Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 May 1926, p. 1

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_ HANGS HIMSELF IN : JAIL CELL AFTER -- _ ARREST AS PEEPER * VOLUME XXXIII--NUMBER 21. _ LAKE BLUFF ASKS FOR VIADUCT # 4 dict that he mu his geath * * by hanging it in the Wau-- _ _ kegan city jab _ after _ arrest, with suicidal intnt. -- $ _ Jadl. Dread of (facing his comrades at Great fakes Naval training «tation after being jailed on a charge . of window peeping is believed to have caused A. W;~Winn, a _ sailor, . to hang himseif in bis cell at police headquarters '\ about 4 6'clock Sun: day afternoon®u, 00 00 0 .0 _ . Complaints have. been received as to the presence of a window peeper from sevaral homes on te North side during. the last few weeks. In each case the prowler was described as being altired the garb of a sailor Seturday night the police were in-- formed by fHarvey Martin of 911 Pop lar éetreet that a eallor was prowling | The body wae Tound by James Lec-- kie, an assistant health officer, who was feeding the prisoners in the city -- Wian bad fastened one end of his kerchief about the bars at the top of the cell and the other epd in noose fuehion about his neck. The feet, of the .body. were touching the . floor pecessary' o ie gaacls Ks Rnoes is Ne slowly strangled to death. > * MHad Been Prowling ?r W eeks Afrest of Winn and his subsequeni tragle ending marks the end, the po-- lioe believe, of a period of weeks of window peeping and nocturgal prow!-- ings in the north side of the city, by the Me refused to admit, or deny his gullt Saturday night and be was ar-- raigned -- befofée -- Police Maristrate Walter Taeylor Sunday morning on a charge ~ of disorderty ~couduct --ant fined $100 and costs. ~In lieu of pay mept of the fine he was to serve 20 daye in jall He e6tated, however. tbhat hbe bad money --in a logai bank And hbe enadesvored Sunds y 1 n« to induce someone :o -m{: tor bis f:ne, étatiuwg. that ° wou'!d .pay the <ize on Monday . 4 soon as be could visit a bank , Both Me eand Mre. Martin bhad ldeniified 'Winn as the mun who had been prowling about their home. . He 'was questioned early in . the afternoon by (Chief of. Polite lsaac Lyon and hbe sdmitted to the official thit be hbad been makimg nocturnal visite to morth side bomes for sey-- eral weeks for the purpose of win-- dow peepink Hie epirits were at life tor cigh; years, eflisting at RAD* sas City, Mo., his boyhood home. He A. W. Winn, Aged 28, Sailor at Great Lakes Dies in Wau-- erres & 943',",,_,9&.,"_"" Te abog: their home. . Captain . Thomas Booth and Pairrolman John Rehling respondéed and found Winn loitering in the . vicinity He was placed un der arrest." s When be returned to his cell after the arraignment his epirite seemed to grop. It is Dbelievi@d that the full realization and ehame o( his acts had come upon bim . He brooded deep ly . Jadging from the condition of the body, Winn had been dead more. than 15 minutes when found. * The black kerchief, that bit of fir ery that is a part of the reguleation usjform of every seaman io the Un+ ted States Navy, bad been notted tightly about his neck, the weight of the body forcing the s«ilken ;bongk lnotbofl-iollhouuoola'ly that it was difficult to remove R. Comrades of Winn at Great 'Lakes state thal he wase a pecullar typa. Mse had a tendency to be alone and rarely eought companionship of otherse on a low ebb during this interview, but police oflicials did not sense 480y .ip-- T mun ce ie e T Ks . Sn the station. personnel Peo'. 8, AEWT. The records show that his fatter, David F. Winn, resides at 1400 Ben-- nington street, Kamsas City. RBoth Ipeal authorities and naval station officlais w1ll apprize the father o' the death of the young man. cago that 'lfe village be permitted to construct a' viaduct over the North Shore Line tracks at Mauman ave nue to conpect the new H. 0. Stone wdbdivision with the business sec tion of the village. The line wantB the rviiduct buflt three blocks woeat otf Mauman avenue which would b¢ anm inconvenience to the property Through their village _ attorney. Max Priyborski, Lake Bluff is today earrying to the l!linois Commerce Commission at their meeting in Cht The North Shore Line has already buflt several viaducts over their Lib-- ertyville division but the village of Lake Bluf! offers to pay for the new ame. It will cost about $18,506. owners $200,000 IS VOTED TO STATION construct a hospital botler plant at the Great Lakes naval station at a the testimony in the death-- of Washington, May 21.--The Senate maod an« #6Ut to the Houwse a bill He his part to take bis own e e t > . s es ie s oT in «: C o m . e m uis /C e AKiwal to d e C P S¥ es s your % oo y -- -- 7 4 v Fidb s oormye. -- M P t n ty § (Ak o0 > 7 PS ~ C 6 es fetae 1 o 1000 *A 5s i 2e i aa, o + 2 * C - C o % * oh s -- + & :A $5. :k A . 2e . y .5 a w 4 / lc + »t.u:- h# 4 $ 6 j fx v. .f m 4 x 7 ks % < & & 95 N f " x # o d kanil ** f = « 5 . s in e o o Y se A 5 v oo o oo . se t w -- t § 2ob e 9y a $ Pn g 6 T. /+ ¥ ---- Hoie s 0 & i C * i % s y ; . f ~odle * CVA a6" .5 s 4 » e n A' #1 v w * a ©RiCX P v----t s 4 + Fike ¥ fo--: a rating e o l m n dougg: 14 Te i Dib t > y > PC x# ATTR y 4 6 k se M e J C + % # Circulation J T5« Hatlos. nava} service ot musician SPONGE SQUAD HAS -- -- _ BlG WEEKC END IN .. THE LAKE RFEGION Chicago, May 25. --Bis Eminenc«. Henry Cardinal Beig" y Casanova. ArchbtsBap of Toledo and I'rimate of $pain, will come as a pligrim io 'the Ruchartstic Cofngress to be belg at Chickgo in 'June, according to a cablé message rec#ired at the Congress c-"(unon here. * ° At one limé bishop of Barcelonia. Cardinal Casanova was later eole vated to the »ée of his native city, Nulensa, and in 192% was created cardina} and transferted to Toledo, Dipping into the lake district and then back. to the North. Shore. Ton' stable C. A. Brune, and the sponke squad working out of the "office. 0f States 'Attorney A. V_ #mith, cov-- ered *com#hyirrable ground "over. the wers end and (mage--«everal aftests The bigkest Ubaul. according _ to their Peport. was made at the Elvic Palmieri place. Laka Ytew avenue and _ Webster _ street. _ Highwood, CARDINAL CASANOYVA COMING TO U. S. FOR EUCHARISTIE MEET Catholle chburth His Em a fortetul speaker and will bottles of the sam» fiscated after _ sam takens, In additior they found a quart . shine. This raid was made Sunday "®nd while in --the --village thay viaited Mra. Lindia Pagett!'s place. get'ink they said. 79 bottles of beer an d winw. The doors, they claimed, were locked . and «it men were in the house. oL grupk,. and Rau! Refo. Rorsana J~ tel. 'Polnt'('?nf?m For Take, fs- ratded with the equad taking sam-- ples of hbeer _ Takes Samples cof ~Beer in Number of Places for . Anatysis as to Content. On Saterday Pao\! ReSGagd, Wan kegan. was picked_ up for Ireins cb Mc Aiindtiont? Beer sample¢ were taken at Louls Rother's Gras« Lake. and at Andre Wedeln's at Letter'@s .resort, Grass Spanish Primate and Party of Five Bishops to Leave Soon For Chitago Congress. Comgress. With him will Be five Spanish bishops and a oumber *of priests and laymen. according to ca bie dispatiches. _ The fews of Cardinal Casanova®s acceptance has gtven an Added im-- petus tw ~the preparations for the Spanish section . of (The Congress, which will include _ pligrims from Spain, Mexico, parts of South Amer-- lea and Central America and numer ous islands. In addition to the car dinal'e party, several other groups are expected to come from Spanish dioceses. 'Two bishops from Spain wil} lead delegations to Chicago. The Rt Rev Francis X. Irastor:a y Loinaz, D. D Bishop of Alichate, will head a dio cesan pilgrimage, while the Rt. Rev Isidoro Badia y Sarradel,. D. D , wil be accompanied by a large Party from his #ocese, Tarazona. _ _ Most of the pilgrims to the Span-- Ish section are experted to come from Mexlco and South America Ten Merican prelates and their par-- ties and -- delegates from -- _ Central America and _ Spamish--speaking is lands -- will swell the numbers o' the @panish section until. it will probably be one of the largest at the Congress. ~ *3 . Among the prelates who will at tefd the Spanish meetings of the Congress are: the Rt. Rev. Sto'yh-n Alencastre," D.-- D., fogdfilto? fear Apostollt to Hawail; the Rt ° Rev Francis A. Grafadilio, D. D. bishop of Valencia, Veneznuela; the Rt. Rev. Jose Maria Caro Rodriguez, D. D., Bishop of aL Serema, Chile; the Rt. Rev. Joseph Antonio Sercamo, D. D. Nicaragua; and the Rt. Rev. Aifrado Verios@, D. D., Bishop of Lipa, P. 1. THE INDEBPENDRNT--ONLY $1.50 A m"--.]"n-"-'m- RED TO YOUR DOOR wO CHARGE FoRr DaiyEry we barreis the oidest dioceses o( the to Lead Delegates addresses ol Highwood, wine and 871 one * Mrs, Abbie .Chandier of Waukegan, leng prominent in the affairs of ip-rfloflr organimations was elected state commapder of the degartment Illinois of the Daughters of the G A. R. in .the annual convention ef the order KeKM in h::::c'\d at 2:36 o'clock Thursday aft The event wae held in connection with the annual aencampment of th« etite department of the G. A. R: and auxiliery units which were held in WAUKEGAN WOMAN ELECTED HEAD OF 'TLLINOIS GROUP Springfield last wéek The conventions were the most suc-- ...---.....v.]' 'fl oo shan the fl":l"!ll'l. hm ceaitn} and profitable ever held by I.:M':dht 4 thab the t tn the organizations.' Special Memorial ° ajong with the L--gion's membership eeryvices J"' heM on Tuesday and driva the local Auxiliary is also grow-- Howers were placed upon an altit ;n, and is only nine behind last yeat's out_of reapect to members of"The G. ,;;,,; with & substantial incréase pom-- A. R. who. fied during the past yea!. ;n> 'The vaine of membership in these A Mv:_lfnl American silk flag was organizations is shown in the state mte ;v{ the daughters to the and national legisiation enacted at the e¥ . » -- Baptist church in Springfield in dependent war orphans and the thous which the seasions were hold. 'nc-da-ihtmhn y Mrs. Abbie Chandler of This City Made Commander of --| Patriotic Body. | ael e e l& ki e t . 3 ;ll',e' !' § s 4 I P " f 4: "Their (5mrihua'figftn5é of the Flag Shall | ALDEN SMITH-- Co. F. 37th Hllinois. s JOHN THRASHER-- Co. 1. 15th IHl. and 17th Cavairy E. H. SHAPTER-- Co. B. #8th HNlinois. 4 WOODRUFF-- .~ ~~ L HW. BRACE-- j Co. L. l14ith lilinois. -- IAMES BURGE---- Co. G., $6th inois. ~ IOHN CAYANAUGH-- Co, D, 45th lilinois. * CHARLES CHAPMAN-- Co:.L. 8th lllinots Cavairy, GBEORGE CORBIN-- * #h Michigan Cavairy. WILSON DOTY---- Co..F., §5th Illinois Infantry WARKEN DOTY-- €o-- P 3ith HiRois Infaniry. JOHNHOLST-- Co. B. lI#th lllinois Cavairy. CHARLES JOHNSON-- Co J». 45th Wisconsin. MARTIN MOWERS-- §th Colorado Battery. s FAIRFIELOD CEMETERY CHARLES PHILLIPS-- Co. C. 96th Mlinots. ED BARTELSA---- Co. C. $98th Ninots. HAMDEN -- HUNTINGTON-- Co. B. 1st Misaspurt Cavairy, JUDBON A. MASON.> _ Ca_ D. 9§th. 1 Inf & PETEH MOWERAE-- ' D. 96th 11 Iof Co. C, 98th Minots. HARDEN HUNTINGTON-- Co. C. 9§th Minofs. PETER «TErrins JOHN CRUVBR JAMRS MILLARD. _ ANSON PACKHARD HX P wWATTLES HN:J KRUSE-- -- KNOPF CEMETERY JOUN KNOPF Co. P. $5th Minois, DANIEL WRIGHT-- War of 1812. J H Co. K. 4th New Jersey JAMES JOHNSON-- J. B. MASON. H H. YORK-- LV ANMHOE CEMETEAY jJowN C. CLARK SaAMUEL CLEMXENTS JOHN J. PRICE WILLIAM PAYNE T. B HAWKINS. J B DNYKES. ' DAN MARSH,. War of 18112 SAMUEL H. PAYNE HENRY C PAYNE. THOMAS AMES. CHAS STRICKLAND. HALG Day cEMETERY LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, HLLINOIS,THURSDAY, MAY 2 LFQ 4+ _ Cireniation Greater than other Weekiies in County CO#DINCG * Rntered at the Postoffice at Libertyvili¢, Hlinois, as Second Class Mail Matter. ;lllinoia Legion Seeks \_~--To Retain its Lead IA4bertyville Post No. 329. American Legion, is stagin ga last minute drive to get every ex--service man in the townahip of Libertyville, Fremont and The stimulus for the drive at this time comes from the State Headquar ters in the shape of a tel/gram to Com-- mander Hoskin=. calline on this Post, with all other lilinois Posts, ta finish their membership campaiens immedi-- ately, in grder. to keep the state of IMlinois in front of New York for the lead in the national membership race, which lllinots has held yb several thousand all this year, and which lead Vernon to sign up for the Legion is now threatened by New York state which, by extraordinary efforts, has ent down Tthe lead of THWiinois 1g 500. The prize in the rece is a huge cup given annually at the nattional conven-- tion,. and which Illinois hopes to re-- ceive at Philadelphia October 15. Libertyville's qubta this year is 120 member#snd they now have 110 n&id up and more than the necessary ten in sight. / Do GBOROE YAGER-- Co. K. 614th HIlinois. ED ELAAOTT-- Co. G. %Xth Ohin. ORANGE.M. AYERS. A. B. PARTRIDGE H. J. NICHOLS. C. A, LIRPINCOTT. * HENRY PRICE EANFORKD HARDY. L YAE GORHAM. J. C. RAGAN. . JAMES JOICE PETER JACOBY. H. A. PAYNE. WILLI& M--FULLER ALBERT PRICE' CHARLES PARTRIDGE ; > PAVID PARKER _ GPORGE HARDEN HENRY GLASS (Confederate) FPED --GRABBE ; HEXRY KFRN.~ LFwWISH. BRYANT --~ -- J B FARNSwWORTH. _ FRED PAYNFE. . ' LIBERTYVILLE CEMETERY DR TRACEPY: PR Nary -- GEORGE TRIGGS. BENJAMIN BOLES. ATHLIAM CRANE-- ~ Co. G. 96th Illinois. THOMAS JAMES GRDROE HUFFWMAN WHLIAM PRICE. JOHN CROSBY-- #6th I!linots. JOHN MADOLE. PRBTER LITCHFIELD C..0 MORRILL s JOHN WELCH s JAMEE DUSENBERRY JO8HUA LATHROP JIM FREEMAN-- 96th Tilinois. FRANK EDDIC @AM MOORE. NnAVID BHENSON-- War of 1§12., DAVID GIBSON-- 1st Michigan Infantry IJF%WILSON-- s1st Hlinois Infantry. WILIJAM WIHLSON-- 17th Ilinois Cavairy L CADWELL-- _ _ Co. C. $6th Illinois. DaVvID JAMES JOSEPH GERRARD-- Co G. 51st I!linois. ISAAC JAMES-- J6th IIlinots. & THOMAS DaAVIS-- Co G. 9§h Illinofs War of 1812. _ EDWIN CRANE-- + 15th Ilinois and Mexican. ~ FRED MILLER-- 6. Co. K. 64th Nlinots. f KATHAX HATCH-- HENRY WILLIAMS-- War of 181 nB S 5q «w;' nds ze k m 4d o aad c i PP3 7i¥ n a£§§§¢,r ,I.\" £ -- #+% e A o pok uk se o t e onl 3 | youth claimed he was Km innocent | witmess to the alloged diffteulty., _ JOHN GLEASON-- 17th Cavairy. ' 1. 8. GLEASONX-- : 96th Illinois. * £ «wA JOHNSON.. > E. L DUSENBERRY-- 17th Minois Cavalry. FREDSANDMAN. JOHN LYON. °c ' 8. 8. WOOD. -- + ~ ARTHUR WILLIAMS-- GEORGE HUTCHINSON JayVES YOrNxg FRED CASEY-- World War. Spanisb Americap War JAMES TAYLOR. ° EDWIN BLACKLER FRITZ CARLSON-- JOS BENSON. HERMAN SCHOTANUS-- HENRY HartEy. ' IAMPSR PAv¥HE y R R CORLETT-- Spanish American War HOWARD FLAGG-- ,._ World War JOHN RALLARD ~Co. F. 37th l!linot 0. E. CHURCHILL ou:ono LAKE CEMETERY HENHY DARBY. > PRANCIS BUTTERFTELD. WILLJAM WHEELER JOHN BAKER * WILLIAM JAMES | -- . DAVID BAKER. .-- JOHX "MEBBE * * JAMES PAVIS.' e WILLJAM FLAGLER nav]8 n;lg:!n 2o P JOHNX LUEBBE -- ALEXANDER BLINSMA. CHARLES TATTLER JOHN WHITNEY. i WILLIAM FLAGLER -------- SHAW. SWAN CEMETERY H. C. SWAN. JAMFE WADE . * s LaAKE FOREST ~ MARSHALL WALDO HINES CARAYPT > St. Mary of the Lake Seminary LIEUT EDWARD HINES-- World War o FAIRFIELOD LUTHERAN cEMETERY CHRI8STIAN HAPKE ~ HENRY _ FISHER: ERNEBAT GRABER . _LONG GROVE CEMETERY JiCOB BARBARAS HENRY BJERE _ JACOB G188 CHRISTOPHER SAUER JACOB 8SCHLEY JACOB NTURM JOHN wnfixnw-- CopL, Co. 1, T2ng"!1. Inf (KiHed in action) MARTIN WEISKOPF WAUCONDA CEMETERY JOHN MEYER~(World War) Frank Liewelyn,. formeriy head of the police denartment h Highwond, was Arrested Sar rday evoning on A charge of diso--derivy conduct by the Highiland Park polite > LJewelyn,. it was reported, struck Bernard Nichols. 18 vears old, of Highland Park whén he accused him of plaving ho«t in Mre: IJewelyn. The two. police repor:ed. have been es-- tranged -- for sometime -- and _ Mre Ijewelyn live« apart from the former woliceman He wont :a hor home Baturday eve ning. police sav. an4 isaamned forth charging 'that his wife was sittine on Nicko!'s lap Thi. he said, caused him to strike the manmn. , LLEWELYN, FORMER HIGHWOOD COPPER -- ARRESTED SUNDAY Claims Estranged Wife Was Sitting on Another Man's Lap; Charge Is Denied. ° Ho was releas d after the trauble but is scheduled to appear before Ju» tice JoIn Conrad, in Highland Park. thits affernvon for a~ hrariax World War World War The wife lenied that she was being S7. PAUL TRAIN; _ ~--==@gfftD T Ail. TRIFD TO WREECK Deerfield Man, Ousted from . Train, Charged With At-- * tempting to Derail Flier. Chester Satton,. 16. Libertyvilie, was -- arrested in -- Wankegan | last night no a charge of passing a street car which had stopped to diecharge passengers. His case has been continued to May 2% 5 Andy Chisma is hel@ in the . Joliet. I!l.. May :5 --Governer LeX Small. mppearing today. before the grand. jJury investigation charges of abuse of the parole afd pardon sys tem in dllinois, deciared be did not believe any person connected with the ©state admintstration . has ever accepted any money or other emolu-- ments for parolling or recommending the 'pardon of # conviet. _ are hbis alone, and that T am the only person atcountable for pardons Imeaue'd." Th Governor declared, that com trary to reports, prisoners; today are serving longrr . terms for the same~ crimes. than ever before in lilinoi«" Ristory. ~ { C . "During the past fire yeare," be said.'"the division of pardons and parn®s has issued more marimam sentence orders than in all the pre vious years since the parole law wa«s passed Th 1%B" ~ . The governor produced a table t~ show. that during his first term he had (isswed only 116 pardons. and that during his present term he ba«s Rened _ only _ s{xteen. The -- table showed the pargon records of all governore back ; 1869 and revealed that in the four year period of 187% to 1877. when there were far les« prtsoners in the penitentiaries "As to ralk among the prisoners that if they had «nfficient money or Inflnuence they could get their free dom." Governor @Small} said. "It has alway« been and probably alwars will be the beliet and talk of con-- victs that if they had sufficient in-- fAnence or money to secure the sarv-- lces of la'y;rs to create prepaganda and ng «upport of newspapers, they would have won their cases" Emery Hanson, 30, of Waukegan, was arrested last night.on a charge of drtving his fruck 2%% miles an GOYVERNOR SHOWS NE HAS ISSUED FEWER PARDONS les« prtsoners in the penitentiari®s of the state. 690 convicts were par doned . _ HMe geciared that he realized that the 'a'uthbority «nd respopsibility for Isswing pardons and commutations" mther articles on the track wirh th« intemtion of w#ck'ng the next.train. that came atorftg. Fhe stufft og ihe tracks, bhowerer, was discovered in' time to flag a freight train <that would have struck it in a few min-- utes The stuff was 'removed and the service on the lin continued. ARRESTED FOR PASSING ST.CAR 'Icnrliu ,.In police court this mots-- ng. t o L . -- Coa m D w | e beayy -- clhiaiD®. ther articles or intertion of .w# that rame ator: tracks, haweve; time to flag a Chismarik was arraigned befote Justice of the Peace Harry Hoyt in Waukegan and pl®ded not gullty The case was cobtinued until Thur»+ day afternoon' at % o'clock and be ing unable to raise the bond. the man was jalled. Points to the Records of Other Years As Proof of His . -- Statement. ~ ~~ el« tn the county jail $jm00 bonds charged ay C 27, L926 Deerfle|t, n default at <P=> ?ARATIONS FOR . EHCHARIST MEET | NEAR COMPLETION Memorial Services to Be at the High School parted®d veéelerans fol service--néext will be in,chatrs gion, the prineif at the Libertyy The program gins at 10. o'cl Hudson," princt #school pregidin Gelivereg by: H As Mr. Blood, one . of the t'n--f WJ @ftished members of the Odd. Fetiows | will =peak hbe ~, the local lodses --of | oi Odd Peliow -- »ot Rebekahs will go0;--| the erate with th. wcegion, and have their: ces annual memorial exercises Monday. . | the The full program of the: ceremonies ( Id the vi%age will be found on another| _ -- p&ge of chi@isaue., & prc At la:', p. m. of Monday the Legion | _ -- eplos detail and the Tiring squad will| W go to St Mary of the Lake cemetery, val where military honors will be in mem--| h s ory of lieut. Edward Hines, Jr., who | *4 is interred in the Himes crypt in front ; {€1 ot"teh b autiful chapel there _ '.Ef' can l;eglon,'on-l Hor. Rdgar®A. Jona Judge of + t Munictpat Courts th cago. ~The --mustcal s«.0ctoms--witt b furnisheq by the Northo Facre Lin p. m militorz hanrgrs w'ill be at the Swan cemetery and n;rehr'k'flfihe Diamond Lake cemet 2*® . % Sunday fl-mmff May 30th, there will be a ion memeorial service at the Presbyteriau church, and will be attended by the various organizations in a bogy. sn _ 1 3 + _ The Legion detail will then procted ot the Ivanhoe 'and ery, At 1 o'clock p. m. Sundag, the Le gion detail will leave for Half Day, where services will be held and the graves of veterans in the cemetery there decorated. At 3:30 they whr zo to Long Grove; at 4:30 military bonors will be shown at the--Knoo!f cemetery ; at 5 p. m., the honors wil}l be,at Fair-- fiek cemetery and .sbortly afterwafd at the Fairfield Lutberan cetmtery. Commutation Tickets V alid on Shore Route The rumor has been going the round in Libertyyville the past week that the new commutation tickets to be put on | _ The ale June 1st by the North Shore Line % would not be accepted for passage on Lak®, the present Shore Line, via Lake Bluff. | #rote the Mundelem. 111. 'May 24. --The prep aratfonse for the Rucharistic Congress procession to be beld June ~24 are almost completed. The gigantic task of landscaping the 1208 --acres on the grounds o( the Seminary of 8t. lnry' of the Lake and providing accom-- modations for--more than 750,000 per-- sons hbes employed handreds for the past eix months. R . J. Lynch, vicepresident of the Thompseon--Starrett Co., was appoint-- ed direstor of construction by (&r-- dinai. Mundelein-- some mosihs ago. and since that time men undér bis direction have completed the beaut {ul Seminary pler and the five brid-- gesa over which the Eucharistic pro-- ::.;Ao,"lll pags. . * * New City Built for Piigrims Térraces, walle, miles of wooded roade, and statwes have all been --be-- gun and completed in the last eix montbe. «. Mr. Lynch and Joe W. Me-- Carthy, the archizect who designed the éeminary, have planned --a verit-- able cHy at the semifary for the vast fumbers of pilgrims who wili attend the Congreas -- R. 9 Amis, General Awent, in the Pas--| Villa Monday. songer Dept. of the réilroad company,| have --@ was in Libertyville today, and made ing Se the statement that any tickets sold ~of by his company would be accepted for C s pasmage elther on the new Skokie Vab | A ley Route or on the present line, via nnal © Lake Blufl The new Skokfe v= been in Lake Route will not be open for traffic P:} hoe June 6th. in the meantim « mit wicy dn commutatiin rates to ChJesgo e | been tr veb effective Jar® 1st -- --Ihad suace A large. altar, saimilar to <he one now being etrcted in soldbubu tof the Congrems, w'll be at the entrance to the Seminary chapel. Thrones for fiffeen cardinals will fiarik the altar, and there 'qu & sanctuary. large enough to seat} 500 bishops and archbishope. From this altar. with the canoples and drapes of cloth of gold,. the papal legate Will béstow the bemediction at the toar ot the Congress , Arouge slsiue of the Bleased \Virgin rises from a ®isty foot «abaft'on the terrace before the chapel, and will be unveiled for the Congress. (@rdi-- nal Mundelein'® ceat of arme in Cowers wi}} be one of the man}y foral featurem' prepared by gardeners at the seminary, Mr. Lynch hee annoupced _ that thirty comfort statione are now being conetructed for the pilgrims and a drinkin@ -- fountain will be instailed every hundred feet. Twelve tents, tor m't ald etatione. will be pet ap immediately _ before the . Congrees and equipped by the Catholic hoepl-- tals of Chicago. _ Telegraph, compan-- leae last week began to lay wires for the comvenience of the . newspapet correspondent« at the Congres. Decgration of a replica of the grot-- to of 166rdes <a now béing finiahed, and the etatiohe of the cross have been in@talled in the little valley in which the grotto is located. A large brouse statue of the RBleased Virgin W. J. Lyrich Directing Work--at Mundelein Seminary and Stadium in Chicago Laébeksiy iBe--WHH-- p&y----honor--to--de~{-- ---------- in the annual Memo Monday: «g@Phe servic ol Lne ATW@kican . ilexercises to be h !le high school it--the hig'h school ek a. m,. with F M AA Blood he . grammar sses wil. be AlFRenr, 2 state be l« Leaves $160,000 _ FILED M( \ per Mouylay _ belore. w»e@tker --4g----tho~4 the will are carrie@ Other matters up, Jacob Beil, insang proved. * John E; Ballard,, Will admitted to valued at $20,000 his-- three .daugBter® each of his four ters testamentary-- .E T"'"l d'"m'% Proof of beirship _ Mery E. Drummgné values at $150,000 006 reat Est3te: t# amounts to bro and . charitable . and. tions Letters testam c Jame« B. DrumMeo M.. Bia';>><;. _ Bond L preaisers appointed. ~-- */liliam --J. Brown, . Will admitted to estate, _ valued lt'fl given :o wife, Matilds OLleary of . was killed wh western train 'Thursday, ret8 The t any l'= closing . the was in the@ ot -- Nortk -- Park. Besides his mothes he in 'l"-d by t#o brothers Wiiam Robert, and two sisters, LnciHe, morning. Interment was # Highland Park at # 0 man Came . by a North ing private Warren Brownise, Higbwood -- Final Free, guardian, app approved. Guaardias ters of ¢guardianghip H. Brewnl¢ée. Pa OPEN Britdget A ogam proved. * 9 Minnic Brandt, 2 tamentary issued to given :n wife, Matilds at heirsbhip takem.. _ mentary Issued o M Bond of $8,000. A JoPn Matthews-- report ~camtihued to * Guiseppe Lencioni, J --Hearing on citatio® sets, ani petition dem _ Margaret Burd latters of admi Wllmth- Knigege. of Ernest m --}on Re --Letters m Eva Amstats B tate consists of* causing deatBh: ~-- Mary Martin. misof, Final re:«rt approved, charged. . -- 9 _ Walter Sventon, et Hearing on final «sef« nattion of gBardian com ied & un oal Barah ~Ca>)more, * tition for provete of set {or bearing June Mary Cremin. Gr@ for probate of .11 tor bearing June t Emma B Kelly, ~¥ tor bhearing June 14. Mary A. West. W¥ tory apuroved. > ue will of rd of Lake Society and Episcopal | IN 0 al robate a !wqud_(* ue of the y,: to the ago, After $1.50 A YEAR par 1 services were Conception . om N ; *

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