Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 May 1926, p. 5

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Carn You Read "#RfREpH*** His Secretary? _ . Telephonse 29 DEAR RUTH:-- Por each correct answer to this message in long hand, a free pass wil} be gires <to Norma Abhearer, in "HI8 SBCRETARY." at the '_ AUDTORIUM THEATRE. Monday, May 31st -- UR very easy terms offér those with limited incom»s unlimited possibilities to have the comfort [.] and convenience of better--located home--site«s, without feeling unnecessary strain on their earn ings. No matter what your Income may be; if you are wiiling to assume nupnnllwuy..ron' CAN hare one or more of our 'honv»c:ln. and plenty of time to pay for 4t Close in locations at reas-- ofiable pricas and pay outof--income plan worthy ofyour consideration. COMPARE LOCATION, PRICE AND TEAME--THEN DECIPE -- > : -- 201 So. Milwaukee Avenue LIBERTYVILLE savincs BANK Citizens State Bank of Mundelein ___: pay our tribute to those, both the _ To their ideals of Liberty we are ~__~ committed. To their standards of T7 _ UTHLT NAQ k: im 1 *L " # Ca's Herors Te & ~ Light Shades in Crepe de Chine Georgettes _ | Dainty Silk Slips -- Step--ins and Vests . FOR GRADUATION 2 . BA .32 * *A# ~*IM"ftems Of General Interest To Local Péople: "We Look Out For Your Interests' t»vyingiy your® * t LEE day, but he waiteg uuntll Qfl?'#&am&mw & ~--¥r;: ard Mrea. Warren.Bayes of Chi-- cago wére guests. of friends in"Liber-- tyville Tuesday. -- . The Natiqnal I)sulné_fi --of the G. A. ]R. are requested to attend the memor 'tal services at the PréeswbytBrian church : Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. . --. Mrs. C. L. Coonfer and Miss Adah Nicholas are in Batuvia today (Thurs day). ¥isiting Mrs. Glen..Crane,; gThey made the--trip by automobile. < * " A. C, Dosme was here from Syc more over Bundsy, a guest at the V 4; Collins. home. . * Mr. ang Mrs. C. L. Coanfer and Miss Adah Nicholas spent the week end in Fuller Satnders, of Troy, N. C., has taken cr t the Fred Smith barber shop. r. Saunders specializes in la-- dies' hair Bobbing. Bert Finstad says he has a good car, but is just as lable to hard luck as anyone. He had to be :xved in Tues-- day, but he waited 1 after dark Justice Harry Madill Bartlett is in his office again, after an jliness which necessitated an operation for the re-- moval of his tonsils. > Mrs. G. C, Gridley and d'"'h'*'l;'t;mbodnx of relatives and {riends Margiaret, n?fno.d home last Satur-- at the Nichoias hoime Tuesday Amight. day, after a visif of severak weeks Wilh | Bunco'and Five hundred was the chir?¥ relatives in New York L!orm of entertainment at the »arty, % \From all reports Nick dida't have any The regular meeting °.;. '::d village | luck at all in the games: Another lit board will be heid next Tuesday eve-- ; ,,, jokethey are telling on the ter ning, June 1st. A lot of important ml-,o' the Nicholas home, is tlntw' hen ters are lineg up for consideration by | the Euests began to artive, be wanted the offi4al family of the '\'flhce. 2. {ig khow what i was &il about. ie aaani e geal id 700&-! The froliczsome young Wm. Whigam, «en weo te--nthuslasm, how well s garden is qo Chicago. These cows are rmtor;l '°:T:. A cepite ror tastevs'. ;!!e the tes's now beifrk made for T. B. \says he has onions Ebout Tig enough 8. 1. Pope was here from Chicago '0 eat. Mr. Whikam is not taking care Saturday to attend the funeral of his of as much garder this year as here-- old comrade, O. E. Churchill tofore, but has rented part of the plot Miss Gyda ° Finstad entertalned a number of friends from Chicago on Wednesday. -- f * Mrzs. Mary: Speliman, of Waukegan speut Sunday here with her daughter Mrs. BR Prosser . -- Robert Ellis returned bome Monday from, a geveral, month's sojourn in sunny Fiorida. Bob was the last of the local crowd to return from .thé The Libertyville A. C. baseball team will go to Waukegan Sunday, where they wili engage the Johns-- Man vkle team, the kame to be played on the tanpery diamond. south la y Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jeppe expect to leave next Tuesday--for a vacation \rip through the eastern states. They plan on visifing the big exposition in Phi}-- ade|pRis, the national capttbl «t W ash ington and other points. They will be gone two or three weeks Joe Hart and his grandson are no® making plans for a flirver trip to Cal TELEPHONE 469 C~Tyrrell and family ere guests of pelatives Hours 8 A.M. to 8 P.M, Local and Personal Wl e u¥ ced . t of Waukegin here Wed nigs-- Afornia this summer. Since that long trip to Canada last fall, Joe is restless and longs to be on the road again. He is a mighty --busy man, but feels as long as Davis is ip town that he can get away. g*% The Présbyterian Ladies' Ald will be entertained at the home of Mrs. B. J. Harms on* Tuesday afternoon, June 1. Automobiles will be at ghe church at 1:30; standard time, to take the ladies to the Harms bome, west of town. It is requested that gil be at--the church at the bhour named. A Business at the postoffice. will be suspernted after ten o'ciock:for the ba ahce .of the. day next Monday, Me-- morial day. 'There wilt be no defiver: les either in the village or on the rural route. Thelobby will remain open all day, and all mails will be dispatched as usual. No money orders will be issued on that day. Mrs. B. H. Miller, assisted by Mrs. E. A. Crane, Mrs. Jullan 8. Woif and Mrs. L. H.Akers, will entertain the Lindies' Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal church--at her home, 132 W Park Ave., next Tuesday, June first It is requested that, all the ladies bring needles and thimbles. * The wedidng anniversary d,*br. and Mrs. W. W.--Nicholas was celebrated at a gathering of relatives and {friends at the Nicholas home Tuesday might. Bunco'and Five hundred was the chie¥ form o6 entertainment at the »arty, From all reports Nick dida't have any luck at all in the games: Another lit-- tie jokethey are telling on the miaster of the Nicholas home, is that-- when the guests began to arrive, be wanted to know what it was ail about. Rev. O. Ingvelstad, l®an of the Loog lake Bible Conference ang Pres en:t of a BiBle School im Ghicago, will speak at the Round Lake Protest ant church service Supday evening. May 38, at 7 30 L Ingvolstad is knogwn all over m-T':m-r States as l.n exceptiogal Bible lecturer, and his address is éagerly. looked forward to by folks whd attend this church _A hearty welcome is ertended to all so jJourners who are in that neighborfibod | fdr the summer months of mischie{ ie has just enough-- to keep WANTED--I--want property to SELL; If worth the money, | can move it See my advertisement under real es ate for saie." if your properiy Wetre thus -- advertised _ it would move, wouldn t it? . G. Kaping. 14 U The usual razzee took place in the | business section last Saturday night | it seems our young sports go --vut of&h town and load up on bootieg booze,, and return to Libertyyville shortly after mulnight to stage tbeir cr.--huljonu.t This hour is better than when decept folks are on the street, but even at thal late hour, the Tights and aiterca-- tons could be dispensed with The anpual awards to the (Cburch FBébool scholars -- of -- SU Lawrence's church will be given at --the morning services on Swpnday, May $¢;A----The prizes are lor general proficlency u:i Bast Park avenue was opened to traffic Wednesday morning of this week, angmaw. for the first time. Lib ertyville is commected with the lake shore district by a cement road. "Mr Cape bas mqved his paving outfit to North Chicaso, where he has a job requiring about two weeks. He will then go to Waukegam where. he has a contract for constructinmg a brick pate ment. The pther paving projects-- pro posed in Libertyville will be ready for letting contracts about the middle of July. Mr. Cape will open the new parement on Brainerd as far as Maple avegne nert week amd the whole street through to Lake in about +wo weeks. Anyder's Flying Circus drew a big} crowd at the fair grounds last Runday | afternoon _ The nforning was thre#t-- ening, wita rain, but by noo@r the «un came out. The GsU@l airplane stunts were put on, includtng a parachute Jump. The game of auto polo prn\v--l!' as popular as the one last September, when the sam«e company was .'wr-l The affair was under the supervision | of the American Legion. and M-rnli Post recéived nearly $2) as its charvv' of the proceeds. -- | aitendance throughout the zur, BtL. lawrence's school stands l:th in the 135 Episcopal church schoois in the diocese of Chicago, giv®n this apring by the Boarg of Religious Education The school bad a standing of 76 per cent.: --Wiiliam Brumm is finishing tp his job of laying sidewalks in Sunnyside Park Subdivision. With the sewer and water already in, and the engineers preparing plans for paving all the streets, this subdivizion will be one of Commercial School CLASSES in SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BUSINESS ENGLISH and ELEMENTARY BOOKKEEPING COMMERCIAL Intensive Training and Individual Attentjon Given Positions Secured For Graduates 311 Park Ave. Telephone 130 EPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1926. McDonald votr the nuu? lane atunts _ parachute pole proved ! September, _ was hor-I | supervision | "him out the best improved in the village, and several new Rouses will be bullt thm this summer. R.G»~Kaping has a play ad--telling of the bargains in lots, to be bought bere, in another columa of this issue. -- . . Fe® Endeniin, of this village, and his cousin, William Hessig, of Chieago, expect to Balil on June 7th, from New York, on the 8. 8. Pregident Harding, for Germany, wyhere they will visit relatives. They will go first to Baden, whtre 'Mr. Enderlin's brother, Rhein-- hardt, resides, 'They .will also visit several other places in Germany. This io Fred's first visit back to the old home in 42 yéars, and many changes have taken place stuce he left the fatherland. at that time. +Mr. Heasi¢ has not been back o Germany for more than 38 years. They expect to be gone about three months, _ _--_ ;. The Libertyville Cafe, located in the Duddles builging, in the room formerly occupled by the Farm Bureau, an-- nounce the opehing of the new res-- taurant for. next Saturday, May 29th. The room has been throughly renovat-- ed and decorated in teh most.approved style for this business, and is one of the nicest restaurants in the county. The walls are covered with fine ma-- It's not pften you get a picture so human &o funny. «o q "as this story ef the was "hero' that everybody picked 0 Comedy: "# DUMB FRIEND® and News , WAUKEGAN Men's Dress Shoes |or Oxfords Libertyville Tllinois WE GIVE LIBERTYYILLE DAY COUPONS With WARNER M!J'l. ES8THER RALSTON and * KATHAYN WILLIAMS A Paramoun!t Picture A come@y--romance with a cheerful,. flaahy back rround and carrying a real idea and a good lessou besides The true story of Aflr_l who sought ragrance in busine««. This picture considered one of the best of the season Also AFSOP FABLE Anadaptatiet of "Heirs Appafent" by Phillip (MAbbe, with MARY ASTOR as the--girl who plays at high stepping whil» hber feet long for the path to the altar; and LIOYD HUGHES as the boy whose heart sings to the rhapsody of laughing girls rogring emzine« and crooning tunes. Also LLOYD HAMILTON in "W AITING." Auditorium Ikeatre Aiso--Eddiec Gordon in a Century Comedy, "CAPTAIN SUDS" Tuesday and Wednesday, June 1 and 2: "High Steppers" Saturday, May 29: Thursday and Friday, May 27 and 28: + RIN TIN TIN in Sunday, May 30 : Monday, MWay 31 : N NORMA SHEARER and LEW CODY im LAKE COUNTY INSURANCE AGENCY Telephone 96--J LIBERTYVILLE as>.' ([E. N. SMEE ~-- °S Teaming Contractor -- ----_---- Excavating, Grading, Hauling '____Grading Lawns A Specialty __. _ "LET US BLOT OUT YOUR INSURANCE TROUBLES® "Wae Settle Claims At Once" ~_-- FREE A 50c SHOE POLISH BRUSH _ With Every Pair of _ _ MASON & WHITLOCK ALSO AESOP FABLE AND PATHE REVIEW RAY N. SMITH Expert Insurance Engineers '"The Best People" "The Night Cry" "His Secretary" Duddles Building with WILLARp LEW!IS K('NlTH HA RL A N "The Sap" TELEPHONE 2272 124 Belvid#re Street o human &o funny. «e piqrcing!ly true that everybody picked on bogany panels, and shaded lights are convepietly placed throughout the room. The proprietors have adopted us their slogan "Cortéous Service and Mazeppa, -- the celebrated -- Cossack betman of the Seventeenth century, was n page at the court of Poland, but for some escapade was bound paked to the back of a wild horse, and driven out of Poland ****Legend 01 Mazeppa Modern Beauty Bradford's Barber Shop HOURS: Day 9 a m. to 6 p. m. TELEPHONE 441 --R RUTH AMES, Prop.} X& until 8 p. m. im at *#*s ILLINO!TS artre OUR WANT ADS GET SURE L se¥ raIIL ¥a ~~~The Consermpative Banker _ _-- Whis tw 1p* 0 r;'h""l C Golo®;) stt WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A DEPARTMENT IN OUR BANK 'fi VITE YOUR BUSINESS ALONG THIS8 LINE. IN THIS CONNECTION, WE ARE QUALIFIED TO ACT IN THE FOLLOW-- ING CAPACITIE\: TRUSTEE ON TRUST DEED LOANS -- EXECUTOR OF WILLS, ADMINIS-- TRATOR OF ESTATES, GUARDLE AN OR CONSERVATOR, TRUSTEE _ LIFE INSURANCE TRUSTS, TRUS--_-- TEE FOR LIVING TRUSTS. . _ _ . «Lixewtse, ce prudent acpositor sadufa «* know the character and the W"& f s & & 1 wee ~ip hi d uit the.pank with which he deals. --~:¢5 " _ # AND IN MANY OTHER --FIDUCIA CAPACITIES. WE WILL BE GLAD GIVE ANY INFORMATION Ell)fl AND INQUIRIES WILL BE WELCO "ip YOu'RE GOING--__ _ ice and To CATCH SUCCC&- 1e You'ue GoT_TO USE in making loans must know to twm that his applicants or suretien-mm sible and worthy of credit. ----=----=-->~>~>> UVE BAT / The business reputation of our dfi and the experience and ability & officers with a record of many y€ successful busineg.s_ is. sufficient'.g tee that the interests of every dey will be carefully protected. Capital arid Surplus $100,000.00, LIBERTYVILLE C 0_ 'ILLINO Libertyville Lum Company --First National Bank _ Lake Co TELIPHONKE 47 :: Dewn by the Old Depo+--Been there twonty y0008. \ NEW . 3 DEPARTMENT _ # * 7 * it « #t

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