be his sister, Shortly after the ques-- ttons were published, two women came to the newspaper office and had information which proveéd that ore of them, a Mrs#. Armstrong, was the Jong--miasing sieter. It is understood here that she wil} _ghortly sail Tor the United States to visit her brother at Detroit, Chicago, March 3.--Reproved by her imother tor spending & dime ftor candy without asking . permission, Dorothy. Haller, 13, shot © herselt through the heart and died on 1m6 way tb a bospital, tune. The approach of another Yule tide awoke old memorles and he de termined to find his eister, Gregr's father had owned a blacksmith «bop and it was there that the children had parted. With his letter to the Belfast paper, he enclosed a list of be answered by anyone who claimed to It waes at Christmas time that"the children parted, the boy going to America, where he is understond to have accumulated a considerable for of Highland Perk, Detroit, enclosing $25 to be paid to the discoverer of his sleter, who he believed to be mar-- ried and resijding in Belfast. He say her last forty--two years ago when she was a girl of fifteen. s y Beifact, Mar. 2. ------Through the ad-- ver.iaing columns ol a Beifast news papet a man in Detroit, Mich., has beenr put in touch with his sister Alter & separation of forty--two years. Bereral weeks ago the newspaper reccfved_ a _kger_ from Robert Gregg The next mail brought a §$§ check and a--letter to Frank Boss, secre-- tary of the Police Pension fund. Both bore Exselburn's signature. fore bimeeit, pleaded guilty to a charge of violating a traffic ordi-- nance and Aned Ahimsel{ $5. ... . ------~~~~----JIKSCOTT CASE Charles Esseiburn drove past i s#ferty stop in a moment Of abstrac-- tiow _ When he realized what bad happened, he arraigned Rimself be-- --Akron Ohio. Macckh 2--Akron bas one dyed--in--the--wool--honest motor-- ist. The police pension fund is $5 richer today betause of that fact. Scott's. father bas" not -- satisiled himsel{ that the prisoner is Robert and "Redding" badwmot admitted that identity,> the attommey said, a8649g that the authorities must prove It That a battle, over the" 4entity of the prisoner may be waged at once was indicated by the language of the petition, which refers to him as "a man known as Robert Seott and A@trestrd under the name of Jobhn Redding." ' HONEST DRIVER FINES SELF FOR TRAFFIC VIOLATION Artorney William Scott Stewart, who, retained by Detroit clubwomen, saved Scott's brother Russell from tBe --gallows on the same charge on ie eve o( his execution, obtaiped the writ of habeas corpys long be fore the returned fugitive came with in jurisdiction of local courts. sel; thst William Scott Stewart bad been retained as bis attorney and that a $5,000 de'ense fund had been made available for him. was ' dismissed. _ ~ : It developed during the hbearing that from a madman's cell in 'Ches-- ter asylum Scott's brother, Russeii, spaithed from the gallows i'y a last minute plea of insanity, is directing the delfense of the brother who, to save himself, he charged fired the shot that killed --.young Maurer. llu.nlluicottf it was learmed, bad written brother to say nothing, somit nothing until hbe had com-- -- returned to Chicago today from' Han -- Quentin to answer for killing g..lou)h Maurer in a wuas afternoon rested in a cell after the defense had freed him trom stafe's attorneys who were questionigg h& The first writ falled becawse it directed against police who had turp-- ed him over to the state's aftorney the second failed because the state's attorney had outguessed the Gz;uu --by turning Seott over to. the to be arraigned tomorrow on the mur-- der charge. : "® g The desense, represented by . Aitor-- ney William Bcott Stewart, exprees through questioning him and the writ Aepartment :y dl;::;:: :tm Brought . back from San Quentin prison, where bhe was found mh' a robberysentence under is assum-- ed name, the state {olled a writ of the statw in the battle to save him-- selft from death . the noowe for the murder of :..g. Mapnrer during a drug store holdup. foled in efforts to sbow him to wit-- nessos : in tho ~five 'robkery-- charges be fages if he Meurer murder. "protected dguinst coercion now" and becaunse the state's attorney had been foljled in efforts to sabow him to wit AD LINKS KIN PARTED 42 YEARS Robert Scott Charged--With Murder of Joseph Mauer, Loses Fight on Writ, CHILD KILLS SELF I1S BULLETIN . RE--ARRESTED a up, was mm this: t cell after lbc( im .trom state's mmestionizg h@.j becawse it was £* 7 To C of Dickinson, N.D., Mar. 3--After hear ing the report of Dr. H. M. Banks, acting dean of the University of North Dakota Schoo! of Meéedicine, the Jjury investigating the deaths of five nurses, who died of a mysterious ma lady within a week at St Joseph's bospital bere, nu:ned a verdi¢t of Five nurses from Champaign, 11. bospital are to fill the vacancies eaused by the denath of the North Kellogg refused to tee why he denied a Hungarian countess. sons involved "ma; which ought not io this time, SLEEPING SICKNESS CAUSES 5 DEATHS Waehington, Mar. 3. --Reasonse for exclusive of Countess Catherine Karo-- lyi as an "undesirable" remained as dark as a secret ms evcr today fol-- lowing the appearance of Secretary m# @ackil sw 1 1 & * 1 V MiPepbitt Binct t t tistetiatn c¥ 4 of State Kellogg betore the cemate lol:gig relations committee. EXCLUSION SECRET IN KAROLYI CASE ._"I would like to devise a system Ay --which the fana--who pakttonise the games all ssamon would get frst thance at world's serles gameés. -- "It was suggested that the fans keep their rain checka and that they be rated according to the number of rain checks in their possession. The trouble with such a plan would be that most persons throw away their rain chbe--ks Boys would then collect them and sell them to persons seeking tickets to the big series" P lh Ori'et miles pame euch fall If there were sea's to accom-- from the southern training camps. | "A friend 6t mine rmiflrtald' me that football is more popular | than baseball. He pointed out the| faot that as many as $0,000 per--| sons often sitend gridiron contests My answer to this statement is that| 500,000 persons would attend the . Néw Orlesns, 'Mear. }--"Basebail's greatest year is right abead" deciar-- ed K. M. Landis, high commiwsoner of the national pastime in an ints; view hbere today. SEES GREAT YEAR FOR BASEBALL J. Rioux and.wife to W. J. Zahale and wife jt tens. Part of lot 44, J. 8. Hoviland's North Shore Acte subdn. WD $2500, stamp $2.50. C. W. Esentrot and wilfe to H. Weh-- renberg Jr., Lot 59, Sunnyside Park subdn. WD $10, stamp $1. C. W. Esentrot and wife to W. J. Fendick and wife, jt tens. Lot 42, gun-- nyside Park addn in libertyville. WD $10, stamp §0c. FEmma A. Bogue to J. Orednick. Lot 135, J. L. Shaw's subdd, Sec 18, Avon. WD $400, stamp 50¢. > s und wite Jt tens. Part of Jot 115, Lyon Acres subdn. WD $10, > a M. A. Crane and wite to W.--J. MC Kinley and wife, jt tens. Part Of See 31, Libertyville. WD $10. i uon' > 4: M. A. Crane and wife to C B. Mun-- ro and wife, jt tems. Lots 1 and 2. block 3, M. A. Crane's addn to Area, Bec 31, Libertyville. WD $10. _ M. H. Petrick and witecto 4. AMgt Lot 62, Tower &ul'm'kpu"l on Fower Lake subdu. WD $215. ~--C. Wilborn and wife to J. Curnow and wife jt tens. Lot 9, Oak Knoll, Edward M. Laings subdn. . WD $1, stamp $1. Union Bank of Chicago to Margar-- et W. Taylor, Lot ¢9, Forest Home : Bec 21, Shields. Deed $10, stamp $3. -- G,. A. Dietmeyer--and wile et a¥ to J. A. Clark. Part of Sec 29, Newport. Q CD $,000, stamp $4. p _J. E. Peterson and wite to C. M Chase, and wife, jt tens. Part of Bec 10, Grant. Deed $10; stamp $2.50. . M. HM. Detrick and wife to A. M. Trout. Lots 50 and 61 in Tower Lake !_'s_!t'gpu on Tower Lake subdsn, G. D. Johnson to Olive A; Johnston. Bundry lots in bik 9, Deerfleld Park Land and Improvement Assn Subdn. WD $10, stamp $8.60. -- / _ _P. J. Sletcher and wife to L. F. For-- eign and wife, jt tens. Lot 151, Shaws subdn, Bec 18, Avon. WD $350. Klizabeth H. Sturgis and hysband to C. I. SBturgis. Part of lot 12, Lake Forest. WD $190. -- | Unian Bank of Chicagoa to C:.KW. DeBmet. Lots 55 and 56, Forest Home, RBece 21, Shiclds. Deed $10, stamp $1. *T _JF. Swanson to Hanngah Friediund. Lot 498, J. L. Shaw's Third subdn on Furnished by the L&AKE COVNTY TITLE AXxD TRUST COMPAXNY Abstracts of Title; Titles Official List of Transfers * ";k"m:: e --% '.wkl< .'* ." alze Al pro jne? ® c ons on _ * --~WE°~--. -- 'sondon,; March 3----Phe % ; comple s "Lecessary of ramson 'to Hannsh Friediund.| supcrintendent af seboole Tor tha 2t freeing Britisk towns from the shaok-- , J. L. Shaw's Third subdn on | nus! County School Fair and Pu--| ppasiseq i» oo Pol" 1* Attikingly em-- ie WD $10, stamp 50¢,. _ --|} P# day that is to be held at Lib in the report of the Liberal Johnson to Olive A; Johnston. | *¥ *M¢. Baturday.----~----------------_ committee; m.;muu under the lots in bik 9, Deerfleld Park|,, !* tRif @xhibition ' and . program | 4!(fTSRIP of David Ltoyd George. _ * nd. Improvement Assn Subdn.| *!, tbe rural and village schoois| , Th!® "®POrt sets forth in startiing ' m'""'" ° Assn Bubdn--] of the county are to take part, with | '**"!0" m:h"fl' of the British land , stamp d s 1. #| the exhibits being shown in the| °78°® in the great towns. It makes :l.tcurl. Vi{:):ou F. For--| town ~hall, and the program being| Y!2!ble that: in _ -- 1 wife, jt tens. Lot 151, Shaws | given in the Auditorium theater _ | _ Lted48 there, are 72000 back--to--hback 220 Waukegan, Di Telephone 4 tell the commit-- passport to the He said the rea ters of state" be divuiged at »~DENIES THAT RE-- *) _ PORT LEAKED OUT Yb y The jarmhound can dance to statfe er crooning melody with equal facit-- uyf-n Antonio Express, _ New York, March 3%-- Mrs. Ro:e Neigran, 22, turned on the gas in her gungailow at Garrison Beach, Brook-- iyD, today and died with her two childrem, aged two years and six weeks respectively. lil heaith and melancbolia caused the tragedy, po-- lice believe. The fire, raraging a $5.000.000 pine plantation, was stillk burming vigor-- ously today. Londe®, Mar. 3--More than a score of mew» fighting a forest fire in the Provinée of Victoria, Australia, are eut off by the flames with little chance of escape, a Meibourne dis patch sald today. Washington, March 3--Joseph B. Eastman, chairman of the interstate Commerce Commissio®, deciared to day it was ImpossiMe that there had been a "leak" of the commission' disapproval of the Van Sweringen rail merge?t,-- which qprecipitated a heary selling movement of the New "In my --opinion, thére was no chance fot a Jeak," said Eastman "The entire matter was bhandled with the gregtest care." > SCORE CUT OFF ~~----BY FOREST FIRE Wu?:htlol. March 3--The Inter-- state Commerce Commission today decided to re--open the socalled Lake Cargo Coal case. This involres freight rate on Bituminous coal from mines in Peonsylvania, West Virgin la, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio, to. Lake. Erie ports for trans shipment by vesfel The commission had . previousiy beld that the rates from the mining districts were not .unreasonable, un duly prejudicial or otherwise unlaw-- ful "m., rn d Catin anenr ige ?v_--,.-.:m:'!fll. ___The actress, a Baby Waimpus star of 1928, 'was married \n 1918 She charges she separated from ber bus-- bend in November 1923. -- In May 1925, Miss Reynolds 'charged her bhusband lived here "with a--tall, dark young Womanr,"* and introduced her as his wife.. * ' She alleged further the girl once appeared stt Montgomery's bhouse in a "pajama effect suit" and "drank gin." TO RE--OPEN LAKE _ CARGO COAL CASE vations, the specia!l program "--m""' through the rural and village schools '_gx!s_. both entertaining and etu-- MOVIE ACTRESS CHARGES TRIANGLE Yz 2y n -- 2 °C WOre --AIE**~. -- Ssondon,; March 3--Tho secessa mlom.bx T. A Simpson, county freeing Britisk :owu tro: the nzo:, superintendent of schools for the &D--; les of land . nual Co }* Pm' ~ of monopoly is nflkhxy em-- pits day that is to be held ai 149 | PRAS!S¢d in the report of the Liberal mh thhm ¥ o al pm editership of Tioyd George. -- all of the rural and village schoois | , Th!® "°POrt sets forth in startiing of the county are to take part, with | !2*2'0" "':h"fl' of the British land 10e exniblts being <shown in tme| THSfe® in the great towns. It makes town and the program vie : in -- given 'i:n{h Auditorium th":.'b 8] _ Leeds there, are 72,000 back--to--back "u'."""" un"b" o yogag mmm'ln ham _ 40,000 _ back--to back ent u. e & C to-- bac mt."'w.,,m.'mil o _ -- ' -- On the program that is to start j Glasgow there are 14,900 one--room at 11 o'clock in the morning. J. M.. tenements and 22%,000 two--room ' tene-- Appel, of the Highland Park state, ments, crowded with from seven to bank, will discuss "Savings", in con--| twelve persons in each. mection with the school bank saving Conditions Are Bad. -- -- man <that has met with such pepular| -- These terribly insanitary and over appea! throughout the country. . | crowded houses. the report noil##r ant BE AT -- LIBERTYVILLE Plans Made by T. A. Simpson, School Superintendent, for Another speaker of note will be Any Old Noise at All THREE DigG BY Gas What Is Absco:=: HOOL FAIR AND PUPIL DAY TO BE HELD SATURDAY County Event. | Who Sells It? "Ask Your Neighbor. yB i* Catching, or Being Caught 'The early bird catcbhes the worm But bow am I to know which I am.-- The Third Link HITS --COP; RUE# iT Chicago, March 3.--Michae! C« lo, resenting questioning by 3« men, #wung his fist at one o' t The answering blow knocked o hat and a dozen forged checks $50 each fell out of it. Two fifinancial trustees to operife the Star and arrangs its sale within two fFears or Mrs. Kirkwood's death. as ordered in the will of Ber father. were erpected to be named today by the three university officiais chosen by him as trustees of the newspa per property. & Mrs. Kirkwood's personal effects under the will, must be sold to per sons unknown to her and residing a least 250 miles frotm Kansas City. giren the estate for life but the prin-- cipal is to be preserved--intact 40p the speci fAic purpose of erocting an art building, purchase of a site or both. BUILD ART GALLERY ON KIRWOOD MONEFY Intensifed house--build try s«s@rrounding. better tram«port and the trans! crement in land vaiues are Loyd George's' rems« present condition of Bri beamltbhier and more pro The 1921 census shows that only 38 Pper cent of London families live in healthy conditiops. In Shoreditch, one of the crowded distmicts of London, the death rate per thousand for the five years ending 1921 was 18% 3. In Bournville an up to--date garden suburb near Birming-- bam,. it was 7.7. land, Then came the overcrowding and the consequent insanitary dweli-- ing places. The set--back in house-- biulding during the war brought the trouble to a head, while, at the same time, increasing the gemeral discon-- tent. * ~On the question of beusipg it is difficult to avoid despai>; patient af-- terpatiecxt tells the same story of i}l health due to being forced to live in over gvvde'. insanitary houses, and often "butpatient treatment in such conditions s--»ms thrown away." Crowding , Biamed. -- The report 'of the City of London Hospital for diseases of heart and lungs for 1924 says: ~ had to 'do nothing. Value Iincreased as demand grow. 'And as the value grew so the work-- man's dwelling grew smaller and smaller on account of the value of the . Lloyd George points out that the de-- velopment of industrial activity, when the people _more and more had to cluster together to be near the fac-- Conditions Are Bad. <-- -- _ These terribly insanitary and over crowded houses, the report poiffts out, Are the offspring of the excessive Sost .of land. which W ity. It makes transport difficult and in many cases renders street widen-- ing impossible, for the simple reason that there is nowhere eise for the poor fehoused people to go. > | . The main remedy suggested by.--the report is for the community to build outwards where land is cheap and where the inevitable growth in Jand value will belong to the --community and not to private individuals. . + UNSANITARY _ conoJyrtions Evils of Present System Show in Overcrowding in Poor Sections of Big Cities. LLOYD GEORGE _ HITS ENGLISH LAND MONOPOLY house--building in coun t zzx-l% means . 0 er of the in to the S:at« 55. "'_' 3 se :4 Fe_ss Kectiue until. $ J"'z*'"":""""':""" ipmebcrasaiminl s k -- ney § o. -- + * --ofienine anthMerch 28 we make this verluction nows BBB . :--=----s----. . :"> . 4--4.--<nl [ Teheran, Persia, March 3.--Shah Rizah Khan has undertakedt & "re-- form regime." The army, commerce, bo,zpu. rights of citizens and na-- tiofal colnage and weight and meas-- ures have all come under the keen eye of the reformer. § A compulsory military service act has been enacted requiring all male gluuu upon reaching 21 to serve Rizah Khan form r°¢1-0.; , righ tb}al coinage ures have al} eye of the re A compulso START REFORM _ MOVE IN PERSIA years in the army, _ -- _ Persian subjects are now re Hadson--Esser; World's Largest Builder of "Sixes" and Third Largest Producer of Motor Cars Phone 456 ESSEX 6 COACH --~--~ --. $870 HUDSON COACH -- -- -- $1300 HUDSON-- ESSEX Remember these ars ast "F.0.B. FMM"M&MM-OM. door, including freight , remaining war tax, and the lollowing equipment: there is no reason to wait. Though the automobile tax reduction law will not become -- MAIN GARAGE Now Effective (February 27th.) Lower Prices S S "At Your Door" Mason, Mich., March 3.--Indirect testimony that Miss Louise iKng, al-- leged victim of a criminal attack by Arthur Rich; millionaire's son, was not unaccustomed to unconven-- tional parties was introduced at" the ATTACK CHARACTER -- OF LOUISE KING quired to adopt family names, and register births, deaths and mar-- by Libertyville, III. for de-- w».independent © Want Ads ults. in Miss Torongo's opinion, as e%* pressed through Howes,; was entered The "witness said that . Miss rongo had commented upon the that Miss King was smoking> C ettes and, apparently, was bot sophisticated. w Some 2s bof Mb teck with Aion milh Elizabeth Torongo, Michigan ¢o--ed. and fense, the court records, on 9n P i3 14