+ OP AHL CIyR, wap | | Mistome rown 0i .. _---- Should End Argum --nt Regarding what would be the con :m If an irreaistible force came Jn contact with an immovable object, ii'ifi"m says that since z--h_-u Oof these two conditions | nt the same time is not possible, it is Bure to go in under the $720,000 bond jesue, except to be maintained by the state, and then refunded 'on, it in This program, an outlingd, can be carried o#, supervinors believe, it the Cull refund can We obtained from the atate.~ --It --meoane that> paving would 0. The ertension of the Milburn road from Hickory corners to the .BOARD GIVES APPROVAL and Vernon townshigns ts Diamond lake corners. atreat from Greentay west to Gurnee G. A. R, W. R..€., Sons of>-- Union Veteran® Daughters of Union Veter-- @ns and Auxiliary to Sops of Union Veterans held in Aurora recently, As the locar--unit of the Sons of Union $ v¥eterans #s hot active at present the work will be assumed in this * county. by: the W. R. €. ~~~ < PAN PAVING ON MANY ROADS FROM REFUND TOCOUNTY The connsetion of Belrviiere road at Mainesville to route 21 at Rollins. the paving of nine different strips wkder ouch a refund, and gave as their reason that the $720,000 iesue did not «cover some of the important arteries. Those routes to te paved under day _ Should the $730,000 road bond issue carry before the public Aprill3, and whould the state muke refumds,; as is a'most. certain, there will be many more pared highways constracted from thia refund. know of the existence of such graves in the county and who possess in-- formation on thr military life of the veteran to advise members of the ecmmittee in charge of the work. -- The ;Committee named to carry on the woirtk in this county is com-- prised as follows: Perry Harr's, com-- mander, and 8. ¥F. Greenmieat, adj tant of the local post c the G.AR. and Mayme Blanchard, Lula Kee!-- man, Esther Coon,,. Maude Kauten-- berg and Edna Booth of the Woman's Reliet Corps, and F. W. Bracher, Refund from $730,000 Bond Issue if Passed, to Give Network of Pavement. As the task of locating graves of veterans and obtaining information on the former soldiers will not be an easy one and will take many meeks of work, those interested in the ~movement are urging ail who the name of the decased, date of birth and death and wunit w'th which bhe gerved Guting the civil war is ibscrdDed. The zevernment has failed to mark many thousands c these graves because it has not ad-- vised of deaths of the veterans and location of their last resting places. As --a result thousands of men who risked all for the preservation of the nation are lying in uhnmarked @raves. --mark--graves-- of--ail civt war vetet ans in L&ake county has been launch-- 'ed by the Waukegan wn't of the Womans Relief (I'or- wih the co operation of the "local post of the G. A. R. _ The mov follows xbaw~m~t--ifijr nurber of grayes C civil war vet-- erans in the county as well as in ojiher parts. of the state that are unmarked; 5 Flans for the campaign were laid at a joint. mefl%ot members of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. beld in merm:orial hall--éin --the--court--bheuse; yesiterday a'terncon. ~ Y *' ~VETS INCOUNTY| Lenetry, Texas, Doomed to SEEK UNMARKED _GRAV Womans' Rogfl ~Corps Joins With G. A. R.: in Movement mner commander of the local unit the Sons of Voterans' + UR Caet e W atiert(n & Greenbay Gallaudet college in Washingtor ts anid to be the only Institution of high> er edugation in--the world which is de nolds, a farmer of Constantine, neat Falmouth, Cornwall, has a tree on his place -- which (&mmh apples-- The tree, which is about sev-- onty years ld, stands 530 too: in height. Bean chained them to a post near the saloon, a punishment so dreaded that it broke up lvestock thefts and bor-- hmmciofllni{nn any present method. mt * Snwdeora Agrint. ol\ Araw ment. . Rone of Hean'st pHtchet» qrer men y eobrn o théir drinks, removre his apron, walk around in front and announce~the ses-- the Bean place tice with a photo of herself, which so charmed him that he announced there and then that the fame of the town winutes, but the conductor obligingly held his train one hour for the Jerseq Lily, us she was known. ~ _ _ * "No oatter," ruled Bean. *"I'll mar-- ry you right now and send u'l.:g: for the license." -- And he did. months later the two appeared be{pre Bean and sought a divorce and the western j&stice, not hesitating a sec-- him, askipg to be married, but they had forgotten to obtain a Hcense. ond, improvised a divorcde ceremony and told the two their marital rela-- When District Judge J. B. Falvey of Ei Paso heard of this and profested, Bean had his answer ready. "I'm running this office on common sense principles," he wrote to Falvey. "I reckon a man has got the right to undo anything he has done. I married this couple, so I had the right to un-- warry. them." ~-- Nuamed foer tily Langtry, But there are plenty of Bean stories that surpass this inclupding the re naming of the town.> Formeriy it had ©MG AVIBC, SIANGS slongside the pres-- "a on of all fravelers.: When the --new lipe is bullt one. will have to. travel five milés overland to see the Bean place. ' ~-- Bean "Law Beyong the Pecos" -- . Bean was all that he claimed, the law beyond the Pecos. He made laws nthglpottoltw_cmthgtcl.c lawless element of the frontier, keep-- ing a six--shooter strapped to his side to back up his speedily made statutes. Forty years ago 4 painter-- stupped off at Langtry and painted a sign for tice," as he called it, the property into a small park. ;{: old ramshackle Bean licmestead, used as justice court, billlard hall, saloon maintain the old Bean "palace of jus-- was in Fort Worth a few days ago he | announced that authority hbad been given the Southern Pacific to build a l4--mile cutofft over its transcontinental | line op the border that will eliminate|~ Lenatrs from Jhe rouke ------------_----|.-- Aistance between Los Angeles and New Orleans thus will be short-- | ened five miles. . 38. M +* I Amwwnotthumum'_m be located on the cutoff.© Gilmore has joined a number of Texas citizens in age the town of Langtry, . colorful remmant "of the old est, where Justice Roy Bean adniinistered the "law beyond the Pecos," will sooR T Gece . ~TEequhlh -- m--m # rallroad " intends wwmqm College for the Deat Yields 14,000 Apples -- -- home, stands alongeide the .._Save Five Miles. to the Southern Pacific t& s 47 3 stre Result of Belief It matters all in the world what a -nh!lmltyhllovo_nenmn to bring it vitally home to hbis sout. What .he believes molds him in spirit and in Jife--Harvey DaKitchet, > dresa up for assured future develop ment. The firat move on the part of the progressive cititees of the thriv-- lug inner-- copunty village will be to deck out the main street with a series of Goulevard lights. now pending before the village board and it is expected that it will be act-- ed upon in the near future. u';» ed by boosaters in the# village t the system be installed and in operation While building of business buafld-- ingo and residénces during the past mnmmnm% H in expected that the vrolume of ercecdef during poa"x .I:.. ."M arse to vatant 'I..ldm eodlh?oeh" purchnased for a m'@hfl a few yoars ago but are now valued at $15,000 nen\ The beifg who in the past has re fbre'mmnhu? found, dot in high--Wrought gabtiety of thought, not in pointed' cléeverness of phrase, but in *;:e depths of the heart mg;mtmuucmwh bas never lost Its independence, Republic Founded by Monk .?omuufi'mmm: emallest independent state in rope, Is said to BHave been founded br Harvest of the Sea Figh to the value of--$50,000,000 ats consumed annually by mankind. O t-mtmnull«u.hflhll the States nearly one--third ard the remaining one--sirth goes to the rest of the world. Translating this REALTY VALUES CLIMBING ANTIOCH TO HAVE BOULEV ARD STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM Inner County Town Dressin Up to Meet Future Develop -- bodk i % ?-flh'u.-'-fluvi-!',nn is a large foreign clement, uflnb&cnh:..:cl«:fiw use is made of radio and moving pic-- tures to familiarize the public with flnmk-diuflmevhrhci'lu' al -- Americanization. George W. New Y¥ ""w"'?"'v: W.," gives Grst--hiind Iusiruction in fiag ,I'- \--. s e Ne. ;_ou' of q.:' ;;EA:"':": 3-&_.*("._1-.")_'0..9. Waker . Tordes. _ I village of Antioch is going to Postic Essence VETERANS TEACH ETIQUET OF FLAC * ---- AND PRINCIPLES OF PATRIOTISM to have been founded by m e n t . improvemert is Three Characters in Man Every man has three characters-- that which hbe exhibits, that which be has, and that which be thinks be bas. ean be ;pelodious--mingied with the murmur of a brook and the sighing of the wind, i# an accompaniment that art lead, zinc and oll paints that wl pot sustain a blaze and will prevent a fre from spreading have been devel eped by paint chemists Paints that smail fre will burn out without serious Injury to paint or property, are made In gll colors. 'They resist sea fog, sait air and all climate influences, and cost no more than ordinary paint. 3 N. Above Art 'An'amn: "Your suggestion of a $100,000 pipe organ to enhance the charms of nature's scenes appea'ls to me; but please do not ferget that in the woods the notes of birds, the sad mthwfidnoudmm Cry of the bluae jay--{or be 1d_the pretviest dimples They finally W kinze whi Wiews kas . the_» ~m..._.,!!'!',"'3'=9"--'""' iss NB ..' 'The Prettiest Dimples of All . Paint Defies Fire C sihs. aB hh »PP "--St. Lools Giobe--Deme Cl ty of ht .¥. --£. _ W. im , 1921 -- * aiter years of tircless Service in ad A Comedy Drama national offces: of the O;P"b' 4 . The Veterans of Forcign Wart is tie |B A.*®EAL. > -- as follows: "1 engaged to h very hice boJ who thiiks the world of me, thit the large man has dead. It was on account of no fault of mine, #e, honorgble sirs, what about Iit! It I ean be of use to you, I will arrive on smme date that you should guess"* . . My last has left ¢ & ' lteelf from me,; foo the good reasos| GET YOUR SEATS NOW nthrndtorauuuo-ut.flg Park, England, the residence of_ Philip Sassoon, a drawbridge of antiquity has been discovered. Piiapn in on 'ena ind also have been unearthed Dick Turpin used to hide in the mont h this gark. % Any Ofers? 'I Every Evening at 8:30 A Chiness newspaper contains this Miubirare Miandmaadias Tubrund Find Antique Bridge * Frank About it ~ 30 4009 104 J ylao vations at wbridge of rovered. ind somée been unearthed. Hd) ns "WeBuyand Sell < ~ |JJ | Clarke and Sistare, Lessees--| 4 || For "b':t" rent: 8 --room LTake-- on Btate Highway.--10 minutes wWwalk from railway station. ould WAUKEGAN, ILL make nite summer ho toserve meals. FPhone 1201--M, Good Meals 50c¢ William P. Whitney SELLERS & PETE R SE N 661 No. Milwaukes Ave «JBERTYVILLE ILLINOI®S TELEPHONEK 481 where : climatic conditions © are favorable. f ~REAL ESTA TE ue efi anay m in ARLINGTON t# HOTEL # killed. -- According to witnesges and a %-%ma,-!'.:'-.: he met his daitt 'at the exget time I had my strangest .experience.--Oon-- ha "Mer Temporary NEXT WEEK Beginning Sunday Matinee Kb hss -"' part of the Painter's Luck or renat: 8 =--room veen C ie migtmway. to "mipy iw place or ris. . Phone . Waskegan Telephone : 329 LIBEARTYVILLE . Officse With Farm Bursau Office in First NMational Hank Building Mours: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. ATTORNEY ATAAW LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS LUCE BUILOING Res Phone 136--M Offite Phone 1 LORA sSTyAmM EDITH LAYCOCK, PHONE 306 Columbia Lodce No. 131 Mystic Workers LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINONS Mestas Pnd and 4th Tussdays o# Each -- mou-- SGonth «at--Qridhay--Aall-- $N O W'S Dr. O. F. LYELL H. MORRIS CATTLE --TESTED FREE OF CHagco: Meets First ond Third Monday Nights-- .. Of Each Month at Masonic Hall _ ATTORNEYATALAW © Office at HMerme on Cook Avenue DR. J. L. TAYLOR ¥Phone 217M . Smith's T axi G. H. SMITH, Prop. Day and Night Service Night Ph. 497 _ Daz Ph.51 Phone tibertyviite 145--R--120R FRED GRABBE INSURANCE R.L GONSALVES Going to Build? WILL CONTRACT to furnish house complete for a set figure so you will know just what the LIBERTYVILLE 1I1LL.iNOS Teep~ors 61 Telephone 1884 * LIBZATYVILLE -- ILLINOINS A. A. Grandy ~-- M W.of 4. ACME CAMP No: 176 A SPECIALTY RW 9e