_ TRY TWO MEN NN _ _ _ PEATH OF DEPUTY j the policeman descended into the liq-- £. "uld. He. found the body, but could ~..--"_ mot--bring it --to the surface because _--__'_ _ of the heary fumes. "Firemen raised .: "" the body ffom the vat. -- --sel C--~miOitration," The miners, ubalter-- « , £ * o * P ably opposed fo "arbitration," deeply : +; 8 + p reseuted the ~ Insinuation . against & § é . " s . e ; _ .__<~__ their. patriotizm.: TX ]:..*> m :sm* «x & e § x . o onk %, ( P C onx nemmniesoha .1 c Be ~right |-- 4 whi P f \ Tee Kz hi M._.-.wwmflfiur, to | * a e e 6 25-- _ s St. Lotus, Feb. 1.1--Fumes. from the # mash, it was believed by authorities «--«~--taodar. duazed Paul BerrittieA, 10, and h eaused ~him to topple ijnto a nuge liqwor vat where he was drowned. The ~___._ Yat of 20,000 gallon capacity was orty _»_-- partly filled. + __----two years amF" to keep "wet goods" & out of the United States.. _ .. _ ~, -- A report just Jssued showse that E;* . "We cannot now m: wntlhlot 1::; hi compuilsory arbitration," _ --_» /. The operators on their part accus-- w *fi"'"' of attempting to impose °_,__. d# will --upes--us, our employes and _ _' -- M#e people of .this country." " . _--«~ --James Dewey, observer for the de-- __ _ word received hbere &rim Hankow® _--__ Appeal . to the «_ Joct zevision of * _ Philadelphia, Feb. 3. -- Gloom «. mhrouded: the anthracite .region-- to: h- For the secand time since the _ . Goal . strike was called last Sep _--. #ember first, negotiations> between ._ Off abruptly last night in a 'flareup : Of bitterness. . .,.~ | ; _ Charging the 'operators with cre-- ~-- ~ating "as truly a lock out as ever g;n the history , of . American ," ~Joihm L Lewis, président of the mine workers union, prepared . to draw taut his line of battle in ap-- _ parent expectation of a fight to a : DOWNS IN VAT OF ILLICIT LIQUOR 1 tossed into the streets to die. an%d banditry is rampant according to the reporta, . UCsless rellef is forthcoming immed ananguai, Feb. 3..--Zamine was ex-- acting its grim~tall in the Province of Honan, according to word received With the price of rica advanced 806 per cent because of the drounght, thoussnds, it is anid, tace death from Mundreds of persons ar existing on nothing but roots, the repott egid4, and women and girls are being bartered Buates. He said that a groat variety of goods was smuztied Into Canata im exchange lor the liquor going south. Yor "brenking faith with the t Canmda for lilicit entry into the TUUsited States in the past cight mou ha, LdAL ihe Lanadian govertment has appointed "crooks and criminals" to Wmmm.mwnm_ THOUSANDS STARVE IN CHINA CITIES SAYS CROOKS JOLD -- CANADIAN OFFICES Stavens aaked for a epacial com miesion to investigaie alléged smug wling of narcotics and !lHiqwor. on the border of.. Quebec and the United ing beaten. While poking Interior of the vat with a Polige found the boty when an in-- vestigation of a summons . to -- the nelghborhood that a woman was be-- tor-- was 'umz\;uneu deelaring the m. had ever siood. for arbitration," ;\0 ?lnm ubalter-- ably opposed "arbitration,". deeply With no food for the mouths of the mary children, the infants are be Oita®, Ont., Feb. :. ith Sides Claim Lack of Sin g the trial of Paul Chap I, and Charles Oz his bome address _ A&= Rast StL. Louis," charged o HH ¥" s IP i T | wzarig Wp§*~ J «c mporss im stt * um rmenie ommmantin m P EY IS > |PRINCE GUEST OR "MINERS | IRISH CLUB DINNER m-m' END l;;don'. eb. .':mrlnc: of \\'l!("u: IN GLOOM g'vidbldauc'uois l:':tnund. in keep with the new it of reconcilia tion whic resulted last yeéar in the Feb of -- Charging im c - sOoLD BY DoDck ARoTHERsS team : | 1 , P 2EALERS EVERYWHERE the the Pl of resolution -- introduced today by Sen-- ator Bruce (D), of Maryland, «--------RROBE BALE OF SHIPS.~ ~~. Washington, Feb. 3.--A senate 'in-- vestigation of the sale to Heary Ford of --200-- steel freighters by the ship-- ping board, receftly dgemanded in a der his engine u?:'roeo-o.fit Galesburg, III, Feb. 3.--Engineer Jokn J, Gallagyer, of Burlington, la., was killed and fireman C. A. Hunger of Galesburg probably--fatally injured here early today when a Burlington route mail train, Chicago to Denver, junfbed the track, overturning the lo-- drawnm--out boundary dispute between the ree State and Northern IJreland, London, eb 3.--The Prince of Wales; will be the guest of homuor of the Jrish. Club of Lonzson at a banquet tw be cheld here the evening of St, Patrick's day--March 17. '--An effort is now being made to make this an occasion of general re-- union on English soll 'béetween the lio'u whic resulted last yeéar in the a ble.;settlement of _ the ~long-- ENGINEER KILLED .. --IN TRAIN WRECK 2. Sm t 22 Lake and Genesee Streets Phone 228 and-- derailing three 'mai} JAS. MORROW & SON Merit Le New Prices 1 Ton Chassis -- $1030 1% Ton Chassis -- 1300 MBM Low Chassis 1359 crusaed ut ; umped as Graham Brothers have expanded tremen-- dously, both in buildings and equipment--and are now passing the savings on to the buyer. Demand increased so rapidly in 1925 that _ ~ -- | Graham Brothers attained undisputed NC . Leadership among the exclusive truck manu-- facturers of the woftld. s . _ - Such demand calls for expansion. Expansion. oo dnautiowis. means --still greater production, Greater pro-- _ ~~~~~*~ duction means savings in manufacturing _ . That explanation is--overwheliming de-- mand. j > There is only one explanation of the new low prices announced January 7th by Graham Brothers. liams, of Clarksdale. 1 Mrs. McWilliams, who took an act-- ive part ~in'the filing of siuts in Butte,-- admonisked 'by ~her attorney "not to talk too much," today told soms of her story, She salid Clark ~came.to .DeKalb (oee e i amagee sn ap t _school there, later she says, he married her mother. While 3 and her two sitters wete quite small __The oldest Inhabitants remember-- the young school' teacher but cannot understand the apparent conflicting dates relatives to his marriage,. At-- mer .wile of the wealthy senator, The daughters are Mrs. Addie Clark Miller, who© now lives ~in Denver: Mo., and Mrs. Effie Clark MeWN-- THREE IN CLAIM _ < ON" SEN. CLARK'S * FORTUNE TODAY FILE SUuIT FOR MONEY Three Sisters, Claiming To Be Step-Dam Ask Part 3¥ ¥ _ --Chleago,--Feb.--8. _A writ _of _ at-- tachment against Marty Durkin's sole cash assets, $2,295, was Jsgued by federal judge George Carpenter today on petition of Charles. W. Porter of Los Angeles, who. alleges that the money is the alleged bai}-- ance of $2,500, proceeds from sale of an automobile which he charges Durkin stole from 'him in California. woman later in the day, ATTACH DURKIN'S GHOST WOMAN DIED A NATURAL DEATH e on ie 10 e ie C Te torneys for the sisters give the date 1869 in DeKalb county, Mo., but oth er. records. are--said --to '2' ithe teacher was uurm in Pennsy!vania the same year. re are some who believe th, marriage took place 'in It was "last "March, Mré. MeWil-- lams said, when they yead of the EnE meibite Preaige tet ce t was Q # school in DeKalb county, Missourl, & . ; . a¢ 7 * & peors dactfr ol mesrip? --earle sicry uhk > * A ' * x . irfinenam,s ------ o eeeaaet fi% iL romenrurs fil"; Buy--and 'wf 2 t T ies ho. Palere ty »: 'f'.':*fi!' 4 o _1 o manay um [ t --= 4 " ® 4 o M Pecatns sraneiiintimemia ies cnp alopet *? J * AAKE--COUNIT AD ~~~+4 : }f 3 6 Meosts Each Monday Night at 8 o'cteck | * FIRST NATIONAL sank sUpg. --| * Visiting (Members Cordially Invited. WILLIAM $TOCKE, N. G. ~ WILLIAM McCLAIN, Secy, £ has been found today of two young tee to act, ) --._ e § 4 .39 i <BH. _ T ty ... ~'. FIBE.AT SPRINGFIELD : ~ Bpri UL, Feb. 3.--Firge early wany sighily dtimages a beruey onep bandits who last night trussed up F. J, Albers, a jeweler, and walked off with $500--in 'gems, T L Washington,. Feb. 34--A move de migned to foree a--vote in the House upon: his bill directing the ~govern-- ment to seize and operate the An-- thraciteq mines during the present emergency was taken today by Rep. "Siotnd t Hibe® netegne s ' e a pel 4 Interstate ~and Foreign Commerce Committee 'to report the bill to the House. A majority of the House must SKS GOVERNMENT _ Now'.s] * g 8 M SNOW S [cara ciTe NO TRACE OF BANDITS. --atog Office in First National Bank Building Mours: 1 to 8:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Meets and 4th Tussdays of Eachk -- .?m at Gridley mall Visiting Members Cordially Invited LORA STURAM EDITH LAYCOCK Telephone 329 LIBERTYVILLE Office With Farm Bureau Thoue Canttit t6hit * *----~------------t1--~"J16 P Colds, Grippe and Flu It is the most speedy remedy we know, Preventing PHONE 306)|| =: Dr. 0. F. Butterfield 666 DR. J. L. TAYLOR SUITE 602 MALLERS BUILDING 5 8. WABASH AVENUE CHICAGO LYELL H. MORRIS Kelvinator Phone Libertyvilie: 145--.R--120--.R Office at Hoime on Cook Avenue house complete for a g.ure ap you will M)fl%flm cost will be before starting. -- Going to Build? Economy as weil as Conveni¢ence Libertyville Chapter No. 272 R. A. M WILL CONTRACT to furnish William P. Whitney Phone 2174 . LIBEATYVILLE, ILLINOS ATTORNEY ATLAW LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIE £ LVCE BuILOING Telsphone 163--J LIBERTYYVILLE ILLINO!S R. G. Kaping is a Prescription for ATTORNEY AYLAW Columbia Lodse No. 131 Mystic Workers A. A. Grandy ------ Refrigeration *'~*Office Phone 18 e i @s WWe 5. C Gip %. yeesape s 43e e i Amaiserias it ts it 2iz es MA : *> * PBR eR i # o_ '»,};" a ons y en Prgaat y Ao yz Kier "'M'*W & 5 d e +9 yhe0 CC SA URCY ie s 1 Marqeda Leule dE it hi 2l ol h dn 98 2A a Electric lilinots 1.. Galacite will repair a pune l ture in ONE MINUTE with-- out taking the tire off the 06 wheel or rim; and in addition it will -- make the tire Puncture smimemmes | | "Proof for life. ; * Take a hammer and xiriwe ¢ 2 as many nalls into n tire as _ you wish--50, 100, 5000--it , Inc. Res. Phone 20--J. Office phone 163 Reverse Charges on Business Calls FRED GRABBE Good Meals 50¢ SELLERS & I : PETE RSE N Day and Night Service Smith's Taxi Auctioneerin FARM AND STOCK uu.§ Night Ph. 497 Dayz Ph. 51 ESTATE 581 No, Milwaukee Avenue .IBERTYVILLE JLLINOIS | TELEPHONE 45t+ u&i;:: difference. -- Galacite guarantee it for one year, but it will last indefinitely. -- ARLINGTON: t HOTEL +# _ MUNDELEIN, ILLINOIS _ Telephone Libertyville . 604R 2 Will _Make--Your--Tires PUNCTURE -- PROOF In One Minute Galacite will stop all of 3 those anjpoying slow leak®, such as porous spots, leaky _ such as porous spots, leaky ?alves, pin boles, leaking splices, WILL BE GLAD TO CALL AND DEMONESTRATE W. A. FABER -- A SPECIALTY ~M.W. of A. ACME CAMP No. 176 Ca P