M ax aadllee thepeeness Te naghs: of the night, police announced that Hurley confessed hbe beat hbis wife over the head with a bhammer, fo> lowing a quarrel . Albany, N. Y., Apr. lfi--ln. Mary Hurley, 34. mother of two small childres. was dying today in the Albany HMospital of a fractured skull, and ber busband, Thomas, H, was being held by the police on an open charge. Mrs. Lucillie Garske of Milwau-- kee has escaped bigamy charges, fol-- lowing her marriage in Waukegan last Saturday to Howard However, because she and her real busband have been reconciled. (Charges that comvicts were npot sufficient!y o#f properly fed and that medical attention as meagre are un-- der scrutiny. It was said that is the effort io cut down prison ex-- peases for an economy showing, ra» tioks were--reduced below normai re quirements. _ _ A Reports of highly unsatisfactory discipline . amo; inmates of -- the Leareaworth zno' hare reached the Department of Justice. FEOBKAL ERLOULE| uy e Naieiie wartnrs tare thee arer . s * ~| of the middle --western farm bloc over Gecrocmentciastizny the poesibility that in the general d> Washington, Apr. 28--A generai| Pa® All ®uch legistation might | be khakeup in the"personne! at Leavep [ "talked to death," that propomants of worth Federal prison, is congidered |*" equalization fee privalely dectared as & result of the investigation which|they were prepared to drop . their is being pressed to concilusion by the fight and unite bl'h.ind the Haughen Departmesi of Justice, it was bearned | Dill, which it is be'seved wilk eatisf today. the corn beit Report«s submitted to Atitorney Gen--| -- Majority sentinmest today appar eral Sargent by ageants 'MJ." ently 'farorgd the bill by Rep. Tinch-- heen on the ground {or eral|er (R) Kansas, which carrics the en-- mouibs are said to disclose gross| dorsement of President Coolidge and mismanazement in many features Of| Secretary o( Agriculture _Jardine 1t prison administration. would ald farmer's cooperatives with Oflicials declined to say whether|a $100,000,000 fund for the etorip: presen:ation of the case to a Federal Grand Jury Washington, Apr. 28 --A general sbhakeup in the "personnel at Leaven worth Federal prison,. is considered as a result of the investigation which -- Mrs. C Grace -- met However --last Thursday. according to dispatches from Milwaukee, telling him she The couple were bappy until Monday. Then Mrs. Garke left her husband of forty--eight hours, leay-- ing behind a note in which she stat-- ed that she already was married. WOMAN IS DYING; _ ---- HUSBANDIS HELD was unmarried and that her name was Lucille Falkman. The two met again Thursday aight n;d _)(rl. Garske consented to "glope to Wau-- kegan last Saturday. They 'did so and were married here. -- This explanation~ did not satisty However and he had her traced by the police and placed under arrest. She made a confession but her busband appeared on the scene and forgave h¥rr. As a result she will not be prosecuted. The Wau-- kegan marriage will be dissolved. Bigamy Charge Will Not Be Pressed; Local Wedding to s Be Annulled. EVeERYONE SATISFIED NOW WHO ELOPED HERE l ---- ATTY. RESIGNS| VIOLATOR, CAUGHT ~AND GOT MARRIED| womcye: 2275 im c«»| -- INLIQUOR SNARE FEDERAL PRISON ~Highest in Quality _ _Lowest in Price Clesed car prices include starter and demountable rims. All prices F. O. B. Detroit TWENTY.TWO YEARS OF LEADERSHIP Ford cars are built throughont ofthe hinest materials that can be pro-- duced. The best steels available are used m manracture, $520 +290 +'310 +500 *565 windows is as perfect Upholstery -nc:'i ordinariiy specifed. higher priced cars. windows is as perfect as can bemade. Upholstery material contains a ::.m of wool than is higher rrbd care. basic tures Ford design have neve been improved upon by any pendability, The Ford h. ow the faver of imiluoss of uen under every conceivable motoring en over; is performance is taken for granted. thows shd sppresiiacd the world over; is performance is taken for granted. Such wttylapouflouh' prices ause every operation, All--Steel Bodies m'»«wfl Plawlav_i_v Transmission Simple, Lubrication Torque Tube Drive Three--Point Motor Suspension FORD MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN No other car ofers greater de-- which iasted most m lu'eo-n;s:na " _ materials into useful by--products. performance is taken f0f n ty > + is shected. Uuder no other ciroum, uality is possible at Ford _ stances could Pord quality be had because every operation, at Ford prices Features That Maintain Ford Leadership tering prices Debate waes erpected today to be allowed to runm as long as the fram The department CSharged that Pooti sent circulars through the mails ad-- vertising a $7,299 yearty returm on a §$10 investment (s "waits of Indebt-- An iafuential minority was activéely campaizning for support for «the Haogen bill which would authorize the <use of $375,000,000 from the treasury in stabikMzing crop prices. It provides that withia two years an equalization fee be arweased egainst Warshington, Apr. 3%.--The Post Offices Department today issued a fraud order against the Charpos L apd Syndicate of Jacksomvilie, Florida, -- Charles Poor!, financial Wisard, recently sentenced "to jail for his Florida land operations, or-- ganised the syndicate ~ . Wishington, April 2$%.--A new va-- riety of bogey man, standing bestdy a plow and looking over a list of candidates, loomed rover the capitol today. POSTOFFICE HITS t "Partners AT PONZ ScHEME 1 A g a i n' ' It was the shade of the American farmer a spictured by~--an ijmposing group of representaitves seeking to patch up their lfl(.mnc" and unite behind ferm re legisiation beforé Ciffcally--for~ the --resignation, it --was said to be the outgrowth of certain criticism against his conduct of his office, which has reécently béen inves-- tigated by the department. , three separte relief bills reported by the agriculture cotumittee. _ --* Washington, 'April 28.--Allan Curry U. 8. istrict attorney at St. Louis, has submitted his resgignation and it has been accepted, the department of jus-- tice annoupced today. Curry request-- ed tifat his resignation become effcet-- ive Saturday. FARMER SEEN AS-- NEW MENACE TO _ VOTE CHASERS Farm" Bloc Demands immedi-- ate Action on One of Three Farm Relief Bills. REPRESENTATIVES F E A R NEW PRICES While no reason was advanced spe from mining of ore to fnal as-- sembiy, is under direct control of the Ford Motor Company. _ Iron is taken from Ford mines in Michigan; coal from theCompany's mines in Kentucky and West Vir-- ginia. Glass comes from Ford glass plants; wood from the Ford timber tracts in the North. Raw materials and finished products are carried over the Company's own transpor-- Mo.n:mhcmbhfl-» naces, & mill, foundries and saw mills--all are part of this com-- plete organization. There are even salvage plants, paper mill, cement plant, etc., to transform waste Fred "Freddie" Born, of Fox Lake, who twice sefved jail sentences for rtolations of the prohibitory law, was made a defendant in an information filed today 'in the county court by States Attorney, A. V. Smith. In this, Botn is charged with sale and . possession of intoricating +li-- quors. - In the Born cases special detectives built up the evidence and will tegtity, l.csggfljxfito Col. Smith. that they purchased liquor ~there Apr. >20. ~Arthur--Dibble; of Aatioch, who was in the county court recen'tly because his little son failed to get along well in school, was & second victim in the booze campaign being carried out by Col Smith He is charged with sale and possession like Born. The information brought to Col. Smith was that Dibble carries on the restaurant business in Antioch but that he has a soft drink parlor in the rear of his place. Operatives are ready to testify that they bought drinks from him Apr, 26. BOOZE SELLING CHARGED Information Filed Against Him and Arthur Dibble of Anti-- och in County Court. . POTASH and--PERLMUTTER'$ LATEST SUCCES$ -- =© Box Office Open From 1000 A. U. to 1000 2. 4. =© Mrs. Wiggs of the ---------- THEATRE MAJESTIC Tickets Now on Sale For AH ----=*«-- I Smart Coats America's Greatest Ouly 4 More Times to §2 1 t -- onin tun--sio 6 <** > *Wt . q) * §* d1 t & + * "@ * UXA 4 These prices don't begin to represent the fine quality of these coats featured wfim Sport coats of tweeds and hovelty woolen fabrics in the smartest tailored styles are Here. Dress muofhm.eqduyunommmdwimmhuofmmmm%mp exceptional even in the May Sale. Reductions on the new mannish suits bring them--to you at these prices also. Sale opens Saturday at 9:00 A. M. * K T wo Groups of Better Included in these two groups are sample coats purchased late at prices which allow us to sell them at regular wholesale prices. Many charmeen dress coats and some unusually fine sport coats will be found at these prices Saturday, Values you cannot afford to over--look. & MAY SAL $s39-- 72 BUY THEM ON THE TEN--PAY PLAN $1 5 «i 204 s m 3.0,.,, Hei 560-- Ne t wate Hundreds of In Our Great . .-- " The Finest ° Assortment of --Spring and-- atPricge J and *409: