|+~, _ SAYS FARMERS ARE |____ INFAVOR OF DRY C LAW AT HEARING Washington, April 21.--The Amer-- f fean farmer was pictured as an ar-- -- dent friend of prohibition before th? jeis> 'uuu%w_kyg_nmee_ today, P > g e Saivings. uias(er" oT (he" Now Just new the Meipodist chatch is ««hout a misksler, through Rers D NMote hartér accopted a cal from a ealieg» in Philadctpaia and degparted on his mission. The moderstor fot the dtatrict 'bas capplie® a mini@ter for each Sunda» since the Aeparture ef IW. Mode and Centot avenug, with a commod Lkotls residence and on Sheridan romd. midjoining Bowman court, three now genidethces are nder conmstraction y The Ladiss Aid . r of the M. E. church »®ill meer on Thoraday at the rest#entes o{ Msm ! W iiowen, 145 Proapect avenue Lopcbsas will be merved at 1 o'clock The annual banguet of Take Biof post No. 5%0, Amercan lagion, wili tbe held at the Unrm~a»church on Wednesday erening et 7 a'cliock. A number of promine~' apeakers will be wa hand and the music for the occa-- akon will be furmiahed by an orchestra from Highland Park That the ban-- gaeet will be a 1 in every respect goea without saying end as nearly all of 4° ; reserratione hbere. been taken a large attendance in accured. 1i 4. understood that a prominent Met'odiest devine well known in the religiouns world. (a ncing considered f+r the pasiorats. bur notglag will be done in the matter ustil nexi wee when a mestiag f the chaurch The Girlk clod of tWe villaze are going to gise a communtr bai\l at the echool auditoriam on the evemng of Rwtu. ay, May |s The card party and dance at the ¥Wip'r clab on Setarday evehing was well attended and a most enjorab'» time was bad. The remtdencs at 302 Scranton ars nue, occupled by the Goodwin Gersts, hbas been sold,. the purchaser being Mr G@orge M lilith of the vHlags The property belonged to the Grace M. XE @horch, and was the church par.onage for a num'ber of years, the last incumben; being Rer B Fane. ircsatses will be b6Fd4 io consider the A row opened the session today whben the drys demanded three extra hours of testtmony because Sepator Reed (D) of Missoert, had used their time to cross=eramine wit-- would ask for an axtemsion !! the Arp request were granted. The 'first witmess> was Olite;r W. Biewart of Chicazo. president of the t'ying squadrom 'oundation who ptY> tested against modification of the Ory law. He. deci¢gred the Voistra{ act had brought temperance to Ame: . LAKE BLUFF sent the "Yarmers of America." _ _ "The executive council of the Na-- --~--*The farmers challenge the rest of the country and labor as well to conserve our national wealth and our spational energy. We want to know, it saloons are to be restored and our grains are to be put in'o Grink jnstead of food, whether it isn't time for use to get some of the ahort bours of iabor and the lux-- urtes of lMie." -- 1 Juilen Codman,. the west prose-- cuting attorney, questioned Striv-- Strirings declared the _ farmers stood for law obedience and were Appose dto any modification of p:t-- hibition. -- He was the first farm rep-- resentative to appear. befsre the com-- mittee as a witness either for wets or drys. ~ , "The farmers roice disapproval of any attempt to modify the dry law in any way," said Strivings. *"We eblieve in proper enforcemant of the--law. o * s York State Grange BUT THEY WANT CIDER ere," said Strivings > Claims They Don't Want to Sell Their Extra Grain for BY WiILLIAM K. HUTCHINSON ~--H. PDead --and samiiy ftrom I Purk werse woeek end vist many mewmbers are on the NEWS ITEMS Yaavrca and other deo to cleans «@p the and tha winter's C3 Filtyfire pes of crime are rep resented amapg the prisoners re eelved at these three institutions during 1925...One thousand, one bun dred fire, or mare than 50# per cent. ware clagsed hs petit lancern. lacsceny 'of burglary. P Kpat llinolts is being~ wnde a dumping ground fer other staies is sbown by the fact that--203 or 95 per cemnt ol those received at these in-- stitutions have a criminal record in some state outside of llinols Although recent . investigations show Trere weras §4% homicides in Chicago alome durin 19.%," redords of the three institutions show that only 103 were receitred under murder comvictions and 48 for mansiaughter 'for the entire state Washingion. Apr_ 131 --Presideni Coolidge was critictred today by Rep. Upsba®,. (D) Ga, for oppesing {f2d-- eral regulation of the motion picture Industry. "It seems to me." said Upshaw, "that the president, who comes from the land where purae {ideals ars sap posed to reign, ought to join with the forees of righteousness in this high and hboly crusade, rather than en courage the coltage of money at the expensa of national morality." Sqosg'lield, 1}1, April °i --Ililimois now has to deal with the greaiest aumber o{ first time eriminals in ber history .a survrey of the Minois staie peniteantiary at Joliet. the Southern Minots peniteniiary at Chbester and the Ili'mois state -- reformatory a' Poniiazc. shows. > At these institations 2.1¢% inmates were received during 19%% and o this namber 815 per cent were ®ithout previous criminal records. _ Upshaw's b!ll, ie declared today was atmed omly at driving ont un clean fiims from Americana show bhouses DISAGREE ON U. S. _ _ MOVIE CENSORSHIP The house cducation eanmmit®e will meet on Apri. 27 to heas final arguaments. Borgman was siain when he walk-- ed into a cigar store after Detective Hotchktss and Jpsech Flighted, iten-- tifled as the abndit who has beern bolding up numerous cigAr stoves, had shot each other in a gun Gueli The bandit, laying on the, floor, fa-- tally« wourded.-- turneds when Borg: man entered with 1 gusa in one band as sdbot bim dead The district aKfected is watered by the River Quse, and 4t is understood that theovernment.is to act almost Kmmediate®y 4 lonadon. _ April 21. --Two . million acres of valuable agricultaral land in fire eastern countie@ of-- England are in danger or relapsing into primeval awamp unless $12,500,000 is immed} alély erp»nded upon drainage, accord ing to a réport issued by the Ministry of _ Agriculture. in Lakeside hosf.tal shot through the . left thigh but reported resttng VALUABLE BRITISH FARMS RELAPSING INTO SWAMPS Marchest wae shot _ do fight with'a fellow Italian Jores was killed to a seuffle Jobn Hart, 29, anothe: negro. FIRST OFFENSE CRIMINALS PACK STATE PRISONS hbas been. several instances lajely w"ere residents have fired a pile of leave~ 'and then gounse asway and loft them. This is a dangerous thing to do. In order to insure saftety for your own and your neighbors praperty, the greatest care abould be taken to avold apreading the fire. » COPS AND BANDITS KILLED IN FIERCE this particular. _A l@arge--pumber _of the pretty homes in the Suu. are of frims . constructio _ and . would prove an.gasy mark .or a fire. There Ot course the eafest way to gef .14 --L the leaves is by using an in-- cmefator with a covered top. And even that needs watcaing, eapecially. if there is any wind blowing. . ;l"vl,'b' commenog.to purn in earnest and in a majority of cases epread so rapid\; that a graca fire is started and once ignited it gets--beyond con-- trol, unless the greatest care is ob-- servt > ~-- tCt * Bac.szltefd, 411 the consequences? --in less time thi ft mm---mgnr about 1# *the * ~'Just at this iime of the year ine| . Th¢ Commerce Department has just issued an interesting state. average Lake Bluff man is busily en--| ment which illustrates the drift from farm to town and city. The :zmg"!fi:";';'i; '('"8":.:"5::"';':";3': figures show 767726 fewer farms in the United States in 1925 than leaves," the accumulation of, seven |in 1920. In 1920 there were 6,448,343 compared with 6,371,617 in o pap en ce '- | save the best p';m or these: leaves The value of farm lands decreased during this five years from Siuts, moice, pay but,the amaiter |$54,020,503,080 to $40,540324,006. . The average farm, according He nkc»'gtbem into a pile and zhg': to the Commerce Department, which in 1920 was worth $10,284, :x:nllle; § br:a:;inu ::d' ,':beb Jfb'l;' :'0:; had dropped in 1925.to a value of $7,776,\whereas land which was the consequengces? --In tess time than | worth $69.36 per acre:in 1920, decreased to $53.57 five years later. m.-- "~ ~ As previously m« tioped 1h this correspoudence the purchaser was Wiltam G.: Watrous, a lopg--time resident of the viHlage, living at 110 Center avenue. # . bris wer consighed <to the inclaera-- tors. ~ . The new purchasers of the Kreut:-- berg house, 709 Park p'ace, expect to take posseasion the latter part of this Tcoo much care cannot be shown in The body of J. Coyne was found Just before daybreak today. Theo _miner apparently had been déad for _ | several hours, probably from asphyr-- forts to reach and save four men still enptombed by a care--in. ) Themas McDermott <was found altve and taken to an improvised hoapital shortly after 8 o'clock last might. His confition this morning Qlincy, Cal., April 21.--With ome man rescou:..'ud the body of an-- other removy from the Grizaly Creek RESCUE ONE MAN ~FROM MINE--CAVE; .. 4OTHERS HELD ~~**This, too, in fate of the Tact that Kearly all other lana "value increased in value more than 100 per cent. La*e Coumyvlndcpmdgm « Waut-ezan Wcé'lly&al Libertyville Independent" NDonse BROTHEeRs were 20@ sOUTH GENESEE $STREET WAUKECGANK Touring Car......$858.72 -- Roadster .. ... ... $857.70 Coupe ...........$910.06 _-- Sedan ...........8%963.74 a Verdict Rendered 1LLE INDEPEXDEXT TifursDa¥. APRIL 2. ib¥ ~ ~ --*'~ : This record was a foregone conclusion. Since the frst-- of the year demand in-- creased week by week. Each period showed greater sales than the one prc-- ~_'ceding and greater than the same period of 1925. _ During the last week recorded, ending April 3rd, 9104 units were sold, against 6530 feor the best weck last year--a gain of 39 per cent. Sales figur.ec are an index to the buyer's preference. Buyer's preference, these days, springs from clean--cut convictions on quality and comparative worth, penny for penny. Although the peak of the selling stason has not yet been reached, the verdict has alneady been rendered. us e history. 70,599 Dodge Brothers .Motor Q_o.n and Graham Brothers T rucks sold in the United States from January 2nd to April 3rd, 19261 37 per cent greater than the same period last year, when §1,318 unit® wore sold. > Here is a record to make you pause: 76,726 LESS FARMS See the Dodge Steei Body on Display in Qur Showr JAMES MORROW & SON their ef-- Ravenswood, Howard sureet and Ev-- 'anston dtristons of the Chiato Ei evated lines was tied up for thirty minutes this morning as the result | 4@0¢w > the ancient MarceHMue thea-- of the colision of rwo-- nortibound | ***-- -- § trains at the Clark and Lake streets | APr!l 21 has been accepted as the station this morning. . Pagsengers | t'ad'tional birtbday ofr rome and thus aboard both trains were shaken up, | '04%% was Chosen for the formai be-- and a shower of glass fell about the | E!2DIDE of a twentioth century renats heads of pedestrians on the gtreet | »*0¢. While the duke, himself, will below, but no one 'was reported in-- :f:n-bmoca&u:um Jjured. . 10 4 being undertaken, rect ac-- s Siibleouominicitniyi recerinenrecmngim -- | complishment has been comminsioned _ NO PDBTPONEMENT ASKED. ||to the new governor of Rome, Senttor STREET CARS IN _ --CRASH THIS MORN untnjured, said there is good reason to bellere that some, if not. all, 'of the other four men, still are--alire. " oc Cl oo e TEHEC x HRKY.. . VW -- 1 nc 4 Wnn Ahonn oo Ti astente aon make for = @ustponement 'Eus.fr-:.. Bigmor fremoppe! Las boum & raliminary conferance and it will be ,"z'-""'MMO"t: quarter in the company's Delivered #1.-- __| _ IN OLD GRANDEUR | progesrirEs In un | _ 'TO REBUILD HOME _ At omne o'clack this afteryoon the prem.er appeared upon the _ °'M="'l~0"m»o-::g age of thoveands of Fastists. > J ._ At two o'Clock be accompanted King: Victer Rmenubl to the new: race--track and participated in tne opening cere-- montes, -- * +-- -- The drive for the restoration of Rome waes siguited by starting and razing of the Aum @welltags which Eternal City, alt Italy was aiso ccle-- brating Colonia} day. - Premier Musgolini apent a busy day. At 10 o'clock from Capitoline Hill he *4 deltvered an address on the necessity | Ove tor cmm tot Lealy, cult Kternal City to wolddn days of Augustus. _ erday 'the residence and store of 'While the movement for a new and | @°"8* Murphy, Cortezs' brother--in-- wreater Rome was in progress in the |!*"* ¥*"* burnd. ; = remier Spends .B s[ . mflmmw':oytgfl PHONE 228 ement Dwellings. § veaville, HL, Apr. iL--The stale #} "I just met"Jones. I asked him for Ove deliars to heip me out of a dif-- culty and lse refused. I didu't Cink builders, both in design, material and 'workmandhip. But {t bas fallen upon eapcelally"evil days ip modern times. It is neither 'more Lf resa than a --You Will Never Run Out of Gas g--------------3----------»------+ The Perfect Reserve "Ob, yes there are! I'm anothert* which Thomsands of satished users the warld over Better have GCASIGCNAL than wish you had _ N pror deaker caumot supply you, send his name with your order durect to an R. C. VALENTIN 2339 North California Ave. Chicago mhwu € : WRIT & POR PROPOSITIORT; With a GASIGNAL on Your Car ig prosperity of all the co The "Milwaukee" serves you as if yours were the only community on its vast stretch of lines. lthvflym?'-flh'mrm&fo:d,h your progress. It works constandy your development. And it takes signal pride in the as you ask for them"BMeat from the packers, :lukffro-d:oOdenc,lmplgmufmm,hd;- centers; phonomph.rsolhc or mw--dmfln by the "Milwaukee" to the stores, for your convenience." counters all of goods from many markets of the mngng_fyour selection--day in and of the country for your selection--day in and day out, rain or shine. _ ~ , The "Milwaukee" is your great store on wheeis A glance through your storekeeper's back door shows these goods coming into the store from the railroad station. It is this railroad service on which the merchant must rely in arder to give his dependable setvice to you. | Andooyoucomc:dmlizhdlnthaehmoth« very important m storekeeper ' The Chicago, Milwaukes & 56 Paul Raiiwey-- which is directiy helping you every day. It is the "MiUwaukee's" the goods you require. % They do this so well :h;:youukc%mzmpply for granted, yet many products come from points hundreds or even thousands of miles away. add to your practical comforts and which fill "'{lnn ments. mbflgfrom the busimess centers--the merchants of your community. Nearly every day of | h_emd&wz"l:o Your Great -- Store hm"."hd&am T woe of a Ki -- T0 PUOET sOuND -- ELECTMFIC® was hurnaed, .and 'VILL AGE Mr. Timberiake smiled and added( "Many » man, by turning over im bAamerable new leaves, Ands himself af the top of the tree." > * , Representative Timberiake said 4 a Y. M., C..A: address in Denver : "Don't confine your good resolattoni to January 1. Mauke good resolutiont every day in the year. That's what 1 Officiabs deciare the tréaty is i accordance with the Locarno pacts. "This now treaty does not mean i challenge to the wes!," said 'thy; gayernment spokesman, "the treat; is not an alliance, but it alms to pre clude Ahe possibility of war' witl the east." \ Borlin, Apr, 21.--The Russo{ferma treaty is practicaliy ready for »ig nature, it was anmoupeed to fat=: national News Service today by government spokesman. . a mdp-fihmmu tery, reduces carbon and givre pep and powe to maotor, Gasignal also prime harg i vrelmak ctig Ac vugrd and you carry a Filling Ration with you. You alweys have a reserve supply of about one gal-- Vailve, also Primer Picture of Mew Faed with mmn&w 1. GASIQMAL Portect Resorve Veive and Prigner _#. DJ AL CAS CONTROAL 2. DU--AL GAS Thermostat and V scopm Onward and Upward TREATY IS READY on Your Car en ~nregye«~* Yog