Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 May 1926, p. 14

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--__|J 3 L~--" _ THE LADIES READY--TO--W iARSECl'ION 9 ra."~ .i 10-- S 1% ue Big tot of Coverail Aprons : _ | 'Again Offers You The Most Extraordinagy Values For Dollar Day That: w'mllflfimm Our *_ ns ~ _ _ Cheiee At$L00 _ . =_| Will Pay You To Come Early And Take Advantage of. These Unusual | 088. coorS, orA® share : _: $1.00 ' \ [ Barraing! All--Lots are Lomited: <-- <**-- *~* * ~<| cunonees mare >\ \7c|___ c_ $100 _ 1. $ IT Om Big Let of Coverall Aprons . O __--~ JC CMWWike At$1.00 ~ ====. 6. * ® A . ~~*. [ Choice 2 For $1.00 _ _A A Limited Quantity of White Middy Skirts ~__~" One Lot of Misses'MiddyBlouses Good quality, *# a_*% esn & For Girls -- -- *»>~ With wxotored coliars, and 'cufts,. 'regular -- $1.00 ,iz:uun'am'eq«i.v'.m}mx.uunn.q _ :B . ulee clean stock, for Day * Some slight!y damaged by water, values up to Blightly solled, regular $3.50, $3.95, $4.50 and $5.99 * values, fotr Dollar Day * 15 piece 38' JAMESTOWNX CHECKS * _ .< PLAIDS--$1.25 and $1.39 values sl J t .\"M ._.._...._,_----.--...-._-_.__..- . 10 pieces NORMANDIE VOILES in dots and _ figured designs. Our 59¢ Voile, sl w for Dollar Day, 3 yds. for _ t 9 ~. Ladies' Cotton Crepe Kimonos -- Extra good values at $1.65, just eleren in the lot One Lot of Misses' 14. 16. 18, 20. 1$--Plain white, reguiar $1.35 values ~ 'SPECLAL : 14 pieces LADIES' ALL LINENX AND COTTON OXFORD SUITINGS--Sold at 59c and $1.00, for Pollar Sl w Pay 31g4 yds. fOr ____________ * . One Lot of Crepe Kimonos Pay 314 yds. for _____________ VAsVV One lot of PRINTED ALL SILK Cmm CREPES--Our $2.98 a @1 NAAA [ EPES--Our $2.98 i OFE Sgne at per ;nrd e * slow 2 preces 32" KIDDIE CLOTH-- + 1l£.{x'p:~:'l?e at 4 ydy: for.._........ slow sexpe S((). $1 5gm Iu'l; C 38x54'" Our $1.50 wa atxea('h ' Ds 80 slm One lot of MAI}RAS SHIRMINCGH--3G6** wide. Our 69e seller at 2 yg YUB. POF smuscums-- o mm n camprmome sl'm MWINDSOR Gt{:)l'fi.'&---in plain colors and figured--Sells 'xt %5¢ a yard, for sl w Dollar Day, 4 yds. for'_______. P A+VV One lot of SWISS oa(m.\'lnm-%" wide. Bells at $1.00 a yd., for Dollar Day at 2 YDS8. FOR . _________ sl'w One smal lot of TIES SUMMER UNTON SUITS in simngdolflOurSI'm 0e seller for Traw at 4 fFae 50¢ seller for DoUAK Day at 3 for . Aprons, Odds and Ends Choice At 3 For $1.00 . -- OUR DRY GOODS DLPARTMENT . -- Choice 4 For $1.00 regular .k quality, Special !fl Doliar DQ 2 Pair For $1.00 . --=~ -- Choice At $2.25 Bizes 36 to 4%, worth T%¢ Choice At $1.00 1% and 14, $1.2§ Values Less 30 % #T «id 29. choice at $1.09, _----_--__-->I0ON DEPARTMENT STORE-- Offers For Dollar. Day Some of the Most Unusual Values That We Have Ever Attempted > _ Ladies Do Not Fail To Take Full Advantage of These Spiendid Bargains O!fere(-l'l.l"e;re:mm 5X N--p €9¢ dath "~. _ j _ .~.-- 11 Dark Sills-- Dregses In Zedtom and asmall sizes. valucs from $1 ----~_*.. . Take your choice for Déllar Da uprauiiff ied e NeeR t 0 autn Uon mIOrE OB m & to 2%, $1.95 values Fancy knit and. brusk --wooh sizes 24 $1.95 v This .year's styles made to sell at $13.75 and / e 11 Ladies'® Last Summer Coats *** Vatues trom $11.1¢ to $15:00, thoice for --Dollar Way -- . At / The Marked Price! Mostly large sizes, long and whort sleeres, all good d+-- slrable -- garmen'ts CX Choice At /z Price! -- > Valuds from ¥16 T5 to $47.15, marked for quick clearsnts In ¢ark colors, just 16 in this lot, values from $4.2°5 to Values from #$12 50 to $19.16; _« 8 Wool Dresses Valued at #0.86 and #1044%, whoico whilse they last 30 pieces BLEACHED TOWELING--A1," i Choice At $8.00 = : .year's styles made to sell at $13.15 and $1%.7] very good values at ariginal prices, For Dollar Day wide, warranted linen, weft and war 35¢ yd. This Sale 5 YDS. FOR. P 4* SPECILAL: ONE FANOY TURKISH _ TOWEL--18x38", THREE s'l w WASH CLOTHS to match...___-- * . 10 doz. PILLOW CASES 42x36" made of a wnflflnhhmuslinmapod ty. har 50¢ seller, for Doliar Day, 1 NN mfil soft finish mus 50¢ seller, for 1 FHREE FOR _ m&t. VALUR W CASEB 4 gount as Pequ ,th---ror D:au at each ... Pie un $159 vwalye at each & & G. CORSETS $1.00 OFF ON ALL R. & 0. CORSETS ~@9a n @4 BPECIAL VALUES: All of our $1.50 BEST KNIT AND SPUXTEX LADIES PURE B.E;OK Hose and a fow yalues at #2.25 and & y f % For DomDay ht . PIME..........oube sl'm One lot of LADIES!' HAKXD BAGS in t& §$.50 bag AT $2.98 AND _ P A«V 6 Children's Last-- 'wlr Coats ~~ ues from $12 50 to $19.15; 0 for Dolisr Day A Big Lot of Children's Sweaters _ _ -- . --'. All Wool Suits 10 of them, values from $15.15 to $84.7% gn. VALUE: Five 'doz. QUALITY W CASES 42"x36"", They are the e count as Pequot muslin. Regular price each--For lr):au Day 39c DCOIAL: 72190' HEAVY BLEACHED 0 Wool Flannel Dresses %'t amch -- "M '"4 slm Choice At $9.00 _ s, values from $184.175 to $ + ce for Déllar Day at > 1/, Price! Ttom | _$3.00 4 $1.00 °_ _--___ Buy Your Lumber Jack: Now *' White Cotton 'Waists --+ _ * 'Sold at $1.50 and $2.99, ¥For Doliar Day ----~~~. . $ For $1.00 6i' One Lot u,mum,m,,maj} 4 klso toléred and White dimaity blouses, worth #450 UNION SUITS in sizes 38 and 42 only, made orxwuat'lsuui-s m For Dollar Day at=2 foOf ..--._------ 9 V¥ One lot of CHILDREX S SUMMER UNION SUITS, loose khee, in sizes 10, 12 and 14. Valned at 50¢ a suit, For Dollar SI.M Day at Three--Suits For-------- * One mixed lot of REX'S f S nOHIHRED LSLE 1008, in tn, white, iraeeiuncto = * * $1,00 aA' . 7 Omiuo(LADIEBPOUCHBAGBiE: date styles in tan, brown, blonds, black, A $.50 BAG AT EACK ______ VM*UY NEW! JUST ARRIVED!--Two dor NOR MANDY PILLOWS, made of lace and ruf= fied. Sold at $1.69 and $1.9 each, 1 40 for Dollar Pay at each .._...__.___. * ***.~ One lot of TOWELING, part linen. Our 25¢. Five doz LADIES LISLE SUMMER UX ION SUITS with silk stripe. Priced For Dollar Day at @80B.________--_--_--_ccoee 0 * --_ SGilk Waists and :Blouses _-- .' Aboiti a doten in the )ot----values from --44.00--t0 41049 t ~ 18 Ladies' Silk Dresses . . . : Mostly 'short aleores, in light colors, values from HQTS * R : us $16.00, Fort Dolinr Day * s : . 16 Eadies' Bilk Dresses -- :'-:.:'-wnflnoui?;ahn?" t selling we apeciad One Special Lot of Out Reguiar $19.75 , Jn t 191 Mrlm'dwflmum",m Choice For Dollar Day $2.00 k ',"'hn;-w 2+«3 .' k# -- . Choice 2 For $100. Regular . $1.50 ~Vaiues, tor Dollar Deay ----Choice At $5.00 --<= 1' musuat valug at $11.76----this yéar's goods and ons wees; some fur trimmed, made--to sell at $%1.4% * s thEtH Por Betiet Day _ C Choice At $10.75 : =© > t} | {1 lot of VELVET COVERED PILLOWS® _ . {J8%18". Our $2.50 number . $1 ()() 07 10 doz HAND EMBROIDERED, ] MIXBD, GLASS TOWELS, the 59¢ VERY SPECIAL: A limited quantity of MIESBH'KHOSE@AH_WMM shades, Priced at $1.00 per pair szm for Dollar Day Three Pair for....... P4* value at each Marcelie Lemon Cold Cream--was 50ca bottle. :-:Mdl-"" Marctlle Cocon Oil Shampoo--wus 50e a bottle. _ For Doliar Day --© _ ... to §2,25, for m: uu;&;.._.":..-_)w :*~ Sollnt Day 2 fet ...« * §100 _ BABY'B GOWNS----¥pr Dollar Day 2 for ........... $100 ~BOYSY MATS--A small lot, worth T5c--and $100. . > One 250 tubs of Colgates Tooth Paste. One 35¢ Colgntes Giant Guaranteed Tube of Shaving One 256 Can oft--Coigates Taloum. One 95c Tabe of Colgates Cold or Vanishing Cream. : y AMV" l * All For Dollar Day at $1.00 -- -- ppore ruand "onst pasXsab-- =*§1.15 Values, for Dollat Day ... _ "For Dollar Day, All for -- _ $150 ~~* 'Feotal Valug .' OLRLS' ARCAKDA wery pretty and at-- . * tractive, For. %*_flw" 50e INFANTS' SILK cdfi:--n from $4.25 to $6.25 For Dollar Day at 14 PRICE _ SMALL CHILDERENS COLORED SWEATERS--Worth > np to $4.50 For Dollar Day at _ $1.98 CHEMISES----excellent values suitable Tor Oifts Das Pair of Childrens's Bl00®678:--2....s2"~ One Pair 3( Children's Pajamas ... Fondcununee SR For Dollar Day All.for .. .. In All Muslin and Stip-- Well Ships we will give you a For Dollar Day, All for . . . . . Note These Very Special--Pricés! All Three For $1.00 '.! 8 3 3 . 2i ® -- B -- ul se > '"a 4# } A «i Values up to.... , LINEN * 30¢ $1.50

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