Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Apr 1926, p. 8

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i SBre ¥iage and cha> : -.nmkm _--. epermiing on stania~~ time. imgs +/ uare in & pretsy mes: i~ <he viflege on ~LOANS LAST WEEK ----~OVER A MILLION ~Bago to lndiana for use on dairy W rapidly r"." to th reAA.of the room which \Bonta!. ~ 1 it --gasoline and #apt*a The _ §r ermittant @#nloctons . that o--cured m the Are--were -- undoutted!y --Ahese Aruze--of ~highly expusive liq *'"u vas repormed to tave been $ scows fr Kenosha, Wis, to ml t'i:rh K.'uc.: n' mirukthes fom Cue | q --verghs zm #e but misMt ve rewited themn that aon»w &' #Be plast --wante! |! © mm M-'-'vfi to be r kept in tit -- Aithoug @n investication wfin-uv «lated this week, Ing the board to have the ARMER AT WADS . _ WORTH IS FINED bole--thing >yrss_into fiames. Bteam for h-x;lnrmpg and rnishing heat for the overs used ~Uhe finishins department . comes mly building left 'standing. cmbbeation might . have the cause Of the fire' as in the =g( deparmmpent, according to one 'thg employees, there were seve:al ums of napths and high test gaso se -- which wes wpBed . A the day 0 solutely n« CLASSIFIED A D S f or in e Cornet Waore, tEToug" miracie & Rre #Pnoration, the rax ror Jale € of similar price %' %Mnnuu BALE=--AChrotce lake t | °.. YOUR OLD PIANO &m;s&.}.f'}'.',";"fl.mnu-tnmu payment. The 3 , @n Belvidere Road.| balance can arranged on out bud-- Wbdividing. For M!!d!hlto-a&'tnmmm ty M the tim mapths or gasoline on waste gning purposes'and that he had epors i on '~#, Biflex plant was ied (o bus" down" was very wnd Pesemoa refused to di-- he sou~e o his information, Tthat 1h2%re>3#Ft had come--from Lakes that the fre was not stw«w| caos#. It was stated day of the Afe that v.hzn was ely no ire in the buildigg de and never bad been ubntil the %a"!-'m 1 to¥ E. Peterson Asks State stigation; Bertram Is ---- Coming. # @outtful it Prod $400 plant For Pe Hty is tha me termre t Ahe re. 01 enianeo.s : real aotut!o fre's o Arir have au IHR, after 5:30 an W EIGHT ENDIARY OF FIRE -- will be in Wau rt the investiga State ments fMed .43% . . . $630.468 33 go. Chief Brean . ~oall to-- State # and was in-- tons of alfaile CaBLB PIANO CO. ".',"'-"93' 9# @. Genesee Street, request for an | _ Chief -- Fred a# 11 official of t their lay in Inve t . The only ight saving service of e had heard een en put in . mestion-- standard, hat was t Nofth noraing. tigation oTe OU as beet e wOTr 17141«(| Our néarest facetoty branch to you , to u th founded on the workmanship and ma-- terials that enter into the creation of Cabilemade and Cable--guaranteed in struments. We have further reason for pride in the very reasonable prices at which we are able to supply you #ith these instruments and the easy terms of paymeni PIANO BUYERS The Highest Quality in Grand P anoe, iInner--Player PLIW' and U» 'rr.tuhprhththol CABLE PIANO COMPANY We have two factories, one in Chi-- cago and the other at St. Charles Ili noie. To efther of these you are wel-- We sel} directi# from our factory or factory branch and every sale carries our very unusual * EXCHANGE PRIVILEGE which' entitles you at arny time within a year to exchange the instrument first selected for any other on --our floor of similar price. Anconas, $1250;, Whita Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Rose Reds, $1250; Wyan dottes, Minorons, $1450; _ Leghoms, $10.50; Heary Assorted, $9.50; Light Assorted, $8.50. Tfl" Matings, 3¢ a chick higher. D. T. Farrow Chicker Loo Wennode -- Wt 11 U | improved 240 acre Michigan farm, {for cify property or small farm adja-- | eent to. Libertyville. See Mr. Schenck, | or Sellers & Petersén. Phone 530. 1t | pounds; some heayy hens; Scotch |Collle~pupplu 5 weeks old; Seed wheat, seed barley seed oats, seed rnm; hay and straw. Bergeron Stock Farm on Lake St. Rd., two miles west 'of Libertyville. Phone 678J--2 .17 "m',"""" fld"rlhy" 'fli,:":'mn 8ALE--A number of restricted -- ont , womes _ homesites in Sunnyside Park 8gb home ; y in family; no childrenm hss low 0 00-- &. BSBee or call H. Hendricks, Ingleside, as 18140.00; includes sidewa TL Phone Foxr Lake No. 6 17 11| a and pald for; two Instaliments pail aath # _ "____._ __j--on water; ode instaliment pald on OAIRL WANTEID'--As second maid; &\ ewer. E Z terms; 10 per cent down, permanpent position. . Mya .\' per cent montkMy, and interest Phone Libertyville 261 17 1t These are the biggrest bargains in and xnmmmpmmmemmummmmmmmmmm--m--_w--'*%r0und libertyvyille _ Compare 10c¥ s \tion, price and terms before bdying ---- Miscellaneous i cisewnere. FARROW CHIX, May delivery, 100 THERE 18 A SPLENDD OPENING ; for a salestman as Sub Distributor | for the Star Car in Libertyville and : vicinity. We advertize, furnish leads | and o0@perate to make you success | time.) _ Apply at the Finstad Rat, OR SALE OR LEASE--industrial Bhop. Phone 59. 17 1t, broperty known as the Robbins 'Wodworking plant Main building WANTEIA--Womanr to do cleaning; | ox110 teet: 12 lots, railroad frontage. WANTED--Girl or AMderly lady for may stay at the house while engag-- ; a ed. Iinquire of Mrs. W. B V. Ames 3 FOR SALE--Lot in Dymond & Aus tiles north of 1dbertyville -- 'Fele: tin's Sub, quarter biock from Liber phone 166--J. 17 1t tyville Highlands Only--$$00 Terms bargain; has garage 222 by 26 feet. Call at Independent office. .« FOR SALE--Pure bred Holstein bull, ready for service; herd under Fed-- eral supervision. Walter H. Branden-- burg. 'Ingleside, I1l. Telephone McHep-- FOR SALE--Homestead sewing m4-- chine~' Inquire at 304 E. North Ave. Phone 3$24--M. -- l5 4t tooth harrow; corn pi&nter, and land roller. E. Wilcox, Mundelein, Ill. Tel-- ephone 627--R--2. ° 1 i FOR SALE--2 pulverizers; -- spring FPOR RENT----Modern flat. centrally 16 cated _ Fhone 480--R_ 17 if WANTE land Man No. 530 FOR SALE--Canary birds, with cage, ; !erms. x i* $1295. Sold $1.00 down, $1.00 ucbi MUNDELEIN . + week. 'Guaranteed pedigreed Roller®./5 Room Bunsalow. Entirely Modern Roy:s. 32 N. Genesée St, Waukekan.) Locafed in new section. Large grount FOR SALE--5 acres elosé to town. Ideal for coyntry home. ' See Fred H. Smith, Libertyville, Mi. _ 17 1t Lib Lake Fort FOR SALE--Spring lambs, 30 to 60 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--Highly FOR SALE--§0--acre farm. north of Crystal Lake, $12,500; land all un-- der chitivation; buildings practically new and worth more than the total price asked; immediate possession. Howar@ Wattles, W. McHenry, II1. 1t fremmmmnzetanmmmmnmemenemmnnsmnnmnemmnantmentmeme FOR SALE--Team of horses, yel:hty 3200; 8 and 9 years old. 24 head of sheep. --400 full blooded 'White Leg--| horn hens. Cultivator, Disc;--Hay Rack, | hay mower and low wagon. > Inquire at Indepedent Office: ~at at| FPOR SALE--Coniplete ice cream) PM | Properties Shown by Appointment. lor and soda fountain equipment. ;. SELLEARS & PETERSEN -- Phone 209J. _ _ . C _ 17 1t | 551 N. Milwaukee Ave FORRENT--FMla Female Help Wanted WANTED -- Waitress; to work from 4 p m to 1 a m. (daylight saving me.) Apply at the Finstad Pat s'on. Phone 59. 1 it DR SALE--White ename} ice Phone 189--M. ~ Miscellaneous _ _ Room and Board WAUKRGAN HAANOWK 16 31 FOR RENT -- ind dinner IPhone M 41 l® M QO m rooms, _ bal F--R Stafto 16 near .( is well thntrng 'OR SALE --7 .room house corner ------t---- Hiret and Park Ave; tot 501150 feet; bat} :""c;i 6 Room. Modern House. Lot 100x160. 17 "|Junt completed.* This home is »nriced | very low. Desirable location. Easy nawe ; teTMs. 2 0t 15 t 1t "to Mitw | We have desirable building lots in all | sections. We can mfeet your require 'ments for bome site or investment FRED . SMITH U N. Mitwaukes Ave, Phone 200J Fol SALF 4 R. Hse., full basement. close in on cement Rd4. Gar. Jdeal for small fam-- fiy. > : 4 R. Cottage with bath Ctose to sthool. Priced right for quick sale 'fi want something good, look at this:* FR House, vath & Mod. throw out 4 car gar. Lot 100x175. Berries, grapes, fruit and flowers of every tind. 4 lerge shade trees in front. See this to aporeciate. Have some real ouys in vacant close may be just what you are looking for, FOR 350 Milwaukee Avenue Libertyville, Illinois Ave.; lot 50x bear park &b riet. > +0 Apartment Site.. _ .> Lot 60x105. The R1IGHT location. Can g: sold saparately or with adjoining oper(y. 9e 9 8 SEF US FPOR FUIIL INFPORMATION oN aANY OF THE PROPERTY LI8TED BELOW : FOR SALE--A real bargain for bome-- We have special fnuds " avallable for small loans of $2.000 or less. seekers 6 rooms and bath; furnace beat, hardwood floors; screened--in porch. $4800, One thousand cash, bai-- ance smme as rent. FOR SALE--& room home and bath; furnace hbeat. hardwo@®i floors; two-- car garage. $4500. One thousand cash, balance as rent. FPOR SALE--Beautiful % room home, extra large lot; hbot water heat; a wonderful location. with plenty of FOR &8ALE-- 7 room house, all mod ern; extra large lot. 100 by 200 feet; ideal location, close to transportation. Strict] n%to't _minate. L Bated 19. Be S ction' Thep sonable down _ payment and ternis. Anyone would be proud of this home, WE WILL BUY YOUR FARM or land anywhere in Lake county, if you have a bargain and do business quick. _ Milwaukee Ave. Home Seven room. Stuccq. This location splendid home use or investment. This is an opportunity. See us at once. * * Phone us for detailed .information | LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1926. Business Opportunities| Automobiles For Sale |20is, for the construstion as a whole| / Dated this : description and get quick action lers & Petersen, Libertyyille. HL. Open 'fireplace. Good location, on lot 50x150. Plenty of open space beitween bul;dinx. A modern home throughout. FOR SALE--The following and sever al more choice Libertyville properties. § Room Bugalow s °_ 8 Room Home Modern. Large Sun Porch. Lot 50x 150. Fruit and shade trees, 2 car gar-- age. An ideal home. Must be sold quick. a e + mm cos oned for buginess mé Chureh atr ce, bulit--in h. furnac it trees ind n KENNEDY BROS. SALE --Nearly new 5 roem mod bungalow on East Papk Ave 1 street; has break{ast room, fire . builtin -- book _ cases. hower SELLERS & PETERSEN ALE Or rrompmep c Cote c e cce ons t 4 s k: aniitiuns= =3 mc t 551 N. Milwaukee Ave. M O A T G a G E 8 Ave. Impr. Real Estate 5 Room Bungalow Building Lots GRAYSLAKE FOR SALE El EL 11 aw berci in & paid gor. M « a U K @6 us |-un| equal fto onethind of the >niourt Gepr j of such bid, with sucsities to be appro« '."'".l-d by the President of the Boag 0: Local Improvem« nis of said Vicage o 'l.xln-fl)\lllv_ whigh bond 'mus: be filed * °0| with said Board when contract for the aukee construction of said imbrovemen: is caled enfered into Saig bond shall provide * 4* | ingt ~S@R conymctor shall well and faithfuily {perform apd--execute said ______| work in all re«pects acvording to the vTNM labor -fi material furnished ~ All bids or ntopbaals shall conta'n an offer to furnish such bond upon the acceptance of such bid or propas al. All bids will be received subject to confirmation of said assessment by the Court-- * * a '! ~ " i o. '--"'T .'l rs ,fifi&:' 'l'". :':':'" with said Board when contract for the construction of said improvemen: is' enfered Into Saig bond shall provide | thet «%@B conymctor shall well and| faithfuily (perform apdcexecute said | work in all re«apects acvtording io the complete @;s!l detailed !1"'(111"110111.? and ful ang complete drawings. p'm' files and models therefor and accord | Ing tq the time and terms and condi tions of the coniract, and also lhl(' such bidder or eontractor ®hall prompt ly payeal debts jncurred by such| bidder or contractor in the prosecu tion of such work, including those for labor apd material furnished. t per aniium. payable arnually and in vouchers. . Proposa@ls muyst be made upon blanks furnished at the office of the Village Clerk ot '}u.-- Village of Léibertyville, Iitinois, and must be ac-- companied by, cash or check payable ta the order of the President of the Board of Tcal Improvements, certk fled by a responsible bank, for am amourt not less than'l0', of the ag-- gregate proposal: Bids will be opened by the Board of Local Improvements in open session at 7 w'clock P M standard time May 4th, 1926 in said Village Hall in said Villaze of Liber tyville ments streets in said Village, . ---- in the manner shown and set forth in an Ordinance' passed and approved by the President 'and Bogard of Trustees of paid Vilage of Libertyville on the 2ith day of August, A. D. 1925. Said improvement shall be constructed in accordance with the terms of said Ordinance and with the plans and specification» theréfor on file in the offiee of said Board of Local Imorov« menta at the Village Halkin said Vil-- lmge.. Conpractors are to be paid in special assessment bonds which draw JEHS8SE 8 HYATT, . w w GRUMMITT i * W. A. NICHOLAS, A I. JOHNSON J. W. HART E. F. SWAN, R. W. BULKLEY, Members of the Board of Loca} Im provements of the Village of liberty ville, Lake County, INinots. NOTICE OF LETTING CONTRACT For Public improvemeht _ Sealed proposals will be receiv-- ed by the:, Board of Asncal Im-- provements of the Village of Lib-- ertyyille, INinois, until 8 o'clock --P. M on the'ith day of May, A. Di, 1926, at the Village Hall of Libertyville, Illi-- nots, for the construction' as a whale of an improvement consisting of A connected system of sanitary sew-- ers, together with manholes, house drains. "Y" branches, flushers and connections be constructed and laid in EAST PARK AVENUE and other orty. We lnvite your inquiry. Pirse: Natio a) Bamk, Libertyville 10--t! pounds; some heavy hens; seed wheat, seed barley, seed oats, seed corn; hay and straw. Bergeron Stock Farm, on Lake 6t. Rd., two miles west of Libertyville. Phone 678--J--2 14tf 1%8 McKinley. Avenue FOR SALE--Spring lambs, 30 to 60 FOR SALE--Olds Six Touring Car 44 m Dated this 224 day of April, A. D Eontaticibenmmenc tss » Ani Betvmanmatanti.. Ami ea improved farm or city prop Money To Loan Legal Notices 1376 -- > THC roposal* Bids will be ope oard of Local Improveme session at 7 o'clock P time May 4th, 1926 in s all in said Villaze of Lit Phe Board of Local Imnro serves the cright --to orej Talk Fa n eas .\ ( / "INTO" the Telephone To obtain the best resuit speak directly into the tei>-- phone, with lips c'ose to but not touching che mouthpiece. Speah in a moderate tome of voice and not too rapidly. s Compliance with these suggestions will imp.ove une service to all users. One Policy » One System Clearness of tone when speaking aver the telephon« insures that the person at the distant telephone wi.l hear and understand your meseag». The telephone service is sometimes unjustly blamed ILLINO!IS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEV * 4 lan ts Libertyville Post 329 transmission when the fault is reiily w ith April 2239 have a con rodiy uP nabct 16 4t 'lage. . Contractors are to be paid in special assessment bonds which draw interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, bayable annually and in ~vouchers. _ Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished at the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Libertyville, IMinois, and must be. ac companied by cash or check payable to the order of the Presideat of the Board of Local Improvements, certi-- fied by a responsible --bank, for an amount not less than 10iof the ag-- gregate E;ognl. Bids will be qpened by the _of Local Improvements in open session at 7 o'clock P. M., standard time. May 4th, 1926 in said Village Hall in said Village of Liber-- tyville. The Board of Local Imorovy-- ments 'reserves the right .to reject any and all bids as the Board may elect. & :: 6 ~ 'The suceessful bidder for the con-- struction of said improvement will be required to enter into a bond in' a sum equal to one--third of the amount of such bid, with surities to 'be approv-- ed by the President of the Boarg of Local Improvements of said Village of Libertyville, which bond must be. filed with said Board when contract for the construction of said improvement is entered into. Said bond shall provide that siid contractor sball vel{ and faithfuily: perform and execiute--said All bids or »proposals shall contair an' offer to furnish such bond upor the acceptance of such bid or propos al. All bids will be received subjec American Legion MEETS FIRST TUESDAY OF EAcH MONTH AT GRIDLEY MHALL C. C. HO§SKIN§, Commander Telephone 3454 and full and complete drawings, pro-- fMes --and models therefor and @&ccord ing to the time and terms and condi tions of 'the contract. and also. that sueh bidder or contractor shall prompt ly pay all dgebté incurred by such bidder or contractor in the presecu-- tion of such work, including those for labor mnd Material furnished. _ th 15th day of January, A.. D. 1926. Said improvement shall be éonstructed in accordance with the terms of said Ordinance and with the plans and specifications thezefor on file in the oftice _ of '"Wtflklflsfi Impgove ments at the Village Hall in said Vil flow pipes, nuderdrains and appurten-- ances in said Village®'of Libertyville, Lake County, Hilineis. in the manner shown and set forth in an Ordinance passed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees of said Vilage of Libertyville on the nois, for the construction as a whole of an improvement gonsisting of a connected system ~of 'sanitary sew: ers, together with headwall, manholes. "Y" branches, connections, by--pass chamber, -- settling tank, -- clarifier, sludge pump," pump house, digester Grayslake, Illinois R..B. GODFREY A Beautifu} Line of Mother's Day _ * Greeting Cards -- All bi nfirm Court --_ m BRis'sk » o Fror + k) I tA 4 ts Th * 712C TY From 5¢ to 50c The Quality Store itiJon of sa racd m Said® improvement shall be -- con-- struetsd in acceordance with the terms | of said ordinanc«b and in accordance} with tgg,_pln.n. and specifications & | Kelker, Deleuw & Co.. which plans | and specifications are on fHe in the office of the ViMage@e Clerk of said | Village at--5J7 N. Milwaukee Ava-.,t Libertyville, I!I}. -- CGontractors are to! be paid in specia} assessment bonds | which will draw interest at the rate | of 6% per annum p@yable annually.--' Proposals must be made on blanks furnished' < at the office of said Vil-- lage Clerk and must be endorsed "Pro-- posals for ornmamental light system" and such proposals must be accomp anied by cash or chetk payable to the | prder of Jesse 8. Hyatt, President of the -- Board of Loes} Improvements,' certified by a responsible bank for an | amount*which shall not be less than 10% of the aggregate of the proposal [f by the Board of Local Improvements o;' the Village & Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois until 8 o'clock P. M. on the 4th day of May, A. D. 1926, at the Village Hall in saiq Village of Libertyville for the construction of an ornamental street {\ighting system to-- gether' with traffic control signals in said Village, in the manner --shown and set forth in an ordinance passed and approved by: the President and Board of Trustees of said Village of Libertyville on .Aprt! 6th, 192%6. Office of the Board of Local Improve-- ments, Libefttyvilie, Iilinois. * April 21, 1926. . ~ MR PrOpcoere ~« M WC revesr, -- K. W. BULKLEY, ° & Memtibers of the Board of Local im-- provements of the Village of Liberty-- ville, Lake County, HMinois. ' April 22--29 PROPOSALS FOR LOCAL IMPROVE. e ky MENTS BOILING BEEF _ 19c STEWING BEEF 10c HAMBURGER 14c CORNED BEEF 9c BACON ' 25¢ HAMS-- s 31¢ PICNICS 21c BONELESS -- 29V2¢ MANY OTHER BARGAINS PRIME BEEF ROUND STEAK ~ _ SIRLOIN STEAK SHORT STEAK BUY AT PACKERS PRICES! ANTIOCH PACKING HOUSE MARKETS ANTIOCH, ILL. -- We Are the Largest Packers and Sausage Manufacturers in Lake County # ®, HE beautiful significance of Mother's Day A T ?" is best expressed by the delicateness and ~. _ purity of Flowers to be found at The Lib-- .0--__ 43-- ertyville Flower and Vegetable Company Greenhouses. Many varieties are to be had here with which to send your greetings. May we suggest eafrly reservations. Just phone your orders, and we will deliver flowers anywhere, arranged in the best possible way. Your business will be appreciated. -- WE GROW MORE CARNATIONS AND SWEET -- PEAS THAN ALL OTHER LAKE COUNTY GROWERS COMBINED. The Libertyville Flower and . | Vegetable Company r Corner First Street and E. Cook Avenue TELEPHONE NO. 10. > LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. "JESSE'8. HYATT, W.. W.,GRUMMITT, W. A. NICHOLAS, A. L JOHN8ON C« c 40 | LOINS, 8 to 10 Ibs. '__ 29V¥4c o z0 108¢ | CchHors lnft * 14c | FR.HAMS, 10 to 12 bs. 25¥4c ac | BUTTS 25V4¢ 3c | SHOULDERS, 8--10 Ibs. 19%c oo $1¢ | PR.PICNICS . 20V2c 21%e | BEST CREAMERY 271 29V%c | BUTTER. Lb. 37V/2¢ ? BARGAINS NOT ADVERTISED HERE! Why it pays to buy at _ . Local Improvements in open session! Companies or firms bidding will at said time. and .place. The Board of| the indivdual ,""L' lfi: Local Invprovements reserves the right composing the y or firm with to reject any and all bids as the Board| their respective add: s as well as may elect, and the acceptance of any | the name and address of the firm. bid will be subject to the confirma JRSBE 8. HYATT, tion of the asse@sment roll filed in| President of the Raard af Lacal Im. .T "Buy A Home And You Buy A Bank"= Telephone 220--M [ Bargains in good houses will become more * _ scearce as the season advwances. Better not wait too long. fee-- qo es' T Have several good buys both in'Libert&- _ villé and in Mundelein. Some new ~-- houses, some not new.. Prices right. / Home Seekers------ Cl 4# 19c 10c 14c Oc 29¢ 31¢ 21 l/zc 291/2(2 LLOYD C. RAY PURE LARD > ~...15¥%e C _TRY OUR SAUSAGES Notice! LIBERTYVILLE, h

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