served to nurly}rcollht of international reputation. 200 Libertyville folks.. The--wew res-- and Carleton Cummings, tenor of Chi-- tuurant is owned by E. A. Koehn, and cago, who appear at the Auditorium the fixtures and appointments are the]'!'hentro on Wednesday evening, Jan. last word in the way of besuty and 27. These two artists wikl render a conyenience. The walls are all pan-- 'program of standard numbers that will elled with dark wood, the floor a beau--| fully appreciated by al. Country-- tiful tile, and the tables and counters |wide press comments on both artists sno wwhite. Mr. Koehn has employed |assure us of a program of the highest a capabie chef and the success of his 'artistic merit. _ ' venture seems assured. Je S 5_ *E -- M . O. 1: Oliver, of Evanston was in Lib ertyville Tuesday to look over the new building he owns, now oecupled by the Consumers Company and the Vir-- ginia Cafe. Mr. Oliver--shas just return-- ed from several weeks spent in the Carolinas and Georgla. He says that part of the south has nothing on Lake county, and that it was as warm here Tuesday as in that Tamed land of re-- puted warmth and sunshine. or ope large building this week, and. that one of the best corners in the vil-- lige is being bargained for Inquiries have been made for still another busi-- ness house. Nothing definite has been done in any of the details. Glen G. Briscoe, of Chicago, was in |PCRTS in JOWNL TML} Libertyville today. Mr. Briscoe is a | @Winent internatic members of the firm of the Nonhi?udltoriuzt'? Theat: Shore ~Exgtnqm and was hete look-- |January 27, posses ing over things, W$ . ~>me . ':J:u-g_.xlweo which --has Ing in our vMage mfie big-- Mnu'?mm the ske animing aitimifinr * Pkis finm JanJ¥ re. NXbere ha han £D10€ vating for the new | pital at Great Lakes es -- / Oe en oo BE eE oi P RNBVC CC APRRPNT d M t t e e 2 for ope large building this week, and:bana this week attending the mteflnz' that one of the best corners in the vfl-" of those interested in the farming situ-- lige is being bargained for Inquiries ation. _ Selretary of Agriculture Jar-- have been made for still another busi--\dine, Former Gover Lowden and Gov-- ness house. Nothing definite has been|ernor Len Smail are on the program. done in any of the details. Willard Darrel!, president of the lake County Farmers' Institute, E. Harris, . H: C. Lewis: D. C. who bas been [D. H. Minto, president ot Lake County practicing the science of Chlropncue'hm Bureau. and Frank Cripton. are in Libertyville for several months, also 'attending the meeting, all going was --visited by a state inspector this to Urbana by automobile. morning, and summoned to appear at * Room 1106, 130 ':-.w'l'l: 3"'.(':""': Bill Peterson heard a noise in the to answer to a charge ting the medical practice act of the state of"w" of his gas tank near the barn mmaix Dt Lewis had his office in|last Saturday night, and got up to in-- Results are what count! i ' Good intentions, don't get you anywhere. - Knowing how to invest a few dollars monthly to Apply towards futurg independence, __________ Produces resutts that will be mmf?mfi e Investments in Sunnyside Park wil Never lose a single dollar. Greatest profits will be made in Sunnyside.. to answer to a charge of violating the medical practice act of the state of Illinois. Dr. Lewis had bis office in the Gridley building, over the Cole harness store. He formerty practiced in Wilmette. According to Dr. Lewis, no chiropractic has a license in this state, but také a chance on being ar-- rested for practicing their profession. He hbas advertised his offiee for rent, CARLETON CUMMINGS January 27, 1926 A Rare Opportunity Given to Libertyville and Vicinity of Hearing Two of the Fore-- _ most Artists of their Kind. (Cellist of International Reputation) (American Tenor) --AT-- Auditorium Theatre Joint Recital VERA POPPE " an# 8:15 P. M. z |The Boulder (Colo.) News says of his ,.Jvork there : "(";flegon_ Cummings, of --"Chicago, sang the tenor part in the «t |'Messiah' He has one of the greatest & : voices ever heard in these parts." . THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, ~'K. (L, Kaping last week took titlé to the two lots and buildings of what is known as the Robbins Woodworking Company. The consideration was re-- ported as $1250. Mr. Kaping has no plans as to what use the property will be used for. He has an notice in an-- other column ofering 125.00 reward for the arrest and conviltion of anyone entering the biuidings-- or damaging the property in any way. Libertyville is fortunate in having as part of the season's musical num-- John Cichy, the tailor, put on a fine advertising stunt the last week or two. when he offered to clean and press any boy or girls suit, provided they were for children under tweive years old, without charge. Needless to say. the response was prompt, and Mr. Cilhy had a hundred or so suits to clean. .He made good on his offer, however, and says he would fmve tak-- en that many more. C _ Carleton Cummings, tenor, whoap pears Th joint recital with"Vera Poppe, eminent' international "cellist, at the Auditorium Theatre the® evening of January 27, possesses a very beapu,ful --There will be a meeting of the di-- rectors of the lTake County Board of Agriculture «t the Farm Bureau office Saturday of this week. The directors will at that time call a meeting of the stockbolders of the association. to take action in the maiter of disposing of the fair grounds. This action is neces-- sary before anything can be done in the matter of disposing of the ground. Bill Peterson heard a noise in the vteunyolhhmunkmru:ebsn last Saturday night, and got up to in-- vestigate, taking a loaded shot gun with him. Bill's dogs were making a great fuss, and as soon as the lights were turned on around the barn, the dogs ran to a fence. The intruder made his getaway, and Bill did not get a chance with (he gun.© * + <ngiimins se# <>= Taa s onl e d us 1926 WM"" BAE uP i t prtge 4: || To Become a Partner You Business is built upon MONEY plus braing. Many persons have brains, but they have no MONEY to grasp opportunities when they come. Are YOU one of these? If so, start a bank account TODAY and see how quickly success will come to you. Your future will be what you and your MONEY make it. e We ipvite YOUR Banking Business. -- _ Start Saving Regularly NOW FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 LIBERTYVILLE THE NORTH SHORE LEAGUE, WITH THE FOLDS TEAM A CLOSE SECOND, THE RESULT OF THE GAME ON FRIDAY NIGHT WILL DECIDE THE LEAGUE LEADEARSHIP. COME oUuT AND HELP THE HOMETEAM WIN. THE WAUKEGAN AMERICAN LEGION TEAM |8s NOW LEADING ADULTS 50c Ab44 4444 Is It a -- e 1 ~Financial Problem? Lake County National Bank If so we are }L&d to offer you our advice backed by twenty years of experience with the fi-- ~nancial problems of this commu-- American Legion The Strongest Team in The North Shore Léague * At The L. T. H. S. Gymnasium L.--d s Foulds Famous Five Foulds Girls Team Strong Opponents Capital Surplus and Profits $100,000.00 ' __ Libertyville, Illinois To serve you in such a way that your financial success may be more easily attained through our helpfuiness,; is our desire at a'l times. First National Bank Havr MonNEY! _ 6P --Waukegan bubrk-- 444 t #44 v.. CHILDAREN 2e

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