CONTRACT HaAs BEEN AWARDED | FOR SEWER IN COPELAND ' MANOR ! h on Tuesday morning. wod Mr3 Lioyd Fisher and Frank U transacted business in Gurnee Ll= ink Dowell and daughter De fame a ie d i o Brorgse r. and TB, NU near Roseville. f it P apent the week end !-u. Mr. and Mrs. G| A. \Resie Fisher spent Tuesday at me of her daughter, Mrs: Rich Marion an4 Bertha, and son, . aund Mra. Easie Fisher attend Bome talen: play "Clubing Hus " at Wanconda on Tussday even morning. Lioy4 Btyy Ste vialiore . * on Tuesds R'uyu asmificldl, on td Mre 13 e Geary was a business caller Thomas Fisher bhome on Wed-- Nervs Dowel!l motored to Man _ --~Pigher and Milton Dewell business trip to Woodstock on archbishops will alsd6 be pre-- the congress, acording to . Qapavan, Irish representa-- tke United. tSates Lines, me--récent'y here to make ar-- c for the lflli)ll:flml. Rev. John Harty, itchbishop of: Cashel, and the Key. Thomas P. Mlmartin, webhbishon of Tuan.--will come 00 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 , Rev. Jiseph MaéRory, DD., --of Dowr and Connor; and r--im eend the Rt. Rev. Downey, D.D.. Bishop of Os-- Havis and Rese Fisher were eallers in Wauconda Tuesday Henkle spent """l'h his Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Henkle Actual work on the Big $100,00000 sewer Project wil!l be started as soon as the Contractor can get in Toog P #, one evening of last week. Dowe!! nna||='lay' Fisher are _ at Waucondsa ® with their 'm:flu.&mfl: Aficldl, on Riturday morn I.RI'flCM"I trip to Wauconda on PHday his _ equipreent 10 tional Pilgr Mre W iieon's wtster.-- M rg.--}-- to Barrington on Fridiay wWhere th--y visitetd at the r Nardmeyer's tather. Mrs A G Carison and Hattic. of Waukegan, were tbe Thoma: Tisher homeé on iyd Kéyy and danghter Mar-- visliors * **~ **~mas Rish Brocyress this. week Mres Lesiie Davis and dan 11 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o DJlon is Oriving.a new Ford Mas Fred Nordmeyer and red ) Te d Eddy and daughter, Mar-- Friday visitors at the home er's parents, Mr. and Mre lle , Mr. Canaven 'said. Rev. Patrigk-- McKenne, b of Clogher, and the Rt. poremoni's _ Not ouly will WI Primate of Ire-- --an dmposiant part in m Archbishops to Come , Vasey, who is attending Ma Ruc afte V O L O TC the Chicasc. but other mem-- higrer ky --Will come with the and daughter, Jean, were Ing visitors at teh Fisher O'Donnell and Seven irchy Will Lead Na-- will nd Manor al Pilgrimage. l Ja . rc} . ere z. ts r e tha j " d Spagress ' * _ reland & ip {rish clef vill «pend 3 2 * *+~ -- popoamr®enme~~ and ~wilt x f helr ities im . ter c the Con-- + ¢ teachere c6 «n f ities ":ll| um t frow Davis horle on Tues was a Bunday caller +« Donegal will come R:. Rev. William Mc-- Coyne, ~D.D.. bishop B Le to I PICK Of tHg . LOTE NOwW. sen was a business call PRIESTS IMAGE TO ent on _ the this big im will be corm. -- : the Con-- *« teachere reities will because the d untfl July. relates, how-- eland in the Chicago, is n--orning aghtr Mar-- M Liovd emodeling vis made Lake on r at will trip and M F'ffifi uP sbégwm _ Mrs. Lioyd Fisher spent Saturday at her home in Libertyville. Freq Nordmeyer home. Mr..and Mrs. Leslie Davis and.Dau ghters Marion and Bertha, and son son Robert, of Crystal Lake, were Sun--| Arthyr, called on' the former's parents day guests'at the home of the latter's | hear Wauconda on Sunday. .4 parents, Mr. and Mrs G. A.. Vasey. ' Ray Prior, of Wauconda, called on _ We Buy and Sell Lake County Acerage _ Bartlett & Morris Realty Co. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and dau 524 North MILWAUKEE AVENUE After the Real Estate Man, the Contractor, the Material Dealer and the Plumber, SsEE THE 201 SOUTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE REAL ESTATE LOANS and INSURANCE Boehm Insurance Agency rom FIRE AND TORNADO PROTECTION TITUS BROTHERS KENNEDY BROS. > ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Wiring and Fixtures "A GOOD OFFICE TO DO BUSINES§ WITH" Ml&/flk A ene Insurar 17 ~COPELAND MANOR = "The Plumber Whose Work Gives Satisfaction" A Sheet Metal Work * * V..V V. J Lak e Blutf 111 Phorn«». 816 Copeland Manor Sales Organization _+ Real Estate Office on the grounds in charge of Mr. John L. Schenck, who will gladly assist you in picking out your lot. We would like to see our Liberty-- ville friends get in on this while the selection is good. Don't let the Chicago people get all the good things in this section. We are a Syndicate Telephone 280 Libertyville's Beautiful New Subdivision 2# zui mds c ho ~s<my=_'! ----~LIBERTYV ene Insurarnce __Jeohn DPowelt and son Herman, were 'Wauconda® visitors on ednesday even-- ing. * Ray Prior, of Wauconda, called on a number of his family in this vicin-- ity, on Saturday: J Esse Fisher was a caller ata the W Thomas Fisher was a caller at the URRIS LIBERTYVILLE TELEPHONE 440 Libertyville, IIL. p* TELEPHQNE 469 rrmugge. c c mc s P Phone 276 Libertyville Very Choice Apart-- ment Site on West Park Avenue. Paving, Water, Sewer, Side-- walk, all in and paid for.> It's the cheapest lot of its kind to be found in town, and is worth $1,000.00 more than the price asked. PHONE 283 MUNDELEIN, ILLS. basements, which con-- tain oil burning heat-- ing furnaces. We also have va rio us other propertys in Munde-- lein--the most talked-- of town in the world! 1 & P P ERE TAE CCACAPARIATET ul eeneiienrem--agrencceamem inss -- x+ Withont oblMgating mm please tell me about your TAberiyville High n,fio site property protected by your "SBafety Policies" and sotd Why wait for the joy of a beautiful home* Your ideal home site ishere in this fine, new residential region--two blocks west of Milwaukee Avenue, south of the North Shore ine Buy now, before prices go higher, when high speed, direct--toloop train service starts. Our Home Financing Plan makes building casy. Our Safety Policy protect#s your family Call phone or send coupon. 4¥ Hormies in Mundelein. Set us before buying. These homes are well located and can be bought on easy terms. They must be seen to be appreciated. Very modern, even to the _ We Are Exclusiye Agents for G. A. Vasey home on Thursday morn "GOLDEN B U I LT " Lyons & Rouse LIBERTYVILLE HIGHLANDS 'Thom sa Dowell, James Dowel!, and Ada Dowell were Crystal Lake call-- ers on Sunday morning. Milton -- Dowel!!l and Lloyd. Fisher| "., . ,_a rtro--I in h iopag . HEUDIAY _ _1 __ _ Meaaaipie n mc 92. .09 ol P l d M -- Waltar Vasov and Vion Rmrand ma. to stal Lake on Sunday nIng. Asilcey u... r;ah.._. :i.\.ln kenan sutes ...-, muull _ '.....,'. ns _ Waliter Vasey and Ben Burand mo tored to Grayslake on Saturday even A. R. Schnaebele FOR HOMES 'he Misses Edna Fisher and Neva For EPENDENT, THURSDAY; MAY 20; 1926: Land Association, 79 W,. Monroe St. Suite 902 Chicago, !!| **, trained. These rooms are most effec-- Uvely separated from the kitchen por-- tion of the bouse, a feature which is highiy desirable Between the !iving room and kitcb en there is a small paseageway which also gives access to the basement This room is lighted by windows on three sides and warmed. on chilly eve mings by a large fAreplace at the end. The dining room, 134 by 13 feet, 1# a eorner room light and cheerful and makes _ available _ increased _ space when much company is being enter-- spaciousnesg is increased by the side-- | arched doorway c»nnecting it with the €«ining room and by the stairway at | one side. | Although seldom thought of, ample and convemient bathing facilitiee add more attractivene®s to a home than meost other features of comfort or deceration. The most,. modern homes are built with ample bathing and toilet facilitiee, and hbecause of this the preperty bas increased veailue far beyord the cest of equipment. With the . present--day tendency to reduce the number and «ize of rooms in the house there seems to be an accommpanying tendency to give over & portion of the space which is sgved to he Tving room. While ether rooms grow smaller. the lving room is fre qyently as large or larger than ever, and this is a most practical arrange ment. for the living room is the center of the Muo- and its activities, | Here all the members of the family gather, expecially. io. the evxenings for 'their pleasures or their stady A typical arrangement of large liv-- Ing roeom and smail rooms throughout the balance of the house is !!lustrated The living room.ettending across the entire front of the house. measUres 27 feet by 13% feet, and Its effect of 'MF. William A. Radford will answer questions and give ADVICE FREKEE OF COST on all problems perfaining to the subject o¥ butiding. for the readers of this paper On aecount of bis wide experience as editor. author and man-- 'ufacturer, he is. without doubt, _ the highest authority on the subjéct. Ad-- Gress all inquiries to Willian A. Rad: ford, No. 1821 Prairie avenue. Chicago. I11, and only inclose two--cent #tamp for repiy Bil Dowell and friends motored to Wau-- ler and , Milton Dowell motored kegan on Saturday evening. --~ | Woodstock on Sunday. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lohman and son _ Avbother one of the Volo Ladies is Richard were Sunday callers at the 4 m-b;;bf the "Bobbie Class." . esc Figher homg. _ John Vasey was a Volo caller on to CHysa! Lake on Sunday; EvenmeA _0 " C100 C duamnas, mt et s S Rev. Tompkins was a Sunday ewn-.d'y ."' the Richard Dowell h°"'"$f- . ing guest at the G. A. Vasey home. ' . memernmnears ' _ Clark Nicholas, Miss Lillian \\'lnk-;TH! INDEPENDENT--§$1.50 a Year Six--Room House of Modern Design Makes Feature of Living Room ViNinc P 1\ Bathing Facilities 0% a 1}e° RBACt Living Room First Ficoor' Plan. 21»>0 1 13%* Swy P una w Co er and «ize of rooms ere seems. to be an ndency to give over space which is saved n. While ether rooms e living room is fre PorCr ARTHUR H. JONES, Gen. Sales Mgr. Telephone Randoiph 2355 Offices in Libertyville ang Mundslsin 19 W. Monrose St. CHICAGO Lake County Land Association The «quare shape of this bouse gives the gfeatest possible space in proportion t5 it« size, which is smail. The etterior also is such as to keep the constriction cost within reason-- able limite Jt is decidedly simple without the decoratfve features which mean erxpense and often spoil the ap-- pearance of a-- house besides The «ilding is carrled clear down to the ground, though the foundation 1f sut-- Aciently high to admit good basement windows. .The porch is broad and at-- tractive. but entirely --simple in design. The central part, in front of the en-- trance, only is roofed. At the ends the porch Jsa treated in terrace satyle. but surrounded by a railing The eaves are unusually wide and the roof compaerativrely fiat. avroiding any tend-- ency to eraggerate the height. The wide steps mounting to the broad porch add a finishing atmo=pbere of welcome to the house as a whole. Even though the basement or cel-- lar represents a large proportion of the available space of a home. this area is practically wasted. at least as far #&s livable conditions are con-- cerned, by surrendering it to little more than hbeating and laundry por-- poses. Plan your basement for serv-- only 28 by 28 feet, erciusive of the poyches. No space As wasted either because of the shape of the house or because of failure in the design, a merimum in com{ort is obtained with a minimum of construction. into the kitchen. % As« already mentioned. the stairway to the secund floor rises directliy from one _ side "of the diving room. 1t emergas into a bhallway above. . About this hall way are 'rnu*_ the agrond.. foor roomis _ Here are three good bed tobms, each having a genereu® closet. and there is a Moen closet in the hall A bathroom aiso opens from the hall. and a separate bathroom is provided}» for one of the bedrooms. * The kitcbhen 14 s»mail compact, an4 from*" it . a onto a rear service pore menot I* made for leilng statr. Between the dininy room und kitchen 1%@* a . serving pantry. This pantry, withk its built--in cases, is also a yaluable, ald to --the housekeeping, furnishing, as it (Joes, convenlent stor-- age. space. for dishes, utensils and supplies. * L ator from this porech without coming Plan for Service Second Filoor Plan FOR HAPPINESS and bighly door opens h. . Arrange-- the refriger eago Tube Transit Railway company, | tors are W. J, Newton, F. F. aGy-- 123 West Madison street, Chicago. er, J. P.~Carfroll and W: B. O'Brien, with. capital stock of $258,000, was | all of Chicugo, and T. J. Carroll, Riv-- granted a eharter today by Secretary i er Forest. 2 . LINK WAUKEGAN TO ... CHICAGO BY TUBE Qur Motto : 'l[ QVUALIT Y¥--PLVS--SERVICE || .. We do all kinds of Roofing--new work and old work; Shingle or Tar Work; All Estp mates FREE. Call or Write to Libertyville Roofing ComPnny TELEPHONE 614.R.2 W. LAKE ST. . 0. BOX 843 Telephone 50 What is Concrete W. F. FRANZEN, Jr. k * » Will be glad to furnish the material for the rmodern house illustrated in the center of this page. > -- * NOTARY PuBLIC Phomes. Office, 286J; Res, 104 W NORTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE AMERICAN BOILERS AND RAD|iATOR®S TELERMONE 66W °_ LIBEATYVILLE ILL PLUMBING and HEATING -- 7 Sheet Metal Contractor Chas. Fitzgibbons REAL ESTATE A. G. Meyers & Co. xt + R O O F | N G 532 Milwaukee Avenue Libertyville Battery &, Electric WE CARRY aA COMPLETE LINE OF ELECTRIC FIXTURES (Not 'Inc.) LET US8 ESTIMATE YOUR ELECTRIC WORK of State L. L. Emmerson The com-- pany proposes to construct a railroad from-- Chicago tb Wq:ohlu. to Wheeling, Lake .county, Wheaton, to oJliet and within the city to Chi-- LIBERTYVILLE LIBERTYVILLE, TLL At 8t Paul Ry IN8URANCE t