B * is ~I LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT . Lake County's Bie NS ~* > . 60 DAYS IN JAIL ~ ~~--alVEN WOMANTIN-- * BOOTLEG CASE ~----vYVOLUME X**XIT--NO:§$ -- *____a bBL, sensidering facts concerning _ ____ @riminal prosecution against 26 peo wu.--_. . . Georgq. fichter _ Mre romais Of tnanit anu Sxnetia. »:0 9f ~~><german ttif "Ads" PS ail -- Weqh> (progran Or manit ane"deueths. «2o vf <------>yun, charged --with burglary--end--14" | cogrse--the dld Samiliar Midway Lt full geny dating back to Auzg. 20. 1925. | swing. $ ' y when the Samu¥ Schwarts home was And last, but not least, will ge the * -- entered and furniture. stolen. giving away"in the evening of a beau-- $ John Mundro and Stanley MOTAD.;;iry; Hudson Coach and a $28§5 Frigid-- charged with criminally . attaCkiDE |pi}, system of automatic refrigeration Edith Burman and lrene Kcnw;!b, electricity. -- f ~ Fail to Adjourn Body, But Hold © Them for Klein Case; Took One Day and a Half: , *-- Park Dec. 16, 192 Nineteen indictments out of nine-- teen cases were returned Tuesday by the grand jury, in session<a day and 19 INDICT MENTS ple. was e to give States Attorney k V.Ysgl;g an opportunity to pre-- sent the Arthur Klein® gase later if be desired. Kilein is charged with manslaughter in the .death of Sam-- uel Christopher. . -- Archice Burgess,.~ colored, . North Chicago, charged with murdering his wile, Lottle, was among those in-- dicted. -- True bills were voted against the following: -- : _ Harry Bell, Waukegan, larceny, on a vromplaint of the Price Mercantile company, Racine, -- made June --22, cher , with _ Stanley Jamnas, North charged with stealing an ! from irving Theobold, Nov lc d aca M cBras s Armmmtetinons,-- Aev d from irving Theobold, Nov. 10, 192. Joseph Fabey, Raymond Schara!-- insky and Frederick For, once sail ors. robbery im comnection with the alleged halting of Sam Sedar in North Chicago and sluggingy bim for his mopey. _ c _ Waukegan, Christmas afternoon Curtis Domiey, Anthony imbso and La Verne La Reche, 5?" Sheridan. soidiers, =---- charged #ith _ larceny through the theft of am aujomebfle ol Major Reed Landis in Highland Hutchisson, soidiers, OBATEAA 7# robbing Hem®nan L Cleveland, High land Park cab drivér, Oct. 29. 19 Sidaey Shields, Winthrop Harbot, larceny, accused of stealing an auto mobile from J. L Reed, Feb. 16. George MWiler. Zton, darceny, and Benjamin Noeren. Zion, accessory to the crime of kmroeny, dating back to Jan % when they. were accused o steailine an axtomobile from Wet:«! steaiing an axtomobile [rom "*@'*"/' and Turner, Waukegan John PMWer and Joe Ricks, bot ib Waukegin. burgiary and larceny, im connection with radio thefts at the 'A'!;;;rt Edgerton «tore, Zion,, Dee 3. Jlohsn Brown. Waukegan, burgiary . charged. with breaking--into Domtnick Barber's pool MHI)PP 21. 1925, Jutoes McDonald. Waukegan. lar-- ceny, charged wifth breaki iz Into the Central Shoe Shin«e pfior.'thlm! Jan. 11. -- f Oscar lance, on complaint of Thomas Murpby,. i gery. two counts, on Libertyville merchank Owen C Carm« teny. _ Comfessed from till in No room in Waukegan James Darrow. Waukegan,. ®A* foreman of the grand jury. Mrs Barney Petlich of [Mamond Lake, convicted by a jury in the county court two weeks ago on a liquor violetion Tuesday was eentenc-- ed to serve 60 days in the county jail by Judge P. i. Persons. Mrs. Petlich atgked an appea'l through her attorney, James G. Weich, and a thirty day stay of ex-- ecution was granted so the record could beé prepared for an appeal. The woman and her busband had gone to trial, but the husban! had been acquitted. The state had shown that there were two pints of liquor on the place, which she claim-- ed had been given her by her son for medicinal purposes. Betore entering court Tuesday morning Mrs. Petlich had argued with ber busband in the lower corri-- der of the court house, saying that she did not want to go into court as she was afraid. "What's the matter--they _ can't hang you" Petlich said, encouraging his wife. Mrs. Barney Petlich of Dia mond Lake, Sentenced But Demands an Appeal. The jail sentence on this woman is the first on the sex in many a day. Mary Pink of Waukegan wae wont to draw these penalties with regu-- larity but she was one of few to re _ The costs of the auit were also as-- sgeased to the defendant. %* She had lost a motion for a new [ #A ance,. Waukegan, (0r&kery nt of several merchants Murpiy, libertyyille. for-- counts. on complaints of Carmean, Waukegan,. !ar-- fessed to taking money n Nortb Shore waiting JURY IS HELD mnas, -- North Chicaog., sealing an Automobile LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT !---!';)ril and Glen, of W. L. 8. fame. may 'be out that day to tell you all i"Hello!" . Tikere will be pleuty of good Big Time in Village of Libertyville July 22 July 22%, 1926, is the date set to be rfin _ as "Libertyyvile Day",. this ent to be an annual affair and is lM by two of Libertyville's live and up to L?'e minute organizations, ' The Libertyville Club and Libertyyille ; Post No. 329, American Legion. As both of the above organizations * Ab tain. take a very vital interest in all civic~ _ Sons to $ | matters of our community, they feel | After warning his wife that he wu' that the time is ripe to stage this an-- |,,, take poison, Rudy Swanson, 45, nual event. joint ting was--beld Highwood meat cutter, living at 831. ' Sonl ts h Waukegan avenge, Highwood, _ last 'w":' at the Libertyyille ClIB --pight raised a giase 0t strychald® 16 Prowk C o the Libperiyruiie Clel Wes nig lips and tossed off a bumpel of the Libertyyille Club, was "that would kill twenrty men." | elected chairman; C. O. Carlson, @ ~, _ _ment later he was writink a This is to be a real snappy day, full of fun and frolic for both old and young, and a date to go down in teh anpals of history as one or the high spots in the life of our village. © Meyers, of the Club, as treasurer of the Libertyville Day Committee. . ; . -'i'l--an: are being maide for some HWigh elass auto and moter -- cycle racing, base ball games and other spOFLs.__ . sWwiIng. +2, « : And last, but not least, will ge the giving away"in the evening of a beau-- tifu!l Hudson Coach and a $28§ Frigid-- aire systéem of automatic refrigeration by electricity. -- "w 0_ Of course, of the old "yaller pump kin" was ripe, there would be a prizé for the big one.-- As it is, theré will be prizes for the largest family com-- ing the greatest distance, the Diggesi family in one Ford, the oldest Fard and many others not listed as yet. Plans logth tuneral of the late Christian T-- Heydecker have ®been delayed as a resuit of Mrs. HeyGeck-- ar having sustained a ceevere break-- down following her husband's death in San Die«@o. Calif Accordingiy Attorney Cora) Herdecker son o the de ceased. today stated that everything had been tempérarily beld in abey-- ance in conpection with the funeral pending further word from Mrs. Rey-- decker and also from hbis ~ !ittle niece, Gaughter of Mre. Alice Deth-- loff, who also bas «ick in bed for a fow Arays. s The wire that came to Mr. Hey--|'rom (he Neadquariers of the concern decker Friday saiq that Mra H,rl'"' week. The changes were made decker hbad sustained a break down .to permit Arthur H. Jones. general but that it was not serious. "Noth-- | manager of the company and one of tnag more than what could have been the best known eubdividers in the erxrpected." said the wire. (The ub-'('hbam area to apend practically all gram added that Mr3. Dethleff®s lit |of his time in lake counts tle daughter. Caroline. 4 years old.| Jay Cairns prominent in real e« had been sick in bed and therefore tate and aewbdivision circle« in Cni-- pending improvement in both p& caszo hee been appointel ~e sale tients the plans for Mrs. Heydecker |manazer of the company and he wl and her daughter leaving Califormi@ | mantain '\m«.., in -- Chirago. -- Mt. for Wabkeran Sundsy evening Bad | Cairne is a former Chicaco nows;ape been postponed. h utars L--n. but since retiting from journe-- "And ao." salid Mr. Heydecket, "W®8 jjstie work bas made a good record are dompletely up in the air rel® : and a email fortune in e@biflir} "Ttre-- to PoWerat cplams but must walt ) </_%0@# ne. 48-- W further word from the sick ones" | Tke TLake County Land Association MRS. HEYBECKER IN RELAPSE, PLANS FOR FUNERAL HALT Widow of C. T. Heydecker, Expécted to Start Back Home With Body Sun. Eve. Thomas Wilkee. of Mundelein, who fAgured prominently in liquor traffick-- ing a few months back. only to have hie restaurant closed by a court pad-- lock. is in West Virginia and was not present Saturday when his two little boys, Mr: and Harry, were brought into the venile court on & dependency petition. h > Mr. Hulee pevually acts for the etates attorney in dependency matters, and he states that it was impossible to get service on the father WILKES LOCATED IN W. VIRGINIA, OFFICERS LEARN The matter came to the"attAntion of authorities two weeks ago and Miss Polmateer, county court probation officer, invéestigated and reported bark that the father had deliberately de-- eerted his chilkiren. saving that he would be back sometime.~ Children Cited as Dependent, But Don't Want to Leave Orphanage. They are quartered in the Herbian orphanage near lLibertyville at prea ent. and are delighted with the place They threaten to shoot Conrad Brune. head of the eponge squad on eight. and also any oficef who shows up to bring them into court. The oldest is only 11 yeare old. --*~--~FIBRFRTEYVILLE, LAKE COUNT Y, HLLINOIS, FHURSDAY . We . int. . mmigeg t n ol o ie i Ee on veth migntty 4 E& Pher ank _ en ~'4'~mw «a--am,!si!tfi* MeZ m""fl"?i':_ '.'fé,'..' his wife were at home in the even ASKS BOYS NOT ln: in the vicinity of Libef#yville l: Mundelein. _ were _ announced from the headquarters of the concern last week. The changes were made _to permit .Arthur H. Jones. general | manager of the company and one of the best known eubdividers in the i('lk:-m area to apend practically all | of bis time in Lake county , Jay Cairns prominent in real e« lrmn and awbdivision circle« in Chi-- zo hes been appointel ~ne sal+e | manazer {( the company and he wl | mantain frre« ; in -- Chicako Mt. Cairne is a former Chicaco nows;ape but since retiting from journe-- listle work bas made a go~d record :and a emaill fortune in e«@bdirigion Highwood Father Dies Rueing Drinking and Asking His . * Sons to Abstain. "Please boys do not my own hand." In the first sentence, Dr. Robert R. Jacks, of Highwood, says the butcher had probably wanted to say, "Please, do not drink." _That, as far ag Highwood people know, was the d&nly vice of Swanson At gimes be wouid havee@ few drinks, but informants are quick to add that he was "kind, polite, obliging, good hearted, competent, and* a --neatly arereted mWwaL . . 3o0y*s z2 A moment after she became alarm--| ed and called Dr. Jacks. Dr. Jacks asked her to touch her tongue to the drink and see if it was as bitter as epsom salts. ~She did and replied it was. The result was that the phys+ clan hurried to the home to find the man trying, in his dying struggles, to pen the note that would serve 38 a lesson to bis somns, Warren, 21, and Burton. 14. In addition be placed in the last line, repeating while his wite wrote, it is understood, so that she wonuld be absolited of all bliame. _ HMe died in ten'minutes.~ > Swanson hbad lived in w Sfor yeart and was well &: C: his wife were at home in the even mg, 1 is learned, csnd ~about ~11:05 be stood before her and said tha} be was going to drink a glass of poison. She did --not believe what be was saying, but was inclined to think bis words were in jest --~Change in offcial roster of Tak» County Land Association. a Chicaze comcern with e«tesnive boidings in BIG REALTY FIRRM MAKES CHANGE IN ITS MANAGEMENT The Chicago Title and Truet com-- pany Friday filed with<the clerk of the @upreme court a notice that a rehear-- ing will be asked in the case against the Chicago North Shore and Milwau kee railroad. The railroad. through condemnation, acquired a tract . of land lying west of Lake Bluff, the lo-- eal court firing the valus at $1.000 an acre. The owners sought to prove that the land wase worth much more for eubi{vieion purprees. A few days is plafning a series ol impruvementé in the Libertyville and _ Mundelein areas that will mean much for the de-- velopment o( the crental part of the county Lake County Land Association Names Well Known Realtor At the regular meeting of the village board last Tuesday night, the question of buying ne wfire apparatus was set-- tled when the board, by a vote of 3 to 2, voted to purchase the Interna-- tional truck, equipped with the Peter Pirgch fire fighting apparatus. A mo tion to reject all bids was defeated. and after some little discussion, the board acted as above stated. A com plete description of ihe new -- engine will be given in a later issue of this paper. At this meeting an ordinance was passed providing for a fee of 10¢ per running foot for all new sidewalke this to be paid to the village, and cov-- ers the cost of engineers in establish-- Ing sidewalk grades, etc. SEEK REHEARING IN SUPREME CT. ago the Supreme court sustained the local court. Now a rehearing is sought. . moment later be was writing * TAKES POISON Entered at the Postoffice at Libertyvillie, dllinois, { Li4beftyville ? _ anpounced { the concern s were made ones. .general y and one of riders in the practioally all I die at Dr.: Burlison to Conduct DEADLY WE APONS Seed Corn Day March 8. |ycoyrpFD HERE The Seed Corn Culling Demonstra-- tion on Monday, March 8th, at the Farm Bureau office in Libertyvyille is to be conducted by Dr. W. L Burlison of the University of Illinois. Lake' county farmers are thus fortunate in , having secured Dr. Burlison for this . occasion. He is the successor to Dr.| C. C. Hopkins, who died in 1919. Many: new and valuable afcts about corn and | corn growing have been discovered in | Illinois the past several years. . These . will be demonstrated next Monday aft-- #rngon, bmmm,g_gfi,x:g(fi Farmers are asked to bring th samples of 25 éars or more of their seed corn to this * meeting. _A goo® attendancé Is ex--<| pected, as 'this is a real opportunity 'to make use of the practieal ML{ v+dge which farmers: and the Univer-- sity together have worked out on the . seed corn probléem. s | GAY PARTY TOLD _ ABOUT IN COURT; o --JURY HAS CASE near Gurnee, defended himself . on a charge of viblating the prohibitory law Tuesday in the county court, de ntod.tgl he had furnished the liquor a gay party at his home, declaring the liquor to be the property of hbis wife, ond that she had it for mpdical puerposes., . Frea --mottoi, " piraryeu un ~~Boore Sates, Said Buoze«~ Was There as Medicine. In face of that Bert McManaman, of Waukegan, who had been one of the merrymakers, stated that be had paid :_15 for four meals '# had i the loss than t# of wiiakey. . _ "_ wl *« $11,617 WILL BE TURNED OVER BY _ COL. A. V.SMITH This case was brought to light when deputies picked Miss Pak! up from the middle of Belvidere gtreet, where she said she had faAllen from the automobile. When the men noticed that she was not in the machine they drove back,. the state anpounced at the time, to pick ber up. ~ _ They. confessed then that they had drink» at Nottlof's. Three Take county people were' wheld to the trial call in the county court in bonds of $2,000 last Monday L. H. Ackers of Abertyville, cMarged ; with assaulte with a-MnM& in an automobile accident, Mrn.' MaThilda Durham, negress, charged with liquor violations,. and Low!Is | Cummrowsti _ of _ Highland Park. | charged with -- carrying . concealed weapons, were the defendants and each entered a plea of not guilty. William Sackman, who had been witk bim that night, 44. not see any money passed, nor did the {lrln. Mrs Harry Bell and Miss LyGia Pah!. They. were, they said, glori-- fed to 'the point where they dfdn' distinguish accurately what was transpiring. 4 _ Nottlol satated that he did not receive any payment for the whis-- The case went to the jury about noon after arguments had been com-- pleted by Attorney Jack E. Bair-- stow, for the defendant, and At-- torneysMinard Hulse and Harold Hansen for the state. s Staites Attorney A. V. Smith last Monday turned over $#11.61780 to County Treasurer Ira E. Pearsall, as the amount of fines and {lees cal lected between Nov. 21, 1925, and Feb. 1. 1926. This Represents Fines for Last Quarter; Has Sent 176 to Jail in Five Years. This is about his average per quar ter from booze, gambling and vice fines. In the five years and three months that hbe has been in office be bas collected a total of $244,401.14 in these kind of cases. In addition he bas sent 176 men to the count jail to serve from 60 days uapward. These penailties hbhave been imposed mostly in liquor cases, and is, with-- out a doubt, the greatest showing against booze thaf has been made in the middle west. Most of the work bas been carried. out by the sponge squad. a body' financed by the liquor fines. ' Back of these fines and jail sen-- tences can be written the histories of scores of bootleggérs who have violated the law, and been fined to a point where they were forced to leave the city or go back to work. . BULLETIN.,. * At 1:30 o'crock Tuesday after-- noon the jury in the Fred Nottloi case returned a verdict of. "not guilty." css Fred Nottloi, of Grand, avenue, xt uit > Ailiie m s Big Weekly -- WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN as Second Class Mail Matter. +399 _ Deputy Carl Abistrem, day tm '[ley: uncovered-- the articles -- IWQ heavy tea--foil black--jacks and a knife.. James Gordon Miller, foundt guilty .of robbery in the F. Edson White case, for which Jack Durand is erving time, and Frank Wa'}-- wski, connected with the Peterson clothing robbery two years ago, ad-- mitted owning the weapons, the sheriff. said. + s e Sheriff Fears James Miller and Frank Wailkowski Planned -- a Jail Break. Fear of an attempt jail delivery was expressed Monday when Sheriif Ed A&histrom admitted that three deadly weapons . had been found iD the cells of the' jail, and that prie qners . admitted wnership of the weapons ~and i'lldq'fliéy 'were ready to use them. s . _ Miller, it was learned, admitted hat the ~weapons belonged to him and Walkowsk},, -- " :"%i:' was making his «{ounds he ng-.al,mm ating a alice uf * t1C 'waks" m}u'& It was through ibke watchfuiness ot Turnkey Ahistrom that the dis covery was made. No knives of any kind _are allowed> in the jail, and been'done with «* knife. Locking the prisobers in the buil pen be went through their cells, Anding the two three pound clubs and the knife in the cell occupled by Miller and Wa-- 'kowskl. Both have a reputation of being poor prisoners. _ The foil that made up the black-- jacks must have been packed oot of tobacco packages, and probably it took weeks to make the weapOons as the foil was packed bhard from being patted on the fMoor. A Nox from "Who were you going to use them on*" the turnkey asked. "There are onmly two people," Mi} ler is salid to have replied. -- _ There are two turnkeys, one day asq one pight. -- S any jail rights and --will pot them in solitary. ~ R _ Walkowski has been in jafl for about six months, and Miller about eight. e is awaiting the resulit of a motion {for a new trial that is supposed to come up this term. Because he was out of employment, sick and discouraged, Donald ~W. Stephemson. said to be a' nephaw of Ambrose (Cramer, weaithy madufac turer of lake Forest. shut himself in his room at 6416 Kimbark avenue, Chicago. Monday and shot himse}t through the head. He died just as hi¥ wife, Mrs. May Stephenson, reached his side. -- OUT OF WORK, MAN TAKES LIFE, HAD ~--==~ L. FOREST KIN Donald W Stephenson Pu Bullet Through His Head prpvent 'interference on the part o the bride's parents, it was said. The couple were subsequently divorced Stephenson later marrying again. Construction of a new station for the Chicago, North Shore & Milwar kee railroad at Mundelein at a cost MUNDELEIN TO GET $50,000 ST ATION of .",1' has been authorized by Of-- ficials of the road. Construction will start at once, and the station is to be ready to handle the crowds at the International -- Eucharistic . congress next June. Creation of a new business cenfer for Mundelein is foreseen as a Te sult of the location of the station. It will be nearly balf a mile south of the present terminal, which is op posite the station of the Soo Lin»a The new station will be jocated in a twoacre park. at McKinley and Prospect avennes The _ property fronting the park is zomed for bu «1 -- Arthur T. Gerber, architect for the North Shore line has designed the building, which is a replica of the North Shore station at Waukegan. The Libertyville Construction @gom pany was awarded the contract. IN COUNTY JAIL After Iliness. _ have o id E) -- kegan h;; a value of $10.300, t was 2. . onz n zeA learned ursday at the seesion of the ;' C] _" Probate court, in which Judse Deck: -- _ L PPA zl _ er heard the following mAtiers. $ + s« eA .+ y i _ Philip _ --Déetmeyer, _ Wadsworth. LW <-- -- 3 P ~--Proof ot heirship--taker Lettere ot Ad~--_ > j C " ministration ~issued .to---- Isabelie, _ A. * «_ t 3. t R '*' 86| Clark, daughter. Bond of §$200. k a ty --< h | William Marshall, Lake Forest. In-- . [ t gé:_ ventory and Appraisement bill approv-- ; is --3) Y = 2 _ed. Final report apprgved. -- Ksint& -- .| ¥ f 5e Elitabeth A. Dvew, Wadkegan. Wi!l 4 x admitted_to prohate. All p:operty +1 *J s b given to daughter Mary F. Drew. Per; % | tSA kae" sonal estate valued at $200, real es-- _ i9 2 A tate at $10,000.-- Prowi{ of heirship tak C A\ ""4 /fl/ en. . Letters Testamentary issued 'to k €] §..= .;--- ~ al ' William T. Duniéy, brother. "% + . l--,l"'__--fl \ Mary J. Raftér,. Hearinsg on peti-- L P0 3 €Z4 . 2 -- tion {for appointment Bf Comservtator; 4 | . 2 2# n y jury tmal. Finding Mary J Raftor Jm. . ELAE esn .fi _~~myp~dzt . _Boné fixed af. $21,000. . 4 _3 ""5" o d es . Te * . naer 7 Bs uit WR o m 7 teving _ / Afrgmnane 3 -- -I'f'.'.'."'" vsu?r'j'nt%'v,.'gvacg'_:vv E e on o o envvarnnn oc i t n on es es ,Bn.u.'a;,amiw,:'&?mf-'x'i, 23.; s M C : . --~.tition for probate of W filed. a t m"'wm. Wh.'m R :'1 tar hmghm ¥ arch 2'_'?111 *% ce sts '"P*et.'o'r' l(c(}nln,.fi"ulenn. . Inven-- a s --1, tory and appraisement bill approved. After reaching the ripe old A5*"0°/""jgien B Horton, Antioch. Heft tour score and six years, Mrs. WilliaM® ' spip. established. ; Whigam passed away at her home l;l Margaret A. Neely,~ Waukegan. Libertyville Monday, March 1st. |Proof of hbeirship taken. Letters of ° Her maiden nuaume was Isabel Inn-tmmuo.' y« o o. . lein, neice. Bond of $200. Inventor y ney; ard she was born in Middilebe"TY ) approved * ¥ormoni on April 4, 1940, and came, Lawréhce Brean ot al. -- minore, with her brother, td Hall Day, Lak® North Chicazo. Letters of Guardian county. in the year T857 ----~~~~~ ship Weue! to FHtibeth Breah N+ ¥ormoni on April 4, 1940, and came, . Lawrémce Brean oat ai. minore, with her brother, td Hall Day, Lake North Chicazo. Letters of Guardian-- county. in the year T857 f ~~_dhip Weue! to KFHt®beth Brean Na& (On May 8. 1859, sb¢ was united In yello, moth.r. Bond of * 51 000. marriage -- with William Whigam, at Tillie M. Kiest, Deerfeld. Bale of Iibertyville, in the o mulc-W fl( ordered. Additional tond TJibertyrille, in the old Methbodist o $128, approved. " * %+ j Mr. and Mrs. Whigam retired yeyance order to William E. Herr. »'F& farm in 1904, and moved to, Bernard J. Wegener, Volo. Report bertyville where they have since rt of salé of real estaté 4pbroved and sided, enjoying' the frui's of their labOot conveyance ordered <to William E. ol 7: m--r years, and enjoying the COM-- | Herp, . »--m~onsbip of their nefghbors and! piirsbeth J. Moore, 'Antioch., lz hosts of friends. _ __--_ | ventory approved. She was a member of the Episcopal church, having united with that chnrehi in her native city in Vermont, and had the Joy a faith that life continues, ahd | that love cannot lose its own. l - EAMWORK IS$ WHAT PUTS A -- _ .amwl-wsww- & TDGETHER » THATS WHN i AM FOR CHaAMBERs OF Commeres Ajo COMMERrCiAL CluBS » AMD IF THEY4 " MAKE BIG PLANS ALD CAWUMOT ALWA¥s SUCCEED, | AM FOR THEM BECAUSE THEL TRY » NES, SiRL Five childrem were born to them, two o fwhom are deceased. The living chfidren all reside in Chicago -- Col. William Whigam, Miss Helen Whle'- and Mrs. Jean Taylor. Mand and Wii-- liam, Jr, preceded their mother In} death. There are five grandsons, two granddaughters and one great--grand--| son. Her aged husband also survires, and experiences the breaking of a com-- panship which covered a period of nearly sirty--seven years Mrs. Whigam was mentally alert up| to the last, and kept ber interedt in her friends and the affairs of the| wotid. taking a cheerful and optimistie ; view of lifte } The funeral servicés were held this (Thursday) morning af 10 o'clock, con-- ducted by the Rev. John E. Delong. The body will be cremated, and the ashes depbsited in the Vernon ceme-- tery at Half Day Friday morning. TAXI DRIVER IS-- / HURT WHEN CAR TURNS TURTLE L. . McNeal and his brother of In-- gleside drove to Waukegan in their Ford coupe last night, leaving the machine in front of the Majestic theatre while they attended the per-- formance. At 10:30 o'clock they discovered that the machine had been browlinain Waukegan, were re department A fman who gave his name As Hall, and who claimed to be a driver for a local taxicab company, re celved painful cuts on the face when his cab turned over Friday' night on the McCredie hill on Grand ave nue Accident Occurs on McCredie Hill, Grand Avenue; Attend-- ed by Physician. They then hired a local taxicab to take them home. The accident occurred when the wheels of the car got into. a rut. The taxi turned on ite s'4e. , The McNea! brothers e# caved injuries but the driyer was on' al ut the face. A' it this time James Horan and Emil Steikle of Antioch who had BILL BOOSTER SAYS: got into. a rut. The taxi turned on ite s'4e. , The McNea! brothers e# caved injuries but the driyer was on' al ut the face. A' it this time James Horan and Emil Steikle of Antioch who had been bowlin sin Waukegan, --were re turning home. They picked up the ncewpants of the taricab, jaking the driver to TLake Villa where they called z Bocebe to attermd him. I!t was sary to take several stitch es to close the wounis in his face Passes Away at the "Age of 86 Years Ee _ ; [ | -- Klitabeth A. Dsew, Wadkegan. Will "x--\%4 ,--| admitted_to probate. All p:operty . ' ¥ } t %" L given to daughter Mary F. Drew. Per; e / / f sonal estate valued at $200, reAl es . .f'/'_/'*' r| tate at $10,000.-- Prow;{ of heirship tak y *3 . //,{;/ /t{ en. . Letters Testamentary issued _'tn ns 777| mM f) winam T. Duatey, brother x % M -- 4 \ Mary J. Raftér, Hearings on peti-- . . C e -- tion {for appointment 5f Coamservtator; > . " l 6 jury trmal. Finding Mary J --Rafteor m £ . j .," _~~myFe~+gpt. _ _Boné fixed af. $21,000. _. -- , P goad > o va d o4 . % 5.. .. L Emm memeasd deliy Atuita * aBe0 . 5 es e 2 . . ~ig.--~--_._.__.... --] _ Sarah A.Poimpgtéer . Waukezgan. Po.: _: _ Wlngun _ -- .ttlon for probate of Wl filed, and _--_ _ css 'set for hearing March 22nd. 4xA _ i + The estate of Elizabeth Drew, War + kegan has a value of $10.300, 't was 'learned Thursday at the seegion of the Probate court, in which Judse Deck er heard the following matiers. -- i _ Philip _ --Dietmeyer, _ Wadsworth. ELIZABETH DREW _ --_ .__ ESTATE YALUED _ ____.% ~~ ~NEAR $10,000 ~ ~ _ Judge Decker, After Week ® Without Session, Busy in -- Probate Court § William Marsehall, Lake Foreqt. In-- ventory and Appraisement bill approv-- ed. Final report apprgved. -- Ksint&® : North Shore Line Branch to \ _ Conngct Mundelein-- and ~ Winifred 8. Shnel!, Waukegan. Proof of heirship taken. Letters of Attmin-- istration isaued to Blanche M. Sne!ll, daughter. Bond of $200, ° : SKOKTIE LINE TO ' -- BE READY JUNE 1 _ > -- IS ANNOUNCEMENT _ = A. G. Meyers and Lawrence Molson have gone into the plumbing business for themseives, the new firm being known as A G. Meyers & Company. Their shop will be at 530 School street and the new company will do all kinds of plambing and sheet mhetal work, as well as hadling a full line of the high est grade plumbing fixtures Both members of the firm have been em-- ployed by the Schanck Hardware Co., Mr. Meyers being connected with that tirm for the past seven years. He was also with the late H. B Eger for a period of about eight years, and in ;Pflvfm a finished workman. :: elson came here from A Dakota, about three mn% have purchased a new Chevrolet track from LibertyviHe Garage. and are aB ready for business _ a¥f downtow«n MNNUwaukse virtaalnly 4 month before t¥* Euchasistie con-- gress at Mundelein, which is expect-- ed to attrart-- more than 1,000.900 people from all parts of the vorld. The new line will also provide a new high speed outlet for through traille from Chicago to Miwaukee and will permit of enlargement of the company's merchandise dispatch service. A total of 18.229.160 mvm an increase of 1,057.975 as com with 1924, was carried in 1925 o8 the combined transportation. facl Ities of the company. _ Operating revenue in 1925 was $6,850,1865, an valley main line of --the Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukese railroad has progressed so rapid'ty that it will be in complete operation by June 1. according to the company's annua) report, issued Friday. The new additional main line, the report says, will ditectly compect Mundelein with downtowns: Chicago _ Bernard J. Wegener, Volo. Report of salé of real estate «pbroved and conveyance ordered to William K. _John Porteous, Mundelein. .Inver tory approved. P Mr 'lndfi:n Adam ? and ¥t. . and Mre. wWareneot "1.: > and Mr. and Mrs. John Dyer and + Ingrish were entertained at the home of Mr and Mrs. MWike = the occaston being the of Dorothy Behm. °. ¥7-- Jullus Sched, Waukegan»~. lovem tory and appraisemAnt bill approved. Sale of bonds and notes authorized. Increase of $651.178 over 1924 Construction of $1.50 A YEAR the xb