U #* OUR WANT ADS GET SURE RESULTS Telephone 29 W. W. Carroll & Son Co. New Draperies and Cushions for Spring Silk Drape -- -- -- $1.40 Cretonnes -- _ -- -- _ 35¢ to 60c Terry Cloth -- -- 75¢ to 95¢ Silk Casement Nets -- 60c to $1.20 Ruffled Curtains -- -- 85¢, $1.50, $2.00 ILLE INDEP «4 | _ Mrs. John Suydam is confined to WANTBD--We want property to sell. her home with an attack of la grippe.| If worth the money we can move {t. | |See our advertisement under "Real | _ Mrs. Flora Eger, who has been COD--| pstare for Sale." If your property was 'fined to her home on Milwaukee ay®.)thus advertised, it wowd move, would-- is reported as improving. |n't it? _ Kaping. 1t Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Langworthy and| In order to secure quiet in the stu-- 'son. Thomas Earl were Chicago v!is-- dio while screening "Memory <Lane," itors last Sunday. ~____ |John M. Stah}, producer--director,, hit PE foup e ol oo ho msamlls _2 o2 cencl. lon: the navel. idea gf inslailine a _l0cg-- _ ~Mrs. P. J. Bbocketman was in M# morive betl. Holl Day over the week end visiting her"he director "Eng mother, Mrs. Luebbe. |ory Lane" featur Hats--Fisk's hand--blocked felt hats --at Langworthy's. 1t Arlington Heights. Mrs. M. Wolft, who has been here for several weeks visiting her daugh-- ter, returned Sunday tg ber home in '-- Supervisor C. M. Wilcox has--been in Waukegan-- this week attending the March sessiod of the Bboard of super-- yisors. There will be a bakery and delicat-- essen sale by the.4a@dies of St. Joseph ithunh Saturday, March 13, beginning 10 o'clock, at the Farm Bureau.: Mr. and Mrs. August Reickof! enter-- tained a number of friends at a party Saturday night, in honor of Mr. Reick-- off's birthday. A fine time was report-- ed by those present. Thomas Corlett has sold his re«i-- dence property at Milwaukee avenue and Hurlburt Court to Kennedy Bros.. the deal being made last week _ Mr. Corlett will retain possesslon of the property untll June, when --be expects to have a new residence completed in Oakwood Terrace subdivision. The Phil Vein home in For Lake was thraetened with destruction by fire Sunday evenkmg, but the blaze was conquered by the Fox ake Fire depart ment before much damage had been done. & Local and Personal Hours 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. tems Of General Interest To Local People lT is as natural for good prop . _ erty to go'up in value as it is for the sun to rise in the morn-- inc. Get the best advice before v¥ou nroceed -- Talk with us Con-- Real Estate Loans and Insurance "A Good Office to do Businmess With" 201 So Milwaukee Ave Tel F'. Chamberlain and were . in Highland willing THURSDAY,. MARCH 11, 1926. The Adjutant General of the Sixth Corps Area has appointed Forrest Flagg Owen as town chairman for Libertyville C. M. T. C, recruiting. He has appointed the following commit-- tee to stimulate -- recruiting>-- for the camp this year at Fort Sheridan, con-- vening August 3rd. E. A. Koehn, Boy Scouts; H. E. Underbrink, L. T. H. 8.; Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Rev. Martin T. Neal-- is and Rev. C. A. Jeyne. s the director "Engineer Stabl." -- "Mem-- ory Lane" features Elearnor Board man, Conrad Nagel and Wm. Haines, and is due at the Auditorium Theatre Saturday, March 13. Train No. 131 on the--St. Paul, from Chicago to Madisgn, due in Liberty-- ville at 8.07 a. m., leaving Chicago &at 7.10, will have a new schedule com-- mencing next Sunday. This train car-- ries the greater part of the parcel post mail for Libertyville. The new sched-- ule provides the train leaves Chicago at 8 o'clock, arriving at, Libertyville about 9:10. This arrangement will cause all mail of the lower class to be detayed, as it will be impossible to distribute the large number of sacks received here much before noon. One.of the two months' old twin sons of Mr. and Mrs, Otto Priebe died Tuesday fl&M--M& f" "SOMETIMES wE tmiink Libertyville Lumber Company, WISDOM 1S JUSTAMATTER OF NOT BURNING YOUuRAR. FINGERS TWCE on THE, SAME STonE!® TELIPHONK 47 Down by the Old Dapet--Been there twonty years. (CGOLOGy Sc: It Is So Easy To Be Suited Here WE have a selection of iat-- \terns for every Smith Smart shoelast we feature. This plan of carrying the new: lasts in a variety of leathers and designs makes it easy for you to suit \__ your taste exactly. Smith Smart Shoes RAY N. SMITH Stay Smart only a few hours. The little one was apparently healthy, but. contracted --A stomach disorder. -- The loss is a se-- vere .one for the parents. The funeral service was beld at the home this (Thursday) afternoon, and burial was in the Lake Villa cemetery. Kennedy Bros. have taken the sales agency in this territory for the Nash and Ajax cars. After spending three months looking ove rthe various make of automobfles, they decided on th product of the Nash factory. With the valuable experience gained in that business. during the many years they were the Ford representatives; they aré4n position to marKe! a large num-- ber of cars.. Their temporary Jocation s m the --r-- 'ngror property on Wright--Codrt ~Read their bi@ display announcement on page | two of this issue. ~They will be located in their new building, to be erected at the cor-- ner of Milwaukee avenue and Broad-- way. lowing appeared in a Waukegan paper Wednesday: -- Daniel Ehright, 35, of Libertyville, and C. N. Baickman, 54, of Chicago. were arrested in Wauke gan on a charge of peddling potatoes without a license. They were fined $3 each when arraigned before Police Magistrate Waiter Taylor. LibeftyyHle--ssemg--t0 be good pick-- ing for cripples and peddlers. Hardly a day goes by that someone in hard luck is not around soliciting aid. The magazrine 'graft is worked extensively here, too. Best way is to give scant encouragement. If a man's so situat-- ed that he cannot get along without begging, notify Philo Burgess. Ning chances out of ten when you buy from peddlers you get stung. 'The remedy for this is to buy from your home stores, and then if éverything is not satisfactory, you have a comeback. and can find the merchant from whom you bought the goodsz But a peddier pays his $2 a day license (maybe), makes the rounds and then 'leaves Anybody here know PDan*t The fol-- Our Mental détour signs lead us hither and thither avoiding the spot of discom-- fort o r unpleasant financial experience Y o ur experience with our Mill Work of Quality leads you back here -- surely and safely. Doors, Windows Built--in--Cabinets Telephone Your} Order «PROMPT SERVICE 4 e 2 The best advice we can give anyone is not only to open a BANK ACCOUNT, but to add to it regularty. stes LIBERTYVILLE Do not TAKE CHANCES in your momey matters but come in, we will gladly advise with you about your investments. When some golden opportunity comes, you will be prepared to grasp it. 3 Lake"County National--Bank * Every Saturday Evening ---- At The -- . . . LIBERTYYILLE -- TOWX HALL Gents 75¢ Underthe Auspices:--of( Libertyville Post No. 329 ~ THE AMERICAN LEGION DANCE! Protecting "' » the Farmers' Money We invite YOUR Banking Business. To save money REGULARLY is Music By McCormick's Orchestra 14 In eountry homes after the _ Tamps are lighted,; youhear > ~~ people say "Den't count that > money with the shades up." Fear of the prowler clutches at timid hearts. ---- So that there shall be no fear, _ so that the country dwellere can handle his transactions without keeping sums of mon-- ey on hand, we provide Bank-- ing--by--Mail. . Write or ask us for particu-- lars. | s®First National Bank Havr Money| Start Saving Regularly NOW Dancing From 8:30 'Till 12.00. START. E}s' *4 kn qoi nsc 16