Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Apr 1926, p. 10

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"I d0," said Bledsoe, producing| ther the .telegram from his daughter.| whi "See -- bhere. Diane says abo's| §D} there. That must mean Mead--| C ¥ilie." quit omermemmnizast yc raiee oc AReentunke?t ... .. Bot * "You never heard of it, Manner--| of ) _ . is Oh'r a birle sittees sour on | bat mer an** -b '_' an lat'e aa *# x m "trial hor AltbOug man wore faire. it or reconsillat by the paycho #he and héet } Southampton. . Eng.. Apr. :8 parentis happy in their Tebewed Mr. ind Mos James Stillman STILLMANS SAIL FOR HOME TODAY ) s _°____ Copyright, 1935, Warner Bros. Pictures Inc. = ". _ _ '"THE WIFE WHO WASN'T WANTED" with lrone Rich is a pleturign tion of this novel. "But, Bledsoe, i--} left ber. 1| don't know where she is!" ther's lodge in the forest, came po such peace. While ber telegram to ber father bad allayed in a measyre (bat e1cess of terror which, sceemingly inspired by the Mgbt of Eilden at the litle botel, had sent the girl gabloping madiy bomewards as If purssed by the leril himse!f, abe seemed obsess ed by fears which found erpres slon is greal nervousdess, the last place from which barw might emerge. Before her eyes an andulating sea of greem stretched away for miles to where in the bazy distance It was bounded by the silrery thread of the river.. to APBSAT .A im :':: : hnnmLa)o For a time after the message had gome she siationed herself at a front wingow et the lodge and gared back over the wooded hills through which sbe bad just ridden so madiy as if erpecting a par-- A remarkable aite was tbis that Fistwe bad choven for bi> m met bkome All about (t a primevral forest, . withis . whose . majestic Come on, let's go." ._ _ |had she gone twenty ygrds before . e se * |a thread of smoke lifted itself per-- CHAPTER XIV haps an inch from the ground, as All that day Elleen lay stretch| ®!8bt the coll of a tiny serpent. td across the bed in her littie Crackle! Pop!. Zoom! It is a rovmt" at.the botel utterly motion.| faming torch, a torch to spread de-- less. © Sléeping the m."u'_m-hful near, Bledsos's plete exhaustion, she might almost | LOrest is afre! = bave been dead. For her wearied| <EBuch a disaster was farthermost body Nature had decreed an arm|frOm Bledsoe's thoughts as be Istice: for ber tired soul had|8P®4 towards his lodge with John granted a cessation of griet in| Mannering at bis e/de. In fact, he gentle slumber. was at peace with the world and Yet to D ane Pladsoa at har t;.| bimse!!, particularly himself. Had sounded It was Bledsoe's great wealth which had made this thing poss+t ble. Out of some complicated business _ transaction _ be _ bad amerged the owner of this vast tract as timply as !f be, a marar #er barom, bad lald subject to bis sword a choice bit of a neighbor Ing kingdom. Now, like somelord "See her--see her and exrplain.| with the assurance of familiarity. She'll forgire you, don't worry| A few steps and all semblance of about that," said Bledsoe with all\ a path had disappeared. But on the confidence of a man whose rest| #he went, circling a mass of has been unbroken. derbrush here or some monstrous "But, Bledsoe, I--I left her, 1| giant which lay prone there. Now #on't know where she is!" groan--| there lay before her a bed of p s€ John repentantly. needles as soft as any carpe "I do," said Bledsoe, producing| then she must climb a rotten log, the .telegram from his daughter.| which, dry as punk, shivered off a "See -- here. Diane says sbo's| Splinter benesth her light tread. | there. That must mean Mead--| Careless! Diane moved away, ¥ilie." quite heedless that her foot had, -- . --"Meadvilie®" _ ____ _ ___ _ not stepped mmmm-ui "You never heard of it, Manner--| of her cigarette or that bher action and 'ory alrens, while sometimes over Nead an s#eroplane vied with the ragle's fight A few Bours' ride and all the activfties of cirilisa tion pulsed about one, but bere amidet these glam's of the ages the centuries seemed turned back, ind th¥y in philosophical calm to scorn the march of progress. Yet to D ane Pledsoe, at ber fa CHAPTER X!i!--Continued . ----*" S$YNOPE!8 u," e man bad perer h echoed to the ar away faf 11+ "A.F. MARCELL Ap It ..:Al,.. #.5 Bs most disagreeable slizsation in re spect to the election? Having act-- ed so righteously he was inclined to take a calm view of life. Al though be had urged John to pro-- ceed with bim to Meadvillie with the utmost dispatch, no sooner had they started than, from Joha's polot of view, he grew most emas peratingly dilatory. He had to stop st bis offce and leare in utrifetious. TVs cBauffeir had bet ter. go and get gas Thers was s tire that should be changed. Then be not ertricated bimself with *There's a town abesd or a big fre." he told Bledroe. "Can't be." said the other with all the assurance of eract knowl-- edge (On,. on they went, while the miles sped by. Once more they toppod the hill. she went, circl a mass of d. ; £ aduvartidawendrrdindn m td mry % f erbragn 'bere :::"m s n:m ) (Bef ilspatches. reporting that M.|[| These lJow fare excursion tickets good only on Special. Train fegvug Offtice in First National Bank Building No. 24(4 K. A. Ni. -- ; giant which lay prone there. Now Zerenger has been limited to an of-- Waukegan 9:08 a. m. Returning Special Train leaves Chicago Hours: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. there lay before her a bed of p fer of $30,000,000 a year for the 7:30 p. m. (Standard Time.) LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS rst part 0i e agree BL Was : £ t6% P no'l:;':.:'on as .u"ym:r:oh':] jarring note. This is $10,000,000 a Spend _."'ehgithl day sight--secing and visiting friends in the dccmeeren aomvarieree im ooo arenrmmmmmemompgnoien ':u" y us mmm' L ropd ,m.; l(e'nmlhanlwuhmlkw 'b)' Jo-- Wonder' City. Among the many attractions are obumtio_n fi mplinter Deveaik mer ment meng "| |itPh Cantmux in tbe sbortive, ®¢ [[| motor bus rides over the greatest Park and Boulevard System in ||| LYELL H. MORRIS ' Careless! Diane mored away, -- |other respects the Beremger proposal the world ; Lincoln Park with its wonderful z0o0; National League ATTORNEY A T--LAW quite heedless that her foot had, «[ is materially better than anything Base Ball game at Cubs Park--St. Louis vs. Chicago. Matincees at LIBERTYVILLE ILLINO!8 not st@pped upon the lighted en f unhunyroppud.m _ _theatres. * & « LVUCE BUVILDING " f of her cigarette or that ber action The _ fhat -- ultimatum ~of Senatorf#{ -- > --_-- ------«------ on zn y _z e se ce Fhine 16 | in Infomi o lsnt ReGH ----| Re#--Abranlgurt 1ettee 'traiee (I _ Children halt fare. . Mo baggage checked. Amnbinrjminneiadtinndal mrrrrnge _ ~rrnmars In:m fl t'=ty h:z before ~ b e novh Im& t $ h un "-y'; For further urucuh.n nnl:: agent C ' '"V t ~ ~ "? TA Visiting c.-n"u'l Cordial! l"'-?o: to bring any agreemert belore the -- * » Inv & thread of amoke Hifted Htselt ber!-- 1t _ sontimier aat use of illl _ _ ~ s eo T Rol 5T O Dr. O. F. Butterfield TA RL CORLEPE, . P. it was almost lanch time, they bad better bavre lunch. lowardly Jobs fretted and fumed it the imp of procrastination which had seised the man. Alone «aad with Lis own car I?«l' have been well om the way. Bot uplified by bhope. where all bad been bopeloss, be had bormg the delay stoically. © At last they were off. Filled with Impatience, John fretted un der the'r slow progress through the congested trafe. He was on pias asd need¥#»s ss they sped more a«wiftly sbrough the--eavrirons of the city. Fimally out on the highway as the speedometer began to climb, be sask back in bis cor ner with a sigh of reliet and left Bledsne complacently enjoying bis rigar in the other. s [ A Serce gost of wind #wept down on the car and Jobn sniffed "It's a forest fre!" be eried "Don't you smell it!" On, on they west through the long bhours of the aftersoon. it was a s{lent ride. A8d sow Joha tound himselt the prey of a thou sand fears and regrets . Would Eileen forgire him? Once reach-- od she must be made to under stand. In bis repentance be was ready to go to any lengibs to re quife eure. She must be made to ubderstand the misapprebension under which he had labored. Ab, but Klleen was proad! Wonld she torgive him? There was the rub. On, on they wert against a ris-- ing wind which did not fall with the setting of the soa Twilight came and darkbness. As they top ped the hill Jobn thougbt be per-- ceired a red glaw in the sky. "Leok!" cried Bledsoe, altting ap and staring abead with startled eyem "It is a fire, as I lve, an immense ome! But what can it things--in bis apget 1M as the eye could see, > * Bledsoe seemed to love this for-- est, yet it is doubtful it he had ever penetrated its depths more than a few steps from the roadside in all the years that he had owned It, This, however, was not true of Diane. Like a dryad ot these! hills, she bad run wild in their shadowed recesses since lnfuey.s Now, disturbed as ube was by some inward fear, they seemed to] of the middles ages, ho could "Making her way downstairs she moved off into the quiet woodland and while Mr. Stiiman is understood not to be thoroughly enthusia¢tic over peycho--anmalyris he is encouraging his wife in seeking happimess with this HOLD "TWIN" IN ELOPEMENT TANGLE 1¥ (To be Continued) and (we . youths A pr ii\ a g a 1W aArLZ 13 " Friday n:m. of Each | ontih In Grmdiey Mall, First National BabiR Building. Vislting Neighbors Weiteme ' uG "ADLOFF, N NADO'LE. FARTHER THAN E'VEnlofl"BiusAcn'alARfiE . FROM SETTLEMENT | cmass l m sn to bring any agreement belore the senate containing any kind of a "safeguard clause" demanded . by France, was another,.. While France has abandoned her comtention for an outright-- safety ctlayse, relievieg ber of .ITuifliiment of-- an-- agreement shoulg Germany {fall dowa on her reparations payments, M. Berenger has nevertheless insisted> upon a modified safety clause. French case--and the possiblitty was «=en today ol President «@oolidge again having to take a-- bhand in the situation. as he did once be 'ore _ p Om the previous occason. Pcrs dent Coolidgs sided with Senator Amoot... Secretary Hoover and «on «ressional members o{ the cominis Despite the regu'ar treasur nouncements that the debt c0 sloners are unanimous in the vcistons, it is an "open secret decidedly different views are Paris dispatches reporting that M. Zerenger has been limited to an of-- fer of $30,000,000 a year for the first part of the agreement was one jarring note. This is $10,000,000 a year less than was »offered by Jo-- seph Calillaux in (the abortive me-- gotiatigns last October, although in other respects the Berenger proposal is materially better than anything Calillaux proposed. -- Washington,eApril 28.--The Franco American dobt' negotiations were in a state of suspengion today while Ambassador Berengér wrestled with the formulftion of a mew proposa! more to the liking of, the Ameri-- can debt commission. Instedd of the speedy setilement which officialy had hoped for at the resumption. of the negoliations last week, it was becoming increasingly 4pparent today that there still ®-- keis--q-- wide--diffesences~ beiween what the Amecicans think Franeeé can and should pay, and what the French are willing to pay. The negotiations now bid fair to be long drawn out --and some of the early optimism about an ultimate agreement bhas dis-- appeared. sion, and turned thumbs down Calllauxr's offer, . which . Se Melion. was undersiood to ; altdia the ®enaermouns credita Offer Maximum of $30,000,-- 000 a Year Which Is Short of U. S. Demands. DEMAND SAFETY CLAUSE landed at Huo, Amnam. French China. a Saigon message said t Capaln Gallarra, in another f landed at Hanoi yve«terdar girl this moraing was choice of going back bhome at the detention home, an the lafter Margaret and Lcomard say it« want to get married, but the girke mother, Mre. Elliott 8. Sheffie}d. objects and Margaret will hbe held pending decision on this phase of the sitwation. Leonard is being beld also. For more than a rear pow, Am4r Wan Unancial markets hase beep clomed to ber bFrauge O6f ber pelicy o( evasion and delay on the debt. and hey will not be opened until an agreement is reached and ratt 'led. During that period bas s«<en the frane go lower and lower, and seen Rer principal European com petitors come to Washington, pay op. --mugd--then ro to Wall--sireet asd . Lopdon, Apr__ 2§ --The Spani<h avietor, Captain Loriga, in commend of onme of the two Spanish airpiane* eproute to Tokio from Madrid. bas desirous of going io the coumiry in the campaign in a position to po ant to the liquidation: of all war ebt«e' as one of the ou' standing achsevements of the ge«sion. Farmce also is keemly desirous o{ some kind of a settiement at this t<mwe. altbough determipred to d:ive ihe best bargains @btainable. Republicans up | «irous of going Phone 217.M . LIBERTYYVILLE ugh ihe senate in er democratic and i INSURANCE -- ement is the «ho ol 1Mis congtes® may . be FLYEA FORCED DOWN Lra A. A. Grandy ' M. W. of A. ACME CAMP Ne. 176 e last righ' on Margaret was dres AFTiYa to rrect and Thirg ime . re maim Ne i y an un m is «904 A y Ce Chicago, April 28, -- Mrs. Susit White McMakin--today filed a $50,000 breach of promise suit against her former husband, Eugene Paze Mc Makin, broker, on the ground that instead of kéeping'a promise to re-- marry hber, he married another wo It will Pay You to ~Hrow the MAYTAG I A T TORNE T.A T --LA W 6 "% * * ~ s Office at Home an Look® Axenua.. I __TELEPHONE 451 Telephone {63) f « LIBERTYVILLE ILLINO!S Chicago & NorthWestern Ry. W -- Only $1.00 roun» 1 Waukegan Maytag Company _ 128 N. Genesee St., Waukegan. Phone 1826 Mayiag Co., Hig"land Park. 541%/2 Central Ave. _ O'Neil Hdw. Co., Lake Forest. Phone 500 TITUS BROS, Libertyville. Phone 64 Aluminum Washer SUMDAY, May 2nd For hoames withoul shactric-- Ry . the M aytag is anailable wsith in buth pavaline mater P ATTT «_ _.~,. BLAME PRICE WAR Gary, Ind., April 27.--A price war is, blamed for the bombing of (he Reliable Cleaners' establishment | here. + The bomb, tossed -- through kess eB GIE C e 9E Mrs, ueug.fl:j: Writ, there was & reconciliat and agreement to 1g marry. A short time afterward, &¢ cording to the bill filed in court, McMakin . married _ Miss Virginia Weil, 23. in J 9 Outstanding Maytag Features 1| O Reasons for World Leadership _Brussies, Apr. 28--More than » & dred persons were injured when seven cars of a passenger traif over-- turned near Antwerp, . it became *nown today. ~The trifm jumped the track as a result of a faulty switch. Harrison DR. J. L. TAYLOR William P. Whitney Architect d. 3 M AMSilh d ce r ctrdritadiclctvdlntzid inpornguraadiiatretenementadict _ ,, Veterinary _ Surgeon °| IJ. B. WETMORE, Secretary. | LisertyviucLle iLLINOs Telephone 66 " 1--Washes faster. _ The Gfre-- han Poipi nise te Te on watet , :'-z"' the ""'uz J --Cloches cas be put in or tghee hr-hh::.h':'::h E. W. COLBY y is not evailable ATTORNEY AT LAW 100 ARE Cremies & 26 --More than --% INJURED t of twbe. -- two Libertyville $N O W'S Visiting Members Cordially invited LORA STVAM -- EDITH LAYCOCK Columbia Lodce y No. 131 Mystic Workers LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!S Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of Each . By. U, 8. Government Veterinarian D. C. Grinnell, Inspector in Charge Telephone 329 LIBERTYVILLE Office With Farm Bureau PHONE 306 Reverse Charges on Business Callt --** LAKE COUNTY AND -- WAUKEGAN, ILL. FRED GRABBE Auctioneering FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY 912 No. County &. Waukegan, HJ. SELLERS &: PETERSEN _REAL ESTATE 851 No. Milwaukés Avehue «IBERTYVILLE ILL"':OI' . Libertyville Chapter . No. 272 R. A. M. --, Smith's Taxi Day and Night Service Going to Build? WILL CONTRACT to : furnish labor und material on your house complete for a set figure so you--will know just what the sost will be before starting. Phone Libertyv:lis 145--.R--120 R Night Ph. 497 Dey Ph. 51 Libertyville, K. R. L GONSALVES ARLING T O N +# HOTEL # CATTLE TESTED FREE OF CH ARGE G. H, SMITH, Prop.

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