Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Mar 1926, p. 1

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o en n n w ine 4 _ |(--------=------------=----------------------_ 34 ----,.__---- 17-- AVTOS. CRASH; _ SHIELDSDRAWS4 . _ _ Noted Choir Coming to Libertyville_--_|'pue pruipyep 10 _ By suggesting that he was sub-- normal mentally Sidney Shtelds, . 18. € throp Hiarbpr, an autqmobile oi) Wiiselas sived nimsalt 4. tent in Pontiac when he was ordered }ja the cireuit court to be placed under the care of a doctor in the county jail for the next fout months. The case took an odd turn to bring this penalty: States Attorney A.: ¥. Smith had planned on getting the Mait im nriaan far the youth. The Winthrop : Harbor Auto Thief "Let Down Light" and Put _ _ Under Doctor's LCare. this penalty: States Attorney A. °V. Smith had planned on getting the limit in prison for the youth. The ZLion police Bad turned thumbs down en --Shields and his mother had ad: mitted that the, boy-- was. slow to VOLUME XXXIV--NO. 10. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, "LAibertyvilie, MRep County. lliinois, baving ordered that a ldcal--improve-- ment consisting of a cfincted aystem of sanitary sewets, together with hoead-- Shlelds told of st--aling the mseeond ear,. which <be G@escribed as being ene _ worth but little, by saying that bhe and a girl bhad been out of a car and that he wanted to get ber home. He took the car, thinking that be aould return it to the owner and then just take a bawling out from im . > a MONTHS; ATTORNEY | DOUBTS HIS SANITY Instead of.that the car ran out Of | --runis Thursday will be of im-- gas ip Waukegan. and when Shield% . poryance in the life _ of Mudeléin, same back :o get it be found & PO9 | (pnprra) 'Lake county's fast grrowin« lHceman coming out of the AUl*T |eommunity, for graund _ was broken where it had beena parked. _ TB# 1ni& morning for the fine.$50,000 sia frightemed hbhim away, but two d2Y* ;iop of the North Shore Line. later he had ~been iak$n into CU# | srart of work on the new buliding tody. | will be the occeasion for a celebration "Sidmey, supposing you got Oout 0( ,n,, will be participated in b, pfficia a Shlelds is scheduled to face a fed> eral trial for steallng an automobile and he said last Thursday that hbe bad taken ome pre¥ious to that Hi« ex *planation of this was that be had sold bis car and wanted one real attor There was talk o( sending him to the reform school, but later it was agreed that it would be better for him °in "the county jail where he could see his mother more often ahd where he could be cared for by Dr Charles Lieber, county _ physician, who will make a stydy of the boy State of lilinois, County of lLake lirthe Circuit Court of lake Louni Special Asse«ssmeht No 414 Village Libertyrille. Eor a System of Sewer SPHCHAL ASSERSMENT NOTICE as, conpections, by--puss chamber, set Notice is hereby given Interested, that the _ tling tamk, clarifier. sludge pump. pumphousge, digester tank, sludge beds, sludge pipes overflow pipes, un derdrains and appurtenances, .be con-- structed and laid in said Village of Libertyrille, in the mn:'l shown and set forth in the ordinan attached to the petition of said Village of Liberty-- tville filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circwt Court of Lake County, I!li-- nois. on the 23rd day of February, A D. 1926, for the purpose of providing means for the removal of sewage and other fouled liquids detrimental to the public bealith and to treat and to a Gegree puriiy such sewake-- and havy-- ing «provided for the making of said improvement wholly by special assess-- ment, and having provided for the is-- suing of improvement bonds therefor, and the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village of Libertyville, and having a@applied to the Circuit Court of said lake. County for an as-- seassment of the cost of said improve-- ment according to benefits, and an as gessment therefor hbaving been made and returned to said Court as show n by the commissioners' report filed in the office of the Clerk of said Circuit .nlev;rili-.;e --o;\fitho 2%th day of March A. D. 1926, or as soon thereatter as the business of the Court will permit. « NR IEONE C dve s e is and make their defense. The said assessment ih said report mentioned, is payable in twenty in-- stailments, with interest at the rate O six per cent. per annum. That a special assessment has been NEVERRRE NOEA . 0 Ln~ © connsall t ar P All persons desiring may Me objec-- tions in said Court on or before said day and may Appear on the hearing ". --i._f"" « 7;&. dost of said improve-- -- LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT . LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT ourt of lake COUDLZ--> srat ht No 44 Village of| _ p a System Of NeweTs.| ling iven to all persons e | President and of the Village of START WORK ON _ --NEW MUNDELEIN DEPOT THURSDAY BreakinalGroun'd for New Sta-- tron WiH Signal for Cele-- . bration. the o 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ihe end of March William Frederick spent the latter of the week aft the home of his grand mother, Mrs Louise Meyer, at Mun-- delein Co wtesting is in progress at Fre mont. and some farmers are being rather heavyy losers Marcus Behm. Fred Wagner and Henry Hertel lost their entire herds. while Albert Behm and Frederick Brothers lost a large number and teh best cows in their herds. o 0o 0o 0 0o 0o 0 0o 0 0o 0o o 0 0 George Hironimus and sisters enter-- tained a large number of friends from out of town Sunday Miss Gertrude Stoffgl is a medical patient at Victory Memorial hospital in Waukegan, following an operation Mrs. Louis Wehrenberg of Munde-- lein snent Monday with her sister, Mrs Word was received . here 3 Morning by relatives of Jim Cl: Chicago. that his mattfees factor burned to the ground during the and although heavily insured is & nese \r Clark 1« the husba Henry Hapks« Luellia Meye ment. and that the improvement as shown 9y iNE ®217 mate is $97096 00, and the total cost of said improvement as shown by the report -- of the commissioner®. is f10?29296 00, and that the total amount assessed as benefifs upon the public is $00. FREMONT CENTER ; _ Dated at Libertyville, HMlinois, this 9th day of March, A. D. 1926. JESSE S HYATT. Bu bistOr Ee c tCM FLORA A STAPLES Commissioners appointed to make, said assessment. IT t the total cost of said ente oc c as shown by the esti--' IN§SULTS wOMAN; FINED $100 a former Fre recejved -- here Sunday latives of Jim Clark of he rn hbemi mon e fact a part ry had e night a great Oi Friday éveninz, March 1°, at ® o'clock . | icfinfinudicnn: ui uitc c uind by the famous» choir .of St. Luke's of | c Evanston _' I } ' ELfilN ROAB _ Merbeit E: Hyde, president of n.'ij '('l'.u' Music Association of Chicago.| _ is the orgaoist and masier He hax . ' i kI:orouxhr 8t. Luke's choir to the fronl! Suburban Line WI" B,e Im-- tnnk by eliminating the uncertain u-r-l pmved: PQWCI' Extension to vices of volunteer singe;s All the i L:::mbtn ot the choir, forty in all, ar« Nearby Pomts P'aflned. paid musicfans, picked for the quality | _~_; ~ s------4 'of thel rvoices, at a cost to the parish | Negotiations have been completed 'Df over $9.000 a year, exc:usive of the | whereby controts of the Chicago, Au-- |salaries of the organist and the choir-- | rora and Elgin Railroad company master, akEre€ating in all a total of| has passed from Thomas Conway $15,000 a year. |Jr.. of Philadelphia,. and associates, . This choir is making but one visi!| [0 Samue! Insul! and associates, at 'this year, that to Libertyyilie, bflutn.*""":"' to officiat _ announcement liou: smolats from the Chicase Grand|®*40, BY the raliroad ThurboMF, 'Opera company. This musical service | «~y, f::""" l"":"'""' reads : |of devotion is cordially open 10 (D¢ | pay, ""::" a n{ul and associates public. To defray The expenses of thr y,, f; r'.';hl! ?T Thomas Con-- 'soloists, the usual offering, made at all ' fl'f" o "{ontm""n: '::t:n.o:'liu:;: services, will be taken | Chleago, Aurora and Elgin Te l Hr"l:b;pm is one of the leading ministers of the city, and the Metho |dht church is very fortunate to ®e Processional Hymn 8$1, "Christian dost thou see them* Anthem O Praise the Lord of Hea ven--Hyde Apostles Creed and Prayer» Oratorin; The Cracifixion | Rtainer Hymn ning bie The soloists are.. Lailn J) mellii. sopramo. Sidney Smi contraito: Hetty M Heobs and HWugh C Dickerson, ba: Ir John Thempson, pasior ol lthe Chicago Tepmple, will apeak at the P"'E;: and Sons Bangquet which will be in the metWodis ctarch on the evening of Friday, March 19, at §:30 o'clock. cure his services for this occasion All men young--men and boys are invited to this banquet, whether they are COn-- nected with the Mathodist church or not. It is for the fathers and sons of the community, and it is hAd for the purpose of considering some of the great things which are of interest to both father« and sons. A trio of musical instruments Wwili be furnished by Mr. Bragz, and some other important things will be includ ed in the prozram ® INJUNCTION FOR GOODALL SOUGHT char -- Statese Attornes by festimeny fro junelto: Willian Herbert Ralph. 23 veare old. who claims he is a topmaker. w as arre«ated Monday in Highwood on a charge of insn'ting a woman. The wartant fta Orison Hyn ened. before_ Justice Santi Santi, Mharged disorderly conduct. <Ralph, a TZinn man,. was fined $100 and was re-- moved to the county jail to serve it ont when it was found that he could R P Ctgm JOMN THOMPSON WILL sPEAK AT THE M. E. BANQUET nfold Ameu by ««ional Hymn neains! PROGRAM mt V fry M Hebari, . ienar Dickerson, baritone Entered at the Postoffice at Libertyvyille, i. lawrence March 12. at y# ;5 #r¢ 18. Ai the aam 81, "Christian.| r pastor of the i Bideau .N gmith. backed raiders -- Mon mermanent in a old. who e Zurich.\ fAX BOOKS NOT READY YET ating the | + ry in"'""' Fagerness of a number n' Wank Monday.' aan and Lake eounty residents ! "Prftor to the purchase 0' c | the Chicago Aurora and Elxir Htainer., poration,. which also was the _ of the Chicago Suburban Lich an eve | Power company, sold the ass | thet company to the Public 8 banne s Company of Northerr Illinots \ Jatte: company will proceed at |\to place it« very large electr}e ie namt i"'"' powet" frrilities at the di of the residents o' West C c l c Winfleld ( Villa Park. _ Wes MAdU ie k _ NP wEsC ES O 00 0 0. 0 P Circulation Greater than other Weeklies in County Combined Lake County's Big Weekly _ WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN . stPt ILLINOTIS, THURSDAY. MARCH 11. 1928. _--~~> Chleago, Aurora and Elgin corpora-- tion, which owns the hizh--speed electrically operated rallroad known as the Chicago Aurora and Elgin Railroad company, and will assume manazement within a week . "Prtor to the purchase o' control, the Chicago Aurora and El«in Cor-- poration.. which also was the owner of the Chicago Suburban Light and Power company. sold the assets of th@t company to the Public Service Company of Northerm lIllinots The Jatte~ company will proceed at once 'n nlace it« very large electric light and po#etr" farilities at the dispoga'! of the residents o' West Chicago, Winfield.( Villa Park, Westmore, Wayne and UMish lake, and also to. the. communities of RBatavia, Geneva. @t-- Charles and lombard, which sare served at wholesale It has also entgred into a contract with the railroad company to provide all of its power and will" make im{frove-- ments calculated to largely develop the speed apd reliability of the com-- pany's train service. _ _ _ _ GrouNnNDeD BROKEN FOR NEW §OUTH SIDE SCHOOL BUILDING *~~"Riftective At once. the Public Sery-- lce company wil} give the communi tie«s the tower rates for gervice charg ed--in othes cities and towns served 0 Fagerness of a number n' Wanke-- gan and Lake county resldents to pay their taxes is hampering@ the work of deputies in the WNffice of County Treasurer Ira Pearsall who are dning their hest to get the tax books in shape. Many call in person and many call on the telephone. Mr Pearsall announced today that it will be some time before the books are ready. dne to the late date that the state tax rate was received. TWe saya that a formal advertisement will 1p pear when tares can be pald and re quests that in the meantime taxpay-- ers refrainm from calling up the. office and making inquiries. Illinois. as Second Class Mail Matter. \~-- BE FATALLY HURT Harry Goff, 437 Steele Court, Near Death in Lake County f Hospital. Harry Goff, aged 31 years, of 43i Steele court, is near death in Lake County hospital ~from a , fractured skuil, and his wife is in the same institution suffering from severe 44-- cerations about the body as a result of the accident. -- 8 lz t/ Other motorists stopped 10 E)YP ald and the injured were placed in one car and rushed to the bhospital. Examination by a phyasician show-- ed Goff to be seriously if not. fatally injured. He, suffered a fracture of tWe #kull and a portion of bone in the ferehead was driven back into the brain. He suffered several cul about the bhands and arms and had lost anuch blood.,. Reports from the :r:vlw 1oday stated that be : may wWIFE 15 INJURED His wife received a deep cut in one leg and was lacerated _ and brulsed on other parts of the body. All of the others were permitted to zo to their homes after their Injuries ACCIDENT IN LIBERTYVILLE | Mrs. James Doniat, of Chicago. ; received severe cuts about the face , and hands when am automobile OWP--; ed 'and wnn by her husband skid-- / d&4 on ' Park avenue in Ubony\' ville Sunday and crashed into a tree. The injured woman was given atten-- tion by Dr. Maurice Penny and she continued on Goff, Harwiz and les Kines are employes of the Packingtown mea! market. . Harwig had _ accompanied Goff and bis wife to Chicago to attend the. wedding while Miss Les Kine« had made the trip to that city by train She was invited by Mrs. Goff to return with them on the tr--in that ended with such disastrous were dgressed HIGH. PK. WOMAN. TAKEN BY DEATH Contracts were cioseu oalaiua) 1O ternoon by a Chicago man for the purchase of the George Graham farm of 60 Aeros on the MeAree road near Waukegan." The farm containing 60 acres sold at a rate of $6 0 an acre Name of the purchaser a Chicago man who in'tends to continus the ; ~>> erty as a farm and as the home of his mother anmd a youmsger | other were not disclosed. The trinsaction was handled by E. M. Runvard a» «+ tornev for both parties to the trans acti action. The Graham family has resid<d on the farm for more than 20 years. They purcharod 4t from William Burris. a member of one of the oldest and best known -- agricultural famlles in the county. II is understood that the noew own-- ers will take possession as snon as the deal can be completed and the Craham family can ar ange (or tran® fer of their residence FOVUR .OTHERS INJURED Waukegaen croad seyeral imiHles of Deérfield at 3 o'cldck Monday W D & kean peojpue Wele f" K by amotber--machine njured her way to Chicago on . The assessment on each piece of property is divided into 20 instal} ments, so as to make it easier for the property owners '(o pay the assess-- ments. Oneinstallment is payable each year over the period of 20 years. This will not work a bordship on any of the property .owners in the district, and it is estimated that with the construc-- |tion of his improvement, the property in the district which is assessed, will :bv- increased in vailue many times the 'caost of the assessment a€ainst the T'mm". Into the different propertys. The approval of the asseszsment pro-- ' ceedings in court, and the construction | of this big sewer system, is considered | by village officials to be absolutely Assessment Ro;ll for Sewer Filed Monday Last Monday there was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court by Judge Ben H. Miller, attorney for the village of Libertyville, the com-- missioners*' report _ and , asseszsment roll in the pig sewer for the develop-- ment of the southerly and westerly portion of the villag«. The commis-- sioners have been workirg for --the repOrt. There are 1600 acres of land in the district which will be served by the sewer system, and the commissmioners' report covers 800 pages of typewritten sheets, including over 1300 descrtp tions of property. The cost of the im-- provement is $102,000.00. D NEC OO 16 PA IMEZ PERVEDIRRENC TWR ME C M OW M NOCE + The project consists of a trou!lng' Notice is hereby given to all persons C plant, with tanks, sewage beds, PUMP®.'jnferested, that the President and etc . on the line between the COWMDJ;W of Trustees of the Village of and Ellis propertys, at the DesPlain®® pjpartyyille, lake County, lllinois, river, and a main sewer extendin% paying ordered that a local improve from the treatment ..plant. weste"ly ment consisting of a connected «y@tem along Rockiand Road to a point aAb0Ul of sapijtary sewers, together with man-- the center of Libertyville Highlands potes, house drains. "Y" branches Subdivision. The sewer to be COD-- fiushers and conméctionsa be construct-- strycted does not reach all points °'¢od and laid in PARK AVENUE and the distriet, but it is provided in {h€' ptper streets in said Vitage of Liber proceedings that all the property in tyyimne in the manner shown and #ét The district has the right to conne¢t forth in the ordinance attached to the by means of lateral sewers with this petition of said Village of Libertyville main sewer, and have the bene{it Of<fieq in the office of the Clerk of the the treatment paint and outlet seW6! (County Court of Lake County, HNMingis, without any additional cost, outside of on the 17th day of September, A. D. this assessment. As fast as the prop-l"". for the purpose of providing %Ofl'] In the distrtct requires mm tor"the removal of sowage ant-- ment, lateral sewers branching Of!|piper fouled liquids detrimental to the Trom this main --sewer can be COD--' pybne keaith 464 to treat and to a de The approval of the asseszsment mlmfl'" for the making of said im ceedings in court, and the constructi0® | pmovement wholly by special assess of this big sewer system, is considered / ment> and having provided for the. is by village officials to be absolutely pying of improvement bonds therefor, \ essential to the future development Of|ang the ordinance for the same being prop« HERES O FRIEND LKE --@ nowernr me sauet i _ works ror vou, comes T0 Sour AIp WHEey Nou ARE SiCk, TAKES care or vou i OLD ASE AD LOOKS AFTER NOUR FAMILY WHEW NOUY ARE GOWE. START A Lme SAVNINGS ACCOUNT TODAY AUD ¥ WATCH IT GROW\ _ essential to the future development of Libertyville. The old system is Inad-- equate to serve th_e new #ubdivisions and territory, and without this im provement it .will be impossible to carty out these developments and fur-- ther ncreage the value of the property and bring prosperity to the village. The -- Libertyville--Mundelein _ Real Estaie Roard and the Kiwanis Club of Libertyville have endorsed this pro-- ject as one of the essential improve-- men'ts necessary to the future devei-- ipment and growth of this community. and it will be to the best interests of the property owners whose proper'ty is included in the assessment, as well as to other property owners in the village to support this progeedipg and have the assessment roll approved in ceutt as soon as possible, so that A contract ean be let early in this spring. and the work started. so that partles de BILL BOOSTER SAYS: pro In two deals fecorded with L. O Brockway, county recorder, the fol in@Ing tranaters were Shown: . _ louis Dehne and wife, Chicago, to Martin Whalen. Chicago, "Highland Pagk property for $63.000, , I L. & 2 0C PVF L_4#. se e s o ke 1 And Willtam L Main and wife, Highland Park, to Herman Heaton, Highland Park. Vernon township, property at $60,000. * several months in getting up this TWO BIG DEALS RECORDED have the ben ements. e time for the of the comm rday, March 2 d th hearing on the t« x subd m is set for n m DEATH OF WIDOW .____ _ .----ADBS TO ISSUES .. =--* --IN WILL CONTEST Mrs. Mathews died at the home ~f her daughter, Mrs. Prancie MreClorry, €404 Kammerting avenue, (Chitago, March 3rd, affér an iliness --of two weeks believed due to her advanced age. She was 83 yearse 6f age . -- LAitigation over the eatate af-- the ° late Jbuhn Mathews bewan when it was found that the aged Lake Forest & 0C' official had left a «will in which his A4aughter, Mrs. Carrie -- Rogers -- and 4 -- Melvin McKiernan, son of a deceased . . daughter, were git aif. LrOM & @Dé@ea-- _--------» in the estate &'lued. 4 mmoier.-- ty --~ 7 2 ¢ Ar,. + ~ 'N.Ooo. * ' .k _A +b .:-r & FNTE!FE wlich ot Tbrat 3*ourti court, have deveioped in' t Mrs. Anna. Mathews. wido former Lake Forest officia! Mrs. John Mathews of Lake Forest Died in Chicago Complicating Ct. Fights > one son were named as heirs under the will ro!Iovlpx a hearing in circult «court here the will was upheld and the conte@tants through their @torney, William R. Behanna, carried their claims to the supreme court, where I!t is now awaiting action before that forum. -- Death of Mre. Mathews adds .com plications to the issue inasmuch that Mre. Carrte Rorere ttkewlso rogards herself as entitled to a ahare of eatate 'of c her mother. actual--amount of which cannot be determined until the case now in aupreme court is 'di-- posed of. 2y Funeral eervices of the Wte Mra John Mathews@# were held from the home of the daughter, Mrs. Meorry, 5404 Kammerling avenue, in Chicago, at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. Burial was in Lake Forest. + Interest in the case has been high in the county at ail times during ts progrems, because of the prominence of the persona involved. Both the tate John Mathews and his wife had been residents of Lake Foreat for 80 State of lI!linois, County of Lake, ss In the County.Court of Lake County. Speciat Assessment No. 43, Village of Libertyville. For a System of Sewers. SPBHCIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICEB . Fears or more and the husband had long been active in the political and commercial life of the community. on file in the office of n:'m Clerk of éalid Village of 14 ®, and having applied to the County Court of said Lake County --for an as-- sessment of the cost of said improve ment according to benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court as shown b¥} the Commissioners' report filed in the office of the Clerk of said County Cpurt on the §th day of March. A. D 1926. the final hearing thereon will be had and the time and place of the re turn of the summons issued in sald cause will be on the 27th day of March A. D. 1926, or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. _ All petsons desiring may file ob jections in said court on or beforé aatd day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense: -- The said assessment id said report mentioned, is payable in ten anm=*1 installments, with Interest at the rai* of six per cent. per annum. * That a special assessment ha« been made to raise the cosat of said improve-- ment. and that the total cost of salM improvement as shown by the eati-- mate is $3180 MN. and the tofa) cast of sai1 improvement a«s shown by the te-- port of the commissionera, i« $*1*80 n and 'bat the total amount assesuod p4 benefits upon the public is $00 _ _PDated at Libertyville, Minois, tb*« 9th day of March, A. D. .10E ~=*" ) JESSE 8. HYATT. _' IIUS8 a TREPrrOwW, } ELILATE ¥. HUSS8, *+ Commissioners appointed= to 10 2t ~SIB0 & XBAR :. Tsm the same being of the Vllh's of TAbertyvllle, to the County unty --for an as-- f said improve mefite. and an hi talgees #9 Lake 'tht 1 of ¥* & MHS

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