Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Mar 1926, p. 14

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*4¥ _ --, SPECIAL SESSION ~ ----~OF SENATE TO TRY f him. Tt f "There has been a "raid at Ca+ But eluding her, Simmie rushed|pin's Inn, Manuering. The Chron-- ¥. --_ awiay into th.l shadows. Away '"A Icle was tipped of,. They say ~--~ _ wherer the thoughtful Slick had #)your wite was there with some taxi . waiting that ,they might| pan." : speed back to--Wallace, and during | a 1ook ot incredulity spread over a pleasant journey he might COM--| john's face. Imagtoe Elleen at & % gratulate himselt upon the succes#--| roadkouse. He smiled at the --_____ _--,. Sul outeome of his masterly stratt|thought, Imagine her there with z _ &#y und share with Simthie the just | another man. His Elleen--impossl-- ~_>~_*~ -- pewards of so notable a project. ~|piet He laughed ajoud at the :.:' 'D»d.du:::d. alone in the |thought. -- f S : larkness ot untemiliar. s904.| --<--wonpsense, perfoct nonsense," he +3 Mileen was almost beside hersol! | ___ea4s over the nhomne. * ~-------- Srint attorney, 'ies. presont in a Ao-- M 10 LWR "--=-------- Wite Beater-- > Piprenza mtz +o En BSDh -- tortous inn when it is raided and of the electric lights was it that of . ; Wwhat did it your nus |-- Although, there were 464 new cases §;0pfl""'.m":m.nmx:'ma£'fl ::':- hu'..fl'&? m'_ your of.scariet fever in the state last week, * % c Rer Ausband is about to with--| man, unbeaten, who, having for & Mrs.--Pleasure, your honor. hoi us wow mhue wat Touoft6d ol ~ _/ draw from the race for re--clection. |time trodden the path of indeci-- Judge--Well, what did you hit him | Lake county, according to the report '------------------ Siheir son, Beb, is acoused of hav--| sion, has finally chosen the road _ | for! _.-- _ _ ___ =--. _.*|issued by state beaith director 1. D. mofor car smash and his father| of any-- obstacie. Tudge=--What was the compiatnt?--| hare today by wire. _ --_------ hbofl&"m.lil.f::flhmm&udn':d:&.lt:': peace by getting up at five @VOTY| ners last week there Will be several ; nearly couses an estrangement ment as If to arise w * morning. for this week, it is indicated, .Three __ _ _ Sween Ahusband and wife. --| phone held him. l:..u:'m ::-. '"Jnao--m;.::n in the hoosegow. ::r'e...:-:mwu ig Waukegan . 7 -- aas prritune -- Mm --as W» """"' morQ-- m new cases Iml i |x _ CHAPTER X--Continued placed the receiver to his ear the ing. The state report shows also that o > '0' It was as a--reviving tonic to her | yolce of Dryden, managing editor amnnnmmnronnnenrmmmemmo mm there were no new cases of any sort after all of those horrors. Herself| of the Star, reached him. < ~ > * Net CMMW ot"q"unununo in uk, county last t----"~ _/ "~~ Me hoped to ahut out &~ ~**~~~~___ @ulckly dis as ahe Hmped forloraly * *# t Yelck a wroat garp --of rellal, KE M ®O SURME _V / J0} Abtkrably **~~~"laed Theoghlsed That U it % U a man moat agreeabiy cab. A taxl which would bear her | *UDrited. mare of horrors. Bear het wearled | T**" limbe and her bruised feet to the|_ With bor big eyes resting accus 4 soothing solace of a bath, her tired| I=K!F upon him she went directly body to the grateful comtort of a | io the point. . ~ seemed more delightful, more ts | PAP4T," she insisted. :"- viting. "Wiin't Jennings give i to yout" "~** Wut at the thought of Bob she =No; he kept putting me off," 'o-t.mumm-n"""""""'-"'"""" "A. -- most a sob, Into the soft cushions | !"€ n®*." . > of the taxicab, it was Wallace's a4.| _ "If"_ He seemed amazed at the "Yen" «whe Insisted hysterically, CcHAPTER x1 "**ve done my part~--'re sold onl take Weenasas an+ ctans ts as.|the man & lors. Now I want mJ »THE WIFE WHO WASN'T WANTED® with irone Rich is a picturtu® * «*' tlon of this novel. * considers it his duty, as long us he is in ofice, to prosccute him. This mearly couses an estrangement be-- tween husband and wife. » CHAPTER Xi John Mannering sat alone in bis wice at the County Conurt Housse, while without the shadows of mid-- wight enthrouded the cits. Hoesnt uk the dosk of the Matrict Attor: mey, in a seat to whith he had bean 'mlled by a vote oft bis tollow cith wens and which he had graced with #hoe sank, with a sigh that was al> most a sob, Into the soft cushions of the taxicab, it was Wallacoo's ad-- Rrees sahe gare the Arivetr, started along the road, hallt run ning and stumbling bNadiy in the gloom. © Curslass" ot diraction and heedisss ot h>> surroundings, sabe aching in every muscie. Yot, in the by the divine miracle oft mother love, #its Grove her delléately aur tured bedy to over greater eHort. Then all in a moment a blinding Naht aurseloped her as might the g .A V ARRL _ office" is the formal charge 1 Judge English was accused of man msmm«.mmwb iin his court, and with conduct unbe use coming a judicial officer. . 10-- A .o: 'l'ho.luuunhhohc-u-dh: |.lfi~.fld&w'fld:fii pliskht,~ HAC+ 'Thare was a nots of £pOlO§Y 14-- Perenpy "ad | . Theme y3 2 pore ot avclost An im /8 ~>----Yhonor and distinction.' . Yet there mib'."-\olx-;-):n., # ;": reached for the receirer, withdrew his hand, reached again and hest tated. Finally he calmiy uanhooked the recelrer and called his home. Moments passed, moments that scemed interminable, and he fell to Cdrumming nervously upon his desk, At last a volce answered. It was L)udlan.' -m'nmm-m tomas. "God, Eilsen}* and pressed his hands to his tace, as though so he might shut out some borrld r+ alon. 'Then suddeniy 'he reached ftor his hat and made for the door, his face tertible in its intensity, At Wallace's apartment KElleon wuited, her face Aeathlike in its pallor. . When the Japamazse sart-- ant appeared--she followed him me-- thanically but unfaiteringly. Waulinca's vecaption ot hetr was home tonight." -- Asban whits, John hung up the receirer and sank back into his chair. It was as !if be had been struck a blow. But in an instant he straightenéd up. Rlleen, it was imposalble. And Dryden's message --¥he rumor? Abh but his years branded the thing as a lie, a dama-- able black lis for which some. one tree my boy." | c aape ( tA 2 s -ll-\m-..'hldll Wise Nature gently, "No harm has been done, The oyster is a sllent thing, i is all 7 I M ';'.'m tl;.m l.:l:iun m""""'"' * Its sayings would be raw, (To be Cégtinued) Pnatoonesionmmemerttemmns ingly lifted to his fest by a ware dmh-wvm ning blindly into a , he sont it crashing acrous the room. -- could get Mrs. Manmering to the 'ho.ovuhuuwmuhrr' "Fh, don't you know where she is, sir? Mrs. Mannering is not home. Ob, sir, she bhas not been lish's trial by a vote of 14 to 6, and which there was a proper explans . But she was not homeée* ~\ Mrs.--My husband disturbs " MJ | "wnie~ there were no new cases peace by getting up at five @VONY| nere last week there Will be several morning. for this week, it is indicated, .Three Judge--Six days in the hoosegO®W.| new cases were reported in Waukegan --for beating your wife up eréery morn-- | Monday and four new cases Tuesday. MHis wife had called for him to come and shave the back of her neck. He took the raxor just as he found--it and There «> yell . that cull.r was & beard for two blocks. +A "What are you trying to d0--mur der me?" screamed his wife, . . . _'"No, my .dear," he replied mildly, "I am just letting you see how nice it teels to be shaved by a razor that has been~ used to sharpen lead pen-- * _ Net the Listening Kind "Your wife drives hber own: doesa't she ?" ~~"And does she pay sttention to the 'Stop, Look and Listen' signs at the rallroad crossings t' "Well, L. believe she obeys two thirds of 'the warnings, but. I can't imagine anybody or anything making her listen,." f *Yeah, my wite and I have decided that for our--vacations she will stay at home and I'll go to the seashore." **"Bhucks! -- You, call that .+ vaca and L. won't have to .get up and eat It! « ux.'-o It! -- Ain't that vacetiog*' -- 3 ns rrae 4 aio e AVOIDED A WOLSE BREA "That cornetist up the street broke a blood vessel last night by practicing "He's in luck. I heard the man Sert door to him say he was preparing to break his neck." We R""W pursu®s, HacXk thinking up new Gutles For other folks to de. A One--Woman Man Madam--Well, you look as though you might do. My last chauffeur was always annoying me by kissing the No Sale -- Grocer (to woman, who has been complaining of the long wait)--Sorr;, lady, that so many were before you. What is it you want? s . Woman--Can you tell me how to get to Sixleenth streetI--Ths Progres O4--Hoi--Good gracious, the player whe kicked that must harse an odu-- tated toe all right ! Decliare War Mrs. Scrapp--John, tomorrow is the anniversary -- of our wedding da;. What shall we do about it? Rerapp--I don't know. Isan't thers some funeral or other we could at-- been robbed. . § "All right, which way'd the police i i man go?*~Motre Dame Juggise, b esesimatantitptamntindtenmas 1 =~~«*~«+-- DOPGE BROTHERS Washington, March 10.--The sena torial investigation of ballots cast C m Ts "Bhire 4t to. She won't hare to Fet "Yes, in a rallway accident.. I was ved, but the dog wasn't," repliied "I hear that you have lost your val-- ible dog. Mr. Bowers," said a sym-- "Goodness! What a pity!" Applicant--You may be sure Tl VENGEANCE AT LAST, cJ | Q[QPIEJ _ J Adalaala ,%5{! } ' co{l'id meet a test / [ aP" _ Rreo thic Ne «) W --~3 n L path to virtus And content His Wite's Vacation. 7/,W' fi)(///'l'\\ Stop Thieft NO NEW CASES OR -- |iass' h Nee ns § Smallporx, 28:~ Cook 2, 'Chicago 1 CONTAGION ARE REt | T388 TeX o C 1 cwene NRTED m WEEK * Pneumonia * m: nifluensa lfl. SEVERAL CASES THIS WEEK State Report Shows that Lake : County Had No New Cases Last Week. * Following is --@ copy of the report showing the new cases of contagion for last week: * s 62, 8t. Clair 8. & .& ; Scarlet fever, 464: Cook 169, Chica go 132, Boone i0, DuPage 5, Kane 48, Lee 5, Livingston 11, McHenry 14, Mclean 8, Madison 24, Peoria 13, Randolph 5, Rock Island 13, 8t. Clair 107; Cook 70, Chicago _ Touring Car -- --# pretty, to be sure, but it will convince any sensible man that all steel construction is the only safe construttion for a motor car body. That is why Dodge Brothers introduced the all steel body more than eleven years ago, and this year greatly improved and In fact, Dodge Brothers are convinced that the day is not far off when wooden motcos car bodies will be a curiosity, People will shudder at the thought of having ridden in them and will thank Dodge Brothers for the greater safety, durability--ard beauty, too--of all steel construction. A steel body will stand up under impacts that would crush the average body to bits. Steel is an armor of orotection on the crowded, hurrying highway. Take one look at this photograph. It is not A Dodge Brothers Motor Car . .. A ing down hill and out of control . . . "vYOU ARE ENTITLED TO KNOW TWE FACTS"* The car wiZ continve to ha s "four." No ressonicge buyer wil be dis trected from mh..dglux.nrnmcn.masnm ts § JAMES MORROW & SON Phone 228 202 So. Genesee St. -- Waukegan, lIl. Washington, Mar. 10--With radio expanding by leaps and bounds from was | ay in e?unu today to !..:l-'.md n.nrm:h{.l' Tinala. Sam's aan. Pneumonia ° 586, -- nifluensa 123, whooping cough 247, tuberculosis 281 and measles 983. -- ° =>. § GOVT. TO REVISE revise completely Uncle Sam's con trol of the air. Two new proposals . for nflpfi:" the Department of Commerce of radlo~ control were being discussed in congressional --circles while other measures were pending to give the department wider latitude. 'The pending ° measures are the White bill in the House and 'the Dtll u) of Lomkere Han »o Secretary of Commerce Hoover 4 er. powers in ;:l!-:tfz' radio~ but the Senate measure create an "appeal commission" to act as a S premie court over Hoover's decisions on the control of th ailr. . & _ _ _ _ -- The new proposals include one bJ Rep. Davis (D) of Tennessee, to cre ate a "communications commission." similar in authority to the Interstati IN RADIO CONTROL OTOR CARS DoODGEé BRAOTHERS,INC. -- -- o * 6 P e s PPAE ECE e ENT Vo t o PA Mealte t 11, Will 8, Commerce Commission, which wou! We have exclusive control over the rl-lco-nh dio, telegraph and telephonse com»--jate, ho tel ph. and _tele ' h the mautostion® In the genaly. proposais |bill ot benator Di, (D), of Washing were, discussed to turn all radio com |ton!/ Travel in safety! Powerful, quick--action brakes, a chassis world --famous for its sturdi-- ness, and a body of steel--these explain the enviable reputation for safety enjoyed by wmwmm able fe of safety enjoyed by those who tE e on M' l' » 'l'li | l Ili!fl on all sides--a safety feature of the first And sliender, stronger steel corner posts re-- place the customary bulky posts of wood, Outwardly, nearly all types of bodies ap-- pear to be all steel. In reality, however, most of them are simply frames of wood covered by a metal shell. * and through--*steel reinforced by -- steel--buttressed and braced by steel-- Tike this / romudmmfiw- Heet, is to dismiss years of research and scientific t« years of successful performance in thousands of homes. KLEEN--HEET oil burners can be installed in your present boiler . We can change from 'coal to oil fring within four hours. 'The mtummmmudfinw.nm-nnofl er in your home, now. * LAKE COUNTY ENGINEERING Co, 3 Kleen Heet Distributors A ot the Sen favors the $

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