Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Mar 1926, p. 7

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'eral treasurer and is responsible for| ' _ , , «»g= j % «all membership funds which are now | @ LAKE ZURICH 0 mplay sovint n it |© 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 activity in Boone, Lake, DeKalb, Kane | Frank Dighl was on the sick list all Cook and McHenry counties. Member-- |last week, --mmwwvuhu ----_Mr. and Mrs. Daillis of Chicago vis-- tested or who have filed application |red Sunday afternoon with Mr. and with officials for the test. Mrs. E. Goodluck. § In addition. each treasurer of each| Mre. Fred Mordhorst and daughter éounty organization of the Pure Milk |of Libertyvyille visited Sunday with association was bonded for $1,000. |Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodluck, Sr. _ ~Thesetreasurers are: Harry R. Hatch,| ~Miss Helen Harkness is getting on 1« ~Almle, DuPage county; Gerald:. E. _recovering from the scarlet fever. * G. ols, Artington Heights, Cook | -- Arthur ¥Frbelich is driving a hew county;: L A. Huebsch, Mundelein, |Tudor Ford. * Lake county; Ed 8. Smith, Harvard,| Mrs. Nettie Fox of Chicago spent McHenry county;: H. C. Klett, Plain-- |the week end with Mrs. Roy Williams. _ 'Seld, Will county and Robert Mont | Mr. and Mrs F. Hoelt ang Mr. and gomery, Poplar Grove, Boone county. | Mrs. Albert Hoeft are expected home 4A officials and employges V&W'Eln-' jng. * 4 cipal action taken at the Pure Milk | 'The Misses Marlan Newton and association's last meeting, it was @an-- |Doris Bchultz--~spent Saturday in Wau-- nounced today at ite headquarters At |kegan. --© ~~ °~ $08 8. Dearborn street, Chicago. c mm . H.--K. Youe of Gurnge, Lake county,| --_____ _ _ _ . _ cay w $ sz 'was bondet for $10,000. --~He i: get |0 0 0 0 006 066 00 0 0 6 PURE MILK CHIEFS PUT UNDER BONDS TO PROTECT FARMER policy, both as a stimulus to testing cad as a Auantiat® retmbotaégient for | 3.ccondd A Mb But Anseliiwitr 4 Ancli chint »Aomnal oo 4 Other action taken by Pure Miik association officfals included a reiter-- stion of their stand that a premium should be paid dairymenp for milk trom tested cows. The distributors which have made a policy of 'paying premiums for teste dmilk were prats ed, and those few which have . not have that increase. That is the stand ef the Pure Milk associgtion." ~ > 0o 000 0000 0 00 0 0 0 0o o 0 00000000000 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. J ~8. Denman and Miss Mary Ralph atte, ded the supper at the Camgregational church in Waukegan Mr. and Mrs. A. :i Barer O° CHE cago spent the week end in Millburn. Miss Ines Poliock of Chicago spent w eok dzughter, Vene Alia and laura, are staying with his parents while their house is being finisbed at Gutnee. *Mr. .'d' Mrs. Gordon Bonner enter-- tained t Bonner Brotbers angd tbeir families in bonor of their wedding an-- niversary Sunday Mr. and Mré Gratz (nee Bernice ) ..:-- E. :-.,--_-- f}""' on snndn& ouu::':ru:;' v-,-..._........:: w. _ cA --% :' = ':.::::w' »R' w i'-A:.;'.' cihpe ' C hicago . Fer-- i --Boudlng--af 21 !c. _ ar napuing's Lake. log the Livet: Mr. and Mrsé Gratz (nee Bernice Dz.un. of Libertyyville, apent the week end with her mother.. Mrs. Dancan Miss Newton visited her cousin, Mre Graf, in Waukegan Saturday. The Girl Rcouts met Caturday. Miss Goddard is captain. They mret every Saturday, also the Boy Scouis, under the leadership o( Mr. Barter the leadership of Mr. Barier i * o+ & 'o' %f b' _# amTLnURX C --P @0ciBTY 'fi"lL"-'"' rmon Rockenbach enerftain . The Millburn ctpurch was the scene the Women's 8uriéty audghbe youn@ of a vrery picturesque mock -eomu"P"'" and frtends of the church las: Monday evening. Feb. 22. The burer | Thurmduy evenfor at ber home . A was prettily decorated with boque!ls short program was kiven a,d an en of pink and white roses and {ferns, jojable evening was «pent and an archway extending actos« the paHorm covered with arbor vitae and rlimbing rose® A musical program preceded th« mock -- ceremony Several -- number: tamison, who wore pink oiZanday and carried a boquet of pink re«es Tae bridesmaide were Miss Viola A)shouse who wore lavander organdy and car ded sweet peas to match, and Miss Droris Sehulteé, who wore pale. green organdy and carried pink and white sweet peas. The flower glir, PhiMis Torfin, was dressed in white and car ied a large basket of pink roses The ring bearer, Wallace Torfin four yr& old. was in full evening dress and car-- ried the ring inthe midst of a bou-- quet of pink flowers The grooms man was Edward _ Anderson. The ushers wére Albert Torfin and Carl Anderson. Eric Anderson, as minister read the ceremony. I, J. Slocum act-- ed as father of the bride,. &nd Mrs Torfin, the mother. F. G. EdAwards and Mre. L. J. Slocum acted as fath-- er and mother of the groom. "There were aiso a number of guests and relatives of the bridal party. . " -- A box social followed the entertain ment A wedding cake was also auc tloned off to the highest bidder. A H. Barter of Chi al -- numbers A .. Martin at march Miss Doris gandy and 'sale of the boxes. Chrysier cqach _ * Word has been reteived from Flor-- ida that Miss Mildred Hutchinson was married about the middle of February "o o o o o 0 0o o o o 0 0o 0 0o a "S"" Mrs. Nettie Fox of Chicago spent the week end with Mrs. Roy Williams-- Mr. and Mrs F. Hoelt ang Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoeft are expected home to a young man living in the seutherm state, by the name of Stewart. They will make their bome in Flogida. Mrg. Carl Ernst attended the Ladies: Aid meeting _ -- . gfton> Thursday ufterndon, as the guest of ber aunt, the M. W. A. alt pParTIingi0n monus} |QAEO: . . $ SCIENTIFIC SWEDIEH MASSAG ut . l i . _ | _ Richard Adams of Antioch sPD! " amp MEDICAL GYMNASTICS Fred Busching has bought the Wa!--'last Saturday and Sunday in the ter Plaggt bome on Park Avenue. 'O'Dell home. Residential Work Only ~ Mr. and Mrs. Lee Landwer ~and| M; and Mrs. 0. °C. Waldmann, also _ Office 3510 N. mld' Avenu daughters visited 'Supday afternoon Mr. and Mrs G. W.*Thomas, saw the CHIL / . with Mrs. Sultin at Dundeéd. _ |'"-t Prince'" at the Great North Formeriy with Kellbers institute, | Miss Rose onne was home Sunday.'ern Theatre in Chicago Saturday. TELEPHONE KEYESTONE 1000 Bhe has taken a new position for the| John Kerry and Elmer RICh, WDO ____________.oo mm Ariington Heights News, are attending DeKaDb Normal, are _ dr ETA 1 _ Mr. and Mrs. H. Schaefer cu;mdl'n- spending this wee kat the home of ed relatives from River Forest Sunday 'their parents. atfernoon .and evening. ] The members of the American L* 00",""'.'.9. Miss Margaret Fink is spending this'gion enjoyed a stag party at the home j week af bome from DeaKalb. lof Charles Rossdeutcher at Volo last Miss Lois Weaver, Verna Rudinsk!i|Tuesday night. and Frank Bros attended the bask*t! A large crowd attended the 30th an-- ball game at Palatine Friday night |niversary of Sorosis Chapter, 0. £ES., AMAZINQG NEW TREATMHENT Mr. od Mrs. Herman Prehm, Mr. and 'at their hall Tuesday evening. FOR COLDS, HEADACHES Wm. Tank, Mr. and Mrs. E. Goodluck, Mre. Francis Prehm attended the si}-- ver anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wai-- The play given under the aUspiC®® ) y}» and Mrs_Henry Nulk and daugh-- of the P. T. A. Friday evening at th®|w»» of Waukegan, called ata the Geo school bouse dréw a record breakiD& |pianardson home on Sunday after-- crowd. AM seemed to #eaJPJ it AD0 | poop. many favorable comments were £i¥yen| y»» William Huson spent a few the ones who took part. as well as th* |gay, in Chicago and Glen Fliyn. with Rev. Mr. Irion, who coched. A NUM--'pyrjends and relatives. ~ ber of girls danced the minuet. '"»« Mr. and Mrs. Clint Hendee, Mr. and three little tots from the primar} [ &,., Tony Leonard and son Edward, room sang. Ice cream and cake We!®! moypred to Waukegan on Tuesday served. The reguilar meeting of the evening. . -- . P.'T. A. was held afterwards, and the* ; jrowar; Converse and Dell Smith eommittee i, charge of the MATC! ware on Jury in Waukegan on Tues meeting promises a novel en{CMAIN gay ang Wednesday ment ° If you are not a member (0T) y> and Mrs Phil Wagner and fam-- ment -- If you are not a member (Or would like to be--we are always look ing faor new ones) come to "School Days" and enjoy the affair with us It will bring back memories of days 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0o o 0 o o ( derson daughter. _ Fi Sturm home ( Painful Athletic Ill Chartey--hotse is a slang phrase used In reéference to a severe pain. Athlete® seem to be especially gu@zceptible to this condition. Grantiand Rice detines It as a #udden bunching of muscles in to a hard knot and says that it is one of the most prevalent and most pein-- ful of athietic ils. M Helmuth near Fairfield last Sat The ( Williams is the owner of a new Fe» sum was realized from the APTAKISIC 3t W ~~~ UIBERT i . 111 INDEPENDENT, THURSD Y x8» Chicago, was completed Feb 24, ac cordinx to yulsce > En1 ic .0 day crom t > * ts \ a d °O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o0 Ee 3y_ m e mt d n Onet*2>r> ¥ y Dt h_knl &A iA ..; GRASL.. .: area. A . W« on the tract The far has > on in th ' po>n'e sion of Anto e'ract .or t e ve yearse. lt is locutes on the no thern edge of the villa e an; the So -- i.ine Consideration in the sale was .not announced. . o GRAYSLAKE-- o Mrs. E. J. Walthers was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Thursday to attend a meeting of the olt:_:m of the Round Lake Goilf Club. -- Mr. and Mrs. Berf ©Tromblee and M. A. Kenn Desirab!e -- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schlosser have re turned to Grayslake to reside after sapending some time in Chicago. family have moved from the Bixler son spent Bunday at the home of Mr3 Hildebrandt's sister in Elgin ° _ 0 o o 0 0 6 0 o 6 o 0 0 6 6 o days last week with her mother in ChF Mr. and Mrs Pitzen and children spent Sunday evening with relatives at Johnsburg. Miss Yvonne Ross of Long Lake, spent Tuesday evening with Lilabh Brown. % _, Mr. and Mrs. Clint Hendee, Mr. and Ctra 'Tony Leonard and son Edward, motored to Waukegan on Tuesday dn Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wagaer and fam-- y are enjoying a new radi se Peter Meéyers is @n the sick list Darid Johnson, of Long lTake, was a Round Lake business caller on Tues Mrs. T. P. Walih was in Chicago on Mr. and Mrs.--.P~E. 5 "_~--randt and Mr. add Mrs. Sumper. Bager and son Charl+« spent Sunday at the bome of the j--::er's mother, Mrs. Nell Town send -- Miss Nono Junge re'tummed home nasf Te dayEk with a M Mr and Mra 1# ter Valoise, «spen lak® George Tiffany and i2 Mayme Zradicka, of called on Clara Rosin@ ternoon. Mrs. Agnes Hayes of the Lakes. spent the week end wi' daughter, Mre. Dell Richardson Mrs. Frost, of Volo spert a fe® days at the home of her daughter, Mrs Wm. Huson. « o = iu;)'ofriébkvalund motored to Wau kegan on Saturday afternoon. . Willianr Rossendeutscher called at Sumner auer home offe day last week Joe Fitzs and Frank -- Drummond, motored to Waukegan on TNuraday. Spencer Wells and family of near Monaville have moved from the Smith TO Bi _. _ M Mr and M W of A well built home is ocated lage i 'nuis. Ja T oiinee ce 2s uesiness of tbe secseter's altice, iss * s Py Busipeks of the & o 0 o o 0--6 6 0 the week ending Feb. 27, 1926 * hers was a Chicago Number of conveyances Aled 187. Number of chattel mortgages 41. a Gahlnscaor hava ra. -- Number of trtist deeds and mort-- t & ts a + & A m Smith and daugh unday afternoon of' the ireat o cald nd. M Chica PP y z. zo=: --Ch W _L100, .. Ot wmm"@ ~ac ':'n Round ~Lake on ~business ay. ¢* **= a ':, ° Edward and Charley Fruend, o rg Henry called on Evélyn Rosing --_Helen Richardson on Sunday /n IBG. +_ e iy af liound Lake. O A imovard was a Lake Villk er on Mobday. -- -- e _ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brascher 'and William DeWayne atiended a.«bow at Waukegan dn Sunday afternoon. Exward Brown was a Waukegan bus.ness caller on Wednesday. . Mrs Milford Smith spent oxe evening of last week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harri-- so... of Ringwood ------ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Diets spent 6un-- day @vening at the George Wamsley 16 celter lnnl-f»,_ ig --s > um?ucu Aylward re!i Te' PM CSE es cole rnereecme l C Horke Little Jack f;iwui returned to his home at Hebron, after spending the week with his grandmother, Mrs. Rosing. LOANS FOR WEEK | ARE $365.047 312 Total amount of loans $365,047.14. Corresponding period week --ending Feb. 28, 1925 : -- . > Number of conveyances fled 146. Number of chattel mortgages 14. Number eof trust deeds and mort gages 57. o « & --Total amount of instruments fled ges 78. ; 'Total amount of instruments Day and night The Kind of Service You Want W HE N Y ou Want It is done right at Cichy's Tailoring Shop. Prompt Service. WALTER LYONS FOR the sake of money peop e think and sweat -- for Health's Sake they install the proper plumbing. Our experience will bring more enjoyment and con-- tentment to your home life than y};v expect. HMHave a plumbing talk with us. Phone 17 FoR [A HEALTHS A., iz.m 10 SAKE/, ~~,, 7/ & * North Milwaukee Avenue A Bath a Day Keeps You.Fit in Every Way By A. K. BOWES J. CICHY, Proprietor FRANK--H. EGER T el the Smith farm at AND CLEANING or 59 34~\/>4 p Pss /'?)' ¢+¥41r Libertyviiie eveD-- &t far a xyear.and a hoit Chief .NDeputy 8 , | Lester Tiffiny Friaay tocated an towa = FUGITIVE FOUND ~ AFTER YEAR AND A HALF PURSUIT man --wanted --for iarceny and bond jumping. The man, Harley Mills, alias®J. B. Webb, lived at Primghar, O'Briea county, lowa, where, according to Sheriff H. W.. Geister, Mills etole farm implements apd tools valued at $400. He was released {i a $500 bond and jumped this, according> to wheat Deputy Tiffany learned. . mem | _ About a year and a half ago Sheriff Ed Ahistrom was asked by the lowa officials to look up this man in Lake county, as they had believed that he had come here. Although the county was hunted from end to end the search failed to reveal Mills. Man Wanted for Larceny in lowa is Located by Chief About three weeks ago Deputy Tif-- fany learned that someone in Prim-- ghar had received a letter from Mills and he immediately got busy and traced it 'back, finding that it was malled at Lake VHizs. IMogingargand Lake Villa he soon brought forth the informetion that Mills. alias Webb, was working on the Boyle ferm north-- the maen back to Primghar after he walved erxtradition. _ is east of the village. He dispatched Deputy Jack Froelich to the farm aend got the man in custody. Deputy Alex Stewart of O'Brien county, happened to be in this vi-- cinity, came in Friday night and took After digging through the county is our specialty. We have a large agsortment of material for you to select from. Come in and ste us. «. NJ -- wil make you W || Deputy Lester Tiffany. -- Chicago: Keystone 0704 Waukegan: 1881--M ROOFING Estimates Furnished Free TAR and GRAVEL ROOFING Raady roofimg over old Shingles FLAT RooFrs RECGVERED wITH TAR AND PITCH Libertyville Roofing Company * West Lake Street LIBERARTYVILLE ILLINONS P. 0. Box 843 Phone 614--R--2 Steam shovel Work CICHY'S TAILORING SHOP Valentine--Valspar. _ Duce -- and Ename! Fimishes AUTOMOBILE PAINTING Quaranteed -- Firat Class <~Work T A I L OR I N G Work Guaranteed AT LoOW COST Cali, Phone, or Write to North Milwaukee Avenue CH 4, 1926 Jos. Hutchings All Kinds of Roofing Cosok Ave _ Libertyvilie N o "T | C EDu. to the insistent re-- L _sF _i L e quests of our many pa-- trons, The Harriet Beauty Shoppe will re open at the Farm Bureau Office on Monday, February 22nd, under the supervision of Miss Marie Horen. On Mondays and Tues days Mrs. Harriet Matthews will personally FOR APPOINTMENTS TELEPHONE 438 ASK THE, MAN WHO HAS BUILT, OR WHO S BUTILDING, ~ as TO WHICH m&mmfigm~ To We have installed a complete outfit for charging batteries, and are prepared to put your battery in first class shape. All repairs made by men who know how. Bring your battery here and have it tested free of charge. Willys--Knight «« Overland Battery Work Rest Haven Garage . Deitz, Prop. '_ Sales and Service Station FREE AIR AND WATER All Work Guaranteed . Franzen, Jr. We are Agents for the IVANHOE, ILL. ~ _ Phone 632--W--1 v

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